Kamal El-Mekki – Knowing The Story Vs Knowing The Details Of Seerah

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the story of the Prophet sallahu Sallam, who faced a problem with no human being present for 27 days straight. He describes the behavior of the people who recognized the story, including people who were scared and reacted aggressively. The speaker also discusses the names of the people involved in the story and how they fit into the picture of a bad situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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What's the difference between knowing the story and knowing it in details, and mothership Institute presents q&a with Gamal el mekki. Most of us since birth, know the story of one jabril Elisa Lam came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the case. Now most scholars believe that this incident happened on the 27th of Ramadan, which means for 27, long days, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam never heard the voice of another human being, never spoke to anybody. And you can imagine how quiet it was in that cave. Because back then cities, they didn't have engines and motors and these loud things was very quiet at the top of that hill inside that cave. And if a man was coming up, you would hear

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rocks falling, you would hear feet, but the problem doesn't hear anybody come up to the cave, doesn't hear any noise, never spoke to human being for 27 days straight. And then suddenly, from inside the cave, he hears the voice saying,

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recite, and the prophet SAW Selim, we all know the story. His reaction was to say, what would you like me to recite? Not an avocado? What would you like me to recite? And we all know that, but if you look at it in detail, that is such a strange reaction. Here's how to appreciate the story. Put yourself in the place of the prophet SAW Selim. What would your reaction be? If you never heard a voice and then suddenly you find out someone's been sitting there all this whole time? And then he suddenly says, recite? Here's one reaction.

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Recite, and here you are at your house in Mecca in two seconds.

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You ran back over the you made it back there fantastic. Yeah, most people would run. I'm not even gonna wait to say o'clock What? out? That's one reaction. The second reaction, people get aggressive. When people get scared, they get aggressive. So push them against the wall. Who are you? What's your name? How long have you been here? How'd you get up here? All kinds of questions I have for you. So when you put yourself in the place of the problem, you will see how incredibly amazing his reaction was? That all he did was say, what is it that you'd like me to recite? That's an amazing answer. And jabril you know, the story squeezes him hard, asked him to recite three times,

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and until he left the person and never once said, Hey, by the way, who are you? What's your name? How'd you get here? Why are you giving me this message? What does it mean? Excellent. Why did you squeeze me? It shows you the superb, superb manners of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. That's the difference between a story and it's detailed. Here's another one. Everybody knows when the pasta lamb was attacked at the pipe, and he was pelted with stones and rocks by the little boys and the slaves. He went and he rested at his vineyard. And it belonged to the sons of obeah shaybah, and ultimate Nora, BIA, and they sent the servant or does with the dates or the grapes for the profits

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or loss. Now everybody knows that story. But no, we want to stop and pause and look at the names involved in the story. And when you look at the names, you find something amazing.

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And shaver, the sons of robbia these are people who just a few days ago, maybe a week, maybe two weeks ago, when they put the intestines on the back of the prostate and when he was praying at the Kaaba, then the lamb made against him. He said aloha Malika, boorish. Aloha Malika, Bucharest. It's basically like, Oh Allah deal with the Quran. He said it three times, and the Quraysh the leaders who were there laughing so hard, they got scared because he's a truthful person and he's making at the Kaaba and he's oppressed, and they still revered the Kaaba. So now he says, by name, he mentioned seven of them and he begins Aloha, Malik abijah. Then alone Malika Barrett Wagner obeah.

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Aloha, Monica B. shava, if not obeah those two names. A few days later, they're the ones who sent the grapes for him at the vineyard with their servant. What does that tell us? Then, when you look at it, specifically, these two people, they heard him make against them. So they were at the pinnacle at the peak of animosity between them and the prophet or sanlam. And yet, they still sent him the grapes. What do we learn? We learn we can just now see what a bad situation in a bad state the prophet SAW Selim was in. He was so fatigued he was so bleeding. He was so injured, that two of his staunchest enemies at the peak of animosity felt bad for him. That gives you a visual of what

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situation he was in, and you only got that visual after you got the details. That's what we're going to be learning in Desert Rose seat of the profits or loss along with the one and only can I admit, Casey Stoner said I'm Allegra tala.

Desert Rose Makkan Seerah

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