Ahmed Hamed – Maintainers of the Mosques

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of massages in achieving peace and fulfilling spiritual goals. The speakers emphasize the significance of honoring the host of the massage and the importance of massages in achieving spiritual goals. They also encourage listeners to visit the massage and to practice the Masala for a calming effect.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim. While he was happy he remained all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him we seek His help his assistance in all our matters, and we send peace and blessings upon our beloved our Habib Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon his family upon his companions and upon all those who follow him up until the last day, my brothers and sisters, welcome to Juma What about summary, the topic of today's football in Dubai is a beautiful one. And the topic is maintainers of massagin Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah Riza he actually tells us in the Quran that the

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sign of piety in person is that he honors the symbols of Allah subhanaw taala. And we know Allah, Allah reason he says in the Quran that massages they are of Allah subhanaw taala it belongs to Allah subhanaw taala so whenever you visit, a masjid, you must have a mindset that you are actually a guest of ALLAH SubhanA wa Jaiden the role of massage my brothers and sisters is so pivotal is so significant, that it is so much surrounded with our lives. Subhan Allah, that is the reason we are told to pray five times a day were in the massage and so when we actually go to the massage, we are actually going to words the meeting of Allah subhanaw taala massages are so important that whenever

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we enter into masjid, we actually start to feel fulfillment and contentment and peace in our lives. We are the guest of Allah subhanaw taala therefore, guests need to honor the host Subhan Allah, misogyny my brothers and sisters are the places where does dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala happens? The vicar of Allah is the greatest thing that you and me can have in order to achieve peace. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Allah busy Karela that in no localu Unquestionably, with the remembrance of Allah do hearts find what? Serenity peace. So massages are the place of the vicar of Allah. And the the greatest vicar Subhanallah you is the vicar of the Quran, the kalam Allah, that is what we

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resigned in the masajid the Glorious Quran, while we pray, we decide what we decide Quran, we praise Allah subhanaw taala we glorify Allah subhanaw taala we acknowledge and affirm and feel the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala so massages are so important, you know, I would, I would want you to imagine our lives without misogyny, Allahu Akbar, it would have been a great gap between us and Allah subhanaw taala so Allah has wisdom is so high, that he blazed massages for us places of Allah subhanaw taala houses of Allah subhanaw taala in our lives, so that we may be in constant touch with Allah subhanaw taala through this powerful, you know, worship to Allah, Allah is in the misogyny,

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where we pray, we do the remembrance of Allah, we recite the Quran, we do Halaqaat where we talk and we remind each other about Allah subhanho wa Taala about the importance of life, about the importance of the Hereafter about so many things that will help us to achieve success of both worlds. So my brothers and sisters, let us ensure that we get attached to the massage, we should have a special ceiling for every Masjid that we carry. Subhanallah

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I would like you to remind about the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam about the seven categories of the people who will get the urge of Allah when there'll be no Ash will be there'll be no shade, except the shade of Allah subhanaw taala one of the categories of the people are those people who whose hearts are attached with the massages Allahu Akbar. So my brothers and sisters, our hearts must be attached with the massage and our heart Mark must be yearning every single time to go to the massage to be there to spend time quality time in the massage to spend some moments with Allah subhanaw taala in the muscle

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To recite the Quran in the masjid because there is a lot of Baraka, there is a lot of blessing that we actually gain while we are there in the masala let us make sure that our children are also get attached with the Masada take them frequently to the Mossad then tell them the role of the misogyny in their lives. Tell them how important it is. You're in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala as they are the houses of Allah subhanaw taala so my brothers and sisters, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us attach our hearts to the massage We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us wisdom and willingness to go to the masjid constantly. We ask Allah Almighty to grant wellbeing goodness to His

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Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Allah Nyan the president of the UAE. Likewise, we ask Allah Almighty to bless all the rulers of the Emirates We ask Allah Almighty to grant protection from all kinds of evils and harms to this beautiful nation the UAE We ask Allah Almighty to bless and have mercy on all the Muslim lands. We ask Allah Almighty to ease the matters of the Muslims across the globe. We ask Allah Almighty to grant guidance to the entire humanity

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and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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