Adnan Rashid – Islam’s War on Terror

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The history of Islam has been discussed, including its expansion into the political world and its impact on the world. The majority of native population was not accounted for in the first and second centuries, causing drastic behavior and behavior changes. The speaker notes that the Ganga was the only group of people who broke rules of the new world, and that the majority of native population was not accounted for in the first and second centuries. The lack of indigenous culture in the US is a permanent consequence of Western culture, and the need for more Muslimmedicine and intellectuals to study their history is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Africa, the continent of Islam, right? The Muslim continent.

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So, I know you've you've thought a lot of history courses around the world as well. And you're currently working on a history book. And you also write poetry in the Urdu language. And I see you admire Mira and hyaluronic ball which I think anyone that's interested in Urdu, admire those people. And you live with your family in in London. what's the what's your, what's your books, name? And when? When is it going to be on the shelves? There is a working title I have for the book, which is Islam war on terror. Okay, there is a war on terror, which has been going around,

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or which has been going on since last 20 years.

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But I wrote this book on Islam, the war on terror, how Islam removed terror from the world, the terror of tyranny, the terror of injustice, the terror of poverty, the terror of abuse of rights, and things like that. So I talk about how Islam expanded as a political power, and how it was established. And then what was the behavior of early Muslims, and later generations, of course, towards the other, the other what I when I say the other I mean, the vanquished people, people who were conquered by the Muslims in the first century of Islam. So the book pretty much talks about how much this took all these large chunks of land. And why was the conquest so rapid? What caused this

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speed to occur? And how did the Muslims treat the other? When people did come under the Muslim domain, when people were ruled by the Muslims, early Muslims, and then later generations? What was the outcome? So this is what the book talks about?

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That's very interesting, actually, brother, I look forward to it. And, you know, one of the things that come to my mind is, if we compare that to, for example, I'm, I'm in Canada, I'm from Canada. And when when the Europeans came to Canada, I look at Canada today, there's no sign of indigenous people. And it's like, a whole, you know, eradication of and there was there was a huge you know, recent news about you know, the greatest that were found of children and in these schooling systems that that basically

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slaughtered all these all these kids.

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I look at the the the difference between how Europeans came, for example, to Canada and kind of the the diminishing indigenous culture. And, and versus, you know, Mali, for example, you know, where it was, those were there like 95%, of indigenous population is that Muslim, it's, it's a, it's a totally different drastical change. So very, very important topic.

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You see, when you study the history of Islam and the expansion of Islam, if you like, in the first century and the second century, you see, Muslims came to govern land from China to Spain. This was a large chunk of land, ruled by one group of people governed by one ideology. And this was the largest chunk of land ever taken by one group of people. To date. The Muslims are past the conquest of Alexander the Great and other Roman emperors, let's say, who lived before Islam. And Mongols happened to be the only group of people that broke that record geographically speaking, right? But the Mongols didn't last. Why didn't they last? Why didn't Why didn't the native or the indigenous

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people of the lands Mongol, Mongols conquered convert to Mongol ism, or if there was a religion of Mongols, or the way of the Ganga is can't the the way of Ganga is gone? Which was documented in his book, a jasek. Right. So what caused the people to follow Islam when Muslims conquered all these lands where Muslims took these lands from China to Spain? What caused the native indigenous people to accept Islam as their way of life? This is a very, very interesting question is a pressing question which people must look into the war the word characteristics, no doubt in Islam as a way of life that attracted people, people saw it as a civilizing force. People saw Muslims as liberators

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not as the pressures necessarily Of course there were periods of disturbances and unfortunate events. But the general history of Islam when you look at the history of the Muslim civilization through

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about China to Spain, you will see that you will not find any mass graves of the indigenous people you will not see children killed in cold blood. Or you will not see mass migrations of the native people of these lands. They weren't driven away. They weren't massacre. They were not. They were no genocide against them, you see. So this is something I can say with confidence. As I said earlier, there were unfortunate events, but they were very, very exceptional. The general behavior of the Muslims when they ruled foreign lands, they were very upright, generally speaking, Justice prevailed. People lived in harmony. Muslims, Jews and Christians coexisted predominantly, throughout

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the Muslim Muslim lands, there were again periods of disturbances like the Crusades. Okay, there were some pogroms against the Jewish people. Again, you can count them on your one hand, let's say two or three examples I can give you from the Muslim history when the Jewish people were actively persecuted. But these persecution were periodical there were

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exceptions. But when you look at the Jewish history throughout the Muslim lands, for over 1000 years, Muslims and youth coexisted perfectly well, and the Jewish people flourished. So a lot of these things need to be discussed more and more so that we can do away with this rhetoric and this narrative that Islam somehow oppressed the other

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people who were conquered by early Muslims, and these people were broken, the the indigenous cultures were completely decimated, or things like that, for example, you have very often,

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when you see pseudo intellectual or pseudo historian speaking on mainstream channels, unfortunately, in India, or in western countries, so these notions need to be challenged more and more. That's why we need more Muslim historians, more Muslim scholars and intellectuals who study our history. from China to Spain, we need scholars who specialize in regions in languages, in cultures, in history of science, history of our monuments, history of our manuscripts, history is and the list goes on. This is what we need. And once we have a solid bunch of scholars, let's say in Canada, in the US, or in Britain, or in Australia, who are writing books actively to demystify the image of Muslim

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civilization, you will see things will change islamophobes will shut up, these pseudo intellectuals will simply disappear, they will realize that there is no point of lying or distorting the history of Islam anymore.

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Absolutely. I mean, that's the perfect

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let's say advertisement for for the group that we've launched at it Institute called Muslim legacy. We aim to create historians. That's what we aim to do. And and we'll definitely have more conversations. Hopefully, the brother and I this is the beginning of multiple conversations. And in the same way that you talk about these things, that is little known. Another topic that is little known is around the translation movement to what we are titling this as translating civilizations, and how

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