Ahmed Hamed – Message of Surah Al Falaq

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The importance of finding refuge with Allah from the evils of creation is emphasized, along with the need to be mindful of the message from the Bible. It is also emphasized that individuals need to take action to avoid danger and that anyone can test their faith by reciting the surah moon short remark. The importance of protecting people from evil attacks and hesitation in cases is also emphasized. The segment emphasizes the need to encourage people to read and share the message from the Bible and to avoid harming their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Mulana ba bada Allah Allah He was happy Ultramarine Blue Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. All our all the bureau bill Falak mu Sheree mahalo haluk woman Sheree was up in either wakaba woman sure enough 30 filler rapid warming shirt Rehan sit in either hazard Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, or abstractly sorry, was silly Omri opendata melissani yufka, who only my brothers and sisters, welcome to our fifth session of the series focused on surah total Falak and Surah anass. Well, hamdulillah a lot of galerija is extremely, extremely merciful on us, that he has guided us to ponder, reflect and

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enlighten our lives with the learnings of Islam will hamdulillah.

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My brothers and sisters, as we have explored the areas beginning from the belief in Surah, Al Falak, we talked about how important it is,

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you know, to recite Surah Al Falak, in a proper and a correct manner. We also delved into a subject on the reflection of Surah Al Falak. in detail, and Alhamdulillah. In the last session, we talked about how we can, you know, protect ourselves from this great surah of the Glorious Quran. This is the last session of surah tool, Philip, and then we'll begin with surah to us. In this session insha Allah we will limit our focus on how we can actually share the message of suta to follow up.

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My brothers and sisters, as we mentioned, the main theme of this sutra is number one, it taught us to seek refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala from all evils of the creation. And number two, it also talks about the existence of black magic witchcraft, evil eye etc and their remedy. So, primarily, it is important for us to understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala he begins this sutra with the word God, which means say,

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and this is an indication that we need to tell people about the surah about the message of the surah about the beauties of this surah about the essence of the surah and what do we have to tell Allah Almighty? He says, All our rules obiora bill Falak say I seek refuge with Allah The Lord of the daybreak. Now this is important for us, my brothers and sisters that we tell people about Allah subhanho wa Taala we tell people that they need to take refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is the Lord of the daybreak, who is the Lord of everything, who is the one through whom every creation rushes with absolute love, respect, adoration and worship. So we should not be left alone. We the

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human race, need to understand that our refuge is only with Allah Subhana Allah and that is the message that we need to tell our our own family members, our own society, our own relatives, our own friends, to tell them say I seek refuge with Allah, the Lord of the daybreak. So this clearly outlines the importance of the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala the importance of trusting Allah subhana wa Taala the importance of relying on Allah subhanho wa Taala so much so that that we do not find we do not know we do not go to anyone except Allah subhanahu wa tada and that is the, the important reminder that we need to give ourselves and others Allah Subhana who a dialer he says in

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the Quran to remind people for indeed, reminder benefits the believers. So my brothers and sisters we need to share the fundamental message from the surah which begins with our older bureau bill Falak say I seek refuge with Allah The Lord of the daybreak so it is recommended.

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Did my brothers and sisters to the obviously, you know ourselves to seek refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evils of the creation and tell people tell your family members, your spouses, your children, your parents, your siblings, your relatives, your friends tell them that they need to seek refuge continuously, when Allah from the evils of the creation, because you know what we all know that we are, you know, being tempted around the world, we are so much exposed to the fascination that is there all, you know which which, which invites our attention, you know, most of the times it comes from the evil sources. So, we need to ensure that we obviously take this message in our lives,

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and also tell the people beginning from our own family members, that we need to continuously seek refuge with Allah from the evils of the creation, because there is no way that you can combat shaitaan without believing without trusting without going into the refuge of Allah subhanaw taala and that is recent. Every single time we start the Quran, we say, oh Lu Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. We say q we secure ourselves, we go in that mode of comfort in that mode of you know, protection with Allah subhanho wa Taala from the Shaitan the occurs to one. So my brothers and sisters, we need to take the message to the people out there and tell them you know what for you to

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seek refuge is no one except the one Allah subhana wa Taala for you to seek protection for you to seek the courage for you to seek the blessings for you to seek any kind of safeguard from any kind of evil. Go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam he used to seek refuge with ALLAH by reciting the surah Subhana Allah. So we cannot be just, you know, left alone. So that's the first message that we need to share with the people. Now secondly, a lot of binaries are he says, furthermore, from what else that we need to, you know, take refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala min Sheree ma haluk from the evil of what ever Allah has created. So there is evil that is

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created, you know, in the world today and you might perhaps, you know, ask this questions or you might get this question in your mind that why do we have the evil? Well, for the simple reason for evil to exist? Is that it there will be no test with without evil Subhana Allah and a lot of beleza he says very clearly a lady hola como tal hayata Leah Balu Welcome youcam San Juan mala, we have created life and death so that we may test you in order to see who is in best of conduct. So if there is complete goodness in this world, then there will be no test. If there is complete evil in this world, then there'll be no test they must be, you know, the existence of good and evil in order

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to keep the test going. Right. So this is the verse my brothers and sisters, that enjoins the believers to seek refuge with Allah from the evils of other human beings, gins, animals, and the rest of the creation Subhan Allah, when you have recited this particular surah moon short remark, it involves and it includes every other creature, be it human beings, gins, animals and the rest of the creation, what ever, you know, the evil that is created, we secure ourselves with the refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, my brothers and sisters, this is really important that we need to tell people out there to take a loss of handle China on your site, right, you go to the company of Allah

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subhanaw taala seek refuge in Allah, from whatever even there is no force, there is no power, there is no weapon, there is nothing that can actually protect you. If Allah does not, will it you know, if Allah wills then it will obviously, you know, protect you but then the greatest way to ensure that you seek protection is the protection of Allah subhanaw taala is to come back and seek the future.

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With a loss of Hannah who Atlanta from the evils of everything that is created, number three, Allah subhanho wa Taala then also talks about from what else that we need to seek refuge in Him. Woman Sheree or Satan either walk up, there are two things that a lot of binaries that he talks about what means shuttering, or skipping number one, either wakaba, Cossack and Walker there are two things that a lot talks about. In this, I have so little follow up that we need to take ourselves, you know refuge with Allah subhanaw taala. So a woman shall read or second is a workup and from the evil of the darkening night, right from the evil of the darkening night, as it comes with its darkness. So,

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in this ayah, Allah subhanho wa Taala admonishes advises the believers to seek refuge with Allah from the evils that take place in the darkness of night, you know, then many evil souls and harmful creatures disperse in the land. So we take refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala, from the evil of the darkness and the darkening night. So that is really important for us. And that's the reason we know and we have learnt already, that we need to, you know, recite the surah, every morning and the evening in order for us to be protected throughout the day, and throughout the night. And this is the message that we need to tell people, people they don't know, somehow love my brothers and

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sisters. Remember, if Allah has guided you, you just can't sit alone and you know, think that you you you are going to, you know, carry on this goodness and, and be selfish. No, no, no, no, no, we need to ensure that we need to protect people, we need to ensure that we guide people, we need to ensure that we share the message, the beautiful and the powerful message. Imagine my brothers and sisters, if your spouse doesn't know about this, how will they be able to protect themselves? If your parents do not know about the meanings of it? Perhaps there might have been, you know, reciting the surah, you know, ever since the childhood, but they don't know what it means. They don't know

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how powerful it is. They don't know how important for us to seek refuge in Allah and how important for us to seek protection through this ayah to the surah. Right. So we need to tell people, we need to advise them and explore them and tell them open. You know, a practical way would be when you invite people to dinner, for example, in a dinner party, tell them you know what, there's one message that I would like to share with all of you in just five minutes, that we need to ensure that we take protection from these two powerful, our 10 spiritual Filipinas and this is the message in it, to share with them. And you see Subhana love and people start practicing Allah will reward you

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without the reduction on their deeds to panela and that is how profits are the law. He still talks about ballyhoo I need one wire, you know propagate from me even if you know one I and we are learning so many irons from Han Allah. So my brothers and sisters we need to take this message what means shuttering or certain either worker and from the evil of the darkening night as it comes with its darkness. So we need to tell the believers you know, family, friends and relatives and everyone to seek refuge from Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, with the loss of Hannah Montana from the darkness and the dark nights from Hannah law. Number four, a law continues NC says women should have

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enough 30 filler opened and from the evil of those who practice witchcraft when they blow in the nuts. Allah Subhana Hua dialler commands the believers to seek refuge with him from all forms of what black magic which craft evil I, my brothers and sisters, this is really important for us to understand and realize that there is the existence of evil eye there is the existence of black magic this happens and Subhanallah so many people are affected by it. What is the cure? What is the remedy? How will people be able to cure themselves properly in the right direction is through these ion is through these sutras of the Quran?

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Soo Han Allah, Allah has given the remedy. Allah has given the Shiva. Allah has taught us the cure the recipe, the prescription of the medicine, from the sickness and the evil of all the things is the Quran Subhana Allah. So a lot of blazer he taught us again, 1 million sure enough 30, filler orchids, and from the evil of those who practice number one witchcraft when they blow in the nuts, so my brothers and sisters, this is a surah, which protects us from the black magic, from witchcraft, and from evil eye. And that is the reason Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he was also affected by the black magic Subhana Allah, we know the whole story, and we talked about

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it in the previous sessions. So we need to ensure that we take again, this beautiful message to our beloved once and true love

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is reflected, when we intend to give them cure prescribed by Allah Subhana. Who, what are the signs, finally, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about very important thing, you know, a lot of galerija he says 1 million shatavari ha, Satan is a hazard, and from the evil of the envier, when he or she envies the NVR is the one who wishes to see the removal of the blessings. He sees in the envied. Meaning, you might have people around you in your life, who sees a God that is there in your life, a blessing that Allah has given you in your life, and they intend

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that it should be removed, it should be out for example, if you have got a good house, they don't want it to be there with you. They want it to be removed, that is hazard, you know, that his hazard and does his utmost to have them removed. So so the man is therefore in need of seeking refuge with a law from his evil, Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters. hazard is something which can spoil and which can make people blind, it will lie. It will blind people because of the hazard. They might even kill people. And that's what you know, the first murder on the face of the earth, in the entire creation, what was the reason? hazard, herbal and carbon? What was the cause of the killing the

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first human ever? Who killed you know, because of the hazard of, of the envy, jealousy, you know, and why did shaitan he became shaytaan Subhana Allah disses has it he didn't want to bow down and prostrate other Malay Salaam to be in obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala he was envied about Adam, Allah He Salam and he became a dude. He became the enemy up until the last day. So my brothers and sisters hazard is something which is really really, you know, critical and it is very, very sensitive thing. So we need to ensure that we must seek refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of these has been from the evil of these people who are jealous about our blessings who are

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envious about our savers Who are you know, who are burning inside to because of our boundaries that Allah Subhana Allah has given us It might not be necessarily on the on the on the material things it might be on on the humans as well. For example, if a person does not say Subhana Allah you are looking nice, and if they don't say Baraka, Allah or Masha Allah, then there is an evil eye and there is a hazard that gets involved in it. And that's really really a no kills person internally. And that is the reason it also shows us the urgent need of seeking refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala who is the ultimate protector of everything, my brothers and sisters, this invites our

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attention. How important though heed the belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala alone is important to believe in him as the one and only Allah, the Lord of the worlds to believe in his powerful

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and beautiful, you know names and attributes to believe in his in his existence, to believe that he is the ultimate protector to believe that his divine he is the only one whom we can actually go back and seek refuge with. It is the only one whom we seek certain help from Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters, it is the need that we need to share this beautiful sutra, the message of this beautiful sutra, the essence of this beautiful sutra, the theme of this beautiful surah to the people beginning from our own family members, the you know, with an extension to our neighbors, our our relatives, our you know, friends and beyond. And that's how we can actually fulfill the heart of

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the surah was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Message of Surah Al Falaq

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