Ahmed Hamed – Importance Of Quran – Dubai Jumuah Summary

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the power of the words of Allah subhanho wa taala, which is the title of the book The Glorious absorption of the Prophet sall Viha Alayhi wa sallam, on protecting humanity from evil and achieving peace and happiness. The title describes the powerful and beautiful words of Allah's the Glorious absorption of the Prophet sall Viha Alayhi wa sallam, which is the title of the book.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah hirable Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Kareem was early he was happy at mine.

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All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa taala. We praise Him we seek His help his assistance in all our matters. We send the peace and salutations upon the last of the prophets, the leader of all the messengers, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my brothers and sisters, welcome to Joomla quick summary. The topic of this Joomla football in Dubai is the words of ALLAH SubhanA who were to Allah. Indeed, the best speech is the speech of Allah subhanho wa taala. The words of Allah subhanaw taala has a miraculous effect on our hearts. And this is the reason we are told by Allah subhanaw taala the very first thing in the Quran which was revealed is a Cora Bismillah, or bacon or

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the Halacha. Read in the Name of your Lord who have created so my beloved brothers and sisters, the kalam of Allah is very powerful. The words of Allah subhanaw taala is the magnificent words. This has an immense effect on our lives. It is beautiful to actually empower ourselves with the words of Allah subhanho wa taala, Allah subhanahu wa taala gives an example in the Quran, that if all the seeds would ink and all the trees become the pen, and they start writing the praises of Allah subhanaw taala the words if they write with that, that would not equate and compare to the words of Allah in the Quran. So that's how powerful the words of Allah subhanaw taala is, and this is the way

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that we can actually protect ourselves. These are the words of Allah that we can guide ourselves. These are the words of Allah subhanaw taala that we can gain, peace and serenity in our hearts. These are the words of Allah subhanaw taala that we can heal ourselves. These are the words of Allah subhanaw taala Al Quran, which can empower and transform our lives, the worst can become the best, the ugly can become beautiful, the way Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran, the words of Allah subhanaw taala it's a Cerise to those who are in despair. It's the peace that we can gain from it to those who are in utter confusion. My beloved brothers and sisters, the words of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala are extremely powerful. Allah Almighty, He says a Rahman I lemon Quran, a Rama and the Most Gracious, he is the one who taught us the Quran. So the words of ALLAH SubhanA hota Allah, the Glorious Quran is very powerful. My beloved brothers and sisters, in his words, we can gain power in his words, we can gain strength. In his words, we can gain peace and satisfaction in our lives. My beloved brothers and sisters, the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala are extremely needed for all of us to gain power and peace in our lives. My beloved brothers and sisters, the idea of having the exposure to the words of Allah subhanaw taala was given by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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used to protect himself used to guide himself in this life, he used to gain the treasure and the pleasure from the words of Allah subhanaw taala so that he can be successful in this world. And in the Hereafter, he also shared the secret of recipe, the secret recipe of success and happiness. In the words of Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah Almighty to help us empower with his words, we ask Allah Almighty to grant wellbeing in success to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Allah Yan, the president of the UAE. Likewise, we ask Allah Almighty to grant well being and success to all the rulers of the Emirates We ask Allah Almighty to protect this beautiful nation, the UAE from all

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evils in Homs we ask Allah Almighty to grant peace on the Muslim lands. We ask Allah Almighty to grant guidance to the whole of humanity. We ask Allah Almighty to

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make us among those who will be with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the highest levels of Jannah witnessing the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala what are called Dawa Anna and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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