Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 16

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the responsibility of Muslims to defend their religion and social media, including accusations and statements against the other side. The transcript also touches on the use of "any" words in Islam and the potential for teaching students about the rules of the winter time. The transcript provides context for the discussion and provides information on the meaning of "any."
AI: Transcript ©
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And then 100 in Lehi, Idaho and a stay in Ohio and I still feel

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when all the we let him in show Rudy and fusina women saying the ad Dr. Molina Mayor de la who Philomel the nulla homing new demon fella ha de la.

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Watch he had one either in the law or the who last shot he can know what I shall do and no Mohammed and I do rasuluh Salawat Allah He was sent me why he my Bible for Halal Kalam Cunnamulla he will halen who that who? Rasulullah He is Allah Who and he was sending we shot on a more market that too hot or coulomb desert in Baghdad tune? What could be the Eitan Bala Tomoko balada Tim finna

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come to the Hadith today of Abu Huraira May Allah azza wa jal be pleased with him. And Hadith as some of the scholars criticized its authenticity Shala appears to be a hadith that is Huson and some of the contemporary word Emma graded as being sahih.

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That is a statement of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and given a number of descriptions of the believers, personality, something we have to struggle for, strive for, try our best to inculcate it is from the good teachings of the Prophet of Islam, some Allah when he was sending him when he said, and movement to movement will mean a whole movement. Your call for Allah He told who

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were your photo memorare

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so the Hadith has four components of four different ideas describing

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an integral an integral, important aspect of the Muslim personality he said

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that the believer is a mirror to the believer. So if you are Muslim, you are mirror a mirror to all of the other believers.

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And he said, the believer is also the brother of another believer, as has been established in the Quran, and the authentic sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu what he was sending them in nema. Mina what tone Verily the believers of brothers.

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And the Prophet mentioned in other a hadith SallAllahu, when he was setting them and Muslim, a whole Muslim, the Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.

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The third thing he described about the believer, he said that the believer, he does his level best in order to safeguard the property of his brother. He doesn't allow his brother to suffer any loss as it relates to his property as it relates to his family, as it relates to his affairs as issues. So if the Muslim were to lose something from the Huck that the person has upon you, as a believer, is that you don't steal it, you don't go away with it. So we shouldn't cause people to lose their

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property. The fourth thing you mentioned SallAllahu and he was sending them is that the believer, he defends his brother in his absence. He defends his brother, when his brother is not present. This hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no doubt is from his July mirror, and Kalam. It's one of those many a hadith that explained to us the fic of the Brotherhood of Allah slam.

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I think most people know and understand in the grasp that we are brothers in this religion. They grasp that concept theoretically speaking, but the fifth of the Brotherhood and how to be brothers one to another, the understanding the correct understanding of it, and the importance that Ellis lamb placed on the issue.

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Most people don't know except those people that Eliza gentle had as Rama upon them, and he guided them to understand this critical issue. A who were to fill Islam, the brotherhood of Elissa, you will find that a person may be someone's biological brother, but they don't get along for one reason or another. They don't speak and they're enemies and they have enmity and animosity towards one another. And then you will find people war brothers in this religion and they are closer to their

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religious brothers than they are to their own blood brothers, especially when the book the blood brothers are on another religion other than theirs. So no

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I said to Eliza Joe, that he wanted his son to be saved. He said my son is my son, my family. And along the time I mentioned to Noah, and Noah who lays him and Alec, and no I'm alone, hallo Silas, he has nothing your family. He does the actions of those people who are not religious, your family or the family of those people who have an Amen. So because his son was a person who was doing those things against the deen, Allah azza wa jal negated and said, he's not you from your family. He is

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the biological son of Noah, his biological son, no doubt about that. But the real family in Ellison is the one that's going to be a benefit yomo chiamo and people are on this Dean, and they become brothers and sisters, one to another. So this is one of the many a hadith that give us the fifth of the Brotherhood of Allah slang. And we have mentioned in this masjid, and other masajid a lecture about the fifth of the Brotherhood of Allah SNAM. We have mentioned that the scholars of Islam based

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upon the Quran and the Sunnah, they say that the brotherhood of Al Islam has three other kind three pillars to it, like the Ark kind of Al Islam and the ark kind of L II man. The thing that the structure is built upon, if the foundation is going to be weaker than whatever is built upon is going to be weak. And those scholars said from the eyes of Allah subhana wa dawn in the Quran.

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In taboo a common Salah will add to the can fit one or confit Dean, if those non Muslims of Quraysh yeah Muhammad. If they make Toba and they perform salah, and they give the cat then they your brothers in Al Islam. So Allah established his brotherhood between Rasul Allah, he's on the line he was setting them and the non Muslims of Quraysh when they did those three things, and we explained what is it to be making Toba for a person to leave shitcan to come into Allah slab and he asked to

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establish the salah, but if he's not praying, then he's not your brother, because the difference between a man being a Muslim and a non Muslim is the salah. Whoever abandons it, he has disbelieved. And the third issue is zakat. And we explained all of that. We also explained for months already a marvelous lamb said that the brotherhood of Islam and has levels it's not just one level of brotherhood.

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The lowest level of brotherhood is that you shouldn't harm or hurt your brother in any shape, form or fashion, no other. You shouldn't smoke, when smoking is going to hurt him. You shouldn't leave something in the road that can possibly harm him. His little child is running around the masjid and you want to discipline the child in a way that's going to annoy him. So the least that we should do is we shouldn't make an ad that shouldn't bother people annoying him. The next level of the

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Brotherhood is love and for your brother, what you love for yourself. Love him for your brother, what you love for yourself and not being from them 15 Those people who we want full measure when it's for us, but when it's against us, we don't give full measure. And then we have the third and highest level of the Brotherhood in LSM. And that is an ethos for you to prefer your brother over yourself. You have the right to something in your heart, but you give it to him out of respect. I

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love love the way the unsavoury did when the MaHA Julene came to them for mechana came to Medina. I love the title to describe and you feel all that and then forcing him will kind of be him her salsa, like the little man little brother. He just gave this to me and it was his hop. But he brought it to me just oh hello Hira.

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So Allah described the inside me said that they preferred the Mohawk journey over themselves. Although they didn't have any money. They didn't have anything. But the little that they had, they gave it to him. So that's the highest level of the Brotherhood from the keytab in the Sunnah. As it relates to the issue of today, it deals with the third aspect that we had talked about, and that is the rights of the brothers, the rights of the Brotherhood, and they all lacked

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and what was collected by Imam Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hackled Muslim man and Muslim sit on the rights that a Muslim has on another Muslim or six. And he went to mention that and he mentioned these six in this hadith because of their importance. There are other ones that have been mentioned, like what we have in today's Hadith from the rights that we have upon each other

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If Allah kita, who for salam ala he if you meet your brother than give him salaams whether the Arca for Egypt, if he invites you, then you should answer the invitation to the kicker to the walima, to the dinner, to the lunch to whatever it is, if he invites you, you should go. He says Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam were either stanza funds or level. If he asked you for advice and gave him sincere, true advice, don't give him advice, to rip them off, to take advantage of them to send them astray.

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He mentioned Sallalahu, it was setting them whatever, after some

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for Hamidullah for submittal, if he sneezes and says Alhamdulillah, then you should say your hammock Allah. That's only if he says Alhamdulillah is his heart had choked, and hamdulillah your hammock Allah, if He doesn't say Alhamdulillah you don't have to give him his rights. You don't have to say anything. Like the baby who sneezes and the baby can say Alhamdulillah LA, you can live Allahu nevsun levels.

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And then he mentioned Sallalahu it was set to number five, and then Merida for root who if you become sick from his rights is that you should go and you should visit him. It doesn't have to necessarily be in the hospital, it can be bedridden at home, it could break broke, he could have broken his leg. So he's incapacitated for a day or two, you're going to visit him and that condition whatever Mata for tobacco, and if he dies from his rights, that you follow his Janaza. So that

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hadith mentioned six, but they're more than those six, just a show of Janaza. From his heart case, you have to pray over him. From his heart page, you have to wash his body from his heartbeat, you have to take care of his his debt and so forth and so on. He told the people SallAllahu it was sending them help your brother if he is oppressed or if he is the oppressor. They said we know how to help him if he is oppressed, but how do we help him if he's the oppressor? He says stop him from

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doing the oppression. You have to assist him and grab him and stop him from doing the oppression. So the hook of the Brotherhood the rights of the Brotherhood, they are many, the thick of the Brotherhood in Al Islam and by default, the sisterhood of illis Nam. The fifth of this issue is an issue that we need to read about we need to comprehend and more than that, we have to try to imply we have to try to practice it. Now you may know I had a bully or he may be old enough see him in

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Ohio. None of you truly believe into love for your brother what you love for yourself.

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You don't really believe in Ellis lamb into you love for that brother, but you love for yourself. Which brings us to today's issue. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a lot about the brotherhood of Islam and that's because he brought different people together as Allah mentioned in a number of ayat of the Quran called Yeah, your nurse in me Rasulullah he may say, oh people, I'm the Messenger of Allah to all of you people. When my Mama Mama, Ursula K Illa, Katha nurse

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by sharing when Avira we sent you to all of the people, as a warner and as a person given glad tightness. So since the Prophet was sent to everybody, sallallahu alayhi wa salam, everybody, from the men and the jinn white and black, rich and poor, Arab and non Arab. That means that people have to come and learn and understand how to be brothers, and this religion. And that's what we saw, when we saw the blueprint of success being shown to us by the companions of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe

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Salam, who came from different tribes and different backgrounds, and they showed us the practical way of how they became brothers. We saw it. We saw how they were before Al Islam in Jamia and then we saw when they came into Islam, how they became brothers, although they were from different backgrounds, different walks of life, Abu Bakar amount of man and it was Arab some Kurdish Sandman and Fantasy was Persian, from Persia Far, far away from where the Arabs were belie liberated by

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although he had Arab in him. He was from Ethiopia. Habesha Radi Allahu Anhu edge mind. So haber Rooney was from Rome. So all of these people, they had different backgrounds and some of them they had the background of being from the hood and they came into this religion and Allah

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mentioned above the U haul lethargy then shut the NASCI Adamawa tunnel livina Manu Elio hood while living in a Sherco you will find those people with the most intimate T animosity problems towards the believers are the yo hold and the poly fi it's and that's because Islam is the religion of a tow heap and the machete Cohn they like should come they don't like Tauheed Islam is the religion of what the prophets and the messengers were upon, and they are who they were killing the prophets and

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the messengers. So those two groups, you find them really, with having animosity towards the people of Allah slab. But when they were mistreated cone and accepted of Islam, when they will you hold and they accepted Islam during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam they became brothers, and those companions they are a delille against us, or Hijjah a delille against us, and that if they can do it, it can be done. Allah doesn't command people to do those things that are impossible. He

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commanded them and they showed us the way to do it. They showed us the do's and the don'ts and this is why it is important at 20 that we get fic comprehension understanding of the Brotherhood and Ellis van don't just read some high Ed he in a high beef there. No we have to learn the issue. The do's and the don'ts. What does he mean seems to be happening Lehi, Jimmy for Rocco was Kuru if quantum Ida for bringing up Hulu become first back to MIT he wanna welcome to Mother shefa, who

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frightened men and Nari van Kedah caminha could they could you bake in Hula, hula? Can I add it in I look into the dune

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Allah commanded them.

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He said hold on all together, you 90 Hold on to the rope of Allah and don't be divided amongst yourselves. And remember the Name of Allah upon you. When you used to be enemies one to the another. The Mexicans they hated each other. Different tribes they hated each other. And Medina they hated each other. That every reason that kept them divided like the people today,

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people in Pakistan they hate each other people in India they hate each other people in America hate each other people hate each other everywhere you go. The deen of Allah azza wa jal King, and it organized that situation and remember the name of Allah upon you when your enemies one to another. And Allah brought your hearts together. And he made you brothers, Myanmar made you brothers and you on the brink of the Hellfire about the fallen. But Allah has saved you like sending Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he taught these people how to be brothers.

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He taught us how to be brothers. So in today's Hadith, as we mentioned, is one of those many a hadith that gives us the example of how the Prophet used to teach SallAllahu I didn't send him he was the best teacher. He was the best teacher. He used to teach by showing doing the actions. So he was always the one who was in front. Whenever the war was taking place. He was in the middle at the hottest part of the of the battlefield. And he was showing that people his courage and his bravery

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to say, and he used to do, as the Companions say, God, Allah, so Allah told me something I only can ask of you. He said, say, I believe and then be up, right? Because when the Prophet said it, he meant it. And he practiced it. Where we say we say, I'm a movement inshallah. And we don't have any hesitation in saying, We are believers in sha Allah. But are we doing everything that proves that? I believe in your piano? Are we doing everything that

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proves that I love my mother? Am I doing everything that proves that when the Prophet said something, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you didn't see double talk in his situation. He said it and he meant what he said. And he used to say what he means sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So in regards to the Companions, the Prophet mentioned SallAllahu Sallam about the Brotherhood. His statement and movement, little movement Caliban Yan, you should do bah boo, bah, bah. The believer to his brother

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is like a solid Seaman structure. They support one another. That's one of the many a hadith teaching about the brotherhood of Al Islam. That's the believers they give support to one another.

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When he needs something, his brother is there to help him to guide him to advise him

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to support him during the good times and the bad time, he's not a fair weather friend. When things have real cold, and everything is going well, he's on the scene and his face is up in the source. But when things are going downhill, they spiraled out of control. When he looks around, he doesn't find that person at that time when he needs them. The believer towards the believer is like a solid seeming to structure and they support each other and he did his hands like this SallAllahu it was

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setting them that was mentioned in the Quran as well. And sort of as soft when Allah described those people make jihad. He loves those people who make jihad in the United Front, collectively, and know whom bliana model suits as if they are solid Seaman destructure. And every time something would happen during the course of the life of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, his companions were they were being divided, or the Unity was compromised, the newbie was stepped in. And he was stopped that

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situation from those ahaadeeth Is the statements of Allah who it was setting them and the way he used to teach method meaning fita wide de him. What took off for me him what the law Gliffy him can methanol, Jesse, either steca men who are doomed to die Allah Who said it will just said, Baby, sir, welcome the example of the Muslims in their love for one another, and the mercy that they have for one another between themselves. And the gentleness that's displayed between them is like the example

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of when body if one part of the body hurts, the rest of the body will suffer from sleeplessness and from fever. So what's going on with our Muslim brothers in China? What's going on with our Muslim brothers in Iraq, in Syria? What's going on Muslim brother across the street from where you live in that, that's something that we cannot say that's the problem. Enough's enough. See, now granted, you do what you have the ability to do a lot doesn't burden you beyond your scope. But there is a weak

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Hadith. He is not from us, the one who doesn't pay attention to our affairs is a weak ID. But the meaning of hadith is true. If you are Muslim, you have to care about the Muslims. And that's why you can't be a grassy you can't be erect. You can't be in the community ratting on people. And a lot of times these rats, these rats, they're lyin they want to get the visa for themselves. They want to get the ability to stay for themselves. So they make things up about people. We have those people

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throughout this country, saying that this one is extreme and that one is extreme and this and we do all this nonsense. You have a problem with someone. He goes on vacation, someone comes and they call the authorities and let him know he went on vacation.

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So problem, the Muslim is not like that. He is not like that. He's gonna go to the individual and he's going to write to him and give him advice. The Prophet gave an example of his daughter Salah while he was setting them Fatima you said Fatima bid Dominique. Fatima is a piece of meat.

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Whatever hurts her hurts me.

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That that my daughter, that's my bent, Robbie, Allah Anna. She is a piece of me. So I don't even have a toilet, your husband, you the husband. If you heard her, you're hurting me. And that's why he said that. He said that regarding an issue where I didn't want it to do something that Fatima wasn't happy with. And it didn't make the Prophet happy as well. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says she is a piece of meat. If you want to get married again, I don't make getting married. Halal haram is

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halal for you to marry more than one woman's allow you want to do that. But you're not going to marry his daughter while you're being married to my daughter. Prophet Muhammad wasn't against plural marriage. I really believe that. He was against the fact that it even it thought it was contemplating marrying the daughter of Abu Jaya, the enemy of Islam. How are you going to be married to Abu Jahaz daughter and the daughter of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam simultaneously, there is the

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daughter of the Habib of Allah. And that's the daughter of the I do Allah azza wa jal, he's the enemy of Allah, and the Malacca and the son of meaning. So the Prophet said, I don't mean haram. Hello, hello Hara, you want to marry her. You marry her, but you got to divorce my daughter, because Fatima is a piece of meat. And that's how we have to look at the situation. Those of you who are Muslims, and your family members are Muslims as well. Your relationship has to be even more solid,

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even more solid. Those of you who your family are not Muslims. Then you have to hold on to the Muslim community, but never forget the heart of your family over

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You before explaining this hadith 20 There's a really important point I want to make about the teaching method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the believers a mirror to the believer. Rasul Allah used to talk to the people based upon what they understood examples from their environment, things that are not disputed things that the most educated person can understand and benefit from, and the least educated can understand and benefit from.

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And men mirror to men, you get the smallest kid in the semester and say, Come here, how is the believer, like the mirror, why is the believer like the mirror to his Muslim brother, that little kid can come up with reasons so the Prophet used to teach Salah while he was setting them. And according to the understanding of the people, it is not from our religion, for us to talk about things in issues that are not speaking directly to the reality of our community. So that a team on

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Friday, he should use that time 30 minutes to address the issues of the community, r s e, for an example, racism in the community for an example. He should talk about gun crime, he should talk about knife crime, he should talk about holding on to the Islamic identity, he should talk about Allahu Allah, Al Bara, all of those issues, and we can never put enough emphasis on always repeating every week the importance of the Tawheed of Allah and following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam don't come here to keep telling us about stuff that's going on in Baghdad.

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It doesn't, it doesn't resonate with us, the price of bread, bread and Baghdad has nothing to do with us. And this is, in my opinion, where the Salafi Dawa and the DoD have failed some of our communities, and that we've engaged the intellect of the people with issues that have nothing to do with our community. My mother, my father, my relatives, non Muslims, I need to be given them Dawa it Allah

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and our community, we have a high divorce rate, and our community, our children are going astray and leaving the slam, that getting shot, they're shooting people, they're getting killed, they go to jail.

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And our religion, our daughters, our daughters, they are going to the club and they're dancing, and they're doing all of that real issues. And I'm going to engage my community about Abu Hassan and Malaby love allottee. When I do that, I'm making a grave error. Prophet Muhammad used to talk to the people about the things that were in their environment, things that they needed to understand. So $1 To send a fear has to be in the forefront. As it relates to the challenges that are on the table. In

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our communities. We and our voice should be the voice that people hear when we're addressing this issue of our S E. When we're addressing all of these issues back in America. Black Lives Matter. For one example, whatever the issue happens to be. We're supposed to come to the table with a proper understanding to address the people. So then it'd be mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and movement, Murata movement. The believer is the mirror to a believer simple 20 And this is from his

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July mal Kadam it can be understood Nene ways for an example when you stand before that mirror, and you look at that mirror, that reflection that you see in that mirror. I'm asking you guys this question. When you look in the mirror, that reflection that you see in the mirror, is he a first class citizen or a second class citizen?

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He's a first class citizen, my man says second class citizen. He's a first class citizen because he's you as you.

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So just as you look at him as being a first class citizen, you have to look at your brother as being a first class citizen. You can't look at him and say, look at his color. His colors darkened in mind. He has hair different from mine. He comes from other than where I come from. He's a second class citizen who made him second class. In a chroma come in the line at Qualcomm. The one who has the best level from you is the one who has the most tequila. So that's one of the meanings of it.

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One of the meanings of it. Another meaning of it is what Imam Abu do brought this hadith in his book for. Well Imam Bukhari brought this hadith in his book, not in Sahih Bukhari but he has a book called Edit and move from an edit and more flat. It's one of the important books of an emammal Buhari is not cited Bukhari and Sahih Bukhari there's a chapter called Kitab and edit the chapter

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Have etiquettes not that there's another book in this book, or a hadith that authentic and some that are weak and abandoned Cain Rahmatullahi I know he any service the book, he may one volume, all of the authentic hadith. And the other one the week hadith is a very important book, very similar to Riyadh, the salah hain. And remember Bukhari and Imam Abu Dhabi, who they brought this in the book in the chapter of a nnessee Ha, and Naseeha. So your brother is a mirror to you mean and when you

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look in the mirror, the mirror is going to tell you a Your coffee is like this, your leg is like that, hey, you need to sort this thing out. You have fold is too long. That New Thought you didn't really you didn't want it that long. But they made it long you looking at mirror, that mirror is going to tell you, yo yo have you had this bow, your brother, when he sees that he's going to do the same thing. You're going to give advice that's from the heart that the Muslim has on his brother, he

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goes to him and he says, Hey, listen,

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you know, during your class, during your class, you should be careful about mentioning this. And you should be careful about mentioning that because it comes across like this and it comes across like that. Whatever the case be, whatever the case may be, and I don't have to tell you guys about the importance of nnessee Hon this religion, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to take the bear from people that you say like ILAHA, Illa, Allah, you know, make ship with ALLAH and you establish

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the Salah, and you give advice to every Muslim and the man say, okay, that's his bare Pledge of Allegiance, I do not see her, I do not see her, I do not see her. This religion is giving good advice. The whole religion is no see.

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So unfortunately, when it comes to the fit of the Brotherhood of Al Islam, someone will tell you about someone else. And instead of you calling them up to talk to him about it to ascertain Is it true, and then to advise them will tell the next person and we'll tell the next person will tell the next person is crazy. It's really insanity. We live in a situation that is insane. I mean, it's really insane. Anything we hear about someone is true. But if it was you, and people were saying any

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and everything about you, you will want people to say,

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Where's the proof of that? Don't believe that until you ascertain as to its validity, and so forth, and so on.

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So that's one of the meanings of the Hadith, that the brother gives advice to his brother. Now the meaning of the Hadith. 20 is

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when you look in that mirror, the mirror is going to tell you about the good and the bad of what it sees in you. It's going to show you the good and the bad.

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You are a person for example, you may be overweight for an example. And you're overweight because you over eat, and you don't exercise. So as blameworthy not that is genetic, you over eat. And as a result of that, you're overweight and you don't work out. So when you look at your situation, the mirror is going to tell you a reality, the good and bad. Wow, you look nice, that's really a nice job, you have a nice hat that you have on your shoes, and nice and so forth and so on. So the mirror

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is fair, and the mirror is just the mirror, he has an adult,

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you have to be fair with people that have to be fair with people, the men, as it relates to the other believers, he is fairly is just my friend had a problem with a brother who's not my friend. When I hear the situation, I can't be on my friend side just because he's my friend. The movement to his brother is like a mirror. He has to hear the truth. Wherever the truth falls, he's going to make his position known. And he's going to let the chips fall where they make.

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So we can't be like those people who we just want to show the bad of people.

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We just want to show the bad of people. The mirror doesn't do that. And I'm not calling to and my wife's not here because my cannamd here is in a context. We don't want to say look, he you know, innovative people, people who are moved Teddy, Teddy, they got good, we have to look at the good. No, this is not the time to say that. But time when it comes to people of innovation, the time is to make it clear this innovation and this innovation has to be dealt with in accordance to what needs

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to be done and say

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had to deal with it effectively. And we're not going to play around on that issue. So we're not talking about that. We're talking about just being fair and just with people, your enemy, as well as your friend, your friend and your fault.

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When you look at the mirror and whiny in the mirror tells you about the new sand, the tough sear, the NUCCA is you know, is telling you about the things that are wrong. Something's not right, you had it's not right, you have lengthen your legs, yet something is not right, the mirror is telling you that, when the mirror is telling you that it doesn't screen that out to you.

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It doesn't scream that out to you. It says it very quietly, hey, get yourself together, and go comb your hair. So when you're going to give advice to your brother, don't advise him by kicking his back out and blowing him off the scene. Because you want the guide to be guided her right? The same way you want to be guided to the truth.

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So who in his right mind is going to accept from people when you're roughing tough with them, it's just not from the fitrah people will reject the truth if you're rough and tough and you're nasty with them. So this hadith shows a whiny listen to this, listen to this. When you look at that mirror, and you look at the reflection as coming back to you, that reflection of yourself is important. It is important. Your brother is important like that as well. Your brother is important,

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you have to look at him like that. You have to love for him, what you love for yourself. You want to be treated a particular way, then treat that man in the way that you want to be treated. This is probably one of the most difficult things that we have on the table in terms of practicing our religion, practicing our deen, just everybody treat everybody else the way that you want to be treated. That's all it's as simple as that. If you don't want him in your business, then you

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shouldn't mind other people's business. The hadith went on to say that the believer is the mirror to the believer and the believers of brava to a believer. And that's why he's a mirror because he's his brother. So by default, he is going to be a mirror. And he your call for Allah, He by Idaho, anything of his property, he's going to do whatever he possibly can do to help safeguard his property, whatever he can do. So if his brother leaves his lights on to the car, and he went inside,

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he's going to bring that to his attention. He's not going to just say, Man, I'm gonna leave it. This is his problem, or I'm Shine embarrassed about knocking on his door at this time, I don't know how he's going to take that the motivation that the person has is, nah, I can't let my brother be in a situation where, because of my negligence in this particular thing, it could cause him some hardship. He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, or his wife is pregnant. He didn't know he left

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the lights on. Now she's going to have the baby in the middle of the night, he gets up and he can't start the car up because the battery is dead. And all you had to do was say a turn your car lights off. So everything concerning his property. It's your job and responsibility to safeguard it. His situation. Your kids shouldn't steal from his store. And if they were to steal from the store, you got to do something about it. So as easy as easy. Just take care of your brother's property. The

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last thing he mentioned

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he defends him in his absence. He defends him in his absence. You should know. Yeah, he Abdullah Amma tila.

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If people talk about other people in your presence, they more than likely they talk about you as well. When you're absent.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:32

You know, some of you are not married Shala you're going to get married. And you're going to learn different things about being married. Some of the positives and the negatives. One of the negatives about getting married is being married to a lady who you have Pillow Talk, pillow talk, you know, we just be chewing the cud, you know, chopping it up with your honey.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:54

Some people when they do that, and they chop it up. All they do is talking about fallen and I learned he did this she did that he went over there they got divorced and went over there to just them as if they don't have enough to discuss about their own family. They have more than enough lovey dovey things to say to each other.

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It's like that situation where you should tell the person Hey, hey, hey,

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Get a grip, get a grip, get a life.

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That kind of pillow talk is why

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talking about everybody. So if you're in the presence of someone, and he's given to speak in about people in their absence, especially when it's not even needed to bring them down, not even meet it. There is no religious reason to do this thing.

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They more than likely chances are, they speak about you as well. And we have that with the Companions throughout the history of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Manasa kin was traveling with the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were passing the time away. And they were saying things like, oh, we have never seen a group of people who eat more than the companions of Prophet Muhammad. We have never seen a group of people talk more than these people talk so much

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long tongues. We have never seen a group of people who when it's time to meet the enemy, these guys are countless and scared. One of the companions said, I heard what you said, You people I'm gonna keep going.

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And I'm gonna go and tell the Prophet what you said.

00:41:09 --> 00:41:39

How are you going to say things like that we traveling in jihad, are you saying this about the people? And that man when he told the prophet what they said some Allah who it was said that they ran to catch up Yeah, Rasul Allah in the Quran, Allah who we were just passing time we were just playing around. We were just you know, shooting the time. The Prophet was told by Allah Who tied up call a biller, he were it was also a quantum tester is he Oh, are you joking and laughing and

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playing about Allah His I add in His Messenger, don't offer any excuses, you have disbelief.

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The point here is that companion didn't allow that to be said.

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And he wasn't looked at as being a rat, a grass? No, that was his religious responsibility to defend the people of Al Islam. And that used to happen all the time between the companions and the people are Diwan Allah Allah, Allah him, God, Abel domanick When he didn't go to the jihad, some people started talking about them when the prophets of Allah was setting them said, Where's God? Where's he yet? Someone said, y'all Rasul Allah, he stayed back in Medina and looking at his clothes, he was

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really just happy with his clothes. When one of his brother's friends heard that he said, you lie, you lie in

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something, held them back out or sold. I don't know what it is, but something held them that maybe defended the man.

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So the point here is, we had that responsibility to defend any and every Muslim, when people are talking listen to 20.

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This culture that these kids have of social media, where people comment, you know, the keyboard warriors will come in, and they don't have a lot of knowledge. And when they come in, they'll talk about people's honor. They'll talk about things that is just conjecture. They'll talk about things that they have no way of knowing. Is it true? Is it not true? They just the important thing is, I have to say something because as that guy said, I don't want mention his name. He doesn't deserve to

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be mentioned in our messages of famous artists, from these non Muslims while in our lifestyle. He says something true to everybody wants this 60 seconds of fame.

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So people get that on the internet. If you're watching comments that people are making against people, the one who the comment is being made against may not be your favorite speaker may not have anything to do with you, his Dawa may not even be the dower that you subscribe to. But still, you got an opportunity to set the record straight. Look, this brother is not my favorite speaker. But what you're saying is Ott, because you have no proof. Why are you saying that? Why? How do you know

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00:44:10 --> 00:44:41

So that's one of the many ways that we can get benefit off of that social media where people are making accusations and statements, and they're lodging these things against people. And there's no way in the world that that person can know. Is that true or not? And many times you may even know he's just lying. I looked at a talk today I was shocked. Someone sent me a talk about that brother from Jamaica Faisal. And he was still talking that same stuff. I was shocked after all these years.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

You're still talking like that. You make everybody non Muslims. You want them to be muslims when it suits you and they're not Muslims when they don't suit you. So then basil banning everybody's Saudi Arabians everybody has a non Muslim everybody. Everybody's an Amazon and now

00:45:00 --> 00:45:27

Have they become non Muslims because they're dropping bombs on Pakistan and they're dropping bombs. The American army is dropping bombs and drone missiles on Pakistan and on Afghanistan, and they're killing Muslims, and you're with the American army. So you will now Muslim because with the American army just like that, you are now Muslim, because they are dropping bombs on Muslims in Pakistan. And in Afghanistan. Wait a minute, wait a minute, but you make wholesale took fear. Right? If people

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don't pray, then I'm Muslims. So when they drop bombs on people, we're not praying on faith non Muslims dropping bombs on non Muslims. And that's the problem with the Dow, the Dow is just all over the place. And the point I'm making here is taking people outside of the slam and making tech feed of them because it's just the way you go through your you know, your chain of thinking the news, the madness. And if we were to do that against you, we can do that with everybody living here in a non

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Muslim society and getting that passport in a non Muslim society. If a person wanted to argue that is a form of conference so you're careful he can do that. But we're not going to do that because that's looking at only a part of the issue. And this is one of the big problems with these people so defend each other whether you know him you don't know him the finger brother, that's his hub. Okay, when if you guys have any questions concerning today's Doris with these four points, you can put

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your questions forward Bartok Luffy, como Assam like they

00:46:39 --> 00:46:40

are in the cache

00:46:44 --> 00:46:46

for the Liban.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:45

CERN in the issue of combining salatu Juma with the Asad, prayers, it permissible, we remember that Islam have the life in this issue of the life and some of them say that it is not permissible because Juma is not set up the VOR and D indicative of the fact that it's only two rakaats. There's a hotbed So you combine Volker with acid and not Juma and with an acid. So some of the Anima took that position. And from them is Al Imam, admin. And then other animals said, No, you can combine

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between vor and between Juma and alasa. And that's because of the ELA. Or the reason

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why come combining has been allowed. And that is to raise difficulty off of people. So right now, they do my prayers close to the ASA prayer. So we want to combine for an example, so that we don't have to come back to the masjid and people can get the reward of Juma and also praying to Austin, MSG, or it's raining or snowing or it's real cold. So you want to combine so it's an issue love the life. You read the side that those people took the side that those people took, and then you are

00:48:28 --> 00:48:53

tolerant towards the people who have the other side. In my opinion, the strongest position is sha Allah azza wa jal is the permissibility of combining. And I want to draw your attention to the book by the chef whose book we're learning right now Chef ideal headed. He has a book called keytab. I can and she taught the book of the rules of this winter time.

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And it's been translated into English. So it is definitely on the internet. It's one of those PDF.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:20

You can get that in a PDF or you can buy it it's a really important book, the rules and regulations of the winter time. Things that Islam allowed us to do like we were talking about the fit of brotherhood. The summertime has fit and the winter time has fit as well.

00:49:22 --> 00:49:43

Okay, whiny Nick Tuffy behind the cutter, set in in Allah subhanho wa Taala and you were flipping out what Yeah, call me call me my boo Yaga Heather was salam Allah who was setting them robotic. And a Nubian. I mean, Subhana coloboma, were behind DECA. Why shadow Allah, Eva Illa and stuff Hirokawa to La cinema

The Believer is a ‘Mirror’ to his Brother

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