Adnan Rajeh – Tafseer Surat AlAhzab #02

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of acceptance and community in addressing past experiences and empowering individuals to learn from their mistakes. They emphasize the need for everyone to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes, even if they are small. The speakers also emphasize the benefits of working in community settings, including the opportunity to interact with others and learn from their experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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You have like an ideological command, what are what can I do what can Allah so for commands in a role the Prophet sallallahu sallam was given and of course that was given to us after him that are needed or encompass the concept of BA or encompass the concept of Atiba or of Islam or Islam, Allah subhanho wa taala, that you're going to need to have four in four fields in 44. When you think about them, ethics, identity, practice and ideology, that kind of sums up the whole case, really, there's really not much left within the deen that you're required to do. And when you think about if one of them or is missing, if the ethics are missing, or if the sense of identity of belonging of ownership

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is not there, if the practice isn't there, or if the ideology and understanding the spirit of it isn't there, then then we're not going to be able to do this properly. And I think that's that's the whole reason that this sort of began with these four commands and then moved on immediately Magi Allahu Allah God milk Albania few Jovi inside the heart of a human being man, there can only be one hearts, there are no two hearts, you can either be someone who accepts these four concepts who obey Allah subhanaw taala, openly,

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internally and externally or you don't, there's no room for both to happen. You can't you can't be a it doesn't doesn't work to be half and half. Either you're you've committed or or you haven't. And then two examples. Immediately we're given the example of Mullah Hara and the example of ebene or Daya

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men, before Islam they would,

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it was sometimes in order not to actually divorce their wives. And at the same time, not actually let them live a normal life. They would say, Auntie alayka to me or to me, like my mother is and now she cannot leave the marriage and she will not enjoy the marriage as a wife, and she's going to stuck between two worlds. He has no way to get out. And it was a way for men to oppress women and some men would have multiple ladies in his life who who are who he married who are now.

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Valhalla Manhattan, meaning he had done a lot of work into Islam, Kevin ended this completely, which was very weird, something that annoyed Dadaab, the the Arabs did not like that at all. It was a big deal. It was something that caused that made the popularity of the private satellite systems message to decrease significantly, because we're in it for a culture of people who had a very negative view and understanding of women for that to be now something haram that you cannot do that didn't really go well with most of you or any of the Arabs. The second example is when

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those who you bring into your home to raise as your own are not your own. You cannot change their lineage you can't change their their heritage you got to change their names. We'll talk about that a bit more today that he can go to Columbia Franco This is indeed what you're what you're saying that's what you want to say that's what you

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claim Wallahi according to how often Allah Subhana Allah says the truth what have you studied and He guides you to the to the righteous path now the ayah number five is a continuation of what had had already begun begun well recited inshallah looks like it's all connected and showing you so you understand the concept inshallah at the end of it number six will be learning in a shape on your body

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Bismillah Walkman you're walking

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through the room near

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in the mall

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who is new comfy Dini one leikam?

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Well, Isa ally, Juna FEMA will be

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that spook home

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can Allahu La food on Rahima

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you can call them by the names of their fathers. Meaning if you bring this child under a home for any reason, whether this child was one point enslaved and you don't know where they actually healed from, or it's, it's, he's an orphan, he or she can call them by the names of their fathers if they have if they still know the names of their fathers who drew him, him who will LSL and Allah this is an issue that is more fear in the eyes and the Judgement of Allah subhanaw taala is more just for you to call someone by their actual names, the names of the lineages and the heritage that they carry for a long time.

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Allahu Akbar. However, if you do not know who their fathers are, for whatever reason, and there are different reasons why you wouldn't know someone's father, it's not always that this child is the product of Xena. It's not always that this child was was was not a product of a proper marriage. It could be war, and then this kid got lost when he was two. And he never remembered he probably came from a very good family, but he had no idea who he is. And he wasn't given he didn't you there's no way for us to know. Maybe today. Yeah, DNA tests will help a bit but we still it's hard for us to actually know who this child is. So what do we do fail them to Alamo, home you know, know their

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fathers and who they are where they come from. But why no kung fu Dini, oh, my God, you come to things in why not come for dinner your brother in it within the face, which is the most important thing. This is this is a fundamental difference within Islamic law, when you compare it to the way other faiths function, whether you know different Abrahamic religions like Judaism or Christianity, or even if you go across the US to where the Hindus and the Buddhists have their understanding, there's a fundamental difference. Because when you say them to him, If you don't know what this person's heritage or where they come where they hail from. Now usually what you're going to what

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usually what you hear next is that this person is now a second secondary degree citizen or this person. Yeah. And he does not qualify to live in your home with this person cannot do it. Why no confidence. They're your brothers within faith. Meaning you don't have to you there's not your kid, you can't say well, he I don't know his dad. So I'll be his dad. Yes, you can call him my son.

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Often you're gonna call him so he can call you that. That's not this is not the Haram part, by the way. Like, I've gotten I've gotten so many questions in the last number of years regarding because we were talking today a bit about profanity yet do you know actually bringing in orphans, I think is a good is probably the best time to talk about it regarding the suitors that you study because it has a lot about it here.

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Let me just explain it when you come for diva, the first thing that your brothers within religion, they're going to be one MOA equal. Now the concept of money. The word Mola comes from the concept of hula or Willie, which is your ally. So MOBA Alikum means they are allies they are a part they are attached to your family even though they're not actually from from a bloodline and not actually part of your family. I'm going to give you a very very famous example within within this year of the prophets that I bought for the for the Allah who I know is known Sahabi from alongside

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zolgensma Salah and his wife they brought into their home a young boy by the name of Salim now Salim sunder agency, his heritage he was known as some of them say we didn't really know what his heritage was. Saddam was raised in the house of Deva from age around six or seven, and he was known as Salim Mola. Do you ever heard that name before? Then you know who I'm talking about? This young man was one of the highest dollars of the Quran during his time, while the Allahu Anhu we were the people who transmitted the Quran to us he was one of the Sahaba who memorized it at a young age who and who practice the Quran with a Greek scholar of Islam. However, his name was Salim Mola, meaning the ally

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of the ephah and his family he was not studying even though it wasn't his son. Even though before this came, he was called Salim Ibn Abu Khalifa. Another example of that was aid. Even a Khalifa who was known before these Ayat came that he was dating him and Muhammad SAW as a meeting, his genealogy was going to change me from meaning when he brings children. His children will be known as Philippians, Edelman, Muhammad, and then there's the heritage of the prophet Elijah, his family would extend through his aid and they'll be there'll be tomorrow's meeting, people would

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inherit one another, right? So so this, this would happen if this so when this idea came about, you know, they're called by the names of their fathers. This is more just in the judgment in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala. If you don't know their fathers, then they are your brothers and faith. Why not means equality in every issue of faith or the word is one of them would not be used for what I'm looking for Dean from a faith perspective, they are equal to you there we are brothers second thing nobody can do your allies mean you can call them to ally of this family with Ally ally of this person, or friends or modells. When means friend, but I think the word ally is a bit more proper

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here because that's that's the usage of the word. All right. Well, as it comes in, I mean, I'll talk to you about the incident that's important here, what a sad acorn Genet one female, don't be here and there do not means there is no blame. Do not and the Quran is usually used as a concept of you're not It's not blameworthy, so lays out equally, there is no blame worthy upon you. thema up don't be in what you made mistakes upon. But don't be here. When you make a mistake. You're trying to do a good thing and you you're not sure what the right or wrong thing here is you make any tweaks did you come up with a judgment? You think this I think it was what it is you you have an opinion to

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try it out, and then you end up making a mistake, Lakeside equal, Jonathan, you are not blameworthy for that ever. Now this is of course, this idea comes in

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just this part of the verse or this

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misstatement from Allah subhanaw taala comes the middle of a verse talking about people who called children who weren't their sons. There's

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Sons, right and that they didn't with good intention, they wanted to integrate this child into their family. And they were told by Allah Subhanallah I know what you should have done what is more just is that you call them by their, by their real names and their real fathers names and their families. However you did it and you didn't want to your your reason for it or your intention was not to disobey Allah subhanaw taala it was a mistake not to be. So you're not blamed for something that you made a mistake by doing what actually matter I met at Globacom however, for what you did on purpose, or your hearts purposefully did knowing that that was something wrong. And this is a very important

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statement, but why don't we have something

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similar to it and talking to other students as well talking about when you make a mistake, and you don't know that this was a mistake? You weren't clear trying to do something good, then Allah Subhan Allah does not hold you accountable for it. You're not blamed for that. You are blamed for everything that your hearts intend. And that's why it's not what would I can make to admit to what you intended purposefully no damn, clue Bukom because clue because Hearts is where you have your intentions. So it's all about the intention. If the intention was to disobey Allah subhanho wa taala, do something you knew was wrong inside. You acted like you didn't know that. You're still

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claimer here. You're blamed for that you held accountable if you knew it was wrong, and you did it anyway. So if your intention was to disobey Allah, do something you shouldn't have done, then you will be held accountable for that. What can Allah Allah for Allah Hamer, and Allah subhanaw taala has always been the most forgiving and the Most Merciful. So you will be fine forgiveness, you will find mercy if you have made these mistakes. Now,

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there are only about him. So the profits are lighter than fossil

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fuel your teeny Katainen agenda, Tamara subhabrata We'll we'll start he went like this. So let's uh, let me put a very small

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distance between his two fingers. And another narration that the distance they're talking about is between the tip of the rooster, the middle finger, the tip of the index finger, so we're not sure like, he put his hand up, it's me, and the person myself and those who take care of the team, cafeteria team, I mean, those who look after orphans will be like this, and generally be very close to each other. And there's many, many other Hadith that talks about the importance of taking care of the team. The Quran has many I had to talk about that as well. So why is it that we have some of the lowest rates of taking care of orphans within the world, we have some of the lowest rates worldwide,

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meaning Muslim families are some of the families like from from, from a global perspective to have the least number of orphans living in their homes, when, when compared with other faiths and other parts of the world.

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What happened, what happened was the misunderstanding of this these ads, what happened was misunderstood. What Allah subhanaw is talking about here, is not saying that if you bring in a child into your home, then you can't talk to this child and say, My son and my daughter, and this kid cannot call you daddy and cut and call his and call your wife, mom. No, that's totally fine. It is not a problem for them for their names on the passports to be to, to hide your name as, as the father or his mother, the issue is is this child know, that he has adopted and to the people who live around who live around, you know that he is adopted as well and know that he comes from a

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different family or not, this is the issue, meaning that the public knowledge of who that child is to himself and to those around us what capital is actually matters, and what actually counts here. So if you bring in your child, and then you conceal from him, the fact that he's adopted, and those who live around, you don't know, I bring a couch, maybe my mother does. Maybe a few people around me, but you don't know I walk in, walk into the masjid. And this is my kid. And he's my son. Right? And I tell you, he's my son, but he's not really my son. Right? I don't, he's not really my son. And I lie and then you think that this child is actually my son. That's the problem. This is now this is

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now public deceit. Now we're lying. Now we're not making things up. You have to be honest about it, meaning the child himself. And today psychologically, if you if you get into the let's say, you want to install the Dukakis identity team, you want to bring an orphan into your home, you'll go through a lot of training here in Canada, a part of it is those explain to you that your earliest convenience, you should explain to this child that he is adopted, the earlier the better, because when they're kids, they're really, really young. It's not a shock. It's weird, but it's not a shock because they're not they don't have the ability to be shocked yet. Like they're still there until

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five in fact, they don't really concept of being shocked socially is not really there. So they'll find it awkward. They'll ask a lot of questions. Well, why and where and so you'd have to sit down and answer but they're gonna grow up living with it. It's not gonna be a problem for them knowing the actual issue. Yes.

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So again, what does that mean? So this is this the issue is not what do you mean by take your last name? Take your last name. I'm talking about driver's license and passports. Yeah, that's fine. But

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from a public knowledge perspective, from from the kid himself and those around half to know that he's not your son, that he's an adopted child, if the names of the Father is known that we are done. If not, then it's called molar for an Mola Phoolan right. All right, people who will date me someone who was was raised within within his home, but for you to say no, this is my child. Now they will inherit to me

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II write and no, that's not true, they will not inherit you because they're not actually your children, you can, you can write them, I will see if you like, you can take care of them during their. But you can't cannot inherit, you know, that's one point. Now the example I gave you was setting mode before they go back to that because it's important.

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Now let's say you bring into your home a year and a half,

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maybe female or male.

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Now, the questions you get a lot is okay, that's I bring in this, this infant. So less than two years old, what can I do here? What do we need to do? Because she's gonna grow up? Or he's gonna grow up candy when they're like 1215? And 16? Can they still sit in the room with my wife? And my daughter's? If she's a girl? Can I sit with her in the same room? What what's okay here? So that question is a problem, because people, one of the issues that kind of cause people not sure what to do is that because later on 1516 years into the future, I'm not sure how this is going to work, because they're not going to be. So if you're younger and younger than two years, it's a very simple

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thing. You just have heard of Motorola, meaning through through breastfeeding, you have you have the hormone happening. So whether your wife, breastfeed this child, or your sister, anyone who will cause you if it's if it's if it's a daughter, then you make sure that the automap comes towards you, there has to be haram for you to marry her. So you have to have either your wife or your daughters or your sisters, breastfeed this, this, this, this young, infant female, so that it's healthy for you. And if it's a male, then you have someone on your wife's side, do it so that it's hard enough for her and her daughters. And it's as simple as that. And what happens if none, no one in the

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family is needed is is breastfeeding, then you can take whatever you need to take, the ladies can take certain pills, and then they can breastfeed and doesn't have to be physical meetings, you can fill up the the milk or the into into a bottle and they can drink it for from the bottle. Yeah, this is this is Adam McCarty, by the way, for confer filthy. And from a jurisprudence perspective, there's something all agreed upon under two years old, that is totally fine, right, that can fit who you find a piece of advice. And this has to happen at the date of the Prophet. Now, the more difficult situation is if they're older than two years old, because that actually puts the threshold

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younger than two, you'll take the kid but if he's a bit older now now no one wants him anymore, because now there's a problem of where do i Where do I put him? And how do I deal with with my wife and if she's a girl, but what do I do is gonna be problematic. So there's the idea, I don't know if you've heard of it, although it could be there's a hadith that caused a lot of problems and some people Yeah, and he exploited in a very ugly,

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disturbing way, I'm not gonna go into the details of what happened. But I'll tell you, I'll tell you where this hadith is used very well, what happened was Salim himself, when he came to the house of EVA, he was a kid but he was not too he was a bit older, and Salah, the wife of wanted him to be further to be a Herma mean for him or her to be able to sit and treat him like our sun and heat treat her like his mother. And they're not to be that difficulty of dealing with he's an older guy. So the profit and loss I'm not gonna lie he so she allowed him the profits have allowed her to do it on not physical, but rather the milk itself, meaning in five different situations as a child, he was

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given a dye which is like a cup of milk, and he would drink it and after that, then now he was Mahatma Malaga and he would grow up and that's what happened for southern Moldova. Now, of course, I was exploited in a way that was just very disturbing, but what I understand from that and this is what the Hanafi acceptance, some of the Hanabi and some of the medica

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that as long as the individual is under puberty, then that is that is applicable that for someone under puberty, like you bring into your home a child who is yesterday, less than 1314 years old than doing it and that in that sense, is acceptable even if the child does it without knowing

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so even if the child drinks milk, he doesn't know if it's, you know, goat milk or you know, regular milk dairy milk or it's actually another person's milk doesn't they don't have to know it doesn't matter the purpose here the purpose here is for her mother in law so that this person can grow up and I've always found that these again, I can see all the awkwardness on people's faces. Even

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I can see everyone looking like yeah, so So it talks about stuff like that. So it talks about issues that are what Tao where this is what he says soprano Tada is what we were taught, this is how you can do it. This how you can bring a time to homes. This is how you open your home and bring in a child who has no one to love them.

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And it's something that the Prophet Salem's house was always fooled by the way, always full Ali Substanz house was always full you think that you only had seven you only have seven kids, right? Because and Abdullah died very young and Ibrahim died is very young as well. And the four daughters and obviously got married and some of them most of them. It was only Fatima lived him everyone else died within his life. But the house of the Prophet Sam was always full. You had Zaidan Debbie Harrison at the parliament Jaffa Mubarak when he was a kid, you feel you had

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you had

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a selama who had been able to sell them or you had a lot of kids in the house being raised all the time by different by different wives or by Khadija, or the line has has always had children whether those children were his own

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or his wife relate to his wives are just the sons and daughters of people who passed away during battles his household said I've had people in and, and we don't do that anymore. We become very, very, I see I've met people who cannot have children who really want children and refuse the concept of competitive validly a team, like will not take that on will not even think about it. It's very, it bothers me, it bothers me because as an OMA, we've killed this very, very beautiful and fundamental tradition that the Quran talks about in the province, that is the limit on it says if we took the the concept of just being fair, just being just wishes, the kid has to know that he's

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adopted, and we're not gonna He's not gonna get me it has to be public knowledge is not just knowledge to the child itself, himself or herself. And the fact that there has to be the the regulations of Hilma, regarding whether they can spit, if it's a daughter, if it's a female, how she deals with the males of the family, and if it's a female male, who was going to have their relationship with the females or the family, just studying that and making sure that we make it a bit more accessible and easy for people to do. Instead of doing that we just ended this whole thing. And we just turned off completely, and orphanages in our countries, yeah, and you're over over it is

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over flooded by, by by children, and no one's there to pick them up. And no one's there. And it was all lucky to

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the doctor on my shoulder just a year and a half ago went to Morocco. He spent a year being trained almost Yaniv every week, he would go in his wife and get trained right here and get for six, seven months. And then they went to Morocco for another three months just to pick up a child from from Norway, they did it. And they have she's a young mashallah I think a year and a half now or two years living in in his own taking care of an orphan. And I think that's something that needs to be kind of talked about a bit more. Why? Because we have to, we have to encourage this, especially specifically, if you're someone who I need to be an has, has the luxury of money and time to take

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care of children, then the concept of converges with your team, specifically a term orphans who come from Muslim countries, or from your country, like wherever you hail from whatever country it is your origin goal, go to pick up a kid from there, bring a kid put them in your home, raise them as your own. Well, how, how do I do that? But I'm not suggest it's easy. It's not just don't make make sure the kid knows that. Who are your team, that he is not your son? Not your biological kid, that he will not inherit you the way the other kids will? And that's okay, it's like, well, then it's gonna be hard. It's gonna be hard. What do you think is harder though? That towards living a life in an

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orphanage? What do you think it's more difficult for this child to spend his life in an orphanage or come to your home and it's understand that he's not your biological kid, but you can shower him with all the love that you have in your heart, and you can be the Jani mum more than a father to him. How many relationships do we have in this world where people look up to others, other people as their fathers, not their actual fathers, and they love them more and you respect them more than more. Biology is important when it comes to certain things. When it comes to the to the integrity of the Heritage's and lineages of families and then the inheritance that's going to happen and or issues of

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halal and haram in terms of relationships between two genders. But then after that, for when you come for Dean, they are your brothers and Faisal moil. You come into your allies you'll find for alliances and someone who took care of and took out of an orphanage than anyone, well, you'll find more alliances in that person, then you're going to the ones on your own child. And I've seen it with the small examples that I've seen, though, the little guy, the limited number of examples that I've seen where people have actually brought orphans into their home, while the bulk of the orphan on this person's life was 10 times more than 515 or 10 kids that they had it but I remember, there

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was a man in my village, he hated the concept, his wife wanted to bring an orphan into the home and he hated it and the orphan wasn't wasn't someone from a different it was just a distance relative to her to his wife and both parents had died and this kid had no one basically to take care of them. And the wife wanted to bring him in and the father was so against it that he was you know, almost going to divorce this woman and end the marriage and it was just a big problem. And I was young at that time, but I knew him quite well used to come to when they ran away. So I was asked I didn't know what the problem I went and I spent some time with him and I told him again this is what the

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prophets I said I'm says this is what the Quran says. What are you doing? Why would you and your wife want to do something higher than you're gonna stand? So he's like, All right, I'll wait for a year. We got him okay. Just give it a year. If after a year you still hate this kitten and you cannot live with him then fine. You can leave like a year later this man would come in Yeah, this is just a personal experience. He came to Allah He I love him more than I love milk kids. You're telling me this between you and I love this kid more than my own. I don't know what to do anymore. I love this kid. I can't I can't see him in pain. I can't see him upset. I need to take care of him. I

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want to give him my money. How do I give him money? Don't give him all your money, then your kids will hate him. It'll be a problem. But yeah, he makes sure you take care of him throughout his lives of holidays. He's Baraka you find no because you actually extended your your most personal investments with his your emotions, that's way more valuable than your money. By the way, way more valuable than your money is your time and your home, opening your home to someone and putting them in and showered them with your love. That's way more valuable than whatever money you can throw at someone doing that for someone who is not your own. But someone who didn't have to do it for well,

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like there's so much shit but

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And then you get so much reward in this dunya and later on and people who actually try it for one orphan continue to do it, you'll find that they bring in one orphan and just keep on doing it. Why? Because they just find this this guy, the sweetness, the sweet nectar, and this happiness this joy of just nourishing and nurturing another human being that that is not selfish. You could do it for your kid because he's he's your kid. Like he's a part of you. I use 50% You need to say the least every cell is half yours half your is your wife and depends on how much you love your wife and you're

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still it's happening to you. So yeah, it's a selfish we're gonna love this kid. But how what are some other kid I'm telling you what the rulings are like, I'm just gonna explain to you the rulings. The only issue is that this kid has to be aware of the fact that he's not your biological

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child and the community should know it as well. It should not be sealed or concealed information should not be information that people don't know everyone should know this and shouldn't be and it shouldn't be something in either this kid is going through a difficult time as a child means sometimes he's picked on because of that it's okay that happening is better than lying about it that's who accept where and Allah see the users usage of the word it is more just in the eyes of Allah and the judgment of ALLAH for you to call them by their parents name. He didn't say well this this is justice to this is more just in comparison to what is it more just in comparison to calling

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him your own? Because you'll say well calling him my own it gives the these pros these are the pros of calling him my own. Yes, but it's more just to call him by his by his actual name, and his actual family name and then gig if you don't know is Valley name, which has a lot of problems a problem for our kids, for some for a child was brought to an orphanage and no one knows where we came from or during war during war that happens all the time. Well, it happens it's happened in Syria in the last maybe three or three years more than I can tell you in the 10s of 1000s of children who have no idea who these kids are a yawn er and the kid remembers being a part of a family mom and dad has no idea

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we're gonna minbar don't know their names you don't know if you can't remember where they lived and now they're and these kids aren't Jani the product of any haram relationship for us to say that no we want to do this because this will encourage How do I Malaysian No, no, this could happen at any time. And still what do you do? He is now this kid his name is Armani. Maybe I don't even know his name. You give him a name and he's mold afghan. And believe me it Sally modality or they didn't hurt him.

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It didn't hurt him.

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In my standard of Quran, I can count back myself decided Mola. I'm extremely proud to have something relating me to Salim Ali Abu Hanifa Allahu Allahu Akbar, great great. indvidual carried the Quran to many generations, even though that was his, that was his condition. Right and the story of course, regarding how he became how the ultimate between him and Salah is an important one because there's a Shabbat is a bit of a problem in terms of robar in terms of breastfeeding, you understood the concept of aroma that will happen through other meaning if, once once the lady find breastfeeds, a, an infant five times, now this infant is Muharram. On her he chickened out, of course, no marry of

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God who is haram. And this kid cannot marry any of her kids or their descendants. Now he is like their brothers and sisters. Right? And the same thing, same thing goes for the husband. Now this can now he can say that she can sit around or he can sit around in the house and tell us now it's like there's one of them no problem anymore. But the issue when it comes if they're a bit older, older than two years, that's where this killer between the between the, is it okay for us to do that. So, what the Hyper V is and some of the medications, exactly, I think this is a very important ruling that needs to be spoken about a bit more is up to puberty, as if they read it, they drink five

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amounts of Allah from from from, from a lady within the family, the wife, the wife, or anyone basically, then what will happen again, within the family this can can can exist again, because anyone who's beyond the age of purity, the concept of professionalism is going to change once they're once they're old enough when they're 15 and 16. Now you're not going to the point is not to bring them in your house and treat them no because now they need they need something different the support that they need is financial support needs more structural, it's a different type of support because before that their kids maybe after that they're not seeing us kids anymore and you don't

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want them to anyway someone who who does not have a family to take care of him you want them to become more independent you want them to take care of the able to take care of themselves. So the concept changes after puberty only makes sense that the way that we deal with individuals like this is going to be different than bringing them into your home and still there is like that they're gonna have to do a lot of halfway homes. I have a friend a teacher of mine

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had a

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bit of OB you know Arabic Arabic homes have a certain way of design it's it's basically rooms just rooms beside each other and in the middle of there is like an open there's no roof in the middle of this like some small water fountain or something and and there's two bathrooms maybe they're outside if you're in the bathroom have to leave your room and go into the bath. If you want to enter any other room in the house. You have to leave your room and walk into an open space meaning none of the rooms are connected. Right so he would he had a halfway home and

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And he had it specifically for orphans who had reached the age who are gone beyond beyond age of 17 where the orphanages will move them out. And he will bring them in, then he would have them lived there for a number of years. And he would, you know, educate them and teach them the deen and he would have been going to school and, and of course, a very, he only had the aid room. So we're going to bring eight people at a time, but he was still bring in people. And I don't know if he's still doing it today. But it was a very it was an initiative though that was people talked about, and there are different ways for us to do this. The problem is, and I'll end with that for him before we

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go on and show today is that we have we have shied away quite clearly.

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And in a blameworthy manner from the concept of professional Yeti. This is something you don't hear people talking about anymore. You come to the Hotbird Yamaha. Have you heard it on the news over the last five years?

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Five years have you heard it once? When

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I heard it here hear hamdulillah because I

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just you adopt that you have just spent money Yeah, I'm talking about something a bit more than just maybe spending spending the money. I lived in Syria for years and years and just never came up. Now remember, later on as we studied that this was something that was slowly kind of sucked out of the of the mentality of the dean that has to be brought back in again, as a Muslim. If you have the luxury of time. If you have the luxury of money, then that's something you should definitely consider which is bringing another human being into your into your into your home and guiding nutrient this person and there's a jewel in it that is almost unparalleled to anything else. Okay,

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so that's just to kind of explain the concept of womb. It was hard. It was hard for David to call Salim Mola, who instead of his son, it was hard for the Prophet. So I said, I'm to no longer have called his aid, his son, it happened a lot like these change a lot of things. But now there was clarity. Clarity is important. Islam is very big on clarity, on honesty, let's just call things with Dr. Let's not sugarcoat anything that's not like, dealing with the honesty, or the truth of something. However hard it may be, is better than dealing with an untrue version of it, just trying to tiptoe around people's feelings. Be clear, it'll be it'll hurt for a sec, It'll sting. But then

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you can deal with life properly after because you built it on something that is truthful, that something that is honest and proper. Okay, let's say she was calling him. Like, what? Well, what's wrong with that? So

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sad is one of them. Meaning, now there's, there's, there's a problem of heritage, there's a problem of genealogy. Now, the person who is not your bloodline, you are claiming to be your bloodline. And people who are late are married into this Brennan thinking that this is your biological kid is not. And they have a right to know as well. And their kids have a right to know. And this is something that is it's a matter of honesty. If Why would you call someone who's not actually your son, your son? Why would you claim them to be your biological kids, because it's not just gonna affect you can affect them, it's gonna affect those who enter this person's life is gonna be a problem, you don't

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have the right to lie like that. Because

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when there are issues that have a certain level of importance, when in terms of in terms of the, the heritage of the person, I have the right to know who I'm dealing with, if if I'm going to defer if I'm going to enter into a marriage with them. I have a right to know, it's not a matter of whether you say yes or no, it's not a matter of superiority. It's the matter of honesty and clarity. And that's that's the only only thing here and why would someone grow up knowing a lie about their lives, and what you think the person who made the the child themselves growing up knowing it was a lie, and finding out later why that's not fair for the child itself, the child, meaning honesty is

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just a better policy on every level to know to know the truth of what's what's going on. Even if it's hard, even if it's, you know, difficult to deal with, even if it's still it's still worthy of knowing, knowing the truth.

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practical ideas,

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provide for induction, muster induction, all these things are very,

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very effective effects. Kids are being adopted when they're young. As they grow older, they don't know that.

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Sometimes we

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see things. What example can you give,

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led to a public issue?

00:34:26 --> 00:34:37

I'm not sure your question. My question is, what kind of suggestions should we get to the larger public of Canadian living in Canada? As a Muslim solution adoption is very detached.

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I don't think we're in a position to give any

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advice to anyone really, because we're not really practicing it.

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I think I think we have a better system here in Canada than we have in both Arabic countries or Islamic countries around the world in terms of what they allow and what they don't allow. And in terms of how you how easy how easy they make

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to actually adopt kids and how much they encourage the topic from Islamic perspective, what we need need, we have a religious duty and a spiritual incentive to to adopt kids. It's not just about the humanitarian aspect of it's not just being kind, it's also knowing that there's a lot of NGOs that you know, there's gender involved here. You've been told, if you bring in a child and you raise them properly, then you're going to go to Jenna gonna be very close to the Prophet, something like that, um, that something that gives you that incentive to go forward here, I don't see them making any mistakes, besides the fact that they, you know, they insist on on giving the child your last name,

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publicly. But they do. They also say that the kids should be called, which we told that they're that they're a Jani adopted condition that says the child doesn't have to know

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that they don't have to know the real mother sometimes. They can know is

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this, we put some time

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on this truck, but I don't have to go the vehicle.

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So when you give them to the orphanage, you mean, okay. Okay. In this country? I I'm adopted, I can't find it. Share with you will not allow me unless the biological parents ask you. And that's a different different level of a problem. Yeah. I have a Lebanese name, but I'm retired.

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Sure. I don't know what to do. I don't even know my background. Yeah, I think I think that's a different, but that's not typically attached to adoption. That's more of respective of lineages and expect a family see if he stopped caring about family and about blood relations, then a lot of a lot is lost. And that's what basically were the second talks about, that it's still important that yes, Eman is important. And the brotherhood of deen is definitely something that makes everyone equal. But still family lineage is an important aspect of being a human being. And it's it keeps the the fabric of society alive, and it continues and allows it to continue. That's something that we don't

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so the way Islam looks at it is that not not that we completely, we don't disregard the importance of lineages and heritage as we respect them, there's still an issue of honesty here that needs to be that needs to be observed. However, if we're gonna confront Dini Omo, and they are equal to you, and as in the religious aspect of the spiritual aspect, and in every other rights and obligation that you can imagine getting within life, however, it's just a matter of honesty, I think I think the proof has to come from the other side, if you're going to suggest us to lie. Why Why is it okay to lie here? Then just the idea here. So if we're going to lie about him and lie to the kid and like

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the public about something, why is it okay to lie here? No, we're not allowed to lie as a Muslim Islam that I got an idea of is being clear on these things. And here, it doesn't just affect the kid or the public, it will affect those who marry into this into this person's life and their and their lineage going on. And on and on. It's important, sometimes it's clear if you if you adopt someone from a different country, or they'll look different. So it's not that difficult to find out. But if you adopt someone who was within within your your area as a part of your ethnic background or race, then it will it will be something that needs to be made me clear, it will come up and again in a

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second is, what about adoption of people whose parents are not the

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two parents, they're not that they're not the orphans, but the parents don't want to get given love are the same thing. We're probably really no different now that fixing that problem, however, is something that governments have to look into. And in terms of in this country, unfortunately, Zina is not is not even a word that is used anymore. I mean, the whole concept doesn't exist, meaning people having children outside the outside of marriage is not an issue that is frowned upon is no longer Yanni, there's no there's no consequences. You can just have a child, you can go to a sperm bank and come back and the lady can have a child. And this is a child who doesn't do any does not

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have a father and this is this is a problem and Islamically No, that is that's something you do not play with. It's not You're not allowed to do that ever, you

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can be read from the very big cover within the dean, because holding on to these lineages and holding on to families. And keeping that glue together is a very important part. Now, with that being said, we still need Why would you mistreat? Why would you hold a child

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or an infant responsible for something that they did not do? That makes sense and that's why but still honesty is needed. Meaning knowing that this kid is not that's fine, and that this child can grow up knowing that we have we have examples of people who are like that, like Salim who are who they find others and Zaid people who became some of the greatest people ever to live and then you have others yet to be those who did the opposite to work, you know, so it doesn't really come from a sociological perspective. It doesn't being adopted or not being adopted doesn't really change doesn't affect the person's outcome in terms of they're gonna be good people or bad people really.

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However, if you take a child out of a situation where they don't have people looking after them individually and specifically and personally, then that is what will

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Help will help you that helps a lot. Someone who grows up in an orphanage is less likely to achieve as much as they're going to achieve in life. And they're going to grow up with a lot of psychological problems. And most of them, there are studies that are that are that are very difficult to even read. Where are you talking like in the staggering numbers of 65. And 70% of children who leave who live in orphanages or foster homes, in analogy, throughout their lives,

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have severe mental illnesses and mental diseases, and they have psychiatric problems that they don't get rid of to the rest of their lives. That could have all been kind of dodge of just maybe they were brought into a home early on, it was clear, it was honest. And they knew what what the deal was. And they were raised, and they were nurtured. And they were loved. And you'll find a lot of differences in that. Okay.

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Why ladies important? Like, what is the difference when a guy who knows his lineage and the guy who doesn't? Like personally? Well, there's a couple of things personally, a sense of belonging exists, I mean, you still have a sense of where you belong to a group, and that strengthens, that gives you more confidence in life and gives you more, it gives you a head start, if you come from Africa. So you come from a family that are known to be scholarly, or people who are pious, and people do who do good, that gives you a head start that makes you more less more likely for you to hold on to that tradition, that beautiful tradition of that happening in your life. That's one thing. And I think

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from a socio from a social perspective, it changes things. Meaning when we stop observing, yeah, I need Heritage's and lineages, we start observing the importance of Hannah Annika, of people having getting married in the halal manner. And then having kids and hold in they're holding on to their families. And taking care of that. This becomes this becomes an issue within societies that can cause because it has to stop caring about that, neither let me stop caring about that, it becomes easier for people just to go out and have casual sexual * and have kids because it doesn't matter anymore. And one of the issues that cause people not to do that is that no, it's important

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that my offspring are are respected within the society, they carry a certain they know who they're who their family, the people to be to back them up, they are people to to protect them to belong to a group. I know, in an ideal society that doesn't that that's the reality of the world. That's how the world works. If you grow up without that, that becomes hard for you to to function and within the world, you need that you need that aspect to exist for you. So it's not just a personal issue, the personal part of it, maybe it's not as strong as the social part of it. The moment we stop caring about lineages and Heritage's and families is the moment people feel like it doesn't matter

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anymore. I just have a kid outside of marriage in marriage. I know the father doesn't know the Father we just doesn't matter because who cares? You just get to this person is here he has no idea who his family is whatsoever has no no understanding of it doesn't matter. But the thing is, sociologically is socially it doesn't matter, it makes it it makes life much harder for this person had they actually had that's why it's encouraged for for orphans to become either become a lady for this orphan to become a member of this family. So now he's he's a part of this family even though he's not from a bloodline relation, actually part of the family. But this now gives him a family, it

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gives some people gives them a society because a community gives him some sense of belonging. And he asked people to back him up and people to live with you need that as a person, if you get isolated, that's, that can destroy whatever is left of your life. We're not We're not isolated into the creatures, we are very social.

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And if you if you study all the

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what all psychiatrists or psychologists talk about when they bring up happiness, they may offer a number of different ideas, they all agree on one thing, that what makes a person happy is strong social relationships is having strong sense of families, having a lot of people around, we feel who you feel you belong to, and they're around you, they surround you and they're like minded and and you're able to socialize with them on a level. And that's important. And that's important because when you take out lineage altogether, it becomes a bit of a problem. And it's just a matter of holding on to that to the concept of NECA. Here what we've ended up with what we ended up losing we

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ended up losing is the importance of marriage and importance of Halal

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reproduction that was taken away because we stopped because here they stopped caring about us altogether. And I'm not saying Islam of course.

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Sorry, but now instead of Amina homeodomain didn't what I said at the moment I the horn is blown doesn't matter your lineage anymore, I want to help you and I thought Yeah, Niemann up Bobby I'm gonna let you see that behavior sebou if you're if your actions don't take you closer to Allah, your lineage or take you any closer to Allah so this is not in a religious problem. It's a social problem but it makes a big difference that it allows families to to exist and to continue to thrive when you take out that altogether doesn't matter anymore. If people feel more whatever I'll just marry anyone I don't have to marry I just sleep with them now the kids will raise the kid CO will call will co

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parent this kid and what what are you okay? How does that even work? That's not That's not how societies are gonna thrive and and this is what we're kind of reaping today. As a society today. This is what we're kind of dealing with. So would there be like, a good lineage this guy has a bad lineage so he this guy must be better than this guy or like forced on.

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Okay, no, no

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

So someone says he comes from a good family. Yeah. Like, any.

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Sorry. And then I understand No, no, it doesn't. It's hard to explain unless you're in the arena with that person, right. So yeah. has a problem understanding their own identity. Yeah, a person who has an identity cannot even come close to understanding. Yeah. It makes a big difference. It makes a very big difference, however, yeah, exactly. It makes a difference. Having that sense of identity and belonging is very important. Now, no, in no case, are you allowed to come say, I come from a better family than your family? Because you can't. The issue is not comparing families. You're not supposed to be comparing families and comparing lineages well I come I hail from this person and I

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come from that person. Even even those who say Jani who are who come from the prophets of Allah synonyms lineage, reggae, they count themselves back to some of the Allahu Anhu saying to the prophets, Allah, Allah is not what is it is an issue of what you just know the beta and you love them a bit more, or you feel you feel towards them this closest that you are Jonnie, close to the Prophet, so I said them, but it doesn't give them the right to do basically anything and there's not really no definitely I mean, there's no sense of being better than others and you're not whipping first in line you're not getting it doesn't make your life easy, you're not you're not a better

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person because of it really, it just gives you a head start. If you have a strong family if you have a good family, it gives you it helps you out why would you want not want that? Why wouldn't you not want for yourself and for your kids, to have a head start in life to have to have that sense of identity to have that sense of belonging that will allow them to achieve more has nothing to do with Alia Nakamoto Mandela had come period is based strictly on piety and nothing else and the person the person who stands the prophets I'm came to a community where the only way they would

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they would talk about who's better than other is through nessam. And they were standing there and these are my father's my father's did this. And this is where Islam came in, eradicated and almost got rid of it completely Was that was that idea. However, that doesn't mean that we stopped caring about family lines. So that wasn't that wasn't the point. Family lines help you as a person, it helps to maintain and hold on to society. But it's not there for you to say that I will I come from a better family. How are you comparing based on what are you comparing that your family is better than my family? And even if your family is better than my family? How does that make you better than

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me? In what way? What is the criteria? What is the how are we judging who's better than whom no one can judge who's better than who except Allah subhanaw taala. His judgment is to piety only piety is not known because it's in the heart. So we're really left with nothing. But maybe you coming from a better family gave you a headstart, maybe it gives you more responsibility, because you were born, your father was a scholar and your grandfather was a scholar in history. And I'll tell you this

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story, one of my teachers and he says that he sloughing off fluffy is the funniest man on the planet. He's like, he's a born stand up comedian. Yeah, I need Hanafi madhhab. He was my teacher. He taught us in medical Hanafy this man lived a luxury open about it. It didn't didn't a lot of stuff, any of the stories, personal stories, but I'll tell you tell you something that he told us that he allowed us to say he grew up in a family that wasn't very it was a very good family in his in his own words. And all his brothers were hooligans. All of them were Yaniv robbers, and yeah, we're gonna call them just and he himself was Yeah. And he was. He was always he was fighting. He's always

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hitting people fighting with people just just a horrible, horrible beginning to the point where once he when he first started thinking about the dean, he walked into the masjid and they came to him say, What do you want? You just don't take any the shoes here. Here's money. Like, he's like, I just want to pray like no, no. What do you mean well pray.

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Everyone was uncomfortable just walking into the Masjid. He was so it's only problems. And of course, he learned the D and he became a great scholar of the myth of the Hanafi school of study. So, so teaching, so once he once he was he was asked to come to a conference where he was he and a number of shields to talk Yanni to very high level knowledge seekers. So he said he was in the conference sitting beside him with the shaker tofield so either Madonna booty, Chef Sophia is the he's the dean of Islamic studies of China at the University of Damascus, his father, she will do one of the biggest scholars probably in the whole region, his father Shamala Ramadan booty was one of

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the probably most amazing people who ever lived in in the 19th century, what a man who was exceeds all okay, I need descriptions. So this guy stood up and his talk was on repentance and Toba. So when he was NCSF, he was talking about something different. He said, after the guy finished, he stood up and he said, I was supposed to talk about this. But then yeah, and he shadow Phil talks about repentance. When the shift of thinking about repentance. He's in cutting. Kareem Abdul Karim. He is tofi father, grandfathers, Jamala. Ramadan, talked about me, asked me about repentance. I can tell you about repentance, that me explain to you what repentance is. He's away. Don't listen to him. Of

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course, at the beginning shift. I thought he was being gay that he was going gets it. They understood

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him. And of course, he told a few stories. I'm not at liberty to tell any of the stories he didn't allow us. But anyways, the idea of it was that lineage helps good families.

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All families will help you give you a head start doesn't make you better doesn't make you inherently better than anyone you can't you. And if you play that card, then you've already failed. Like if you're if you're if you play if you play the card, if I say to someone, oh, by the way, I come from this better family than yours I've already you've already all ranked me in the eyes of Allah, you're already you're sobering up like you're better than me. But just by the fact that you think that anything that you didn't do, if you think anything you didn't do makes you better than people you've already failed. Imagine thinking that something you didn't do makes you better than people, which is

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your lineage has nothing to do but it gives you a head start. And if we if we have arrogance, and we look down on others, based on things that we've done in our lives, like achievements, we have we've accomplished and others didn't do like I pray better than him. Right? No more honor. And if I think I'm better than someone because of that I've already failed meaning of RM already I need to tell you the story.

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He came to my house, wake it up guys that used to come to our house every once in a while. And we used to ask him tell us a story. So he told us a story told us said once there was a Greek scholar with an airlock, I don't know what he said in there. But this what he said it's a Greek scholar in Iraq with the biggest scar because as we all scholars Ghana healed from for a long time that this man was the man he was the man everyone came to all scholars came to him to learn from him. And he was so highly ranked that it his name was the name that you've just said the name people. And once he saw it, he slept one day and he saw a dream and his dream he started bliss, Lana, hola. And he

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saw bliss. He polishing hooks, all these hooks and he asked him, What are you doing? He said, these hooks. Once I'm thrown into Jahannam, I hook people and I pull them all with me. So he's seeing and he sees all these different sizes, hooks from hooks that are a hook that is the biggest hook is because the planet and a hook that is so small, you can't even see it with your own eyes. It's something very small. So he's looking at these hooks and all these, you know, sizes and he's thinking to himself, you know, this big hook must be, you know, for me, I'm the biggest scholar in the land. So we asked him, please who's this big look for? And he says, well, it's for some old guy

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who sits at the Behind The Mystery right beside the shoes. He keeps on putting the shoes up and fixing them. For 60 years now I've been trying to get him to do a mistake and I can't get into so I prepared this big hook. Hopefully I can hook him. So he's like, alright, it must be the second hook. The second guy must be for me, right? No, it's for this guy. And then he asked him cook by hook until we come to the uncanny the one that is not visible. That's not his name. So he's kind of sitting there feeling a bit offended about the whole issue and there's like a bliss. I No offense, but Where's where's my hook. So it looks at him says Oh, Dr. Nieman Zima. And you're gonna be way

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ahead of me like I'll be, I'll be pulling in people you're gonna be fuck falling in ahead of me, the problem being simply arrogance. And even if you're someone who has achieved a lot in life, if you think you're better than others, then you've already failed. If you think you're better than others for something that you did not do like your heritage, then that's a failure that says it's already done. However, lineages from a social perspective and personal perspective can help a lot and they maintain maintain communities, communities that are big on families and marriage lineages will hold on to the sanctity of zoology and halal and you won't find Zina, you will find Sefa within that

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community, however, here because that became completely unimportant, now, it's a mess. There's a big mess. Again, should you see the balance Islam is it's a balance, that does not make you better, but it's important to have you have to hold on to it, but it doesn't. It's not something you use to to condescend. It's not something to you to say that I inherited later, but it's important it will maintain your societies. That's why bring in orphans. Just call them by their name, just be honest about it. Just be bring them in, raise them, give them shower them with your love. Just call them about him, which is the only thing that is so so what we took from it was don't bring it over fist

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because we can't call them our own. No, no, bring them in. Just be honest. Is it awkward? You're like, yeah, I feel awkward just thinking about it. Well, that's the whole point is to realize

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that there are certain things you will be told to do. They'll make you feel awkward, make you find them difficult, not easy to deal with. But we have to deal with it. And I feel like talking about diversity a team and Totalizer was an important aspect. I think we should talk about it more. I think we should discuss it community a bit more. And then this should be something we should be practicing and encouraging people to practice more. I'm not talking about young couples, if you're 25 or 28, or 30. Bringing an orphan maybe this is not the right time, but I talked about senior citizens. This whole point of Concept of retirement. Where did that come from? You retire when you

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you retiring anyway, you call us you you you leave you leave the slightest when you retire before that you're continuously doing good, and who's better at raising than someone who's raised a whole generation? Yeah, I always did. My take my my son to my grandparents or my parents who was his grandparents, and they spoiled him like Why are you spoiling him? You should you should raise him I don't know how to raise him I didn't even like I'm not even you're not even done raising me Why don't you raise him to like I needed to raise this kid not to spoil him it's boiling is basically giving up saying I fellas I'm done. I'll just spoil my kid. No, no, I don't know how to do I don't

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know how to do this. I need you to teach me how to raise this kid show me Don't tell me don't tell me how to do it telling me how to doesn't help me show me how to do it raise the kid any I think the value of our of our elderly in our community. It has been shifted from what they actually are good

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that to what they're not good at, or we marginalize them from what they can do. It's extremely important in the lives of grandchildren to have their grandparents. They're not just as, as role models as people who can actually continue raising these kids and then older, older, few elderly people who don't have as much to do bring in a kid. Bring the kid

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I will every day I walk out, I come to the Halacha and the lady who lives beside me comes out with five dogs, five dogs, sell them and bring one kid will last and have nothing to do. I'm imagining how many times you have to walk them and feed them and clean up for them and insist dogs Yeah, dogs just let them run free in the wild and bringing a child was no one to love them. Okay, we'll start with that and show I'm sorry. It's Oh, it's nothing. So when shall we stop? We'll continue next time. So Michael, I'm actually interested to

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hear your thoughts.

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