Adnan Rajeh – Seerah #06 – Gaining Skills

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of finding one's own values and codes through upbringing and family history, and the loss of family members due to COVID-19. They stress the need for ease and flexibility in dealing with difficult situations and finding one's own values. The speakers also emphasize the importance of early learning, personal and social development, and addressing issues related to the marriage of children and society. They emphasize the need for community involvement in addressing these issues.
AI: Transcript ©
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I enjoy this part of the seal of the prophets of Allah, how do you earn it? Probably more than any other parts.

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Because there's a certain

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degree of simplicity, regarding it to talking about his, you know, his family factors talking about his upbringing, I think Aside from his early years, talking about a lot about the circumstances that surrounded him on Esau to Islam in the place that He lived and the people who he grew up with Alia Santos, I find that to be very interesting and fascinating and important, because that's how you know someone you get to know someone or you figure someone else by by seeing where and who they grew up with, where they grew up, who they grew up with, and what they did, as younger individuals, and that helps us understand how they became the people they later on became. So we speak about the

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Prophet alayhi salatu salam, I think it's important that we, you actually go through the

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take the time to go through his childhood, and talk about, you know, his early years and the people that influenced him heavily on to start with them during those early years. So last time, I ended the Halacha. And we arrived, he was six years old, valiant cyclists, and I'm his mother. You know, I mean, to have her just passed away, he had participated in burying her to a cinema at a very young age, he witnessed that, and I took a few moments to talk about why why would that happen to him on the assault with them? why would why would he go through so many difficulties at such a young age? If Allah subhanaw taala loves him the most out of all his creations? Or if that's something that we

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agree, or, or at least he's amongst up there with the top five on his thought there was gonna be people who will love him, I'm gonna love them most. Well, the question is, why would all this happened to him? Why would he be orphaned before he was even born? Never knowing his father? And why would he lose his mother when he needed her the most?

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When he's only six years old? And why would you have to witness that, at least not to say not to go through this as a child. And you would think that maybe going through that as a child would make him someone who would, who was struggle with empathy or struggle with compassion, but it's not despite the opposite. When we when you go through his life, it is luck, you find that to be and you find the opposite completely. It was the most compassionate and the Most Merciful creation ever, not human being, even though he had to go through all even though he went through all these difficulties, sometimes difficulties, extreme difficulties can can can kill the heart of a person, and make people

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difficult and make them lack empathy and lack compassion, hate society, but at least those of them did not do that. What it really did for him is it taught him early on the reality of life, how short life really is, how simple life really is, and how it all can end very quickly. So he was someone who didn't hold on to Dounia Eileen, so

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you'll see that later on the CEO and he stands and the bounty that they were able to take after her name was so you know, so immense that he himself his just what he was given just his portion of it was enough livestock to fill the gap between two small hills or two small mountains, meaning you're talking maybe about 300 400 ahead of sheep or, or cattle and he's done his that's his and a man comes in he looks at it. And this man is it from a poor background and he stares at this sheep. He started up this livestock and as if he likes it so those are the products I sell them ask him are you gonna do book? You like it? Or not? I'm of course looking at it. Look how much it is. So a lot

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of worlds that time at that time that's enough well to take care of yourself and your family and and you know a couple of generations to come you're taking care of Elissa famine happens and or are they all die from the disease? You're good? You have enough money, but people find out I'm sorry, I didn't hear like it, then it's yours.

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That will be what you're gonna you're gonna mock me because I'm poor? Because I have nothing and I know no one's here for me. You're gonna make fun of me. What do you mean all of this view the thought adores you have asked you if you would like it. Now, of course, it's yours.

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So the man took it. And he started to walk you through a photo and yet if he is refusing to look back question on your own, there has to be calamity. He's scared. He looks back the Prophet was like It imposed upon him. And I was just joking. Of course, he wouldn't ever do that.

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You ever see a balloon, well hammered on yatta yatta mlhs. Pato, Mohammed seems to give as if he has no fear of poverty, as if he doesn't fear being poor. And let's be honest, that's what we all fear. We all fear, being poor. So we work so hard in it, we make sure that we take care of our family, because we fear that we don't want to leave our families, but we don't want to be poor. We don't want to sit around not having a food to put on the table, not to have enough clothing to cover our bodies not to have a home or house. It's a fear that we have inside of us. It's a normal part of our evolution of our innate human nature. I just thought those would give as if you're never here, as if

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he didn't, even though he didn't just like us. it's looked at as a point, just like any other human being. He feared that too. It's a normal part of being a person, but he is talking to someone

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behave differently. So Allah hottie when he was still

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so after his mother passed away, he was

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moved on to a very special caregiver.

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Someone very special with my take care of him for the next two and a half years from age six to eight. He's got to spend time with his grandfather. I've been Hersham. It may not be enough.

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I'm gonna go call him. As I told I told him, I think a couple of hours ago was it was it was an extraordinary man. It was a great, great human being. He is someone who made true change in the place that he lived, he actually brought change to Arabia, he revived the live Ibrahim it set up to a certain extent, within Mecca, he revived zum zum and made sure that Samsung was public, people weren't going to use it for personal interest.

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But him was someone that the Arabs respected. He stood in front of Alcoa, and he spoke to him. And he showed a level of integrity that the people of Arabia couldn't show up that time because of the enormous the enormity of an

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army. So I'm gonna malaria was a was a national international figure basically, in the region, people respected him, people would come from far in to speak to him, they would take appointments, in order to meet with Abdul McCollum. And he was very famous, his other his you would take in, you know, the older Middle Eastern people, sometimes we are on top of their Libya Lika Abba, they just take it off. And it's usually just there for show, it used to really help out when it was cold. And I'm trying to help sort anymore, but I have one at home my dad does, it's just a few. So it's a part of culture now. But but it will always vary when it always showed a certain status. So what he would

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do is he would take it off, and he would lay it out in front of the Kaaba.

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And he would sit there, and people would come to speak with him, no one was allowed to sit with him on the other, except the the leaders of the land who would come to speak to him, except the prophets of Allah Hadees, who send them, he always was always left to sit there. I didn't look but it would take the prophets of Allah and send them with him everywhere. And whenever he sat down, and he met with these great leaders of the land, these political figures, the social figures, people who had high status, people were very wealthy people want to influence the prophets of Allah you send them was always around. Now remember, he's only six or seven, possibly eight years old.

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Now, the interesting part is that at that age, I just thought it was time would sit down. And he would listen.

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And he would be talking about stuff that are 90 extremely boring, mostly, I'll put it that way. And they're very boring topics that they're talking about for a seven year old, at least to say for a seven or six year old, talking about politics, talking about influence, talking about it, well, talking about all this stuff.

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And the problem. So I said I was sitting there, and he's fully attentive

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would would point out the problems secretly to the person who's speaking to UCC.

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In Liberty had

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my son here is his grandson, of course, my son here one day, well, I'm out to do a great deal. See, look, he's six years old. And he's not running around. And I mean, pulling my his hair and causing chaos and making it difficult for him to have is

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to have these conversations he's got he's sitting there listening to us talk to us didn't learn in those two and a half years that he spent, probably more than he learned at any time in his life. And that's how things used to happen, by the way. It used to be like that used to have children. And he used to teach them that which you were taught by your father.

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That's how things used to work. And we have families in the Middle East that go by a name, that is an actual occupation. So we have in the job and had dad, and sunrise and bizarre. And all these are names of viscose, by the way, you'll find as well. And these are all occupations, either a carpenter or a blacksmith or someone who sells certain types of food or a certain type of merchandise. And this was something that the Father would pass down to his son and then pass down to the grandson keep on being passed down. This is the family business. And it wasn't just family businesses that were being passed down. It was all the the moral code is the ethical compass. Values are being

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passed down. certain behaviors and practices were being passed down.

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This was an important part of your upbringing. I don't know what what time exactly we gave that up. But it gotten given at some point it was given up. And we stopped doing it and we sent our his kids to these things that we call schools. And somehow we believe that these values and ethics and morals and and practices and principles are going to be passed down to them through schools through a system that was initially originally made to make sure that we can get people to work in any in in factories and

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Gotta go to the history of it. It's not that great not to say anything was school, I went to school, everyone should go to school, go to school, don't walk out of here until you're paid, you don't want to go to school, then I get in trouble.

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Please make sure you go to school.

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But the content I'm trying to talk about is that there's more to life than just whatever you learn in school, there's something else you're supposed to be passed down by, by your, by your family member, your father, you should learn it. Now, if you don't know it, that that's the problem, you need to go learn. So you can come and pass this down. Because this is only learned. It's only learned through personal touch to someone be so suave guys go salsa, in Arabic, it's called Slava, we're supposed to

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talk about it in terms of learning knowledge, it's called Buddhism, we had to do with him on when we were learning Islam, we had to do this, I had to go and spend time with the ship live with him, meaning I had to find a shoe who had a lifestyle that would allow me to actually exist within his vicinity, just had an extra room or something, or it was old, didn't have a job, you just taught Islam or he retired in order for me to actually spend time with people so I can learn. And if that didn't happen, then you you were known that you didn't, you didn't actually complete whatever knowledge you were seeking, if you didn't do source vandalism, that's one of the AHA of our

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thoughts. Sahaba they're not called to Jani Howard again, or tomorrow, or whatever you want to call them because it's all the other other names that exist in the Quran that you could have used to call these people, but they were called Sahaba. Why? Because they have Safa. Because they got to be companion, they got to spend time spending time closely with the prophets of Allah Hadees, because I'm gonna learn whatever it is that we they were missing, if you're missing anything, I need to talk to us, I'm gonna spend time that we will call him, I told you, I'm gonna call him probably the greatest character of the of the line at the time, I need to talk to us, I'm about to sit with Him,

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LISTEN to Him, learn from him, observe him, and you took from him

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to the lot, there's a lot of experience that the prophesizing I picked up from these.

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From the years he spent, just listening and learning, I have another point to make I make this every time I'll make it again.

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How many people here under the age of 35? Watch the news. If you're under 35, in Washington, who's put your hand up?

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All right, good. All of them are close to my age group. So all of them are very close to 30.

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If I go down a little bit, the number of hands will go down. If I go down to maybe 1716, it hasn't completely disappear, maybe have two or three people put their hands up who actually will actually watch the news.

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Now am I is the point of this is that I need I want people to watch the news know, what I'm trying to say is

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if you don't have serious interests, at a young age, when your mind is at its strongest, your mind is strong, you're capable of understanding and memorizing and learning and absorbing. And if that if during that age, you have no serious interest at all, you don't learn anything that is of worse than when you come to the age of come to my age. And you're expected to have opinions on certain issues on international, national, global, political, religious, or anti social issues, you have to have these opinions. Where do you get your opinions from? Where do you want to get your opinion opinions from, if you spent the first 30 years of your life not interested in anything that that means that

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has value as worth, believe me, you're gonna get your opinion from the people who did, meaning you get your opinion from whoever, when they were young had serious interests, and they read a lot. And they listened to a lot and they watch the news. And they cared about what was happening around them. So they made their they formed their opinions based on all that experience and knowledge and wisdom they picked up. And now when you're older, and you don't have any knowledge and you don't have experience to form your opinion, you'll take that person's opinion, meaning your opinion is not even your own.

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You don't even own your own opinion. And I can't imagine a worst way of living a life where what you believe is not really from you. You don't know what else do you have to ask someone else to tell you? So why what is the what is the right thing here? Okay, then I put all your hold onto it. But you're not really sure. It's not something that you form, you didn't spend enough time because too much time was wasted. Too many years of your life as a young person were wasted, staring at a screen that had some man jumping up and down and

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kicking a ball or shooting whatever you'd like you wasted too much time doing that. And there's no skills to be gained from that. And there's no knowledge you need to gain from that either. You think it's not, it's not important, but I'm telling you now, you're the strongest person in the next if you're if you're if you're in your teens right now, the strongest teen and the next 15 years. I wonder when you're on you're in your late 20s. Early 30s is the one who has the most knowledge.

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It has nothing to do with how much how much muscle mass you have.

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Make sure you have muscle mass. Don't be like me, make sure you go to the gym and take care of your

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your physique. But the strongest person will be the one who's the most knowledgeable, who knows the most who's well read who's very well educated, understands how the world works, so has his own opinions. You don't have to all be right

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but they have to exist, they have to be yours has to be something based on your personal observations to later when you observe something different, you can tweak them and change them. He's the people who didn't base their opinions on their own experience and knowledge will never change their opinions, because they don't know what their opinions are based on to begin with. So these opinions become dead opinions are stuck there. Understanding what I'm trying to say, a lot of a lot of opinions in the world, whether Islamic or political, that are, are set in stone that never budge and never evolve and never get better never change. That. The reason is, because whoever held that

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opinion, didn't base it on their own experience and knowledge, they took it from someone else. And they didn't take all the experience and knowledge that came with it. So now they just have an opinion, they don't know how to tweak it, because he didn't form it to begin with. But if you form your own opinion, you have the ability as you move on in life to tweak it and change it, I understand what I'm trying to say is very important. You need to know what you need to know, you cannot know something and just know just enough of it to get by because life will expose you. Because the situation will come where you have to have a you have to be able to be flexible with

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that opinion. And you can't because we never formed it. So you don't know what's okay and what's not. Okay. That's why we struggle as Muslims sometimes from a felony perspective, from a field perspective, we struggle because sometimes the ruling that was haram at one point as time evolved, and as evidence changed, and as circumstances change, that opinion should have changed a bit as well. But the person who's carrying it didn't form it, he was taught it doesn't have the experience is how the knowledge doesn't know how to tweak it. So he sticks to it. And it causes it causes agony for everybody. And everyone suffers until someone comes along with enough knowledge, enough

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experience, understands how to do that. Tweak opinions. And I'm giving an example of within within within my domain, which is Islamic law, for example, or jurisprudence. But that same example, it applies everywhere. specialists in their field has the ability to tweak opinions. That's why there's nothing set in stone. They know they understand why it is that this is the treatment for this disease. They know why it is that this is how we we deal with this political or social problem. They know why. So they know when things change. My opinion and stance has changed a bit. But if you don't know that you're stuck, you're stuck. You're stuck. And a lot of the hatred and the bigotry and a

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lot of the closed mindedness that just comes from that comes from people who didn't spend enough time during their early years, educating themselves so they could have their own opinions. They had to depend on other people's opinions. And that made their opinions weaker, less flexible, and less beneficial.

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I want to my younger brothers and sisters are listening to me. I want you to develop serious interests. Don't tell me I like comics. Everybody likes comics. Don't tell me I like sports. We all love sports. And don't tell me I like to watch movies and dramas, because we all do. We all have in common I like it too. That's not what I'm talking about. Figure out an interest that is serious, that you find intriguing, something that you enjoy, find it and then from that interest that you find you will start to build your your experience and your knowledge, but you have to find something that you like something that is serious, that is real, that has influence its impact on your life

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and on the lives of other people. So you can start learning. This is not me saying, okay, live a boring childhood, not boring, you know, I'm saying just make sure you have these interests, and you spend some time learning, whatever it may be, whatever the the field is, make sure that's there. Help your children do that, by opening different doors for them, don't try to choose their interests for them. That never works. And when in case you don't know, it never works. And it'll never try it, it just won't work. Very rarely, rarely does it work. Try to help them expand their horizons by choosing, learning about things that are a meaning of meaning of actual importance at a young age, a

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part of that is passing down what it is that you know.

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And try that. If you are you whatever profession you have, whatever it is that you're good at, you know you do, try to pass down some of that knowledge and watch how your children become very interested. Because something that you do, you're doing it and you're taking them to see what you do you talk to them about what you do and how you do it and they become interested. The problem with most fathers I'm included is that we don't want to talk about working with go home, is we want to close that, that that circle of * out so that we can come in but that's not right. Because basically you're you're you're living two lives, and you're depriving your own children from from

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from your life or from who you are, who else are they going to learn from? And who else do you expect your son and daughter to take from if not from you, of course it's going to be from you. So you have to share with them you have to show them that to talk to them about what you're doing. And you'll be surprised how interested your children

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will be in that part of your life. Try that out.

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I remember my dad and when I was younger, he used to teach me I don't know how to do it anymore. Like I completely left this away. He threw this out of my life but when I was a kid he taught me how to do programming because he was you that was he was an engineer and he did a lot of fun.

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programming and it was in the language called C plus, does it exist anymore I don't think exists anymore. But he told me I had to do some programming c plus. And I remember I was it was so fun. It was only fun ever has my dad because he was teaching how to do something and talking to me and teaching and learned. And I don't remember anything about programming at all zero, I have zero information. But I have memories that are much more valuable than that. That stuck with me for the rest of my life. I didn't even go into it, I went into something completely different. But doesn't matter. When he takes the time to actually do that it makes makes a difference. So think and think

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about that. All right.

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I want to take a tiny bit of time to talk about that because his time available, but it cannot be underestimated. The time that the Prophet saw during his time when he spent with a new leader talk about the things he learned the people he met, as soon you're gonna find the path of least some say, go to this person who lives in this area. This is his name. It's what he does. And he's very this very, that he's very, either very just or oppressor. And people like well, how do you know him? You're sort of like you've never been there. You've never been to a high budget we've never met him. Never been to you haven't you? haven't? You haven't been there yet. So what when you learn this, you

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learn that from him. I taught him taught him how the land was run, told him about how things worked. And he learned early on became very, very knowledgeable. People would always wonder where he got all his political knowledge.

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Where did he gain all this political understanding of how things worked? Well, he definitely had a big hand in that so we can move on to the

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to the winner. He spends with him two and a half years.

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And I will call clinic also passes away when the Prophet SAW Selim was around eight years old.

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So I looked, I passed away and the Prophet SAW Selim now he's lost, it's a third time around being an orphan being orphaned on his stomach.

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So I just thought it was still on the lose his grandfather, those are three people, three direct losses in his life at the age of eight. So this father passes away, his mother passes away, and now his paternal grandfather passes away. He's a few people who are extremely important to him, it is taught to us and I'm happy, how he continued to have to live with him. These are people that you would see on a daily basis, if you have your parents are still alive and your grandparents that are peaceful people that you are in direct contact with them all the time. So he loses these people very early on audience. And as I was saying, you sometimes may think this could affect his compassion is

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empathy, it just, it just make him someone who has has no love in his heart, quite the opposite. You see what he was living with Abdulkadir, the lady of the house, who was taking care of him was the was the file name of a download felting download. It's also a photo Shia, and she is the mother of Abdullah Abdullah. And so the prophet has always said that was not only with his grandfather was also with his grandmother, and she and she took care of what what good care of them, and she was live later, quite long into into his life it was to them. And when she would finally passed away as a Muslim, the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam, what he would do is he would go after they dug her

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grave, and he would lie down in his grave in her grave, who would lie down on the ground and make draw for her, like it would go into the grave. First it herself was brought up before her, and she would come out in front of me, well, that's nice, I'll do. She's like my mother, she, she took care of me when I was when I was a child. She cared for me when you know, I didn't have any, he was the only person around to take care of me for quite some time.

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So when you look at his life, it is luck with some, despite all these losses, despite all these people being taken away from him in an early age, he never lost his compassion. He never lost his loyalty. And he was someone who was extremely merciful and took care of others when he when he grew up, and that's something that we we often don't see it in modern times, when someone goes one to one extreme difficulty or one extreme problem, and that causes them to become very, very upset and very angry at everybody, their anger society, they're angry at their parents, but not him, it is subtle. So for him, the the effect was the opposite. He became become very open hearted. He was very

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merciful. He would go and he was saying the Hadith that you will see up there in Arabic he will say, I know work. phenol Nia team kaha. Cheney, Phil Jana will put up his hand. So you see these two fingers are close, how close they are. Myself, and the person who takes care of an orphan is like this in Jana, these are close together, you're going to be in Jannah if you want to be close to the Bravo so I said any one of these shortcuts, or something will get you there even though maybe we didn't live the life that he lived or sacrifice, the sacrifice he put forward then then take care of an orphan. We have we as an ummah, we have the we have the largest amount of literature and script

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and text on taking care of orphans and we do it the least.

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We have we have the largest amount of text to talk about the importance of the A team of Huxley a team of taking care of the team and making sure the team is not feeling that the problem was like him was 18 himself a WT and you'd have devil orphan evil both the father and mother and that his grandfather's that we lost all his loved ones at a very young age. So he made it yeah

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He appointed his wife to take care of your team. He used to take care of orphans before he became a prophet, Allah.

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He did that before his prophecy. And then when the Quran was revealed it things became much more clear. But he did that before he before he became a prophet. I think that's something we're talking about. Whatever difficulty you are you inheriting this life.

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Wherever misfortunes come your way, and they are many.

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Everyone goes through difficulties of

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different nature. You don't all have the same type of misfortunes in life, you have different types. Every person sitting here has a story of life story that encompasses pain from different angles. I don't know yours, and you probably don't know mine. And it's impossible for me to ever understand yours is probably bodily impossible for you to understand my Why does Allah subhanaw taala? Have you deal with all this pain? So that you have something in your life that you can you can you can you have this experience you can use to improve the lives of others, the progress I sent them was biggest problem in his life growing up is that using a team, that meant he was deprived of a lot. A

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lot of things go with being a team, obviously, being an orphan, there's a lot of problems there. I don't need to explain them to you. But you have to go through the Alia song Something is like it became an issue for him to take care of orphans even before he came a profit. And then of course, the literature of the deen is tax of Islam, and the scripture that that he recited amongst Muslims and what he also said there's only a hadith. And what he did in his own life show reflected how he took that as a cause for himself to take care of an orphan.

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A lot of the time, the difficulties that you go through, are there for you to learn a lesson. And then for you to make a change in your life for the better to help others a lot most of the time. That's why these things happen. You can never ever understand fully and clearly why and we'll see what happens to someone, I don't have an answer for that. This is probably the number one questions you will get around the world. This happened, why this happened to me, no one knows why that happened to you. The question is after it happened to you, after this, you went through this difficulty? Do you have something to show for? I mean, are you someone now who hasn't experienced in

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their lives that they will use to better the lives of others? Or did you take nothing away from this? Because you can either do that, or you can walk away bitter and upset and hateful, and disgruntled. Or you can take that difficult experience? And then turn it into something useful for someone else.

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Don't waste time asking the question why when something happens that you don't want it to happen. rather spend your time seeing if this experience can be used to help someone else, whatever it may be, whether you're someone who sinned at some point in their lives, or someone who has some physical disability, or you someone who has a mental difficulty are someone who has had went through a certain experience somewhere here or somewhere else that was very, very hard to talk about and hard to deal with. Well, they raise awareness about that and see if you can help others. That's something you can spend your life doing. And there's a lot of height on that. And that way that we'll see. But

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that happened to you you're using to help others or else it was useless. And it's useless because you chose to make it useless. I told you last time, nothing that happens to you is reward or punishment. Nothing comes with a label on it. What happens to you is just something going to happen then Allah is a trial, he gave you a trial from time to time. That's it, you label it as a masiva. Or as a as a NEMA. You label it as a punishment from Allah subhana wa Tada, when you go ahead and you're objecting, you don't use it for any benefits and you make mistakes, or you label it as an intimate you take it in, you accept it, you say it hamdulillah and then you you move forward and

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helping other people and bettering their lives. This is what it's all about, really. And you can see that clearly in his life audience thought

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he was a triple orphan.

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And this became something that he he he did all the time, taking care of people who didn't know just orphans taking care of people who didn't have anyone to take care of them. You remember I'll fast forward just quickly. When he came up, come right. We'll talk about this. A couple of months they'll come down running down the mountain all these cycles. All right. And Andrew is just a DJ just a DJ. We have a procedure on NFC I was afraid that this was punishment that ever happened to me and that was something bad was gonna happen. Allah subhanaw was punishing me for Carla to Allah He layoffs eek Allahu aberdare. No, definitely not, Allah would never punish you. And then she doesn't say I

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used to pray it and you were you used to fast and no, she starts counting things in Nikka definitely. What do he three Maloof?

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Here for taxable module muttering I don't know

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what all these mean is, whatever it is socially, in need. You stand by them. Anyone who's financially in need, you give them money, anyone who needs someone just to help them manage their wealth or manage their lives, you're there to help them manage things. Of course, Allah Subhan Allah is not going to punish you. All you do all the time is help those who are weak because he was once weak it is. Allah we adjudicate your team and

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hit like a ball and what would you take the Elgin Edina find you once. Were you not that way once. Yes, I was you're on hold and what are you doing?

00:30:10 --> 00:30:21

What about the ones that you're looking at someone who was you just 1015 years ago? Usually staring at someone who was you just 20 years ago? How would you have wanted people to treat you back then?

00:30:22 --> 00:30:48

The way you're treating them right now? If you say no, that is the biggest hypocrisy ever. What you're doing right now is the biggest problem ever. Because you're given you're given a light by Allah subhanaw taala in insights, to realize that the way you're treating this person or the way this person is being treated, is not the way you would have wanted to be treated when you're in this situation not too long ago that why don't you change? Why don't you be better?

00:30:50 --> 00:31:07

Or what did you benefit from your difficulty and misfortune? Nothing. And that's it, that is the that is the loss that is loss, want to talk about loss that's loss, going through a difficulty in walking away with nothing, walk, walking literally with nothing, but the difficulty itself and whatever that took away from you.

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On the other hand, that difficulty could have added to you as a person on every level if you if you chose to listen to us.

00:31:17 --> 00:31:38

He would move to Allah, how do you send them five different houses in eight years? I always talk about that for a few moments, five different houses and eight years, the house of his father he was born. And then he lived with Halima robot, and he came back to the house with his mother for them. They lived with his with his grandfather, and now he's going to live with him. He's gonna live now.

00:31:39 --> 00:31:40

Who's gonna take care of him?

00:31:41 --> 00:31:52

Yeah, I will know. His uncle taught him. I will taught him is the prophet sighs I'm going to direct uncle. He is the son of John McMullen. He is the most

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similar person to ask them about him that lives in Buckeye was very similar to his father had the similar traits. He was very respectful. He was someone who had who was very wise. The problem of Ebola, he was extremely poor financially. He had a lot of children. And he didn't make enough money to take care of all of them. And that was the only issue that I'm about him struggled with in his life. The prophets I send him was taken to a home where there were 10 Other kids within his age group.

00:32:26 --> 00:32:30

So when I tell you later on, but the problem was I didn't know how to write.

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Or the prophets, I seldom didn't learn these skills, specifically. The question is going to be why, right? Why is that? Well, when you read, and you look at how he grew up inside, during these years, where they will, they will usually go and learn these skills. I didn't talk to Sam was living in a situation where there was not enough wealth. There just wasn't enough wealth. He saw that at the age of eight, you sat there in the house, it was Uncle and food was put in the amount of food was moderate. There was too many hands going through the food. You saw that right away. It is so cool. So he decided not to sit around and be served. Obviously, he deserves to be served. He's an orphan.

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He's lost his father. He's lost his mother. He's lost his grandfather, he has no one. He's only Yaniv have a basic decency for the people of the house to take care of him and show him a bit more compassion and a bit more empathy. You would think that but he himself out of himself at the age of eight, there's a level of maturity he had achieved. At the age of eight, he decided to go and work. You decided to go and find a job. And he went and he became a shepherd out of your southwest economy mean the sun or the grapes, or you start to work as a shepherd would take care of sheep.

00:33:46 --> 00:34:07

Once he said that earlier, so it was you talked about you were speaking to the Sahaba and he talked about someone being a shepherd for love equals or the left Oh, he was a shepherd at one point. Some person so the prophesy seven point I don't know why you're laughing. My back Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah. All the prophets Allah ever sent were shepherds.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:15

At some point in their life, they weren't you know, they took care of animals. Football has done Dr. Oz Lola, even you used

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I used to take care of some of the few sheep for this family or that person, and they would give me a couple of pennies at the end of the day for the people but I used to take that and that's how he would buy. He would take care of himself i His most rules, his allowance, he would make himself out he sought to make enough money to feed himself and clothe himself not going to work. I wouldn't do it. But he just saw it it's not gonna sit under the situation wasn't good enough for him to sit around and be taken care of.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:54

Like I did in my life. And you didn't yours. At least the majority of people sitting here under 30

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so I don't get the oldman upset. Because maybe the older ages they had a different experience.

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If we were under 30, and he had a life similar, you didn't, you didn't work at the age of eight.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:09

If you did that, I want to hear your story, please stay after.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:22

It tells me about it. But most people don't work at the age of eight. At that age, they were going to grade two or three or four. And their parents took care of them. And they had a place where they could sleep inside a house.

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And they didn't have to think about where the food came from, didn't have to worry about having enough clothing. None of that mattered. Because at that age, they were fully taken care of by their parents.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:42

The prophets of Allah, how you send them was denied that deprive that basic rates. He didn't get that at age eight, he had to work to take care of himself, he had to work out he's lucky. So

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it seems like when you look at his childhood, you feel like just one difficulty after another difficulty after another difficult.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:08

I remember I told I've told this story many times, I remember one person once told me after I hung up, I said, should we be doing this to our children? Because it seems like it work with the brothers license. So no, that's my clear answer. Please have that documented on the record. No, I'm very clearly saying no, don't do that to your children. But what should we do?

00:36:09 --> 00:36:48

It's important that our children go through in circumstances and experiences where the realize that this is not the case for everybody, they get to see that because they don't get to see that they don't get to experience that or realize that, then they'll become they won't really recognize and enjoy the the upper hand that you've been given in this life, they become very entitled to something that you cannot be entitled to the concept of entitlement is problematic whether for children or for people my age and older, we're entitled to what what are we entitled to in this life? Nothing, we're entitled to nothing, we're really entitled to nothing entitlement doesn't exist, what needs to what

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we what we want to have in our lives, the rights that we want our rights that we have to continue to speak up for, and defend to the rest of us for the rest of our existence. That's how they stay rights. Actually, the word right sometimes is misleading. It seems like you're, you know, no one's entitled, we're not really entitled to anything, read the Quran. There's no entitlement for Muslims at all. There's nothing there. There's entitlement for OMA, for the OMA for the Muslim, even if they follow certain rules, there are certain promises of prosperity. But for the individual, there's no entitled there's nothing you're not you're not awarded anything by being a Muslim. And nothing's

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going to definitely come your way. Learning that I might use and important and making sure that our children know that it is also important that what you have right now is a NEMA installed on them. And it's a blessing. something extra you were given, use it wisely use it to the best of your ability, you could have easily been

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somewhere else dealing with a different situation easily. And I think

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I know that we all struggle, those of us who have children struggle, how do I get my children to to appreciate the Nammo that Allah subhanaw taala is well, I need more time needs to be spent and more experiences need to be high. And they have to, you have to see more and experience more than just you have to be a part of life a bit more. We sometimes you over protect and isolate to the point where where they don't know anything anymore. They're not a part of like they have no idea what's happening. And that's that's not a that's not a good thing doesn't help anyone it doesn't help them. Because life is different than whatever it is we've we've isolated them from

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when you when you think about the prophets of Allah, I'm taking about taking care of of animals. You wonder for a moment, especially taking care of sheep.

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What did you learn from it, because everything that we've talked about, as you're gonna see very soon, everything I talked about during his early life audience is nothing but Allah subhanaw taala preparing him for his prophecy is preparing him to become the messenger. He goes through all these different situations, every situation he learns something, something vital, something crucial, that will allow him to be the person who will later be as the as rasool Allah. So Allah says,

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I don't need people to go through the exact same experiences, but I need them to pick up the same skills.

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That's what I'm trying to say. We don't need we don't want our children to be orphans, we don't want them to work at the age of 80. We don't want them to be in a situation where they can't afford to go to school, but we want them to pick up some skills. There are certain skills here that need to be need to be obtained, or else Or else we're producing generations that they're not capable of actually making a difference. And I think that's a big part of what we struggle with go forward and

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he became extremely self dependent on his thoughts.

00:39:37 --> 00:39:43

That's something that he picked up when he wrote work loop with a provider he didn't have to become self dependent. You have to work

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there's an AI up there that we're going to talk about at some point in the future but I want to bring it up right now just so that you in case you're in case this is ringing a bell or you're feeling it or you have some questions in your mind. When you hear about the Prophet saw my sentence childhood almost the moment you think, and this is a horrible child

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It is very, very bad. It's very difficult. How did you survive this? How does anyone survive that type of life? All these difficulties and all these problems?

00:40:09 --> 00:40:23

The iron, the Quran says in them, I loosely use one. I'm not gonna talk about the first one because that one will be a part of the Sunnah that will explain the shaman in a couple of months when we come to it. But the second day in Nanaimo says this is a law. This is a organic law.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:41

In NEMA, I loosely use the law. What is how do we use the understanding this law or whatever, ask the question. But once again, remember where and asked what? How do you understand that you translate it for me? So this is what I got? Indeed, after difficulty, there'll be ease, correct. You agree with that?

00:40:43 --> 00:40:45

See, no one, no one's agree with that, because they know I'm gonna say this wrong.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:48

See, very, very smart.

00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

Because it doesn't say enough bad. You

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know, that's a different with a different context. This is saying in my interest to you, sir, indeed, with difficulty, within difficulty, there will be ease. And there's a difference concept altogether.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:35

You're not supposed to spend your time worrying about what's going to come about the unknown. about something that you're not sure if you can deal with don't spend your time worrying why because if you believe in Allah subhanaw taala properly, and you're a Muslim who actually believe in the hereafter and are doing your job, then the know this with each difficulty, there will be enough ease to get through it. With each difficulty, your hand, no matter what difficulty it is, Allah subhanaw taala make sure within its within it, there's enough ease to get through it.

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Some eases, don't have difficulty, some difficulties don't have ease after them.

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Some difficulties and with death.

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Some difficulties continue all lifelong.

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If I promise you that every difficulty will have these after, and I'm lying to you. And I don't want to lie to you. Because the Quran didn't lie to me or to you.

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But with each difficulty, there will be enough ease for you to get through it. And if you can look for it, if you can see it, if you can pick it up, you have to you have to pull it out yourself, meaning he'll give you the difficulty and it ease, you will choose whether to take that ease and use it to get through this and learn or you are to completely crumble, that's gonna be your choice, unfortunately. But it's there. The amount of ease that is needed for you to survive, this is right there in the middle of that difficulty. Even if this ends with your own death, even this is the end of it doesn't matter. There'll be enough to ease for you to get through.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:48

For you to hold on to who you are, and hold on to your belief system and to hold on to your integrity. But that's the choice you're going to have to make in Mr. Lewis to use law. Very important planning time, we'll talk about it a bit more, once we come to the when the person actually reveals to him, it is up to us. But don't waste time feeling sorry for somebody, so if some of the child

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you know, but if you do see someone in difficulty, make sure you do your best to relieve it. And know for yourself, don't worry too much. With each difficulty, there will be enough ease for you to get through and show.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:04

So he works at a shepherd seven years.

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Working with animals working with sheep, you learn certain things, you learn how to gather those who like to scatter, I used to say that will become the master of this art. He will bring people together he will unite nations, who will unite tribes and unite families and bring together a peninsula that had been fighting amongst itself for a very, very long time. And he will do things that people will later on speak of for many, many, many centuries. For centuries after he died. People will say he actually took Quraishi people and have them live in the houses of OC and Huizhou people. You're telling me that these people live in the same houses? And they shared rooms and they

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shared food? impossible. That's impossible. And you would have to meet someone from Croatia? Or did you actually have a brother from where you live into housing using? Yes, he's my he's my, he's my brother is gonna live in his house impossible. How could he do that? How could you the genealogy is so spread out. They're still there. They're not real estate related in any way, or Asian and Caucasian origin. And they're not related at all. They're very, very far away from each other very different backgrounds, very different cultures. There's a lot of animosity, but I didn't start to assemble, unite people, he would learn to gather those who scatter.

00:44:23 --> 00:44:37

Maybe spending years so you can't be cruel to a to an animal. You can't because they don't know any better. So you had to learn a certain level of Rama of compassion and empathy and mercy. That would make his heart a very large one.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:40

He had a big heart. He was very, very patient.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:50

We take time, because working with it, and it's something something I think is worth is worth teaching children, how to take care of an animal, have a pet

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doesn't have to necessarily be a dog.

00:44:53 --> 00:45:00

But we can figure out something else. That works. Because children will struggle with that. How do I take care of that?

00:45:00 --> 00:45:37

Animals don't listen, they don't follow rules. They won't do what you said. But you have, do you have enough? To learn compassion to learn empathy, to learn to learn patience? How do you start to learn these things dealing with animals for seven, eight years? I'm sure that this has made him someone much wiser, much more patient understanding of how life works in general. So somebody's dealing with our guide, even those who share this earth with us. The animals who share this land with us, having empathy toward them, when you go through his life audience like those animals was a big part. He had a donkey by the name of you, I thought he had a mule brother by the name of dual

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dual. Yes, that's what he called development. That's actually the name. I didn't make that up. That's actually when he called his mother I just talked to him had he had he named every single camel, he owns every camel Alfa Swago and he named them all the odd names. And if one of them passed away, he would or died or got killed, he would be very upset. You could you could see how upset he got in his face on a slope. He would speak to animals you would go up and stand beside an animal and and sometimes he would take the opportunity if he saw the owner of the animal mistreating the animal would go to the person and say this the cattle just told me that you've been working it day and

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night even though it's very old and it took care of you when it was younger. And now you're showing the no respect as as as aged and the man was at the Capitol told me that he ultimately said yes that's the camel told me but he observed something that I'm you observe you didn't even have the job I likes today. And countless talk to him, I don't know doesn't matter. The points is clear. Once it stopped for some saw a bird

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chirping very loudly and basically a flying between between two trees. So we came in command of Java D The old idea who's the one who took these birds children away. So what I was I was standing there with two eggs in his hand.

00:46:50 --> 00:46:54

Totally awesome. Allah, I'm gonna make an omelet or whatever he's gonna use it for, but

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give it back.

00:46:57 --> 00:47:32

So the man is he's amazed. He's like, okay, so he goes up to the tree. He's looking down to see the puppet. Maybe he's joking with him. But he wasn't he was upset. He was standing there, put it back in. So he puts the eggs back into the nest and he comes down again. And he walks away. He does understand. We're gonna have like, mutiny or something, you're gonna have something nice to eat. And the Prophet Jose was like, No, you don't. You see, she's been taking he's been nutrient life in that forever. Hold on. How do you do like that? He sees a man taking a sheep for slaughter. Not saying that, you know, become a vegan today eat meats, but he's taking a seat for slaughter. And this guy

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was just pulling this Jeep just from a leg and the seat was falling over because

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he had no teeth so spun Jimena. Can you please take it to his death in a respectable way, a duty to a doctor to humble my teeth want to kill it twice. Want to go twice, you're gonna, you're gonna slaughter it for your own benefit. If you can't do that respectfully. You're pulling it like a like a garbage, like a garbage bag, to the man smartened up. And

00:47:56 --> 00:48:10

I think that's I think that's something worth learning. Some of the high use like he was telling me, he took care of animals for seven years, he gave the respects for these creations that allowed him later on to actually practice it and become a part of our own Deen.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:15

He would live after that he would, he would work as a merchant for 15 years.

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And we thought it would notice

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how intelligent and mature the Prophet SAW Salem was. And once he was old enough how they sought to ascend to do something different. He included him in his, in his business. I thought it was as most people are from Quraysh was a merchant. He was selling by the shoe that was saved that his grandfather started Hashem, if you haven't been up and started that, no one trip to Sham and then trip to Yemen based on the seasons. So we thought it was a part of this and he would take his wealth and he goes telethon by NFL, we make his money. A lot of this wasn't a very wealthy person, lot of children. And he was a very generous man as, as most of the family in the Broncos work, and it would

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give a lot of his wealth away. So we didn't have much wealth. But he included the profits are useless. And with him, he would take them with him on all these journeys and teach him how to buy and how to how to sell. So for the next 15 years, so from age basically 15 or 14,

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till the age of 3030 ish, he would work as a businessman or as a merchant, it is thought he would buy and and he would sell, and will, of course we're gonna talk about that a bit more in just a moment. During these years, two things would happen. Two very important events would take place in Arabia, that the prophets I said, I'm also live I'm just giving you all the experiences. I'm giving you the main experiences that he went through all you saw was him during his life, and then we're going to break down all the benefits that you took from them. I've talked about a bunch of them so far, but so we can also think of something that we can do for our own selves, something would call

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happen called How to build a job.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:54

How to Build Pooja, the word for jar or Fedora comes from doing something that is is

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is a horrible sin or a capital sin and for jewel is going against

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ascertain the basic ethics, the basic laws of the land and food. Sure. So how to build a full jar was basically the war of sins. What happened was the thief, one of the tribes of a part of trying to perform a coup in Mecca to try to overthrow Quraysh and regain or take over the ruling of Mecca. You see they had they did exist in Mecca, and they kind of half ruled it for a while. But then also even Killa when he came into United Malaysian is they were kicked out. So they weren't, they didn't have any any claim over over MCCA. So they tried to perform a coup during the prophets I send them as teen years he was on 17 or 18. So the Bravo and they had it happened during the the the short huddle

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during the sacred months. That's why it was called the work sins, because you're not allowed to start a war during during those months. And of course, you're fighting in Mecca, which is also a sin within the law of the land, or the Abrahamic laws that were left that the people people knew that was one of them. So this was a problem.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:11

Steve came with their army and tried to overthrow MCCA. All of Quraysh would gather their their warriors to defend to defend America and defend their tribe, amongst the people who would defend when the Prophet was the prophet. So

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it was only 17 He learned how to use the sword. And the bow and arrow was to them. He learned what war is about. He understood war.

00:51:24 --> 00:52:12

He understood a lot of things about war, not just how war is done. The art of actually winning a battle and conquering something, and beating your enemy opponent, we also learn the horrors of war and the the harm of war. He learned how war leaves everyone loss. That war is something you only go you only turn to when you have no other options to fix the problem. That's why as we go through his series, it'll become very clear to you as it is to me how he will always prioritize peace, He will always try and find a way to negotiate things, he will not turn to violence and war unless He absolutely has to and in specific situations where you need to, and you're expected to stand your

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ground. Learning that being a part of that participating in a war at the age of 1718. That went on for something around close less than a year. But it was a long it was one It wasn't something short to happen for quite some time participating in that and seeing it and seeing what what difficulties this caused and how he learned how to use it.

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And when he was given this opportunity, as you will see, when he's given the opportunity to end the war, he will sign the Treaty of Davia, he will take all the losses, all the status losses, all the financial losses, all the social losses, just to get peace and freedom, obviously to speak, to speak his mind. But he will always prioritize less bloodshed. As much as when you go through his divorce all the words that he knew that he was a part of all the other work that he participated in it. So it was the number of people who died or less than 1000. Altogether less than 1000 people, everything he did, which is a very small number, if you compare it to other experiences and stories, and you

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compare it to the number of was a lot that he actually had to fight against autism during his life.

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Another thing that would happen during his life that is extremely important to us is early 20s, at that point, was something called healthful football is a treaty that was signed by the leaders of Polish, all the leaders of Oddish had noticed that the amount of people who are poor living in Mecca had increased. A lot of families were struggling. They wanted to sign a treaty that would force every family to take care of the of the poor counterparts on their court of their port contract was whoever lived in an area. And there are people who were who didn't have enough money to feed themselves or closed themselves. It became it became a legend it became mandatory upon the tribe,

00:53:54 --> 00:54:05

the largest tribe beside them, to close them and feed them. And this is the herbal fluid and the Bravo so I sell them participate in this and he signed it with them. And he would later on talk about this years to come

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that he's signing this in the in debate in the House of Abdullah had been done, and that he was ever asked to sign something like that, again, with any with any group in the world, he would sign it. And in treaty that will Yeah, it will Endor and if you don't we'll start peace, I think for you that will bring families together and help those who are less fortunate is something he was interested in being a part of. He participated. So Allah has sent him in the signing of that treaty, you got to see how treaties are signed, how agreements are achieved. You got to see when you take care of the less fortunate how everything gets better. These are all experienced he's he's going through all

00:54:39 --> 00:54:40


00:54:41 --> 00:54:42

quite a young age.

00:54:43 --> 00:55:00

Now I have a question at the end there that I put all these all these experiences that he went through? Did he go through these experiences through miracles? That Allah subhanaw taala teach them all this wisdom through a miracle? Or was it life or is it just

00:55:00 --> 00:55:11

The experience of life that he that he gained that he went through on a Sunday, Sunday allowed him to become the person who later on became, he didn't wake up some lesson at the age of 40, with all the wisdom experience that you had,

00:55:13 --> 00:55:29

out of nowhere, no, he became a prophet at the age of 40. And he was 40 years before that. And he went through many difficulties, and yeah, a lot of experiences. And he gained enough wisdom and knowledge and skills, and allowed him later on to be the person that we're going to talk about. So

00:55:32 --> 00:55:39

I look at it as Allah subhanaw taala, preparing him, putting them through or throwing him into the school of life and preparing him for what was to come.

00:55:41 --> 00:55:43

Move forward. I have a few more points to make before.

00:55:45 --> 00:55:52

Yes, we're talking about this a little bit's gaining skills, gaining skills. So

00:55:53 --> 00:55:56

the question the first question is, so what skills did he gain? So let's have them during this way? So

00:55:58 --> 00:56:04

if you go up till now, because of course, there's a few more experiences that he's going to go through. Still, we're not done. But up till now. He's around 9030 years old.

00:56:06 --> 00:56:08

What skills has he gained so far? Audience?

00:56:10 --> 00:56:11

If you think about it,

00:56:12 --> 00:56:17

he's learned how to how to deal with people. Where do you learn that from?

00:56:18 --> 00:56:51

If you're a merchant for 15 years, do you not know how to read people at the end? Business, then people who buy and sell, they learn how to read people. They learn how to speak to people and how people speak to them. Because it's all they do all day long. All they do all day long, is speak to people and try to bargain and come up with with a deal that works for everyone. If you're rude, no one will buy anything from you. And if you're naive, you won't make enough money. So you got to work anymore. In order to be a good businessman. You have to know how to speak to people. You have to know how to read people, when you come up with the speaker speak to you. If there's someone who was

00:56:51 --> 00:57:24

honest to someone who will pay into someone who was born as someone who was rich, what do they want? What are they looking for, being a merchant working in business selling and buying, I saw this and I picked up a very important skill reading people. And of course, you'll see there's a lot of different type of merchants, obviously in the world. A different type of businessman I need to talk to us tonight was that was from that very small, unfortunately, percentage of people extremely honest, never lied once. And I never took mine home, not even the smallest amount. You would never say anything that was untrue about anything, he was selling it yourself. And I would not make a

00:57:24 --> 00:57:52

promise you didn't come through with Not once. Not once me that he's even probably not not in a small percentage, he's probably the only person that ever lived to do that. It's very difficult to do. If you've ever worked in this field, you know, you know what I'm talking about. We were serious become all we do is to Jota were to shell. And believe me, this is very hard for someone to hold on to that integrity throughout his life. The Prophet SAW Allah Hadees like he was working as a merchant, he learned so much traveling.

00:57:53 --> 00:58:31

As a businessman going back and forth, he learns the land, he learns that different people's tongues, he learns their accents, he learns their cultures, he learns their backgrounds, because he has to he has to interact with them almost all the time. He goes from Yemen, to Damascus, and then to the eastern part of Arabia. So he covers most of the lead to all the things he learned from when he was young, he gets to see with his own eyes, he gets to actually experience all this, he says with up with the higher ranks, businessmen talking about wealth and talking about the movement of money. So understanding how money works. Money is a big, it's a big problem for my generation. I

00:58:31 --> 00:58:36

don't know if if you're 30. And you're like, I don't know, if you're like me, you probably have no idea how to deal with money.

00:58:38 --> 00:58:42

I think my generation is the worst generation ever regarding managing wealth.

00:58:43 --> 00:59:10

I have I have zero experience. And this is something I did not learn. And I don't know how to manage it all. And it wasn't for my wife, I call the roll up, it wouldn't be here right now. We're not taught that very well. I don't know if the next generation is getting better. But my generation because my our fathers, they come from a really difficult and rough background. Most of them, most of them are immigrants and they worked in so they took care of a lot of stuff for us. They didn't want to get us involved in money in the young age that I grew up and I don't know how to hold I don't know how to do anything.

00:59:11 --> 00:59:19

It's a problem. The Brothers has no money yet to try to take care of money early on, understand what money is worth actually is how to use it, when to use it, what to buy with it.

00:59:20 --> 00:59:21

You have to do that early on audience.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:28

Social skills, right? We talked about social skills, he doesn't know how to speak to people and to read people has his money.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:49

He's traveled so he learns the political socio political landscape of the region. He was an animals out of the Southwest. He has to become he's become someone who's very, very patient. Someone who is very compassionate, someone with empathy, someone who knows how to gather, because that's what you do. When you're a shepherd. You have to guide to keep your keep your

00:59:50 --> 00:59:53

your group of animals in one place. Basically.

00:59:55 --> 00:59:59

He learns the meaning of death and life. He loses his father he loses his mother he loses his job.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

My father, he learned he learns that death is a part of our existence, whether you like it or not, whether it's uplifting for you, or depressing, I don't know what it is, but it's a part of life, and it's coming, some points I need,

01:00:14 --> 01:00:47

your cars will run out, and they'll be nothing left, you'll take that last breath, and then move on. There's something different, that Allah subhanaw taala has explained to you in detail, to explain to you exactly what to expect, once that ends, and what he wants from you to do, now that you have the ending that you want, so you're not left in the blue, you're not left in the dark, you're not sitting there, I'm gonna go what's gonna, if you want to know exactly how he's explained it to you, I know what's out in the crime is filled with exactly what to expect after you pass away, and what you need to do to ensure you like that outcome. So we learned the lesson of life and death, he

01:00:47 --> 01:01:09

learned to be self dependent, he learned to integrate, you have to be very flexible in order for him to actually be able to survive in five houses during eight years after your very flexible person being moved from one person to the other, but one caregiver to the other living in a house with 10 other children, where people don't really focus the attention on him, you have to learn to find motivation from the inside.

01:01:12 --> 01:01:15

Internally motivate yourself. That's a big problem.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:24

I see that all the time. It's a big problem with youth, how do you get them to be totally motivated? How do you get someone to do something, if I'm not staring at them,

01:01:26 --> 01:01:44

whether you're looking at them, and they're happy that you're looking at them, or you're looking at them, because if you're extremely upset, but either way, someone's looking in order for this person to do something, that's a problem. There's internal motivation is lost, I used to was to them, he had to deal with this. He wasn't getting, if you think about it, he never really he never completely lost.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:21

The loving touch you and he went from Halima to his mother to the grandmother and grandfather, that double toilet and his wife was somebody who's related his wife had was related to me. And I've been to her. So there was a relationship there. So he he always had someone there who was merciful towards them and loving. But obviously he was amongst 10 Other killed children. So he didn't really he wasn't the center of attention on his side, because I'm you had to learn to do things because he thought they were the right thing. And because he wanted to do the money and stuff, and find his internal motivation. The key word there internally motivated, those who have children are internally

01:02:21 --> 01:02:46

motivated, do not understand the suffering of the rest of us. They don't, they walk around, they're much more they have more sleep, they're much happier. They're right there, lay back and relax. And they, because having an internally motivated child is makes life much easier. Because you don't have to tell them actually, I get very jealous sometimes I'm envious of someone who has that. And they don't know what they have. You have someone who actually do this on their own.

01:02:50 --> 01:03:28

So how do you get that? I don't have a good answer for you. But that should be a question we should be asking all the time. How do we get our youth to become internally motivated to want to do things? To actually find joy in learning and researching and gaining skills and and doing something good? How do we get that done? I don't have a perfect answer for you. But But it has to be something you are very much interested in obtaining. We need to talk more about this as parents need to find recipes. Specifically at the time we live. We are living in times where it's so easy to lose motivation. Specifically for young boys, I'm not a female, so I can't really speak for my sisters.

01:03:29 --> 01:04:02

I'll leave that for you guys to talk about. But for young boys. Now, nowadays, all it's hard to get them motivated, too much is available, too much out there that is captivating to the male mind is available right there. That requires from them nothing to obtain and to achieve. And that takes away from the internal motivation. We have to talk about human biology, human psychology, human sexual psychology to defeat to actually come up with answers of why is it that our youth on that motivated? Well, it was not that hard to figure out. If you just look around at what's what's there.

01:04:03 --> 01:04:09

And raising the bar, if you're inside, I'll give you one. Raising the bar for your children is one way of doing it.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:44

Any parents raises the bar for their children. Money is doing a good job, because your children will want to do work. The only problem is if you raise it too high, unrealistically high, any higher than what the prophets I send them did himself, then that's that's not going to work. Obviously, if you if you raise it too high, then you will do the opposite effect. The child will figure out that this is impossible. There is nothing I can do that will ever be good enough for you. So he gives up completely, or she does. So it's a matter of raising the bar to a point where you motivate this child to be better, but not to the point where they lose hope. How you do that again, I don't know.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:47

But that's what we need to do. And that's how you actually get things done.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:59

Are you raising it mountain moderate in a moderate way? We're actually working on people's vote where children feel that they actually want to achieve more. How did these skills that we talked about we talked about the morning show the next hour because we finished

01:05:00 --> 01:05:21

Next time we'll probably finish talking about his preparations. How did they benefit him some lessons, it's not hard to see, it's not hard to see how having social skills helped him become a prophet's being a better Prophet, or better messenger, a better dad, or someone to speak in the name of Islam, it's not hard to see how managing money and knowing how to deal with large groups of people or, or even sheep, or any form of creation,

01:05:22 --> 01:05:35

helps them become better profit has no urgency how mercy and compassion and the proper understanding of life and death would help him become the best person he would be later on. How useless was him obviously, these these things enhance who he was going to be sold on?

01:05:39 --> 01:05:39


01:05:40 --> 01:05:44

the question that I'm left with, and you're left with,

01:05:45 --> 01:05:49

as a youth, what skills do you have? What skills do you need in life?

01:05:50 --> 01:05:52

I'm not talking about information.

01:05:53 --> 01:05:57

I'm not talking about information. Information is something different than skills.

01:05:58 --> 01:06:19

Dating Skills is different than learning information, knowing, knowing things is different. I talked about that. And that's very important, and the Quran will come and talk about that. I'm talking about skills now. What skills do you have, I put a bunch of them up, they're just examples. Not saying these are the only skills not in the saying there was important, important skills. But I think there are skills that need to be that need to be acknowledged.

01:06:22 --> 01:06:34

My younger brothers or sisters that I deal with youth that I that I talked to, he can't help but notice that there's a lot of, there's a lot missing. And it's not their fault.

01:06:35 --> 01:07:10

You can't obtain a skill by yourself. You need someone to teach you. You need someone to train you need someone to put you in a situation where you have to obtain that skill. I've shared this story before, I'll tell you about myself. I remember I had a friend. His name is Raul Martinez, my age, and we were the smartest kids in grade school. I remember with only two male kids who ever got out and were given a gift on girls. I remember he was great. He was really good at school, but he had to leave when he was grade nine. Have you ever had to leave school because he's had to have to go work. For three years he went came back later and continued his education. But when he was grade nine, you

01:07:10 --> 01:07:49

had to go to grade nine that had to leave for like three years to work. And he and I were very close. I remember by the time I was grade 12. And he was you know, he wasn't great. Well, he was working. I remember that whenever I sat with them. I felt so small. I felt so little. Not in not in my use actually bigger than me and physically but not because of that, because he had way more experience in life itself. He knew how to do things. He knew how to get things done. He knew how to speak to people. He knew how to buy and sell stuff. He knew how to present themselves in in a public situation. I don't think again, I don't think to take kids out of school. I don't think that I don't

01:07:49 --> 01:08:23

think that's the answer to any of our problems. But I'm just I'm just trying to point something out here. skills are important. We don't focus on skills anymore. We talk a lot about information and how they write their homework No, but we fail to talk about skills. I give a couple of examples. Public speaking, for example, time management. When I talk to my younger brothers and sisters, I mean, their number one problems graph procrastination, they don't know how to sit down and manage their time, they have 24 hours during the day, and they don't know how to manage it. And most of the time was wasted. And I know that if you manage your time you can be anything you want to be. This is

01:08:23 --> 01:09:01

a skill that I was taught, I was trained by my teachers at a young age to learn to do and to perfect, I was forced forced, I wouldn't have done anything, I wouldn't have achieved anything in life at all had they not forced me to learn the skill to manage my time. So I would spend enough time doing everything giving make sure I give enough time for school and enough time for for Quran and afternoon for my Islamic education, enough time to play and enjoy my time with my friends, enough time to even have to learn to read literature and to build my own my own interests. There's enough time in the day that you don't want to manage it, then yeah, it seems like there's no time.

01:09:01 --> 01:09:22

But there is there is enough, you have enough time to get all that done. If you want to be someone who's Do you want to be a lawyer or a doctor or an engineer or or an inventor, you also want to know the Quran and learn this stuff. And you also want to play soccer and have fun. There's enough time there is I'm telling you, there's more than enough time to do all that stuff. If you know how to manage it, then you don't have to manage it, then

01:09:23 --> 01:09:53

what can I do? This is a skill. Don't expect your kids to know how to manage their time if you never taught them to. If you're not using the demand your time. If you don't schedule things for them a bit and teach them how to schedule for themselves and hold themselves to deadlines, then they're not going to want to do it. You're gonna think well, you should do it. What's wrong with you and spend this no is nothing wrong with them. You're just 40 or 50 and you learn through through the bumps of life how to do it, they don't know how to do it yet. You want them to achieve some success at an early age. Help them with time management, and you'll see how

01:09:54 --> 01:09:56

we'll get ahead much quicker.

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

Working in a team for example, selfless

01:10:00 --> 01:10:29

integration, social relationships, these are all skills that that children's should should learn how to exist in amongst a group. You know, these are skills that are sometimes very scary for children. But but but a couple of youth in a group, I do this every once in a while, and then ask them to present themselves and watch. And watch the colors change and people run away and why? Why can't let us run, I'm asking you to present yourself. That's yourself. That's the person you know the most in the world. Just say who you are and what you want to hear.

01:10:31 --> 01:11:04

They why because there's something missing. If you can't walk in me, I again, I remember, you, my father would force me every time you had guests to walk into the room, and give it to all them and present myself to them. right the first time you hate it, the second time you hated the birth, the third time you hate it. And then after that you're used to it, it's fine. No problem. You feel confident to speak and talk to people who are older than you. But if you don't let your kids in the room when their guests over. You don't want them to be interacting, then they never learned to do that. And you wonder why later on why are you so why do you lack confidence? Why can you speak

01:11:04 --> 01:11:10

openly, why can't you express yourself like learning to write, express yourself in a written form.

01:11:11 --> 01:11:39

Having good penmanship is a skill, again, with the GED a bit of this at school, but it's not enough, you have to do something actually have to teach children to do to learn how to write research, I don't have to look something up. That's a skill, how to actually go in and find the sources of information that are reliable, and actually how to interpret information when you're reading it. These are skills. Again, the information is there. But if you don't know how to access it properly and actually benefit from it,

01:11:41 --> 01:11:46

we have deprived our generations from skills. And there's a lot of reasons.

01:11:48 --> 01:11:54

Maybe it's not important enough. The reasons are, but it's not hard to actually change. It just takes an extra

01:11:55 --> 01:12:24

some extra effort from from parents, fathers is specifically fathers specifically, and you have to be have to take the lead on this one. When it comes to making sure your children have skills, you have to take the lead on that, you have to go ahead and you have to put in your effort to make sure that your child actually obtains the skills that they're going to need in their lives. So my younger brothers and sisters who are listening to me right now, I want you to think about this. What skills do you wish you had?

01:12:25 --> 01:12:30

What skills do you think you're gonna need in your life? What skills do you feel like you're scared of actually talking about?

01:12:31 --> 01:13:03

Start thinking about this stuff? And ask, and, and you will get the show. And I believe Islamic institutions like the one we're in right now should focus a lot of his effort. A lot of his efforts on helping youth obtain skills, gain skills. Yes, we should teach them and talk about, but how do you actually implement this? If you're teaching it to a group of people who who don't have skills? I don't think that's going to do anything. Actually. Salah

01:13:04 --> 01:13:05

is a skill?

01:13:06 --> 01:13:40

Or else why do you have to do it so many times? And why do you have a month a year while you're asked to practice this 9600 a month. This is this is obviously a skill that you're being taught here. Do this time and time again, until you learn how to do it. You want your kid to learn how to pray, go beyond telling them to pray, teach them how to stand there and do it. Include them be like, Well, I don't know you got to do it. Well, then that's the problem. That's the problem. If you don't if we don't even know how to do this properly, if we don't have this skill ourselves, how do you expect your children to have this skill, it's just not going to work doesn't make any sense. But a

01:13:40 --> 01:14:15

lot of what you learn in Islam, a lot of what Islam is, is skills is more than just information. They can they can memorize a lot of information in their heads. I know people who memorize the Quran from from the beginning to the end, but they're no skills with it. You don't have to practice it. Isn't that what practice is the skill to actually implement something. And that's exactly what we're supposed to be as Muslims to be given the information. And then the ability to implement which is a skill. skill needs personal touch. It needs it needs time spent with individuals, you have to take personal interest in people and individuals.

01:14:16 --> 01:14:27

These Hello thought maybe rather nice, some people come to them. Talk a little tell stories. It's all nice. But this doesn't build skills, what I'm doing right now doesn't build a skill at all. Because there's no personal touch here.

01:14:28 --> 01:14:59

I find myself more before happier when I'm speaking to one person, and I'm helping one person through their one problem. And I do it once or twice and then they learn how to do it. Now they know how to they have a skill, you actually provided someone with a service that they can continue the rest of their lives benefiting from it. And that's something we can all participate in. Because regardless of what background you have, in terms of your education or your profession, we all as people over 30 years old have certain skills that our younger brothers and sisters don't have and this goes I put up right there. Most of them are there. You know how to manage your time you

01:15:00 --> 01:15:24

Want to make your money, you know how to present yourself, you have good social relations, you know how to speak to people, a lot of people, a lot of kids don't a lot of us don't hold an offer that provide that. If you can provide that for others, and that's a true benefit is a true benefit, because that's how you help them get ahead and achieve something. Okay, within the next two minutes, I'll just give a quick spoiler for next time.

01:15:25 --> 01:15:29

So I think it's not listed out right now is 3031. So

01:15:31 --> 01:15:47

I've talked about a lot of experiences that he went through through his life so far, there's a few more few more things that need to happen before he becomes a profit, just 10 more years, right. So there's a couple more things. But next, I get to talk about something that's very important, right, talking about his marriage.

01:15:49 --> 01:15:59

So you don't like hearing about marriage don't come next week, because I'm going to go through marriage a bit. But talking about his marriage, he has sought to talk about the person he got married to

01:16:01 --> 01:16:07

talk a little bit about Phoenicia between who she was and the importance of this individual, and the sila and,

01:16:09 --> 01:16:52

and the importance of his story, as the husband, it was extremely important. And just as important the story of Khadija as a wife, because if we're if we're suffering right now, is anything we can talk about social suffering. This is the domain I choose as my number one problem that I see in Muslim communities, this issue is getting worse by the day. It's not something that we see the FBI in the affected by year is by day that we that this becomes more and more of a problem. Or our youth are getting married later. And later, people are increasingly less happy within their marriages. We don't we're not holding on to it, we're not functioning as units as families, the way we're supposed

01:16:52 --> 01:17:25

to function, when I talked about all the problems of bringing children is not because parents don't want to take care of the children's because to away problems within the house, to actually have enough emotional availability to take care of children properly. Marriage is something that you need to be psychologically, religiously, financially and socially prepared for this is something that you need to be actually to people have to help you prepare for it is the social efforts. One or two people will make the difference via either society, we have to change the way we view marriage and deal with it. And this is a problem that

01:17:27 --> 01:17:59

we need to fix here in the West way more than we need to fix anywhere else in the world. And if you don't agree with me, or you think that is something not important, is because you're out of touch that you don't spend enough time with high schoolers and, and university students, if you did, or if you went to any of these high schools, or if you went to university and walked around, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Listen, listen to us when they talk about certain things. They always bring this up whenever I present with a group of youth. And go ahead ask questions. Number one question. This actually, Mike, this is the joke question is not the joke question. But those who

01:17:59 --> 01:18:33

know me will ask you just to irritate me because I get this question every single time is dating huddle. That's the number one question I get, even though we know the answer Glascott anyway, because you know, I can go on a rant. And it's fun. And another reason is because the actually on a subconscious level, they have a problem. You don't know what the voice is. And they need someone to address it. And they need a community to change the way they deal with it. Or else we were looking at. We're looking down at a very, very grim future if we don't, so if you don't want to hear any of that next time. That comes after when next I'm going to talk about the prophesy sounds very digital,

01:18:33 --> 01:18:38

and we'll talk about the final preparations before his prophecy. So Allah Adios, see you next week in sha Allah

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