Adnan Rashid – Could Humans Possibly Author the Quran – Secrets of Egyptology

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The history of the Bible is discussed, including the use of "verbal" to refer to the ruler of Egypt, the construction of a new kingdom, and the use of Adducifixion" in ancient Egypt. The Bible has a large nation of Israelites, and the use of impalement, suspension, and the Roman Cross as symbols of madness are discussed. The history of coinage and discoveries of precious metals, the sixth king's death, and the discovery of an egg in the Bible provide insight into the origin and context of various coin discoveries.
AI: Transcript ©
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Egypt landed the pyramids and Pharaohs, one of the most studied and scrutinized civilizations of the ancient world, and yet it remains veiled in mystery. In this video, we are going to see that the Quran reveals secrets about Egypt, that until recently were lost to mankind.

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Pharaoh was a tyrant in Egypt in slaving and persecuting the children of Israel. The Quran states the following about the death of Pharaoh and his supporters.

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Note the words heaven and earth wept not for them. Recently on earth pyramid text has granted his new insights into the meaning of this verse, the pyramid text reads, The sky weeps for you, the earth weeps for you when you ascend to heaven as a star. Here, the pyramid text praises Pharaoh, claiming that upon his death, he will ascend through the sky and claim supremacy of the heavens by becoming a star.

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We can see that the Quran quotes the pyramid text directly in its rebuttal of Egyptian undulations of Farah. What's amazing is that knowledge of the ancient Egyptian language of hieroglyphics was last to mankind at the time the Quran was revealed. It wasn't until the discovery of an artifact known as the Rosetta Stone in the 18th century, over 1000 years after the revelation of the Quran, that mankind has been able to fully decode the hieroglyphics.

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When you hear the word fairer, what comes into your mind, most people think of the supreme ruler of Egypt. This is correct, but the word did not always refer to the supreme ruler. Ancient Egyptian history is divided into different periods. The word Pharaoh, Egyptian para had different meanings depending on the period of Egyptian history. Historically, the word Pharaoh only started being used as a title for the supreme ruler, much later in Egyptian history during the new kingdom period. Before this, the word meant greathouse and was used to refer to the Royal Palace. The Encyclopedia Britannica stets. Pharaoh, originally, the Royal Palace in ancient Egypt, the word came to be used

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for the Egyptian King under the new kingdom.

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Let's now analyze the Crohns accounts about Egypt. In light of these historical facts, like the Bible, the Quran discusses the prophets Joseph and Moses, who both spent time in Egypt, Joseph is dated by scholars to either the Middle Kingdom or second Intermediate Period, well before Pharaoh meant ruler. In the story of Joseph, the Quran repeatedly uses the word King to refer to the ruler of Egypt. He has never once called Pharaoh.

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Moses is dated by scholars to the new kingdom period. In the story of Moses, the crown repeatedly called the ruler of Pharaoh, he has never called King.

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We can see that the Quran is accurate in its use of language when it comes to describing the leader of Egypt at different periods in its history. How could the author of the Quran have known this? The only source of information about ancient Egypt that would have been readily available are the Bible based stories to claim that the Quran copied from the Bible is problematic, because the Bible uses the word Pharaoh to refer to the Egyptian ruler in the story of Joseph, which is historically inaccurate. The Quran cannot have copied from the Bible, because the Quran corrects the Bible.

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Although the Bible explicitly states that at the time of the Exodus, the Israelites men were vast in number. The Israelites journeyed from rameses to succoth. There were about 600,000 men on foot besides women and children. If we factor in the women and children, then the total number of Israelites would realistically be in the millions. This claim of a vast nation is problematic in light of other information that the Bible provides. Firstly, Pharaoh is said to have appointed two midwives to deliver and murder Israelite babies.

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The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives whose names were shipra and poor when you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery store, if you see that their baby is

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Boy kill him.

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To midwives would only be sufficient for such a task if the Israelites were small in number, and giving birth to a manageable number of babies to midwives would not be sufficient for a vast nation of millions.

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Secondly, the Bible tells us that after the Exodus, God informed Israel that they would not be granted the land of their enemies straight away. But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little, I will drive them out before you until you have increased enough to take possession of the land. Not the reason for the Israelites being denied immediate possession of the land. It is said that wild animals will overpower them.

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Such a statement only makes sense if the Israelites were small in number, and not a vast nation of millions as the Bible claims. By contrast, the Quran states that the Israelites were only a small band at the time of Moses.

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We can see that the Quran fixes the contradictions that are present in the biblical narrative.

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Oh, the Quran states that the punishment of crucifixion was used in ancient Egypt from the time of Moses, all the way back to the time of Joseph. Now the word crucifixion typically brings to mind the Roman cross. However, in antiquity, there were different forms of crucifixion, Professor of archaeology, David Chapman wrote, in studying the ancient world, the scholar is wise not to differentiate too rigidly the categories of crucifixion, impalement, and suspension. Hence, any study of crucifixion conceptions in antiquity must grapple with the broader context of the wide variety of penal suspension of human beings. The Arabic words translated as crucified in the Quranic

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verses, all contain the root word, cyber

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Arabic dictionary state that this route carries a number of meanings, including to harden or stiffen, and to extract oily matter from bonds.

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This word does not only mean death by being hung on a Roman cross, rather, it indicates any method of execution, which makes the body hardened or stiffened and results in the leaking of bodily fluids. So impalement, suspension and the Roman cross are all included without making any distinction.

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Archaeological evidence shows that the ancient Egyptians used to crucify people by impalement on a stick. The following entry is taken from an Egyptian German Dictionary of hieroglyphics, not the hieroglyph, which depicts an impaled man. This is a punishment that was used throughout the different periods of ancient Egypt. The abit Papyrus is dated to the new kingdom period. It mentions an oath that includes impalement, he took an oath on pain of being beaten, and of being impaled. The earliest evidence of crucifixion by impalement is Papyrus, Bullock 18, which is dated to the early second Intermediate Period, it states, a bloodbath had occurred with what the comrade was puts on

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the stick,

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we can see that crucifixion by impalement on a stick was carried out during the new kingdom period, and at least as far back as the second Intermediate Period. these time periods cover both Moses and Joseph, which shows that the Quran is historically accurate, as well as mentioning crucifixion. The Quran also narrates the following threat of mutilation made by the Pharaoh of Moses.

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Historically, we know that capital punishment in ancient Egypt became more severe with the advent of the new kingdom period, which is the time of Moses. In fact, the specific punishment of mutilation is primarily associated with the new kingdom period. For example, the Turin judicial Papyrus records, persons to whom was done punishment by severing their nose and ears on account of them ignoring the good instruction set to them.

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These details about crucifixion and mutilation are missing in the Bible.

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There is a Jewish commentary The Midrash Shabbat rubber, which mentioned

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Pharaoh threatening Moses with burning crucifixion. But this is a much later work that was composed centuries after the Quran was revealed.

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Although neither the Bible nor cron identifies the Pharaoh of Moses by name, we can use the details provided in the scriptures to try to identify the Pharaoh.

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Both Scriptures speak of the Israelites being taken into slavery before the birth of Moses. The use of Semites for slave labor occurred only during the new kingdom period. So we can place Moses somewhere in the New Kingdom period. This gives us a list of 33 possible Pharaohs.

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Both scriptures also speak of an exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. them an epic esteli is an important artifact that contains the first explicit reference to Israel in the archaeological record. It is dated to around 12 108 BCE. It discusses the land of Canaan, and mentions the Israelites in relation to canon indicating that the exodus had already taken place. by this date. The artifact is contemporaneous to the pharaoh nepta. This means that the exodus had to take place before my neptr since my nepta was alive and empower after the Exodus and not drowned in the sea. This establishes an upper boundary in the timeline of the pharaohs. From the point of view of both

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the Bible and Quran. We are now left with 18 Pharaohs as candidates who may have ruled during the time of Moses. Let's now delve deeper into the biblical narrative. The Bible claims that there were two different Pharaohs who were in power. The first died while Moses was in hiding in Midian. When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh, and went to live in Midian. During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The new Pharaoh continued his predecessors persecution of the Israelites, and it was the second Pharaoh, who was later drowned when Moses crossed the sea. The Bible gives us a timeline for these events. The burning bush encounter with God

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took place when Moses was eight years old. So from his birth to the Exodus, there was a span of at least eight years, during which two Pharaohs ruled Egypt. Now, there is a big problem. If we compare this biblical narrative to the timeline of the pharaohs. We've seen that the Bible claims exactly two Pharaohs ruled during the eight year period from the birth of Moses to the Exodus. If we consider the number of years that each of the pharaohs ruled, we can see that there is no eight year period during which only two Pharaohs ruled any given eight year period will give you at least three Pharaohs in power, we can see that the biblical narrative contradicts the historical evidence. Let's

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now compare the Quranic narrative. Unlike the Bible, the Quran depicts a single Pharaoh, ranging from the birth of Moses all the way up to the Exodus. The Quran informs is that Moses fled to median when he reached the age of maturity. The Quran defines the age of maturity as 40 years old. The Quran also informs us that during his time in Midian, Moses spent eight to 10 years in the service of his father in law, before returning to Egypt to face Pharaoh. This means that Moses was at least 48 years of age when the exodus happened. The only Pharaoh during the new kingdom period, who had such a lengthy reign as an absolute ruler, was Rama cyst, the second who ruled for 66 years. The

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Quranic account is perfectly in line with historical evidence and fixes the chronological issues that are present in the biblical narrative.

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let's now compare the life and religion of promises the second to the claims that the Quran makes about the Pharaoh of Moses.

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This claim that the Pharaoh of Moses was extravagant has been proven by archaeological discoveries, which show that rameses the second was the grandest of the pharaohs. The archaeologist Peter Clayton wrote, his genuine building achievements are on a Herculean scale. The archaeologist Eric uphill wrote, The palace of rameses was probably the fastest and most costly royal residents ever erected by the hand of man. The Egyptologist Kenneth kitchen, wrought certainly in his building works for the gods.

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ceramicist the second surpassed not only the 18th dynasty, but every other period in Egyptian history. With regards to the religion of the Pharaoh of Moses, the Quran makes the following claim.

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The Quran states that the Pharaoh of Moses was arrogant, Exalted himself to the position of God. Modern archaeological discoveries have proven this to be true rameses the second, built the great temple at Abu Simbel, to honor himself. Its entrance is flanked by four colossal statues of rameses, the second which dwarf the statue of Ra Hauraki god of the horizon located above it, this temple also contains an image of Rama sister second, making a sacrifice to his divine self.

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The Quran makes the following claim about the Pharaoh of Moses, who got drowned in the sea, Leone and on and

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on in Canada.

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We can see that the Quran explicitly states that the pharaohs body will be preserved as a sign for future generations. Not that the Quran never makes such a statement about any of the other destroyed nations that it discusses, typically stating that there are abandoned buildings and ruins have been made signs for later generations. This claim about a body being preserved is unique to the Pharaoh of Moses. The body of Rama sister second was discovered by archaeologists in the year 1881. See, the mummy has been on display in the Cairo museum. And over the last century, it has been seen by millions of tourists from all over the world. In the following documentary, sir Tony Robinson states

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that rameses The second is one of the few Pharaohs whose body has survived largely intact.

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Just across the river from luxol eyes the famous Valley of the Kings, where Ramses himself was buried.

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His mummy was discovered in 1881,

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one of the few Pharaohs whose body has survived largely intact.

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Historically, priests had concealed his body in a secret location in the year 1000 BCE, because of a problem with grave robbers. Nothing was known about his mummy in the intervening period of almost 3000 years. At the time, the Quran was revealed, the whereabouts and fate of Pharaoh's body was unknown. During the 3000 year period in which the body was hidden, it could easily have been damaged or stolen, it may have even remained last forever locked away in its secret location, never to be rediscovered. If you think about it, the statements in the Quran are not only historically accurate, but also represent quite a bold prophecy.

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The Bible informs us about a series of plagues that God brought upon Egypt. The Book of Exodus enforces that the first six of these plagues are as follows. First, the Nile was turned into blood. Second, masses of frogs, third, swarms of mosquitoes fourth swarms of flies.

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Fifth, the death of livestock sick boils on people and animals. Now at first glance, their series of plagues in the biblical narrative may seem random and unrelated. However, the Quran sheds light on these events. The Quran states the following about the divine punishments against Egypt.

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Notice the first punishment mentioned by the Kron a flood. This is unimportant detail that is not found in the Bible. This punishment of a flood actually explains the six seemingly random and unrelated plagues in the biblical narrative. A flood would result in high concentrations of red Earth, entering the Nile River, and causing a blood light color, killing fish and making the water undrinkable. As described in the biblical narrative. This phenomenon is attested to historically as recorded by a Middle Kingdom Egyptian sedge. See the river is blurred. One shrinks from other people and thirsts for water.

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The rest of the biblical plagues are also easily explained as a consequence of the flood

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Frogs mentioned in plague number two are known to fill the land after Nile floods. The death of the frogs recorded in the biblical narrative can be caused by contamination of anthrax that was carried over from the rotting fish mosquitoes mentioned in plague number three, proliferate after Nile floods, as the pools of water left over from the flooding would have allowed them to over breed. swarms of flies mentioned in plague number four, will be brought about by the massive death of frogs on the land. The death of pasturing livestock mentioned in plague number five can be explained by anthrax as brought on the land by the frogs. The boils on humans and cattle mentioned in plague

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number six may have been caused by bites. The stable fly in particular is infamous for its vicious biting of mammals.

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We can see that the Crown's mention of a flood easily explains the biblical plagues, which are not random as initially appears to be the case, but in fact, a series of interrelated events

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the Quran mentions the following incident about Joseph while he was in Egypt, or Shona

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handy here the cron states that Joseph was sold for a paltry price. The Arabic phrase used is da hammer mat to do that, in which contains the words Durham and Matt dude. Durham means a unit of silver coinage or wet mat dude means countable or limited in number. So the Quran is making the claim that Joseph was sold for a small amount of countable silver. There is plenty of historical evidence that standardized units of silver were used in transactions in ancient Egypt. Small pieces of silver, known as shotty were used in trade. The Tomb of neon quantum and Quantum hotep, is dated to the Old Kingdom period. It contains a scene of a busy open air market with goods for sale. cubits

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of cloth, for example, are said to be sold for six shotty. The rent mathematical Papyrus is dated to the second Intermediate Period. It discusses the relative values of gold, silver and lead in terms of shotty small silver bars bearing the name of Pharaoh tuten kamoun have been dated to the new kingdom period. They are inscribed with a hieroglyphic which states tooten Carr moon ruler of Heliopolis in Upper Egypt. Until recently, historians believed that the minting of precious metals was a later Greek invention. These recent Egyptian archaeological discoveries have forced historians to completely revise their understanding of coinage in the ancient world. How is it possible that

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such knowledge was revealed in the Koran nearly one and a half 1000 years ago. The Bible mentions that Joseph was sold for 20 of silver. However, this sail is said to have taken place with some Arabs outside Egypt. By contrast, the Quran states that the sale took place inside Egypt. So the Bible could not have been used as a source by the Quran. It is in fact the Bible that contains historical errors when it comes to coinage. For example, the Bible makes the claim that a gold coin known as the Derrick was used at the time of King David, they gave to all the work on the temple of God 5000 talents and 10,000 Derricks of gold.

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as historians pointed out there Derek is named after the Persian leader, Darius the great, who lived hundreds of years after King David. The Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges this error. In notable instance of anachronism occurs in first Chronicles 29 seven gold directs coins which were not struck before the time of King Darrius the first IE more than 400 years after David

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The Quran narrates the following conversation between the Pharaoh of Moses and an individual referred to us hi man, welcome on FEMA.

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Hear Pharaoh commanded Harmon to build a tower that would allow him to reach the heavens.

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It's important to understand that Pharaoh's intention was not to literally scale a tower to reach the sky. Rather, it's a reference to the Egyptian belief that after death, the pharaoh would ascend from Earth to heaven, taking his place among the gods. As we covered earlier, the author of the Quran had an awareness of ancient Pyramid Texts that detailed such beliefs, Egyptian monuments, how the bodies of dead Pharaohs, these monuments acted as a bridge between this world and the next. They were filled with religious writings that served as instructions to help the dead Pharaoh ascend to the heavens. Hence, the person in charge of constructing such a monument for Pharaoh would not only

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need to be skilled in architecture, but also highly knowledgeable in religion, a builder priest of sorts. Let's now turn to history to see if we can identify an individual known as Harmon, who was both a builder and a priest. Earlier we concluded that Rama says the second was the pharaoh at the time of Moses, so we will focus on this time period. A block statue in the Egyptian Museum of Munich contains a biographical account of the life of a high priest named back enhancer. In his own words, he states, I am one truly reliable, useful his Lord who performs magnificent deeds within his temple. I being principal chief of works in the state of Amman. I erected obelisks of granite stone,

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whose tops reached to the sky. Here, back in Hansel tells us that he served the pharaoh in two ways, first by performing rituals in the temple, and second as chief architect.

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In fact, back in Hangzhou was an architect extraordinare being one of the greatest in all of ancient Egypt. He is responsible for constructing the temple of our moon at carnac, a monument that remains one of the largest religious structures ever created by man. With regards to the priesthood, back in Han Soo informs us that he had a very long and illustrious career. I was a third prophet of Amazon for 15 years. I was a second prophet of Amazon for 12 years. He appointed me high priest of Amazon for 27 years. here back in Honolulu is stating that he served the god Armaan. Throughout his priestly career, Moon is the name of an Egyptian deity who rose to prominence during the new kingdom

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period. By the time back in Han Soo died. He had been a priest for many decades, having served Rama sr, second as high priest throughout his reign. Both Rama says the second and back in Han Soo were contemporaries who died around the same time. What about the Crohns mention of Harmon? How does it relate to back enhancer? Back in Han Soo refer to himself by the title High Priest of our moon.

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The actual phrase in the hieroglyphics is hom na ta ta p mana. The word harm literally means servant, and our mana is how you articulate the name of the God our moon in Egyptian. Back in Han Soo was Homme Amarna, meaning 70 of our moon.

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The crumbs mentioned of Harmon may be simply an Arabic version of the Egyptian Hama mana.

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Let's now summarize the main points about buck enhancer. He was a senior ranking figure on the pharaoh rameses, the second acting as both high priest and chief architect, he served in the temple of the God our moon, and those had the title Hama mana. It is clear that all of the historical evidence fits perfectly with the Quranic narrative.

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Now it's important to point out that the Bible also mentions a Harmon, but the resemblance is only in name. The biblical Harmon served on the a Persian king and bears no relation to the Quranic Harmon of Egypt. Yet again, these are details that are completely missing in the biblical narrative.

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In this video, we have seen that the Quran has a remarkable insight into many facets of ancient Egypt, revealing long lost knowledge, while also correcting the Bible. claims that the author of the Quran copied from the Bible are clearly rubbished. In light of such facts. The Quran boldly declares its origins. I

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mean, I mean

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to learn more about the miracles of the Quran, please download your free copy of the book The eternal challenge at the link below.

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