Adnan Rajeh – Seerah Halaqah Episode 8

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The importance of learning from past experiences to serve others is emphasized in Islam. The speaker discusses the importance of knowing one's own weight and words and the beauty of actions. The importance of educating oneself and empowering others is also emphasized. The importance of reading and learning to become a good Muslim is emphasized, as it is crucial for achieving success and avoiding being too proud of others. The need for compassion and humility is also emphasized, and learning and reading to benefit others is crucial for personal growth.
AI: Transcript ©
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something worthy of to at least to highlight, like it takes time to talk about it. Because there's a lot to within that first moment, the prophet Isaiah salatu, Salam met Gibreel that is worthy of contemplation, reflection, and I find that I have to come go back a few times to make sure that everyone has the clarity of what actually occurred in the story. So yesterday, last time, I did, I did tell the story.

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Before I do, here's here are the list of heroes. This is the list of I've experienced that the profit out of yourselves and picked up before his prophecy. Obviously, he picked up much more. I'm not capable of, of summarizing all of them. But these are the ones I think are really worthy of your contemplation means kind of to know what it is that he that he went through, that later on would affect him as a person and his life story and the decisions he would make. We are the product of our past, in many, in many senses we are we can't You can't escape your past, you can escape what happened to you in your life and what you've been through. But if we see our past in the right late,

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then we use it, to strengthen ourselves, we use it to grow, we use it to move forward, we use it to be better people and to actually serve those who have similar life stories to our own. And that's what I think is really important for us to learn from him out of his soul to withstand all of the negatives. All the negativity, all of the pain that occurred to him and his life out of his thoughts on did not break him.

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It didn't break him out of your thoughts and didn't make him someone who was disgruntled or someone who hated society or someone who was upset with the world or someone who had lacked in compassion or empathy. No, it made him made him the opposite on a slaughter was when he learned I can learn the right lessons from what occurred to him. And that is what I think is really important when we study his life story out of his Salatu Salam is just going through it just seeing what occurred to him, and how that affected him later. Growing up without parents did not make him someone who had no Rama, no, he was very compassionate towards orphans. Growing up and having to work from a young age

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did not make him cruel towards children, it was the opposite. He tried to make sure that no children ever had to work. And he's the first person by the way, historically, within that region, to the best of our knowledge, obviously,

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historians can correct me that actually put an age limit in terms of people joining armies, there were no age limits before. Meaning they they would this is a known practice in Arabia, that if they needed warriors, and they didn't have enough men, they would get kids boys too young and they would tie swords to their arms, because they weren't strong enough to carry them. So there was no age limit. The Bravo Allison was the first person who put an age limit there had to be you have to be a certain age and or just you weren't allowed to be allowed to join. So when you see the profit out of your slots, or doing these things, it just helps us grow for ourselves, it's growth for ourselves.

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So I just wanted to share them with you as a final reminder, I'm not gonna go back to them again, we're, we're done.

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It all started in this very simple bar, or Hara. Towards the end of Ramadan, at night, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would encounters Gibreel for the first time, it happened in a really simple place. The beginning of this beautiful message happened in a cave, in a very small cave, I actually usually, I'm capable, I'm sure showing you I'm not sure if this will work or not. So this is the this is the entrance of the cage of the cave. And it's really small.

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Now I can I can make turn off the sound completely. But the entrance of the cave is really small, you can barely fit one or two. It's hard to fit two people inside. It's actually that is that puny on the inside.

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And I've always I went there when I was a kid. And if you ever go and perform your ombre, honestly take the trip, go go up. It's hard if you have someone elderly don't take elderly people up there. It's very difficult. It's it's an hour and 45 minutes easily. But when you do go up there, again, just trying to try to appreciate the view he had on it. You're salatu salam, and the nature of the place where this all began, what you're going to find, and this may disappoint you and I'm okay with that, that it was really really simple. Like the key was really really simple. It was there's nothing there is no there's no all the elements of the key if you don't go to the game and say wow,

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this is a Sunday this this is a really Yeah, and you'll just walk away this that wasn't that wasn't something worth seeing the key was almost nothing at all. Like you can see the view he had only a slight twist around for America from where he was no for what it's worth. So it's a really simple place. And I find that the value of that is that it

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Islam did not begin in a palace. It didn't come to the Prophet It is thought to Islam in a in a very in an attractive environment where it was ravishing and no it came to was

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pile rocks. Just a pile of rocks.

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Amongst other pile of rocks in an open desert, it's very, very, very simple, very humble, because the strength of Islam is within the strength of the idea. It's the strength of the idea, not the place. Not none of that none of the none of the superficial appearance based judgment. Methods, none of that stuff is it's not about the money. It's not about the, it's about the strength of the idea. Islam strength has always been in his idea, which is why as Muslims, we don't back down from a from a, from an argument or a discussion or a debate or a conversation. Because we know that the, the idea that we have is strong. And because it's a strong idea, we were willing to challenge anyone

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with an idea, bring your idea. If you have a better one than ours, we'll leave the one we have, we'll go with yours, because that's what the client tells us to do. Anyways, they're gonna tell us look, there's more evidence somewhere else go follow that evidence. But if not, then you should be very confident in the in the, in the methodology and the idea that you have, which is why Islam start in such a simple place. Because it's not about the wealth. It's not about the money. It's not about the numbers. It's about the strength of the idea and what you're gonna find out within his life. It is solid wisdom, within his prophecies that his private, he prevailed through the strength

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of this idea, that was the strength of it. They couldn't articulate a rebuttal to the idea that he brought out of your soul to Islam. So they lost, even though they had more people, they had more wealth, they had the arms, they have more political pull, they had more social status, they had more allies. If you think about it, Islam started with just one person who did not have pull. In order, if you're thinking about an idea that's going to spread. Well, the person who has the idea better better be a king of some sort, or a prime minister or a an army Lord or someone who who has the ability to affect people quickly, something someone who can spread an idea amongst large groups of

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people in a minute. Mohammed, Abdullah Abdullah, so Allah, Allah, Allah salAllahu, Salam did not have that. He did not have a crowd or an audience. He didn't hint yet his ideas spread to every corner of the earth, because of the strength of it. If it I'm gonna point out this as we go along. Any other method for is, if Islam was revealed in any other way, and was spread in any other way, then the argument could have been that has spread because of the strength or the wealth or the family effect, or no, it didn't. It didn't. It didn't spread for any of those things. Actually, Quraysh were the people fought him. It wasn't the family effect that actually allowed it to become

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what it became.

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So I always thought that was an interesting piece, that it's such a simple place, because while you go to the lottery, you're not going to be impressed. There's nothing impressive is very simple. I think the simplicity is the reason is the point. Yes, it's a simple place, nothing, nothing ravishing, nothing elegant. But the idea was, the idea was amazing. The idea till this day continues to live on, continues to help us perfect our lives and make better decisions and be better people. And we should never forget that. As Muslims, we never forget that we don't belong to a group just that is based on a race or culture or a language. We belong to a group that had that follows this

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idea. Islam was a gift that Allah subhanaw taala offered to us. It was a way of life that is just

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beautiful, and profound in every way. And that's how you hold on to it. Now, because I inherited from my family, I hold on to it, because the idea is so powerful and strong. You don't inherit your religion. You don't inherit your religion, or maybe you do but you shouldn't. You shouldn't. That's not how religion works. You have to buy into it, you have to actually analyze what's being said, and then believe in what's being said or don't. Inheriting things don't it doesn't never works. anything aside from possessions aren't is not worth inheriting, you've got Herot something better, you better believe in it, and better means something to you, which is the beauty of what he did on his sword.

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So I'm going to continue the story for you because I think it's worthy of and then we'll come back and talk about a few things.

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He comes right down the mountain Alia salatu salam after this

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creature that was so huge, it closed the horizon for him, told him I hugged him very

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firmly a couple of times and let them go told him UCLA and he doesn't know how to read and they told him they recited these five, these five sentences to him and then left him with nothing else. There's no introduction. There was no there was no closure to this meeting nothing. He just came did this a left and other profit. I think it's also in the middle of the night, middle of nowhere. Basically, if you go there, that's something to think about these middle of nowhere. There is no lace there. He he doesn't know what just happened to him. So he's very, very upset. He's very afraid. So he runs down the mountain. It's like an hour and a half. He runs runs down. He gets home.

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He's sweating, but he's still freezing because of what just happened to him. And he tells Khadija Maroney to thoroughly cover me and warm me up. So they did and then she asked him and he tells us she tells her the story, as she believes in robiola, Hawaiian and they talked about that a little bit that last time

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And she goes beyond believing him, probably Allah and she tells them all right? Don't worry, this is not wrath. This is not Allah subhanaw taala being upset with you, there's not punishment for you, you will never be punished and he points out all the reasons why he will be punished. He is someone who lived his life who dedicated his life for service. But then she takes it one step further.

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All right, you're calm. Now he was caught, he was calling out of usados said, Come with me. And they go and they visit a man by the name of water club in Norfolk. What I thought was in his late 90s, or mid 90s, some people say mid late 80s was very old. And he was the only Christian living in Mecca at the time. But he was a Christian who believed in who was in the northeast, meaning he believed in Allah and the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala. And Khadija in many ways I had learned that from him and she was why she was a mojito herself. The reason the Khadija did not believe in Islam is most likely the effect of what I call upon her and he was an older cousin to her. And he had read

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scripture, he had read the total, I had read the injeel. And he had come to certain conclusions, but he was not someone of a lot of influence. He was not someone who had a lot of pull, so he was not able to teach what he what he knew. He just took it for himself. So Khadija took the Prophet alayhi salatu salam to work. And she told him explain to him what happened, tell him the story. So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was set in front of Morocco, but no fun until the story this would happen to me. I've been doing this for this long time, for this amount of time. Prior to that every time I walked by a tree or a rocks, I would hear something. I'd had these visions that night and he

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asked Khadija I would tell her I saw this, I saw this dream. And then later on exactly what I said would happen later, kind of weird things occurring. And then this happened to me. And I don't know what it it didn't introduce himself didn't say anything. Just it's happened to him.

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So what I'll do was sit back, think for a minute, and then share with him the following sentences.

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Your extreme, extremely important. This is all we have on record that what UCLA has ever said, I don't have anything else like I don't have any books of Sierra or Hadith. Anything else that this man said aside from these sentences. He obviously lived a long life and said many things. There's only one record. These sentences are extremely important. The prophet Isaiah says that, up to that moment, did not know who he was. He no one explained to him. He's going to hear it from what so he begins, he will say the following, because you have been asking, and this is just a way that out of the talk to each other isn't my nephew.

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In Nikka Leonardi, you heard the rumor in Africa then be you earthly reason, man, indeed, you are the prophet of this nation. And you're the Prophet of End of Time of the End of Time.

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In we knew the messenger of the End of Time was going to come at some point after a cinema, see how a cinema and you are the profit of the end of time at the bottom of the deal. That's the first piece of information he gave him. And then he told him, what Cognos Allah Allah, you can also talk about a Levinas Allah Allah Musa alayhis salam and what you encountered is the anomalous is a word that describes something that is extraterrestrial or extraordinary. Man, it's a word that has a lot of no use, you use the word to describe a mosquito. It's not that's not what it is. If you go back to the to the actual dictionaries, it has many other meanings. It's something that is that has light to it.

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And it's something that is capable of bringing enlightenment, not to waste your time with with the linguistics, upon you has come the source of life that that was descended upon Musa alayhis salam, the second piece of information. So now, first of all, he knows he's a prophet. Now. Second one, he knows that that was God, because the Arab understood prophecies. I mean, they knew Ibrahim they knew Musa they know what he said they heard the story so they knew how revelations occurred.

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What in Nicomachean so for you, because the Buddha can

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work to do Naka, while you're courageous, when we're in you directly, yo, en, Soroka, nostril and Zara

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and indeed your people, they're going to work against you. They're going to disbelieve in what you have to say, and they're going to attempt to kill you.

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And if I live to that day, I will stand by you.

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So the provider you saw just on this point had to interrupt because now there is too much information all at once you can look at too much information. And some of the information is very bothersome to me up to now. It's interesting to me what bothered him.

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You'll see what bothered him because he didn't ask the question, Carla. Oh, well criegee Your home.

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Will my people displace me? Like they will remove me from my country.

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That's what bothered me is lackluster. What bothered him was the possibility or the potential of his own people kicking him out.

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That didn't sit well with him. He just heard pieces of information that are impossible to comprehend are processed within one setting. What bothered him was the ideas why would they kick me out? Why or what have I done? All my life all I have done is served people who were in need I

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I've never asked for anything. I don't I'm not I'm not ahead of any board. I don't sit on it. I'm not the chair of any committee. I don't have any wealth in my hands. I have no power. I have never been a part of any any any active of any of harm. I've done nothing wrong. All I've done is just helped people. I'm actually quite poor because of it. I don't have a lot of money because of it. Why would they remove me it bothered him the fact that this is a possibility. You people will disbelieve in you, it will work against you. They will attempt to kill you. They'll remove you. In the private audience. I had to interrupt why would they remove me? Oh my god, they're going to remove me Takada.

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So he answered him, Fila Nam lemmya, theologian Tato Bhima, a Teletubby. He loves movie, no person in the history of mankind has come to his people with what you're going to bring them except there they were harmed, except they were worked against by their own.

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That was the end of what he had to see. All the Allah who I know, will come in over the Prophet alayhi salatu salam will take this information. And he would think about it for a while. Because he has to dwell on this stuff. He's was told he was the prophet, not just of the nation that he's a part of, but of all mankind at the end of at the end of time, just watch what

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he's told who came to him in the bar is not now known as Jibreel data, he certainly knows that he now knows that he is going to have is going to be an uphill it's going to be an uphill battle. Everyone around him, his people, his own family is going to work against him to want to remove him attempt to kill him.

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That's what he says. What we're telling him Nate, any goofy agenda and another narration that we have in the c Database help rate any Hakuna via Java. Java means young. Either I wish I would be young, when that day comes, I wish I could be young on the day they remove you.

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I wish I could be young. And I've always felt that this is a very wise man. We only have these four or five sentences from him. We have nothing else. I think this piece is just as wise as everything else. He told the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said I wish I wish I could be young. Because this OMA was built on youth. This OMA was built on the effort of youth. And it will continue to be that will continue to be the case that will continue to be the case where a youthful OMA and the hope for the future is like look, it comes from the youth worker, he had to admit, I'm old. I'm not going to be very helpful to you. Aside from the pieces of wisdom that I'm I'm sharing with you. I know I can't

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do much. If I'm around I'll stand by you but I wish I could be young when these moments occur. So I could I could stand by you.

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The Prophet alayhi salatu salam later on. I think I have it here.

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I have you here. Yeah.

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We were talking about what often been no fun.

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And he would say something about him. He would say your shadow yarmulke Yamato Matunga he is brought on the day of judgment. And he stands as if he is a nation on his own. Maybe the amount of Huseynov that he had is as a nation on his own. Why?

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Why is that the case? Anyone want to give it a ticket ticket job?

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What do you say there?

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We will allow that.

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What he said what he said and you don't need to muck if if I live to the time that you are in need, you need me, I will stand by you. He made a pure genuine real intention. He made a real intention that if he was to live long enough to see the profit as AutoSum moving on his path and he was able he would stand by him. You know the funny part of the story.

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What after died the next day.

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He passed away the next day the prophet Elijah would go home dwell on what he said. And what Khadija would tell him by the way he passed away last night. Allah subhanaw taala had him live just long enough, just long enough for the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam to encounter Djibouti, come down, speak to him. He shared with him these pieces of wisdom and then his his role was up. That was it. He was there for that and he passed away. But he made a genuine real intention. And because he made that intention, he got the agenda of standing by the Prophet alayhi salatu salam in every difficult situation that he went through throughout his life. How many times the Prophet Allah use us and be a

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difficult situation after that moment, right? It just went on for 23 years of difficulties. What aka passed away and banked the hassle out for that all in his grave. He does all of it into his arsenal. So you're welcome. He comes over Martin water. It's like he's he's a nation on his own, in terms of how much has a Nazi has, how many good deeds he has, because of that pure, genuine, real intention that he made. Do not underestimate

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The importance of a real intention, a pure intention. And the problem with intentions is that if they're not genuine, they don't materialize into anything. They don't materialize they because you make the intention don't do anything about it doesn't count but the but the intelligence mean a lot, because you never know when you make an intention to do something and you're deprived the opportunity to do it. If you make that intention then surely got the Agile for you got you got the you got the reward for what I've got in his heart he made that I will, I am old, and I'm not capable. But if I live long enough, and I see that I will stand by you, I will stand by you. So you

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will Kiama He comes as a nation on his own in terms of the amount of hustle that he that he made.

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He said late and he called you hijack. Ah, that's what he said. I wish I could go back and be young.

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The reason that I worked with youth a lot.

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Because I I honestly believe I honestly believe that the solution for OMA and on every level in every discipline, every domain will come from them. I sincerely believe that. I don't just say it so that we can people come to the masjid. No, this is what I sincerely believe, when I actually have these conversations with people who are older, and they say but what do they think I'm insane because I sincerely believe this. It's not just a token, Yaniv statement that I'm making so you can feel better about yourself. I sincerely believe that whatever higher that's going to come to this ummah will come through the excuse, they will come through you, if you're younger, come through you,

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you are what were, you are what I am banking on, what I believe is going to be the solution is you. So, understand that piece, and if you don't, if you don't believe it yet, then just attend this halacha for a couple of more months. Just listen to the proper audio source and story. And listen to the names that we'll talk about. And allow me to tell you their names, their ages as we go along. He's allowed me to share their ages when I talk about Jani Fawlty my mental health, Bob and I talked about a smart military book and I talked about it and I thought it would be nobody learns about and I want to talk about these names. Let me just tell you, their ages, when they joined Islam, and how

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long they lived with with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, you're gonna find that that the majority of them were young people were young people, it's through the passion of the youth. It's through the dedication of the youth, that nations not just this image is not just our own, every nation will find salvation, and we'll find successful find strength. It's for as long as our youth continue to feel that they are irrelevant, and that they're too young, and that their children, and that they're allowed, and that they're entitled to have interests that have no value to them. And just walking around dependent on others, focusing on just their day to day joys and pleasures for us. As long as

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that continues to happen, we will continue as an ummah to suffer, it's when our youth figured out that there's no you're capable of more, you are capable on your own, have more you have all the ammo, you have all the abilities, if you just focus if you just change what it is that you look at, and what you're hoping for, and what you're focused on. And this is what we I hope. That's it. Just one generation, it takes us one generation, just one generation of young people to realize that light, there's more to life than what I've been focusing on lately. There's way more to life, and I do have a voice and I am capable of making a difference. And I do matter and I am irrelevant. If you

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think that way. And you educate yourself and you focus on yours, and you allow us to be a part of that story with you. You allow us to mentor you and coach you and help you on your journey. Things change. Nature, the status of nations changed, when that's the case,

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the biggest loss we've had as an ummah, is that we've been able,

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I say we, the world was able to convince

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younger people that they don't have to grow up until they're 30

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that you're a kid, you have time

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to do this and waste your time doing that. And

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when you study the Prophet it sounds leaf, you see when he started taking things seriously.

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When you see the younger Sahaba when they took like seriously, and how that served them what they did with that, then you understand that there's more to this. Because we don't have time, time is not something we have, we don't have that we need change. What we're what we're witnessing today should be enough evidence for you that we don't have time to waste we don't change has to happen quickly has to happen now. That change has to happen in the right age group. We have to get our younger people to start seeing the world for what it is and to start taking their lives seriously and start making decisions that that allow them to grow.

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For them to empower themselves if they can't find others to empower them to show they will and to start taking

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their own

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Decisions a bit more seriously. See, here's my problem. Islam is very big on, on freedom of choice very, very big on freedom of choice. That's all the Quran talks about is that you, if you make a mistake or accountable for it, you do something good you get you get rewarded, you make a mistake, you're accountable for it. And then somehow, we raise our children in a way where they don't feel accountable for their own. They don't know what consequences to their choices are because there's always someone to rush in and save them from consequences. Someone will come and bail them out or so they don't take their own choices. Seriously, this is a problem. It's a problem, you have to

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understand that if you're 1415, Habibi, you, what you the choices, you're someone's taking notice of what you're choosing, like, there's someone writing it down, it's being documented, you're milking, and you're gonna have to come back and talk about it. It's not when you're 30, that the medic starts actually writing things don't know, the writing. Now, I know you think this is being written right now. You're gonna have to understand just when you have to sit back and talk about them. You can't tell the law Well, I was only 15. So it means you are capable of making decisions. You were not at you were capable of making that you knew what was right. You know what was wrong? You just you make

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you did this, you have to You're accountable for it.

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Please, please understand that please, please. Well, at the earlier you come to that realizing that you're accountable, you're responsible for the decisions that you make in your life, the more likely it is that you'll make better ones. If you feel like you're not accountable, and you're not responsible, and you can afford just to do whatever and someone else will bail you out, then you'll continue to do that. Well, I'll do that for the rest of your life. Well, I know people I'm not going to be it doesn't change until you decide to make to make that difference.

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So the profit it is someone here there from what after I'd walk out of the house. He is he's very, this is too much. It's information overload. The burden of info was too high, heavy. So he walked out on his own thinking, and maybe it is a man in motion about they're going to do this and this to me and it's too much information. So before Khadija worked out what after would call her back?

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And he would she would look at her and you said BT. Stand by him, strengthen him. What's coming is difficult. what's coming to him is very difficult. It's just going to get worse from this point forward. Khadija Allahu anha she she she took that to heart. She took it to heart and she for sure it was the what was his rock it kunstloft was to them for the for the for the next 10 years that she lived with him I just thought it was but he pointed that out to me you have to stand by him. This is not going to be a walk in the park and it wasn't it wasn't

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a week laters your breed Allah Islam will come back to the Prophet Allah you saw there was given a week to dwell on things. He'd be sitting on a throne in the middle of the sky in front of him. So yeah, Mohammed

00:27:52 --> 00:28:00

Anta rasool Allah, what energy BReel Minister, you are the Prophet of Allah, you're the Messenger of Allah. And I am GBT from the heavens.

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And then he gave the prophet Isaiah salatu salam, his first lesson ever. The first lesson

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was Salah

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he made will do and allowed the Prophet alayhi salam to watch and then met the Prophet alayhi salam make will do in front of him and then God would suddenly the way we do and he would have the Prophet either your sauce and do the same yeah Mohammed if it Mr. O Muhammad do exactly what I do. And the prophet Isaiah sauce and we learn to make will do and to do His Salah that will be the first lesson he would get from from Djibouti Alayhis Salam. So I can spend some time and talking about the importance of Salah but you know what, I'm gonna keep that count down the down the down the road a bit, we'll come back to that and shall because there'll be another opportunity. What I want to do

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for a moment is just take a look at superclocked

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want to analyze with you, not the whole surah I just want to analyze one one thing with you.

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I want to analyze the concept of knowledge. Within these first five verses that you're looking at the word ekra it means to read. It means to comprehend, to learn to gather information, to benefit from expertise of others but to contemplate to reflect all that is the word meanings of the word.

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To read written text, there's a specific word for it with blue, but blue is to recite you hope you hope you recite something. Accra is a word that's much more it's a word that it's an umbrella term that has a lot of meanings to it. The first word that he would hear Alia slaughter something that most of you believe is the first command the Quran has started with the command. The Quran didn't start with an introduction it came with a command the first thing you would hear from the book of Allah subhanaw taala was not relating to the shaytani R Rajim or Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, or is it the first word you would hear? Is it gonna read? Now he jumped in his mind to the to the to the

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usage of the word that is literal, which is to recite written text. You really didn't mean it that way. He meant something completely different.

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When he said, gotta read, this is the fundamental principle of Islam, the concept of read. Here's it, here's a question for you. What and Islam? Whenever there's a command in the Quran, or the Sunnah, we have to figure out what it's going to be. Is it going to be an obligation? Is it going to be a recommended action? Is it permissibility? Like, if there's a command, you have to define what it is. So when he said CLI commanded him to read, what is that?

00:30:25 --> 00:30:32

Is that a? What is it? What does it qualify us? Is it an obligation? Is it a recommendation? Is it offering a permissibility? What is it exactly?

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It's nothing. You don't find it in the bookstore? They don't, don't talk about yours prudently. No, because this is on another level. This is an actor, this is a teaching of guidance. That's why we don't have a ruling assigned to the commander of Iraq. We don't have a ruling assigned to it.

00:30:53 --> 00:31:06

It's an act of guidance. It's the concept of reading. This is the concept that Allah subhanaw taala sent to the Prophet, it is awesome first, why? Because it's almost going to be different. See, I'm not going to give you a Mohammed a

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physical miracle, you're not going to get the staff of mcsalley. So you're not gonna be able to make things out of clay, like Jesus didn't have them, and even grant them like, no, none of that is gonna happen to you, your story is going to be different. So let's start where it needs to start ikura you need to read, you need to read. He didn't he didn't get it either. And so it's okay, if you didn't get it. If I didn't get a unit, that's okay. That night, he didn't get it either out of his sore throat. He thought recite written words. So I don't know how Monica thought it. And then when he heard the words, you start to think

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you start to think a little bit more, because this is what he says to piloti if Bismillah Bica, the follow up, read in the name of your LORD that created halacha inside I mean, Allah created the human being from a clot of blood.

00:31:53 --> 00:32:33

It cannot read, Rob Bukal accom. And your Lord is the Most Generous, this is the first name of Allah that he ever heard that he has the lotto setup. This is the first name of God that he ever heard, and a Quran, the most generous, but up till now, in Arabic when I say read, I give a give a command Nicola, there has to be something that's the main object, right? Read this book, read this newspaper, read your life, for example, as in read between the lines to kind of contemplate your life. But he said it twice. What is the object? Where's the objects in these verses? There isn't one there isn't. He never gave him an object. He just left it open. He told him read in the Name of your

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Lord who created you created the human being from a clot have been read. Just read and your Lord is the Most Generous, just read, read and everything will work out. read and watch my generosity. See how generous your Lord is. If you just read if you learn, if you learn if you educate yourself, if you allow yourself to do what your father Adam did in the heavens, well, I laminated them and Esma and Adam learn the names and the magic. I

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didn't believe in them. They didn't they weren't there were skeptical of them. And then Allah subhanaw taala said, Yeah, I'm beat him beat him. Adam, show them what you learned. So Adam starts to articulate, he starts to explain things describe things, the melodica okay, this is different. This creature here I don't we don't know what this is. Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Montana, we only know what You have taught us. And this thing here is different. We were sorry. We said anything.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:32

Just read, just learn. Allow your mind to what am I sure.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:48

There's something I, I've shared this a lot. So don't feel if you feel bored. Forgive me. Whenever he talked about gender, in any of his last sessions, he will say the most beautiful thing in gender is the amount of knowledge you have access to.

00:33:49 --> 00:34:13

So the most beautiful thing is gender is the knowledge you have access to Allah has infinite knowledge. You got to learn whatever it is, you don't know, you got to understand the things that you don't comprehend. You got to that is the name in his opinion, that is the actual that is the actual joy and pleasure that you'll find a genetic name is the ability your mind can expand in ways that you never thought was ever possible for it to expand.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:17

Let's analyze the concept within these verses.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:31

So twice, he says Accra. So two, twice in a row, there are two commands of learning right? Or analyzing the concept of knowledge. And then he says, I love the Allama Bill column, the one that taught Allama taught that's also

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related to knowledge. Bill column column is the 10, which is the tool of documenting knowledge. You take notes, you have to write things down. That's how you document knowledge. That's how you hold on to information. I literally said again, Alabama taught again, five things I learned inside he taught the human being Miralem Yalom, that which the human mind did not know six times. Six times, knowledge was referred to either the command itself the action of learning the tool of knowledge

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

Did you? Or the action of teaching six times in the first five verses you think that's a coincidence?

00:35:06 --> 00:35:09

All right. Let's say you're not sold.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:31

The guy who told him, You are the Prophet, that was Gibreel. And this was going to happen to you. What was his name? What does that mean in English? Paper, his name was paper. The guy's name, what his name was paper, like understanding. The guy who told him this stuff. That's his name, his name is paper, this moussaka

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not sold yet the first sewer to be revealed to him out of your sauce with him after all, this pseudo column.

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The surah is name is depend.

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This is the beginning of his birth out of your sauce. This is the beginning of his prophecy. The emphasis on the importance of there is nothing in the Quran that is talked about negatively as much as John as the word ignorance to the point where the time before his birth out of useless wisdom, like the the pre Islamic era, what is it called? Joe Healy. It's called the time of ignorance. That's what it is called. Just to understand the value of what I'm trying to explain to you. Islam came with the message of knowledge, you need to read, read, just read everything. We're not scared of knowledge. Muslims, we're not scared of learning anything. We don't shy away from any discipline

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of knowledge. Only recently did this start to become an issue, by the way, only recently, last couple of centuries, when we kind of when the Muslim ummah was on a downfall, did we start to shy away from certain types of disciplines of knowledge, where we start to step away from philosophy or step away from biology or not to be too comfortable with certain Jonnie? Burb No, Muslims learn everything. They study everything, they are always trying to learn, because it's through knowledge that you will achieve closest to Allah subhanaw taala is through knowledge that you will benefit yourself into him around you. And nothing the One who created the universe that you're trying to

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study and understand is the one who sent this book, there will never be discrepancy. So there's no reason for us to need to keep people away from any aspect of knowledge. So read club, just read one book at a club. And your Lord is the Most Generous, is the most generous. Isn't that exactly what happened?

00:37:22 --> 00:37:26

If you study the Muslim, non Muslim hate Islamic history,

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what they call the Dark Ages, right? They call it the middle age Dark Ages, they're not really dark ages. That's if you're if you believe the world only existed in Europe, then yes, they're dark ages. But if there's a world outside of that, please, they were in dark ages at all. They weren't targeted. The amount of science and knowledge that the Muslims put together within the first 400 years of the Islamic Khilafah is is extremely intriguing. And it's mind blowing, to understand that for a long time, religion and science lived side by side, to the point where the first botanist and the first astronomer missed and the first person to describe how the how the circulation of the

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human body actually worked. The first person by the way to talk about evolution, the first people to talk about these were Muslim scholars, and they were football

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or football they were people who were there were scholars of Hadith and fifth that talked about these things. Because this ummah was built on the concept of learning, of reading of knowledge gathering of benefiting for the expertise of others and the experiences of others, as an ummah, we would, we would spend, we went and we took all of the knowledge of the Greek and the Indians and the Africans, and we translated it all. And it was all in one place. When the Europeans finally when the Muslims finally were kicked out of under Lucia, Europeans found a goldmine. Not it wasn't gold, it was knowledge all in one language. All they had to do was just learn one language and Arabic at the

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time was a language. I want you to go home today and Google on YouTube.

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Why? X is the unknown. Alright, let's do that tonight. For me. It's like a seven, eight minute talk, why the letter X is it stands for the unknown. And listen to that and tell me what you think.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:17

This OMO is built on the concept of of knowledge of learning.

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When it's through knowledge that this OMA will prevail again, once our youth once our youth

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go back and start learning, not only the sciences that are needed to build a nation, but the sciences of their Deen of their own faith, their own belief system of their length, the language of the Quran, when they go back in the millions and they learn then things will change. Things will automatically change and a lot of the struggles that you find today that we spend hours upon hours complaining about watching TV hoping a lot of this will just fade away when our youth figured out the importance of doing

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Following the first command, or the first word that was revealed to the Prophet, Allah, you sought to summon that cave. You see, its cave, it's dark, it's narrow, it's uncomfortable, right? And that word o'clock, and then the light comes

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in from that word, all the light came

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uncomfortable, dark night.

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But then came

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and changed everything.

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And in the speed of it is actually unparalleled. You understand from that moment, when he's standing, sitting in that cave, hearing the word Accra, that 30 years from that moment,

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the nation of the Muslim Muslim nation, at the time was only one person, extra one person, Muhammad Ali is awesome. Didn't even know who he was, didn't know what it meant. 30 years later, you'd have a nation that was covering three continents.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:23

You have a nation, an empire that would cover three continents, based purely on an idea wasn't based at that time on oil? Was it based on a plate, a large river that ran in the middle of Arabia wasn't beaten, it was based on an idea of the strength of one idea. This is the fundamental principle of our deen is to learn. I'm going to bore you a little bit more with this.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:26

Once I'm done that, I'll let you

00:41:27 --> 00:41:40

I'll let you go. So you see so it's so tied up goes beyond just talking about knowledge No, to try to explain to us some personality traits needed. It's very valuable. So what I want you to take some time and understand it.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:58

So we decided the first five right, we decided that within the first five you have six references to the concept of knowledge, it's very clear what these verses are teaching. It's asking you to learn. What about the rest of them? What about color in Al Insana layup of Allah who sterner in Arabic? Or Raja? What about these pieces? Okay, listen.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:34

These pieces are going to talk about four personality traits for these four personality traits are the ones that if you have, you will not benefit from being a part of this nation, you won't benefit from being a Muslim. Because with with these four personality traits, you can't learn. And if you can't learn and read, then you can't really be a good Muslim. Even if you decide that you are and you say I'm muslim, if you don't, if you have these four personality traits, you have a problem. So you need to get the opposite. So what are the four personalities talks about supplements on so the first one Kela inserta Lietuva? I will still not in Arabic or Raja, what is this talking about

00:42:34 --> 00:43:09

instead of like? A boolean is when you mix arrogance and cruelty when you put arrogance and oppression together, you have something called Oh yeah, it's a disgusting thing. It's throughout the Quran talks about it a lot. So if you have arrogance, you won't learn and you won't be a very good part of this ummah. And if you're someone who's oppressive, or someone who is cruel, then you won't learn either and you won't be able to be part of this ummah. So what's the opposite the opposite is humbleness and compassion. Right? The second piece, all right, and that the younger, I began either Salah, the one who tells someone who's promising not to do it. Why would they tell him I think it's

00:43:09 --> 00:43:45

awesome. Not to prostate. No sorry not to not to do so good to prostrate. The reason that they told him to that to do that is because it was new to them. They didn't like schedule, because it was new. The refusal of something that is new, just on the merit, that it's new, that it's not something that you're used to. It's not a part of your tradition. It's not a part of your culture. It's not a part of something that you are familiar with. So your refusal, so that problem of being a closed mindedness, the opposite, being impartial, being open minded, someone who can who can fathom that the other party may have a point. The person who has the ability to be open minded to listen to

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other points of view that they're not fully familiar with. The point doctor there are Atia incana alHuda. Amara be Taqwa what is the person that you're telling not to do? Something is right.

00:43:57 --> 00:44:14

What if they're right whatever, they have guidance and you don't? This basically the issue of being prejudiced or biased. So you don't have the ability. Now you can't. You can't see the light in someone else's argument. You're but the opposite is being someone who has objectivity. Someone who is fair

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or ATIA in case dibawa, Allah.

00:44:20 --> 00:44:23

Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. What is tech deep?

00:44:24 --> 00:44:57

Tech Lead is when you see something, it seems to you to be the right thing. But for personal interest reasons, you say I don't want it. It's not that you're unclear. No, no, no, it's not. You're unclear. Sometimes you see two things. You're not sure which one's right. To proceed is when you see something most likely this is the right thing. I don't have evidence to say that this is not the best thing. The evidence I have right now says this is the best thing for me to refuse it for personal reasons. That is what the theme is. And that's the refusal of righteousness. I refuse it. I refuse righteousness. I'm willing to defend something that is wrong because of a personal whim that

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I have inside of me the opposite

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Is the unconditional acceptance of the truth.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:20

So these are the four traits that don't work. Boolean, which is arrogance and cruelty or oppression, being closed minded, being prejudiced, and being someone who refuses the truth based on whims. Let's flip them. Let's look at them. This sort of saying what you need to have, you need to have compassion.

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You need to have humbleness, you need to have it be open minded, you have to be objective. And you have to be someone who will unconditionally accept the truth. You will not ever stand in front of the truth and say no to it because of a because of a chip on your shoulder. Or because I've been problem with your ego, or because once before you didn't stand by it, it looks, it looks ugly right now to Always Accept the truth. That's exactly who he was earlier. So

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this is exactly who he was. If you if you take his, if you study his personality, this is exactly what Allah has.

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And if you don't have these traits, I'm sorry. You can be Muslim, but it won't do much for you. Neither will nor will you do much for it. Because this is the fundamental principle of our deen. And if you don't have if you don't have the ability to learn and to read and to gather, and to grow, and to benefit the expertise of others, if you're not open minded, if you're not someone who's capable of being objective, if you want accept the truth, wherever it may be, if you don't have arrogant people can't learn. They're too proud to learn, but too proud to learn because it's hard. This is my show told me you give us example, there are people who don't learn one of them is someone who saw

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him at dinner, and was like, the arrogant will not will not learn.

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Cruel, those who oppress others, they can't learn.

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Because oppression is embedded in.

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In arrogance in itself. You have to be you have to have these traits. This is what the Ardene began with. This is how the Deans started with explaining a principle that we all have to embrace. We have to bring into our hearts, we have to understand what personality traits are required in order for Islam to do something for us. Was what the Prophet saw someone was saying this mod and people have different

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Madden is metal. But what he means by that is people have different natures. He autofilter Healy is a type Islamia Falco who the best people were really good and Jania can be the best in Islam if they learn why. Because it's all about traits. If you're humble, if you're empathetic, if you're open minded, if you're objective, if you follow the truth, oh, Islam will do miracles will do wonders for you. And so will you, you will do amazing with Islam. And if you don't have these things, then you'll accept Islam, but you're not compatible. You know, I don't know, this is this is back when I was you know, I'm old. No. He used to, I used to I used to go buy a piece for hardware for a

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computer, you would shove it into the computer, and then Windows

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XP would show you tell you, this piece is not compatible with Windows and then you would start hitting yourself because it's cost you a lot of moments money is not compatible. My argument is, is without these traits, Islam is not compatible. You can accept it. But it's not compatible. It's not going to work on your hardware, it's not going to work for you. If you lack these basic traits. It's not there's a lack of compatibility here. These are the traits are compatible when it's time to work for you have to be compatible with the profile. So some of the beginning is going to be selective, as I'll point out and shoulder because he's looking for people are compatible will have these traits

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within them. And I hope that's helpful, helpful for you.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:50

These are the first five suitors revealed to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam after, after a lot. So I looked into two column and then in Muslim men and then in the desert, and so to Fatiha. I'm gonna go through them briefly next week, so you have an idea of why they were revealed to him. Now we don't know if this is the exact sequence we know that these were the first five we don't know if those first we know call them a second and then everything else after that is a little bit blurry. But that's basically what he was given. And then the Prophet alayhi salatu salam after that.

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A little bit revelation stopped. And it stopped for a while some durations go there was six months, nothing

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you build came to and then nothing.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:16

Why? Because Okay, here's the here's the pier, the basics, plan it out, start figuring out what your strategy is going to be about. But those six months were probably one of the roughest six months of his life. It is like I didn't know why. I didn't know why he wasn't getting anything.

00:49:18 --> 00:49:33

But we'll go through and show the verses or the sutras next time I would advise you to go back and look at them. Read them see if you can figure out why. They're at the end of the Quran now. But there were the first things he heard from God. The first five verses of Sotloff and then these five swords I end with that

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