Ahmed Hamed – Blessings of Allah

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of gratitude to Allah for the blessings and favors he has given. They emphasize the need for gratitude and a sense of gratitude towards the creator. The speaker also asks for guidance and help from Allah Almighty to protect the beautiful nation of the UAE and to shower the blessings and mercy of all Muslims.
AI: Transcript ©
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All praises belong to

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Allah. We praise him. We seek his help

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and support

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in all our matters. We send peace and

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upon Muhammad

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upon his family, upon his companions, and upon

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all those who follow him up until the

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last day. My brothers and sisters,

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welcome to Jumah Khutbaah summary. The topic of

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today's Khutbaah in Dubai

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is being grateful to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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being grateful to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is

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the trait of a true believer.

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indeed, a true slave of Allah, a true

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believer in Allah, the one who has

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sincere faith in Allah Almighty,

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he is always grateful to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. He always

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. He will always

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be in a state of contentment.

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Why? Because he is grateful.

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He always glorifies, praises Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And why shouldn't we

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glorify and praise Allah?

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Why shouldn't we be thankful to Allah when

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He has given us so many,

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so many things,

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countless blessings

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and favors that He has given. Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala He says

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If you and I were to count

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the favors, the bounties, the blessings of Allah,

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we will never be able to count them.

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My brothers and sisters, it is the command

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of Allah Almighty

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to be grateful. Allah Almighty says,

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Remember me so that I will remember you

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and be grateful to me

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and do not deny me. SubhanAllah,

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being grateful is something that is so much

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needed for a person to be at calm,

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to be at peace, to be satisfied,

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to be at

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the state of joy

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and contentment.

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Because those people who are ungrateful,

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who are inconsiderate

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for the favors, for the blessings that are

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there within them and around

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them, they will always be unhappy.

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They will always celebrate sadness.

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But then, on the contrary,

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those people who are grateful to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala,

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those people who acknowledge

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the favours and the blessings of Allah, those

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people who are in true

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awe to Allah Almighty

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in a way that they always

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have sense of gratitude

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towards their Creator Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la, they

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will always be happy. They will always

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understand the situation

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whether it is in prosperity

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or in adversity,

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whether they are in peace

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or they are in pain, they will always

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greatness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and this

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is something which is very much needed. You

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know, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he

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he manifested

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his gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in

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terms of his worship.

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People used to ask

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him, you know, why do you,

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you know, pray so much? Why do you

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put so much of struggle and effort when

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Allah Almighty has forgiven your past, present and

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the future sins?

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He said something wonderful

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which should stay in our minds and hearts

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and lives, my brothers and sisters. He says,

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Afala akunu Abdul shakurah?

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Shouldn't I be grateful to Allah

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for the favors that he has given me?

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So my brothers and sisters, focus on favors.

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You'll be happy.

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the goodness that Allah has provided you. Yes,

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we understand that we do go through situations

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that are tough.

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Trials, troubles, problems, challenges,

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but then the true believer he comes out

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from that by this mindfulness

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that he has to say Alhamdulillah

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in all situations. So we ask Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala to help us develop this trait

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of gratefulness,

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to show gratitude to Allah

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and to the creation. We ask Allah

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to grant well-being and goodness to his highness,

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Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the president

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of the UAE. Likewise, we ask Allah Almighty

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to bless all the rulers of the Emirates.

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We ask Allah Almighty to help and protect

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this beautiful nation, the UAE,

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from all kinds of evils and harms. We

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ask Allah Almighty to shower his blessings and

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mercy and peace to all Muslims across the

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globe. We ask Allah Almighty to grant guidance

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to the entire humanity.

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