Adnan Rajeh – Tafseer Surat AlAhzab #01

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The difficulty of submitting to Allah's subhanaw taala can lead to negative experiences and negative experiences can lead to negative experiences. The importance of practicing certain concepts and avoiding bias in the message is emphasized. The sharia and hikma of Islam are also crucial to achieving success. The importance of acceptance and being a person in one's life is emphasized. The sharia and hikma of Islam are also crucial to achieving success, and the need for women to have their own destiny is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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To the Zoomer, each one of them talks about him my goal here. I know this may sound ambitious, but my goal is that inshallah not only do it and do the translation I that I've seen of that, but we continue the sutras and I have the opportunity inshallah to to show you how each tutor is looking at it differently. So, for example, will focus on the concept of submission of obedience to Allah subhanaw taala in difficult situations. So as I've only talks about situations that are extremely difficult, whether they are financially difficult, socially difficult, personally difficult or militarily difficult, it talks about things. When you when you submit to Allah, when you obey Allah

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subhanaw taala the worst possible time when it's least likely of you to do so when you feel like this is the hardest moment I've ever been in my life. Or you're asked to do something that is extremely awkward for you, that makes you feel it doesn't make you feel comfortable even doing it. So our focus is on that. And you'll see this five, six stories and realize that each one of them is more difficult than the one before like every time we read one that is the the pinnacle of difficulty, then we move to another one to understand, oh, there's a completely different angle of difficulty, to instead of talking about submission, talks about obedience to Allah subhanaw taala in

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the framework of nations that looks at it from from a civilization perspective, it studies how different nations if they obey and they don't obey what happens to them short term and long term, how obedience to Allah subhanaw taala how submission to Allah and to enter the ethical code that he brought will be the reason why civilizations civilizations will either continue or will or will collapse, and so on and so forth. And sort of faltering Yes, you know, stuff like that, each one has a very unique twist, or it looks at the concept of submission of bar of obeying Allah subhanaw taala. And his order in a different way, and how that manifests itself. I mean, what will look like,

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and then what will be the consequences of actually doing it. And that kind of brings, it brings everything into, into perspective regarding that concept.

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So that was that that's the cluster that I chose to begin with. The only reason I did it is because I knew last time when I asked for names, I got 12 Different students, there were two people who said the same name, if I had two people who do the same, there probably would have what was the sort of everyone says something different, like, all right, then I'll just choose something fun of it all, just as long as we're open, as long as the concept is, you know, the Quran, there's just something

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is a very sort of that is rarely explained, I'm not sure if you've heard it, identify it, or for it before, it's rarely explained this Oh, it's about and so these are recited sort of something like yesterday, and you were cited a lot, but I'm not sure if you ever listen to a Tafseer of it, which actually kind of kills the purpose, right? Yeah, reading a pseudo alot. And then not really understanding what the point of it is. And what it's trying to tell you kind of kills the whole vibe of why you would read it in the first place. So the point here is we go through solos that are sometimes underrated in terms of scene and explanation. And at the same time within them, there are

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stories that are very, very famous yet not very well explored in terms of what the what the ideas that they contain are. Alright, so that's the kind of you know, that's the introduction, I will repeat this a number of times in the next company coming into coming weeks, so that you understand these clusters, this cluster of students, what they what their point is what they're looking at. And then maybe if you're interested to read on your own, do your own Yanni readings, and maybe do your own cup of contemplation and reflection upon this, who doesn't maybe see things that I failed to bring up or fail to see, you'll find out to be a very, very interesting sort of very rich Surah how

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stories that are difficult, some of the stories you've heard, some of them you haven't heard before, now you're getting the chance to actually talk about them to explain them will be something unusual or interesting for everyone in terms of seeing how Dinis talks about submission talks about ba talks about obedience,

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accepting the will and the order of Allah subhanaw taala how that manifests itself in the most difficult of times, and what the consequences are, when you do so when it's really hard. And I think this is a good sort of for maybe the times that we're going through, maybe it's a good story for us to kind of understand in terms of

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what happens in life in general, sometimes in life, you will be put in a situation where it's very hard.

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It's very hard to hold on, actually hold you look, that's when that's when people usually go shopping, or shopping. That's usually at that point where you're like, I need I need something I can't do this, this is too hard. So we look for some way out of the situation that you're in, or is that time of your life where you look back and go Yeah, I wasn't focused during that time or I made mistakes or you feel bad about it. That's usually the time that I make difficult where you're not capable for whatever reason to hold on to the word of Allah subhanaw taala and the proper way of doing things and the only reason is, it was just too hard, but just too difficult. You're just going

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through a time where

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the the the scales kind of start rocking. And it's already I mean, I was pulling you in the eye oppositely was heavier than your sense of heartburn sense of righteousness and and follow and followship of of the word of Allah subhana wa Tada now will basically

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almost destroy any argument you have in your mind or the next will give you regarding these types of examples. Why? Because it'll show you a number of situations, and you'll be asking is always just more difficult, but you

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Which is harder. It's not it's not all the same type of hard. I know, we're used to when we hear the word hard. We always think poverty or pain. They always thinking either no money or a lot of pain. And that is obviously a big part of difficulties. But there are other types of difficulties. There are social difficulties, there are definitely either there's reputations, or there's a lot of things that will also be very difficult, and so it takes them one by one. So we'll start Inshallah, with the beginning of the sutras page for 18.

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In the millennium, I'm not sure what number the Sunnah is, to be honest.

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I think it's two and 33. So if you're using a phone, it's the number surah number 33. And the page numbers for 18 will start showing from the from the beginning of it. So it is a Madani Surah obviously, it's the beginning of the of a big cluster of seven students and the Quran.

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And have similar have similar concepts and similar themes, talk about things in a very

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different angles. The very deep sort of Plaza was revealed a number of of months, or after the, after the actual battle itself. So it's called like seven, there's a battle, the fifth year of Israel, and Allah Allah Salam. Now it's called the Battle of Assab or the Battle of hunt duck, it's the same thing. And this sort of was revealed almost right after that, not altogether however, meaning the first couple of pages were revealed within the first

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couple of weeks after Alexa and then the other is going to reveal slowly within the next few years so let's talk about the students that were revealed in Medina but in a prolonged manner starting in year number five it kind of took at least two or three years until the whole sorta kinda was put together regarding different situations that happened in different circumstances that the prophets I send them in the Sahaba Yanni went through Alright, so we'll begin the show from the beginning of the surah

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he Nina show you on your body

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Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim.

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A Johan hon be you tapping?

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theory now, Munna 15.

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Aloha Kena Aleem and Hakeem

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What do you

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eat kami robic?

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Ghana Dima Dima Luna hobby

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whatever can Allah Allah

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He worky

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is the introduction of the surah and its introduction of the Hora cluster of suitors that are going to come later on as we as we go along soon after the other now. It starts with yada yada, right and that is usually the marker of a Metheny Sula, with the with the flute few exceptions of Yeah Even with death and and yeah, you have Mazuma that are very specific to the beginning of the dowel when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam actually came down to her but for generally speaking whenever you see yeah you have started sort of starting with that I looked at you know that it's that he saw this as a rule of thumb whenever you see Yeah, you are living then you immediately make the judgment that

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the sutra is embedded in the sutra there is no you know, in a murky Surah ever it's not it's just not there. Now Yeah, you want to be we may find it in a in a murky Surah but there most more commonly you'll find it in a story that was revealed in Medina meaning after his vision loss of Allah hadI was in Medina meaning after he did his vision, even if the Sunnah, was revealed in Mecca during Umrah or during the festival called the Madani surah. So let's say so when he met Annie, I mean, and he's one of those revealed after his after his emigration to Medina and McKinney's before so after he went to Medina, there were times where he was outside of Medina and Quran came or he was

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during the time of conquering of Mecca or when he did their own right in Mecca. Also crime was revealed but you don't call those a mucky Surah they're called Metheny because it happened post. So pre pre pre immigration and proposed immigration is basically how how the how it all works for the know the nomenclature of the Quranic names of the students. So mockumentaries before and after. So yeah, you want to be we have three or four actually, you have four commands of Allah subhanaw taala right in a row to the prophets I said them which makes it very unique because it doesn't happen very often in the Quran. You don't find it like that.

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It's only similar maybe to a number of other few places like certain with death and maybe also the Muslim but here it starts out yeah, you want to be number one, if

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tequila. So you can see so it tequila, Latin, it can fit in your brain, right? It can be I enter worker four things in a row. These four things we put them together, it explains what the theme of the stool is to come we're going to are going to look like it's talking about the followship is talking about

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the acceptance of the Command of Allah subhanaw taala and the act of submission

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the deen that we follow is called Islam and so it was all the idea all the religions that the prophets before us brought the concept of Islam has always been the same. And it's a very specific one you don't hear the word used besides when you're talking about the faith itself. You rarely hear it as a as a as a command that people use amongst each other every day. I don't I don't come up to you whatever say s&m, or you know, you're talking you don't tell me a slim it's not something that we use in our in our we do call Islam however, but we don't use that as something even to the Quran when we use the module who eat Allah he will question excetera why? Why is that? Well, because there

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were just some is a very broad spectrum word. It's an umbrella word. It's a word that has under it a lot of different concepts. The concept of Islam or a submission is when you accept when you finally come to the point where you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala you were you achieved a level of belief in him or certainty in him subhanaw taala specifically, in what he sent in the prophecy of the prophets of Allah, Muhammad, and in the book that you have, when you come to that point, that takes time, it doesn't happen immediately to go through a certain number of different stages of faith until you come to that. But when you do, your next step has to be the concept of Islam. You

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have to say, well, as long as this is the truth or reality of who you are, if you are Allah subhana wa Tada the way that I've understood you to be and if Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is who he is told us that he is this is the book, this book is what it is, which is the word of Allah subhanaw taala, then all that is left for me to do is to submit. The word submission is used in a lot of different contexts that are very negative, meaning we use it in a negative way when someone's doing it towards someone else, when there's submission of a of a nation to another, or one person to the other. And it's always looked at negatively and it's true. The concept of submission being used in any other

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context, but with God's subpoena without is a negative one.

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All right. And but that's not just for the word submission. There's a lot of other words, that when you use them outside of the context of your relationship with Allah subhana wa Tada, it's a word that carries a high degree of negativity. You don't want to do that ever. But Islam being the biggest of all, submission, what does it mean? It means Allah Who I Am the four concepts that I need this these three brought forward in the, in the form of commands that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave to the Prophet Number one, he was told it ducted law, right. Now what this talk was supposed to what is the talk was supposed to mean like, what are we supposed we say, each other Allah and then it's

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usually usually just a catchphrase it took that's pretty much the end of it. You don't even know he doesn't know what do you mean, you don't always know what you mean, everyone just saying the word no one has any idea what that means? Really, it's usually you're doing something wrong. So it tequila and that's supposed to stop you. But no one really understands exactly what this is supposed to mean. So what the word tequila means it comes from the very simple root of waka. And what that means for you to protect yourself from something for you to put not only to protect yourself, but to put a shield or to put a barrier between you and something that you fear is going to harm you. So when the

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word tuck welcomes, the word tequila is a derivative of the of the word of the concept of the root itself of welcome. That brings forward a style of life that is based on Dakhla, meaning you are someone I've ever heard this in Arabic.

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Doha mkhaya, Hironaka, a large, right. So if you use what means is, if you use a penny to prevent something, it's better than spending any whatever on or it's sorry, if you use a lot of money to prevent something's better than spending less money to fix something that already went wrong, right? So spend more in prevention and actually preventing a problem is better than actually dealing with it after after, after it happens. So and that's what time means. So when the word Taqwa is used, what we're trying to talk about is a style of life. It's a style of life, that is based on prevention. It's based on the fact that you're preventing, you're preventing Allah subhanaw taala

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being angry with you, or you're preventing the dissatisfaction of Allah subhanaw taala ever happening towards yourself. That's how you that's how you that's how you move. That's how you roll in life. You roll that thing. You're the way that you live is a way of life that is based on require based up based on you protecting yourself, how do you protect yourself? Well through a number of different concepts meaning, but the but that's the idea here. It's a preventative, it's a preventative system, and the person and it's not very hard, and the concept of duck was not impossible for you to achieve. Why? Because duckula It doesn't say that doesn't mean that everything

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you're doing you're doing to please Allah subhanaw taala what it means is that everything you are doing is not going to anger Allah subhanaw taala Are you seeing the difference, it's a big difference between the two things. Because there's, there are three statuses, for for

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the way you deal with Allah, certain things will please him, certain things are neutral, he doesn't care, and certain things will just satisfy him he won't be happy with. So once example, something neutral, any whether you eat

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your Raspberry Pi or, or cheesecake, it doesn't matter. As long as it's not, neither of them have haram in them, it doesn't really make a difference what you choose to eat today, or what color tie you ended up wearing in the morning, or it doesn't matter what How many sugars you put in your tea, or this doesn't doesn't make a difference. These are neutral stuff. And then there are things that satisfy him and other things that don't satisfy him. So where does taco work? Taco works on the part where you don't want to do something that the satisfies him, which allows you to say that I'll be doing one of the other two things, either something neutral or something that will please him supine

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or without. Now if it was only something that pleases Him, that would make life literally impossible. Because whether you notice or not, yeah, I need a good percentage of what you do during the day are neutral issues, that maybe 50% of what you do in a day are things that are neutral. You don't necessarily get hassled for it, but you don't necessarily get to either. It's just so if you weren't allowed to do that, if you're a system of of or your style of life, but then I could I could do that I have done something that only pleases pleases Him. And that's asking a bit too much from the person who may not be able to achieve it. But the way that you roll is that I leave a

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preventative life. Most important thing is that I don't fall under his thumb supine with it, that I don't fall under his roof. I'm not doing something that he told me not to do, not disobeying Him. That is my focus. I am making sure that I don't fall into something that he told me not to do. And that's what tough one means. I mean, it doesn't happen just short term, but it's also a planning long term. Anyway, there's a way to write in the haloacetic taqwa, another AI in the Quran. Now where does that come from? People from Yemen used to go to

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tahajjud and they wouldn't take any food with them.

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And they would say to aka not ALLAH and he would die on the way. Right and they were saying they are they would beg people to feed them and to make it does and half of them would make and half of them would die on the way there. So that is what is overdue. You know, take take food with you find the highest daddy Taqwa. Yeah, preventative way of thinking is about is the best of luck. To me, you plan your thing out, there is no toggle, there's no telkwa And you walking out with going nowhere, you know, it's 1000 kilometer trip and you're gonna leave with nothing. And then so you just hope for things to happen. That's there's no Dr. Linda does not talk what is not Dukkha Dukkha. The

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concept of is a preventative system, make it preventing anything happening to you that is negative that will harm you. Whether Yeah, whether it's a short term plan or a long term plan in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala. So that what he mean by you in the Viet duckula. That's the that's the first one. This is all under the umbrella of submission, by the way, well, caffeine will

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lead to prayer. So what is by I mean by means obedience also means don't follow, right. It also means do not be like or do not become similar to someone. So there are three ways of looking at the robot when I played Kathina, when when I've been Allah subhanaw taala distinction of two types of people, there are the caffeine the ones who refuse to believe in Allah subhanaw taala that, and outright disbelievers there on the other side of the rails, they've made that clear, and they're walking in a different direction that you are and they are challenging your set of values altogether. And then they're on them without your pain, who we don't really know where they are. It

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is not clear to what's out there standing on our side or the in the middle on the other side, it they seem to be everywhere every day, and there's really no clarity on them. And that is of course the gray area where we're not really sure what these people are some of them show me I even claim to be Muslim or practice certain parts of the deen and some of them don't. So it's not clear but there's a distinction of both types make it's not just Muslims and Catholics. There's also something in the middle called Muna 15 May Allah subhanaw taala mean make none of us inshallah.

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But there are but there are a group of people who are like that, and they and there are different levels of being whenever there is to the point where you incite hate the deen and you want to destroy it. Of course, you know, the worst thing you can do. And there's simple stuff just like maybe not being honest or not coming on time or whatever. And it's something simple was also part of the fuck.

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So the problem is the lesson that was told without the player and then don't do pa formula 15 or caffeine or whatever. So what does that mean do not follow them, do not obey them, or do not be like them die I think number three is the more is the one that is using the client in other places, but that'll turn them because the mean for example, the idea is Do not be like them do not do not duplicate their their behaviors or their ways of life. And it could also mean don't don't follow them. If they persuade you in doing something haram if they try to pull you down the road that is not right then don't obey them and don't follow them. So all three words can be used. I think the

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Yeah, the one that is more prominent in translation in this in this or in this context is Do not be like them. You do not try and copy them, we're not totally okay for you, you know, when when you are different, the way of life that you have is different though your values are different, your mentality is different, then you must not you must not become like them or behave like them. That's a second one. In Allah Ganapati human Hakima indeed Allah subhanaw taala has been always on even the All Knowing Hekima Now remember, this is the first time in this halacha ever you've had to read something like that? Correct? Because all of us who have you read so far and very rarely do you find

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it like you sort of follow philosophy, these are called Philosophy, where Allah subhanaw taala it says Allah Who afforable him or Allah kind of Allah who in Allah Khanna where he talks about use a name or two names of him is a beautiful name Subhanallah time to bring forward the point. Now why are these? What are these existence into the Quran? Well, for a number of reasons, well sometimes they make sure that you understand the idea of the of yourself meaning it is talking about something that may be a bit ambiguous there was not clarified and then the idea the name of Allah Smita at the end will make it very clear to you what he's talking about. So and the names are just different.

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There are no two names of Allah Subhanallah His names are using the Quran that had the exact identical meaning every name had a different meaning. So I even mean the All Knowing is the most generic name of Allah subhanaw taala does regardless knowledge under it or not, a lot of other names fall under that umbrella name. There's a lot of other names like like hubiera like semirara like basura like luckily for all these names have similar but they're different they have specific differences between Eileen is just a generic name the All Knowing of everything without going into details Hekima is the will always depend on what Diana meaning when he told you tequila, whatever

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you tell Kathleen I will I'm gonna have up I'm telling you two things, live a life that has a preventative system and it's your system of life towards your, towards Allah subhanaw taala should be prevented to prevent yourself from coming up and then getting very disappointed prevent that from happening. Plan from now start finding today so that you're milking me you're not standing there looking at your book, wondering how you ended up here, wondering why why did I do all this? Now this doesn't look good at all, what was I thinking? Well prevent that from happening by making sure you plan it out properly from today, because it's coming if you have a long term plan where you're

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preventing anything that you don't want to happen to happen, right? Number two, do not follow and do not be like those who have made it very clear to you that they're either against your way of life or they are not sure about it. They're somewhere in the middle where they're not because there hasn't been understood that there's a big there's a huge gray area between what Allah subhanaw taala wants, and what he very much dislikes in the Quran. He dislikes things very heavily, like right to love you because he will be Dean for that he can that he adore only a team well, I have no doubt I mean miskeen the one who mysteries the orphan, the one who starves the needy and the hungry. This is the

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this is the you know, the horrible zone. This is the zone that you probably don't meet very many people who are like that, very rare to meet people in that zone where they were they were they hate faith. And they go out of their way to mistreat people who are in need the weak people of the society. And then you have the really good guy you paradigm. You have those who are very close to Allah subhanaw taala spiritual level, and people who spend all their time trying to help other people. That's it. That's and then everyone else is somewhere in that gray area in the middle that the court doesn't really talk about too much. It gives them a name this SNI file, and then there's a

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lot of problems. Yeah, and even, maybe you're smart. Yeah, maybe we're in that gray area. Maybe one of us is closer to this side into that site, but you're still in the gray area. So we don't really know what's going on for you. Like no one really knows what's going to happen for any of us. You're welcome. If you're swimming in that gray area where you're supposed to be doing you're supposed to be somewhere on the on the paradigm of life that Allah Subhan talked about making sure you're not on the other side at least. So in Allah, Hakka Anna Lehmann Hakeem when he told you to do these two things, he knows what he is telling you to do. And he's the most wise when he told you to do to do

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these two things. So it comes to your mind well does Allah subhanaw taala know how hard it is and what they're doing today what we're being told to do and that yes, he does well, are you sure that doing this will bring me happiness and allow me to get there? Yes we do because he is the most wise to partner with data so puts you at ease when we rally him and Hakima you know that what you're told was well thought meaning is it is studied from every angle nothing is missing in it number two, you know that it will serve its purpose properly. And when you hear those two names I'll even hachimura and even Hakima you know immediately that this is something you shouldn't be questioning except it

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is going to work. Why? Because it comes from the old lowering of the always Subhanallah with item right that's the first two commands. The second third command what yeah, right now you will have like an aerobic and then if you're not able to follow this

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surah has started like

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the case you think that the Prophet did something wrong?

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something basic like for carry on

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Do you think it's something basic for the Prophet?

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See, well, everything is basic for everyone at some point and the prophets of Allah, Allah wa sallam at many points in his life, didn't know almost anything that came to do with the deen. And then we educated through the Quran, it was your real, point by point, when you read something like that is well there's a Metheny surah is number five is the fifth year so it's 18 years into his prophecy. So Allah Allah uses them.

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Just because they're basic ideas, doesn't mean that they're not worth reiterating and repeating and explaining. And it's not just about using the wording itself. It's also when things are put together in one in one point. So the first three I come together as a as a group of eyelets that carry with them for concepts that Allah subhanaw taala wants to prophets, allowing them to keep his eyes on in terms of of the way he's going to continue. Why because what's going to come in the store is gonna be very heavy, and what's coming in the next year is also going to be on the same level of heaviness. carrying those four concepts with you will allow you need to be able to practice them

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properly. That's one thing. Another thing is that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is commanded to do something, it's not. It's not just for him, it's for us as well. So what you're what you're studying right now is something that he was commanded to do some nice LM, and then you're supposed to we're supposed to take as well, that's number two. Number three, is that it's, it's really not that basic. To be honest, it's not level very convenient, I'm gonna have to clean is basic from a concept point of view. But from a practical point of view, sometimes it's not as clear, meaning if you're going into a situation where you are being peer pressured every day, by people who aren't

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careful, you're gonna feel clean, and you're slowly starting to lose concept for someone to remind you Latin America, if we didn't have your pain, it's something that you definitely need. Now, and the same thing for for Taqwa. Now, the idea itself is clear to you. But you will go through, you know, different experiences in life, where we're slowly that starts, your eyesight starts to shift to such a slow shift. You didn't spend enough time with people were thinking in a different way. And slowly, you'll find yourself your opinions are very different than they were maybe a year ago, you're not sure if they're right or wrong anymore. And the reason of that, because we got your

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spending to the peer pressure that you're going through or what they're telling you, or the narrative that you're listening to, is it's kind of making you question a lot of stuff. So for that to be brought back and here's here's a number of keep keep these in mind. Now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam why would you need that? At that point? Yes. With Liza Well, yeah, well that's that's that's what we're gonna find. This surah is going to talk about extremely difficult situations, not just for the Muslims, but specifically for the prophets of Allah Allah. And you're gonna you're gonna find time and every time we finish the story moved to the other one, you'll find that doing this is

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was really hard. Making that decision saying these words out he like that was something that was very heated, be very self conscious about it. Some of them he was told by others not to do it. He was sometimes advised by those who were supposed to be Muslims not to do it because it wasn't any we weren't sure about it, maybe it's not the best choice. But Allah Subhan Allah to him to do it anyway. So he did it. And it was hard, and he took heat for it. Sometimes, you'll see and you'll see how the examples will. So the fact that this is these commands at the being of the surah are key. And they're fundamental to understanding the rest of the surah. Keeping your mind Taqwa keeping your

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okay, freemium nothing keeping in mind that you are unique that you will not follow you're not gonna be pressured by other ideologies in terms of doing something that that you may not agree with or may not be their best idea number three you will follow what was has been revealed to you from your Lord what you like and Arabic that and follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord I mean it's not

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it's not clear who's been or how does and it has

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not been but it's not clear whether or not you know, and you don't know what's in their heart. How can you know like Okay should I know what not to do guys like Sure. Well, you may not know the the inner part of the munaf but you will know what is neufeldt There's a difference between what is judging a monad and actually judging something that is that is filled with me fuck

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an example of that is is pretty simple. Maybe today within what's happening with the honey coming back on the

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world agenda now it's becoming a big deal again. There's a lot of people are saying things that are filled with beef up filled with me Falcon when you read it, when you listen to it, when you hear what's being said, it's clear to you that these words are are very biased or very much I need there's an agenda behind is only five minutes. However, it doesn't mean that the person himself isn't enough. You don't judge the person by calling him enough. But what's being said is obviously is obviously an IF up for the prophets of Allah. He knew them when I 15. So he could be told that AutoCAD Farina When would I feel pain because you knew who the lien were, you know them one by one.

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For us. It's more of judging what's being said. Maybe it's more for looking at what's being presented. That's one thing another thing

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is when we say the word Munna if your theme

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you see in Islam, you don't take your deen from someone who can explain it well but he doesn't really practice it at all.

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Within the D It doesn't work like that like you could be someone who studied every single book that has ever been written within Islamic history but you don't pray or you don't really practice the deen your your your ability to actually give any ruling or talk about the deen any form is very highly crippled. And you know what it is you're disabled basically, in terms of talking about it, why because you're not practicing.

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So when you're taking when you're taking advice, or you're taking, you're taking leadership, it's not just the knowledge that you're looking for, you're also looking for the character, meaning it's something that has to be there be there as well. And that's and that's been the tradition within the Islamic Gani within Islamic history and will continue to be that we don't take our deen from people who do not practice properly. Okay, someone who's going to come and talk to us about issues in the Quran. Maybe does not prayer does not faster does not give then this is something that is automatically almost a turnip. I'm not saying what he's saying is wrong. But you lose, you

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immediately lose the connection or the ability or the will to actually ever listen to him. Why? Because that'll tell Kavita you know what I'm gonna have to clean he has made it clear within certain practices that he that he is in the way that he's going about the deen itself. So for the prophets like that's why it's called the UN the BU definitely the

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beginning of the surah he's calling to Allah so he's kind of crying the Prophet so I said I'm specifically because he knows what the 15 are many, many of the Muslims didn't know them when I 15 After that, but you still will know what the fuck is. So it's not it's not the most difficult thing to do weed out what he felt was supposed to be all right.

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What to be highly capable back and follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord. So first one is ethical, it tequila there's a lot of ethics in that second one is more of a more of an identity. Command meaning your uniqueness and your the difference between you and between between the 15th and the Caffrey has to be visible, it has to be clear you cannot be like them, you cannot duplicate them and you cannot follow them or or obey their commands. The third one is what what do I follow whom do I obey? Then it can be ama you're in a coma from but then you will follow what has been revealed to you from your from from your Lord in Allah canovee Matt dama Luna Nabila the second fasciola of this

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surah indeed Allah subhanaw taala husband regarding what you would do hubiera the word Kabira, or the name Kabira means the one who knows and what and this is regarding things that are not visible.

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This is something regarding things that cannot be seen. So whenever you find the name Kabira anytime in the Quran, then you know that Allah Subhana Allah is talking about something that you cannot, it's not seen. So I don't know your intentions. I don't know your feelings. I don't know your thoughts. Allah subhanaw taala. He's, I mean, he knows about it, but it's more specific name would be for that specifically will be heavier. So in a lot gonna be my time Aluna Kabira. When he uses that phrase, specifically, he is saying that he knows what you're doing. He knows the intentions and he knows what becomes what's behind it mean he knows why you're doing and what the motivation for it

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is. So what did you highlight in the robic and then follow the and that kind of comes back to the question that I was asked a second ago regarding when I 15. Right. So it kind of comes back to say that you're going to follow what you what has been revealed to you from from from your Lord. And indeed Allah subhanaw taala knows what you do. He knows the details. He knows all of the delicacy of all the delicate issues of what you do meaning your motives, your intentions, and what you're hoping to achieve through what you're doing. And that takes you back to the concept of of intentions and knowing why we're why is it that we follow the word of Allah subhanaw taala what what what pushes

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you or what compels you to open the Quran and try to understand what Allah subhanaw taala is saying, that it has to be the intention of pleasing me.

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So, whenever whenever you see the word in anywhere in the clients always indeed, so the way that I go by in terms of translation is always a indeed Allah subhanaw taala No, has always known or knows or always will, kind of meaning has always known or always will, is always there for for emphasis on on the concept itself or emphasizing emphasizing Allah subhanaw taala is knowledge knowledge of something you'll find that like in and out of the Quran in many different places, depending on depending on the context of how this sort of kind of moves forward with the for the forest that command what to look at Allah? Is the concept of toil. And toil is a perspective. Is it what it is

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in its essence like what what good is because it's a word that Arabs never used before Islam, the word work Allah

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was there it was random. It was very rarely used. It was used usually regarding something you would do with your with your sheep or your camel, but it was not used as a concept that was that was going to show him behaviors. Then there were Tilak good was a phrase that the Quran coined, and that the Prophet some of them spoke of, and it's a perspective it's a way it's how you view things.

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How you view life is through the lens of a good at Allah, meaning

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how you go by it is that everything you want to achieve

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You work for with every ounce of ability that you have you exhaust every single resource that you can possibly exhaust in terms of trying to get this done. If you're if you're trying to graduate, then you are studying, you are seeking help from those who are years before you, you're asking, you need tutoring, you're spending as much time as you know you're watching video, you're doing everything you need to do in order for you to graduate and achieve the marks that you want to achieve. That's one thing. As you do that you will know in your mind and in your heart, that these are a superb mean these are means that Allah subhanaw taala wants you to use he obligates you to use

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however the results are in his hands, whether you will graduate or not. Whether you actually achieve what you want or not, is totally and completely up to him subhanho wa taala, it really won't.

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You have to understand that at the end, the results weren't something that he's going to hold you to you're not holding you to the results, he's holding you to the effort that you put in terms of achieving it. And the knowledge that that you had in your mind that that was the reality, meaning you knowing that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who chooses whether this is going to happen or not, is another thing you're going to be held to the third part of it is acceptance.

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Meaning you accept whatever the result is, if it's good, then you accept it and you refer it to him somehow you attribute the fact that this happened to Allah subhanaw taala. And if it's not what you were looking for, now you continue to work, me you continue to do your job, you get up again and you try again. Or if maybe this is this proves or some as an endeavor, that was not the best choice, maybe you change and you find something else, you don't lose hope you don't object to Allah subhanho data, you don't wonder why he didn't give you what you want, you don't become an angry person who does not accept Allah subhanaw taala anymore, you continue to move forward with your life, this is

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what it is. And this is a perspective. And this is how we see the world. And this is how we go by it. This is this is the concept that we have whatever call Allah Allah, no way is to never has it been or nor will it ever be an idea where you just raise dependence is not dependence, where I just sit back and wait for him supine on data to dish me out, whatever it is, he's going to dish me out.

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A lot of people the question I get a lot, well, you know, if I'm,

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if I'm going to, you know, work, put my 100% into it, then why would I have to work good. Right? See if you can answer that question properly in your mind. And then you've you've you've understood Islam, right. And that's that's the key. That is like the the secret ingredient should understand that nothing else. Now you understand the perspective of the dean? Understanding? Why is it that I have to try 100% and have to look good, that is what it means being a Muslim means that's the whole point of being a Muslim, is that you know, that at the end, whatever going to happen is in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala he can shift it however he wants, easily, things can change, you could have

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done everything right. 100% You've taken every new talk to all the right people. And now as secure is in the bag, you know what's gonna happen still, if he wants to change it subhanaw taala he'll change it and you have to know that you have to be okay with using tobacco as our final frontier and when we'd never do when we don't do our work, meaning to work good is what is the is the gun I take out when I've haven't done anything. I didn't study at all. I'm going to fail tomorrow. But I have to buckle

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down Allah and shatter. And then no, that doesn't. That's not how it works at all. Actually, if you didn't study, put it back in, and just keep it there to what good is not what you said. You never lose doctrine. But you have to accept that I didn't do my job here. I didn't really put in my effort. Don't go to Allah but I'm not hoping for a miracle. I'm not expecting him to give me something that I did not deserve. That did not work for it's a very it's a very important way of looking at things. We have this again, we have this miracle or this mystic thinking as Muslims and we attribute it to the deen and then we tell stories about it. And we totally make up stories about

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people who didn't do their job at all, but they just couldn't they went there and it all worked out miraculously. And we and we say it's in everyone's Subhan Allah Subhan Allah is the god Allahu Akbar. It is a great story. No, there's a horrible story. Like, never tell the story. Like if you're lucky, one day not to do your job is still a loss of how do I send you home and be quiet sit down and make stuff out of like for like three or four years you make us proud? Because Because he Yeah, and you were given you're given a chance that most people are never given in life that you were he threw you a Yeah, I named the life saving mode of the leafs life saving more, you've turned things

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around for you. You don't expect that to happen all the time, and you're not entitled to that in life. And that's not how things happen to look good. That's not what it means to work Gala. That doesn't it means that you've already put in your 100% You're already tried your best No, no, we can do 100% Obviously, we can't do that. But we can try our best. You can do as much as we can. Right? We're not We're not slacking on the job we do as much as we can but then we know it's in his hands. We're okay with whatever you give us your job. If it comes to us, do we want it hamdulillah it doesn't come to me we want it hamdulillah and I get up again I learn from my mistakes and I become

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better and I try it again next time and next time we shall it happens and that's how you go through like that's what what kind of Allah means. Put your matters in the hands of Allah subhana wa Kafa BiLlahi min.

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Kira, and it's enough for you having Allah as your Joaquin as the one you depend upon. That is enough for you don't need to depend on anyone else.

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There's one more point here. See the word typical, would have really brought for Muslims at the beginning, but really, really brought from Muslims was a sense of integrity and dignity. It brought his sense of integrity. Why? Because if you have to look good, then there's really no reason for you to,

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to get on your knees and beg for anything that you should never ever break your your integrity to get something you do typical, I've tried my best I did my part two o'clock Allah, I move forward, I'm not going to break my own integrity for it. Why? Because I believe you Akela I put my hands in my issues in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala. And he will do with it what he wants. And that is a very important part, whether we're talking about your provision, whether we're talking, whatever we're talking about here, regarding your life, you should never ever lose

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the integrity and the dignity that you have as a human being. And the reason that you shouldn't, the reason you shouldn't eat haram or Yanni do something that you shouldn't break, I bring yourself down to do something low, you lower yourself or something like that is because you have to, because you've already put your matters in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala. why would why would I do something like that? The one who's taking care of my issues, the one who was overseeing all my affairs is Allah, I don't need him or her or anyone. I have him. What does he require of you, in order for him to oversee your affairs, just do your job, just do the best you can and know that it's

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in his hands at the end. That's the two things that he needs. Just there's just two conditions, just do your best, and know that it's in his hands. Third thing is acceptance. It's the aftermath of it. meaning to what good is a long term commitment to commit to doing good from the beginning to the end, the last part to a quiz acceptance, and even sometimes easy to accept because exactly what you want it happened, you didn't do I could have came to you and Hamdulillah you accept. But sometimes it doesn't work good means that you won't object, you won't lose your motivation. You won't stop doing your job, you won't start fulfilling your purpose. Whatever kind of Allah Wa Kafa BiLlahi.

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Wikia, these were the first three items to list Lhasa, they,

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when you study the sutra, you will feel that I'm not saying that they don't fit, but you'll feel that they're unique in terms of how this sort of keeps on going and the issues that the student talks about, you'll get these trees to iron out at the beginning, or kind of

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just this introduction that is a bit disconnected from everything else because introducing not only this surah but a number of zeros after keeping in mind that this was submission. submission is the mix of the of an ethical status status of Taqwa of a preventative way of living, where you are continuously long term short term planning to make sure that you don't fall in something that haram event that is haram that you have a sense of identity where you will not follow or be similar to those who are clearly when I feel clean or clearly caffeine that you will follow the what has been revealed to you from Allah subhanaw taala look, you will follow the message and the way of life that

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He gave you and that you will live a life a perspective of typical so he's giving you an ethical choice, giving you identity choice, he's giving you a tertiary meaning a way of life. And then he's giving your perspective. These four things, if you put them all together, you have the concept of what submission is supposed to be supposed to look like, if you put them all together, actually, you can just take the car and you're good, you can go home, you can step up, you don't need anything you do need to add much to it. But then the examples come and then sorta enters all the examples of how this was going to be. Are you gonna see you're gonna see how this is all gonna manifest itself in

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different situations. You'll see during the Battle of Isom, you're gonna see the aftermath of a hazard you'll see the prophets I send them with Zedong as he the prophets I send them trying when he's told to get married design that you get you're gonna see his really certain commands that are given to his wives given to given to the Muslim ladies, you're gonna see that there's a lot of things here that are very, we'll even find difficulty talk about talking about them. Like you'll even feel the tension. Just when I tell you the stories like even I tell you, this is what happened. You'll feel like uncomfortable listening to the story. And then the Prophet said that the Muslims

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had to do one, two and three, and they did them why because I think the first four concepts of the studio were were an important part of what what was what was in their minds and in their hearts at the time. When they were asked to do that. Do we have 10 minutes? Okay, they just read

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the fourth I will just explain the first small part of it until until us nine magia Allah Allah Julio Raju Lin mu Paul benefi JioFi

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gyro is where Jack who

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he ruined I mean who

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I come

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back home

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be afraid he come

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with Allah who have power who are the sebi?

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First point magic Allahu Allah Julie mental benefi JioFi Allah subhanaw taala has not made for a man within his heart within his interior with inside of him two hearts there never been two hearts inside of one man. What does that mean is not literal he's not talking about anatomy here that could have two hearts or we're gonna be wonder does it have to be he's just talking there's a figure of speech meaning you kind of have two hearts you're either someone who follows Allah subhanaw taala you're either someone who listened will follow the first four concepts of the of the Sunnah within the first three if you are committed to them, or you are not Yeah, there's no room for both either

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you will love Allah subhanho wa Taala and you follow Him and this is this is the criteria that you hold yourself to this is the reference you have and this is whom you're trying to please or something else and there's no there's no two hearts. No you can't say you know why I went hard for Allah and another harder problem would have the dunya and I live like that No, it's It's one it's not to know why is that it is the only time you'll find this the Quran in that way because this is

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going to enter talking about a number of issues that are very difficult for people to grasp and to follow and to actually stick to understand it's either this or this that's why in the Sutra i also understood it you'll find as we go along when I can only move money in minutes in either I've got the Allahu wa rasuluh Imran and your Cornella whom will hear me and it's never been permissible for a woman or Amina when Allah subhanaw taala gives a command for them to have a choice for them to say yeah, I'll think about it no if you're a woman the moment you hear Allah subhanaw taala said to do it, you will do it. It could easily it could be difficult you may like it you may not like it you're

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not gonna like everything about the Sharia that's a fact. You can't like everything yeah and even Sharla one day you will but you can't it's impossible at some parts of it are gonna be hard. They're gonna be difficult for you like they're not your cup of tea is not what you were always hoping for. It's not the thing that makes your life the easiest at the moment when you're doing it. But you have to you have to trust in Allah's hikma, you are going to stand alone Saleem, you have to know that he has copied in the 50 names that we add, you have to understand that this was going to happen anyway. And there's no room for two ways of life. It's either this or that there's no two hearts and one

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man's just Magi Allah Allah who did not make the Lord Union for a man in Albania of two hearts we Jofi within his interior or in science, it is just God but he's not there's no two of them one thing make a choice. And when you make a choice, then you don't have another you can go back again. And don't lie to yourself. either. I know you make choices are based on the will of Allah subhanaw taala is what he says or is something else. Making making making the mixed isn't isn't something that is possible. So what are the what are the examples out there? Well, Magi knows logical and he didn't know make your wives Allah at all he ruined I mean, how nomadic and there was a practice and Jackie

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Leah, right before it was a horrible practice. This was a practice that you could see that Yeah, any of the this was this was demonic. This was something that men thought of, to really, to really pin down women. But to make sure that whoever thought of this was a genius and his his point of this was making sure that women couldn't do anything, when he would come and say is, empty Alia, cover her. You mean you are to me like my mother.

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Now what that means is that he will no longer be her husband. But at the same time, that's not really divorcing her. Right? And if she says, Why don't want to be like your mother, then she gets to say what you think you're better than my mother. And she can't say that because it's gonna look horrible. So she has to just live a life where she is neither married nor divorced. And that's just men are pressing. That is like one of the biggest examples of oppression that ever happened towards women that went down in Arabia that was called the LA Jara, where you were divorcing is one thing you send her away, he gets married, she has a life, right? But no, no, I miss something that no,

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this is, this is thought through Well, I'm going to say that you're to me like my mother is. And you can't say that you're better than my mother. What you don't like being ladies, I'm telling you that you're to me like my mother. But that means of course, we're not going to have any relations. So now she's not really married. She's not really divorced. And you got to say anything about it. Cuz if you said anything about it socially, she'll be looked down and frown down upon Hey, how could you not like he said, he called you something similar to his mother? How dare you. So now she's sitting there, she has nowhere to go. It's a dead three doors are all closed in her place. And you're gonna

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spend the rest of her life not really married, not actually divorced and can't get out of it.

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Men, that's what they do, do it? Well, it's not something that Islam end is actually haram to do and there's a punishment to men who actually do it. And this is the first one. We did not make the wives whom you do it to boy, he ruined them in Hoonah the ones that you perform with a Hara towards and you say that they're unlawful for you to have relations with Omaha? They're not your mother's just because you said you to me

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Unlike me doesn't mean that she's your mother She is not your mother she's your wife and that doesn't and of course this was something that was these are very social is very prickly issue in society I mean when his time came is that is no longer acceptable that's a problem

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it was a problem for for everyone many people are a bit didn't like it and they will come to the Prophet so I sent him an argue with him and why is this why you taking this away when you look at look at it this happened to all prophets saw they had a suddenly become

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a female Juma used to like your father before this why Father why bring all these we want to make your leader we want to you know, you know when you feel like I was going to become a leader and now I have to maybe I can Can I change this a bit so I can I can can still you know be on their good sides or do I have to stick to it? No, my dad Allah who allows you to paint if you trophy No, no, there's nothing you don't have to harvest either. This is either you do what Allah subhanaw taala commanded you to do or you do what other people want you to do make your choice if you make the choice of Allah that he did not make the wives whom you perform Ivara towards your mothers that's

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not that's haram take that away number two well magic

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and the sons that whom you bring into your house to raise that aren't actually yours they're not your sons mean that they're no luck they don't carry your name. Now

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this is something where I'm talking about bit more in detail next time because I have to go through a few issues regarding Yanni a team and profanity a team because

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for some reason we misunderstood this and we're doing making a lot of mistakes. But the idea here is that if you adopt a child, then this child is no law is not your he's not your son, he will call you Baba and father you can call him my son, but on Yanni his he's still known he has known who he is lineage is still preserved. And it's known if he's actually your biological good or not. And it has to be that there has to be something that is explained as clear why because it's a form of lying is a form of messing up genealogy which is something that is still that needs to be preserved. Well Magi Allah Yakima Valley comm Cole cumbia fi comm that is however what you say with your mouse, you

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go around saying these things will love we will cover Allah subhanaw taala says the truth will always be studied. And He guides you to the straight to the straight path SDN is the path right now. It's why he's not calling here the team because it's known as CBT is something is something is referred to many times before and He guides you the path, the fact that if you take then you will find you may say well, why I don't understand this. And this is hard. And it's difficult when you bring a child into your house, you have to explain to them when they're five or six year olds, that they're not really your kid and that they weren't adopted and when these are difficult things isn't

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that difficult situation. This is not a very difficult situation. It's a very difficult situation. If you if your child we'll talk about that in more detail next time. But if you bring a child inshallah we all do, and you try to perfect your team, you bring a five or six year old into your house or maybe an infant and then that age of five or six when they can when they come to the age of reason. You need to take time to explain to them that you know your your your biological mother and father that is one of the most difficult conversations you'll ever have with a human being on the planet. Like it'll be very, very difficult to do. Why do we have to do it? That's what Allah

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subhanaw taala said, Well, what do we have? He said he says what is right he tells he tells righteousness and He guides you the path you say what you want that he can go look on via for he can you say what you want to say? That's your church want to say what you want to say fine, but this is what Allah says. And he says the truth and he guy is the boss and you make you make your choice of what you're going to do here. However, magi to L'Aquila, journeyman Cobain, if you do if you will come back to this every couple of minutes. Every time we hear your story, look, there's no room for two things. It's either his way or your way. Or others, it's either a loss of balance out your heart

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is for him or it's for someone else. And even no matter how difficult the issues come up, we still have to follow him the two first examples that were given in these in in a summarized amount, I mean, we're gonna have more detail on the suit as we go along. But they will click summarizes mojarra and kufr Lithonia team or diet regarding, you know, saying that to your wife saying they putting her in situation where she's no longer your wife, nor is she divorced, or she can get out of it, and calling a child that is not actually your biological son and giving him your name and then saying that he's my biological, I'm basically lying. Right? So both of them are social issues. The

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Arabs, carried very highly and didn't like that the Prophet of Islam came and changed it. They didn't like it. And his aid was called sediment Muhammad for a while for at least 10 years. And then he was told no, his name is Ativan Hadith, and you know, who is his name? He lived in the house of the Prophet so I said, let me know. However, he didn't know whether this is something that we relate to today immediately or not, maybe not there are things that we will relate to in the suit as we go along. But these are two examples of stuff that are very difficult for the Arabs to accept, but most of them did, or at least the Muslims of them did. We will continue inshallah reciting this sort of

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going more in more detail next time, so hang on to him because you don't

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really see them humbling. Early. He was nice enough yet

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