Quranic Reflections – Beginning of Surat Al-Mumtahinah 2

Adnan Rajeh


Channel: Adnan Rajeh


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The speaker discusses the importance of inspiring younger generation to do things, not just give them the baton. They also mention a recent event where they are trying to encourage people to pray for the holy book. The speaker then talks about a group of people who have been given opportunities to pray and is encouraging them to do so.

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Fact, this encourages them and it not it

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doesn't doesn't

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just encourage them. It encourages the younger generation

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that is looking up to them and seeing

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them do it.

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Honestly, it's not that difficult for us to,

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you know, it's for myself and Sheikh Mohammed

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to to run this,

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finish in an hour 15 minutes. I'll be

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But there's no but there's no future for

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the ummah if you don't hand the baton

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down. And that's why I feel it's valuable,

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not just the fact Yani,

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what is it?

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Alright. So maybe open open the doors

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and try to,

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squeeze in as much as possible. Apparently, we're

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fill we're full in the tent and outside,

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so we wanna make sure that we allow

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people in. It's a bit cold out tonight.

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We can't have people praying out on the,

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yani and the concrete, so we're gonna have

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to kind of squish it altogether to get

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in today, inshaAllah ta'ala. So I'm gonna first

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of all start by thanking, Yani, my, my

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Sanad and my back, my my rock in

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this place, Yani, the the shuk that are

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part of

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Where's Sheikh Haman by the way?

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Every night he's not here?

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Every night he finds a way. Is

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he here? No?

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And without having, this companionship, honestly, it's very

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difficult for me to run anything. It's it's

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having people that that are supportive of the

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the shi'uk, that will continue to help the

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work and work with the with the youth,

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that we're able to do all of this.

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I'm gonna count the names, and then Sheikh

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Khuzin Abi can give out a small thank

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you cards for whoever is here. Just say

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out names and then you just come you

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can just hand it out to whoever's, amongst

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the group. And if your name, came up

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and you didn't get a thank you card,

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don't don't feel bad. It's just

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random stuff. I I I I we gave

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out to the people who were doing more

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salah. So brother Hamza Amar,

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and brother Omar Shadi,

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and brother Abdul Rahman Salat, and brother Asim

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and brother Omar Ghabban,

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and brother Hisham Eilau, and brother Zakaria Mahmoud,

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and brother Badr Diab, and brother Abdulhaman Zaza,

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and brother Abdulhaman Syedim. Those were the core

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group that did tawawiyyah this year. I've mentioned

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people who did salawat with their fajr and

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tahajj and taraweeh on a lower

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on a on a They were given they're

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offered the slots just to kinda encourage themselves

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and to kind of work hard. Brother Abdullah

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Soleima, he's all Makair, our volunteer.

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Brother Ihab Raja, brother Omar Abdulhadi, brother Youssef

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Ali, brother Hamzalal,

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brother Muhammad Fayed, brother Ahmed Loubaidi, brother Faisal

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Abu Jazab, brother Mustafa Raja, brother Abdul Kabir

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Khaleel, and brother Noman Muhammad. These are all

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the brothers who are part of, of, of

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the salah throughout the,

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throughout the month.

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May Allah

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use you as

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ambassadors of this holy book. May he increase

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the love of the book in your heart

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and may allow you to take this book

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and spread it amongst other people. And may

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there be every year newer, younger individuals who

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will join us and be a part of

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this work tonight. You're gonna hear 3 new

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people. So tonight it's all 3 of them

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are people who are just, we're giving them

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a shot to pray. So listen and enjoy

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subhanahu wa ta'ala from all of us.

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subhanahu wa ta'ala from all of us.