Abdulbary Yahya – The Arrival in Medinah Seerah of The Prophet

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The traveling time is usually around 50-60 hours, with a longer duration depending on driving habits. The civil war and the influence of the Middle East on the traveler's health are discussed. The importance of accepting the message of the Prophet sallua and not denying the truth is emphasized. The segment also touches on the struggles of the people of Afghanistan to accept the message of the Prophet sallama Alayshi wa Sallama and the importance of building sincerity and strengthen relationships with others. The importance of praying at night and not being late is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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So, if you if you calculate

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a day, and this is the traveling the, you know, when when the person mentioned, when,

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when, when we speak about distances, and during the time of the Prophet Sunday used to say they used to calculate it as the amount of time that a person will travel in a day, and they would call this person. So, if a person travels, for example, right now, how long do you think it would take us to travel if we didn't have cars, along with to take us to travel from here to Olympia?

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From here to Olympia?

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No, without a car.

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Without a car, how long?

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One day, one day, they walk about 5060 A little bit over 50 miles, but by walking by walking, the man can make skin?

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Yes. So how do you how long do you think normally? Because you're not going to do all the time you have to rest? A little bit right? You know, how long do you take and how you take

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15 kilometres normally. So this is how the scholars usually usually calculate a tread the traveling of a person of a day in a night. Like normally, with, you know, a person who's traveling is usually that's the distance in which a person is considered a traveler. And that's why the prophets Allah has mentioned he said, let another person whoever believes in Allah and His messenger and the Last Day, let him not travel.

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It's not permissible for a woman to travel the distance of a day and night with him as him or her, except for a person who has Amara. So that's the distance of a traveling person who's traveling. So generally, that's going to be at 80 Something kilometers, which is from here to Olympia. And so that's how much normal that would be a day. If you were to travel, for example, you know, normally, that's how much we would cover. If we wanted to travel and the old days, it would like Okay, you go into Olympia, that's a whole day travel, you're going to start in the morning, and you're going to arrive at nighttime by that time you need to rest human you can't just continue on you won't have

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the energy to continue any any further. For us. It's just

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one hour a little less, maybe well, what an hour, 4550 minutes, depending on maybe I'm driving maybe it's 50 minutes, some of you guys maybe can make in 30 minutes.

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Some people drive depending on how your driving habits are. So the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam. When he came from Medina, from Mecca to Medina, generally that trip would be about about a week, a week's journey. That whole trip is generally about a week's journey. But the Messenger of Allah Allah has took longer than that.

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Took a little bit longer than that. Why? Because he went for three days he went sour. And he took the coastal route. He didn't take the normal, the normal route and of course this was so that people will not know when he left. And so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, upon his arrival in Medina, the people in Medina were already expecting him based on when he left, you know, they knew when he left because some people were left at pretty much at the same time and they arrived already. And so they knew that he's going to take a little bit longer because he's not going to take the he's not taking the direct route. He's not taking the direct route and even now you have

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you know, when you go to the when you have the highways, the freeways and highways, you in the between Mecca Medina, they call the liquidator like the path of the Hijra or the messenger of a loss of life some In fact, in fact, right now, they even have you know, as

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you know, Saudi Arabia is trying to promote a lot of tourism right? So they actually have a package that you can go and join that you can actually take the same path that the prophets of Allah has been took for the during the hedgerows, so you get to see and you know, a lot of a lot of the stuff you may think in Mecca and so forth is changed, right? But in the desert, most of the most of what was seen was not changed. It's not changed. It's similar to what it was still before. You know, not a lot has changed with the terrain. Like with the exception the freeway, you were off the freeway a little bit. You will see for those

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They have gone, you know,

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off road after terrain, you see camel herders the same thing they have, they have still Bedouins that were living in those areas. And all they do is just they raise camels, they need to take the milk from the camel. And of course, now they're able to also sell. And they come to the city, the towns and cities, and they sell the camels and so forth also, but believe it or not, a lot of a lot of the law has changed, but also a lot has still remained the same. So the companions of the Prophet sallallahu so remember, in the people in Medina, they had already accepted Islam, and many of them had already accepted Islam. In fact, there were more Muslims in Medina, now than there were Muslims

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actually in and, and Maccha. Why? Because when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before he came before he arrived, the people in Medina were already they had many of them had already accepted Islam. And why did they accepted Islam so easily? And the people in Mecca didn't?

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What was one of the reasons one of the main reasons is because in Mecca, you still have elderly people, you know, old people, and old people are not accepting of change. They don't easily accept change.

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The need the young generation is more willing to accept change, and the people of Medina they want to change. So before the arrival of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was a major battle, the major major battle in Medina, between the House and the huzzah Raj. And, along with that, the Jews also allied themselves. The Jews have been Makarova, banana Lear, and Banu.

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I know car, they were the three main tribes in each of each of them. They allied themselves with the different tribes with the hazards in the house. So there are two groups and this is a civil war, major civil war. And in the civil war that occur before the arrival of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the majority of the elders were killed.

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The majority of the elders were killed. And so the people who were in Medina, many of them were youngsters, the old generation had passed away. And so, you know, the younger generation are more likely more willing to come together, more and more willing to unite. I mentioned before already, I spoke to a yahoodi a Jew from New York one time and because when, you know, when we were when we were on the plane,

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I spoke to you and I mentioned you know about the situation, the Muslims and now he's, we're talking about each other and then

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each other's religion also.

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And he says, you know, when we first at the beginning and and in New York, you know, I was, like you how do you how are you guys so united? How do you guys become so united? is there's no we weren't, we were not united.

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We were extremely divided.

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Because there are Jews who are coming from Russia. So they had their own group. And then there are some who are coming from Poland. And they had their own group. And there are some who are coming from Eastern Europe and some are coming from France and other places. But each group that came in from Germany or whatever, they took their

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their baggage back home, right. So of course, they're coming from different countries. They're all Jews. He said we were extremely divided. We could never work together. Everybody just was on their own. Like just like how the Muslims in some cities are right. You have this Masjid is Masjid is just Somalis. Arabs calm. You have some, you know, some some places more than others, right? And then there's some of the you know, like, for example, here at the beginning, when when we just started in this Masjid. There are just a few families. Everyone came together. Right? And then later on, when we had when the when the champ people came, they said, Oh, we want our own must.

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And so then then everybody comes later on this divide becomes divided. You have more groups, and the people are Maccha are the people in New York, the Jews in New York were the same. They said they were divided also, this is according to him. So I said how did you guys unite? What did you guys do?

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Maybe we can learn some lessons from how you came. He says we didn't for the eldest that died and then the youngsters were able to come together. Like the elders would not come together they would they have their you know, they're always firm on their ways. But when when the youngsters they don't have the baggage from overseas, like, even the brothers and sisters who will come together the elders when they get together, what do they speak about? They speak about politics, but do they speak about politics in the United States?

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they also do politics in the United States? Right? Politics they speak

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politics back home, they every room speaks about their politics back home. Right still to this day, you get the you get the coffee shop sitting down. Everybody speaks about politics. My brothers from Yemen speak about the Yemeni politics, whether Somalia to be with somebody protect some of the brothers from Cambodia. Yeah, Allah speak about Cambodian politics. Everyone's speaking. And here, yeah, you maybe speak a little bit about but nobody cares about it so much right? With the youngsters, right? They don't know about the politics back home. They're just worried about here.

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They don't know anything. They don't know much about the politics back home unless they went back and so forth. And they know a little bit about it.

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And so the elders died. And so in Medina, what happened to the elders, the elders in Mecca, they were the ones who affirm.

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They didn't want to change. They never accepted the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they fought him, they rejected Him, they expelled him, they harmed him, they plotted against him.

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They refused to accept.

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But then when in Medina, they were more open. Because after that battle, the majority of the elders had passed away.

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And so the youngsters even though the hey, you know, I'm from the hazard, and from an else they didn't like each other, but hey, it was that's the others were tired of that. We're tired of that work. So they wanted to come together. They still had a little bit of it, but it's the youngsters are more open. And this is what Aisha Radi Allahu anha. said when inside Buhari when she mentioned the situation in Medina, she said you know Allah subhanho wa taala, after the battle Blythe prepared the people of Medina to accept the coming of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and one of the things that they used to do and they sometimes they would fight and they would fight

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against the hood also, the hood would ally themselves with certain tribes amongst the Muslims. And then the hood would they would they would say,

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Okay, I know your stuff to Hoonah Allah Latina

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they used to, they used to boast,

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boast about themselves and say, you know, we're going to be victorious over you. When, when that final prophet comes, we will fight against you polytheist

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we will fight against you polytheist

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we will fight but when Allah subhanho wa Taala sent the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they rejected the prophets of Allah in Africa Ruby they rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they didn't accept him even though they were boasting saying you know what you guys right now there's gonna come a time there's gonna be a time just like how some of us right now and Muslims right now maybe you're speaking to you're like yeah, there will come a time you just wait

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a man

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will come. And then probably as I will come right. By my money will come and private Isa will come. You guys will be with the job. You guys will be with it the job. And then

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whenever Maddie comes, or when Prophet Isa comes

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These are times of trials and tribulations fitted, fitted. And when the gel comes, there'll be some people. Every Muslim will say you know who you're going to be with? You're going to be with the job.

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Or you're going to be with a Lima Maddie.

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And with Prophet Isa Ali Hassan Al, you might think it's easy. But during that time, the trials and tribulations will be so great that you might not have the strength and Eman in faith to deal with those who are upon the truth. Because the trials and tribulation to ALLAH SubhanA knows best will be so great that

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it's the greatest trial, the various Pfitzner that anyone has ever seen.

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The world has ever known. So that's why you don't want to live during that time. So that you who, who they were saying like, uh, you know, when he comes work, we you know, he will fight along his side, and we will be with him. And when the messenger of allah sallallahu emsam did come,

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they accept the message.

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Very few of them, even though they were boasting before,

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right? And that's why you should always you should never, ever, should never, ever

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be arrogant to the point where you say, You know what, I'm going to be short on the truth without supplicating to Allah, and saying in sha Allah and sha Allah, in sha Allah, Allah will guide me and help me to accept the truth, and be with the people upon the truth. Because sometimes when the truth comes, it comes with a lot of difficulties. The truth can be, as they say, bitter,

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so they were expecting, they knew that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was coming. But then when he came, they refuse to accept the prophets of Allah. And so they fought him.

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They find Him until the end. But of course, at the beginning, when the messenger of Allah and Allah and he has arrived, who are the people who accepted the message? They were the apps. They also huzzah Raj. So the messenger of Allah Lo and Amos and when he came, when he arrived, he arrived in Cuba. And of course, the people were extremely happy. And he was one of the most, the most happier, the one of the most joyous occasion for the Companions, because because they were waiting for the coming of the profits of a lot. So

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why would they so happy?

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Why did they was he kind of what why was he coming to Medina?

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Why did the Prophet Sutherland go to Medina, according to them?

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Why was he was he coming as a refugee escaping?

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Or anybody know the reason why he came?

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Rather than they have an outcome where they had such big problems. So that's why the Prophet Salam came.

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The Messenger of Allah came

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because the people of Medina invited him.

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They invited him, you know, why did when did they invite him to do?

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Did they invite him to come to just live with him?

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Did this

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lead them? They invited him to come to Medina to be their leader.

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So he didn't come to Medina as a refugee.

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He didn't come to Medina as a refugee. He came at the invitation. When was this invitation? It happened before the Hijra

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before the hijra, when they first heard about the prophets of Allah. So he called them to Islam.

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And then what they said, they said, Oh, I think that this is the man that the hood we're talking about.

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He is the person that you were talking about. And you know, they said, Let's be them to him.

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Because what were the you would say?

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The who were saying, you know, when he comes, we're gonna follow him.

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And then we're gonna defeat you. You are.

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Right. And then when he came, now they're saying that, how do they know about the prophets of Allah Islam, from their neighbors, the youth? And that's why they say, Let's invite him.

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Let's invite him to our town.

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So the first group of people who accepted Islam was a small delegation that came

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and why did they come? They became they came after the Battle of Wyeth.

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They came up to the battle boy, if and they would always come back and forth, of course, for different reasons, sometimes for Umrah hides. But on certain occasions, this occasion they came actually as a delegation to inform the people of Makkah. That you know, there's new leadership in Mecca Medina, like in Medina, now, you know, this is what happened, all the elders are gone. But you know, you have because the people of Mecca they always had, they always had alliances with everybody on the trade route, and that's why they were very prosperous.

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What are these alliances

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these alliances allowed them to trade freely in the

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If you're able to trade freely, nobody's attacking you, then you become very prosperous because of the status of the Meccans of whorish Quraysh. They were respected and they also had their alliances. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds them about their alliances. And so how does your your mind and what Sora does anybody know? About the alliances between this is for the Meccans?

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The mash May Allah Subhana Allah, may Allah please you acknowledge

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the Lafayette parish, right Allah Subhana Allah remind them look, the ILA for you. Quraysh

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Allah Subhana Allah, Allah says Lee Lafayette parish, he laffy him reality schita he was like,

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the elf, your Quraysh. This is the Alliance's that they had, that helped them prosper. So that they had their trades in the summer and the in the winter, to Mecca to Yemen. And to, to,

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to a sham. And that's why, how can a country be prosperous?

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Like a nation and country? How can I be prosperous? When you have trade, when you have open trade between the different countries. And if nobody is trading with you, you're gonna be poor, and you can't do business.

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So that's why, you know, in the 1980s and 90s,

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when they went to Vietnam,

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in Vietnam, it was extremely poor, you go to the villages, and people did not have

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They did not have any running water.

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They didn't have anything. Give them $100. That was enough for them to live for a long time. They were very, very happy.

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And then, of course, and the reason why they were so poor, was after the Vietnam War.

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There was sanctions, just like how right now? Can you go on vacation to Cuba? Can you like advertise on the airplane?

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In United American Airlines? Can they fly to Cuba?

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Have you ever took a flight to Cuba? You know, any flights it goes to directly?

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You have to go through Canada or another country? And then from there, you go through it? And you can do it? Can you advertise? And yes, vacation packages on TV for Cuba? You can because just like Iran, just like

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Cuba, North Korea, you're not allowed to do with this with them.

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And so

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in Vietnam, he was the same.

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So that when there's no business going between anyone else and with America, they don't do business with them either. And if nobody does business with you, even if you're good, you have a lot of products you can sell, you can sell your rights, you can sell your products. And then when America lifted the embargo upon Vietnam, and the sanctions, and the Trulia or the trade agreements were opened up, you know, when Clinton went and so forth. Now you see what, you know, if you go to Vietnam right now, it's like, it's almost like going to Korea, because it's it's changed, like,

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change all the factories and most of your phones. If you have Samsung phones and so forth, a lot of them are made in made in Vietnam now. Why? Because the trade agreements are your free trade.

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But if you're, and in the old days

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pulling, and there was an enemy tribe, they didn't do well. Could they wait, what did they do to you?

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They could attack and they could take

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all of that from you.

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If you don't have alliances, and so one of the things that the Meccans had that others didn't, that Allah gave them was the alliances. Their trade routes are open, they're free to train him. And because of that, they became very wealthy.

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They were some of the most respected and most wealthy people in Arabia because of their trade. And that's why Allah says, The laffy Quraysh Isla de Hamra relata ship failure abou Rebecca elbaite is that, then worship

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the Lord of this house

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Failure good or bad and bite a lazy farmer Alethea climber whom endure for Manor home main house,

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a timer home in your home Minho, Allah gave them sustenance, there is, Allah made it easy for them to make a living, they became very prosperous, who it was ALLAH who did that, and Allah subhanho wa Taala gave.

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See? Purity, spur wars,

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it's chaotic, you can't do anything you can do business. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala bless the people in Mecca. And Allah reminds them

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or, of this, how

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to have these alliances, even people, Medina. And so now the elders are gone. So these youngsters are coming to Mecca, and

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trying to meet up with the elders, to also let them know, hey, you know, we have new leadership. And you know, the old leadership, it's gone. Right. And so right now we have, we do have something we have, I mean, it's not stable yet in terms of we don't really know who the leader is, but the elders are gone. And where, you know, they still have, they have a group amongst Huzar. Actually, first, this is a larger group. So that's what they can come into Mecca. And when they came to Mecca, the Messenger of Allah as he normally does, he goes and meets them.

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And of course, he recites for unto them, he writes the size Quran, and then they he calls them to Islam. And they accepted the message.

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They accepted the message. And they said, Let's beat him. This is the this is the man, that the hood we're talking about.

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This is the man the hood we're talking about. Let's invite him to our town. Meeting what we're looking for at this time, they did not have a leader. Why? Because, you know, after everything, after the collapse after a civil war, after a major battle, if all the leaders from both sides are gone, and you have a vacant,

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let's beat them to him. So who are they going to beat them to him is that let's accept the message and let Him lead us? Because what were the Yahudi saying before?

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When the prophets of Allah ism comes, who dies?

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But sometimes some people you know, and they end up not getting it. They put it out. So like, let's say,

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you have a lot of people who, when in the not not now, but remember before comm

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what what were people doing before?

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The previous night, right? People would line up and sling up, right? The old days. And now it's a little bit different. Yeah, the Best Buy and sort of Best Buy you see people camping out, Best Buy just to get a deal. Is it? Are they getting a deal?

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Just to brag to what they were the first to have it. Okay, let's say imagine somebody, somebody who's talking about it. And you know, some people they like they love for sports, they don't ever they've tried to find out, they know everything about it. Right? And so especially with technology, you have some people bragging. So you have a person, maybe that's like, hey, you know,

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the new new phone is coming, it's gonna have this and they have gotten this, this this. And you know, I'm gonna get it first. Right. And then when I get it, I'll show it to you. And it's gonna have this and that. And I mentioned all of the new features. And he's brag to his friend, right? Imagine his friend, you know, so maybe he has some,

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you know, cuz you know, it's very important that they don't, they don't release it first. Even if the store gets it a certain day. You can't sell it until the time comes. That's when video games with technology. If there's there's a day that it comes out, nobody would movies. Nobody's allowed to see it before. Nobody's allowed to have it before. So let's say a person is waiting for it. He's one of the first tried to get it. And he's bragging about it. That's really good. And then his friend

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he gets it before him before it's supposed to even come out and says hey, I got the phone right here. This is it. And like blood like I have having before you. I think it was oh it's not good. Anyway, sounds better.

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Good. Isn't that good anyway, sounds better. Why?

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Because he didn't get it first. But he didn't get it first. And he was bragging long so much already that he was gonna get it first. And he was, you know, but some, he didn't get it first.

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he put it down instead now he's not, that's not good anyways, that's you know, Samsung phone had that technology long time before, but before he was putting it is the opposite. So the who they knew the profits.

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And they and you know how the people that dunya that you hold are the people that dunya. And you know what the people that dunya they like to brag about stuff. It's all about reputation. They like to brag about things, but the dunya because they go to the chase after the dunya.

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And so, even when it comes to, you know the reputation of a person or,

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you know, when it comes to prophets and messengers of Allah, it's not about following the truth. It's all about them.

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About stuff status, about the dunya status. And so when they get it when they weren't able to follow the Prophet, so at first, the people who were they were bragging about in front of it was the people who they looked down upon. But now they have the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam with them. They followed his message. And so how can because of their arrogance, how can we follow such people?

00:31:41 --> 00:31:43

How can we follow such people?

00:31:45 --> 00:31:46

We can't.

00:31:47 --> 00:31:51

So they refuse to accept the message because they were.

00:31:52 --> 00:31:54

They were racist.

00:31:56 --> 00:32:00

Because they are racism, looked down upon the Arabs

00:32:02 --> 00:32:07

because they're racist. So even though they know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has,

00:32:09 --> 00:32:11

is truly a prophet and messenger,

00:32:12 --> 00:32:22

because of the arrogance, and that's why it's very, very dangerous on the persons when you think that you're better than the other person, and the first person the first race.

00:32:23 --> 00:32:57

You didn't choose? Did you choose where you want to be born, where your skin color was? Where your eye was going to look like? No, it's all because of ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada. Those who are humble, attribute everything to Allah subhanho wa taala. And they said, hamdulillah It is all because of Allah. It's because of the favor of Allah, because of the blessing of Allah, because of the Mercy of Allah. But for those people who think that oh, I'm better intrinsically better, like myself, I'm just better than you.

00:32:58 --> 00:32:59

I'm just better than you.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:10

That's arrogance. And that's what the yahood had in Medina. And that's why they refuse to accept the truth.

00:33:11 --> 00:33:23

And Allah says, Yeah, any foreigner who can funaab Now, they knew him, just like they knew their own children. So when the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, so first arrive, they were waiting for him,

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waiting for him to arrive.

00:33:27 --> 00:34:02

But when he came, and they realized that he was amongst the Arabs, he was not amongst them. They rejected him and they fought him until the end. So the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he first arrived in Medina, he wasn't he didn't come as someone who was a refugee. He was because the people of Medina wanted to be united. They wanted peace, they wanted peace, they were tired of fighting.

00:34:03 --> 00:34:10

They wanted peace, and the person who they saw most befitting, to lead them

00:34:12 --> 00:34:13

because of his honesty,

00:34:14 --> 00:34:32

because even of his lineage, because of who he was, and he was also from the people of Medina has you know, his progeny he you can trace his and trace him to from on his grandfather grandmother side. His grandmother side is from banana Jack.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:41

his grandmother's side is from banana jar, who was his grandmother, who is his grandfather.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:51

Who was his grandfather. Anybody know his well was the prophet sons grandfather menino. You all know who?

00:34:53 --> 00:34:55

Abdullah right.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:57


00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

call him

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

Where was Abdulmutallab born?

00:35:04 --> 00:35:06

He was born in Medina.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:12

He was born in Medina. Abdul Kalam was not born in Makkah.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:20

He was not born in Mecca. He was born in Medina. Why was he born in Medina?

00:35:21 --> 00:35:25

The reason was because his abdomen

00:35:27 --> 00:35:32

his mother is from Medina. His father was who?

00:35:34 --> 00:35:54

Hashem his father was Hashim. His father passed away on his way back to to Mecca on a trip. And so when he passed away on the on the trip, Hashem passed away. The mother was pregnant.

00:35:56 --> 00:35:57

And her name was Salma.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:29

From banana jar, she was the she was the wife of Hashem. And so she came back and she gave birth to a boy by the name of Shiva, they they'd call him shave, but his name was shava shava means what shave shave was an old man because he was born with a with gray hair. Like a baby was born with gray hair, such as a lot of stress.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:46

Anyways, so that was an anomaly that was like something different so like, oh, the hippo column shaver. So his name is his given his birth name given name was Shaybah. Right? So and he was the son of Hashem. So when he was born,

00:36:47 --> 00:37:02

the people of Medina, of course, he was born immediately he spent time in Medina. And this was the grandfather of the Prophet sallallaahu. Some people call them Abdullah McCullough, because al McFarlane was the brother of

00:37:03 --> 00:37:07

brother of Hashem. And so I'll move past them

00:37:08 --> 00:37:11

with and so Alma Talib is who?

00:37:12 --> 00:37:15

How is it related to the prophets a little Vanessa.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:19

Scurlock? Yes.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:21


00:37:22 --> 00:37:25

he was one of the when the uncles

00:37:26 --> 00:37:49

right. So he went and he brought up he brought he went to try to bring shave, because he says, you know, this is this is harsh. This is Hashem son. And Hashem was some, he was very respected. Is this man, if this boy grows up in Medina, he'll just be a regular person. But if he goes to Mecca,

00:37:51 --> 00:37:52

he's going to be somebody.

00:37:54 --> 00:38:37

He goes to Matt goes a little Mecca. So Abdulmutallab, wanted to end to Mecca. Most people when they bring children to Mecca in the old days, why? Who is this child? Usually, this child usually is a slave. It's some slave that they bought on the trip. Oh, I found a slave, because they usually find slave slavery, right? Like it was normally in those old days, right? So if you find a young child, it's easier. You know, some sometimes a person is you know, in war and they die. And so the child is sold as a slave because there's a captive. So you sold a slave. And then to buy a child, it's more, it's easier to raise them and they're more obedient, because you take care of them and they're your

00:38:37 --> 00:38:45

slave. So most people who are coming especially the rich aristocrats, the rich people, when they go on a business trip, and they come back,

00:38:46 --> 00:38:52

right when they go on a business trip, and they come back and they bring in a boy, usually that boy is a slave.

00:38:54 --> 00:38:57

Usually the boy is a slave. So the people saw ultimate Talib

00:38:59 --> 00:39:16

with a boy, and every time they saw him, they didn't know who he was. Who was he really, he was his shaver, the son of Hashem. But they didn't know they thought that he was a slave. And so they say they call them up delay. That's the pundit.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:38

That's Hashem son, which is the nephew of Alma Talib, not the slave but people will already calling him is the name just stuck the name of the mechanic, the name Abdulmutallab. So he became known as Abdul Muttalib because of that, so where was he born?

00:39:39 --> 00:39:46

He was born in Medina. So when the people in Medina you know the people of Medina for banana jaw

00:39:48 --> 00:40:00

they were also you know, very very respected of all the tribes in the clans and master Huzzah. Raj been a job was one of the most respected also. Right and so that's why when the mess well

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

came the first to Medina the first people he called was his,

00:40:06 --> 00:40:42

his relatives. He asked for his relatives from Vanina Jah when he arrived in Medina. So there was some, you know, some blood connection or some connection but you know the Arabs generally, when you look at your lineage, it's usually from the paternal side right from your father's side, not from your mother's side, but from the woman from from his grandmother's side. She was they were actually from the people of Medina, from the people in Medina. So when the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam arrived in Medina, he came to Medina, as a leader. They chose him to be the leader.

00:40:43 --> 00:41:04

And they, of course, after that first meeting, the next time they met, it was in October, the first three of Acaba Mayor Dhaka Aluna ruler, and this was a small group, again from the huzzah Raj and they, what did they do and accept a lot of 100

00:41:05 --> 00:41:23

reps. So this was and they will not steal, and they will not commit Zina and then and so forth the covenant. They accepted Islam and they're going back and they call people to Islam also. And the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam sent most abnormal mayor, them to lead them in prayer and

00:41:25 --> 00:41:34

to teach them and during the years that year and the year that's followed the follow the leaders, those who are in Medina,

00:41:35 --> 00:41:58

every family started accepting Islam one after the other one after the other. Even though they accepted Islam, they only heard about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They did not recognize him. They did not know who he was, until the next time, a group of pilgrims from Medina came. This was the second treaty of Aqaba in that treaty, or in that, in that

00:41:59 --> 00:42:10

that pledge. The second place, that's when they pledged to help the Messenger of Allah, that's when they invited the prophets of the lamb to Medina, said, Okay, you come to media,

00:42:11 --> 00:42:13

come to do what?

00:42:14 --> 00:42:24

Okay, I'm coming, then. What do you pledge to be obedient to me to listen and obey Allah seminary? What

00:42:25 --> 00:42:25

are your thoughts?

00:42:27 --> 00:42:28

To buy your own home?

00:42:31 --> 00:42:43

So if a refugee comes to you, right, and you're trying to rescue that refugee, you don't say, Hey, come on this come to my place. And then he goes, Okay, I'm gonna go to your place, but you have to listen to me.

00:42:45 --> 00:42:48

G, refugees, they do that, like you have to do I go to your

00:42:49 --> 00:42:53

house, your country, you gotta listen to me. No,

00:42:54 --> 00:43:12

then so they pledge to listen and obey, and to sacrifice and spend it to protect the profits of a body of some wonder where their lives just like how they protected their own children. In other words, they were inviting him to come to Medina, to be their leader.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:20

They understand they were inviting him to come to be their leader, they didn't invite him, but he didn't come.

00:43:23 --> 00:43:38

Come to you know, as I mentioned, see, of course, he, he was escaping because they would harm him. But the messenger of allah sallallahu, and came to lead them. And that's and they wanted him to, to come to Medina. And so the prophets of Allah.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:52

That's why when he arrived now mentioned a little bit more before some of the things that happened before later on, but I wanted to go straight to one one thing that happened during the

00:43:53 --> 00:43:56

main action, something else and that is,

00:43:58 --> 00:44:01

that is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

00:44:02 --> 00:44:03

his inaugural speech.

00:44:05 --> 00:44:06

And what is an inaugural speech?

00:44:09 --> 00:44:31

The inaugural speech is when the President of the United States, for example, first becomes president, and he takes the oath to be to uphold the Constitution and to be president so forth. Then he gives his first speech. And of course, there's it's a big thing, right? Because everybody gathers in Washington, DC, Donald, Donald Trump, you know, and you know,

00:44:32 --> 00:44:38

before him, Barack Obama, you know, you had huge numbers that came.

00:44:40 --> 00:44:46

And Donald Trump came, and he had large numbers also, as he said he did.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:54

He claimed, he said he had huge numbers. Also, that can be disputed. Of course, that's some people.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

Some people said he had a huge number also, others say they didn't. But anyway, that's politics.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:11

Right. But the inaugural speech is very, very important. And so that's when a person first takes leadership of the country. So when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam arrived,

00:45:12 --> 00:45:26

because they were tired of war, and they had hopes. And you know, before also in America, when Barack Obama first became president, many Muslims cried.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:53

Right, remember that you guys do still play him? It wasn't too long ago. Right? And everybody was happy. Right? Why? Because it was so difficult during the Bush era. Right? We thought that was really bad, right? It was really bad. And he promised to close Guantanamo Bay promise this and that. And, of course, that was, you know, you know, Obama, like,

00:45:55 --> 00:45:58

the Obama change. I remember.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:10

Nothing really, nothing really changed. But people were having had hopes, right, they had hopes because they knew that change was coming. And so the Messenger of Allah came.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:26

They knew that this was something that was significant. And so they celebrated they were very, very happy, because they're waiting for the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they're waiting for their new leader.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:38

The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he first arrived, and he stands up and he gives his inaugural speech and Abdullah Agnes Allah

00:46:41 --> 00:46:49

who was a yahoodi, very knowledgeable amongst them very, very respected. He was expecting the coming of the prophets of Allah.

00:46:50 --> 00:46:59

When the Messenger of Allah came, he saw him for the he saw his face. For the first time, he said, When I saw him, I knew that this was not the face of a liar.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:25

Like when I saw him, I knew that this was not the face of the liar. And so he said, the first words I heard from him were, you had an S. So he's speaking to the people of Medina, because they're all waiting for him to come. And they're all happy that he's here. And they've all chosen him to be their leader. So he says, oh, people are you having us

00:47:26 --> 00:47:27

feed others

00:47:29 --> 00:47:40

while still our ham and enjoying relations was a little bit lately when Estonia and pray at nighttime while others are asleep.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:59

That whole agenda TV salah, you enter general peace, you enter just now with peace. So the messenger of Allah peace. And so he said, spread the greetings of Peace, spread the spread the greetings of peace,

00:48:00 --> 00:48:06

and enjoying and feed the poor, those who are need feed that feed feed others. You know, I blame a PA

00:48:07 --> 00:48:09

and join relations will still

00:48:11 --> 00:48:12

remember the people were divided.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:15

But you have to

00:48:16 --> 00:48:38

Islam asks tells us teach us to enjoin relations. That means what we should what you should be doing is what? perfecting the relationship between you and the creation of Allah and was a lovely lady who unnecessarily year and pray at a time while others are asleep. That whole agenda to be salah. What is he talking about? What prayers at nighttime?

00:48:39 --> 00:48:41

Are their five daily prayers? Yeah.

00:48:44 --> 00:48:50

Did they have you have a daily prayer? Yeah, yeah, they did. Remember when the five daily prayers came

00:48:51 --> 00:49:15

and saw a mirage. So you you as a Muslim, they already had their five daily prayers. They already had the fire and they were praying and what's happening when they was eating them in their prayers. He was leading him in their prayers. Right but they didn't have a masjid yet. They just seem to asleep. Pray in certain people's houses. Certain areas were sudden then he said, but you know, besides the five daily prayers,

00:49:17 --> 00:49:39

you also have to pray the night pray was so Looby lane, pray at nighttime you want to enter agenda or suddenly be late when necessarily and pray at nighttime when others are asleep. That whole agenda to be salah. Why, why is all this when you and Allah is to strengthen your sincerity. Do you understand when you strengthen your sincerity between you and Allah?

00:49:41 --> 00:49:58

Then your Eman goes up, because you can do a lot of good things for other people in front of other people. But when you're alone and nobody's looking at you, how you behave and what you do. That's who you really are

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

So that's, that's when nobody can see you doing good deeds when others are not looking at you.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:40

And that's why it's very, very important. Why? Because when somebody is worthless when someone is has a class, when they do things for the sake of Allah, those are the people, those are the best people. Why? Because they're not looking for credit. They're not looking for faith. They're looking for money, they're looking for the pleasure of Allah. And those are the ones who work the hardest. Why? Because even if you don't know, they will still continue to work for the sake of Allah. But those who are not sincere, they're the ones who cause problems.

00:50:41 --> 00:51:18

Why? Because if they want to do something, it's all about them. It's all about them getting the credit. So if if the Muslim community in the Muslim ummah does not care who gets the credit, then that's when unity happens. Because a lot of times we do something, if it's not my idea, I don't want to support you, even though it's a good idea. Why because he's gonna get all the credit. Even if it's my idea, then it's good, then then it's all good, because you want the credit. But if people didn't care about that, then of course, we get so much more done.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:30

And that's why you have to build sincerity and that's why the Messenger of Allah, in his inaugural speech is establishing the foundation to help those who are in need

00:51:31 --> 00:51:41

to also strengthen the family. And then of course, strengthen the relationship between you and Allah subhanho wa taala. And if you can do that

00:51:44 --> 00:52:13

the strong community and that's when ALLAH SubhanA wa blesses us individually and our families. And so when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first arrived that was his inaugural speech to the Muslims in the Muslims, I must say awesome, because Raj and to the you who were listening also, the who who are listening also. So what else also, when the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam.

00:52:16 --> 00:52:45

When the prophets of Allah Varna who has some first arrived, what did he do? He built the masjid and shows how important the masjid is. He build the masjid with his own hands, even in go back when he first arrived in Cuba and he came to Medina, and they build the masjid also, the second thing with that he did was he establish the HA, which is the Brotherhood, because there are some Muslims who are coming from Medina, from Mecca, they didn't have a place to live.

00:52:47 --> 00:53:00

Remember, they left with they left everything in Mecca, who is going to take care of them. And so you have to establish the Brotherhood amongst themselves. And now you have a new state. And if you have a new state, what else do you need?

00:53:02 --> 00:53:09

You need rules and laws. And so what do you need to do? You have to establish the Constitution,

00:53:10 --> 00:53:15

a constitution and this was the first state and it consisted of Muslims

00:53:16 --> 00:53:17

and non Muslims.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:25

The whole we're free to stay to worship Allah, the way they felt was correct.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:35

Freedom of religion as long as you maintain as long as as long as you're willing to live in peace.

00:53:36 --> 00:53:37

So the Jews have been

00:53:39 --> 00:53:49

in a car, when hoorah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam established an agreement with them, that they would form one state, even though they were practicing different

00:53:50 --> 00:53:53

religions, but he was one country.

00:53:55 --> 00:54:36

And it was one country what happens if someone else attacks you, you protect each other? Right? So he established the first constitution, the first constitution, and then what did this constitution consist of? Inshallah? So the next sessions we'll be speaking about the establishing of the masjid and how important the masjid is in Islam. The second is brotherhood Lt. Ha, what did they do? How do you take care of each other? Because now you have a new country, but a large group of people are coming to your country, to your town, and the people don't have and they don't have places to live.

00:54:38 --> 00:55:00

There are places to live, they don't have jobs. So how do you take care of them? So you have to establish a system. And so this is what the prophets of Allah has from did when he arrived in Medina. So inshallah with that we will will, will end with that and Childline. We will inshallah continue speaking about the topics that we just mentioned. And the important

00:55:00 --> 00:55:14

So, in the upcoming sessions when we speak about Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam in Medina so this is pretty much just the introduction of the arrival in this situation in Medina right now. So now you have the Prophet salaam as a leader

00:55:17 --> 00:55:24

and so he has to there's there's a lot of love. We will extract a lot of lessons from that inshallah.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:33

And with that, Inshallah, does anybody have any questions related, whether it's what this class or about what we talked about or something else you'd like?

00:55:38 --> 00:55:40

Anyone know? This about Oklahoma?

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