Ahmed Hamed – Ideal Muslim Talk By

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam in shaping the culture of the world is discussed in various segments, including the importance of belief in Allah's principles and values to gain eemaan status. The speakers emphasize the need to be aware of one's experiences and show gratitude to Allah or the creator to gain momentum in one's life. They stress the importance of protecting one's character and avoiding danger, as well as fulfilling commitments and promises to become anicts Muslim.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah alayhi wa barakato.

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Alhamdulillah Hera Bella Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Hill Karim. While early he was herb he Ultramarine

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I was bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Yah a Johan Lavina Amanu eau de Hulu facil me CalHFA Walla, WA T shape on Inaho la coma likoma I don't want more been probably struggle, you saw the way a surly angry one aka data melissani You have to who totally

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respected scholars, speakers, elders, and my beloved brothers and sisters, I welcome all of you to the third day of an mannaar International tolerance convention.

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And at the first, we thank and we are grateful to Allah subhana, who were to Isla for giving us this opportunity

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and helping us to be here, all together. Tonight,

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in this beautiful venue, the Dubai World Trade Center.

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I thank each and every person who cooperated, contributed and participated in making this event possible.

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The topic

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of my talk tonight is seven habits of an effective or an Ideal Muslim.

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Let us understand the title itself.

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We know the habit, it means a practice that is regularly done.

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An ideal

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is someone who is exemplary, someone who is looked at.

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So this topic

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is so significant for every one of us to be able

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to show the light to the humanity.

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My beloved brothers and sisters, if you look around us, we find four categories of people.

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And I would like to start from the fourth.

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The first

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kind from the fourth category of people

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are those who do bad, and they never do good.

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And we know this is the evil thing.

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The second category

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of the people are those who don't do bad, but they neither do any goal. So this is again, not an ideal way of living. The third category of people are those who do good. And they also do bad. Again, this is not that we always should look at

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the fourth category

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of the people are those who try and who do their best to abstain from evil.

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And they are foremost they strive, they try again and again, consistently to do that which is good. That is the benchmark that we always look at. We need to look at that category of people who continuously strive to do that is God and who always prevents abstains from that which is displeasing to Allah subhanahu wa taala

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my beloved brothers and sisters,

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I have read to you at the beginning and I ah from Surah Al Baqarah surah number two is number 208 in which Allah subhanahu wa Teina is giving a direct message addressing to the believers you

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A lot of Bucha Riza he states ya Are you her? Lavina Alma No. All you who believe

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it's not a common appeal.

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It's DIRECT address to us as believers in Allah subhanahu wa Tada

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yeah you have Lavina Amanu eau de Hulu facil me godfather. What is the message all about? Allah subhana Huhtala he says, enter into Islam, submit yourself to ALLAH SubhanA who are tired I wholeheartedly, completely what else while you go to work the shaytaan and do not follow the footsteps of shaytaan y in whom nakoma Duvall Mubin he is to you an open enum. So the message is loud and clear.

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That we cannot be selective

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people who submit partially who can submit situationally know No, no, no, no, that is not the attitude that is not the expected standard

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of a Muslim.

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He's invited to submit to Allah subhanahu wa taala and he is invited to keep on striving in the way of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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With an urge with a zeal with a passion that he submits to Allah subhanho wa Taala whole heartedly.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one

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who can tell us what are those qualities or habits or attributes that me

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a Muslim, an Ideal Muslim,

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and in sha Allah as a takeaway,

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as a takeaway from this talk, my beloved brothers and sisters, I have taken or chosen the passage from sunnah to me noon. The title itself is so beautiful, its title for you and me. It's Titan, in the name of the believers surah number 23. Allah subhanahu wa taala he lists out the trades the qualities, which are of high excellence. These are the qualities which Allah or Buddha talks about, which are of poor excellence, and this is what we need to keep as a benchmark in our lives. Allah subhanahu gyla He begins by stating,

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I will do bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim God Afla Halima me no rune.

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Successful, other believers.

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Now who is saying this? Allah Allah is the Creator of the heavens in the earth, the one who is the owner of everything, that judge of everything, the one who has the power over everything, Allah, Allah is, he is saying, God, if

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successful are the believers, what is the criteria that Allah Allah Riza sets it up for the people to be successful believers. Imagine that is the first habit of an Ideal Muslim, practicing the belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala is the first habit first application of an Ideal Muslim without the belief, there is no way that he can be ideal.

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And that is the reason. Allah subhanaw taala linked the belief with the success.

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The one who grants success is telling us who are the successful, successful people and we know we know my beloved brothers and sisters, we all would like to be successful. And this comes from our Creator, Allah subhana Huhtala ji ji keeping the standards, the qualities, the habits, the practices, for one and all. God

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Believers are successful.

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What do we mean when we say we believe in Allah subhanho? wa taala? What does it take us to be a believer? And what does it take us to be successful? We know that success lies with our beliefs as a base condition. That's number one. And when we say we believe in Allah or Buddha Riza, we mean, we mean it, that we are trying to know Allah azza wa jal.

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We know Allah azza wa jal and that is the reason based on this firm knowledge, not a shallow understanding, we believe firmly in Allah subhanahu Teina. So knowledge becomes the foundation of gaining eemaan in Allah subhanahu Teina. When you gain knowledge, you will believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala it goes strong, it becomes firm. And as a result of this, there are things that are demanded from us. What do we know about Allah subhanho wa Taala when we say that we are believers in Allah subhanahu Teina

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we declare, with our lips deep down in our hearts, there is no doubt whatsoever and we apply it in our lives. We live Islam in our lives, in a practical sense. That is what it means to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and when we say we know Allah or Buddha Itza, we know that we declare as Allah subhana Huhtala commands on say to them who will Allahu Ahad He is Allah the one and you need so he's one and unique.

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In his existence, that is what when we say we believe in Allah, we are certain we are clear that we believe in Allah's existence. That's number one. I have done feasibility. I had done see a small e I had done fi sci fi TV I had done fi Fi Li I had done fi T five demands when you fulfill we come to a momentum to say that we know Allah subhanahu wa taala. Number one, we believe that he is one and unique in His existence. We believe that he's one and unique in His names, we acknowledge on the phone, that he is one and unique in His attributes in his actions and all the acts of riba worship deserves to Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah, Allah Riza, he keeps that exclusivity that exclusiveness

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belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala and all these things, that is what when we say, we believe in Allah, Allah is when we do that. When we mean it, when we know about it, when we firmly believe in it, what comes out is the submission, the submission to Allah subhanahu wa taala submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala means that you are now driven by the principles of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And when they get into that mode of submission, what are the things that we need to be considerate about? What is the proof? What is the way of realisation that yes, I believe in Allah subhanahu wa taala. I want to be among those who are successful people. How do we qualify ourselves with the certain things we gain the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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duckula of Allah Allah azza wa jal we become aware.

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We are not free, we are going to be answerable when we live with this conscious mindset, when we live with this, with this understanding with this feeling with this, you know, experience of believing in Allah subhanaw taala and we are conscious about Allah Buddha is in everything that we do. Then we gain the momentum in our faith, then we enjoy the beauty is and the fruits of our faith. And the result. The outcome of this Taqwa is what my beloved brothers and sisters, Allah Buddha Riza he says, Why am I here?

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ducky Lucha Allahu Maharaja.

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Whoever gains the Taqwa of Allah, whoever gains the consciousness of Allah, Allah Bucha Riza he makes his way easy for him you may be in any problem, any obstacle, any challenge, any hurdle that you are going through being Taqwa of Allah one day in the consciousness of Allah Buddha Riza. And you see, Allah has held hands for assurity

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Subhan Allah, we are so conscious about so many things. For instance, we are conscious, the same road that we are in, in the Sheikh Zayed road.

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When we drive and we see the camera beyond, we see the camera is not going to come closer. If I would like to ask you, if you see the camera, will you speed up or slow down?

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Speed up or slow down my brothers and sisters? Sorry?

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Slow down. Why? Fear of fear of fine

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fear refine ALLAH SubhanA who are Tyler he says in the law he can in Allah i Li Munna Hobbes, who is closest to Allah, the One who is conscious of Allah and Allah is Aware he knows his camera, his sight, his knowledge is everywhere. When we are worried about this, this camera fine. Imagine how should we the level of consciousness of Allah or Buddha Riza May Allah Buddha is help us to gain that momentum in our lives.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala He gives us the fruits when we submit to Him, we gain the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. The kind of way that we actually get into is we start, you know, gaining the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala we become hopeful in Allah Allah is the One who is conscious, he becomes hopeful and Allah subhanaw taala and the one who is hopeful, is always happy. Whatever comes in life, ups and down, he is at the end of the day, he's happy Alhamdulillah that is an Ideal Muslim, my beloved brothers and sisters, it is important that when we submit we gain consciousness when we gain consciousness, we get hope in Allah. And even when we get hopeing Allah we start relying on

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Allah subhana Huhtala and Allah azza wa jal, he says in Surah Al Imran surah. Number three is number 160.

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If Allah helps you, none can overcome you. And if you leave Allah, Allah leaves you Nankin help you so let the believers put their trust in Allah subhana who were to Allah.

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When we submit to Allah or Buddha is out of this consciousness, my beloved brothers and sisters, we become grateful to Allah subhanaw taala

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we start showing gratitude to Allah

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and counting upon the name of the blessings, although we know for assurity we just cannot enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanho wa taala. But we start reflecting on the favors. We start gaining, that that experience that Allah is so kind, he's extremely merciful. He's helping me every time that is how we actually end up when we actually submit to Allah or Buddha is, that is god awful *, mommy noon, Allah subhanaw taala he talks about the second habit the second practice Alladhina whom feels to Allah to him, harsh your own,

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the one who actually gain that momentum in Salah, that humbleness that submissiveness, he just, he just does not pray. When he is turns. He gets that understanding that he is turning before Allah subhanaw taala he stands with that feeling that he's standing before his rub Allah azza wa jal that

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develops the WHO shoo in Allah subhanaw taala Inshallah, my beloved brothers and sisters if you realize this surah is so eloquent. He talks about the excellence it's just not the promise salah but the WHO Xu be humbleness

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This submissiveness the humility that should be invested in our Salah is highlighted in this ayah Alladhina homefree Salah to him harsh your own, my beloved brothers and sisters, we have been given this practical way of being in constant touch with Allah subhanahu wa taala a Salah, Wallah he my brothers and sisters, if there is no Salah in our lives, we will never be able to connect to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the reason this is the first manifestation prove that you say learn ilaha IL Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, this is the foundation of our iman this is something which is desired by a believer. He looks forward to pray. He doesn't take it as a burden as a responsibility.

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No, it is. It is the high aspiration. It is his choice. The experience that he gains in the momentum that he gains in Salah. He will never enjoy that moments, you know anywhere else. So the believers are those when they stand for Salah they gain that who Chu they love to pray and they love to be in the Ragu, they love to be in the sujood and Wallahi. There is no better position that a Muslim can have than to be in the sujood to Allah.

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There is no position

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on the face of the earth than to be in the sujood to Allah subhanahu wa taala therefore my beloved brothers and sisters let us have the action in our life by making a habit and giving and linking everything with Salah whatever you want. Ask Allah Allahu Allah, he says was stirring in will be Sabri salah.

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See the help and support through patience and prayer. So if you're happy, pray, if you're sad, pray, if you're sick, pray if you're ill, and you're healthy, pray. If you want job, pray, if you want to pass in your exams, pray, pray for every reason. Allah will give you that that blessing Inshallah, that you will start developing the horseshoe and try to avoid the distractions what actually spoils your shoe. When you stand before Allah or Buddha is stand with a consciousness that you're standing that feeling. Number two, try to reflect upon things which you read in Salah. What does the more I did the Imam says what does he say when he say Maliki Yomi Dean? What does he actually trying to

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give us the thought process to trigger in our minds and give us the recipe of success. And this is so symbolic Salah and success are linked together with Allah He my beloved brothers and sisters. There is no success without Salah and that is the reason the slogan of every more admin is Hi yah salah. Hi y'all fella.

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This is how Allah Allah Riza made us as a programmed plan for us to gain that, that consciousness that who in our salah, let us make reason to gain that consciousness and have this action plan my beloved brothers and sisters, when they say we believe in Allah, we should link it with an action before you go make an action and commitment to Allah but it is that please you will make a plan for one month for 30 days starting with you in your own family daily three to four names and attributes among the most authentic names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala within among wala Lim by Allah, you will see the transformation and then you start knowing the names of Allah when you start

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understanding the names of Allah subhanahu wa taala when you start reflecting on them, when you start recognizing and contemplating on them, when you actually try to ponder over them when you start living the names of Allah subhanaw taala in your lives, when you start asking Allah by His names as he says, as he says

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Ask Allah

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Ask what you want to ask

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by calling my name

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ask what you want to ask you want to forgiveness say your food your for your food, your ramen, ask you want success in your life you want your doors to be accepted, ask Allah Bucha Riza has got so many names and attributes so make this as an action plan for the point A the first habit that you will do this with a commitment but Allah Allah subhanahu Tala Secondly my brothers and sisters, make a habit of gaining the issue every time start improving, try to be in the congregation try to be before a farmer try to be in Salah when you when you leave the entire dunya that is what the Sahaba were, you know the attitude of Sahaba they weren't like pillars when they used to stand for Salah.

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They were the people who used to get the dunya completely deleted from their lives while they stand for Allah subhanahu wa taala

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that is the second habit that we have to be able to gain as an Ideal Muslim Allah subhanaw taala continues while Lavina Houma and I love him or the bone believers, they don't get engaged in idle talks. That's not the ideal standard off a believer he does not or she does not waste her time in the idle talks.

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We need to make sure that the agenda of our life must be free from idle thoughts. We are every one of you my beloved brothers and sisters Wallah I am saying this by Allah, every one of you is important. You are an almighty, every one of you have sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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we are so productive, every one of us and we can do so much for the Ummah to be able to see and cherish the moments with sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a Jana

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we are not wasting you know we cannot waste our time in idle talks. The Prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said now Ramadan, Moon FEMA cathedral min a nurse or see her world for all, most of the people they are neglectful, about to grade the things one is good health and two is the free time. Make sure that there is no idle talk in your life, in your lifestyle. Everything should be linked with the objective and the ultimate objective should be to see Allah Allah subhanahu wa taala that is what we need to have. And that is what I call it as MMS Muslim mindset. What is the Muslim mindset is the wisdom is very clear. A Muslim should live a visionary life and the vision is very

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clear. The vision is to see Allah subhanahu wa taala in the highest levels of Jannah. The vision is to cherish moments with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the highest levels of Jannah to be in the company of the companions of sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is the vision the mission is ongoing striving and struggling for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala based on the values of the Quran, and the teachings of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my beloved brothers and sisters, this is the most productive way of living with an objective with a vision, counting up the mission based on the values of the Quran, and the teachings of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, make

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sure that you engage your tongue Subhan Allah is so significant organ in our bodies. So significant Subhan Allah, that with it, you can get into Jana, or with it you can get into Jahannam it's up to us. The choice is ours. How do we want to take it? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, he said, Maxim them the more number of people they go to jahannam because off the tongue, And subhanAllah there's so much that we can do with our time as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said two statements, two statements, so light on their time and heavy on the scales, what are they Subhan Allah he will be handy. Can you repeat after me Subhan Allah he will be handy

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Subhan Allah Allah Azim

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Did it take? How long?

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How long did it take? Few seconds. Look at the outcome. Amazing. This is the way that we need to invest. This is the way that we need to invest our lives because it's only one chance that we have in our lives. We need to make it or break it. And may Allah subhanaw taala make our Ark era as the best abode in sha Allah. But I mean

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the fourth habit of an Ideal Muslim, my beloved brothers and sisters is what Latina homeless, let's Zuccotti fire alone. Now, this is something which is so attached to us because of the materialism that we are going, we are getting engaged with Allah subhanaw taala, he says, The one who purifies themselves, remember, my beloved brothers and sisters, an Ideal Muslim, when he pays for the sake of Allah, he gains that doesn't go, it comes back in multi tool, you know, in a multi way, in fact, in multiples, it comes back. So that's an Ideal Muslim, he knows where to invest, he knows how to invest and for what he has to invest. That is the reason we need to have this habit of an Ideal

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Muslim by pains aka purifying internally, and pain, which actually purifies our wealth, which actually removes the problems, the difficulties, which actually, you know, helps us to forgive, to be forgiven by Allah subhanahu wa Tada, which actually helps us to be directed in the path of prayer.

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The fifth habit of an Ideal Muslim, my beloved brothers and sisters, one lady in a homely Fuji him half alone,

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Allah subhanaw taala, he talks about the habit, which basically is an eerie bada off the body, talking about the Salah, and over and above, it talks about what's your near your believe what, what is the way that you actually stay in terms of your iman, your heart, and then it comes to body, it comes to talking, it comes to paying, now it comes to the prevention, a Muslim cannot just do God, he needs to make sure and he should be careful in abstaining, that which is bad. That which displeases Allah, make an agenda, my beloved brothers and sisters, make an agenda in your life. That whenever you do God, whenever you do good, ask Allah to accept it. And you always be conscious on

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the dangers that basically keeps you away from Allah subhanaw taala. And this is something which makes us away from Allah subhanaw taala warns us that those people who actually, you know, get into such an evil, where they actually transgress the limits set by Allah subhanaw taala those people who are conscious, they guard their private parts, and the Prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, I take a guarantee. What did he say? I take a guarantee and we know when the vendor a suit of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam and he says something, we know that it comes from Allah Allah Riza as Allah says Rama Yun Tippu Anil Hawa in Hua Illa, what are you ha, he does not speak anything from

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himself, but that which Allah reveals to him. So he says, I guarantee, I guarantee a person, Jana who makes a protection what is between his jaws, and what's between his legs, meaning his time and his private parts, when you strive yourself in the best possible way to protect your tongue to have that control as the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, he said,

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speak good, or remain silent, speak God or remain silent. And this tongue needs to get engaged in that which is good. And it is highly highly

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given as an instruction that you gain that momentum of modesty. It's not about getting into the limits or crossing the limits set by Allah subhanaw taala but being there

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very conscious of the Laura Bucha is is is one Takara Bozena don't go or don't approach near Zina.

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And that's how we basically protect ourselves. We know when they walk in, we see a lot of dangers. We see there are things which are displeasing to Allah, Allah subhana wa taala. And whenever we do anything that is displeasing to Allah, we you need to make this very clear and mark these words, my beloved brothers and sisters, every time we commit sin, we get away from Allah and Allah and this is a tragedy to go away from Allah subhanaw taala because when we go away from Allah, we go in the company of shaitan and we know the abode of shaitaan is jahannam. So we need to make sure that we protect ourselves and we move on with that which is good.

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Then Allah subhanahu wa taala he talks about the sixth habit of an idol Muslim, Allah subhanaw taala he says, well, Lavina homely Lee Amana to him why the hem raw rune. This is such

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an important statement and a habit and a character that a Muslim need a reminder, me and every one of you need a very powerful reminder on this. Allah subhanaw taala he says, And they who are the trust's and they promises attentive, when we say a word, a commitment with someone, we have to honor it, we need to be on it. Because it's so significant that when we don't do it will be questioned by Allah, Allah Riza directly on the Day of Judgment, as he mentioned in Surah Surah Bani Israel in that you will be questioned about the promises, the agreements, the the promises, and the engagements that you do, the commitments that you do, you will be questioned about it, be it be it

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with your own child, be it with your wife, if you say a word An Ideal Muslim is he keeps up his word. He always strives to make sure that he doesn't let down people in terms of his commitment in terms of his promises and he is absolutely honorable in terms of you know, keeping us the Amana the Amana which with which he will be questioned, so be it Amana or be it fulfilling the promises as a lot of barista. He says yeah your Alladhina amanu our food bill or good or you believe fulfill your promises, you commitments, my beloved brothers and sisters, the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam an example with no parallel Wallahi a shining example for all ages. A person who was

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declared by Allah Himself, lacquer the cannula confy Rasool the lie was what on Hassan The best example for you to follow in your life is the example of Muhammad Sallallahu ala Listen, look and learn the seed of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, when the people of Makkah were trying to catch him for his assassination. For his trouble for his torture for his punishment. They were still kept the reserves the Amana with Muhammad Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and when he was commanded to make hijra,

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he said i Li or the Allah who I knew, I li make sure that this Amana should be given back to those who kept in mind your interest in mind custody what was given as an Amana you have to make sure that it should be given back to them. This is an example we have to follow in our lives. Today. There is a need to uplift our character and character is something which is of dire need my beloved brothers and sisters. Look what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has to say about it. He said the nearest and dearest, the nearest to me, and the dearest to me on the day of judgment will be the one who has good character. My beloved brothers and sisters, it's just not about fulfilling the

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promises. It's just not about being an ideal in terms of keeping an Amana with carefulness. It's about exemplifying the character as a whole because the whole world

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To Wallahi is looking at you and me, we are counting the brand of Islam, we are looking at things which are not desirable. So we need to exemplify that which people will say, Who is this? Who, who are these people? What do they follow? Whom do they follow, and they go back and study that we follow the suit of Allah, our Habib, our beloved Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam. The last habit, my beloved brothers and sisters, as an Ideal Muslim that I would like to share

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is about a fact about to reality

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that many of us tend to forget. And this is in itself is so important to live with that belief. And that is the belief in after an Ideal Muslim, he will never, ever, I repeat, he will never, ever forget that he does not belong to this world. This is not the way that an Ideal Muslim thinks. He thinks beyond. And that's the reason he invests here. And if he gets your hamdulillah if he doesn't get it, he knows where he's investing. He knows and he expects, and he's certain in the Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa taala. He knows that he's going to get that back. The struggle, the patience, the striving, the kind of restrictions perhaps, that he's going through, he know that he's gonna get

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back Wallahi my brothers and sisters when we apply Islam in our lives,

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it is for our own god because the designer, Allah bryza, he designed this lifestyle. It is described

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by a by the Rasul of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, and it is prescribed by Allah azza wa jal. So the connection that we have to have with our Cara that is the habit that I would like to share as an idol Muslim, an Ideal Muslim, he always makes sure and he keeps reminding himself to make sure that he's never disconnected. And he always yearns to meet Allah subhanho wa taala. He always looks forward to meet Allah subhanaw taala because he realizes the essence of his life, he realizes

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the ultimate thing that he's gonna get, which is the best thing is meeting with Allah or Buddha is

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May Allah subhana Huhtala help us to have that, that beautiful blessing to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala I mean,

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my beloved brothers and sisters, the first habit as I mentioned, to be an Ideal Muslim, is to have firm and correct belief in Allah subhanaw taala. As an Ideal Muslim, we need to make sure and continue our journey in struggling and striving to gain who shoo in our salah.

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As an Ideal Muslim, we need to make sure that we don't get into engage into idle talks rather we become productive enough for the Ummah which helps us to be beneficial, beneficial for us, and the rest as an Ideal Muslim. We need to pay soccer and purify ourselves as an Ideal Muslim. We need to make sure that we prevent our, our our our private pots and Allah directs it in a in a proper way with our spouses. As an Ideal Muslim, we need to own our promises. As an Ideal Muslim we need to fulfill our promises. As an Ideal Muslim, my beloved brothers and sisters, we always need to have that connection with our Kara May Allah subhanaw taala help us all to gain this beautiful, beautiful

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moments to stay to cherish in the company of sallallahu alayhi wa sallam witnessing the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala I would like to end with this prayer for one in all May Allah subhanahu wa taala shower his choices, blessings on every one of us. They own my across and guide the humanity to a way that is so peaceful to a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanahu wa

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A WA Putrajaya Juana and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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