Adnan Rajeh – Post-Ishaa Khatera 13-07-2023

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The speaker discusses a hadith from the Prophet Alia salsa that states that everyone is treated with excellence, even if they are not their parents. They also argue that treating human beings with excellence, even if they are not their parents, is the norm. The speaker emphasizes the importance of parenting children and the need for parents to deal with their flaws and shortcomings. They also discuss a specific situation where a person is trying to convince someone to buy their child for free, but the person is not able to afford to pay. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the mindset and the desire to live life to the fullest.
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Medina he was talking about Yahweh Lima mu Muslim Anfisa he and Abby Hawaii Raja Ravi Allahu Anhu pod Colin the video so Allah Allah He early he was talking to Salam isn't a question about Muslim radio so harira the Prophet Alia salsa and this hadith within the theme of beer, which is what I want to be covering over the next number of weeks, but everybody demon slits,
and all these ethics that are extremely important in our deen and it's treating your parents and your neighbors and your relatives with excellence is what we're going to be kind of going through and I'm going to try and shed light on this topic from different angles and hopefully about help us and shall achieve it. This hadith is very interesting because he makes a statement out against the law to Islam that is
that is bold and real.
And if you don't understand it appropriately, you can almost make you feel a little bit scared or uncertain of what to do with it. This is what he said Allah Himself Allah agency. Well, I don't law agency Well, I don't wear leader who ill and Elijah whom Emmylou can buy asturia who for your RT pa will feed off Winokur cada AGC. Wala don't word either.
So he said, Allah is awesome, there is no way for a son or a daughter, either or to repay their parent,
except if for them to find their parent, enslaved, and for them to go and buy them out of slavery to buy them and then grant them their freedom. And then whatever I said in another narration, he said Ali Asad was from law agency, well, don't worry that there is no way for a child a son or daughter to repay their parent period. He didn't he didn't he didn't put that exception that I talked about just a moment ago, he just said that he said, There's no way for you to ever pay back, your your parent.
And the first Hadith that I quoted to you where the Prophet alayhi salam gives an example to find it, I usually use that hadith to state or explain or proving how Islam sees the sanctity of human freedom, because that's the only way that you could possibly repay your parents if that you were to grant them their freedom, if they have lost it somehow in their lives. But the other the second Hadith kind of ends the story that is not it's not even possible.
These Hadith, this hadith is almost always understood this is important, understood within the context of a normal relationship between a parent and a child, neither nor what is the norm, the norm of the world, the norm of the world. This is not just for the human race, this is for every other species that exists in the world, at least for mammals, where a parent will take care of their offspring, and they will care for their best interest always. I mean, they're that's what they're looking for.
And that is the norm that this hadith is being used for.
But it's not possible for you to come and argue and say, Well, my parents didn't really care for my best interest. So that means I, that's a difficult argument to make. It's very, it's very dangerous to try to say something like that. But I don't this hadith doesn't apply to me because my parents didn't care about my best interest because of a flaw that you found within your parents character. But when your parents at the end of the day are human, and everyone's flawed, the only time this wouldn't apply are in situations of severe of severe types of abuse or neglect, or torture, things that that basically make it to make make the news or make it to a court of law, something that's
very, and this is this is a case by case type of approach. The majority of human beings on the planet, parents will offer all they've got for their children. The majority of human beings the parents will do their best, their best may not be amazing. Their best may not be great. Their best may be may have may their best will have a lot of flaws in it. A lot of mistakes, a lot of shortcomings, but that doesn't matter. You can never repay them. You can there's nothing you can do
with this. Helene is saying to you, you are in debt to your parents forever. There is no way you can ever pay them back. Try, you cannot do it. You can't there's nothing you can do. It's the only relationship similar to that is the one we have with Allah subhanaw taala himself. There's no other relationship similar to that. Aside from your relationship with Allah, or if if you want to take your relationship with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is also somewhat similar, because you can never pay them back. What is it you're gonna offer Allah subhanaw taala to pay to what can you offer him nothing. He will reward you for the good deeds but you can't really repay him for what he gave
you some possible you can never repay the property estado some reserved for you and you can never repay your parents. It's interesting that those
individuals are whom we have to care for. Those are the most important. It's Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah and says the love of his his beloved messengers of Allah Azza wa sallam and your parents because you can never repay them. What they've done for you is not so
Don't think that you can ever, some scholars will go beyond that and say your teachers
are This Close the next close thing. The next close thing is your teacher, your shift the person who actually taught you how it is you're going to live your life. But he's telling you all of your thoughts with them.
If you are a functional, conscious human being, you carry a debt to your parents that you can never ever repay. This debt will never go away. There's nothing you can do nothing. And he gave that example, you find them enslaved and you and you grant them their freedom. And then he said In another Hadith, you just can't do it. It's like an HR Service thinking, what is what how can I make it? How can I magnify this issue for you? So he gave that example, find them enslaved and buy their freedom for them? And then he went back and said, Yeah, do you see what I've done? While he that it is impossible, there's nothing you can do not even that not even that it won't make up for it.
Understanding that will allow you to approach this relationship with a certain mindset allow you to approach this relationship with a certain mindset. I will talk about issues that can make this relationship a little bit tricky. But the mindset here is important. Where he tells you on his thoughts, wisdom, are you alive? Yes, you carry a debt that can never be repaid.
To your parents, you can never repay them.
And you only understand that, interestingly enough, when you have your own child.
Once you have your own child you understand Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, it's not. It's not possible. This is this is this type of relationship is just not something. There's no equivalent to it. There's no equivalent to it once once
young man came to one of the scholars, the narration is hustle and bustle Yokohama Hola. But the story exists for another a number of other scholars as well. So if you know it for another scholar, you would be correct as well. He came in and he told his, the chef that I have been caring for my my elderly mother for the last 25 years.
He was in he said for the first 25 years she took care of me. And I've been taking care of her because he's an elite son. You know, she she gave birth to him a little bit later in life. And I've been caring for her for 25 years is this equivalent? And his answer is there's a lot of ways to answer this question but his answer is just as beautiful as what he said. He told him
I eat to her will and determine the whole moat or our atika we're here determined like Elia to take care of you hoping for you to live you're taking care of her hoping that one day she'll die no
matter what email Muslim case I hate to throw
an abuse of aloha to you earlier so have you sent them your jersey well don't worry the home in the energy the home I'm looking for yesterday, we got your car. If you don't think your jersey Willa Dumas leader so that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa