Yasir Qadhi – Ask Shaykh YQ – Episode 22 – The Paradox of Abu Lahab

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses studies on man praised for his conservative stance in Islam, including a man named Tenid Alaysha who claims to have been a witness to prophets. They also discuss common questions in Islam, including the gender of a man and the operation of the Prophet system. The speaker argues that these examples point to a "medicini thing" that cannot be met in a man, and argues that Islam is not impossible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Somebody said that my friend and I were discussing the case of Abu lahab. And that, how could Allah subhana wa tada ask him to believe, when a part of that belief was that he cannot believe? Because the Quran mentions he is going to jahannam. So is this not a contradiction? That's the question.

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the name

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Did you understand the question?

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I can rephrase was Abu lahab required to believe in Islam? If no, how come? If yes, how could he believe when a part of that belief is that he's not going to believe, to burchett Abdullah happened with a case of Allah revealed the Koran, the only

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two people amongst the era of the prophets are mentioned by name and the whole Quran. There's only two people mentioned by name. In the time of the process, we're not talking about fear around and Musa Abraham in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There are two individuals mentioned by name in the Quran, the first of them Abu lahab, Tabata Abdullah hub, the second of them for the Moto Z domain, what is eight? So, this person is saying that how can a Buddha hub be expected to believe when a part of that belief is that he's not going to believe? And so he's asking, Is this not an impossibility or contradiction? Now, we begin by stating that

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sometimes some questions are of detriment to our own Eman. And they open up a Pandora's box and discussion and back and forth Taylor will call that is of no benefit whatsoever. Not every question is beneficial. Not every answer is something that we can grasp and understand. And that is why in the Quran, Allah says, Yeah, you're Latina, Amano, la tous Aloo Anusha in took delicata sukham Oh, you who believe Do not ask questions that if you found out about them, or you got deeper into them, it might actually cause you doubt and harm. And the context here. Some people misunderstand this verse. Allah is never saying don't ask questions about how common Hello, we must know our Deen. If

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you have to do something, it's your job to ask a Shia community is this how Allah? Allah is saying, don't ask questions that are of no value. And when you find out about them, they might actually hurt or harm you. And the context explains to us why this verse and I'll just briefly go into this tangent that one day the president said asked me any question you want to ask me any question? So one of the new converts one of the Bedouins was visiting Medina, he stood up and he asked a very foolish question. And he said, Yeah, rasulillah tell me about my father. Is he in gender or Johanna is passed away? And the man's father was an idol worshiper. So the Prophet system said Your father

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is in jahannam. So the man became very hurt at this, then unless a Why did you ask the question? Why did you ask because not useful to you to know what happens is cause is gone, you are not going to benefit to know. So this verse is used, when the question at hand when the answer is not going to benefit us at all. And it is possible that this question of Ebola is in this realm. Also, there is an interesting Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well. And that is that my oma he said, My oma will be upon good my alma will be upon good, as long as they don't believe in astrology, the new June, and as long as they don't ask about the fate of the children of pagans, what's going to happen

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to the children who died? Will they go to gender? Will they go to Johanna? And this is another common question that we get. Now, interestingly enough, this question of the children of the non Muslims Actually, I will get there one day, inshallah, and I'll tell you, believe it or not, there are 10 opinions amongst our gamma. The President said, Don't ask our odema have 10 opinions, and we'll go over all of them. But here's the point. Why did he say, don't ask about the children of pagans?

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Our scholars say, because the answer is of no practical value to us. What do we gain? How is it going to affect us? So it's as if our Prophet sallallahu wasallam is saying my own mo will be upon good as long as they don't go splitting hairs as long as they don't go into such issues that are of no value to them. This is perhaps the gist of the Hadees. So with this disclaimer, and perhaps this question of Abu lahab is amongst them, we will then actually attempt to answer the question after this disclaimer and I will say that you will

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Your friends are not the first people in the oma to think of this controversy. Maybe you would like to think that But no, great odema theologians have thought of this from the beginning of time. And this question actually comes under an aspect of theology. That is a very, very advanced aspect of theology. It is called the issue of a tech leaf the manner you talk. And that translates as can Allah obligate on an individual, something that the individual is not capable of doing a tech leaf, means Allah has put a burden model you will talk that the person has no talk or no power to do. And this is a classical controversy. And you have all of the schools of Islam, the mortars realize that

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this is not allowed. Apple has an idea about kailani. They said this is something that Allah is capable of doing, and others have given their positions. Even taymiyah has a very interesting response. And it is the one that I will conclude this question with, he said, exactly, because this is a Bula hubristically. This is an example that they mentioned as well, because Abu lahab is being told to believe, and a part of his belief is that he will not believe right? When the hub is commanded to believe, and a part of that belief, he will not believe it's an oxymoron. So this is the classic example given to a totally female you talk, even to me, it says, putting a burden on

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somebody that that person cannot do is divided into two categories, the first of them cannot happen. And the second of them can happen. The first of them is when a law tells someone to do something that the person is physically incapable of doing. And he said, Allah says in the Quran law, you can live long enough since illa musataha, Allah will never do this, and Allah has never done it. And even Tamia gives the example that to say to a person he can, you should fly Allah saying you should fly, this is impossible. And a lot will not ever put a command of something that is impossible, logically following Epson Illa was another example of somebody who is, let's say, has a paralysis or

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disease of somebody cannot walk and Allah says you must walk, no is not going to tell him to do that. The second example, or the second category, is to require somebody to do something that the person is not capable of doing, because the person is doing the opposite at the same time. So for example, to tell the Kaffir to believe, and the Kaffir is a Kaffir. So he's not believing, and Allah knows that the capital will remain a kafir. But that's not impossible for the conference, you become a believer, rather, the gaffer is being told to do something that the caffeine is capable of doing. But he's not going to do because he is busy with the opposite of Eman, and that is Cofer. So

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technically, it's not impossible in the linguistic sense, it is possible, but it is going to be an impossibility because that caffeine in the knowledge of Allah will forever remain a coffee. And so even though Allah is commanding him to accept a man and to be a Muslim, still, the person will not do that in the knowledge of a law. And so one could say that comfort is being told to do something he will not do. But it is not an impossibility. The gaffer can do this. And this is the response to that we can be given that yes, in one sense of Willa hub was commanded to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. in another sense, Alan knew he would never believe. And so some have argued that this

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verse is actually a miracle. Because if a Buddha had had publicly proclaimed Eamon, it would have thrown a spanner in the work, it would have been a big confusion now what to be done. And so some have argued this is in fact, a mortgages from a law that a law is telling a Bula hub that you're going to go to jahannam and a bola hub has five years, 10 years he's living and he never challenges this. And this is a valid interpretation as well or a valid claim to me. So in the end of the day, we say that Allah will never tell a human to do that which is impossible for the human to do. But Allah azzawajal will burden a person with something that person might choose not to do, and that no

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he cannot blame anybody. You cannot blame a lie You can only blame himself. A Buddha have refused to accept Islam. And so Allah predicted you will be in now yes law now and that Allah and that is

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not a contradiction. It is not something that is putting the impossible on on any human being. So to conclude a lot as Sergio will never burden somebody with more physically that is impossible for the person to do. That is the first question

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in a feed

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Welcome Vina Leah

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