Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 17

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers stress the importance of privacy and privacy in public settings, particularly for beliefs and actions. They emphasize the need for true believers in religion and finding the best class for one. The church is a church, not a monarchy, and everyone is supposed to be a member of the same church. Shaping the flower in the culture of the church is important for spiritual well-being, and the church is not a monarchy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu, lillahi Neto, who when I started you know when I stopped Pharaoh, when I wrote to be la Himanshu Ruri fusina Woman sake de Arte I Marina manga de la Hoefler moved the Lahoma include the little fella had the level y shadow era in Lama who will share the kilo y shadow and Mohammed Abdullah who was local sallallahu alayhi. Wa early he was setting them steaming cathedra a month ago for inner Hallo cara cara Mala he will failover Houda Houda Rasulullah

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he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will shuttle more mark the third to ha what coulomb desert in vedantam What color?

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What color be that in Bolero GlobalData Tim Finn now we come to Hadith number 16 Hadith number 16. And this is the hadith of Yalda even when he Mr. And Musashi rod, the Alon and it's quite a long Hadith to be honest with you. It's a long Hadith and the chef have a lot of local data he

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named this particular chapter of his book Syrah and Muslim was che Tano the battle the struggle the match between the Muslim and his shaytaan

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so everyone as the Prophet informed his companions Allah Allahu Allah, he was sending them all of the Allah on edge man.

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He said that everyone has a Purim a shaytaan

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and that shaytaan is perpetually encouraging him or her to do the bad things.

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When the Companions may Allah be pleased with him heard that everyone has a shape on this and you got also like over shaped onto his I also have a shape on because he's from Adams children. But he shaytaan only commands him and only audits him to do what is correct. So today's topic is a Syrah and Muslim was shaped by

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the struggle, the wrestling match the competition that exists between each and every slave of Allah azza wa jal man and woman

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and between their shaytaan their Karim

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and this long Hadith we're just going to read it and make some tiny cut along the way because as I mentioned, it's really long to get deep into the explanation take two or three classes but

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we don't want that type of ethos Allah.

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The Prophet he says Allah Allahu Allah, he was salam alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullah Zeki

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he said, to his companions, and he came out to them and he said, Behold, my Lord, He has commanded me that I should teach you that which you did not know. And that which he Elijah General has taught me on this very day.

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So the first sentence nubby came out to his companions, Allahu alayhi wa salam.

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And he told them that Allah azza wa jal has commanded him to teach them that which they were not aware of. And this information was brought to him on this particular day.

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The day that he came out, and he said this hadith to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So that's a sign and an indication that deals with the basic reason why he was sent. The Hustle of his recyling is better that he came out as Allah mentioned in the number of is of the Quran to bait you in a nice minute Zilla Iliyan so that you can explain to them what was revealed to them. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam was the middleman if you will, between Allah azza wa jal in the Revelation and the people.

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Another important point concerning this particular Hadith, this first line is that it goes to show that the revelation during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, it used to start and stop, start and stop, start and stop.

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can walk you get to jet that used to be some things will be revealed today, to three days go by, and then the new thing will be revealed the Quran was revealed like that. And plus throughout his lifetime sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was addressing people according to the situations that were presenting themselves. He went on to mention SallAllahu it was sending them that Allah has instructed me to say the following things to you people. He said that the

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property or the wealth, and which I Allah, I've given to my servants. It is lawful for them it is halau for them. So anybody who has been given money, he inherited, inherited money, someone gave him a gift, somehow he worked and he got money in his possession. Don't let the shaytaan come to you and make was swass to you and it could be the shayateen of the end so the shayateen of the gin, who will come and make haram for you. Things of your wealth and Allah didn't make haram. So if Allah azza wa

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jal has given you some money and someone gave you a gift or something like that, then the apostle of that is because it's yours. It's your property, do with it, as you will. He went on to meet your SallAllahu it was selling that Allah mentioned this. In the HELOC to rebuy the Aquila home for Natha for Jaya add to Michelle pin for Stella to mendini.

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Allah instructed me to tell you people that I have created my servants and I created each and every one of them. Every human being is Haneef. He is upright, and he is on the fitrah fitter to let the federal NASA Alia the natural disposition to say La Ilaha illa Allah, but natural disposition, not to make shit with Allah. He created everybody with that natural disposition to look up. And to know that Allah azza wa jal is above that's all from the fitrah of what Allahu Taala is, but And Benny

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Adam is only one person who was on other than this fitrah and that was for now. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah Who Tada created for our own as a catheter, in the stomach of his mother, when he was in his mother's stomach, he was already a catheter. So he's one of the Imams of Cofer and Bullman fist, and for jewel and shit,

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other than that, everybody else is created on the fitrah. And then the shayateen came and change them from that fitrah that natural disposition made them Jews Christians. And other than that, and those Shayateen The Prophet said some of what he was selling that Allah said that those share team changed him from the right Diem and the champagne meet, haram for them, that which I may halau and they may halau for them, that which I made haram. And the share teen also commended them to ascribe

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partners to me Allah although there was no justification for that.

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So this particular part of the sentence is connected to the very first thing that the Prophet says of Allah who it when it was sending him that alone time I mentioned that whatever money he gave to a slave is serving it is halal. And that's because the shayateen came and they made the property of money of the people when their monies haram they made haram what's allowed allow us around and only Allah deserves the right to do that I'm loving them Shoraka shadow Allah Who minute Dean my let them

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be let do they have partners who make halal and haram and they legislate for them what Allah hasn't given the ability or the permission to do and this hadith one is very important point concerning the shaytaan a bliss and that is the bliss is always going to go in the opposite direction of what Allah has commanded. And he's always going to make with swas in order you and me and everybody else to go in the opposite. So if Allah means something Halal shaytaan is going to come and try to make it

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haram for Allah means something haram shaytaan is going to come try to make that thing Hello. Allah commands with Tauheed shaytaan is going to come and command people with schicke Allah commands with a sunnah l et de ba, ll T Salam shaytaan comes any wants the people to do innovation, Allah commanded with a unity be together unity shaitan is going to come and he's going to encourage people to be divided into fight, make problems like that. And this is part of why the Imam why the chef

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chose this title sera and Muslim, ma che Thani. This is the battle the wrestling match the competition between the slave and His shaytaan because shaytaan is always going to command you to do that which is in contradiction opposite of what lies which is telling you to do. And this competition, or this era, this wrestling match this fight. It is what began when Eliza gel created our father

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and it's going to remain with Adams children and they are shaytaan into yomo piano. And that's the promise of shaytaan. As Allahu Taala mentioned, his words in the Quran in surah saw the call for the exotica though we are known as the marine. In a bad that come in human moolah seen shaytaan sworn said, I swear by your mind and your power Allah by your Iza. I'm going to cause all of them to go astray to do what you don't want them to do. I'm going to cause all of them to go astray, except

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from Your servants from them who have lost those people who have sincerity. But not just sincerity is not enough. Sincerity is mentioned here. But it's also those people who have knowledge. Those people who know what they're doing, sincerity is not enough. They have knowledge, and they have sincerity. So concern in this side of this wrestling match this conflict with the shaytaan it is conflict that is old and is a conflict that is perpetual. So that's what the shout team they did,

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came and changed them for their religion. And they'll share pink can be the people's mothers and fathers. It can be the school, like the shouting of these mattresses, the modalities, teaching people relationships, and * education, and what they're teaching little kids at the age of four and five, how old are you share our team shared in all ends? Because there's no need no benefit for children learning and being exposed to information like that. That kind of information at that age,

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makes children go astray, is opening up the doors of fitment and facade. Those are the shayateen that change and mess up and jam up people's fit through that maybe he went on to mention some Lulu while he was setting them. And Verily Allah, the Prophet is telling his companions, some Allah while he was setting them. I looked at the people of the earth and he showed hatred, and you had hatred for the Arabs of the earth and for the non Arabs. That's everybody. The Arabs and the non Arabs.

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Two of the categories of people that come in our religion to the Quran and Sunnah we have categories. We have the Muslim moon, we have the Kathy rune, we have the moon Alfie Kohn. Those are some categories from the categories of people, all of the people are either Arabs or non Arabs. So Elijah looked at the people of the earth during the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before he became a Nabi and Allah azza wa jal hated the Arabs from them, and he hated the non Arabs from them,

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with the exception of some remnants from anarchy time, the meaning of that one is that during the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he stood before his companions, they were new to Islam, Islam and the Tao of Al Islam had just begun. So the vast majority of the people on the earth they were making shift can cover

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and this is a refutation against some of these people believe the unrepeatable our brothers and a Jana was created for agile keytab. Now, Jana is haram for Al Kitab. Right now. Jana was halau for anarchy type. When the Prophet said these words SallAllahu was sending them that Allah looked at the earth and he saw the Arabs in the Arabs and he had a hatred for them. And that was because of people making coffee and shit. So the Hadith establishes that Allah hates Allah hates in a way that befits

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His Majesty. He doesn't hate the way human being hates. He hates in a way that befits His Majesty and when he hates his hatred is with fairness and is with Justice is because people went away from the Siddhartha mu Stuckey. He went on to mention though, there were a few people from anarchy type, that Allahu Subhana wa Taala did not hate them. People like our mother had Egypt been to Hawaii and it the first wife of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa salam, may Allah be pleased with her. She had her

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cousin Wanaka Ibnu Nofal may Allah be pleased with him. When the Prophet sallallahu wasallam received those first act, he received them. She told him, Take yourself and go to what aka able to know Phil, let him tell you about it because he was uncluttered, and he still has some knowledge of their religion, but they were only a few so the prophet called them SallAllahu it was sending them remnants from anarchy time, only a few that was still practicing the religion. When Rasulullah came

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SallAllahu it was centered. And there were a few Arabs who believed in East

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Ah and they believe that Musa and then they came and they follow the Prophet sallallahu wasallam which prompted him to say to them and to say to some of us, Allah will give a man a double reward. He gives certain people double rewards. And from those people who will receive a double reward is the person who believed in his Nebby and then he believed in Rasul Allah when he came SallAllahu it was settled. So, there were a number of Jewish companions, who believed in Musa and her own Salawat

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Allah He was sent emiliani Hema, when Missoula came to Medina, they believed in the NABI SallAllahu, wasallam. There were some companions like Sandman and Pharisee, who had become a Christian, and other companions, like

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de IGNOU Hatem. They believed in Christianity, when the Prophet came Salallahu Alaihe Salam, they followed him. So those of you who used to be Jews or Christians, not see us, not Hindus, Jews or Christians, you want that stuff, and then you came into this lamb Shala you're one of those people that have to get double the reward. So Eliza Joe, he hated all the people with the exception of those few people from the water but during that time were from unlucky time. He said that Allah

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further went on he said, Yeah, Mohammed I've sent you, in order to test you, and in order to test the people through you or by you.

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So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was sent, and he was tested and he was tried as all of you know. And he said about himself, Sal, Allahu Allah. He was sent to my gouvia I hadn't Philippi met through my old veto. No one was tested the way I was tested. For Allah sake, no one was tested like me. And we know some of what happened with some of the prophets and messengers, some of the religious people who were cut and split in half. And although that didn't happen to the NABI SallAllahu, he was

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sending them that hadith of his helps us to understand no one no one had more fitna than the Prophet of Allah Islam. sallallahu alayhi wa, and he was sending them from his people, the one who was tied up, and he was cut from top to bottom. Yeah, that's a bad thing. And that didn't happen to Rasul Allah He SallAllahu wasallam. But similar to that happened to his companions, so it affected him. That man in the past who was split in half, maybe that was just was something that happened one day,

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two days, that's it was sort of like it's a lot he was sending them. He was persecuted for 23 years. And the first 13 years they were very bad. So he had to deal with the longevity of being put under the hammer of the persecution of the non Muslims. But that's the Sunnah of Allah azza wa jal. He said some Allah who it was sending Allah, that I have bad Dennis Taylor, who were in * inside our Raju, do you tell? Allah HESA Dini, if Allah loves a person, Allah will try him, put him to trials

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and tribulations and a person will be judged or tried, based upon the level of his Dean, if he has a strong Dean is going to be tried. If he has weak Dean, Allah will try it.

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We know people who, when something doesn't go right for them, they don't get a job. They've been broke for a long time right away. They say I'm not practicing them anymore.

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I'm not practicing Amazon, I'm done. Wash my hands slam is done. No, Allah has Rama on people like that. He doesn't try them. This is why everybody has to know whatever trial whatever tribulation that you're dealing with mental health issues, physical issues, whatever you're dealing with, you're not married, you want to get married, family problems, marital problems, economic issues, whatever it is. Allah doesn't try people beyond the scope and the ability. So you have to look at it. Maybe

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it's a sign that Allah loves you.

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And you have to look at it. You know, your level of Islam and your level of practice. Do you miss Prez him in there? How will you dress him? What are you doing? What are you doing when you are in the privacy of your own home? So you know your situation. Then you have to say to yourself, well, Allah He, the way that the Sunnah of Allah is, if I was really a practicing really strong Muslim, I will have stronger trials and tribulations. So just hang on to the rope of Allah azza wa jal, and

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continuously fight that Syrah fight a shaytan in the battle, as her trials and tribulations, just the Sunnah of Allah as we mentioned, Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran

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for Tana biohome be bound

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We try some of them with others. We try some of them with others. It's just how it is. But that's just how it is the Sunnah of Allah. So Allah azza wa jal in this hadith he told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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I have sent you in order to test you, and also to test the people through you like Muslims. We're being tested by Eliza gel through Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Because of that I have the Quran that everybody knows called In Kuntum to hipbone Allah for Tebbe ruining your bibble Kamala, we have Phil Lokum, the Nuba come tell them I mean, if you truly love a lot, then follow me. And Allah will love you and you'll forgive you for your sins. So if you really truly love Allah, then the vices and the mistakes and the shortcomings that we all have, if you truly love Allah, and the Prophet is the skill for you, He is the measurement for you. Then what you

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have to do is you have to look, you're not really being good and diligent in obeying your mother and your father, for example, you may not be the best husband, you may not be the best wife. You may not be the best worker, whatever your issue is, you're not making the salah whatever it is. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a fitna meaning, like what happened during that time was that it was revealed some of the monastic code and some of the people were claiming, we love Allah, we love

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Allah. And then Allah revealed this iron. If you really love Allah, then follow this man right here. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, follow him in your haircut and in your second act, and all of your movements and even in your times of being quiet and still

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he's that fitna meaning that tests and another ayat of the Quran Allah will Tyler mentioned about making fitness which are only about fitna we have made you people fitness to one another.

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I came here with my

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son son's my daughter I don't know where they added to fit in. I don't know if they're still in the parking lot. At Morrison's is a fitna now know where they are. So fitna.

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Allah is a fitna a make you go see when my kids that man? jokey sad man, he should have been yet no serious. They should have been you share time.

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Okay, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was setting them. He was made to be tried, the Lord tried him. And one of the reasons why I like tried him more than anyone else is because he's going to have a place in the McCammon machmood in the Jana that no one else has. So when he got sick, it was more than the average normal person

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his life he had to deal with more other and more fit that in any and everybody else why? Because he's going to be in that place. And no one else will Adams children are going to be in that place with him. So the top here and and the purification and cleaning him up so that he'll be in that particular place. That's one of the reasons for that fitna. Another reason is that he is Habib Ullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and if Allah tried him,

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and the way that he tried him, then what about you and you're not Habibollah to that degree, if you are Habibollah. So he lost salah, he was sending his wife, all of his sons died. His daughters died while he was living. They kicked him out of his city. They said he was a condemn a sham. They said that he was a cat when they said that the NABI SallAllahu wasallam was this and that and this and that. And all he was telling the people was Kulu, La ilaha illa Allah and you'll be successful. And

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he went through all of that. So someone looks at his situation. He says, yes, I've been afflicted with this. I don't have a job. They turned me down. I got this problem, my problem. So the Prophet told all of us compare your fitna with his sallallahu alayhi wa, and he was telling him, he went on to mention that Allahu Taala said to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And I sit down with you a book that cannot be washed away by water, so that you may recite it in the state of wakefulness and a

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state of sleep.

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That book is obviously the Kitab the Quran, the meaning essential book that can't be washed away by water. The meaning of baths the Kenai means that the Quran is my fool. It is preserved in the breast of men. It was memorized unlike any other book was memorized. So

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Can't just be washed away. Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran in

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vicar in Allahu Allah Hafiz goon. We Allah revealed this book. And Burley I'm going to protect it and preserve it.

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So if there is a flood in the tsunami as we saw in Indonesia, and the messages were washed away, and the Messiah in the masjid were washed away, still the people in Indonesia had her father who memorizes Quran. So that Quran is not going to be washed away until close to yomo Qiyamah where you straw either Kitabi la heeta Allah fie laid it in Wahida hot tub cough and out of the men who is

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close to yomo Qiyamah the Quran is going to be raised up at one time. And to the point, no one is going to even know one single ayat of the Quran. And that's because the people will be living during that time even from the Muslims are going to be the worst people to the point where you won't even find a person say Allah Allah, because most of the people are going to be non Muslims at that time. So you don't have people have L Islam on the face of the earth until that time, that Quran can't be

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washed away. And it will be recited while you were awake. And while you were sleeping. The meaning of that is that the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa it was setting them, although we always tell people, we shouldn't have a balloon, and go overboard and be extreme with Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and have it all the way until keytab had with a sibling money and other than Him Salawat de la he was cinnamon Rosaire and other than them, although we tell people that Nabil of Islam is a

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human being. He is an NS from Benny Adam and he is a basher. SallAllahu wasallam will Maha that he is a special human being.

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Not just a human being like that, like you and me. He's a special human being. He's an amazing human being. From many, many, many angles. SallAllahu aleyhi was suddenly made my mother and my father be sacrificed. The Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was salam was a unique, special human being. And those companions who had the ability and opportunity to live with him and be in his presence, they are people who have been blessed by Allah. At the same time, those people came later like us and we

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didn't see him we didn't meet him. We also have some virtues May Allah calls us to die on Islam and towhee. And that is because we never saw him we never met him. You know, they say Seeing is believing. We don't totally believe in that as Muslims but see and helps you to believe more. Thus, Ibrahim sera be enemy K factor in moto. Abraham said, Oh my Lord, show me how you give life to the dead. Allah said do you not believe he said I believe I just want my Eman to be my heart to be even

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more strong. So we don't believe totally open ended Seeing is believing. No, we never saw yomo Qiyamah. We never saw a de Zhao. We never saw a 7 million but we believe in all of that, all of that. So there is this thing where when you see something, it causes something to affect you more to resonate with you more. So when they saw those miracles, He would tell them something and it turned out the way that he said it sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what caused them to have another level

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of Eman? Now someone comes late and they didn't see that. They didn't see those things. But they believe in it because virtues in that, although in reality, we're seeing a lot of things that the Prophet told us about sallallahu alayhi wa sallam unfolding as if he was right here right now. And he was here right now. So Rasul Allah, He sallallahu alayhi. Wa it was sending them. He used to go to sleep. But when he went to sleep, his eyes were sleeping, but his heart wasn't sleeping. And

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that's from the Hassan is an especial qualities that he has. His eyes were asleep. And if you saw him in that state, you will say that he's sleeping, as some of the companions said he will be sleeping, and he was snoring sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all that was happening. His eyes were asleep, by his his, his his, his hear him as a person he wasn't sleeping. So he would recite that Quran because the Quran would come to him in that state. And the Quran would come to him as well.

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When he had yucca and he was just walking around Salallahu it he was It was Sunday. He said that Allah told me verbally I have sent you

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or a two to Henrico parrhesia I sent you to burn Quraysh

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burn Perez here means to destroy them and to fight them to the fight and destroy the a society that had been built and predicated upon Cofer and should an oppression, racism.

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It was built upon a lot of the pillars that we find prominent in the world today.

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I have sent you to destroy these people of Quraysh, who think they're better than everybody. They've been put in a position of virtues, but they're not taking care of the Amana.

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So when the Prophet heard that sallallahu alayhi, WA Ana, it was setting them. He said, Oh my Lord, they will break my head. In the same way that bread is broken. I'm coming to faith Quraysh to destroy college.

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I only have a few companions, and we can't even come out in public and worship Allah, they're giving us all these problems killing our companions, killing me and my people. If I've been sent to destroy them, they're gonna crack my head and break my my head the same way you break bread.

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Allah, Allah subhanaw taala told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, turn them out, as they turn you out, and fight against them. And we shall help you turn them out, as they turn you out, and fight against them, as they fight against you and we should help you. If you send an army, I will send an army five times as great as the army that you sent and spin in the way of Allah and I will spend upon you.

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Obvious obviously, according as we mentioned, the prophets in the messengers, they are especially human beings. And that doesn't the fact that the prophets and the messengers, it doesn't negate the fact that when they get sent on the missions to deal with some of these oppressive people, that there's not a sense of worry and concern that he has that they have, because of the numbers of the people or because of something that they may have done before. Like in the case of Musa who by

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himself, could beat everybody up.

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But when he was sent to fin on phenom was an oppressor and Musa said I kill someone from amongst them. I kill someone. If I come in there, telling them led me astray, I'll go, I'm guilty. I'm standing I'm coming into their place. And I'm a guilty man for the crime of murder and that somebody murdering someone from the team. When at first I was henchmen. So there's that trepidation and that natural sense of concern for oneself. So the Prophet looked at the situation and they had nothing to

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do with week II man had everything to do with just a concern that a person human being what hat and there's nothing wrong with that. There is a fear that the Muslim should only fear Allah shouldn't fear her husband shouldn't fear his wife shouldn't fear the parents shouldn't fear the police shouldn't fear the government shouldn't fear the principal in the school. When it comes to your religion say the truth. Don't be nasty and crazy. But say the truth. Don't be afraid of people.

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Don't be afraid of people it is what it is.

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But then there's that natural fear, that natural fear that is not shitting my natural fear that it is not something that is blameworthy.

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Like being stopped by the police. You may get nervous, especially if you in America like some dog coming into the space it's crazy wild dog. So in the case of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Allahu Taala told them you send an army we're going to send army five times that army and that's what used to happen. So Allah mentioned in the number of ayat of the Quran, especially in the Battle of better if that does if history Funeral Home First the job Hola, como en mi momento calm the elfin men and

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Mala Inca team will defeat. Remember when you and your companions you will ask it Allah for help. Because you were 300 and the non Muslims were three times your number they were over 1000 that the battle of better and you never fought courage, no one ever fought Croatia is the first battle and you have a group of people who are weak. You don't have the same weaponry that courage has.

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And then the companions are asking Allah help us help us to defeat these people help us help us. The Prophet said to Allah azza wa jal if this small band of people are defeated today, they have bet that you won't be worshipped on the face of the earth. Allahu Taala said And remember, you and your companions sought my help.

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The Esther ratha and your LORD answered your prayer. And he said, Surely I'm going to send down angels 1000 angels come in and support another is at 3000 coming in support. So Jabril said, Yeah, Mohammed God also Allah, what is your opinion about your companions who fought and participated in the day of better? Prophet Muhammad said they're the best of us the best of this ummah.

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Jibreel second, Anakin monadic also the angels that participated in the battle. So Allah azza wa jal used to strengthen his Nabi SallAllahu wasallam. With Mala Iike. One angel is enough to deal with them to angels more than enough, but Allah will send a lot of angels, but also at the same time. Sometimes the Prophet used to lose battles, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't lose those battles because Allah was weak. Now you didn't lose those battles because Allah was weak. You don't

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win and you don't lose because Allah is weak. No, we are strong. No, you win or you lose based upon the color of Allah, the Mercy of Allah. If Allah chooses any shot, that's what's going to happen. If Muslims lose, they are losing because something that they're doing something that they're not doing. The newbie use, Allahu Allah, he went on, he was telling them, he said that Allahu Taala told them spin, and I will confer upon you. There's a hadith where the prophet told everybody you have to add

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them up noon for garlic, sanim, Adam spin, and Allah will spend on you.

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My Napa cutman saga pattern never ever, ever does someone's money become less, because of sadaqa. So if you have 20 pounds with you right now, and you spent 10 578, all of it. Never think that, that 20 pounds, even if it's gone, never think that it's been depleted. It's going to be there, you're going to find it, you're going to find it. And that hadith of the profit that is mishor and model G din, that hadith we have to always remember, when the people came in, they gave our Isha the sheep, for

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sadaqa. She's poor, she got to

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feed his guests.

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She gave it out for sadaqa a proof that a woman a woman and her husband's house, she can do things without his knowledge, provided. She knows that it's not going to be a fitna for him. Now she knows if he came home and said, Where's this thing? And where's that thing he found out? Hey, did you get that thing that I sent to you and your family night and get it? He asked his wife what happened to it? She said, Well, I gave it away. Well, if he didn't want you to give it away, he wasn't happy

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with that. It's not permissible for her to do that. That's her husband's house. But if she knows that her husband is Kadeem, and he's generous, and he's given he can, she can do what I shoulda did without the permission of the Nebby. Some a lot he was sending them. She gave everything out. But she kept the shoulder for her husband, because he liked the shoulder more than everything else. He came home. He said, What happened today? She said we received the sheep as sadaqa. What did you do

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with the sheep? She say out also Allah, I spent everything from the sheep. Nothing remains with us except the shoulder. That's the only thing that's still with us. Brother Muhammad said, No, all of the sheep is with us. And the only thing that doesn't remain with us is the shoulder. Because we're going to eat that shoulder, we're going to digest it, and then it's going to go away and goals.

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But that sadaqa that you gave away, you're going to find it in the law.

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So the point here is never ever, ever be build, thinking, you can't give sadaqa because you're a student and you don't have any money. You don't have a job. Don't be like that. giving sadaqa will help people from your family to get out of their problems giving sadaqa is a way where you get your sins forgiven, given sadaqa as a way where you bring happiness to people and the best deed is to cause another Muslim to be happy and so forth. So on. So the share hadn't been in Kedem is that the

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Hadith said, Oh, son of Adam spin and I will spend on you, Bill Alibaba was poor. May Allah be pleased when we used to live in the masjid. It was some other sofa. He was poor. The Prophet would tell him something Allahu Allah, he was telling me I beloved unfuck your garlic below, go and throwing some money and spending in sadaqa and Allah will spend on you. And when I didn't have any money,

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he didn't have a place to live at that time. So the point here is even you young kids, you young, young young kids, don't be a person who doesn't want to share that bio. Don't be a person who doesn't want to share. You want that mean? Hi, just me myself.

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Be nice always about you, you you, you know you have to give and look out for other people. We're almost done with the Hadith when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa it was sending them. He went on to mention that Allah told him fight against those people disobey Allah alongside those who obey Allah. So go and wage war against the caffeine, the majority mean, the fessor dilemma and fight them with those people who believe. Okay, it's another indication of the importance of mutual cooperation and

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a dowel Allah, mutual cooperation and Ben maruf and an animal you will not by yourself and you shouldn't be a person who's trying to give Dawa all by yourself solo Polly. We have to cooperate with each other. And when we disagree, I don't think I don't think that's the best point. I don't think that you should do that. I shouldn't blow up the spot and become so disruptive where the Dow has now degenerated into a situation where it's a laughingstock and the people of the Dow is a

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laughingstock. He invites you to that masjid, or to that university or to do this or that you don't agree. Now because I don't agree, everything has to stop now. Because I don't agree. That's that's the child dismission is selfishness that we have today.

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No one's going to agree with everything that someone else is saying. And if you're like that something's wrong with you. So only one person we agree with everything that they say. And that's the NIMBY of Islam, some love? Why do you sell it? So this brother wants to go and give Dawa over here, or he wants to bring a person to give Dawa to talk about atheism. And that brother is going to talk about atheism is the most qualified person to talk about atheism, articulate experience, he

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knows what he's doing.

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But this brother doesn't agree that we should call him in. So as a result of that we have willenberg ra over this situation. It's not our dean. It's not our dean. And that's why the Nebby used to tell his companions may Allah be pleased with them with some of the law. Why do you sell them? When you people go to that place where you're given dollar to tower rule, the tower rule amongst yourselves, you have to realize it's not going to go my way all the time. Sometimes I have to eat humble pie, I

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have to fall back. And I have to let it go according to what the eldest one is saying, or the one who's the leader, so forth and so on.

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That's part of the Hadith 20 And this is the main reason why the sheikh brought this hadith. He went on and he mentioned Rahmatullahi Tala Lee that the Prophet said to the people, so Elijah was sending them. The people of paradise are three and this is why he brought the Hadith 40 Hadith and the Muslim personality.

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So the people well Jana are three types. The first one is the ruler who was just unfair. He goes to Jana.

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So if a person is in a position of being in charge, and he is fair, and he is just because he has the ability to oppress people, but he doesn't do that seven people will be into the shade of Allah on the Day when they will be no shade. The very first person he mentioned was the Eman Idil. The fairing just ruler. Just as Elijah Joe won't forgive the ruler who lies he doesn't have to lie. He has all the power, no one's gonna do anything to him. So why lie?

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So that's one of the people who will be in the Paradise. The second one he mentioned, is the one who is truthful when he speaks he speaks to truth. And he has been endowed with the power and the ability to do good deeds.

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So he has said she has sick under the sun. And they also are doing the right DS. Some of the scholars said the meaning of this is their words, and their actions don't conflict. They say what they do and they do what they say. Yeah, you have levena

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all you who believe limita coluna Mala to falloon Why do you say that what you don't do Kabara McTernan Billahi and Kulu Mala to falloon it is a hideous thing Allah hates that you should say what you don't do. So that's the second person the third person who will be in the Jannah

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is the person who has Rama and they are kind hearted towards their relatives and towards every pious Muslim. And although he may be poor

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with his family and he has a large family, he doesn't beg.

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He's a person of gender, a person who has arrived but he's merciful and kind hearted towards his relatives, even if they're Kufa.

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I gotta mention this, not only to the people in this, sitting in this legend in his masjid, but also to people who may be hearing our voices, who we don't even know these people, but their situation with some people think when you come into this religion, or when you start practicing this religion, you have to be a person who has anti social behavior towards your relatives and things like that. No, that's not the case. You should treat your parents and your relatives, your distant relatives,

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far and wide, with a way that is sanctioned by Allah and His messenger, you go to Jannah, five and Rama towards those people, and also having Rama towards the Muslims who have a tabla, those Muslims who are practicing, you think they practice you believe they're practicing, you should be kind to them. And if a person has a large family and doesn't have a lot of money, he still doesn't beg. And that's a deal and plenty about this culture that's in this country.

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This culture of being on the dole and being on public assistance, when you don't have to be on public assistance. If you don't have to be on public assistance is better not being on public assistance, do your best to provide for you and your family and those who around you

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is a better situation. So those three people who will be in the agenda now and those three people were mentioned, because that's Islamic personality, want to mention them again, and we're almost done. Inshallah, the first person is the person who's the leader, he's faring just, the Prophet said about being fair and just SallAllahu sallam, he said, those people who are faring just with their families will be on members made out of light. yomo Qiyamah. So a man who has more than one wife, He

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is the ruler. In that case. He's the ruler of his family. Even the Prophet told us some of the law what he was saying that it's not permissible if you're going to a man's house, you can't sit in his salon, you can't sit on the chair, that's his chair, is his chair at the table. Don't sit in his chair, you know, the main chair, the head of the table, you have to get somewhere in the middle of the table, you go into the living room, you can see that big leather couch that recliners like that,

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you know, that's his chair, you can go directly to that chair, common sense a tail, you know, I gotta put my back towards the door. So I don't see anyone if anything happens, door opens, and I can't look at his chair. I can't sit in this chair. So when Muslims go into people's homes, we are etiquette, knock on the door a particular way. We stand and we wait. They open the door, we say something.

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We go when we sit in a particular place and tickle a particular way and so on. That's the deen of Allah azza wa jal being fair. And just number two, the person who was truthful, and he does good deeds, his words and his actions, both of them, they don't conflict, and the person who has Rama, and he's kind hearted towards his relatives, and towards every pious Muslims. And then he said, at the end of the Hadith, that the inmates of the Hellfire are five, that people will go to the

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Hellfire five. The first one is the weak person

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who lacks the ability to avoid evil

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can avoid evil, anything that comes his way. He loves to say to himself, don't do that. He's going to make a yard and just get in the current of that thing and let it take him wherever he wants to take them, as I don't even need to be taught him said. And that hadith of the ESA that he mentioned that we explained, I remember some time back the advice that he gave to Kumail Rahmatullahi. And he, he said that the people have three types. The first type of person is the scholar.

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The second one is the student of knowledge, who is on the Sybil have an agenda. He's a student of knowledge, not a scholar, but he's trying to learn his religion. So he's on the Seville of success. And then he said the third group and they're the minority. Those people who follow everybody will scream and shout, every night. Every current every new thing, whatever comes out, if we enter Arab Spring, he's with the Arab Spring. If we're going over to Syria, because everybody else's is gonna

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go over there. He's gonna go to Syria. He's going to be marching down the street is going to march down the street. Whatever the people are saying he's is going to be with that program. A copycat. As Abdullah Moscow said, Don't be at

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copycat. If the people do good, you do good. If the people do bad you do bad. He said the filter, no, use your brains measure the situation. If the people do good, you do good with them, that people do bad, don't do bad with them do good.

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The other people will from the Hellfire number two, the carefree person who pursues everything, irrespective of whether it's good or evil, and he doesn't have any care for his family or for their wealth. So whatever he wants to do, he's gonna do he doesn't care. What are the consequences, what's going to happen, doesn't care. Whatever comes to his mind, that's what he's going to do in a destroyed situation, help it he doesn't care. He's just looking. I want to do that thing. Number

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three, those dishonest people whose greed cannot be concealed, even in the case of minor things. Even in the case of minor things, he's a grown man. He's a grown man. But if he sees change sitting around here, there 20 Pence, 10 Pence, he'll still have money.

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Now I can see little kids 50 Pence, 20 Pence, that means something to them, they gotta go to store and get some candy for 20 Pence, 50 Pence, but a grown man, that should be insignificant to him. He doesn't care, opportunity to steal the money, whatever it is minor major is irrelevant. Number four, he says some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, those people who betrayed you, they portray you in the morning and in the evening, in regards to your family and your property. They are those people who they may

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be friends of your wife.

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They betray you because they don't give your wife that advice that she needs to hear a voice of reason to tell her Be patient, nah, have a good opinion.

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If the people going he said for arbitration, that guy wants to portray the husband. He wants to break them up all kinds of issues, family members, family members have a role in whiny when it comes to divorce. Family members, when it comes to divorce, the husband has responsibility. The wife has individual responsibilities. The family also has responsibilities.

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The family has things that they should do and things that they shouldn't do. Everybody has a role to play. So the family member who in your absence without your knowledge that given that advice to break up the family. These are the types of people this hadith is talking about number 4/4 category being a hellfire. The fifth and final description is the stingy, miserly person, the one who was Elia and those who are in the habit of abusing people and using obscene and foul language, obscene

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and foul language. May Allah azza wa jal forgive us for what comes out of our mouths. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as Aisha said he never used abusive of foul language. He said that the sign of a hypocrite, if he becomes mad and angry starts arguing he starts using foul language he becomes verbally abusive, it's not permissible for the Muslim to see cursing and swearing as being something that is a light hearted issue. It will put you in the hellfire. So these are the reasons

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why the sharer brought these particular this particular Hadith mentioning these eight qualities three people in the agenda and the five people in the Hellfire if you brothers have any questions inshallah you can put your questions forward Bartok Allah fie comm why seven lightning compelling the come shape?

00:53:43 --> 00:53:44

Go ahead, my man.

00:53:48 --> 00:53:49

The best way for what

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the best way for a layman to learn his religion, everybody's situation is different. Everybody is different. Here in the UK. I think probably the best way is to get with some students of knowledge who are like minded like him, they want to learn this religion. And they're going to support him and get into the classes or the class wherever those students are going. Because in order to get knowledge, the best way of getting knowledge is when something is structured, and you're going

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through the ABCs of getting knowledge. If you're taking a book, and you're going through that book, or in a particular branch of knowledge, you are taking that baby steps to graduate step by step by step by step in that knowledge as for picking up this book and reading it and picking up that book and reading it picking up that that's better than nothing because you have to read but that is not the way you're going to get the knowledge in the traditional way. Gotta go to the masjid find out

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who knows

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that Quran and get into a class where you learn in the two jewels of the Quran, and the memorization of the Quran, and that's the best class that you can get into. It's the best one.

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And then after that, you have to find somewhere where you can go and you can learn about the Tauheed of Allah azza wa jal while you're doing that, you're learning about the thick of Islam. And while you're doing that, you'll learn about the Arabic language. And you juggle your situation, you manage a situation, and the way that best best works for you. And all the details of your life because you're a student, you have other things that you're doing, you have a job, but just don't fool

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yourself into believing. You're going to read this book. And then you read that book, and then you read that book. That's good, that's beneficial, but your knowledge would be like Swiss cheese, you know, Swiss cheese got holes in it. You're going to have Swiss cheese knowledge, you gotta get in some class where you're going to learn the ABCs of the loom of La slang. Okay, any more questions? acquainting filat for the Yaffe?

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What's the difference between the shape on a bliss shaytaan is a bliss the bliss is shaytaan. He believes his shaytaan shaytaan is a bliss. But

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shaytaan can also be a human being

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a shaytaan. You don't call a human being an E bliss, although some of the rhythms of Hadith, if a person was a real bad liar, and he was a real problematic personality, they will say that he is in the bliss or the jail from the judge Allah they will say that, but a person a human being is not in the bliss, a person can be a Shaytaan, The Shia teen of the incident the jinn. So Iblees is a shaytaan. But and human beings also can be shaytans whereas a bliss is a bliss. A bliss is that

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creation that Allah Allah created, who

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didn't bow down to Adam. And as a result of that, he is going to be punished yomo Qiyamah and the Prophet mentioned southern LA who I think he went under it was selling them low.

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At the Lahore Allah eurosai Lemma halacha YB Lisa, if Allah didn't want to be disobeyed, he would not have ever created a bliss, he would have never created him or he wouldn't have created him and allow him to go astray would have kept him on the Serato Mustafi. So Allah created a bliss in order to be a test a trial or tribulation. I centered crochet on Oahu we're hiring local shaytaan is going to help to determine the level of paradise that different people are going to be in.

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And the level of the data cat of the Johanna, may Allah protect us from it, were people going to be so the people will be in the front Dosen Allah, they are the people who have avoided that shaper. They are the people who didn't take them as a relief from the ODI they didn't do that they didn't worship Him. They sought refuge in Allah against them. And then those people who follow Him and obey Him and listen to him was from his own Sar. They may go to Jana, but they won't be way up there. So

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there's Heckman and the creation of a bliss a bliss is the big shaytaan the big one the main one and Shayateen anybody can be a shaytaan Allahu Allah any more questions and one but the.

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So in the people will give bad advice and marital issues and they'll be told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encounter you can be Lehi, William Arkin failure cool Hira owl Yes, meet anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day and let him say good or let him be quiet. Allah will Tata command in the Quran or kulula NASCI for SNA say to the people, the good things, the things so when it comes to the issue of the family, and family ties and relationships with a wife, he said something Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam lays Samina men hubbub him rotten and Zoji her he is not from us, the one who destroys a lady and makes that lady like not want to be with her husband. So this person is giving her advice. You know, he's dancing, he's dying to die. And as a result of that you cause that person to hate their husband or their wife. You know?

01:00:00 --> 01:00:14

From them, Olivia young Kaduna de la human body me fafi Octoroon Ahmed Allah will be a new Salah where you will see Do nothing out. Hola echo human fasciae tone, our heart zero.

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Those people who tie together and they bring together those things that Allah commanded for it to be connected. But these people come in they break it they break it. Those are the ones that they are the fantasycon bad people.

01:00:33 --> 01:00:48

So this relationship between the husband and the wife is already a relationship that has challenges already even if you're married to your soulmate. You married to your soulmate I don't know if you guys remember that Doris by the sheer

01:00:50 --> 01:00:53

Jason what's his name? Kylie, the Jason

01:00:54 --> 01:01:22

the knights in the house of the prophets of Allah wa salam. You guys remember that does and he talked about some of the things that the Prophet SAW from Isha and from Hafsa and from God and different companions and they were from the people were the only of Allah Allah Jabril talk Prophet Muhammad bring hops back after divorcing her. She is Pulwama suwama She used to pray and fast all the time.

01:01:25 --> 01:01:57

I mean, not like some of us not our wives some of us you pray and fast all the time. But they were those issues that used to happen. Now we're going to add on to that drama by having shell team from the relatives and the friends in the ears of the husband or the wife and we making that drama so this is one of the big issues if you don't have anything good to say any help that you can put on the table then get out of it. Don't be of the people who make fitness for set. Okay, what if we're

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going to stop here? We ask Allah who to give us tofield and to make things easy for us easy for you. Good to see you guys again sigh for last week but mashallah we'll continue with the continuity of the class inshallah from now until my sha Allah cinematic to love Academy.

Struggling Against Shaytaan

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