Adnan Rajeh – Seerah Halaqah #1

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the challenges of learning from one's own life and share their genealogy and way around culture to establish their own. They also touch on the history of Islam, including the implementation of Islam as a means of achieving their beliefs and the struggles of the Middle East during the 80s and 90s. They emphasize the importance of pursuing Islam's teachings, including the birth of Islam in the West and the printing of the message in the Middle East, and encourage viewers to visit his website for more information.
AI: Transcript ©
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Once we once AGI becomes 745, which is

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maybe four weeks from now, or even less, this HELOC will become after so after Asia so that we're not kind of limited by by solar. So that's just a quick breakdown of why we're doing it the way we're doing in China. And whenever you guys are ready, I'm ready to go. Because ready to go. I'm going to start start the stream give me a

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light on you.

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Finding unfortunately,

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energy bear with us.

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina. Habib Muhammad Ali, he was like a big mango. But

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honestly, I can't imagine my life at this point without having the Sierra halacha. Somewhere in it. Even when I said I was going to do it, I still was actually going to do it just at a different timing with a smaller group of people. So it's going to be as public. Because once you get used to talking about him out of your salatu salam and share it and just sharing his life and talking about him, it's really hard to imagine yourself going through life without doing that anymore. And I've been doing this for

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maybe maybe 17 or 18 years. I've told the story eight nine times I can tell you without beyond a shadow of a doubt that every time I tell this story, it's like I'm telling it for the first time I learned from him way more than anyone else sitting here learns from him, I enjoy it for sure. For sure. I enjoy it way more than anyone else listening to it does. And that's just that's just how it is. His life is a lot to me. It's just, it's so full of,

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of lessons and of love. And of all the values the core values of Islam that is just it's just really all you really need to do as a Muslim to learn your deen is study his life out of his salatu salam all of Islam is just is it's within his life. The Quran was revealed throughout his life. The Sunnah is just basically his life. And if you want to learn the the ethics and the principles of Islam, there was no way to learn them, aside from watching him live it here salatu salam and I think that's why this the Sierra Club, we're talking about him at least once we're talking about or telling his life story is something that I think every community should have on an ongoing basis. I really do. I

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think it should always be available for people to listen to and and if you're no Muslim, you'll definitely benefit benefit from it. If you're Muslim all your life, you'll benefit from it. If you know the story by heart, you'll still benefit from it. If you've never heard it before, then you'll definitely benefit from it. I can't imagine a scenario I don't I can't think of a situation that you would be in were listening to his life story out of your Serato Sam will not be beneficial and will not do something for you. Because at the end of the day, this is the bottom line of Islam. The strength of your iman the strength of your faith is directly correlated with the amount of love you

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have for the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam literally, and this is like a really good way to measure the strength of your deen how much you truly love the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, you can't love someone you don't know. You can't. It's impossible. You cannot actually have love for someone that you don't know well. And the challenge that we offer is, I dare you, I dare you to know Him. It is salatu salam and not love him. It's impossible you you you know the Prophet alayhi salam, you will love the Prophet, it all starts with them. The more you know, the Prophet, the more you love, and that is the end, he's the only person who's that, who has that as the case for for the rest of

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us is the opposite.

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Maybe not all of you, the more you know me, the less the more you know me, the more of my flaws are going to be exposed to you, the less attractive as a human being, I'll beat you. So I tried to I have to keep my distance so that you don't figure out how, how much of a loser I am at the end of the day. And most of us are the provider your slots with me is different. It's like the closer you get, the more appreciation you have to his character and to what he did in his life it is and what type of person he was, when he's talking about the real deal, right? He was the real deal. Allahi salatu salam, it's not often that you get exposed to that in life. Well, it's very, like you go

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through life you're not.

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It's not a common thing. You can easily go through your life and never actually run into someone who's the real deal. There's always something missing and we're most of us are forgiving. So we'll look away, you know, we look away from the flaws and we try to focus on the good stuff. But the prophet Allah you saw son was just different. The people, they lived with him and there was just something special. There was no one like him, it was him. That's why he passed away and the dollar didn't get weaker, it got stronger. That's how you know it because the moment he passed away, I think it's awesome, the data will only get stronger, stronger because the people who whom he left

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behind, they loved him so much that they couldn't imagine not allowing his legacy to live on some alojado sapio center which is why it's totally worth talking about his story and sharing it with amongst each other. And then hopefully, if you have a good grasp on it, you share it with others one day you share it with either Muslim brothers and sisters or non Muslim brothers and sisters, well like non Muslim people. The only reason in my opinion this is my, my simplistic kind of basic understanding of that

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reason in my mind that they're not Muslims if you don't know Mohamed Salah switchmate They just don't know Mohammed well, they they knew Mohamed Salah Allah Muhammad. So I said, then they would be Muslim. Because how could you know? How could you under if you understand this person and you study their life, it's just, it's just an overwhelming experience all in all. So that's what we're going to do inshallah together, I do vow to make it a little bit shorter. I rarely come through with my vows when I when I make them, but that's what I'm hoping to do it to make it a little bit shorter than I usually takes two years and a little bit, we're gonna try and make it a little bit shorter,

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so that people don't feel like it's dragging out too long. But if you truly enjoy what we're doing, and you're like me, I get, I wish, when I tell the students story that are going on goes on forever, I just hope I never I dread the closer I come to the end, the the more upset I become. And I tried to kind of, I start looking through the books of theater to finally be stories that I had not told before, just to maybe push down to that last title, as far as possible. So not to talk about the fact that he passes away or leave South Western, but then we come back, and we're lucky to be talking about it again. Now, I'm not going to start today with with his board with his birth out of

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his slot too. So I'm no, we're gonna we're gonna do a little bit of a

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pre Islamic era. Talk today, talk a little bit about what the world looked like, before the prophet Ali of salatu salam was born. This is very important. It's not just because I want it is very, very important. The reason is so important is that you cannot appreciate a story, if you don't understand the context, that story exists within. It's like, if you're watching a movie, if they don't explain to you when this is happening, and what the what the norms of the times are, then you can't really relate to the to the production that you're you're watching. So when I talk, when you listen to the profanity assaults was that I'm story.

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You have to understand exactly what environment he was born in to, and what environment he grew up in, and what people were like what was happening in the world at that time. And the more you understand that, by the way, that means the more in depth understanding you have of that pre Islamic era, which is what we call today, Asia Helia, the more you can appreciate what he did, granted, not when I sometimes I'll talk about the things that he said Allegan salatu, Salam and changes you brought. And you'll sit there and say, Yeah, well, you know, that's, that's how the world is today. And you'll feel like yes, normal. No, it wasn't, it wasn't just you have to understand the context

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of what he said these things. And if you understand how history works, when someone comes along, and breaks the norm, and says something that the majority of people don't agree with, or have never heard of before, or is going to cause them to have to change their daily habits or lose their status or pay from their wealth, then everyone around you is going to resist you on every level and call you names. And the Prophet it is Santosa when you like when you when you listen to his story is someone who, who who took it with such grace, and behaved with such dignity that you almost forget that that was happening to him. And to me, that's the biggest challenge and telling you his story.

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That I can't, it's hard for me to explain to you how difficult what he was doing was because he made it seem so easy. He made it seem so simple. And so if he did it so flawlessly, that it's hard for me, it's like no, no, this was like really hard, like, no one could do this. But he did it. He looked back, and seems like it was easy. That's, that's how that's the mastery of it. That's the mastery of his character. AlHassan Somoza, he did these things. And he talked and he made a broad change. And he made it seem that it was easy and simple and almost effortless. And the reality of the matter is, if you get into social reform or social social change, which is what the prophet

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Allah is also pioneered, it's very difficult. It's very, it's on every level is very difficult. It drains every, every drop of your energy. So let's go with Sharla through the,

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through the beginning of this, this little highlight, there's basically five segments, we talked about the prehistoric or the pre Islamic era, which we'll do today, maybe a little bit next next week as well. Then we talked about his pre better era, maybe before he became a Prophet sallallahu, his main talking about how he grew up and what experiences he had growing up as important. What makes a person is that their childhood and the experiences that they pick up and then talking about his birth, or are they used to some of the metal period, period, then talking about the age of the prophet at a certain time in Medina, and then talking about the final days of his life out of his

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sight to Islam and in passing away. And that's how we kind of break it down for the purpose of this series. Now.

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You may not be interested in genealogy at all, and that's okay. It doesn't matter. I'm a little bit of a of a nerd when it comes to this stuff. I care about it. And the reason I care about it, because it's because the the array, the Arabic Peninsula, was actually not as homogeneous as we think it was. It was actually very, it was a very diverse piece of piece of land. Even though the people lived on it. The majority of them spoke Arabic, that was that's what actually brought them together was the language. From a background perspective. They were quite different. They were divided into two large groups. They were divided into the

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Ishmaelites and they were divided. And the other group was called the katana. These are the baton eights. You can you can you'll find different wordings in different books of history depending on what you're going to use. So the lineage that you're looking at right now is a one. And from them, you'll look if you see if you look to kind of down there at the, I think the right side of the

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screen, you'll see oh son has allege somewhere down there. These are the tribes that belong to the Tata and who was from the lineage of Hood, or Islam. So those are OB they all belong to sada and who daddy he was set up to delay the remnants of those Arab and that's the larger, that's the larger amount of Otto who are living in Arabia at the time. The second group are the Ishmaelites. And from them the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would emerge and the Israelites are basically the sons of Ismail Ibrahim alayhis salam in front of you is the breakdown of the lineage of new hottie Sam and down to his maiden Ali Islam and the prophets of Allah which mean coming from Abraham and then and

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then is made by New Israel, ie when we talk about them. And when we talk about the tribes that lived in Medina, but on the lead and by no pineal part, and those tribes, though they are the majority of them are from Bani Israel. And we say from Bani Israel, meaning they're also Hebrews. And when I say the word Hebrew, a Hebrew is any is someone who comes from the lineage of Ibrahim and Easter. That's what the word means. So Hebrew can be either an AMI light or an Israelite either way, it's fine. So by the way, salaam eel are the ones who come from the lineage of his house, Ibrahim alayhis salam. So right now you have three, you have three major groups, you have the Tata knights who come or the

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lineage of who Dalit history, they don't meet with God knights, who are Israelites and Israelites except know how to history like they don't actually meet the lineage. So two people in Arabia could stand by each other speaking the exact same language with no change of dialect at all. They mean, they speak the exact same, but they live maybe 100 kilometers away from each other. And the only way they meet in terms of their, their genealogy is that know how to establish is the farthest you can be from someone else. By the way, the majority of people in this room, if you do a genealogy, geological study, they'll we meet way before that, even if you come, even if even if one of us is

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from, if you're coming from a European background in the subcontinent of India, you still will find your find that you meet you meet before a new holiday soon. But the Arabs who spoke the language, actually many of them didn't. Like they were so far away from each other in terms of their background. And when I say that they're far away from each other in terms of their genealogy and background, it also means they're very different in terms of the culture, and in terms of their culture, their belief system, their habits, their norms, their customs, they're very different. And that's why when the Prophet alayhi salam later on, takes people from Calais shore Ishmaelites and

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goes to Medina to yesterday, where it is awesome, because of the katana, it's an eel, now you have a, you have almost a toxic mix. This is very, and the fact that we live together, and they got along together, they would come from all across the sea, it will come across not except this time they want to see, is it true, like a guy from the village opened their home and have a guy from police living in with them like a family? It's like, Nah, it's impossible. They can't do that.

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But they did. And the Prophet ALLAH is talking was able, I used also as officer was able to actually achieve them, I just want to get to hear them. So if you look at the map of the world before the prophet Isaiah sought to Saddam's life,

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maybe a couple of major two major powers at the time, the Persians or the assassin knights, and then the Romans or the Byzantine, Empire Empire, and they ruled the majority of the world, the old world at the time, and the Arabic Peninsula for them was also was ruled either by those two empires or by proxy. Meaning it was either that parts of Arabia was ruled these parts were being ruled by the Persians or by the Romans, or there was a king, an Arab King, who was put there by one of the two empires and their loyalty was specifically to that empire. And you'll see that once we come to the point of it, you start to sometimes

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tend to have had when he was trying to get people to buy in some of the tribes they totally believed in what he had to say on a slaughterhouse and he's like, yep, under present, but we our loyalties for the Persians, so we'll never fight the Persians. So the Prophet Isaiah Stone said, well, then I can't You can't help me. You can't have loyalty to someone more than you're gonna have loyalty to the team. Your loyalty has to be for Allah subhanaw taala first and foremost, so the jobs they weren't necessarily the red area. The Arabic principle was not being ruled necessarily by the two large empires, but by proxy for sure that was the case. And there was a number of other smaller

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kingdoms x zoom in down in Yemen, and some of the and the Ethiopian empire that had that had basically some pull on Arabia.

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But the interesting part of all this, that Arabia never was never really rated heavily by by the by the empires that were around it. And it's something that historians have always looked at and wondered what the reason was like the Persians and the Romans, they never had an interest of going going into the midst of Arabia and conquering the peninsula. It never actually happened. The majority of historians think that the reasoning is because it was such a difficult environment, it was the desert, and they didn't want they didn't think there was a lot there was any gain of doing it. The Autumn's, the majority of them were Bedouin tribes that continued to roam the land and just

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fight amongst each other day to day lives based on rating. You just read aside from the small city, the the major cities, like like Mecca, and like yesterday, like some of the other like, if, aside from the city's downtown, we're just Benjamins. And they went around, and they just rated one another, and they lived off livestock and whatever, whatever the earth offered. So it wasn't very attractive to either of the Empires to go and raid them and actually conquer that that part of the world.

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The Arab

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World War for the majority of the time before the profit out of your slots was an arm's length for the majority of the time.

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And I'm gonna give you some examples before the end of this halacha of some of the wars and why they started and you'll probably find it hilarious when I tell it to you, but it's very true. The Samsonite Empire or the Persians, and they, the rulers claimed to be from the genealogy of Gods meaning they went when I showed you the the lineage piece startup knew their lineages, by the way, they still do, so that others knew their lineages. The Persians were ruled by a group of people who claim to be demigods. I know it sounds like something out of a Marvel comic book. But they literally did what they claimed that they were demigods, they were actually from a lineage of godliness. They

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were not human. And that's how that's how they basically continue to conquer the people under them. And the law is that that rule, this asinine empire, Empire, or the Persians were laws of extreme oppression, it was it was a, it was a clear and open

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sectarian based law, meaning the community or society was made out of different levels of society, there is

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grade one, citizens grade two, grade three and grade four. And people belong to grades based on where they were, they were born, who they were born to, and what privilege they had growing up. And that was, that was just how things ran there. And the rulers, they didn't see people as equals, because they were from the lineage of the heritage of gods. And the Roman the Roman Empire was a little bit different, because the Romans ended up picking up Christianity. However, they didn't pick up Christianity the way he thought, he said, I'm actually taught Christianity, you know, they picked up Christianity, like corrupt politicians will pick up any religion, they picked up Christianity,

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and then they changed it. They made a mix, they made a mix of paganism, and Christianity and what you see today, and this is not to offend anybody, really. But even if you speak to, you know, pastors and priests from different backgrounds, they will admit to the fact that a lot of the celebrations and a lot of the symbols that exists within Christian within Christianity has nothing to do with eSATA Eastham, or his teachings whatsoever. For example, the Christmas tree, and this has nothing to this is a pagan. This is a pagan practice that that aren't even fully aware of. And the reason that that it became so widespread is because the politician, the Roman emperor, wanted to

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embrace the Christian religion, but not the full deal, because there was all the pagans living with, so you want to make everyone happy. So he made a little bit of a mix of both religions, which ended up being something that didn't really do anything. And it led to a lot of the laws that I'm not going to again, the point we live in a majority Christian country. So the point here is not to bash another religion. But if you want to go and study what the what the Catholic Church or it looked like in the seventh or eighth century, you're welcome to and you understand exactly why I'm pointing this out there. They were not doing well on it on any on any, any level. The Indian subcontinent for

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example, I'm talking about I'm just talking about the world around where the prophet Allah is also is more he's being born out of the South Sudan. Up to the west, west northwest, you have the Byzantine Empire with a level of religious corruption. That is that is till this day talked about and it lives on as a as an example of corruption. To the northeast, you have the Persian Empire, which is one of the most oppressive laws that ever existed, then you have this Indian subcontinent. Now that time, at that time, very similar, severe social injustice worse even than what the examples I gave you in the Persian Empire, and some of the practices because there's a number of other three

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or four new religions that actually existed at that time there. And some of them had human sacrifice, still a part of it.

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And I pointed out women, the oppression for women, specifically, because Arabia had a lot of it and the subcontinent of India had a lot of it as well. Where a widow would be would basically be executed or sacrifice if the man

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passed away, then she would, she would, she would be killed regardless. And the reason I'm pointing this out is like, understanding that it is very important to comprehend what he was up against the history of Islam. Right, he's up against these are, these are the norms, these are the customs. This is what people these are this is what people have accepted for a very long time that people have lived with for a very long time. This is what everyone's used to, and it's been normalized.

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At this point, you should be

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able to accept the fact that as human beings, we have a very exquisite ability to normalize stuff that makes no sense at all, no matter how highly educated we are. And when I watch money we have, we tend to have this ability to just take something that has no, that makes no sense whatsoever that doesn't even work and normalize it and force people to to accept it as normal. So so when you look back at what they did, don't be judgmental. And that's not the point of this hadith, I'm not trying to make it hate the sixth or seventh century of the world. But I want you to appreciate how different it was from where we are today. And how far the profit either you saw to sort of push the

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needle in his life values and how much change he actually brought to a world that wasn't really functioning on any on any front.

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So basically, there's a lot of non as an animosity between faiths.

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Whether it's the pagans living in Arabia, or is the the different denominations of Christianity within the Byzantine Empire? Or is it different faiths with faith that existed in the in the Persian Empire, that people did not get along, and a lot of war has occurred over these years and, and a lot of bloodshed. And scripture was manipulated at that time before he was born out of the assault to Islam. There was not really anything left.

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There were very few remnants of Holy Scripture that was not millipede manipulated anymore. I mean, I'm talking about the Talmud, I'm talking about the Torah, I'm talking about the NG and all these books had been manipulated and changed by the hands of men, to the point where there was you could barely find the any remnants of the Word of God within them anymore. And very few people left on the planet that actually understood what la isla in the lowers, we're coming to a point where the concept of lightning in the lodge almost completely faded away. And there's very, very few people I'm gonna give you examples of that inshallah. And the majority of those who put who were religious,

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believed in idolatry, meaning they are pagans, they believed in the fact and they they worshipped creations this is this is what paganism is, is when you worship something that is a creation, worship rock, a tree, another human being some form of an idol that you believe has the ability to mystically change the world,

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or has power over over the universe or the laws of physics. And this is what was was was widespread within the world before he was born out of your salatu salam.

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So what I want to do is when I told you the story of this is actually not working,

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you have to go back a little bit here.

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All right.

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There's a couple of things that happened before his life Alia salatu, was salam. And it goes through two or three of them many within this week. And next week, this is a really important one.

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There were a group of people living in the Jalon.

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And the majority of them were pagans.

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But amongst them, there were some, some Christians, some Christian priests, and these priests were amongst the few people left to still taught to hate, and they still they still taught McCarthyism. They didn't believe in any form of shitter Corcovado. But there were so few of them left. And this story happened maybe 6050 6070 years before the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was born. Meaning it's one of the stories he grew up hearing and listening to all of his AutoSum during his life.

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And the story is long, I'm gonna try and summarize it, because I really want to tell you what the surah in the Quran talks because the surah documents a story that happened way before he was born on his sword to Islam, to confirm that it happened and for people to learn from the lessons of what actually occurred. So the story goes is that a young gentleman, a young boy, who was being prepared by his father to become one of the priests of the pagan religion that existed at the time, and at some point going back and forth from whatever worship place of worship, he was going to,

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he would hear chants coming from a distant,

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distant building. And one day he got interested enough and curious enough that he walked down the road and he came close, and it was a it was a church. And within it were some pastors and people who are practicing Christianity was very interested by what he saw it intrigued he asked some questions. The priests began teaching him the concepts of dough hade this boy was very receptive. After being taught to three times the child, the young man became very committed to what he was being taught. And Allah subhanaw taala granted this boy, something that we call in our deen cut on that end, he had some abilities as a Prophet Isa Elisa, for example, was able to

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to offer people a cure, in the name of Allah subhanaw taala, this young boy was granted certain abilities. And he started doing hire for people. And it happened and it happened to the point where it became an of interest to the king of the land, meaning he became famous enough that his story made its way over to the king to the king of the land. And the king started asking for the boy, the boy his name is in there. interations name is Abdullah having a thermometer and this boy would go back to his priest and tell him this was happening the priests would tell him do not involve me, do not don't come here anymore. And he almost want to get this go, don't call me don't use my name. I

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don't want to be caught. I'm here I had fled, this person had fled the Byzantine Empire because under persecution, he was living in this part of Nigeria, which is in the middle of Saudi Arabia today. He didn't want any trouble. And he told him stop don't affiliate yourself with me at any cost. This child was was abducted was taken by the by the king. And under, obviously, a certain degree of persecution. The child gave the name of the of the priest and the and the king was sent his men and they would go and they would capture the priests and all those around them.

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And a very brutal story he would he would execute them. I'm not gonna tell the story this lot of young people young people here but he executed in a very brutal manner.

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And the king,

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this man would ask Abdullah had nothing better to

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revoke his Deen meaning the face that he is the monotheism that he's teaching to take it back.

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But he didn't. He refuse to do so.

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And he began to become a little bit too popular.

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People look for change. People love change, change that as positive is something that people yearn for. We don't believe it's possible for the majority of us for some reason, there's always something missing inside our hearts, we feel it's hard that it will never actually occur. But when when there is hope for it to occur, people, they gravitate towards that type of change. This young man had developed so much hope in the hearts of the people around him, that the the more you stood, strong and committed to his to his thought or to his to his faith, the more attracted people were to what he was doing. And the king felt slowly that his popularity and his grasp and control over people was

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slowly becoming weaker and weaker. And then a long story, the king would try to execute this, this young man publicly, numerous times, and would fail each time, every time he would send them to be thrown over off the cliff of a mountain or drowned in the sea, he would come back and he would told the king, the only way you can do it is that if you before you try to execute me, execute me, you say Bismillah Hirak Bill coulomb, in the name of Allah, the Lord of this boy. And then you can do it. Otherwise, you can't kill me. And you never will. You have to say that. And after trying it multiple times, obviously was an issue of public interest at that point. They finally said it, and

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the kid was executed. But the story and sort of BlueJ is what happened after the story I gave you just a background story. That's why I didn't go into much detail. It doesn't matter the details that don't matter. Because what happened after what happened after is that people accepted McCarthyism. The majority of the people living in the small kingdom, Hall said law either in the law and follow the teaching of this young boy

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to the king decided that people were going to have a choice, or that you come back to the belief that you had before the paganism, way of life that the idolatry and you believe in the of course, he was one of the kings who claim to be again from the lineage of gods who was very, very, very popular, by the way, at that time, were kings would claim to be of higher lineage, meaning they they weren't human, they had something they were they were demigods. So this is what the king had actually claimed.

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And the way he was going to do it, is that he was going to dig a trench

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you're gonna lit like fire in the trench. And people were going to have to choose

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either the fire

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or you come back to the way things were before. Regardless of your age, regardless of whatever happens to you, your old your young child, elderly person sick, I don't care. Either you leave in the law or into the fire you go. And this is what this surah actually talks about. This is the story that Prophet It is awesome. I grew up listening to his story. You can imagine something like this would obviously make its way through through through the culture, and people would talk about it because this is a huge deal. That day 1000s of people died 1000s of people were killed that day. And the surah says was summer either till borouge

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He takes an oath subhanaw taala by the sky and his constellations mean, the high the higher it goes

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because they dug something deep down into the earth so Allah is bound to take meets an oath by the sky as high as it goes.

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William William would make an oath by the day that was promised which is the day of judgment. And then the third oath is Russia hidden in every witness, womanhood and everything that was ever witnessed in Russia, he didn't want to shoot. And I put lines

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on certain words because certain words in the Quran are

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a really strong a good way to understand the Quran is looking for words that are repeated in the Surah and really not used elsewhere. Like certain words or phrases that are used in sutras, you don't find them elsewhere. Usually those phrases you should kind of really you know, put bold and just kind of watch it because there's always a reason. The word the concept of Shahid is not in the Quran very often like if you go through the price now, it's not something the concept of a witness is not talked about a lot in the Quran. For it to be talked about in this sutra alone four times within five six verses mean there's a there's a reason for it.

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We're sure he didn't want to shoot it. It takes an oath to ponder I swear to you by the skies as high as the constellations will go, I swear to you by the day that was been promised. And I swear to you by every witness, and everything that's ever been witnessed, put into us hub will have dude.

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Me the people of the dude. Hubbard who made the people of the dune be severely punished or de la me and make me the it's a draw against them. May they be severely punished. But the problem is, who's a sabula? Dude?

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Here's the issue. Who are they?

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Dude is the trench the people of the trench? Who's he talking about here? Subhana wa, tada. This is really this is the point that you have to take a moment and really allow me to explain, just entertain this a little bit to understand, because what are you talking? He's talking about the people who dug the trench. And he's talking about the people who were thrown into the trench. Obviously not the people who have thrown into the trench they were believers, or believers were persecuted for their faith.

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There's a third group actually here that he's talking about sobriety,

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which is both the last habit of dude and nerdy that in recode he explains to you how to do the trenching, he says and now the fire that you tobacco that has fuel the fuel was we will put the human beings is the whom I lay her.

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So here's the first hint as they sat back upon it, I let you have Paulo doesn't mean they sat on the trench or in the trench. It means they sat back in front of the trench.

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In the in the Quran, whenever you find the word chi the prude or pied

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waka either Latina, caribou, Allah wa salam

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ala adminer Nisa, those who sit back, it doesn't mean to sit down, to sit down in the Quran is jealous is Judas corrode is to sit back is a little bit different is to stay is not to go is not to do something that you should have done at the time. So can I do me they sat back, they should have gone and done something with something. There was a priority. That was obvious they should have participated in but they sat back they didn't do it. They failed to fulfill the need or the fulfill the purpose. What can I do? So even though my late have pursued me they are the ones who sat back? Not the ones who sat in the fire? No, no. Exuma they are the ones who sat back. Who do you mean he

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explains a little bit more? Well, who am I the Maya Luna, believe me, Nina to hood, the ones who were witnessing what the others were doing to the believers. So now you have three now you have the three groups? Yeah, following. The people who are doing it are the ones who actually dug the trench and threw the people into it. ultimate meaning you know, the ones who are being thrown into the trench where you have the biller as part of Islam. And the third one is the third group here, that the ones who just sat around did nothing.

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Their group, the social group is not to talk about

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the believers are the ones who dug the trench. That's pretty simple. Obviously, if you're someone who perseveres, when you're being persecuted within your own faith, you're going to find gender, as the I'd say, and obviously for someone who was persecuting believers or persecuting a human being based on their faith, they're going to be punished. But then there's a third group.

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There's the shoot, there are the witnesses, the ones who sat back. That's why when you continue what might not call momentum in law, you know, Billa, Hill ICCL, Hamid and the ones who did this to perform this horrible act. The only reason they did this is because the other group was, had taken on themselves the faith of believing in Allah subhanaw taala. And as he said, Hamid and let the you know whom will custom Allah he will have the one who has the sovereignty of the cosmos in the earth. And then nobody says well Allahu Allah Cooley che in

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the heat, and he is the one who witnesses all subhanaw taala. Just like there was a witness that day, and there was something that was witnessed, and there is those there are those who sat back and witnessed something horrible happening to others, Allah witnessed all of it to

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all of it was witnessed that at the end of the sutra, you come to them as soon as beautiful within so it just I'll tell you kind of how it works and just a mother's for is just almost basic for groups of students.

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The first three, then the second, the second group is from a tech, we're 12 gurus, and it talks about freedom of choice. It talks about the fact that freedom of choice is sacred. It's something that Allah gives you, you know, what can take it away from me, no one has the right to do that. And something you you will, because Allah wills, you too will, that's why you will, and that your freedom of choice is going to be recorded, your freedom of choice has limits your freedom of choice, you're going to be accountable for it. And your freedom of choice has to be based on knowledge. So you have to be very careful, just short, it's a limited margins will be to make your choices

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carefully. And the final surah in that group tells you doing nothing is also a choice.

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Doing nothing is also a choice.

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And that's what the surah talks about. That's why at the end of it, attack a hadith will Junoon ever heard the stories of the soldiers the Junoon. Why? Because soldiers think that they are not responsible. But they're just, they just do whatever the other person is commanding them to do, because they're, as they say, in Arabic, more, I'm just being commanded, I'm a servant that can own that with me with the servants stuff around in the servants, the servants of the mood, you know,

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you always have a choice, you always have a choice. And choosing choosing to do nothing. In this world is also a choice. There are three groups, and so to broach

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or five groups basically.

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In this surah, he's talking about the witnesses, and

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he's talking about the witnesses. And it's like when you come in, you're milperra Amma

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and a lot of bad things happened during your life. And you say, Oh, I didn't, I did nothing. I didn't do anything. It'll tell you. That's exactly the problem. Yeah, that's why you're here. No, I didn't see I didn't do anything. I didn't. Yeah, I know. That's why you're here. That was the problem. You didn't do anything? Why didn't you do anything? You didn't see, you didn't witness what was happening. You did not witness what occurred. See this story of what happened in the Jalon. To the to the believers.

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This story was a story of persecution of freedom of faith. The Prophet Alia saw some grew up hearing the story, you're sending the idea, he grew up listening to the story out of his logical setup of how people believed in something. And yet they did they weren't given the freedom to do so. And there were others who just sat around and watched them and watch them get burnt, and say, Well, I can't I'm not doing it. And I don't have the ability to stop it. By just sit there quietly. A lot of people who do that in their lives think they're off the hook, they're fine. It's not going to be a problem because I didn't I didn't participate. No, not as far as the Quran is concerned. We're all

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accountable. We are all accountable one way or the other, to one degree or the other. Not equally, obviously, obviously, the person who's actually performing the deed is the is the oppressor. And that person really needs to meet justice and but the one who witnesses it, it has nothing, nothing to do nothing to say about it. No positive influence to bring forward no impact on it, is accountable as well. They're accountable as well, this surah when it came to the Prophet when it was relieved to reveal to the prophets of Allah Hadees his magnum Sahaba. It was very meaningful to them. But it's something the Prophet Allah is on a group. He grew up listening to the story. And

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that's what he was a type of person who did not want to be a bystander, someone who just stood on the on the on the lines and watch things happen. He wanted to be someone who actually brought forward some form of change. And this is what this story is about. The reason I tell you this story I could have told you in a second and moved on, is because this is what his life story is about his thought to assign. It's about not being

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the wrong one of the wrong categories here.

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It's about not doing that. It's about not being a witness to something that's going on. Don't be an oppressor for sure. For sure, don't be an oppressor, don't support what's happening. But don't be a witness either. Don't sit around and watch quietly as the world burns. As people are being mistreated as as blood is being shed no don't don't we can't afford to do that. The story the story of Muhammad Ali is thought to Islam is saying no. It's saying no we can we can be better and we will we have the ability and we can bring forward positive change to this world because he was able to do out of your soul to ascend you imagine the world at that time. Think of what I explained to you. Two

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major empires people claiming to be God, slavery and lack and social injustice within these within these empires was was beyond what I can like actually tell you that wouldn't wouldn't ruin your night's

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ignorance and Ribba and wars, and the bravado that was being born to a time where something like this happened, where they dug a trench, and they lit a fire and they threw people in just because they didn't agree with something based on on faith. And this is what this is what he was walking into earlier slot was when you think about it, a man being born into a small city somewhere in the middle of night.

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Were basically at the time.

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Privacy is a very sacred piece of land is where the money is around what. But at the time, there was no there's no strength, there was no power, there were nor armies there was it wasn't the center of the world, by any means, to imagine that he could bring change to the way to the extent that he brought change is almost

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is almost insane. But that's exactly what I need. That is exactly what we need. I need some insane human beings, people who think that they can do way more than what is even remotely possible. People are willing to think beyond what the restrictions that they've been told, exist actually are. And that's how you that's how you, that's how you you push things actually make a difference. You have to believe that you can do more than than what people tell you you can do. And he believed that it was even before his prophecy, you'll see throughout his life that he was the type of person because because this story, this story left.

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This story silenced the Peninsula for a while. People knew that happened and everyone was like, let's not talk about that. Let's start talking about because that's a, that's an atrocity of a level of just, I'm actually I'm actually being very mindful when I'm sharing the story with you. The story in this detail is very brutal, extremely brutal, very difficult to tell it meaning their details of how of who was thrown and how it happened that I am consciously, actively not sharing with you. So you don't, but they grew up listening to this, and Allah is Irish man. And it left, it was obviously very difficult to go back a little bit. And

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let me share with you a little bit of what was happening in Arabia at the time.

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The Arabs,

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they for sure weren't very good at getting along. I'm gonna give you two examples. There are two major wars. There's actually a lot of wars but two major wars that happened right before the holidays hosted on XLIF that went on between 40 to 50 years. There's a how to go to how to build versus

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how to build pursues. Now this was a 40 year war between two tribes that were cousins, like the tribes were cousin tribes. They were very, very directly directly related. And what happened was a guy slaughtered a she camel for a woman who got upset, told her nephew who killed the guy. And then that tribe tried to kill him. And then for 40 years, they slaughtered between 15 103,000 of their of their own. For 40 years. They fought for 40 years. Because of this they have done so well. Cobra, another another very known war that occurred during during these times.

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Two competing tribes had their best horses compete in a race. Someone tried to cheat, someone found out, they fought for 55 years. For 55 years, we're talking about a blood counts of over 5000 people.

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I'm not telling the story. So you can heat that up. No, I'm trying to explain to you the mindset of what was happening at the time. This is what they were used to a

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group of people who did not abide by law. And wherever they felt that someone mistreated them, they were willing to continue to invest in bloodshed for as long as it would take. The Prophet Allah is also one of the things he was able to achieve is to actually, if you remember, not not too long ago, a few months ago, I told you and coupled with that, he will say what Dima Bucha Heliot Jehoiakim Oduah we're going to start the blood, the blood of Jamelia dies with Johanna, we don't talk about the blood anymore, because the issue of blood between the outside was something that was almost impossible to stop to Osen. Because Raj, the reason that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was

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actually initially asked to go is because they said we've been fighting for over 100 years. And because of the two tribes we've been fighting, they taught we've been fighting for 100 years. All the new generation is tired of fighting. We don't want to fight anymore, but but the old generation won't let it go. Maybe if you come maybe if you come to us, we can figure out some way to stop fighting. And that's what he was able to do out of his slot to ascend with this. So this is an example of how difficult it was for the Rebbe, for example, remember, usury was the only form of financial loans that existed within Arabia.

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By not two different today, unfortunately, but but that was that's how it was the meaning. And one of the major ways for someone to enter into slavery wasn't really war, it was usury it was never meaning you would be in so much debt, that there was no hope of you ever paying it back is accumulated for so much that the only way to for this to work is that you just become the slave to this person. They take care of you financially and you work for them and you don't own your freedom anymore. And usury was the that's where the profit again something to profit it so hard to come and try and change. But that was the norm. The norm of the land was if you had money, then

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There is no such thing as a 0% interest loan. It was all usury at all at all times.

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In terms of ignorance, the majority of people living in Arabia didn't learn how to read. Meaning, even though the Arabic language is a language that has its own alphabet to it, and you can, it has its own calligraphy, so you can write it, but the majority of people didn't learn how to read. But the provider you saw this himself, he didn't go to for that, because he was he didn't have he just he had to work as a young person most of his life, how to use AutoSum. But when you actually study, the majority of the Arabs, whether it's in Croatia or outside, the majority of them did not learn how to read. That's why having Kuttabul why having the people who could write read and write was a

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big deal. So I say, No, I didn't have you thought of and you and others, these people were important to have around because or else the Quran wouldn't have been documented, because the majority people actually did not hide to read and write.

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The stories of oppression during that era is is huge. But let me share with you a little bit of all of the stories of oppression specifically regarding women, specifically, regarding was an issue that was so heavy that the court had to address multiple times, multiple times, the concept of concept of what which is, which is an idea that is just insane to really think about that a human being would with, you know, by their own will bury alive, their their children, their child, their daughter, out of fear of of a bad reputation, or the fear of them being raped or fear of them not being able to they were actually very there. The crowd would talk about it multiple times. Why that Bucha or

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huddle home? They only will lower the who who moves sweat, then well who are Kaeleen Yetta? Well, Amina homie Min Soo Eema Bushi, Robbie are young people who I know who didn't do Sue who failed to rob. And as soon as they were given the good news of having a daughter, their faces turned dark, and they're upset, and the high end shied away shy away from people because they don't want to they're embarrassed of others. When they tell them they have a daughter. They're thinking to themselves, do I do I keep this this creature unwillingly? Or do I put it or do I put it into the into the sand will react to Alaska and I have to moon what worse judgment is there than this?

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Was it either Gouda to sue either to bury them and put it at their judgment? When the when the when the girl that was was murdered? is asked by by which sin were You were you were you killed? She'll say nothing. And then the people have to this is this is how people were growing up. Now not everybody, by the way. And I'll be very clear to you that not everyone was like that. The Prophet Allah you saw to Saddam's family, but he Hersha were not like that. A lot of the noble people of Quraysh weren't like that, either. They didn't think like that. They didn't function like that, you'll see the examples because we're gonna run into people who are extremely intelligent and quite

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advanced in terms of their ethics and morals and principles. Before his death. It is thought to ascend. But what I'm trying to bring to you is that these are things that were happening, that were normalized, they occurred, there is no campaign to stop it, there was no social kaniva it was not socially looked frowned upon. There was no political law to actually hold it back. These things actually occurred, the first time

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that we have in the history of Islamic law, or as far as we know, the first time she actually came into Arabia, because the thing is,

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the Katana is our descendants of who daddy is Sarah and who, who obviously is a prophet of Allah subhanho wa taala. So they had monotheism, and the Ishmaelites, meaning the fall of Quraysh, which makes basically a correlation. The Israelites are two big groups Modaraba, the prophet Allah, you saw some sort of Medora Robbia. They live more in the eastern parts of Saudi Arabia. They're also descendants of Ibrahim Ali Salam, but they kind of they did their own thing. I'll talk about the Michelle in the future a little bit, because there is significance to them. They are descendants of Ishmael. So technically speaking, they also are descendants of prophets. So monotheism is what their

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culture was the Israelites. These tribes are also descendants of his how to use them. So also technically they had McCarthyism. So for a long time, these people believed in Allah Illallah and it was only after a certain period of time that slowly that paganism and shook entered into the culture and the first person that actually did this, the prophet Allah you also want to point out is I'm only going to hail Jose. He's the first person to actually do this. He brought in he he was a merchant would go to Damascus and come back and record the shootout. We'll see if he would do this all the time. And what he did is he came by this is like maybe 300 400 years before the Prophet

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Allah, you saw two sons birth, he came by idols. The bison, again, the Roman Empire had brought in a lot of paganism into their, into their culture, and he found he found people selling idols.

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And they were, you know, beautiful sculptures of different

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creature, something majestic looking things. And he thought it was really cool. He asked what it was they explained what what they were. So he brought them down to Arabia. And he started selling them. He started telling people that these have

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capabilities of so and so when they can do this and this for you. And just like that, within a couple of years, you went from nothing to having Hubel and alert. And it was, and it just kept on growing and growing and growing. And they became, you know, we have a team as a mascot or as like a thing. Yeah, that's kinda what it became. Every tribe is on mascot in the form of a of a god or something that they an idol that they believed in, and then preserving that and beautifying it and giving it a large strain. The more you the more you're capable of doing that the more status you had, the more wealth you had, the more strength that you would persevere, and it turned and slowly,

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slowly this turned into the culture of the time and the point of it is starting to point this out. You said you would say Ali Salam the Hadith you see there I could see I'm Robin Hey, dragging his intestines and Johanna Mola. doula is the first person to bring idolatry and paganism to the to the world.

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Actually, before we go into the story of the elephant, I'll leave that in shelter Till next time, because it's, it'll take a little bit time. Let me kind of share with you a few other things.

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A good question is why?

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Why is it that Allah subhanaw taala chose the Arabs for this final message? It's a very legit question. By the way.

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A big problem for when we saw eel was that as far as they could tell, for the last a couple of 100 years, all of the Prophets and Messengers were with from Bani Israel.

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For the final messenger to be an HMI like not to be an Israelite, to be from Croatia, who's just out of keeping of what they were used to. They couldn't make sense of it. That's why a lot of them didn't believe in Him. Allah has a lot to say up front. He's like, based on what Tao is why, why, why why? Why would it be from you guys? They will look at the Ottoman say why from you? I have all the people on the planet why you? You guys just don't? What do you have? You have? What do you Why would you do this? So I agree there's a lot of negative aspects of the Arab culture at the time. But there's a couple of things here that's worth kind of pointing out. Number one, the Arabs, again,

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amongst all of the I shared with you the negative, I shared with you all the negative stuff dad knows, the social norms were very oppressive.

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They were pagans, they did not have any, any, okay, they had, they had no political organization of any sort. But they had a few things going for them. Number one, they had freedom. Love, they had freedom it was early Muhammad was he brought like a full book on this. They had their freedom. See, they were afraid that Rob would go on his horse with his sword. And that's it. No one owned him. No one told him what to do. They were so used to war and death. It didn't matter. The life expectancy when the Prophet Ali's Olson was born, was 36 years old, was 36 years of age 36 years, I would have dead two, three years ago. This is life expectancy during so they had they lacked the fear of death

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at that point, and they were free. And in order for you to be Muslim, in order for you to be an effective Muslim, you have to be free. Your mind and soul they have to be free. If you are enslaved by anything, anything at all, Islam will not work for you. It won't. And Adams with all the negatives that they had. They were free. They were a free people they had never been conquered historically, you can argue and say, well, they weren't conquered because they were of no interest to the bigger, bigger empires, no one cared to actually conquer them because they were so used worthless at the time, no problem. But nonetheless, they were still free. And that freedom. Well,

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like that freedom is what allows them to be the bearer, the bearers of this of this final message, because it's not doesn't work with someone who is who's enslaved by anything, by wealth, or by status, or politically or, or even by the neffs. It doesn't work. Islam is a faith that only functions in the heart and the soul of someone who has their own freedom

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and understand what the value of freedom is. And that's my opinion, probably the most important reason for why Allah subhanaw taala chose the opposite, you're going to this, aside from the fact that the language is of a level of, of mastery, that proficiency that we'll we'll kind of talk about slowly when the Quran is revealed. And I'll establish that for you. But for sure, a level of freedom number two, it was a high sense of dignity.

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There was a high sense of self worth. You can't really carry Islam if you don't have self worth. It doesn't mean arrogance. It doesn't mean racism or being condescending. I'm not talking about I'm not talking about vanity, I'm talking about self worth. If you don't have a strong identity, and if you don't feel that you are worthy, then Islam is not going to do much for you. They had that strong feeling a sense that sense of dignity, Danny for sure. Number three, they did have certain ethics of chastity and decency, meaning, they still unlike many of the other empires are

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Round them. By the way, I didn't want to share certain beliefs that existed because I filled may or may not suit certain age groups, but they still believed in honor and what was hot and they still believed that Xena was something that was frowned upon, and that certain behaviors are something that is that is for the low life. And you don't do that if you have any self respect, unlike maybe other parts of the world where where a certain degree of flamboyant behaviors and promiscuity was becoming celebrated and becoming the norm. And I believe because of these three major reasons Allah subhanaw taala chose the Arabs to be the carriers of this final message. And the Prophet Allah, you

00:55:33 --> 00:55:59

saw some obviously being a part of that. So what we're going to do a show every night, so we're going to offer maybe seven to eight minutes for a Kahoot so that the young ones can enjoy it. So I've already taken a bit too much time. I'm gonna start with that in Charlottetown. And next week, I'll tell you maybe what's left of the pre Islam, the pre the Arab right before his birthday, he has a lot to assemble, tell the story of the few stories that occurred, and then we'll take it off from there in Charlotte Dallas, mclubbe, Hyundai Shinola in the interest of flow to break also Allahu wa Salam o Baraka

00:56:02 --> 00:56:04

Okay, so everybody

00:56:06 --> 00:56:08

hope everybody's excited as I am with a Kahoot

00:56:13 --> 00:56:20

we have to do this quick because the plan for Russia is in five minutes and we have 10 questions so we're gonna get through this as soon as possible it's all okay

00:56:25 --> 00:56:32

so for the people who can't see the code, it's 745-742-5315 in sha Allah

00:56:41 --> 00:56:46

so by the time the clock hits 839, sha Allah we'll get started right away to Allah

00:57:03 --> 00:57:07

anyone need any more time raise your hand if you need more time to get into the game. Okay, quick, quick, quick quick

00:57:16 --> 00:57:23

Keep your hand up if you need more time. 123455 people

00:57:33 --> 00:57:33


00:57:35 --> 00:57:36

anybody else?

00:57:45 --> 00:57:47

Anybody else? Raise your hand.

00:57:48 --> 00:57:49

Okay, quick, quick.

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