Ahmed Hamed – Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 2

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the need to recite the "hammo haven't yet" and ensure that people are aware of its real meaning. They stress the importance of inspiring others to reflect on the drama's real meaning and share it in their lives. They also stress the importance of honoring Islam's promises and recite a statement about "verbal" to achieve spiritual health. They emphasize the need to practice these techniques regularly and to ensure everyone understands and remembers these words.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah why early he was happy edge marine are all the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim robina la to ask is inosine nah rubbish Alisha us silly everyone opendata melissani Yahoo only my brothers and sisters Welcome again to our new series Rabbana our Lord Alhamdulillah we have covered so far for us beginning with robina and inshallah we will continue our journey

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of this beautiful cities are abana Our Lord with other drawers as well.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned in the last Ayat of Surah Al Baqarah surah number two is number 286. So many doors, which begins with Rabbana let us go through one after the other.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he sees robina law

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which means our Lord punish us not if we forget or fall into error. My brothers and sisters, the need is for us to recite this dua to remember this law and to recognize through its meaning and understand the real essence of this beautiful day where Allah subhanho wa Taala is connecting with us and we need to connect with Allah subhanho wa Taala by asking Allah not to punish us, if we forget or fall into error because my brothers and sisters, if we look at our lives, we can see a clear reflection that we fall into error again and again, we we are disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala again and again, and Subhan Allah by doing so, we do not know how many sins, you know we commit how

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many, you know, disobedience acts that we actually perform. So we are asking Allah Subhana Allah robina Allah to have hidden in a sinner, oh,

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I will not punish not us if we forget or fall into error, which we certainly do Subhana Allah. So the idea is my brothers and sisters to come proactively to Allah subhanaw taala and connect with our Creator and ask Allah Blair is our Creator, our Lord, our rub, and ask him to punish not if we forget or fall into error mistakes, you know, and since Subhana, Allah, we also need to make sure my brothers and sisters as we are dealing this series with the five our approach, so we basically have to recite this dua, we need to remember this, we need to ensure that we recognize the meanings in this drama. And we also have to reflect so that we can actually have a deeper, you know,

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understanding of this drama, and also relate in our lives, so that we can actually share and relay this message to others, my brothers and sisters,

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as I mentioned, in the earlier sessions, as well, that we have to ensure that we have an agenda in our lives, and that is to save ourselves and to save others and for that we need to ensure that we invite people to, to reflect and to you know, introspect themselves through the, you know, light of the glorious Koran and so that we may actually have to share this beautiful message to others. You know, beginning as I mentioned, with our parents, our siblings, our children, our spouses, you know, our relatives, friends, neighbors, and everyone should have a lot and that's how we can actually help each other.

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The next draw is from the same idea of Surah Al Baqarah surah number two Ayah number 286, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following

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Last Dinah he says robina Why not? Mila Elena is through karma Hamilton Island Lavina moon avelina Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which you laid upon those before us.

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Let us recognize this, my brothers and sisters after, you know, focusing on its recitation and its remembrance, recognize the fact that they were people who had the burden before, you know, and we are asking with this dryer and connecting to our rub our Lord, by asking him to lay not upon us a burden like that which you laid upon those before us, my brothers and sisters, the need is to reflect on this drama where we know that the previous generations they were destroyed because they did not obey Allah subhanho wa Taala, they did not follow the path of Islam, they did not heed the warnings and the advices and the good news of the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And thus,

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we are asking Allah lay not, you know, upon us a burden like that which you have laid upon those before us, meaning we we should not be, you know,

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you know, willing and wishing to be the people, like the people of the past, who did not pay any attention. Again, my brothers and sisters, after a deeper recognition and reflection, we need to again, share this with others as well. So that you know, in sha Allah, they will also be able to pray the similar dua and ask Allah to not lay on them as well the burden like that, which, you know, Allah has laid upon those before us and that's how we again help each other.

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Another do are my brothers and sisters is again from the same ayah of sutan Bukhara surah, number two iron number 286 and Subhan. Allah, this is such a powerful, you know, I have the Quran, which is so special, because in it has got so many drawers and and kind of a protection Subhan Allah for all of us. So, let us again, listen to the next part of this.

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My brothers and sisters, a lot of bullier is that he says our Lord and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear and pardon us And forgive us and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people, my brothers and sisters, it is again a need for us to recognize the meaning of it and to reflect on is Subhana Allah, a lot of Blair inside is helping us to ask this duel so that we may, you know, we may call out to a lot of binaries and seek the protection from Allah, such as declaring and acknowledging that you know, put, you know, no burden on us which we will not be able to bear Subhanallah we are asking a lot to forgive and pardon

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us. We are asking a lot to have mercy upon us. We are declaring that Indeed, Allah is the Protector. So a lot of blurriness is the one who gives us victory over the disbelieving people, my brothers and sisters, again, let us share this law with others as well. So that insha Allah, others can also benefit out of it by asking Allah not to lay upon them the burden which they have no ability to bear and asking a lot to pardon us, to forgive us and to have mercy upon us and to declare that Allah alone is indeed an an, you know, ultimate protector. So we are asking a lot to give us victory over those who are faithless people who do not believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and

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sisters, there are key things which are involved in it. You know, beginning from its declare we are incapable of so many things, you know, so to ask Allah to forgive us to pardon us and have mercy on us and declaring that he is the ultimate protector.

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My brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala, he says, which is again a dua, from Surah, Allah imraan surah. Number three is number eight. And it goes as follows.

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My brothers and sisters Subhana Allah, this is such a powerful dua through which we connect with our creative, a lot of boullier is and this is something which we have to regularly recite and remember, in order for us not to be deviated, and that is the essence of desire. This drop in which a lot of Blair is a he says Rabbana la musica kulu ba, ba da Ilha de tener Wahab, Lana meladerm kurama in NACA, until we'll have

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our Lord, let not our hearts deviate, after You have guided us, and grant us from your self mercy, indeed, you are the best or the one who gives without account, my brothers and sisters in Islam Subhana Allah, this is such a crucial do our for us to be to ensure that we memorize it, we recite it and we recall it again and again Subhan Allah because the if we actually recognize and reflect on the meanings of it, it is so powerful, we're in we as the the worshipers of Allah as the slaves of Allah as the people who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala as the people who knows that, that the greatest gift that we could ever get is the gift of guidance and that is something which cannot be

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compromised at any at any cost Subhan Allah. So we are asking Allah, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us, my brothers and sisters, we need to understand that we may slip off any moment of our lives, we may get deviation, we may distract ourselves, we may lose or weaken our belief. So we need to ensure that we keep firm ourselves on the guidance and this is something which has to be done regularly. Because we do not know when shaitaan will overcome us and we go away from guidance out on the path of a strip on the path of Hellfire on the path of destruction. So we have to ensure number one, we have to ask a lot of galerija to keep our hearts stick to what Allah has

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given as a guidance and we asked a lot to keep our hearts you know, away from the deviation after Allah has given the gift of guidance, my brothers and sisters indeed, guidance is the greatest gift you know from Allah subhanaw taala it is a law who guides you know whom He wills Subhana Allah and we are asking a lot of binaries after to keep us you know, away from the deviation and to keep our hearts you know, firm on the guidance. After that we are asking Allah, Rob Buller is

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to grant us from yourself, mercy, my brothers and sisters, Mercy of Allah is something which we have to always ask Allah because it is the mercy of Allah that helps us in this world in the hereafter. It is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala with which all through which we will be admitted in Jenna, you know, the best of the human being the best of the believers. Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who enslaved himself throughout his life, who give everything possible, the best Muslim ever lived and would ever live on the face of the earth. He would also require the mercy of Allah to get into Jana. So we need to ensure my brothers and sisters, we ask Allah to grant

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us, you know, a mercy from him, so that we may, you know, govern our lives in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we also acknowledge that in NACA until we have, Indeed, Allah you are the one who is the

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Total without account. Allah gives without account my brothers and sisters, a lot of Blair is is an Wahab and Wahab is the one who gives without account Subhana Allah we know for a fact that Allah gives hand he gives, and he gives, we might get tied in asking Allah in receiving the gift from Allah. But Allah is someone who is an Wahab who gives without account. So this is a powerful one my brothers and sisters, again, let's adapt the the five our approach to it, recite it, remember it, recognize it, reflect on it again and again. And relay share this message of the, of the of the importance of guidance to others, to our parents, our siblings, our spouses, children, relatives,

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friends, neighbors, let them also understand the value of the gift of guidance that Allah has given them so that they can also ask Allah Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from yourself mercy indeed you are the best store my brothers and sisters. The next draw is again a very powerful and important draw from sudo to Allah Moran surah number three, iron number nine and it goes as follows.

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My brothers and sisters, let us recite and remember this powerful law where Allah subhanahu wa tada he says are a banner in Mecca, Jamia anansi, Leo mela Ray Buffy, in de la la gleeful me, God, our Lord, surely you will gather the people for a day about this. There is no doubt Indeed, indeed a law does not feel in his promise. My brothers and sisters, let us recognize and reflect the fact that one day, one day Allah will gather every one of us and we have to, you know, give our accounts. We have to stand before a law one day and we will be responsible, accountable for every action that we perform in this world. So we we acknowledge and we revive and renew and reaffirm the fact that we

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are going to stand before Allah on that day, when there is no doubt whatsoever. My brothers and sisters, it is sexual because Allah does not fail in his promise. My brothers and sisters, let us recite, remember, memorize, reflect, recognize and relate this powerful statement of Allah, Allah is to our loved ones to everyone, so that they may also understand the seriousness of our lives. We cannot live our lives at play, and mere with the engagement of dunya and not understanding the very purpose why we are here to and that is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala we live as if we are not going to die My brothers and sisters, we live for dunya and we think that that's the end of it. But

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Allah is reminding us in this ayah that he is going to gather

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every one of us add on that day, on the day of his job on the day of accountability where there is no doubt Indeed Allah does not feel in his promise. If this accountability factor ignites our attention, we will rectify our actions, we will ensure that we enslave and we do things that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala the people who will get to know through us this beautiful reminder will also rectify their lives. So let us share this message. Let us promote this you know reminder to every one of us my brothers and sisters so that we all can perform that which is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala so that on that day when we stand before Allah, we will be in a

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position to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and we should be among those deserving servants of Allah upon whom Allah will have his mercy and admit them in the highest levels of Paradise in sha Allah.

Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 2

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