Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 21

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The Hadith of Islam is a belief in the presence of Jesus and the use of the symbolical concept of "has been in action". The history of Islam, including racism and hate speech, is discussed, along with the importance of cultivating love and hate towards Islam. The need for a political act to change the political climate is emphasized, and the importance of acknowledging the consequences of actions and not just highlighting them is emphasized. The conversation also touches on upcoming political events and the importance of addressing issues related to the president's actions. The speaker emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the virus and the potential impact on the economy, as well as the state of the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah are either early or Sakurajima. In an ABI Herrera thorough the Allahu Anhu an enemy SallAllahu wasallam Paula and Abdullah why bother in the outside in La Romana I didn't love that melted Iman. Oh, maybe that would be sending in Hudson

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and hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he Amma Bowden.

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Come to the next Hadith has a connection to last week's Hadith.

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And it is the hadith of Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him.

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Hadith that is authentic, collected by Imam Abu Dold in his sunnah and other than Imam Abu Daud.

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A Hadith that describes for us indicates for us the personality of the Muslim man and the Muslim woman. A description of the reality that the Muslim man and Muslim woman has to struggle for to obtain this man Zilla,

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the newbie of Islam and Mustafa in which Tebah Salallahu it was telling them he said, Whoever loves for the sake of Allah and he hates for the sake of Allah. And when he gives, He gives for the sake of Allah. And when he refrains from giving he refrains from giving for the sake of Allah, whoever this is his description, then his Eman is complete. Men have been in law he will Ababa Lilla he will Arthur Lilla. He will mana alumna he forgot the stick Mala Eman who

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love for Allah hate and for Allah. When you give you give for the sake of Allah. And when you choose not to give you choose not to give for the sake of Allah. Anybody will that is this situation. They are a min Kammen, Al Eman, complete Eman.

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This hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam touches a lot of chapters, a lot of EdWeb concerning the AB Whap of Al Islam, the most important Dorval Islam institution of Al Islam is a class. This hadith is talking about doing things for the sake of Allah azza wa jal called inner Salah t when Uzuki were ma yah yah mama Magdalena Hera blonde me say, My life, my death, my salah, my sacrifice, all of that is for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, the Lord of All the Worlds. So my

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sitting my stand in my walking, my even my drinking, my anger, my happiness, all of that is for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, the positions that I take as it relates to things and unfold before me on a daily basis during the course of my life during the week, I'm going to take positions, positions that have been legislated by Allah sanctioned by Allah, I'm going to do my best to avoid those positions and those feelings and those emotions that are not in consistency with what Allah has

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revealed and what what the Prophet brought sallallahu alayhi wa, it was setting up my server, am I being quiet is not because I'm scared and nobody's not because I'm scared of you. It shouldn't because we're scared of people, whether they be white people, black people, Muslims, non Muslims, older younger, my summer, my quietness is because of Allah, I believe that Allah wants me to be quiet here and to have somebody here because it's going to bring about the best circumstances. So

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everything that the Muslim does from his heart ikat and from his second act, all of his movements are full lives with Jim. And as the Prophet told the people so long live while he was setting them foot takuna Willow bishop to Merton, fear the whole fire, even if it is with half of a date, tried to get to the Jannah and avoid the hellfire. Even if you do that, by utilizing something small and insignificant in the eyes of people, like a half of a date. Give that date and Allah subhanaw taala

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for Allah with a goal or objective of getting yourself and freeing yourself and emancipating yourself from the nod of Jahannam and that's a lot that we do the Tisha hood attack here to Rila he was Salawat to piggyback this movement of the finger this small movement of the finger or keeping it straight, as I see as being the Sunnah been there besides Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam Allah here. I should do Allah shape bony mineral Hadid. You doing that to he got to Rila is more harmful and

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more heavy. It disturbs shaytaan more than you being able to hit him with

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I am pipe. So I'm going to do that and I'm going to teach it and we're going to call to it I make a hubbub about it. For Allah sake in order to raise the consciousness of the people without being afraid. Because my life and my death is for Allah, your Dawa, you will not see huh? Your positions for the sake of Allah. Everybody in the menace everybody in the masjid. They're not in tune and they're not on board with your point of view. I'm going to take a position against all of you for

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the sake of Allah azza wa jal provided that you really believe that your point of view is correct. That's what today's hadith is all about. So it touches the door of loss, do things for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, and don't do things for a menu. And menu is when you do something for someone, you reproach him, and you tell him at some time, don't you remember, I gave you this, and I gave you that? Don't you? Remember, I gave this and I did that. Because you want to be repaid for what you

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did? Well, if you did it for lies, Rachel, you should never ever say to someone, don't you remember what I did this and I did that? Well, if you did it for lies with gel, don't destroy it by reminding me that you did it. Because it's one of the reasons and one of the issues that will cause a person's deeds to be rendered null and void. Another bad 20 that this particular Hadith touches is really important is the Bab of what the Sunnah will Jamaat believing the Muslims were bombed the truth, the

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Muslims are bombed the way of the Sunnah. And that is that an E man or faith, belief, a goes up and it goes down. A person can be on the level of an E man and his faith is so strong and so high at one point that he's flying and soaring in the skies with the birds. And then his faith can be so low, and he can be so down and depressed as it relates to his religion or her religion, that he's inside of the dirt in the mud. That's how he feels. So his Eman goes up by obeying Allah when he fast the

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month of Ramadan when he is an individual who's making the salaat when he fast the days of the white days to three middle days of the month, every time you fast he obeys the law. So as the man is going to go up when he reads the Quran, learns the Quran. His Eman is going to go up when he sits in the masjid. And he says in the Halaqaat of his Eman knowledge, his Eman goes up. And likewise when he makes sense and mistakes his man goes down. When he makes Reba net Mima he back bites he slanders he

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lies he stills he does these issues that are against the deme whatever they happen to be disobeying the husband being rough and tough with the children being a person who's rough and tough with your wife being disobedient to your parents, whatever you can think of those things cause a person's Eman to go down. So we have in the book of Allah the Quran meanie is that prove your Eman goes up maybe I get approved your Eman goes down maybe Hadith a probe A man goes up maybe a hadith prove your Eman

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goes down. Eliza John mentioned in the Quran in me Newland levena either Luke your Allahu wa Ji let's Kulu boom we're either totally at La him I add to that tune Imana Well, Rob, be him yet our cologne. Verily the true believers. The real true me known are those people who, when they remember ALLAH, if Allah is mentioned, when Allah has mentioned it tequila, don't do that fear Allah stop doing that. Don't be angry, calm down and tequila. Don't say that. Don't do that. When that's

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mentioned to him, Allah said this, Allah said that is proving you wrong. His Eman goes up when the ayat of the Quran or recited the recitation in the Quran today. We took about 15 minutes a little over 15 minutes to complete Sonata Leisha, the Imam that comes here usually our brothers a CA Allah may Allah azza wa jal have written upon his mother and put into the genetic for dose without any other board. He said, we're listening to the Quran being recited. We're not used to the person

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taking longer to the Imam, that Allah so when we hear the Quran, the person with Imani listens to the recitation of the Quran. His Eman goes up, the one who has some kind of sickness in his heart says Why is he reading so long?

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Why is he taking so long? We're not used to this? No, the believers are those people who when the Ayat of Allah or read, it increases their Eman. That's an ayat of the Quran that shouldn't be rejected Allah who thought I mentioned something that happened with the companions, and we have to remember this what happened in New Zealand? Those companions are Eduardo lai lai him and Jermaine. They used to suffer the way we used to suffer and

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A lot told us Do you think that you believe, and you're not going to be testing, you're not going to be trying very little as people who came before you, they would test it and they would try. To the degree that the messenger that was with them was say along with the believers, when is the help of Allah going to come? It was difficult for those people used to believe. So the believers have always gone through drama, and we have those situations. So some of the non Muslims of Quraysh they came

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against the Prophet and his companions sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where are the Allahu Anhu and Allahu Taala mentioned that incident in the Quran. Alladhina kala humanize in a nurse occurred Jamela comfort shell home for Carlu husband presider, whom Ilana will call husband, Allah, when that men and what kill those people who, when the non Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula, all of them came together against the Muslims, all of them with the media, all of them with their army, with their

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people with their racism, all of them with their double standards, all of them came against the Messiah, King of the Muslims, few in numbers, they don't have a lot of ability, those people in the majority, they all came together. And then they knew that these non Muslims are going to come and get us. So some of the non Muslims said to the Muslims, hey, all of the Muslims, all of the non Muslims have come together and they're going to get you they're going to extinguish your religion.

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They're going to pulverize all of you each and every one of you. When the Companions heard them say that to him, they said Allah said their Eman was increased when they were told that by the disbelievers and they said, Allah is enough for us. And Allah is a great protector. He's the best protector. Why did they Eman? increase their Eman increase because the Prophet told them this is what's going to happen to you.

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Uh huh. Stabilize and your call

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to the people think they're going to believe by just saying we believe ALLAH is going to test you to test the people who really believes from those people really don't believe.

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So these things that are happening, the Muslim he doesn't like it. He's upset about it. He's saddened by it. He mourns at it. He's freaked out about what that man did. All of that happens, but at the same time, this is what Allah and His Prophet told us was going to happen sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at this time that we're living. So it's not acceptable for the Imam to get on the member and to become emotional and start screaming and spitting hatred. Playing to the emotions of the

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people know the Imam has to calm the people down and say to the people what the companions said, husband Allah when netmail were killed, have the My word Allah Allahu wa rasuluh This is what Allah and His messenger I promise.

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So his Eman increases as a response to as a as a result of that. So the shade of all of that Quran meenie miny I tell us that Emang goes up when he told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam authentic hadith Sahih Bukhari and Muslim Carla sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Eman good Durban was Seatoun and shoulder. Hola, como la ilaha illallah wa

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eMAR to pull ever and authentic will hire show over 2 million Eman. Al Eman has 70 different levels and branches. The highest branch is La ilaha illallah and La La Hague Allah has conditions La Ilaha illa Allah has a meaning la isla Hallo LA has knowledge and information. Nothing can happen to you except by laws permission will call Lang your see burner.

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Allah Who Lena nothing is going to happen to us except what ALLAH wrote for us.

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What was meant to hit you La Ilaha illa Allah is going to hit you but was not meant to hit you La Ilaha illa Allah is not going to hit you. So the Imam shouldn't come in and just play on the emotions of the people. The Imam should remind the people have those issues that will cause them to not become faint hearted not to behave in a way that's not acceptable not to apologize Neva

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Ellis land is for the future and the future is for Ellis land. No bullets can stop that no bombs can stop that no legislation can stop that. You and me we can't stop that.

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And if the believers and those who claim that they have a man, if we don't take this contract that Allah has taken from the believers, the contract that he took is that Allah who God has purchased from the believers, their wealth and themselves and they'd get the Jannah in return. If they don't live up to that contract, then Allahu Taala will replace them with the people who are better than them. I don't know about you, but I've suffered from

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Racism all my life. So it's not new to me. It freaks people out who they want to be like white people, they want to be like Europeans. So when something happens like that, you get disappointed and your heart gets broken because look what they're doing. They've been doing this to African Americans forever tying them up by their necks and drive dragging them in the street in a car. This is how it is. We don't have a monopoly on that. We've been on press. So now that this issue has

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taken place, calm down, calm down. La ilaha illallah are we going through more than what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through? Kala Allah He, when those companions went through that drama, when they went through that drama, they came and say, God, also Allah, Allah, if Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, if Allah to stem Salena jasola Make dua to Allah. Ask Allah to help us. The Prophet told those people salAllahu alayhi wa sallam Calm down and listen, listen,

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they were in Mecca, weaken oppressed, and people were killing that. He said, there used to be a man who was a believer in the Pats, the non Muslims would grab him and dig a hole for that man, put him in that hole. And then they would take a saw and saw him in half, they will take a hot comb and make that comb, pull his skin and his body and his meat off of his bones, separate him from his bones, and that will not cause him to leave his religion. He said, I swear by the one who my hand is in his

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A man is going to come at the end of time. And he's going to walk from Santa to huddle remote, he's going to walk along distance, and he's going to have your sheep, the only thing he's going to be afraid of is the wolf eating his sheep, not going to be afraid of non Muslims hurting him, shooting him killing him. And that's because al Islam was spread. He told his companions that and they were in Mecca getting killed. And he told us companions, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah can not come

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to stand alone, you companions, you're in haste. You have to go through this thing, so that the tests will be there to see who truly believes. And who doesn't believe those people don't have real Eman. They're the ones who want to handle the situation based upon emotions and desires. And those people have Iman are the ones who handle things based upon knowledge, based upon the example in the blueprint that the Prophet and his companions left for us. SallAllahu it was setting them someone

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from amongst you show me where your tooth got knocked out. As a result of the religion someone from amongst you show me where your head got cracked open as a result of this religion. Someone show me where one of your relatives died as a result of defending this religion. Now, it doesn't happen to us. This was a daily occurrence with the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was Salah, the shaman in Colombia, one from the Islam that the Prophet brought sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, your Eman goes up and your Eman goes down. So we have some white people who have embraced this religion, our brothers in this religion, are we going to hate all white people because the racist man did. That's all white people are bad.

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One of the lessons of this issue that took place is you see the evil of racism. That's the evil of racism. And then we come into our masjid and our community and we find racism amongst our own people, amongst our own people.

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So we had these new brothers and we gotta tell these new brothers, and let's lamb is not going to be a walk in the park for you. Your relatives will be upset with you and ask you why did you leave the religion of Christianity that you don't know anyway, and you went to the religion of the barbarians and the enemy, you have to be patient. You have to take it easy. And the man goes up. And then the man goes down. As it relates to the issue less on the table about loving full on hate and full lie

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honey. Ellis lamb came and explained to us about all of the emotions that the human being has to deal with. And let's let him explain the emotion of love. If a person is sitting in this masjid, and he doesn't love anyone and he has not been loved, then he's not a human being. He's not going to really appreciate the true quality of life. If there's no one around him asking where you been? Where you going? When you coming back? How are you doing? If you don't love people, there's

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something wrong with your life.

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So well let's van cane and an organized everything that we have to know about love. It showed us how to love how not to love what is love? What is the love that is acceptable and what is the love that is not acceptable? There is the love that is Whadjuk you have to have it and then there is the love that is is haram you can't have that love. So from complete love complete

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Eman is loving for Allah and hate him for Allah. As for L hook or when a dunya we're there are two types of love the first love is the love that is the dunya love. It's just the natural love that people have. I love the color purple. That brother loves the color orange, he loves to color green, she loves black and so forth and so on and you can't help it. He loves ketchup. He loves mustard. He loves Mandy's, but he doesn't like ketchup. He doesn't like mustard. He doesn't like mayonnaise.

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Those things people just can't help it. And you're not responsible for that kind of love. It's just something that Allah just gave people. He created people like that. And it's part of the life. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brought us the understanding of that. Anyone who does good to you, you're going to love them. Anyone who does bad to you in the dunya you're going to hate them. It's just natural the way human beings had been created. Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned

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in the Quran concerning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and some of his closest relatives who did not accept al Islam in the color. But what I can Allah Yeah, deeming your share your handmade, you cannot go to Ellis lamb those who you love. My mother didn't come to inflamm father and come to slam my sister didn't come to slam my well isn't come to a slam, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his uncle, his grandfather, he didn't come to a slam, although the Navy loved

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them, and they were non Muslims. You can't guide those who you love. Why do you love them? Because that's my grandfather. That's my uncle. They treated me honorably. They're part of my Klansmen. They're the parents of my family, my parents, they're my parents, parents, and so forth. This is natural, no problem. Everybody's gonna love his relatives. And I want to tell you reverse here, because I heard this recently. It's not permissible for you, to keep your parents outside of your

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potential marriage that you want to have with a lady or with a man. Yes, they may not necessarily have an opinion that you're going to listen to, but you have to honor them in that way. And don't come and say it's from Al Islam to keep them out. You can't meet my relatives because the non Muslims know, you have to let me see your relatives as the willie of the girl. I have to see the relatives that see where you come from. And I have enough sense to not hold you responsible, that

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they're not Muslim. That's not your fault. But as the father of the girl to see what kind of cloth Have you been cut from? Are they drinking? Or the drug addicts? Are you having a dysfunctional lifestyle that you came from? From that love of the dunya is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the people when he said a b by E Liam in dunya comb A tea when he sat with Giuliana to Salah total to me, what has been made loved to me from your dunya the dunya love that everybody has

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is I love nice smells, and I love women. Meaning the benefit that you get from the companionship of a woman and the things that a man gets being complete. As a result as a result of marrying the woman. Whoever has gotten married. He has completed half of his Deen let them feel on the other half showing the importance of the Nika The point here is from your dunya people love women. Women love men. You love your children. It's something natural xunying and a nice hook Bucha wa T Mina Nisa

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well burnin Allah said me beautify to the nice Muslims and non Muslims. Sudanese is non Sudanese may dutiful to everybody is the love of women and children. Everybody loves that you don't have to be a Muslim to be able to love someone is something that you everybody has it so another I had a hadith woman iOttie and color color cumin and fusi come as Weijun were John Boehner Kuma word that Rama in a few diamond color Aiyar to Nicole me yet the rule from the I add in the signs of Allah is that he

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has created from you your mates, the Tuscano la ha so that you can have Sakina with this wife, she's from you. And Allah created her so that you can be calm, cool and collected. Why and as a result of being married, and Allah placed between you and your wives love and Rama. That's not just for Muslims. That's not just for Muslims. My non Muslim parents have love for each other. Your non Muslim parents they have love for each other. No problem. So that is the love of the dunya and many

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other is that speak to this reality in this narrative but there's something important we have to know about the dunya love and the dunya love is if it is not governed by this really

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Imagine and it is not looked at and practice and weighed by the religion. It will come yomo piano and it will be a cause of people's sorrow as Allah azza wa jal mentioned and many ayat of the Quran, Allah or Yeoman, even by the Holy Bible, I do look the pain. Those people were were alleles, the Khalil, the one you love a lot. Those people who had close Bosom Buddies and people they loved in the dunya, your MO Qiyamah, they're going to be enemies one to another. Except the people who have a

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Taqwa. Those people who had tuck when the love that they have, then that's going to be beneficial. Like we mentioned last week, the ayat or the Hadith that we took last week, we had mentioned that the Islam, the Islam of a person goes up and it goes down from a person's good Islam is for him abandoning and leaving off what doesn't concern him if he does that he'll have completed slam along with other issues. And from a people having sand and golf in his Islam is that he minds his own

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minds, other people's business and so forth and so on. So as it relates to this issue, ie man goes up, it goes down, and part of a completely man is the second type of love. The second type of love of 20th is the love of this religion, and loving people because of the religion and because of Allah. The Prophet told the Companions sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in them in Ribera de la heeta, Allah, Allah NatCen ma whom BMBF when I sure had that in your book, a woman NBR wish you had that

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your mu Qiyamah be Saba mechanically him. Mandela he Suparna with the Isla, from the people are some people who they are not prophets, and they're not messengers, but the prophets and the Shuhada they will have jealousy of these people you'll know Qiyamah because of their relationship and their position that Allah has given them yomo piano when the Companions heard that they say God also Allah, who are those people, that the prophets and the messengers will be jealous and envious of

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them? You'll know piano, they're not prophets, and then that shoo her down who are they? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa it was selling them whom Coleman, the Habu Bureau, Hilah, and Haley are hand bane of them. They are the people who love each other, as a result of Allah because of Allah, Allah told them, your brothers, one to another, so love each other as brothers, and they love each other as a result of the role of Allah as a result of what Allah has commanded. They don't love each other

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because of money. They will love each other because of any position or favors they're going to get. So that goes to show the position of loving and the virtues of loving for Allah azza wa jal, and that many people have that. We love people a lot of times because there are relatives. We love people a lot of times because we're going to get some ulterior. We have some ulterior motive or we're going to get some benefit from the individual. But then to be as informed as there are many

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many virtues of loving people. One of those virtues is what we just mentioned. You have completely man, whoever loves to Allah, He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Sabah Aloha Mala houfy Villy Yom Allah Villa love the law, there will be seven people that Allah will shave him under his shade yomo Qiyamah from the sun and the difficult nature of that day seven will be shaded from the sun and the heat and the problems on the day there will be no other shade to be found.

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To all those people we said Raju LAN, to hub Taha Fila, he, H Turner, Allah He was the first raka Ali, to men who loved each other just for the sake of Allah. When they used to come together. They used to come together because of their love. And when they were separate from each other, they will separate from each other because of that love. So it's something that needs to be cultivated something that needs to be made to happen as part of the religion of the Muslim when they've been

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mentioned to the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he swore by Allah whose hands his soul was in. Lentil school janitor had said to me, no one taught me know how to hobble you people will not go into Jannah until you believe no non Muslim is going to go into the agenda. And you will not believe until until you love one another. Shannon, I tell you that thing if you do it of course you love one another. They said What is it goddess Allah he says spread the synonyms between yourselves. So the

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half that the Muslim has

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On his Muslim brother, his Muslim sister, the sister on the other system, the Muslim brother and so forth and so on, is that when we meet we greet, we give salaams and we share silabs you will not go into Jana. If you're a disbeliever until the camel can go through the eye of the needle is haram and I never happened. And you will not go into Jannah until you love one another. Should I tell you what will help you to love one another. Just spread this lambs to people just spread this lambs to

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people, people you know, and people that you don't know. So I bought out of the companion app do live in a matter of the aligning Houma when they heard that hadith. They used to go to the marketplace. And he used to say to the people of Santa Monica, Santa Monica, Santa Monica, Santa Monica, but in our community, like we have racism, I won't give Salam to the person who's not a river. I'm born and raised in Islam, I'm Arab. I'm Pakistani, I'm Somali and whatever. I won't give

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synonyms to the one who's not who's not from the Wizard river. I won't give salam said non Arabs. And that's how some people are, they won't give you salams. And then we turn around and we say, look what happened in New Zealand. Look what happened in New Zealand? What's the difference? What's the difference is that we're not attacking people with weapons, but we're attacking people with the weapons of the chiffon that keep us divided and so forth and so on. So loving and the cause of Allah

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quani is from the most important issues and the life of the Muslim, he has to make efforts to cultivate it. He has to make efforts in order to make it something that is happening and then the Prophet when and he shifted to the next issue. And a lot can be said about love and for the sake of Allah. He say you also have to hate for the sake of Allah. You have to hate for the sake of Allah. What is hate and for the sake of Allah.

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Haven for the sake of Allah is hating those things that Allah hates. Hating Cofer hating ship. My family are disbelievers, I can help to love them naturally as my mother and my father, but I don't love the cover and I don't love the ship. So I can't placate them and they're covering the ship. I can make them feel confident ship is easy, and I'm okay with it. I can act in Hi, my, my my Islam, so that I don't get them upset. No, I have to give them doubt Allah in a nice way with my roof, I

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have to be with them. And I have to explain to them that this covenant is shipped that you people upon what you're eating, what you're doing, how you're dressing, what you're thinking, all of that is against the religion. And it doesn't mean you're nasty to your relatives. But you cannot conceal you can hide the Dow in the truth with the claim that I don't want to make the people upset, making them believe and think what they're doing is not that bad. I have relatives who are Muslims, but

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they're people of innovation. And I don't say anything. I let them do that and exist like that. No, you have to give them dower because Allah azza wa jal hates that. Look what happened the other day in New Zealand. It was a monumental, historical event, and that the parliament was opened by someone given the event outside and the parliament was opened by the recitation of the Quran. Did you guys see that? Did you guys see that? I think everybody saw it. But look at the Islam of today. Look at

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the Islam of today.

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Although we're happy for something like that, but when a man may be a van during the time of Abdullah bin Omar and Abdullah bin Omar heard him make the event where he was singing and he made a line tell him he didn't make it and then that beat I was making the van up Bilbao was so that the people can hear a man calling the other end like a man. Now like a song. Not with the line, where you make these long elongated oh love you do it like that. And it becomes a beautification and it

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becomes a song and a dance. Just like the Masjid. He said from the signs of yomo piano is that people will beautify the meshes and make Xerath in the masjid.

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Big chandeliers, big member very expensive carpets this in that the Quran is written all throughout the masjid, the whole Quran goes around the whole wall of the Masjid. The whole Quran is written in calligraphy from there all the way around, but the people are not in the masjid. That's not what the message is for.

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So when Abdullah in your letter heard that mammy can via then he finish, the man saw Libyan Rama, one of the companions from the Redeemer, the son of an Faru grabbed the Allah and Jemaine he said yeah, I'm loving or not will law he I love you for the sake of Allah. And that's from what the Prophet taught us about love in our religion. Salallahu it was setting them if you love someone

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Do you have to tell them that you love them? I don't want anybody to show your hands. I don't want anybody to show your hands. I want to ask you. Did your father ever tell you that he loves you?

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Did your father ever tell you in your whole life? I love you.

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I don't want you to answer. I want you to shake your head. No. If you say yes, no problem. But you asked yourself that question. Well, if he never said that, you should say it to him. And if he never said that, you will be sure to say that to your son and your children. Father grows as His child, and he never says to him, call me a boy. I love you. He doesn't do that. Because I will coach in Africa doesn't encourage us to do that. No, man. It's not our religion. Prophet Muhammad said, If

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you love somebody, tell them that you love them for Allah. So I see and I say, I love all of you for the sake of Allah azza wa jal. Now I can say that to my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, my relatives. I can't say that to my auntie to her husband. She's my mother's sister, and their husband, her husband, my husband is not kin to us, but I can say, I love you for taking care of my auntie. So that man said to me, no, man, I love you for Allah's sake and Allah's Cause. Abdullah,

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the NAMA said, and I hate you for loss cause man was shot. He said, Why do you hate me for Allah's Cause? He said, Because the way you make the event is with a line, you're singing, playing around with the A then and then then a Bilbao wasn't like that. The event of Bilbao, the goal and the objective for it was to have a loud voice so that people can come. Now if a man has a naturally loud, beautiful melody in his voice, we're not saying that that's haram. Nor should we say we should

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get the person with the worst voice and let him be the more we're not saying that. But what we're saying is the event in Mecca, the man saying the tech beer after the malevolent Mecca, that's not what the Prophet brought, and the two holy mosque in Ellis snap,

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the two holy mosque of Al Islam, that's not the event of the NABI SallAllahu wasallam do that and many of the places of lsn. So the very Islam that we're practicing in, that we're understanding, a lot of times in Hawaii of is not Islam, that the Prophet Brooke, this is the slam of the 21st century where we've gotten way, way far away from the way of those companions and many issues. But Allah, Allah him and not to be negative and not to be a person who's dark and just sour grapes, we

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make dua to Allah azza wa jal to bring our Ummah back to the root of Al Islam, because will lie Allah de la ilaha lado, who has been the be said sallallahu alayhi salam, there is a lot of virtues in the Muslims who are living right now. And from those virtues is the Eman that people have now. They believe in the Nibi of Islam, and they never saw him. They never saw the quran being revealed. They didn't have to go through all of that stuff, but they still believe so we have to be balanced.

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So that is Haman for Allah's Cause, hating what Allah hates, from what is not in the religion, and whoever gives for Allah and he doesn't give Allah what is given for Allah.

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The man comes to marry your daughter, and he's not from your tribe.

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He's not from your tribe. He's a revert. And he comes to the Somali family to marry your daughter. So the Prophet told you sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if someone comes to you for marriage, and you are impressed with his o'clock and with his Deen, then hurry up and marry him. Because if you don't marry him, there's going to be fitting and facade in the earth. The boy is Somali. And it comes to marry your daughter who is Pakistani.

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Loving for ALLAH given for Allah is after he passes the tests, you check them out, you watched him, you went to his family ticks, all of the boxes, you say, I'm going to marry you for Allah's Cause.

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That's what it means to give for Allah's Cause those things that are dear to you and important to you. Like your daughter, that's just an example. And that's the problem that we have today. We have a problem New Zealand, New Zealand, there are people who we know who are trying to marry people. The father doesn't want to cooperate and the Father is not going to cooperate just because just because he's not from his tribe, or or just because the father just doesn't want to cooperate.

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That's given for Allah's Cause. We hear people during the month of Ramadan almost every single night and in the month of Ramadan. We're going to have this project we want you guys to give sadaqa and then the second this project third of Ramadan this project this this is throughout the whole month. I

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I'm just gonna give, I'm going to give for Allah's Cause for the sake of Allah. Everyday they asked me, I'm going to give them every day if I can I give what I can, and I don't give when I can. The point is given because that issue is something that is going to benefit you, because Allah He told you to do it. And similar to that is not giving Four Laws course, your wife's nephew wants to marry your daughter. And you say no, because he doesn't pray. You say no, because their family are cursing

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the companions. You say no. You say no, because your daughter is on the Sunnah. And your daughter is practicing Islam, and that person has innovation. They have real innovation. And you say no. You say no, those scholars are the players like Imam Sophia and authority and other than them. They said any father who marries his daughter, the one he's responsible to, he marries him to a person of innovation. He's made piano Tours The girl. piano is active treacherously point is you make

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positions, they want a march, let's march in our mosque. Let's march from Greenland, Masjid to city center, holding hands singing, we shall overcome like Martin Luther King as Muslims as a result of New Zealand. All of the messages are in agreement with that, because of the effect and the impact of the Tao of the political groups and one Muslim mean protests. Let's march let's do this. Everybody wants to do it. Because that's what you do at times like this. You say, No, I'm not giving you the

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microphone for that. I'm not giving you the hearts in the minds of my community for that. And I don't care that you guys are getting upset. Instead of doing an ovation. Let us do the Sunnah. Why don't the Muslims make Knut as the Prophet used to do sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Some people killed some Muslims, the way those Muslims were killed. They've killed them and chopped them up, killed them. The Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and salatu Fajr Allah rason Maghrib Isha he will

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come up in the last rakaat semi Allah demon Hamidah he will raise his hand and he started making dua connote against the murderous for a whole week in every prayer today, if you do that, and set up the VOR if you do that, and you come up and you make connote the Muslims are going to get out of the surface. What is he doing? It's not Ramadan. It's not lately. It's not Sulaco winter.

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Because the Islam that we're doing right now, let's solve the problem with innovation. Let's solve the problem with what is politically correct. Let's solve the problem with everybody is saying, no, let's solve the problem in the way it's been legislated to solve the problem.

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I'm sure you guys are like me, coin. Allah, Allah.

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When the little boy took the egg, and hit that racist Australian Senate in the head, I was happy.

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But I know that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not condone and would not sanction something like that. Because it's juvenile. It's immature, it doesn't change anything to turn a man into egg head doesn't change anything. But when he hit him, I was upset at what had happened. Unbelievable. So when he hit him in the head, I was like, yes.

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But does that change anything? But we all felt that thing. We all felt a we want something. Well, the way that we should really be happy, is doing the things that Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu said, the things that Allah legislated. So which messenger did you go to? Where they make Knute against the murderer of the Muslims, which means she did that.

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The recitation of the Quran in the parliament after you finish sada Kola, hula alim, and all of this other stuff, is that the worst thing in the world? No, it's not the worst thing in the world. But what I'm telling you is the way we're practicing Islam, the way we're understanding Islam today, a Tawheed has become Sheikh Camilla.

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The one who was calling to Tawheed is the one who's looked at as being a problem. The one who was calling to shift can comfort is looked at as being the guy who was a relief from the old era of Allah, the One who was calling to Asuna. Al disarm and etbr He's moved to shed these rough, he's tough. He's not for this time. intolerant a problem. And the one who's calling to and bitter. He's the nice one. He knows how he's know what he's doing. He captivates and captures the hearts. Your

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Tao is rough.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:27

The new Dow is tough, and we're not for the rough and tough dollar. We're not what for that. But rough and tough downward does not mean when you say the truth, you're being bad. You're being rough, you're being tough. The very nature of the truth is that is heavy on the people. What we want to do is, we want to go to the Nika we want to go to the walima. And we want the women to be without he died. And just without anything, you're gonna want to hear anything. When I have if the love free

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mixing, and our walima we want to have our women with no he died in our will Lima. We want to have music and our walima we want to just dance and have a party in the walima. And if someone does stand up and says to the people, Hey, I would rather have sat down with Saddam Hussein, Tamil, ma Hakka, Sargon Torah, the label, don't do it like this. People say you must shed it. That's our religion today. That's our community today. So we gotta go back to the Kitab of Allah azza wa jal to the

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Sunnah of the NABI SallAllahu Sallam in your individual life,

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being responsible for the people you're responsible for.

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And if everybody takes responsibility for himself, deals with these issues for himself, then we're going to be okay, because I heard something that 20 That was a bit disturbing on that day.

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Last Friday, at this time in the morning, and I heard, when someone told someone what had happened, the person said at Hamdulillah, Hungary that they were happy, and hamdulillah those people got killed sha Allah, the martyrs? No, man, that's extreme. You can't be happy about that. Yes, we're going to put it in perspective, we're going to say, if a person died on Friday, so sign if a person died, and the last thing that he did, it was go to the salon, it was to go to Joomla was reading the

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Quran in the mala Mala. Team, the deeds will be judged based upon the last things that you do. But don't come and tell me

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that when a person loses an infant baby, that baby will be a hijab for you, you'll know piano a curtain that he died from the knob. If you lose two, it's got to be a job for you. So a person loses his baby and you go to your sister, your brother for condolences, your knees and you said hamdulillah your baby died.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:32

They're gonna say to you what?

00:47:33 --> 00:48:05

What religion are you on? You're going to cry, and you're going to do what the Prophet did. SallAllahu wasallam Your eyes are going to shed tears and your heart is going to grieve. But joining on to say that which pleases Allah gotta practice the religion. He said Verily, our eyes shed tears. And our hearts grieved for you, Ibrahim that you left us, but we're not going to say anything that doesn't please Allah. Oh, why did you take our baby? Why us? Curse the time curse the cover? We're

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not going to say that. So that goes to show that the Nabhi he was grieving. It is wrong for you, anybody who thinks like that, that you can be happy at the catastrophe but to deal with the pain to deal with the sorrow the morning to deal with the atrocity. As Allah said in the Quran, Tara Juna mill Allah He la mala Euro Joon you hope for Allah what they don't hope for our debt, inshallah. They're going to get the agenda and we have region hope for that. They are dead, they don't get

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that. So we put it in perspective and we get strong. These issues of whiny these tests, trials, tribulations, they're going to continue to happen Rest assured, there are benefits to lessons from them. But let's just love for Allah. Love what he loves hateful law, hate what he hates good for Allah give those things that he told us to give tours and prevent from giving in those things that he prohibit us from giving. As a result of those we're gonna stop here Inshallah, if you brothers

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have any questions you Shala will answer two or three questions for tonight. Keeping in mind that this love is a network from Allah and Allah only can happen by the permission of Allah as Allah used to tell the Prophet and many ayat of the Quran Lo and infect them after the Jimmy I'm left the Boehner Kulu beam when I can Allah Allah for been on in know who Azizullah hiking. Yeah, Muhammad, if you were to give your companions all of the money in the world, you gave him a lot of money him

00:49:39 --> 00:49:47

him him him everybody and said, Now love each other. You would not bring their hearts together. But Allah brought their hearts together how we what

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with the dean with Tawheed with a Salah with his a cat with song with hij Allah brought our hearts together. So when

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We divide ourselves with that's your group is my group. Someone said, you know the people that got shut up if you looked at the masjid they went on a sunnah.

00:50:12 --> 00:50:39

So it hamdulillah didn't happen to the masjid of the Sunnah. Come on brother. The example of the Muslims and their love for each other and their mercy for each other and their emotions and gentleness towards one another is like the example of one body. If one part of the body aches all of the body suffers from sleeplessness and from fever who in his right mind thinks like that? It didn't happen to the message of the sooner you saw what they was getting. What are you talking about?

00:50:40 --> 00:50:58

There's a cyclone that hit the Muslims in Africa now a cyclone hit the Muslims that's another catastrophe that we as Muslims we feel the sorrow the pain of loss that those people go through. Okay according if you guys got any questions you can ask your questions now that can in the come shake for the

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smiley Brahim?

00:51:18 --> 00:51:20

What's the beginning of the question African

00:51:36 --> 00:52:03

if a person loves a person because he gets benefit from him from the dunya as we said, that is not nothing that's not anything that you're blameworthy for snatchers, human nature, your children we grew up loving our parents the baby loves his mother loves his father loves his siblings because they're they're taking care of him when he screams out when he Hollis, he's diapers changed. He's given milk. He's made to be warm, he's held and protected. As a result of that he's going to have an

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affinity for those people. We're doing that for him. There's no blame on that. But the other love what we have to develop, you're gonna go to Hajj one day, inshallah you're gonna go to mo Monday. And you're going to meet Muslims who will walk up to you from China.

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I'm talking about China. People will really look Chinese gently. They Chinese. And when you meet that person, you amaze that wow, a Chinese Muslim. And they look at you and say, Where are you from? You say from the UK. Wow. You're Muslim in the UK.

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And when you sit there and you meet that individual, there's this natural brotherhood and bond that is going to exist between the people.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:49

When you meet a brother was that guy who beat up that? Guy McGregor. What's his name again?

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A beat came from where he's from Dagestan. You see somebody with that Dagestani hat. You say you from Dagestan. You think Imam Al Bukhari, Al Imam intermedium, those kinds of people, you have a natural affinity and connection and love for people, because they're your brother in this religion. They came from the other side of the world, some far off place that you never would have thought of them. You would meet a person there, because the images of your mind and your mind it's just so far

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This white brother, this white brother, he heard about Timbuktu. They were doing cataract surgery in Timbuktu when that was the learning center in the world and Mali, Timbuktu

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there was knowledge there. There wasn't knowledge anywhere else. Cataract surgery in your eye. White brother meets another brother. And that brother is dark is coal from Mali. He meets him where you from? I'm from Mali, and from Timbuktu. He says, wow. Because he read about that. And he has that affection and that affinity.

00:53:52 --> 00:54:01

It's natural. But unfortunately, in our masjid, we see people we see every day. And we don't have that love, and we don't have that affection.

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We have some people who everything about the West, they praise it. I went to the west and I found this lamb. And I went to the east side I found Muslims but not Islam.

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So when the non Muslim in the Muslim terrorists, does a crime, he does a crime and he kills someone. He's upset about that. How can you kill these people like that you give Islam a bad name. When his own brothers and sisters get killed in New Zealand. It doesn't affect him like that.

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It doesn't affect him like that. He doesn't have that same rigor and the hairs about being upset when it happened to them. And that's an important issue because it's a lesson from the lessons of this problem and 20 is, although we are very clear and denouncing the terrorism of our brothers and sisters, extremism, radicalism, we're against that and all of these groups that are on that were against that and all those personalities

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When they blow up and they kill people in Nairobi, or whatever it is, in Paris running people over with trucks on London Bridge killing people, every time it happens.

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The non Muslim community, they feel a certain way.

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And although we don't like what that person did, we may not feel the way they feel. But now we get the taste the sourness of the scourge of terrorism.

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It's a sour feeling, and our hurt, and our pain is greater than theirs. Because we are a community that allow me that's real brothers.

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There's racism in Christianity inside of the religion, because Jesus is white. So white people are better than everybody else. Jesus is a Jewish person. So therefore, God chose Jewish people white person to make him his son. And that's why they do many of the things that they do these people not even practicing Christianity, but they are standing up for religion and not practicing whereas in our religion, and Islam addressed racism. So we are brothers. So when we see something that happens

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like that, it affects us, it affects us very deeply. So now we get to taste the Herradura of an herb. It's a sour pill, and that's why it's not okay. It's not okay. If you don't want that to happen to you, then what's wrong with you that you would do that to other people? It's not okay. May Allah azza wa jal give inshallah the genetic effective dose to all of those people who were killed in that massacre, and may Subhana wa, tada give a speedy recovery to our Muslim sisters who are

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actually hurt and wounded in it, and may help us to take away from that. lessons have no doubt Umatilla Islam when the people came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to change the religion, slow down. Yeah, Mohammed changed his religion. Look, look, look, we're going to practice Islam one year, and you practice you know our religion and next year, just slow down. We don't want to slam to keep going. The Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was salam. If you people were to give me

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if you were to ask me to take one spark from the sun, that will be easier than to let this religion I don't call to this religion. Is it possible for someone to take a spark from the sun? It's not possible. It's not possible for me to change my religion, or will lead the arrow Salah rasuluh beluga with demon hacker Leo the hero wallet Dini Cooley, he will O'Carroll cafiero. Allah is the One who sent this religion with this messenger to proclaim it over all other religions, although the

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disbelievers may hate it and it kill us like that. But they're not going to stop the spread of Islam. They're not going to spot stop it. Aquila Cody Hi there we're stuck for Ali welcome ins Allah Allah to Allah to fit was said that was

Loving & Hating for the Sake of Allah

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