Adnan Rajeh – The significance and etiquettes of Jumaah #10

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The importance of Mr. Duck's collection of hip hop workouts is discussed, along with the significance of the Hadith study. A recent interview with a representative of a Islam school shows that students are more likely to use their own hadith than those of their classesmates. The transcript describes a popular culture event called Jamar, which is a recitation of the Surah to symbolize the day of peace between July and August, and also describes a video of a culture event called Jamar, which is a recitation of the Surah to symbolize the day of peace between July and August. The speakers also discuss the lack of interest in a document that is supposed to be read every week, including a video of a surah and a discussion about reciting it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Vietnam War hockey more famous to the rocky he descended in Hudson, pulling up to me with Leila TV sent a deal. So hear me say he didn't agree Radi Allahu Anhu and then maybe your Salah Allah you early he was salam, I'll call you tonight in the collection, Imam Hakim, his Mr. Dirac.

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Remember how can put together a collection called the animal study. And the word Mr. Duck is something that you did to fill the gap in the work of someone else, or to continue the work of someone else. That's what he looked at his collection of being and what he was trying to fill or complete the workout was the work of Imam, Bukhari and Muslim and there's a hand that he achieved that not by a longshot at all, because the quality of the tools here and his Hadith was not even remotely close to what anybody Muslim did. However, the value of his of his collection is still important historically, because he actually was able to bring to light a hadith that had would have

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not otherwise made it to the light. And the scholars have gone through a lot of

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processes of authenticating these Hadith. So a lot, there are a hadith in his mustard truck that are authentic, and that don't exist anywhere else. So that's the value of it. And there are many others that aren't. But that's no that makes there's no difference between his collection and any other collection of Hadith that you find outside of the Sahara. And but that's what he called it in my mind is probably the most the strictest after those initial two in terms of his talks here, or in terms of his choices he made in the Hadith that he that he that he added to his collections. And then he asked him if he would call become right after him. And the the theme of the significance of

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Joomla and the etiquettes and shell of Joomla will continue with us for maybe another week and a half or two and then he sent out a slot to us and and this is a famous Hadith but I want to share it with you so we can just talk about the idea for a moment it Assad was salam in man para Surah telogen Marathi also writer Cathy's Forgive me yo manager Marathi Allah Allahu mein annuity muy bien el Juma attain, indeed the One who recites recite Surah to curve the day of Juma will bring upon him late between that will fill the gap between the two days of GEMA bring upon them late about alumina, Norman it will bring bring upon late that will fill in whatever is between July and the other July.

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And this this sooner is one of the most widespread Sooners of all time. Of all time if you were to rank the Sooners of Muslims this is something that Muslims wherever you go, no matter how little they know of Islam they know to be so to California named Jamar. But it's fascinating actually, because, you know, it's not one of the Hadith. It's not one of the Sooners that has the most authentic hadith behind it. Like there's other aspects of Islamic etiquette and behavior. It has way better evidence, heavier evidence evidence, it has more authenticity and that is actually repeated by the prophet Allah. He has taught them many more times. And in a lot of people don't know about

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him. But then you talk about sutra Gaviola. Juma and as Subhanallah catch up Hola. Hola. Hola. Cabul, as the scholars will say, this is something that Allah Subhanallah gave it a public acceptance people just loved it. For some reason Muslims wherever you this is something that they just love. They just adhere to, they hold on to it. And there's a lot of aspects actually, there's a scholar who actually put together a collection of Sunon telepaths Hello, Matobo Qaboun one oh, let me

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know, I certainly like there's a collection where of students were that he put he looked at all the sentences that people have just accepted Muslims love, even though they don't have the most authentic narrations behind them, or they don't rank in terms of authenticity or in terms of importance, and just he just took a look at them. And I think it's a very valuable study because it just it shows you what people end up choosing or liking and what Allah subhanaw taala just grants people the the love for we love so it'll go off, we read it every Juma

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but not as much as we used to.

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But not as much as we used to not even close not even close. It is one of those soon as that there is no good reason for it to start to decline. There's no good reason for it to decline. And especially I don't think it needs to decline regardless of whether we're going to fill in something else instead of it that's better than it but it there's no reason for it to decline. It's a beautiful habit the scholars have what's the format that'd be different on what the date of July is in terms of a citation some of them are okay with you starting to recite it on the night of of Thursday like Thursday night like the night of July like once most of it goes off on Thursday

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they're okay with reading it then anytime basically until you are only a small group they're the smallest group of scholars okay with you reading it after so after drama, the majority the vast majority the whopping majority of scholars aren't okay with it read it being read after slaughter Jomar summer okay until also time but the majority of it shouldn't be read read beforehand.

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Now I can tell you why without taking another half an hour.

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Why is it that he chose to cough? That's the question you should be asking yourself why

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Why don't have the whole Quran? Why? Because right in the middle,

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I think that I mean, there should be more to it than that. And there is the beauty of total kaphas actually is breathtaking. The I did the Surah, somebody should go back and listen to the surah summaries and figure out what the theme of it, it's a beautiful surah is extremely, extremely deep i It's one of the songs that I did the Filter field of in English back when we were at Elm and we'll probably do it again, at some point here in Chicago in the future, it does take a fair amount of time, it's around 10 pages in total. So it does take some time for commentary, but it's extremely, extremely deep. It's very important. It doesn't ask you to read something to ponder what to think

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about what other students are you expected to read on a weekly basis? Aside from fact, you had that you read the Ania every day 17 times which is you know, shows you the value of it. But what other sewers are you told read weekly, please weekly? What do you think about it, there's really you're not gonna come up with a lot of examples. You can Okay, I read with a tennis class after Salawa to read through it kursi but for Surah that long, a half of us sort of 10 pages once a week. There's a timing for it doesn't happen very often. There's a few other examples with very, very, very seldom and various, you know, sporadic This is a big deal. There must be a reason for so what I'm actually

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you know, sharing this with you is not just to keep that sunnah going meaning make sure that you recite total calf every Juma you take the time after assaulting soldier for example, or maybe in your morning as you drive to work or drive back or or come a little bit early to Jo ma so you can recite it yourself. But also take some time and reflect on why sutras Yama historical camp is so important because it is because there's so much in it for us to learn it's like every week go back read it again. So he's telling us to pounce on it don't don't jump go back at it again. But you're up No, no, just read it again. But there's another one just read it again read it again until you

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die every Friday read it again. There's something there for you there's something there or else he wouldn't have done that. There would have been there had been maybe a range of students here choose one of these go rotate amongst them throughout throughout the day of gym I know just read this every single Juma To me that's the interesting part and that's the part that we should spend time actually reflecting upon I hope that was a benefit to you. Your Will Imam will hurt you morphine was to the lucky he he said I've been hassling me I'm gonna set up I'm gonna do mutilate themselves. And he said he didn't agree probably Allahu Allahu Allah who earlier send them a call in Amman para su tell

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Kaffee yo manager Marathi Allah, Allah whom in annuity Medina Juma 18. So that Allah Allah Hamdulillah you know, just talking to Blake said Allah wa sallim wa barik ala Muhammad and somebody was like, Baraka if you don't want to

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