Adnan Rajeh – Seerah #05 – Why study his life (PBUH)

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The success story of Islam's life story is about individuals who have succeeded in every role and find something that makes one feel hopeless. The success of finding a partner, learning to become a successful person, and finding something that makes one feel hopeless is emphasized. The success of the message of finding a partner is also emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of love and being loved, rather it appears to be a personal experience. They also discuss the concept of love and its significance in personal and professional relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad while early he was so happy about. So continuing show this week from where we left off last week, from this year of the prophets of Allah, it's like Mr. Lim. So when I start with his, his why his life story, why is it that we keep on doing this, this is my maybe seventh or eighth time I've lost track of the number of times that I've talked about his life, it has led to a sudden, fully, it is not, it's not a bragging point, really, I, if Allah subhanaw taala, it gives me any more years to live, that I will continue to do this till the day I die. And I believe that there's

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no end to it. And the moment you finish, you just start over again. And every time you read his life on a Santosa. And you think about it, and you learn about it, there's you walk away with with more appreciation of who this person was. And I believe that this is where we will find our answers as Muslims, individually as individuals and as communities. And the first point I'll make is, it's the most amazing success story. And that's an important point that we miss. We think that because he's a prophet, that Allah subhanaw taala is going to make everything work out for him. But no, you're looking at someone who's going to succeed, who's going to start going to have very, very difficult

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beginnings, very modest beginnings don't come from a very poor background, financially, at least, you're gonna go through a lot of hardships and difficulties. And he's gonna take upon himself the responsibility of spreading an idea, and a raw, genuine, beautiful, pure idea. And he's going to succeed to the point where this idea reaches 2 billion people. 1000 years later, he's going to actually unite a peninsula that had never known any form of unity ever before him out of salatu. Salam, just with 23 years of perseverance, and, and striving. It's just, it's a success story that we can learn from, he's going to make mistakes, the Sahaba around, you're going to make mistakes,

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they're going to fail number of times, and it's going to be difficult, it's not going to work out it's not a smooth ride for him it is so I'm not by any means. But he will succeed eventually. And that success is through is through teamwork is through perseverance is through patience, and it's through grit, and just watching him out as to as to them work so so hard throughout his life and and deal with the with the calamities and deal with the hardship of the misfortunes. And he makes his story to me a story worthy of

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of learning the Arabs go from from a nation

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that had no, that really was not they weren't

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known for their success. They weren't known for their knowledge. They weren't known for their power. They weren't known for anything. And then 30 years later, they are leading the world. They were literally literally leading the world and they would continue to leave the room for another 1000 years after that for a millennium. I mean, what more of a success story Could you could you imagine, second point is everlasting effect till this day, every Ramadan, just before the all Muslims around the world will come together. And they will make their support and those and they'll start praying to you handle fast we still till this day

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will fight and pray five times a day and perform Hajj every year is the effect that he left out as I do some of the teachings that he brought

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will last till this day and will last until the day until you're until Yeoman piano. He is our idol audience, but in a good way, not in the sheer way that the people have of God of Arabia at that time practiced. Here's our example I'll use AutoSum he's the person that we look up to. He's the person we're trying to emulate trying to, to follow trying to be like Ali so it was in the beauty of that is that he he fulfilled every role. mean if you've tried to follow a Sally's today, as a married man,

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it's not going to work if you tried to follow us on Instagram as a poor as a doe without Instagram, for example, as a poor person or as someone who's struggling financially, you won't be able to do it because they didn't live all these roles. Some of them only lived one or two roles with the broad audience. I do this and you will see him when he was poor. You'll see when he's rich, you'll see him when he's weak. You'll see him when he's strong. You see him young, you'll see him Old, you'll see him as a wife, as a husband, sorry, as a father as a as a son, as a brother,

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as a friend, as a king as an advisor as a counselor, and you'll see him as a lie set him in every imaginable situation. And he'll fulfill all these roles. So you always have an example to follow us regarding what how he lived on the inside that was my last point is unparalleled character is the point that I left it to the end because the point that touches me the most.

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You could never change him at least. So Allah is like you said you could never change the Prophet. No matter what situation he was in his ethics were impeccable.

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Money, never changed money didn't change him. Age didn't change him. Oppression didn't change him grief didn't change him, whether you met him so Allah Allah Salam at the beginning of his Dawa as a week Yanni struggling Prophet and Mecca, or if you met him at the end of his Dawa Yanni during is when he was ruling Medina, he was the same person. So a lot is

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the same person. Many of us are changed by our, our circumstances and situations. Were nice when things are going well, but we're not so nice when things aren't going well or we're humble when we're, we're still you know, trying to achieve our goals. But once we have our goals, we become condescending and, and we're full of ourselves and we treat people Jani in an inappropriate manner, but not the prophets of Allah Hadees I've used them once a man stood by him towards the end of his life when he was young, very famous, and people in all of Arabia had

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accepted Islam and they were following him and medicine in front of him he was shaking he was so you know, I would I would do the same if I was standing in his presence. Ali Hassan was and was shaking because the presence of the Prophet wanted to ask him questions. The Prophet smiled and patted him on the back and said, when Allah aka the ticket easy in them, ignore it and kind of Khadija McCann just son of a lady used to eat beef jerky back in Miami, we were so poor, we had to take the meat and put it in the sun. So in order for us to be able to eat it later,

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he would sit down with us it would be called by Vice by people who are very, you know, simple means financially to eat food that will lie if you looked at today, you wouldn't you would refuse to eat it. It looked so bad and smelled so bad, he would be called by by these people to eat so you sit down so I set them on the ground. As they say rock, Bono's went one leg up and the other one who would be sitting on just how he used to sit alongside us and he would eat from this one from this small plate. And you'd look around him he was surrounded by people the family that he was eating with a family of slaves or people from very simple you know backgrounds so a lady would walk by a

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young Bruce Lee Yeah, cool you can look at him he's eating like a slave. So the profit of slaves head was down. So eating so it looks up for Carla woman abdomen Nene and who is more of a slave than me or a servant than I am. Because we're mean slave and servant depends on the context. Holloman abdomen Nene who is more of a servant or a slave to Allah subhanho than me, he wasn't he wasn't bothered by it, he smiled and he continued to eat with with him, I saw some characters unparallel and that's why I think you should study him his life. Because we actually don't see it. We're so used to it, they don't see it. He's so good at holding his merit and carrying himself the same way

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throughout his life, that you forget what he was going through. And that to me is the biggest loss where where we forgot or we fail to see the the size of the difficulty amount of hardships that he was going through all at once, just because he was so calm, so kind, so humble and so compassionate throughout all of it. And that was and for all of you out there who are like that, who are you know, going through difficulties on the inside know they're struggling and suffering and carrying an enormous hardships but they're holding their you know, the they're holding their merit they're standing their ground, they're still compassionate people because of that don't notice how hard it

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is for them. I salute you and Allah subhanaw taala Yanni there's a special place for you and you are more similar to the prophets of Allah Allah Selim than any other living human being so be happy with that and may that Yanni warm your heart because he was on a soul so no one noticed his difficulties during his life no one cared no one asked him how he was doing and when I asked him how you know how he was feeling everyone came to him with their problems with problems were relevant to people but he didn't mind and you continue to be the person he was unparalleled character it so it was it I'm I can't do it. And I know I'm weaker than that and show that if you're someone like that, don't give

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up. Don't say I've had enough. Because continue you're walking in the true footsteps of Muhammad salah. Okay.

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A few things before we begin.

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There are no more interventions in terms of miracle divine interventions, no more. The moment he was born, Ali's thought was that was the moment of

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that ending. There's no more Musa stick Risa is no more revive eonni, reviving the dead and curing the ill with that's not happening anymore. You're not You're not filete you're not we're not fixing history with divine intervention. And the example of course, that

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that I talked about previously, is the story of a feed that marks the end of divine intervention that when Ebola came to destroy the cabin, he was taken over by a being that was a monumental moment in human history. And it marks the last time anything like that's going to happen again. The next time an army marches towards the Kaaba, they will bring it down rock by rock and the prophets I said it actually tells us something similar to that in his Hadith, no more divine intervention doesn't mean that there were no

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Many miracles happening during his life Alia scientists and but they didn't change history and that's the point that I think is very important for all of us to understand. That's why he would lose and that's why he would fit that's why he would go on try to achieve something that would fail and try again Alia so just because there's no divine intervention

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and he was told that in the Quran that you may die you may see this through yeah Muhammad you may dive in might have had an epic phenomenon to the moon. Oh, Nuria Nicola, the you I didn't know him financially him. You don't either you die in the way event you are you are you succeed, and you prevail. So the brothers I sent him was told there's no, there's no guarantees, and there are no divine interventions. And that is not only during his life on ASR descent, but until this day, and I'm surprised and I don't know how to deal with Muslims, who still tell stories of modern stories of divine intervention.

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Am I saying that Allah subhana cannot do No, that's the whole point of sort of reveal. We can he can do whatever he wants to do, but But from now on is going to be the miracle is going to be you.

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The divine intervention is going to be your efforts it's going to be that's the difference. And he's going to intervene subhanho data divinely through you, it's not going to be through something that is

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an X, an extraordinary phenomenon. And I think that's an important point. And we talked about that previously, in some detail. It's a story of righteousness and personal interests, all it is at the two hands of the scale, where you put in one and you put

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personal interest or falsehood or, or laziness or greed or lust or whatever you want to put in the other one. But one side of the scale is and it's just is the most is the heaviest thing, or do you have certain personal interests that are heavier than helping your life and that's, that's what like all this story is about how Alia suggested I'm always favored. And that's not easy. And it's easier said than done. Obviously, it's probably the any the summary of of human life and the human experience.

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His name similar sentiments, Muhammad, it comes from him this comes from trees is an important name, the name is very relevant.

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Being called in the in the injeel. The one who praises the most they mean called in the Quran, Muhammad, the one who was praised the most and that that transition from praising Allah subhanho wa Taala until you become worthy of praise yourself by Allah subhanho wa Taala is the is the idea. And what is that? How does that relate to, to the to change he's going to bring to the world audience on to 7pm and the number and the revolution that he's going to bring forward is that in order for a society to be able to revolt, in order for a society to get rid of their, their, their, their, their traditions, and the culture that's pulling them down to the ground, in order for societies to unite

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and for communities to stand up again and to prevail, they have to, they have to be able to

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and they have to, they have to have certain traits and qualities and hummed, praising of Allah subhanaw taala is one of them because of hummed makes sure that you never failed to see the the full half of the cup or whatever amount of the cup that is fulfilled, as the hand means you're praising Allah subhanaw taala all the time and in order for you to praise Allah subhanaw taala you have to be able to see something worthy

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of praise appraising Allah for so the issue becomes, is there something we're the appraising that makes it less about a praiseworthy, or is there nothing making Allah subhanaw taala Praiseworthy, the concept of humbly saying that as Allah Subhan is always praiseworthy mean there's always something worth praising Allah subhanaw taala for you just have to look for it and see it. So you're not allowed to say, well, there's nothing right now. We're the Yaniv that would make a loss of outrageous we know there always is, there always is you're not allowed as a Muslim to say there isn't. So you have to go find something that will make Allah subhanaw taala praiseworthy, and then

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praise him for it. And basically that's fueling you, meaning there's always something you can work with, there's always something that will that will give you positivity, there's always something good that's happening that will allow you to achieve more, and that's the concept of hometown, they're supposed to do that. For us. It's supposed to give us that positivity, that optimism, that energy to do more, there's always something that we can work with always something going right for us. Maybe there's maybe there's a million things going wrong, but there's one thing going right and we're gonna use that one thing we're gonna praise Allah subhanaw taala for it and use it to stand up

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and move forward. And that's the relevance of his name, Muhammad Sallallahu on the concept of hand of praise, praise.

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So what why do we need this?

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Because because he's our Salvation Army. So it was, there's no way out of what we're in right now. Without him on a slaughter without his example. You see, the Quran is only helpful if you have some example an example of someone who was able to practice it. And if you don't have an example of someone who was able to practice it, then then actually following the Quran becomes extremely difficult, or they start to give us not only the pure word of Allah subhanaw taala but he gave us an amazing

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example of how to take that word and use it for the for the benefits and the betterness and the betterment of the human race. And if we don't know what he did on a site to assume you're just given a catalog, you're given a book that has just you just given the theory you're not given the practice ease are guided example on how to install that was to them. In the best leader amongst us is the best follower of Mohamed salah is the best leader is the one who will follow him the best ally. So he's our hope. No matter how dark it gets, no matter how hopeless you feel, there's always hope, just by by studying his life out of your sight to a sermon, and seeing how hopeless it was for him

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at certain points and still, the highest that he was able to, to achieve is unmeasurable knowing that you will give us hope as well. And that's our mission is to be like him it so two semester live the way he lived and to continue to carry the beacon that he passed on to the, to the generation after him sort of ice and that's our job. There's really no other job for us, at least. So it was that, um, carried a beacon, he passed it on to the sahaba. They pass it on to the generation after them and it's been passed on to us. It's our mission, we cannot carry this beacon to the best of our ability unless we see how he did a ton of you saw twisted on himself.

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His name, or his nessip his genealogy, his heritage.

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It's important, I think, Danny to know him, it didn't know his genealogy, at least the part of it that the part of the sequence that we are 100% Sure, we can count back is genealogy and lineage right back to None.

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No, obviously not myself. I had none is it from I don't come to the addenda knights, who are known to be the descendants of Ibrahim the Arabs who descend from Ismail son of Ibrahim. And I always thought it was it's worthy of knowing his name it it's not just at least the first maybe four or five grand

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forefathers. So he's one that even Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah Muttalib even Hashem admin admin, if even Kasai, even Keylab. Even more, even you can even you know, even avalable even if they hear me Malik, even another ebony can even Yukina and it can and is important, and we're gonna go through that because a lot of the tribes that come from Kenya, Ghana, or the other tribes that filled the region, he lived in the southwest, in the cuisine in the moody Caribbean. Yes. immunisation had been Adnan another important name is and a lot of the tribes that are Midori tribes are also tribes that have a specific way of going by things. So these some of these equal say, for example, is the one

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who actually brought the Quraysh together and kicked out all the other tribes

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that were living in Mecca, and made sure that it was the only that family that ruled the Mecca.

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In terms of the names fear is actually who Koresh is. So the name courage is fear. So everyone who descends from fear ibn Malik had been another being Kenan, or someone who's Akashi, who comes from, from Croatia. And of course, I made sure that he read mecca of all the other tribes that weren't from fear had been Maliki had been another. And he strengthened the route and he made sure and he made sure that his sons, his family, as a family were continued to rule MCCA. And that's just how things worked out Janya at the time for the city. And it's not because it's not a matter of if you understand the genealogy properly understanding heritage. This wasn't an act of of hatred or an act

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of agreed, you see, who built the Kaaba Ibrahim Al Islam which is also his grandfather. Was there a city of Mecca before the Kaaba was built? No was there a city of Mecca before zamzam was was brought forward by his man is and I'm also know, so the only reason this city exists is because it's made even Abraham and Abraham made sure it did. So their claim is like if you watch if you watch these

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medieval dramas series on Game of Thrones and these type of stuff, like where they talk about the claim on the throne of certainty. So here really this is a perfect example, you could say even Caleb had claim on the ruling Mecca, because, you know, he did that's where it's an illiberal era even Abraham I said, we built it so all the tribes are living there who don't follow come from that lineage. Shouldn't should not they're gonna live there, they're gonna live their need, but they can't rule and they but they wanted to so. So of course, I removed those who was able to remove them all. And of course, this is history. This is not an issue of religion. Jesus, what happened?

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So the spring of 571 ad, it was sometime in April. Some say the 20th I don't know for sure.

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On the 12th of Ruby oh well, the fourth lunar lunar month, on a Monday,

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just as this at the break of dawn, the prophets of Allah Islam was born to his mother, Amina been to hub in Karachi also from college, and to his deceased father at the time, Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib

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did any extra ordinary phenomenons happened when he was born?

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I don't know. I have no evidence that they did.

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And it doesn't matter. I don't care and you should you the time that is spent, or the time that I spent as a knowledge, seeker, younger age, being taught, all these things that happened, the day he was born on a saw is, will be, will forever be a colossal waste of time and time they'll never be able to get back again. Because

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focusing on on on miracles that happened the day US born, instead of instead of focusing on the miracle, which was his life out of USA to Assam makes zero sense. We don't need his birth to be a miraculous birth for him to be Mohammed

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Habibollah heights, I mean, we don't need that. If we feel that we do then are the basis of our faith must have a problem. And it's because that's not that's not how things work. It wasn't his birth, that was miraculous, it was his life that was miraculous. Now if you want to enjoy his, celebrate his,

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his voted fine, that's up to you, I think we're at a point where look, if you enjoy celebrating the day he was born and, and sitting around reciting Quran or saying something, apply it and then go ahead and do that. And if you don't like it, then don't do it either. It's fine. Either way, do what you will don't try to force your opinion on other people and don't try and make an issue of it that that causes the OMA to lose its unity. It's not worth it. It's something that's really not worth it. I personally don't believe that we should be spending any time talking about what happened when he was born, and what fell and what burns and what's new. Yanni, bodies of water that dried up and

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fires turned down and buildings that came crumbling it these all these things that by the way, happened as a consequence of his life, meaning all the great castles of the kings that Eurasian say that crumbled, the day he was born actually crumbled as a consequence of his of his better ideas thought was meaning the army the Muslim armies crumbled them later, it didn't have to happen today he was born so Allah Islam. Regardless, what I think is the point worth sharing. He was born to a single mother Alia. So it was, I mean, at the time,

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her husband had passed away, after she was pregnant, three months into her pregnancy, he got very ill and he passed away. So I'm not going to be a single mother. And for all the single mothers in the world today, the prophets I said was, was raised by a single mother, at least for the first couple of years of his life. I think that's the point that's worth sharing.

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It's hard to be a single mother. And the prophets like him knows that because he was raised by one audience, so it was to them. They didn't have much money. It comes from a very prestigious family, socially, religiously, heritage wives, lineage wise.

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But they didn't have money. Either. matale been Hashem never had money, Hashem

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didn't have money. We'll say even keel had never had money. It just his lineage was a poor one. They didn't have wealth, of financial wealth, but they had an ethical wealth, religious wealth, social wealth. They're wealthy in every other aspect, just not much money. And if they had money, they gave it away. It was just their way.

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So I decided I'm gonna be born to a single mother with very little money.

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The story I'm going to tell

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is regarding what a lot of the people of color age did at the time. So Ukraine was a metropolitan at the time of the time, at least, where a lot of people from different tribes are going to live. As long as places ruling doesn't matter. You can live in Mecca. So but so there's a lot of different accents, a lot of different backgrounds, a lot of different races, races and ethnicities. It was crowded, it was a busy city. A lot of caravans went went in and out in through it. So the families of Qureshi who would try and get their children a few years outside of the crowded cities to live somewhere in the in the open. Somewhere in the suburbs, where it was green, whether it was a fresh

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air, where Arabic was spoken with facade properly was proper Arabic that was being

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spoken, they will learn proper pronunciation, they would run around and the outdoors and become strong, they would drink any pure milk. They would be away from disease. Obviously at the time, there were no vaccinations today, your child how many times do you take the worst days of your life as a parent, you take your kid to the doctor's office to get their shots, and it happens within the first couple of years. And it's always a horrible, horrible experience. And that's why kids hate needles, and they're scared of them because they get vaccinated. But without these vaccinations, most of a lot of children would

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die in their early years of life. And that was this case living in Mecca. So and there's there's so many different races and ethnicities and cultures and caravans, and then the the incidence of

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children getting getting ill was much higher. So they decided they would like to send them out to the, to the suburbs where it was clean and pure, and the incidence of disease was less. And another another point of Aloha, I mean, herself, we believe was a bit ill.

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During the time, well, it looked like there was a disease going around, if you look at Abdullah Abdullah, who died young, and then I'm gonna die young, there must have been something going around. And as I think, I mean, not only wanted that advantage of having a child being raised in the suburbs, anywhere, the horizon is open, you see, the openness of the horizon means something for children. Yeah, and even if you raise a child in a matchbox of an apartment, you know, their, their mindset will be as limited as the walls around them. But you raise people outside in the outdoors, you give them an ability to see things differently. And now our children are being even more

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limited, not just by the walls, but by the screens that surround them. And the and the video games that they're stuck in. And this is limiting the human brain, by the way, like in a horrible and horrific way, really. And we have the epidemic is getting worse and worse. And we don't seem to care. We don't seem to know how to deal with it. And I can't count the number of young individuals that are just are addicted to games and addicted to to spending time in solitude in their rooms. So I think I mean, in addition to that also was ill and didn't want her son to get also wanting to send him out to the suburbs. So I think there's more than one reason that the that this choice was made,

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that I'm going to just like many of the other ladies have wanted her son to go to the suburbs. And what happened was that

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the tribes that would do this,

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Dr. Bunny side, as you can see here, in this in the pictures, if you look at this, this is imagine this is beautiful. This is Arabia, this is like this is Saudi Arabia. I mean, we think we always think of as a complete desert, it's not all desert, this is actually Dr. Bunny side, you look at these pictures, and you look at how a lot of the livestock, they graze freely, and it's green, and there are mountains, a very beautiful thing, very beautiful part of the world, they would send the so like, for example, but it was sad, which is a tribe, they would send their ladies into Mecca every couple of months to pick up newborns or

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children in the first couple of months of life to take them. And the way it would work is that they would be paid a fee. And then whenever the parents came to visit these children, they would bring them gifts, and it was more of the gifts that they were interested in then, than the fees because the fees were never enough. So an orphan wasn't someone that was, you know, necessarily attractive to these tribes. The reason being that if he's an orphan, well, he doesn't have a father who's gonna come and visit him. That means not many gifts, and his grandfather globin Hashem was not even though he was known individual. Well known individuals and famous individuals are quite rich are quite

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busy, and they won't come he won't come and visit his grand grandson very often, meaning they won't be many gifts. So he wasn't an attractive cell. Ali Asad was salam at the time. And I always thought this part of the story is, you know, it was touching.

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How do you miss telling us this story? I knew this idea. He said, I came with the late ladies and bodyside to pick up some of the infants and newborns to take them. And

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we didn't we always tried to shy away from orphans, and children from poor backgrounds, because it wasn't it was it wasn't a good investment for us. We didn't make a lot of money off it. And when we would come by Amina and her son Muhammad, and we would ask, you know, we take a look at the kid and say, Oh, cute, what? A cute kid. And then he figured out he was an orphan. He would say, okay, sit on life, and just they would walk away and just pass on him. And I always had this image in my mind for many years. I have this image of me standing there with the prophets. I send them Jani and one after another. These ladies pass her by, none of them willing to take him on as long as no one

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wanted him at least.

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She was ill I believe that she was ill because she's gonna die six years later, at a very young age. She was only 20 in her in her mid 20s. When she passed away, there must have been some disease going around because Abdullah always also died his mid 20s.

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I measure that she's standing there, she's poor, she's ill. She she wants to. She wants to give her son the best chance at life that she can give him and she's trying to get one of these ladies to take him for just like any other child would give be given that chance, and no one no one would take him out. He thought there was

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no one wants him. Just imagine that for another Just let that sink in. He is He is the most beloved creation to Allah subhanho wa Taala is a homily well hum your milky, usable shefa with Sherif Ali aside, he's the person who will prostrate under the Throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala and interests in interesting

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Lead for the beginning of judgment to mill PA, he is the person who will who will take people out of gentlemen, he's the person who will open the doors of gentlemen and bring people in. This is the most beloved person to Allah subhanaw taala and no one wants him.

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So next time no one wants you. The next time you're turned down or you feel left out, remember him it was remember, I mean I standing there, and the frustration and the pain and the sorrow that she's feeling as no one will pick up her child if you have a similar story to it, right.

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When UCLA student was thrown into the world by his brothers, he was later taken out of that well.

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And he was he was sold as a slave. And the a&r sort of documents that and it says were shallow who mean he sold him the feminine boss within many dogs in the law him and I do that and they sold him for a very small price.

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So a few pieces of silver.

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What kind of fee he mean, is he Dean and they showed no desire in him they don't really care for him. Now well, what is it a kid? A worthless kid that's what that was used if I use if a student was sold as a slave for for pennies, will later rule Egypt and become one of the most famous messengers of Allah Subhanallah of all time, the Prophet was I said understanding being carried no one wanting him all the Assad was set up. The next time you're rejected or you feel left out. Remember Alia sought to slam us Valley so it was an ally he Masato savage mine, they weren't wanted either. No one had any desire in them. And that's okay.

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If people don't know your worth, Allah subhanaw taala knows your worth. Don't let people's judgement of you or thought of your image of you, shake you or change who you are. So Halima de la Anna eyes, all the other women have many sides, she passed on taking the prophets of Allah Hi, so you, Salam and moved on. And again, I feel I feel that part of the story is very, is very touching.

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You know, people may not know your worth, people didn't know the worth of Muhammad. If they, if they knew at the time who is going to be would they have passed on him it is amazing. No one wants to profit is also just a very, I find it to be an astonishing concept that that happened. But that's how the world works. So don't let anyone's opinion of you or the way they treat you or how they view you, bring you down or make you feel like you're not worthy. You know, just remind yourself Muhammad Yusuf Ali mo salatu salam they weren't wanting wanted, at a certain point. Imagine the embarrassment and the frustration of the people who may refuse them and later on figured out who they ended up

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being so Halima,

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she passed and then

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the day went on and she she failed and actually getting a child to take back with her. Meaning she ended up going from

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the suburbs of many sides to Mecca, and I did he was over and all the all the infants are being put up for this purpose.

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were taken by other mothers and and she ended up with no one and she was about to go back to her home without anything

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about her husband who seems to be winning but read the story and read the narration. The husband seems to be such a such a nice person just such a

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pure and humble spirit.

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Spiritual human being we're just tells however, maybe maybe go back in and take the you know, the orphan kid that didn't watch you know, you never know maybe Baraka is literally the word

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for Allah. That's maternal Baraka take this doesn't take this child, he may be blessed, it was a spirit. So Halima did, all right. So she goes back and takes the prophets I send them but you know, you didn't necessarily want him Subhana wa salatu salam. So she takes, he takes them from Amina, and she's going back and then Halima tells us the story of how what happens she says, If I cannot potty attend UCLA and he had a goal to attend UCLA Ania my sheet Campbell was a slow one I was always behind the the herd of all the leaves were going back you know, people was traveling groups and Arabia is not safe. And hello to Mohammed and the moment I carried Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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qualified you retinopathy had someone cut

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back in Nuke, and I'm carrying Muhammad with me with my other son and my husband in front of us and our sheet Campbell just just galloping ahead and it's way it's actually ahead of the herd. And we couldn't understand what happened because he's an old an older, getting older animal not as strong. Then my husband starts to laugh about husband says love Okada. I'm about to eat and honey smitten Mubarak, nessa mutton, Mubarak, I didn't I tell you it was when we carried a busted spirit, and she would see Halima, she will see the blessings of carrying Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam within her life. The whole of America and ebony, you're talking with Eddie. My son, my blood son, he wouldn't. He

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wouldn't. My biological son would not. He was a difficult

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Infant in terms of breastfeeding women breastfeed, I've Emma and I will come to my grandmother had tell Takahama who for the armadillo, but the moment I brought my husband and I start to breastfeed him, my son immediately start to breastfeed with him and I was able to breastfeed both of them. And for ladies were breastfeeding is always hurtful or it's, it's painful, sorry.

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When especially back in those days, if if the child is not taking, taking the multiplicand very painful.

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She would continue to tell how he grew up Ali Asad was I'm living in the suburbs of New Santa Clara County. I should move a Yeoman, my showboater floofy. Sharon, where's your movie? Sharon, my show both of you sent it in. And she said he would grow up in a day what other children his age would grow up and it would take a month, and he would mature within a month what take other children to church in a year. So I started with them just

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at an early age, he was very intelligent. He was very, he was very active, and he was very socialized to Islam. And during the time, there was a year of drought where there was no grazing lands for the livestock. And the people have been decided would say, either acreage dome, we're gonna come first you're gonna come call me Halima? What are our highest Haleem Halima? Can you please have your livestock? Have your sheep follow the sheep of Halima and graze wherever the sheep of Halima is grazing because every time she takes her sheep and brings them back there, they have milk in them and they they've eaten, but our sheep don't seem to get anything from the bulk of a

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sort of loss of a license. And even at a young age, after two years, the funny part is, the contract was two years.

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And then she would return Mohamed, so I said to them to get back to me. And at that point, he would have built his immune system strong enough and hopefully he wouldn't get sick.

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She asked me to keep them for another year. She would. She didn't want this kid. Initially, no one wanted this kid and now No, he was asking he was begging me to please send him with us for one more year. Send him was with us went for one more year. But I mean, I said no, she she wants her son. She wants to keep her son so don't be alone. And I just thought to sit down with him would stay with his mother and he would spend his time with his mother. I'm going to jump 55 years into history if you don't mind. Because before we continue the story 55 years later the prophets lie Selim 61 just around the time of five or Monica Tony The Battle of Haneda and he's he's giving away all the all

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the bounty and the the loot. And as he's doing it he just giving away wealth that day, he was happy he found his joy in giving Alia so he was getting people wealthy giving people money. And there's an old lady standing borrow or just looking at him smiling. And he saw her but he wasn't sure what what she wanted, then you continue to work and then he looked and she was still standing there for you know, 1015 minutes later. So he asked one of the people working with with the Sahaba and he goes see what the what the lady wants you just standing there. Maybe she wants some wealth, or some, some some of the bounty we can give her. So the man goes over there and he comes back and he comes to the

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Prophet so I said to him, he tells him

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the Bezos says what so what did you want as he's working out? So he's very busy. He's occupied, preoccupied with what he's doing. He said No, she doesn't want any any money. But she said her name was Halima the prophets I send them drops. When he was carrying in his avocado me my mother who me called them with a happy lady then he goes to her and of course the the reunion is one of extreme beauty. But if all the above data while only took off his cloak when you put it on the ground for

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for any SAT Halima on it, and he sat with heavy metal.

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I know some lights are still on for an hour or so. talking and chatting and laughing and Halima would say that one of her son's or his,

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the child that shared

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shared milk with him at a younger age was amongst the the prisoners, so and she wanted to retrieve him. So the Prophet so I said we'd go and ask the Sahaba go ask if they would allow him to free a prisoner because it's not it's not up to him to make that decision alone. It's up to the whole the army the congregation, and you'd ask them if it's okay for him to free up the

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this man had to give Halima back her stuff. And some of us I would say yes, and some of them I should say no. And the problem was anyone from his own wealth from his own money buy out this Yanni his

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his brother and brother Yanni joven Allah, and he's breastfeeding brother and biodh all the

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people possessions of Halle Mae and he would he would get an A would give it would buy more, take more of the bounty from his own his own portion of the bounty and give it to Halima and give it to his brother and send them on their way. So Allah Allah Samuel said, I'm gonna alliteration talks about the sister being the the person but the narration is it's a very sentimental one that I thought was worth sharing.

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At least I was dealing with then live with his

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A with his mother

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for the next four years from age two to six, unfortunately.

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I mean, I would do something within those years. That's very fascinating to me.

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I mean, I would take the prophets, I send them to yesterday, yes, this is the preparation, how Allah Subhan Allah prepares the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. See, he's going to go to yesterday to Medina many, many years later. But Allah subhanaw taala want to make sure he had some introduction to the city and some roots in it. And the thing is that he did.

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He did have some roots in Medina. And those roots come from, from his from his father or his grandfather's uncle's on the mother's side. So optimal Taalib had married a lady from

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Yathrib. And some relations say that it wasn't funny. But it was Hashem who married a lady from yesterday. And so either of them

00:40:57 --> 00:41:02

uncle's on his mother's side are from yesterday from getting the job. That's the name of the of the,

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of the tribe, or it was Abdullah, who had uncles or aunts on his mother's side from getting the job is unclear some of the different

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opinions on that matter. So I don't use I used to Saddam had his father's or grandfather's distant relatives from getting the job and yesterday, and I mean, I wanted to go to yesterday to introduce the Prophet. So I said him to his relatives. And I took me a while to understand why I could never understand why she would do that, why she would go 400 kilometers in any direction really, to introduce her kid to her son to her to his father's relatives. And it was, it shows me a level of loyalty that I frankly am not

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accustomed to, for a wife or a husband to be that loyal to their,

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to their spouses, after they pass away to make sure that their children know all their relatives. Well, even if that means embarking on a journey that is, you know, that ended up being fatal actually, to me. No, it's something that I just I had never heard of. And that's what I mean, I did she she took her son and went 400 kilometers north to Medina. With him, amen. But I could have a Shia, who we'll talk about Inshallah, we're gonna talk about my men quite a bit. And when was a very interesting character with a low on how she, she she was maybe a few years older than the Prophet some days, just a few years. And she was like an assistant. She's us, he was a servant in the house

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of Amina, and she helped me you know, and I believe, again, there's another piece of evidence that ammeter is probably very ill. And there's, of course, other pieces of evidence, you'll find the books of Sierra, that she was probably ill and she needed someone to help her, you know, kind of take care of the prophet and he says I'm so Amen. That's what she did. So she was a couple of years older than the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And they went on this journey to go through the prophets, I said, um, tells us, he remembers going to interrupt in Medina, he remembers going, you know, learning to swim there, he tells us called a windmaster lamp to see I had a canopy rim, Berry

00:43:04 --> 00:43:30

been in a jar, it was one of the one of the Arabic, one of the traditional wells have been in the job, the tribe that I am, that are the uncles of my father, or grandfather, and yesterday, and of course, you when you think about a well, you have to think about and traditional traditional wells are very wide. And they're like swimming pools, really, because people didn't have the tools to dig vertically. So just a small note. So the vertical wells that are pretty small, are pretty

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narrow, or a bit more modern, because you need better tools to do it. But back in the day, we just dig with shovels and dig that way, you'd end up having a very wide, it'd be very, very wide. So and I remember even in Syria, where I grew up, those are the type of wells we had. And I remember actually swimming in a world like that as a child as well. It was never that clean, but we would we would swim in it. And then he would use the water to irrigate, it wasn't water for drinking was used for irrigation of land. So the problem was, he would talk about his experience and yesterday remembering his uncle's or his father's uncles or grandfather's uncle's been in a job and swimming

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and learning to swim the first time just swimming in one of their wells. So it was an experience that stayed with him, I thought it was to them. And it's just a loyalty that I want to point out to you.

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This is a trait you're going to see throughout his life audio software, suddenly, as a part of his upbringing, and something that was embedded in his DNA. all you saw was something that was very, you're gonna see it in his, in his in his grandfather, his father, his mother himself, his children, loyalty, when someone does something kind to you, you make sure that you repay them time and time again until you have gone beyond what they've done for you. I mean, you know, her husband passed away and out of loyalty to him, she made sure that his son knew his relatives, and I can't imagine a more beautiful, more beautiful thing to do. Today, I need I know spouses who don't want their

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children to know the relatives of their other spouse while they're alive while they're married.

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and it's just It's insane how, how could you possibly, you know, not unless unless they come from a horrible family of you know, abuse and addictions and Johnny, then you, you would want your child to know you're you're their relatives and know their ancestors know their uncles and aunts. That's how you do sort of throw him. So you strengthen the relations of kinship. And you know, people know their heritage, know where they came from, where they come from. And it's very, we're destroying fabric, the fabric of family, and, unfortunately, in many of these situations.

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And then on the way back,

00:45:37 --> 00:46:14

at a place in a place called a boy, you can see it's between Medina and Mecca. The traveling is usually better. Usually, when people traveled to travel close, close to the sea coast, it's just because there's more, that's where the caravans would move. So you don't want to you don't want to see more, based on the picture, it's a bit more logical to travel, you know, on the straight line, but that way, you're going to middle of mountains, you'll probably probably, you know, probably die. So you have to use the ways with the caravans. So in a place called, on the way back, Matt, I mean, it was, my belief was already sick, became very sick, and she passed away. At the age of six, the

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prophet size, witnessed the death of his mother.

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So he's now an orphan for the second time audio, so it was to them.

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And he and Amon was young at the time, a few years older than him, would dig a grave in the area of Ebola. And they would bury Amina bin to hub and the prophets are listed at the age of six would vary his own mother on a solid was

00:46:38 --> 00:46:46

I can't imagine what that does to a child. I can't imagine how that affected him all the assaults. But I do have an example of it.

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I do we know that many, many years later, 50 years later, the Prophet alayhi salam said we'd be returning from a battle, and just happened to be he was very close to the area of Ebola. And he was stopped the army to turn to the sahaba. And you say I said last night and he said unto Robbie, and as we recovered Omega usually

00:47:05 --> 00:47:39

I asked Allah subhanaw taala permission to visit the grave of my mother and he gave me that permission granted it to me. So please stay behind, I would like to go visit my mother's grave, and he would go and he would search and you find where he had buried his mother. And some of those one of those a hub or some of them follow the Prophet. So I said, even though he didn't want them to, they just wanted to see what was called version now Sakata aka t he had Pee Wee he fell to his knees on his thought was somebody could hear him cry. Now when a hade is also meaning he would like when some people when they are when you cry in your very go like that, at the end of it. I mean, that's

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the level of agony of sorrow them. I mean,

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in his late 50s,

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he goes back, he sees the his mother's grave, and he's back, he's a six year old again. We're all six year old, scared children on the inside, all of us, you know,

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no matter how old you are, or how old you get, you always you always miss your mother's your mother was hugging your mother's lap, and they'll never go away. And you know, you could be 90 or 100 years old and if your mother passes away, you'll feel the pain of it. And it never gets better and will always always be there nowadays so to Islam wasn't any different. Now he was a human. It was a person with with strong emotions and in a difficult life and he asked Allah Subhan appreciate I wanted to go I can I go see you just go visit the grave. And can I go see him

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and he went to the south and he sat there and he and he sobbed and he cried and, and all the pain of not having a mother for the last 50 years of his life, it came out and that's okay. It's okay to grieve. And it's okay to feel pain, it's okay to express it as well. The only problem is that if you are objecting, if you refuse Allah subhanaw taala is just in your food, Allah subhanaw taala has choices for you the ones that you couldn't change. That's the only issue. Besides that, for you to feel for us to grieve is the only human thing about us really, and the Prophet SAW. And he shared that with us.

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You may ask the question at this point, or the question I'll ask is, why would this all happen to him on his site?

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But it isn't he the most beloved creation to Allah subhanaw taala? Isn't the prophets Isaiah and the one he loves the most? If you love them the most? And why would he go through all of this? Why would he? Why would he be born without a father I mean that on his own is extremely difficult to imagine being you aren't you're born into this world you're already an orphan. And then at the age of six, you lose your mother and now he has no he's basically you know, a full orphan no more than no mother. Why would you have to witness that on a Sunday? Why would you have to go through that she will talk about these ads you know, the reasons of why he would go through all this audience on

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Instagram is are many, but but but to be honest, but the basic answer is just very simple. If I sat and took it all Shame on them

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I said unto him, Bucha or SHA, Allah Ya Allah mu and terminal HRM was sometimes you love something in you, and it's bad for you, you hate something that's good for you. And Allah knows you don't know, for certain ticket O'Shea and Allah Who feeling cathedra sometimes you'll hate something, there'll be a lot of hate. And it's

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the end of this beautiful visible to Thirunal, higher to dunya. You love this the life of dunya. And just the basic

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benefits of living in dunya. Well,

00:50:29 --> 00:50:52

on the other hand, laughter is better, and it stays longer. I mean, it's better on both sides. It's, it's better in quality, and this lasts forever. So why would you want this, in that if you're so happy, so happy Ibrahim Musa indeed, the concept you will find in the in the scripts, and the text. And the books of Ibrahim and Musa this is as old as religion is.

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You don't know what's good for you don't know what's bad for neither do I. When something happens, we don't know if it's good or bad. And nothing that happens is stamped as good or bad. When things happen, they happen. We're the ones who will use them for good, and then there'll be good or we'll use them for bad and that will be bad. Nothing comes with a label, we label what happens to us, the provost and I said to them was introduced at a young age to the concept of death, he had to understand the seriousness of what life is like, there's a lot of joy in life, and there's a lot of happiness, but the death is an imminent part of it. And if you don't understand that, as an early I

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know people in their 50s, who still don't accept death or understand it or deal with it maturely. At least when it happens, even though is the only constant within this universe that everything that is alive will ones die, at some point is going to pass away. And the problem was I didn't by the age of six had fully understood this concept. And it didn't scar him. It didn't make him someone who hated society, you didn't grow up as a full orphan who hated where the world and hated God and hate and everything that happened to him because he was, you know, he was deprived from the need from the from the love of his father and the love of his mother. No, he was actually the most loving human

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being the most compassionate, the most open hearted person that ever lived. I think because of this, because he understood what it meant to be an orphan. So he always showed he made sure a part of his Dean was in our cafeteria team mica technical agenda. Me and the one who myself and the one who takes care of an orphanage like this and Jenna very close, because he knows what it's like to be an orphan. So he knows if you make sure that you are LiYana you take care of, of someone who was suffering. Make sure that it's a child is an orphan is in need of, you're capable of offering love and offering support and compiled an offer. It's because he knows audio sounds like when you know

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what it's like to go through a certain type of suffering, don't make others go through it. That just means you're an indecent, decent human being. And when you say well, I suffered in order for this to work so that you have to know you have to suffer in order for you to get the same thing. That means it's not a good person. If you've suffered in order to achieve something, we'll make it easier for those after you make it easier for them. Make sure they don't suffer as much. But if you don't, they have to suffer like you. That's just being in decent will. There's really nothing there's no other way to understand that if you're, you know, you're stuck. No, no if I suffered in order to achieve

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something everyone has to suffer. I mean, that's to me the definition of a bad person. A good person is someone who if they've had to suffer to achieve something to try to make it easier for someone after them. And prophets I said to them was an orphan. That's why he lived his life making sure or making sure orphan the rights of orphans were were fulfilled and people took care of them. And he had more rockin in his heart for orphans and he had orphans in his home it still just only took care of them himself it so

00:53:26 --> 00:53:33

I think that's that's a point worth worthy worth sharing. And with that, we'll continue to show an extensive aggregate data and to still feel good to

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