Mufti Menk – Please Don’t Spend Layltaul Qadr LIKE THIS!

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The culture of sinning during busy periods leads to negative behavior and consequences, but people are still sinning. The transmission of sinning during busy periods is emphasized, along with the importance of reciting the Quran and forgiveness. forgiveness is also emphasized, and individuals should reach out to charity and improve their character.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah where Allah Allah He was happy ah mine. My brothers and sisters were almost at the end of the month of Ramadan. The odd nights have clocked in one after the other. What are you doing in order to earn the pleasure of Allah? How should I live in the nights? To be honest with you spend a great portion of the night. In worshiping Allah, the first thing that you need to know is to abstain from sin. People sin in the month of Ramadan, people sin at night, they do all sorts of things in the nights. They waste their time on social media, whether it's tick tock or Instagram, if

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you're doing good things, it's different but they waste their time doing bad things. They dance around, they fool around, they swear they you know, they do all sorts of silly things. You need to know that Allah Almighty once you at least to begin with to abstain from sin during these blessed days, I mean if you cannot do a lot of good, the minimum is stay away from bad so Subhanallah we need to make sure during this time during the season point number one, stay away from everything that will earn the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala don't do those things. Leave them and so anything that is a waste of time, cut it out. Promise Allah to cut out even your bad habits

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Subhanallah you know your bad habits you know what exactly they are promised Allah to cut them out. What's the point of having these 10 nights every Ramadan and we don't know this might be our last one make the intention? Oh, Allah helped me. I've got this bad habit helped me eradicate it, I am serious about it. If you've only achieved that by the last 10 nights of Ramadan, you are successful. It's a great success. But there is more to it than that. So I hear later the prophets are seldom used to live in the night by doing what he used to engage in extra units of voluntary prayer more a card to buy to so 2468 Whatever you can extra cat. He used to do his tahajud he used to do pm pm

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will lane is the standing in prayer at night, be it the first part of the night, the middle of the night or the last part of the night. All of that is called TIAMO lane. So you can start off with what we know as taraweeh

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you continue later on you can do your Salah whenever you have a chance you do some Quran, recite some Quran Now many people say I want to cover the whole Quran in one night. No don't don't there's no merit in that you will get no extra rewards by reading that Quran all in one night because in fact you might get a sin because you're going to be whipping through the word of Allah which is not a good thing to do. Many people say oh wow, that cheerful this person they read the whole Quran in one night there is nothing virtuous about it. It is against the teachings of Muhammad wa salam to do that you should at least span it with within three days. Now if you're memorizing and you're

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learning and you happen to be reading the Quran and you happen to be reading for 1011 hours a day, you may complete it Alhamdulillah but if you're sitting with recitation of the Quran, or you're doing salata, Terra, we don't attempt to complete it in one night. It's against the Sunnah. You may earn a sin because how can you earn a reward for having read so fast that you've eaten some of the words of the Quran and you have not adopted the rules and regulations of recitation of the Quran, beautiful, melodious voice has cynnal Purana be Swati come with some of the scholars have told us we you should beautify your the Quran with your voice. So we haven't beautified it we just whipping

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through it. Like it's something that you're supposed to be rushing through. Not at all take your time. Always remember it's quality that comes first. So take your time, read whatever Quran you can have for Jews, one Jews, two or three Jews, and you spend a beautiful portion you know, the way you recite should be melodious between you and Allah, because on the Day of Judgment, you will be told to recite the Quran if you've memorized some of it, and you will only be able to read the way you were reading in this dunya so if you were reading in the dunya in a way that was embarrassing, you're going to be embarrassed in the hereafter to and if you read melodiously on that day between

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you and Allah, you will be reading melodiously because that's what you used to do in the world. You know, karma Kunta Turati Luffy dunya till karma contact karate Luffy dunya meaning it will be said to a person who is who has memorized the Quran or part of the Quran to recite in the same way you used to recite in the world that's on the Day of Judgment. So it's part of how you live in the night then you do as car vehicle Subhan Allah Al Hamdulillah Allahu Akbar Allah Allah and Allah so

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or many different car, no specific number, but you can do as much as you can no specific vehicle but you can do as much as you can. One that we've been recommended to repeat Allahumma Inaka if you want to hit bull f1 for any, Oh Allah, you are forgiving, you love to forgive so forgive me. Think about what you've just said. You love to forgive, so forgive me. You are most forgiving. Wow. These are the qualities Allah wants to be the main qualities of the Night of Decree and Laila to other because when I showed her the Allahu anha as the Prophet SAW Salem What should I say? He recommended this dua he told us say this so it's amazing now my brothers and sisters you do other other car you seek

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forgiveness of Allah that's known as is still far Oh ALLAH forgive me you can read what is known as say you do list and Farah Allahumma Antara B O Allah You are my Lord now ilaha illa and there is none worthy of worship besides you. Hello Tony. You created me what an abduction I'm your worship. I'm your slave. What Allah Allah and Ikawa decumbens Tata and I'm upon my covenant and my promise as best as I can, you know, I promised there's nothing worthy of worship but you and Muhammad peace be upon him is your messenger so I'm going to try to adopt that as best as I can. Select anyone Abdo, Quan, Allah adekola, deca, Mr. Todd, are all lubic mean coalition Remus on Earth, I seek protection

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I seek refuge in You from all the evil that I have done a boo la cabina Motyka Allah. Yeah, I admit, and I acknowledge all your favors upon me. Well, I will be damned and I acknowledge my sins as well. fulfill me so forgive me for in the whole nine zero Vinoba Illa and Because indeed, there is none who will forgive sins except you. May Allah subhanahu wata Allah grant us true forgiveness. These are some of the car that we should be reading during the nights or when we are in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, live in the night. Get up your family, perhaps those who are adults, you may get some of them up and you may actually engage in a Bader and encourage them to engage in a battle as well. My

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brothers and sisters a few more nights remaining. Let's not waste this night, a night that is more valuable than 1000 months, that's 83 odd years between 83 and 84 years you can do the maths. But my brothers and sisters, some of us spent the night doing the wrong things. That's what I started off by saying minimum don't do the wrong thing. Do the right thing. Another thing, reach out to people in charity during that night, you will get a great reward. Reach out to people in goodness during that night. You know, do something great and continue make maybe make a plan I'm going to do this every night. And you can have a little timetable if you want. Make a mental note of it. What you

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want to do, and then you might want to go to the masjid if the masjid in your area is open. And if they're having a Dharavi or Qiyamah Lane thereafter you might want to join them Subhanallah you'll get a great reward. Encourage people to do good. improve on your character. Check up on your folks, your family, your parents and so on. And Allah will bless you. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us every goodness and open our doors are co loco Leha or SallAllahu wasallam albaraka ala Nabina Muhammad

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