Yahya Ibrahim – Where Are The Women Scholars

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding the Sisters of Islam and their significance in the future is highlighted, along with the need to increase their understanding and reach. The speakers discuss the confusion surrounding the recognition of Iranian-led Church as leaders of Islam, the difficulty in achieving its effect, and the importance of learning and memorizing the Quran. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning and bringing good news to people, learning from the culture, and being a woman in the political system. They also touch on the roles of men in the political system and the importance of learning and bringing good news to people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah salam, ala Juana Juana and he was sending more back. We always begin with the praise of a loss of platinum in Thailand sending the Father and the Son empty was blunted messenger, Mohammed Salah la what he was telling them. And as to what follows as you as well, as I recognize time is now of a premium. The topics we want to give each topic justice, and also make it something that has some sort of inspiration. And then I don't want to keep it as a dry lecture type style. The next topic, we've already covered 100, a law rewards for women in Paradise, some of the statements regarding the doctrines of the prophets, I send them. We've done

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some questions and answers, and now we are going to discuss an important issue, which is a question that the Sisters of athletes had, how about you discuss it? Where are the women scholars, where the Muslim women who are scholars of Islam and to cover this topic from different angles, we're going to ask a few more questions, who and what is scholar? Right? Who and What is the scholar, we're also going to look at the importance of understanding that aim, and the human knowledge and action are interchangeable and must be in unison, must be together. And we also are going to look at Muslim women and their history of education throughout of the different eras of Islamic legislation and

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Renaissance in history. And finally, we're going to answer the question Where are the women scholars? Who and What is a scholar?

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scholars are varying levels, right?

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A scholar is someone who is recognized by others who have attained an immense amount of knowledge, who were also recognized beforehand by others, who are their peers.

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What is a PhD, who gives the person a PhD? Can you and I decide

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who decides who receives a PhD in economics or in philosophy, it's others who have attained that level. They sit with him, they tell him give some research benefit our studies in a way that we haven't

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encountered or seen before, and then we will discuss these issues with you and you will have a dissertation and then if you are worthy, we will declare you our equal, you are a PhD, right? It is the same formula that has been used three things the time of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that also Salalah what he was selling would also categorize people, not all of the Sahaba were equal level in knowledge, right? There were some Sahaba, who were scholars who were very knowledgeable in particular aspects, so the Prophet would mean them in the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari who look for an alibi if you're going to learn the Koran. This specific thing, learn it from for me would begin by

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mentioning Abdullah he must obey and others then the Prophet voice lm would say there is no one more knowledgeable about the halal and haram then one imageable right. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make people as pillars and deacons, for others to follow and to learn from. And this tradition followed and this is how the Imams the four main commands, an Imam and Norman Abu hanifa

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lacrima Hola, the great Imam and softly and emammal album, also an Imam Malik

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an Imam Shafi an imaginative and humble they were set apart from the contemporary scholars who are around them because of their knowledge and scholarship. So the scholars of Islam are those who have attained the level of knowledge that those who are recognized as being the leaders of knowledge and the leaders of Islamic thought say they are our peers they are from our equal they are from our students.

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So now the question puts itself forward we're living in a time where scholars are few in number right? It's predicted by a pseudo law he from the law when he was settling he tells us in the law had a bezel element is an onion to the Roman salute enough a lot not gonna take knowledge out of your hearts meaning you memorize kololo I heard last night you know it perfectly. You're not going to go to sleep and wake up and have forgotten it. Right. Rather Allah will take knowledge away from you that copy de la ola man by the desk,

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Have your scholars. In the last two years, three of the most famous scholars in the Arabic Muslim world, passed away. Three of the Imams of students in our time,

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passed away a chef bin bags a chef and I'll say mean Scheffler Valley and therefore, a chef Mohammed bin has the logic, they passed away, who comes and takes their place. It is those who are their students who are recognized to be there for runners in knowledge, as well. So we turn to ourselves. Now, when we say we're living in a country, or in countries, I'm from Canada, you're from the US. We're better than you, by the way.

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And we ask ourselves, do we have scholars residing amongst us?

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The answer is no.

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Do we have people who are recognized for their technical expertise

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in Islam in such a way that they are recognized by the peer throughout the Muslim world, you go to Pakistan, and you ask, who is a scholar in Canada? And they will say this person, you don't have this? You can you go now to India and go to the scholars in India and say, who is the scholar in Texas or in Houston? And they'll say, it's this person? No.

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You don't find this. We're living in a time where scholars have become a premium.

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And therefore our attachment to them must also increase exponentially. The more they dwindle and the more they leave us, the more we are to attach ourselves to them to latch on to them. Why? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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In the lion in your selfie ruler who men system LSU mm from

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the scholar who is known to be a scholar, all that is in the heavens and the earth. Turn to Allah asking Allah to forgive that particular scholar

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has eternal fitna, even the fish that swim in the ocean,

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a great deal of Baraka that has been placed in the people who dispense knowledge, how can it be otherwise, when we know that they are what office will MDF? They are those who have inherited from the puppets. What have they inherited? The Prophet didn't leave behind wealth, or fortune. What they left behind was the head of all affairs, the religion of an Islam, its dictates its principles. Its understanding upon the correct foundations of the people who came before us. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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these are who we have as scholars beneath them are students of knowledge.

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And do not be fooled.

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Don't look around you

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and think to yourself, well, Mashallah, how about I use myself as an example, do not ever look towards this stage to where I'm sitting, and think you're looking at a person who's a student of knowledge

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Rather, it's something because of the lack of knowledge that is now being distributed in our lands and in our situation, that a person like me, has been forced to fulfill this role to the best visibility and we asked him muscle panels Allah to forgive us for the mistakes that we commit. In the representation of the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We are not students of knowledge.

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The students of knowledge are those who have these direct links with the scholars who've dedicated a great deal of their life and their purpose to learning about the religion of Islam beneath them, come their students of knowledge.

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And beneath them come people in the ranks that you see sitting in front of you today. This is the the hierarchy of Islamic knowledge as it's being disseminated in the Muslim world today. So now we ask ourselves

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the words of an Imam Shafi

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were in and this is the second point at Manoa Iman he says ally Lim magnanni Lavina yalom.

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The recognized scholar is the one who acts

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in accordance to that which he knows

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is the one who acts in accordance to that which he knows you will have numerous people who have PhDs in Islam. They may be named Weinberg, they may be named whatever. They have a PhD in Islam and they'll say he's an Islamic scholar. He knows about Islam,

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right? orientalist people who have nothing to do with the representation of our blesseth religion, who are made to seem to be scholars, then you will have others who are Muslims, who have a certain degree of knowledge who have been blessed by Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And then people will place them in a position that they are not deserving of.

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And this is what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam predicted, when the scholars are extracted by their depth, it talks about the natural ASSA ajala. The people shall take leaders who are ignorant.

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And they ask them questions tell him and they give them answers

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in a way that they are misguided and they must guide others. So you will have people who are you know, Mashallah they're recognized. And they'll say something corrupt, like, well, since we're living in the land where we don't have

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complete economic Islamic system, it's okay to purchase your first home

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with rebar, just your first home, just that one. And then later on, you know, you can't buy another one as an investment. It's only this first one.

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And they give you an answer. Another one will say, well, considering the the troubles that the Muslim world is going through, we think it's probably best

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that you know, Muslim women, they can remove the veil. Since they are going to school and we don't want to put them in dangerous things. The purpose of the veil is to protect if they wear it, and that draws attention that may negate the protection therefore, they shouldn't wear the veil.

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Twisted logic, instead of saying, limit. The time you go out of the home limit the time you were unprotected, but keep is infeasible lots of panels on. Yes, it may not seem practical

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to pay rent month after month and you don't get to own the home. You've been renting for five years, you've spent $1,000 a month and you multiply in your head, I could have owned an apartment.

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But that is not how you measure your success in the worldly life.

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It is a dignity and it's an honor that you've struggled and you've heated the words of Allah subhanaw taala. Therefore the prophets I send them says in an authentic hadith narrated by ebihara in the books of Lima Muslim, he said some Allahu Allah you are seldom a woman to set out to be human now. The first of people whom the fire shall be kindled upon from the Muslims.

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One of them are Julian, the alum Alain Malala, was

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a man who learned and gathered knowledge and taught it and memorize the Quran.

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For OTV, he shall be brought on the day of judgment and Allah shall say, showing him the near ama, that he has been given by Allah, the blessing of knowledge, the blessing to be able to sway people to do good, the blessing of memorizing the Quran. And he chose say the said format format via What have you done with it? The person shall enter and say that I love to learn no I love to walk around to people and I learned and I thought and I read the forum for your pleasure a logical answer in case that

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you've logged. In Nikita lm tell you Carla alima you learn so that people say Masha Allah, he learned what caught up do you Paula Korea and you memorize so that people will say Masha Allah has memorized the Quran he has a beautiful voice. So God was said to you in your worldly life, that's your rewards. For only Robbie, it is ordered that he be taken and placed in the fire. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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there are three types of people who give fessler

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a person who is Jahan and speaks without rights. He has no knowledge but he will say I think this is the answer.

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Another is a person who knows the truth but gives facts what in opposite to it, he hides it.

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And the third is a person who has knowledge and gives verdicts in accordance to his knowledge. That is the one who escaped from Allah subhanho wa Taala is rad. Al is an Amana knowledge is a trust. It's a covenant that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given those who are selected oma, the next point.

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Women in education. This is a major topic, always you will always see usually. Sometimes they'll have conferences, and I'll sit beside some of the scholars or some of the students knowledge, translating for them from Arabic to English.

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And there's without fail every year for the last six or seven years that I've been doing this. There's always that question. It's always written. Yeah, Chef.

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Can a Muslim sister go to a university to learn

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That's always the question, right? Have you ever asked why they don't? Right?

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Yeah, Chef, can a Muslim man go to a university? It's the exact same question and the exact same answer. Did you know that?

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It's the exact same question, the rules that apply to the Muslim men are the same rules that apply to the Muslim woman.

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There is no distinction by any of the people of knowledge in matters of education between the man and the woman.

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No one can say the man is allowed and the woman is not allowed, regardless of the circumstances.

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In fact, I asked and I said, Well, some people say a chef, they say that because the man is the one who is in need to find a job to support the family.

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That therefore it makes it more permissible for him. The answer's no.

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If it's haram for the man, it's how long for the woman if it's hot off to the woman, it's hot on for the men in this particular aspect

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of education? So the question

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is not whether a Muslim woman can go to university or go to high school where it's joint, it's whether a Muslim can do so.

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If you ask the question in an intelligent manner, the question change, the answer changes. If you say, yes, if I'm a Muslim sister, who observed to jack who goes to school, and I'm involved with a Muslim group who we all sit together in the classes, I'm in a field of study that is needed.

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I'm a person who is not alone for an extended period of time on the university. I do not interact improperly with non Muslims or with men or whatever, and I've met all of these requirements. Am I allowed? What do you think the answer is?

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Tell me? Yes.

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It's how you are the question that you receive the answer to if you just simply say, Are we allowed him she comes and sees the university as we see today? And he doesn't know what that what it is the frame that you are putting it in the frame of reference, the answer always will be no. Why? Because the chef does not want to make something hot on into holiday, he would rather be more stringent and strict.

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Who were of the greatest people who have thought the sooner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Take half of your religion from her. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would mention

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half of the legal rulings in our day to day life. In fact, almost all of the fifth of the intimacies of the men and women in their home and in their family interactions come specifically for my home cinema.

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They were the primary givers and disseminate who disseminated Islamic knowledge to the oma

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is the third most reporter of Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And not just Hadith. There are Hadith that are reported by numerous Sahaba you will see that a hadith reported by everyone It may also be reported by even your own mother. Usually that has its own issue. It is only her who reports that specific chain because she was the only witness to it from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dedicated a day only for women.

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When they come to his mosque and sit with him to learn, they complain they said Yasuda Allah, the men are always with you. They can come and ask you freely made for us a day that we can come. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam agreed and made for them a day where only the women were present to ask the questions that they wished. They would ask the prophets of the law he was selling them questions that would make you and I blush from how to cleanse themselves after their menstrual cycle their mentees

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to issues such as intimacy, and whether they have to make loosely after a particular dream or not. They will ask the prophets I send them about everything.

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And the prophets I send them would not hold it back because he would equal in opportunity of teaching the Muslim men as well as the Muslim women. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not restrict or hold back, teaching a full arm from one particular person or one particular group of people. It was all something that was given freely. And therefore we see that I shall learn this lesson well. She would be the one who would teach male Sahaba about the signal of Rasulullah his on the law, what he was sending. They were

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come and ask her.

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For example, the death of Omar of nuclear Fabiola, the Allahu anhu.

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Omar was murdered in the federal prayer. And he said I wish to be buried

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near the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he sent his son

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to ask a Chateau de La Hoya and have permission. Listen to the Edit of Omar.

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And she gave him permission to be very near the prophet and Mayor of the Claudia la Juan, who was

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in the course of the discussion.

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One of the Sahaba of the law him Yamato made a statement

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which I should immediately corrected. She said, Joseph, Allahu Allah, may Allah granted forgiveness, he misunderstood the words of Rasulullah sallallahu it was similar. And that was the habit of Asha. And that is the habit of the Muslim scholars that we will soon see because you are going to ask how come sitting in front of us in the podiums are men? How come when we look to many of the books that are written by men, how come when we tried to apply to Medina University they say, men,

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you will see that the role of the Muslim women as scholars, it was always as a source of balance. They were not the ones who went out and gave the lectures. They were not the ones who went out and gave the admonitions, for this was reserved to those who were particular, in following the habit of the prophets. I seldom Have you ever asked yourself, why is it only men who are prophets and messengers of Allah?

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Who's more worthy? what you're asking, Where are women scholars?

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What is the primary role of a prophet or a messenger? It is to bring the good news and to warn people and not offend NACA sheelane. One of you, we sent you all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam carrier of good news you do good, this is a reward and we sent you as a warner to mankind.

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You will see that all of the profits all of the messengers, as the profits of the law, whether you send them said an MBA or what not at all of the profits are in lineage through brotherhood. They're all brothers through the same lineage. Omaha township that was in Houma had, all of them are in the same parental paternal lineage.

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their religion is one their mothers may be of varying tribes of varying cultures, but their fathers were always from the same tribe.

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All of the prophets were messengers, all of the all of the prophets were men, all of the messengers were men. Why? Because the duty of going out and calling others puts one in a great deal of risk.

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You will see that all of the different civilizations when the prophets were sent,

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were patriarchal, meaning that men were governing men were rulers

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would oppose Moosa.

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They would go out in combat in war, and it

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took a specific type of individual to fulfill this, and happen that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose that those who would fulfill this role would be men. Does that mean

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that men are preferred in this aspect?

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Have you ever heard the statement behind every great man there is a

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who was the greatest of support sudo su de la hisle aloha Davison,

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a teacher.

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The prophets I send them run down from the mountain shaking them milania milania you helmet zemlin Cover me.

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She's frightened.

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She says to him will la he in the La hilarya suka. Don't worry, I'm Mohammed, some law and he was a law she'll never dishonor you comforted him. She held him. She took him to her cousin telling you how Mohammed what has been what has happened to you maybe he can shed some light on it.

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She was his pillar hits support with her wealth when their physical being with her words with her political and political influence amongst the tribes of Cornish.

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The year of hosting the year of Sorrell was the death of whom Khadija it was the lowest point that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt while living in Mecca.

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His pillar of strength had passed away.

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The one who he would turn to in asking her questions and it was not your Khadija listen to the example of that ostracize alum when he went out and he set out from Medina to perform hajj

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and he was refused. And the soul healthfood idea. And nakahara said Dr. rasulillah did not Allah tell us in Nepal and we are busy, we will be victorious. Let's fight.

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Why should we let these disbelievers tell us we can't perform the Hajj, let's fight

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the prophets why Selim shook his head. Omar was in a state of anger all of the four habour were angry. Omar enters into his tent to Selma.

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And he tells her What can I do with a people who disobeyed their profits on the law? It was simple. How can I sway them? They were upset. She told them yeah, rasulillah shave your head meaning exit out of your home and they will follow you. The prophet SAW Selim she shaved for him his head, took her took her advice. And he exited his tent and the Sahaba they saw him on the law while he was selling them. They all ran

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to shave their heads to follow his example, a quelled the situation, put an end to it.

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numerous examples of this are filling the center of the societal lemon hasira.

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Where are the women scholars of today? They are numerous

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but the role that they play

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is that of support, not that of a primary for front for runner.

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They are those who have supported our scholars, and Imam Malik,

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who was the one who influenced him to go and learn about Islam, his mother and Amanda Shafi. His mother wrote a letter to the mem to the person in the guardian of Mecca and she said, allow my son to learn and she told him later write a letter to an Imam Malik so that he will take my son she sent her nine year old son

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and the mama shafia. The time was nine years old she sent him out

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towards the Medina

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sacrificed him sent him out to learn about the religion of Islam.

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All of these are examples of those who had knowledge and implemented it in their day to day life. And Alan Mann amela v Mariana three minutes.

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scholar is a person who does in accordance to what she's learning.

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There are numerous scholars Chase and Islamic new Tamia. Many of his react many of the narrations of Habib that he learned memorize. Were in the house of a particular woman, one of his aunts, who used to teach him and educate him. The first people who would educate many of the scholars of Islam chattel Islam is not a mean and others of our shekels a mean of our time, read their stories in their biographies. And you will see the most influential key people in their life. Their mother, or their wife or their daughter, she has been had these were his daughter, one of the premier people of knowledge of Hadith. His daughter, she gives lessons to the people who are there the women who are

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who are the wives of the students there.

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But she is not someone who is overt in her dowa, she played that secondary role, which is almost at times more important than the primary role

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in being the support in being the pillar in being the example and being the hand on that and the security in being a source of luck, and being a source of reassurance. All of that is something that the Muslim sisters of our time, so be rewarded, for, we do not list

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a list of scholars. This was never from the habit of the people of submit that they will say these are your scholars.

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Rather, our scholars of Islam and Hamdulillah, even in our time are numerous and they're recognized for their virtue and for their deeds.

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They're recognized for their abilities and their capabilities.

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In short,

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we understand this question by saying we do not answer and say this is where our women scholars are or this is who they are. Rather we say we are taking our knowledge that is based upon the portal and and the sooner and the correct understanding of those who witness the Orion and the sooner being implemented from the Sahaba and the Siberian and those who follow their path to our time until the time that will come after them. We take our religion from them whether men or women

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whether white or brown or black

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Whether there are original languages Hindi or Urdu or Arabic,

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we learn our religion based on what is taught not just who is teaching it.

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and such. This is of the most important lessons we learn, we don't say where our scholars rather we recognize the virtue of our scholars by seeking to learn Islam for its most primary, perfected sources, the sources that are returned back to the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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