Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Rules And Regulations Pertaining To Winter

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The transcript is not a conversation or dialogue, it is a series of sentences that appear to be unrelated and may not have a meaning.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi

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wa Kapha wa salatu wa he was sin Mo who I learned beginnen Stouffer

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Bala Ali was Javi he a Jemaine amalgam

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series for this month has been asking the question why the first lecture of the month was why do we worship Allah azza wa jal

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and the second lecture in the series was, why do we love Rasul? Allah? He's on the line he was setting them, why don't we follow him? Why is he so important?

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The third lecture was about why is the Quran so important to the Muslim to the OMA?

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And last week's lecture was about why do we have to change? Someone was supposed to deliver today's lecture, but I was called, so I'm going to replace them. And we're going to put the question on the table in this series. And that question is, why is it important for the Muslim to be aware of his environment, and what's going on in his environment, talk about the environment. We're talking about what we have going on right now, like the snowing cold weather, the importance and why the Muslim

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has to have filth in his religion, so that he can practice the religion with ease, and without overcomplicating things for himself or herself. As a last Tyler's prophet, he had informed us of the law when he was selling them in a habit and the animal Mahi and hunted fear to somehow

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the religion that Allah loves the most is 100 Fear, as somehow is the religion that makes things easy for people, easy to practice, not complicated, not difficult, not going to extremes, then it'd be useful. Allahu alayhi wa sallam no doubt, was sent in one of the descriptions that Eliza didn't made about him and sending him is that he takes off of this OMA the land that was on the people before us, that people would force their religion was complicated and difficult, because they made

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it that way on themselves and even to this day, some of them are still making things overly unnecessarily difficult upon themselves. People whether you hold

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if you would have come to know about all of the burning hula hoops that they jump through when it comes to slaughter in giving circumcision to the children going into the synagogue, so many things that are complicated on Saturday, the Sabbath, can't ride an elevator, you can't ride in a car, you can't ride in the bus, and other things that they do on a daily basis. So that's how it was back then, to the point where if one of them wanted to make Toba to Allah azza wa jal for a sin that he

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did, or a mistake, along with that a commanded them that they had to kill themselves, and that is in the Quran. But the religion that the Prophet brought Salani was setting them from the beginning to the end of it is a religion that takes into consideration the weakness and the different levels and capabilities of the members of the community.

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So today, we're going to deal with this issue. Why do you have to know about your environment, and most of them is connected to his environment, because in his environment, things are going to be going on. And things are going to be happening, that affect his deen and affect his life. So the Muslim, although he may not know, the Arabic calendar, the Muslim the Islamic calendar, he doesn't know what month we are in right now. But when he looks at that moon, if it's small to the right,

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small to the left, it's a full moon. He is going to be cognizant of that. Because it's going to have something to do with what day is he going to do his hijama on? What day is he going to fast in terms of the three white days he's going to have an idea Ramadan is closed because I've seen about five or six new moons since the last Ramadan. So even if he doesn't know what today is, the environment has something to do with his existence of that reason, and others. The Prophet was to wake up in the

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nighttime sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make him perform the piano Lane was set up, and it will wipe the sleep out of his eyes sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showing that his creation is just like our creation, not created from the note of ALLAH. So he was set up like to sleep out of his eyes. And we were read the last 10 I had from sort of Ali Imran, the third surah chapter of the Quran. So there are certain sores in

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Certain if at the community pays attention to from them, sort of the as seen sort of the Rockman are yet to come see everybody is engaged with Surah Al Fatiha the last insert of the Quran Jews anma. There are certain sources our children are going to know is that we're going to know this is one of those eight views 10 Eight from soret Ali Imran The first of those eight proves the point that we're trying to meet. In Nephi helpers summer Whitey went out of the work the last Lamy when

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the IR to leave all in Al Bab verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alteration of the night in the day, the way the night turns into the day in the tent, the day turns into the night, day after day, night after night, month after month, and so forth and so on. Allah said that is an ayat. For those people who have intelligence, people who are cognizant and awake. People will know why they were created in the creation is here because they have a responsibility to

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do a job that is to worship Allah azza wa jal so looks at these ayat and they inform him encourage him inspire him they make him afraid. So he behaves in a particular way. So he read that particular is Olivia yes Quran Allah Allah. Allah Dini Quran Allah Kuru them what a Lavina Yes, Quran Allah Jana will Kuru then why don't you begin? We had the corona visual this summer we're doing our Allah describe those believers. They are those people who remember a lot while being standing up, and

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while they're bowing down, and while they line on the sides, they have a constant existence where they are remembering Allah. And then the last I makes a difference between them that allow time I mentioned the last part of the ayat and the non Muslims when they make that to have a banana shellac they have a bottle Subhanak patina that those believers said Oh our Lord, You have not created all of this and falsehood Balkan for no reason. So save us from the Hellfire that I had a 20 minute is

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like a they show they indicate their sign that the Muslim has to look around what's going on. When he asked to take a lesson from that, and I add from that, our colors sit in here with different languages sit in here

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is that I have from the eye of allies region, your life my life where you came from, to write to this point when you reflect upon that some iron from the eye of Allahu Taala reminding us, those of us who have gray hair. We have been commanded by Allah azza wa jal to worship him had the idea qalandiya penis when Allah told the prophets of Salaam, worship Allah until the king comes to you, very different Tafseer of Eliakim most of the scholars said Elia penis death. But some of them said

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those things are connected to death as well. Like the people start to get gray and white, that Yaqeen is from the demand, or the things that are going to precede the death. So it's an ayat when you younger brothers see older people when you older people see younger people, this one died, and two, were given life. All of those are from the ayat. Whereas the non Muslim who's hustling and grinding and is just existing to make money to eat, sleep, and have babies just to go back and

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forth. This is not how he exists. Paying attention to the stuff. His words are the opposite words to the believers with a believer second Allah you didn't create this Bothan save us from the torment of the Hellfire. You said about the non Muslims in the Quran about the same exact issue.

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My Filipina sama Arab woman being you know Houma Barfield Valley have been living in a ghetto for way too long live in a careful manner not. Allah said, I have not created the heavens and the earth and everything that exists between the heavens and the earth. I didn't create that bottle and falsehood playing around with no reason no objective no gold. No Hickman Allah said that is the opinion of those people who disbelieve that this was just created for no reason. I'm alive today. I

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died tomorrow. And that's it. I want to say no woven to the disbelievers from torment and the punishment of that hellfire.

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So as it relates to that equality, there are few things I want to remind you of as it relates to these days, and our environment. And a lot can be said, but we just want to reach some real practical things as a remembrance and the vicar had been infested, believe us. Some things I want you to bring to your attention and this weather and the conditions that we're dealing with because

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was it's been forecasted that this thing is going to last for a few more days, Inshallah, but not Muslims when they described this bliss that we're having this cold front that we're having. They called it the beast from the east. Muslims don't say things like that.

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We don't say things like that to be slick, the big cutting edge to be cool to sell papers to catch people's attention, because we know that this code has a religious reason behind it. And that's why it's important when the Muslim learns his religion so that we don't play around with aspects of the religion that may be serious and there are a lot when you're ignorant when we are ignorant people are ignorant. We take things for granted and look at things that are big as being small and things

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small, being bigger than what the reality is. So as it relates to these days, when it'd be of Islam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he informed us about the issue of something that's in our key that we should be aware of it. Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him? He said that the prophet had said to the people Salla Allahu Allah he was sending an authentic hadith is stuck at a sticker to Nar Rob Bihar subhanho wa Taala for Cali rugby, that Aquila bow the bow

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for Ebina Lucha rub bow has subhanho wa Taala BNF has seen nificent fish she taught when the fussing for safe for who I should do my to do you do not matter her what should matter do you do not minute some harir Allah's Prophet sets of a lady was telling them that that Hellfire for all of its power, and all of the energy that's in it, and all of what Islam said about it, about the Hasina those melodica who are responsible for it. And there are a number of them, and Malik the main one, be a

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bad been in the not in it, the fire in it, the liquids in it, the punishment in it, all of that stuff that our knowledge many times is just scratching the surface of is reality. That creation, the Prophet said someone like him, sending them a complaint to allies, which

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they made a shockwave and they said, Oh my lord, part of me is destroying itself because of the fierceness of the Hellfire. That energy that's in the Hellfire is destroying itself. So it complained. And Allah listened to his complaint. So if Allah azza wa jal listens to the complaint of the NAR of Jahannam then he definitely going to listen to the complaints of Benny Adam. Even if from Benny Adam is that person who's a non Muslim, and he's complaining to Eliza joke about a Muslim who

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is oppressing them. As the Prophet said. SallAllahu It was said that you should fear the dua of the oppressed, because there is no hijab or partition, no barrier between Allah and the dua of the oppressed, even if he is a non Muslim that hadith said, another Hadith said even if he's a facet, so we may know a person who is a Muslim, but he's not behaving correctly. He's doing everything under the sun. But because of that someone oppresses him and thinks Allah azza wa jal won't help him know

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that. That's not the way we have to look at it. I'll call another Coulomb. The Hellfire complained to Allah azza wa jal that it was destroying itself. So Allah allowed it, giving it some reprieve having Rachmat and ease on it, allow the Hellfire to breathe two times. It breathes one time in the winter, and one time in the summer. He says some a lady was selling them and that's why you find the RIDGID bitter cold in the wintertime, because the Hellfire is excelling in his breathing. And that's

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why you find the extreme heat in the wintertime in the in the summertime, because it's releasing some of the energy. This hadith of the NABI SallAllahu wasallam has some interpretations by the radar marveling slam, the safest one is to take his take it in his apparent form is from the animal vein, knowledge of unseen connected to our key Dawa theology. We believe it the way it came to us without trying to get into it. And without trying to play games and allowing your mind to take

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advantage of the lack of knowledge that mankind has been given for an example. Right now we can understand we're in the winter time and he has this freeze that came in so we understand the Hadith, but you're also places in the earth right now that are very hot around the equator for example, and the rich Rio, Somalia, Sudan, all those areas over there as hot Mecca is hot. So why is it

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hot over there in the wintertime here winter time. So why is it hot? That is similar to the Muslim saying I rock man an Irish is Stella. Allah has over his throne in a way that the fist is Majid majesty, but the person wants to come in no one say, How is the obvious throne how and why when this is not what we've been made accountable for and responsible for? What we do is take the Hadith the way it came. And that is this situation takes place because Allah subhanaw taala has allowed the

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hellfire, these two times of reprieve, but I will say before we go to the next hokum from the I came over, she taught the rules and regulations of the winter time.

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That this is again one of the eyes of Allah. The reality is that the summertime the winter time, those seasons, they're from the creation of Allah and they do what he wants to do right now in the month of March. The month of March is the month of spring, the season of revere is spring. But if Allah wants to make the spring summer if he wants to make the spring, like the harsh winter, if he wants to make the spring, like we normally have it, he does it. And can anybody do anything about

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it. Just like the alteration of the night and a day, all of Benny Adam with the gym came together to stop it from happening. Let's reverse the process. And it never happened. Let's slow down the process and it never happened. So instead of asking these questions, playing with the religion, this winter, whether it's here or the frozen tundra of Alaska, one of the reasons we have this bitter cold is because of the fact that the Hellfire is breathing or given the opportunity to breathe. The

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Prophet describe this coal, and it's different from the coal that you have in your refrigerator where you put something in the bottom of the refrigerator. The word that he reuse was some hurryin, which is the bitter bitter cold. That's the coal of the freezer, not the coal in the refrigerator. Like right now. We have in different parts of the UK, people are dying from the cold people homeless. They even had this thing where every homeless person has the right to be sheltered. So

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you've seen those text messages, as I've seen them we've seen on the TV in the newspaper, anybody who is homeless, he has a right to be sheltered people are dying in the weather, because the weather of zum harir, the bitter cold that is dangerous. Allah described in the Quran, that coldness and he said it won't exist in Jannah. It exists here as it tested trial of punishment. But those extremes don't exist in genuine techie enough he had a raw IQ. Later on if he had shame some whereas some

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harira The believers will be in the Paradise and there'll be reclining on couches, dutiful couches amongst themselves. And in the place where they are recounted reclining on those couches, they will be afflicted with the severe hot from the sun, like it can get hot in some places. And Gambia in Senegal

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it gets hot in some of these places, they own suffer from the severe heat of the sun, know what they suffered from the severe bitterness of the coal of some harir but call up some Hurrian is this stuff and even more than this stuff. So from the can that I want to remind you brothers all the whining some practical things, number of things is the importance of a will do during this time and doing it correctly. Muslim has to get 50 of his religion, this type of weather and make him will do and this

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type of weather is an opportunity in a way it is a Seville for a person to get more rewards and it's also a way that shaytaan can play with the person and steal from His rewards. He says Allah Allah while he was an ally, he was selling them to his companions Allah the locum Allah yum hula who be a buyer. Will you be a data giant Kalu Bella ya rasool Allah, allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is Babel will do and mCherry Shana inform you people and tell you people, if you want to know do you

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want to know that thing that if you were to do it, Allah will wipe away the sins that you've committed. What cathedral my here? We all have a lot of sins.

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You want to get the Sims wiped away, and do you want to get elevated in the hereafter? When the Companions heard that question, their answer obviously was yes yet also law we want to know what is it? He said make a goodwill law and MCAD make a goodwill law when it's difficult and you don't like it

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When it's difficult, and while making that will go, there's some hardship connected to it. Like an individual who's in this type of weather. Some of you don't have this problem at all because your hot water is always running. So you just turn on the hot water and the Buddha was day, take a shower, no problem. That's not everybody's situation from amongst us. Even there's nothing wrong with his wallet. There's nothing wrong with his system, nothing. But because it's so cold and the

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pipes are really cold. Even when he turns on the hot water, it comes out cold. So what does he do? He leaves the hot water running and the cold water while it's cold, that hot water is cold, it runs for a minute, and then it gets hot, but even wasted enough water for three four or 510 families in a volta to use to drink

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and that's another issue with winding with the shape fun. We all feel for our Muslims like you know Holton, other than that, and we want to help them this Masjid a few weeks ago, I think they broke the record for the amount of money they collected on a Friday, going towards a whole plan that was the efforts of the community. But the Muslim always has to exist, knowing Allah may not have accepted it from me. I may be doing something that destroys that effort. Never no matter what you

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do, like green men, they were successful in getting all that money. So should we just sit on our laurels and say, mashallah, we did what a great job no one is doing it like us, okay, we got all of that money, we sent it to him. But now in this coal, we waste in the water. So we undo the good that we did, because if we really cared about the muscles in the water, you wouldn't turn the water faucet on and waste buckets of water like that. So collectively, or just take the first row, just

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take the first row of the Muslims just the first row, it we're able to gather up the amount of water and food that we waste. It's a contradiction to a hotel hilltops contradiction, but I'm not putting anyone down, I'm just making a point. It's Babel, we'll go and then Macquarie doesn't mean as bad a logo doesn't mean wastewater. When you wait when you make when you make boldo. And it's summertime wintertime, regardless, you have to kind of rise on the water making will do and waste and water is

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a Kabira from the Quebec.

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So the point is, there are some people from amongst us like the masjid that exists and they don't have warm water. I will local masjid, they don't have warm water. So you have to make will do with that cold water or that water that is not long.

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If you were to do that, in a read your data, and it will also be a way of having the cathedra or an explanation of the sins. So that is an incentive and an encouragement to the person who finds himself in that situation

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where he has to make will do a whistle or something like that with cold water. And we'll come to the issue about ethical

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from the camera of the Sheeta of the wintertime as well. What if he lies the issue of wiping on your socks? I may will do today to prepare for another shot. And there were quite a few people who was still taking their socks off to wash your feet. Now I don't know the details in this situation. I don't know so I'm not judging anyone. But there's some Muslims who don't accept them they don't embrace washing on your sock or wiping on your sock is permissible in this religion is permissible

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in this religion. Why?

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Fi fin what TOS healing and an ummah is to make things easy for the people. As Allah mentioned in the Quran, you read Allah who become Yasser Allah you read to become a Rasul. Allah wants ease for you. He doesn't want difficulty for you. So there are some people the way we grew up the fifth that we have, or what we don't have, we think is fit but it's not fit, fit, because not making things difficult for yourself, a religious person from amongst us, he wants to castrate himself to get

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close to Allah and he has all of the class in the world. We see that Jehle. That's not that's ignorance, for you to do that to yourself, or to hate yourself and to make blood come up coming close to Allah with that showing your love for someone in this religion from animal beta Other than that, that's not 15 in the religion, that's backwards. That's insanity. It's not our religion. Our religion is easier than that. Yesterday, I had a neighbor who passed away in Liverpool.

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We had to bury that lady after salata Juma and this goal, I'd never experienced this type of coal, where you have to bury someone and you have to dig the dirt as the Muslims. We take care of that. We don't leave it up to the caretakers because

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Is the sunnah to take three handful and put the dirt. So some people do more than that just to make the town cooperate with our Muslim brother and sister. We're going to tell our elders because it may be from the culture that the elders have to and they expect it to go to the grave. We say no, the elders shouldn't go in there and put himself in that situation and our outside in those elements. And no one from the deceased families and from the community should look at them and say he didn't

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come to the grave. They should have say this the flick of a listener, even the youngsters, the youngster who doesn't want to go out there, you can't blame them. But if anybody should go out there, it should be the youngsters who take care of that. And we give the elders a green pass, we let them slide. It's the flick of our religion, Hannah fear to somehow so wiping on the Sox. There is a companion has named his full ban full ban which means two folds. Sometimes the prophet will

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show his sense of humor, somebody was selling him and when he would talk to this man who used to be a slave, but Prophet Mohammed freed them he says mobilize free slave.

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He would say about him and being funny when they said equally I had full bein when he wanted to say something to him or mentioned him in front of the people he will say, and not everybody has to Fobes His name is full band to thoughts. So he was the prophets ex slave. And he used to make that joke and say everyone doesn't have to phobes mean and I have two thoughts praising this man and showing his sense of humor and Hannah theater somehow. Not that individual doesn't have a sense of humor is

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drying, upset, always found in no salons no love. This man thought band narrated and what was collected by Imam achmad and then the world is authentic. That Rasul Allah, sinful ban and a number of companions sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were Radi Allahu unknown on an expedition and it was very cold. So when they went on that expedition, they had to make wudu and it was freezing. So they had to wash their socks and dog wash their feet and all of that. When they came back and they told the

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prophet of what happened he told them something Allah, why do you sell them and commanded them in Soho? wipin The Assa what does that mean? If that ever happens and it's cold, then when you make will do wipe on your

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Imam and wipe on the Sahin. He didn't say half he didn't say your sock, he said Tessa green

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and then the Arabic language to second means any and everything you wear on your foot to protect your foot.

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And it's totally covering your foot, like a leather sock, like the wool socks that you have on right now. And like your shoes, so some of our people they say you can wipe on your socks or anything else no mess. Some other say while you can wipe on the leather ones. We say hey guys, as it relates to and mess on your sides. It is from the Shah of Allah sunnah. One of the signs that described under the Sunnah, that I used to write in those books about the importance of the RP than the Minaj of the

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Sabbath, an Imam, admittedly, Imam and Berber Hatti those kinds of books solo sunnah Shara sunnah, Deckard, Emmett and Al Hadith. They used to put the Sunnah wipe on the assassins, unless sunnah see the permissibility, of wiping on the sides, because the opposite of it is from the signs the shower of the people of innovation, the rafidah, who don't wipe on the socks, they don't see it from the religion. They don't see it from the religion at all. So the one who is preventing himself from

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that, not only are you taking not taking advantage of the Roxa that Allah loves, Allah loves it. He said, some Allah and salam, when you take advantage of the gift that he gave you, he loves it. When you're showing your prayer.

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He loves it when you abandon your fasting because you are traveling or you are sick. He loves it when you sit down and pray as opposed to standing up how you normally do because you had your sciatic nerve is bothering you. So instead of trying to pray standing up and suffering coming up and down, you sit on a chair, Allah loves that.

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He loves it, just as He hates someone falling into what is haram. So the Prophet allowed the son of mine who said Allah wipe on your Imam, your turban, how two ways to sunnah said, you put your hand on the heel and lifted up and just put the water right here, or you can put water on altogether. You don't have to do like this. You can put your hand under it.

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like that, or you just put the water on it. That's for the turban is not for the woman's Kumar is not for the man who's wearing the Saudi Arabia and you know what those errors were the good tries not for that is the turban whether the turban is under your neck my neck or not some of the scholars said it had to be in the neck like the Companions used to weigh may Allah be pleased and the point is, he also say you can wipe on yet the sacking

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Prophet Salah Salem and his companions wiped on the shoes, they wiped on their socks, the wool socks that you're wearing and they wiped on the leather socks and even on the toilet may Allah be pleased we was walking to the profit semester so I suddenly made will do outside the Masjid. He wiped on top of his sock his shoes. He went inside the mess Jimmy took his shoes off and started praying SallAllahu it was settled. So there are meeny Meeny, meeny, meeny, I thought of the possibility of

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wiping on your shoes. That may not be your case. But what about the guy who His job is to drive a truck and he delivers stuff like furniture, he delivers meat, that's his job. He's wearing boots, that's his job every day.

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It's not easy where during the course of his eight hour day, he can always just go somewhere in a toll in the bathroom of criminal Kamala, and

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do a proper will do and take his socks off and you can't do that or even wipe on his socks. So snap allow that individual just wipe on your shoes and go ahead and hit that slot and keep it moving.

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Don't be like the people who make things unnecessarily unduly difficult upon themselves. Take advantage of the rasa. But I must say if a person wants to wipe on his socks, he has to know something about the fit of wiping on the socks. The only one I want to mention right now is the Hadith about in Mahira blueshore about May Allah be pleased with him. He used to have the job of pouring the water for the Prophet sallallahu was sent him to meet although he said Prophet Muhammad

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didn't waste water, Salah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I've seen people make wudu from a cup of water. And it looked like there was a lot of budock in the water because it looked like it was a lot of water when he was making although it may be may well though, he went through the whole thing so Allah didn't sell them and he had on his hopes and Maria brew shorba when it came to the shoes, the feet he went to take off the hoof so he can pour the water on it. Prophet Muhammad told him somebody

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will sell them that human for in the Duma ta he retained, don't take them off, leave them, I put them on when a hat will go. So you got you have to put your socks on your hope sign as I think most of you know. You have to put them on in a state of although, and if you're here in Birmingham, you can keep them on for a day and a night, not 24 hours a day in the night. So if you may, we'll do before salata Asia, and you just put those socks on and you came to the salon, a day and a night for

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you is till tomorrow night, at the same time you put it on. And if you're traveling three days, three nights, another Hong Kong, one another Hong Kong and they are meaning they will do the Hakama making mess and taking advantage of the Rosa, your student in the University. You don't have the luxury or the time to be moving at your leisure and going to the mosque or the masala that you guys had. You don't have that time when I'm wiping your socks and just makes a lot and the next adjacent

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room to the runway your next lecture is going to be wiping your wipe on your shoes, no problem. No problem. The third thing honey that we want to mention Shala is with some of the outcome that we were hoping we expect the mystery like Al Hadith and another Hadith to practice these things and to give life to the Sunnah because the people of the Sunnah during this time of Orissa and we ask Allah Tala to make all of us the people of the Sunnah. Due to lack of knowledge, the Sunnah has become

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innovation and innovation has become sunnah and if you want to practice the Sunnah, and I like talking about real difficult things like piano leaves, you want to practice the Sunnah. The way the community is in the way a lot of people are people will look at you as being legit did disconnected, not really, you know, not really doing the right thing. And that's what Abdullah being in Moscow said to his people when he told his students how do you think time is going to be when the fitna

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comes. And from what he said what happened during the time of fitna is when something has changed from the Sunnah, that people are going to say the Sunnah has been changed,

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when something changes, and innovation is putting into religion, that people are going to praise that thing than to be against the Sunnah that I

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has been established. So one of those units that has practically died that most of us have not heard for as long as we've been Muslims. And in a masjid like this, this shouldn't be the case. Because it's our Hakama. We don't have to worry about the sensitivities and sensibilities of this Jimana that germana that No,

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I don't Hadith as Al Imam admin said, they're the people work with and by the Hadith,

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obviously, we're going to wait, the harms and the benefits, no doubt going away that this should not be a place a platform where you can see the truth

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where you can practice the truth and call to the truth. And I don't think is that way, but for some reason, we have to do a better job of advising each other and advising the ministration and them advising us the then then has a lot of ICANN that should be implemented during this time. And there are a number of things. First, let me tell you one thing from the richness of the Baghdad, the worship in Al Islam is that there are different ways to do things so that we don't get bored. You

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don't do it the same way all the time you become a robot in that case, and then you get bored. So you have to mix it up a little bit for an example the event the normal event. And we should learn these things because it can help us sometime and giving Dawa to the people who are giving Dawa to perform Hajj and in our Hajj program. There are people who are under Hanafi madhhab. So we'll make the comment we make the amount and then another hat because it's from the Sunnah are those different

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from what we do here, and that inshallah will endear them We're not against an Imam, Abu Hanifa but we're all for the Sunnah. So when you know the different ways of doing things, you can deal yourself to people you're trying to get down to the people the Maliki med hat. When they make sometimes if you go to Sudan if you go to African countries where they Maliki go to Morocco to new sia and almost all their messages the Imam says at the end of select close it out as set up

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and then the only people who do that you do that and boom, go Sharif. You do that in zero Quran. If you do that. Xia what is it called Xia Khurana was the masjid and St. Xavier's wrote

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that one that one, if you do it here, and some of the annual Hadith messages, people get upset. And I'm not calling to doing these things when people are not ready for it. I'm not that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying in this Masjid. We should be able to do it. You guys. You're in a university and you're in charge of the ISOC. We're traveling from here and we're going somewhere for some program. This is what we're going to do with this event.

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He used to do an exam where he would say for your information Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. And then with a low voice, a shadow, evaluable large shadow, Allah, I shall do under Muhammad Rasul Allah, Masha.

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Allah and then he will repeat that again. I said the one that either Allah shall I shall do will let you live Elijah and Elijah Elijah the mom that was Elijah Muhammad Rasul Allah and go on with the event. So that was one of the ways the Prophet allow Bilbao SallAllahu Sallam to make the event with that difference. So there are a few issues as it relates to this case, Abdullah now bass. May Allah be pleased with me travel after the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he went to Iraq

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Basara Kufa he was all up in that area. A lot of fitna a lot of drama when he went up there but he went to educate the people. He told them then, when he was very cold, told them 11 Before you make the Salah, the Yvan, listen to this, I want you to change it.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:07

And he told you should say Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar eyeshadow Allah ilaha IL Allah I shudder when La Ilaha illa

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Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, I shall do Ana Mohammad Rasool Allah, when you get to hide the other salah, come to the Salah, come to the salon, tell them the community. Don't say that. But say to the people, so Lo Fi beauty calm Salafi. BeautyCon praying your homes praying your homes. abdulai be Norma. That's Abdullah Abdullah bass, Abdullah bin Omar. It was cold, it was cold. He told the people do the same thing.

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In the case of Abdullah Abdullah bass being up in Basra when he told him everything to do that in the MO Edvin did it when the people heard it, they didn't like it. They made in car because they didn't know it. And that is a principle in Hawaii that the Arabs say from the cliches and that principle is men J and A che either. If a person is ignorant

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about something. He doesn't like it, he'll make he'll have animosity and enmity because he doesn't know. So never be of the people who when something happens new you just hate it. And your reason for hating it is. I never did that before. I never heard that before. I never read that before. We never did that my mother had my Eman

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and who heard everything and who did everything. Don't be like that. You have every right to ask questions, but don't be of those people. Just because you don't know about it, how much stuff you don't know about. So with Abdullah bass, when the people heard that they looked they were upset after the event was done. He said to them, may Allah be pleased with him. It was done by the one who was better than me sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the last one they accepted it. But because they

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were up in cofre place of fitna people didn't know that particular sunnah or those particular people didn't know. So that I then when it can be an event that's instituted because of these times, it's not something you do all year. It's only when you get rain. Only when you get snow, maybe there's some serious thing that took place like we're in a country where there's a curfew, we can only make salata Maghrib in the masjid, and a chat is going to happen after the curfew is implemented. So

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we'll combine Alicia for three or four days of the curfew. So the point is, even Abasto, the man that say to the people praying your homes, and even Omar said, Pray in your Will you have your rehab, pray where your camels are, stay where you are. And that's the point. So from that you understand will have to come to the masjid when his goal when it's really raining to the point and 20 some of the motherless lamb and they have the gym Hall. So you don't have to even come to Joomla.

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When it's bad, inclement weather, you don't have to worry about anything. Because Allah doesn't want you to kill yourself.

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Now someone may say, but look, it's not really all that cold. It was cold that yesterday, it's not that bad was cold on the day before yesterday. But if you look outside from Morrison's and you come to this side, there's ice all over the place somebody fall break their neck, break their hip, those are the things that elicit and takes into consideration is nasty out there.

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It's nasty out there. So that should be an it could be implemented. In addition to that they should love combining the prayer.

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I want to say this to a lot of our young brothers who are trying to be students, we have to relax when something may appear to be very clear, crystal clear and the dean and the deal supports it. But we find some people going against it. As it relates to the regular people, we have to have mercy upon our community because sometimes big scholars have ft life and issues that you would think this issue is so clear.

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So if those major scholars can have the life in these issues, and they seem so clear, rudimentary, very basic and fundamental. Those scholars have a laugh. What about our relatives who are not students of knowledge, relax, relax, and stop existing in that way where, where the judge of who's religious and who's not religious and who's on and who's not on it. And that doesn't mean the other extreme as well, where we become soft and easy and complacent with mistakes and wrong the positions

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and opinions. There's a time and a place for everything. So as it relates to combining the salaat in Ellis lab, I will just tell you the hadith of Abdullah Abdullah bass and again, may Allah be pleased with him.

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He sat with the people and he combined Salat the void and acid and he made at Assad void time forward. Raka Raka. And then he combined miserably he shot three rock dot for rock guy at the time of an Maghrib.

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And when the people asked him, Why did you do that? He said because the Prophet did it so that he wouldn't make things difficult on his own man. And they describe the weather.

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They said there was no rain. And there was no hope we were not afraid of any imminent danger. Because when there is an enemy who's going to get you the Hanafi it is somehow our religion makes sense.

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People come and they want to make things that have been haram forever. They want to come to make make them halau and the opposite. liberal people, apologetic people,

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the rough and tough people have a tequila and things like that. Our religion and coming to the rules in Ellis Lam snapped based upon emotions and craziness. Our religion is always based upon where's the benefit? How do you maximize the benefit? And where's the evil and how do you minimize

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The evil or get rid of the evil. That's our religion.

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All of the gamma al Islam and the way we are supposed to exist us in the way we apply and implement our FIP is how do I maximize the benefit in my zip code in my southern? Where do I pivot to how do I give it to a split up do I give to a relative? And how how do I minimize the evil? How do I do that?

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So in this issue of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wanted to make things easy for the people easy, there was no rain. There was no hope. The whole phase when you're afraid, the enemy may come at anytime. So half of the community stands behind the Imam and he makes one rock while the other half hold their weapons to protect them even after they finished the second group change plays with the first group and Alice Lam is telling us use your brain.

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Don't throw caution to the wind and say I'm just moved to what kill it to UCLA. No that goes against. I call your intellect and it goes against the way this religion has legislated things. I love calling

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for the salah if there was this combination done by the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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And there was no rain, and there was no fear. Then what do you think the ruling is when there is rain? And when there's snow snow is even more problematic than rain. It's more dangerous than the rain, the skidding, the sliding,

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this snow kills. Whereas rain can be an inconvenience for some this stuff will kill you.

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And people don't want to combine in this condition. Now we do take on board as I said, and we embrace and understand some major scholars said you can combine like Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Alayhi say you can combine except an homage. Because homage there is the combining and most deadly for an artifact, you combine because it's from the monastic of hydrogen, the majority of the scholars and no, you combined because we're travelers, whether this or that, that was his opinion,

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his opinion that you can combine in this no that rain or whatever, although it's authentic, the Prophet said do it and he did it. Or he said to do and his companions did it because that's another issue that people will say that you can combine they said, Prophet Muhammad salallahu Salam never combined in the rain. What we have is him being in the masjid and Ramadan, and praying about the hadith of Laila to Qatar, where he told the people Ramadan, later to Qatar will be an a day where

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the sun is going to look like this and so forth and so on. And they said that Fajr the sun came out and had all the signs of later to Qatar. And it had rained the night before in the Prophet prayed in the masjid, and his head came up and he had some mud on his head. He was inside the masjid so he didn't combine. It was funny at the time. He was praying so not to Joomla Joomla a Bedouin came in and interrupted him and said, You had also had a moi, our monies have been destroyed. We'll cut out

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the Sobel and we can't get through the highways and the byways because of the rain. He was in the masjid. So those scholars say never combined. It was in the masjid. So it's not like they don't have any deal.

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It's not like they don't have any deal. My point is, don't be rough and tough and judgmental, towards the end, a marvelous lamb. Of course, and of course, towards our people, we're just regular people. So during this time, if it's raining in the masjid, it is permissible for the Muslims to combine between two prayers to make things convenient for them because the less time that we're out, exposed to these elements, the better like this, Doris, if we're going to combine and it's allowed

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to combine in inclement weather in bad weather filling, we shouldn't do with Doris on that day for an example is that bad because now why combine and then have a das although if the people wanted to do that, it's okay because whoever wants to come to the data secret come to the data level wants to leave, he can leave. But the point is, these rules and regulations and 20 have been implemented and instituted in order to make things easy for us easy for you. And there are many I can I want to end

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with this one and there are many and that is something that concerns a lot of our wives or it concerns us when we don't come to the masjid and you pray at home. If the qibla in your house is facing the radiator or that thing that fire comes out of it or you haven't heat up with fire coming on at all even those electric heaters where it gets red and it gets hot, the companions and the people of the sadef May Allah be pleased with them. They used to dislike

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Pray in TOS anything that had a fire as for the regular heat and that's white just the radiators white. You don't see fire you don't see red. No problem we're talking about the one you turn on with the guys and they're flames. Because you don't want to be like that people worship the fire. Because the Prophet said sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam anyone who imitated people use from those people. We know and those companions knew the self knew that the person was praying. He's not praying towards

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the fire. That's that is in his knee. It is not I'm praying to the fire. I'm just praying towards the fire. But there is another principle in Islam that is cutting the problem off before it starts. Get rid of it. Set the variable get rid of it before it even starts. Don't do it.

00:50:49 --> 00:51:09

We have as we've taken in dismiss Jade where Irma may Allah be pleased with him saw the man praying and he wasn't praying towards a sutra? Am I sat in front of that man facing the table with his back to the man facing the Qibla? Why did he face the Qibla so that the man wouldn't be praying towards him to him is not okay, facing his face.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:28

He did it towards the Qibla because now he has a choice. Leave the man without a sutra. And if you do that, the salad is a problem. Or do I make myself to suit you for the man I'm going to make the suit for the man should I face them? Obviously not as not good edit

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the edible Islam, like taking the newspaper and putting it over the Quran taking that another book of the dunya and putting over a book of the deen the etiquettes of Islam not putting your feet towards the table, the etiquettes getting up out of your chair to allow an older person to sit in your chair, those types of advocates not calling any sort of the Quran, the smallest service because all of the swords of the Quran are big, big important. So the setup of this ummah, they were opposed

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to this issue because of that hadith lays him in them into Chabahar becoming they're not from us, those people act like other people meant to shut by becoming who are men who anyone who resembles and acts like another people who's from them. So try to avoid that. Because although it may be something that that is not your knee yet, nonetheless, the etiquette of a listener. Okay, honey, that's the time for us. If you guys have any questions Inshallah, about this dose or the outcome of

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ashita the winter time, you could put those questions for it, if not Shalabi we'll get out of here and in the come shape

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for the VR

00:52:50 --> 00:53:24

Yeah, you should move away from the flames. You should move away from the phrase. Yeah, if the if the if the if the radiated where you can see the heat, the hotness is the direction of the Qibla turn it off, move to the side of it. Just don't be prostrating to that particular thing. Don't be prostrating and that's right in front of you. That's right in front of you. Someone comes with this mind and they say yeah, but you know, we had in the Quran where again, use of he said in the Quran

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and his story.

00:53:27 --> 00:54:05

Yeah, abiti in the array to a Hadassah called Kevin was shamsur will come around a tomb, the saggi the use of at the beginning of the story said oh my father, I saw 11 stars. And I saw the sun and the moon prostrating to me. I saw them pass straight in. And what's the dream, and at the end of the story, you get the interpretation of the dream. When they all came together, new stuff was saved and everything happened. His father yaku was a Nebby. His mother, the sun in the moon and his 11

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Brothers may set the tone. That's their religion. That's their Sharia that's allowed to pass straight someone was allowed to pass straight in a way of in a way of respecting them and their shittier that was a way of respect, like Chinese people bending for an example. So you've been to people out of respect. Some places in Africa, you bow down like your knees you go lower than the one who you're trying to respect. That's just shut up other people not to show you of ours because our

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religion came as the Prophet said when

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we're either the new Jevin came back from in the MN and he met the NABI SallAllahu Sallam for the first time after being separated. He may set the tone

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either was with people from the Christians and the Jews from Amazon wild What are you doing? He said, This is how they greet their respected ones. You're the most

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spected I did it

00:55:02 --> 00:55:35

said if I were to order someone to make such that to someone else I ordered the lady to make subject to a husband but God makes subject to Allah. So the Muslim can make such dough or bound to his teacher yes to tell the karate teacher jujitsu, Kung Fu MMA, whatever it is. I can bow with all due respect, I can't bow because that's our religion. So the soldier to yourself and all of that that's their religion. It's not our religion. So you can't bow to the fire even if that is not your need if

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you can help it from the religion of the people before us is Adam and his wife how they children were allowed to marry each other siblings can marry each other can marry your sister

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from the people haram Hooray metallic Mahatama binotto como

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que marry your mother can marry your daughters can marry your sisters. So the sherry of the people before us is not assured here for us. Unless al Islam say yes, they pray we pray they fast we fast they make hygiene make hygiene. They are good to their parents with the to our parents, they don't steal, we don't steal and on and on and on. anymore. More questions of 2008. Again

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the question out here appreciate that question. So good question. Temporary question. You know, those socks that people wear, where the site goes below the ankle, can you wipe on that sock? Can you wipe on that sock,

00:56:55 --> 00:57:28

I will say that should be avoided. That should be avoided. Because the sock is so small, and where it goes is so short the space of it. Taking it off is not a difficult situation. And hygiene O'Meara the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the people you can you have to cut your hopes below the ankle below the ankle, because you're supposed to go to Umbra with the least amount of clothes as possible. That's the golden the objective to discard your clothes. So you have the two towels, the

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upper part and the lower part and your shoes. Some people only had hopes they didn't have shoes. He said, Okay, cut the hooves and make it go below your ankle, because it's more towards not having a lot of clothes. But if someone was of the opinion, and he said, No, you can do that. I can understand that too. Because it's on your foot, and it's protecting your foot. And it may fall under the word the technical term to sacking. He told the people wipe on the ASA and that this came from

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the word soften. What is this asking to make it hot? Anything you wear on your shoe on your foot to protect your foot and that thing is worn on your foot? But it's like that gray area right there.

00:58:18 --> 00:58:20

So Allahu Allah from the

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dam that's another good question about what people do to make things difficult on themselves brothers saying to you have to take cold water, you have the opportunity to get water.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:50

So do you have to do cold water to get more reward? The Prophet he said in the general rule and it is a Hadith Allah, some lady will send them in the messages that why the NASA

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and other than NASA, your reward will be determined by how much difficulty you have to go through.

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Remember that the reward for the thing that you do, you're a bad that your effort, your jihad, the reward will be determined by how difficult it was the meaning how difficult it was if you didn't make it difficult on yourself unnecessarily or intentionally. So the one who comes to the masjid from this closed Street, he'll get a reward. The one who comes from the street 10 streets down to get more rewards. The one who came walking get more reward than the one who wrote his car and on and

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on and on. The one who came and the pathway was bad, or will get more reward than the one who came the pathway is good. fast in the month of Ramadan. People will fast for 18 and a half hours. The reward is derived from the people will fast and 12 hours people are fascinating. The richer is Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti, those hot countries over there. Their reward is differ from the people fast in here and Scandinavia, because it's cool. Everything is different. So in this case,

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

I'm just gonna use cold water just to get the reward.

01:00:05 --> 01:00:36

No, that's not what a person should do. He should take it easy as Allah said in the Quran I talked to him for so come Don't kill yourselves. Allah doesn't want you to get close to him by doing that. By me a tender tender Ooh ha market techno Halim. He rebuked the rabbi's of the Yehudah Masada using the Christian he said, what they were doing making things difficult on themselves. flogging themselves castrating themselves doing that stuff fast and all those days not getting married. Allah

01:00:36 --> 01:00:58

said it was an innovation that they introduced in their religion, and we didn't sink in that on them. We didn't write that on them. So similar to that he you know, the brothers who are exposed to Jamaat the belief and that kind of thicker and Philip make will do and they won't wipe themselves with the water won't dry themselves with the towel.

01:00:59 --> 01:01:28

Yes, Prophet Muhammad may will do SallAllahu wasallam someone to give him a towel he didn't take the towel, but he didn't take the towel not because of a religious issue. It was hot, wants to drop coal off. You could take the towel and wipe it because he did that Salah instead of so they think that's the deep can take a towel. You got to do it with cold water no man is cold water. Take that cold water put it in a coffee in in a tea kettle and make it warm and mix it with cold water and make

01:01:28 --> 01:01:33

your will do if if you can do that. Any more questions when it further yeah

01:01:41 --> 01:01:45

you have to be in the state of blue when you put your shoes on if you want to wipe your shoes.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:03

Normally a person's going to have socks on under his shoes if he doesn't have socks on on the shoes and he just has shoes on with his bare feet shoes on that he shouldn't wipe on his shoes. Shouldn't white bunny shoes. Allahu Allah any more questions from there?

01:02:07 --> 01:02:14

Yeah from the outcome of the schita is that you can use the snow because the snow is a purifier is a purification

01:02:15 --> 01:02:32

from the block of a stiff die before you start Salla Allahu Akbar. There are different two are that you can say showing the richness in worship in an LS LAN from those dua of opening up your prayer Aloma

01:02:35 --> 01:02:45

by baby come up, Aloma by being a Beta Kappa Yaya, come back to Bain and mcgarrybowen Mushrik Aloma Sydney synonym in Hatha Yoga comma,

01:02:46 --> 01:03:20

alone the synonym in Hatha Yoga been met with Belgium borrowed Oh ALLAH separate me from my sins the way you separate it the East and the West that distance make it that far Oh ALLAH wash me and cleaning up of my sins with water with ice and with snow the Companions also may Allah be pleased in them is traveling to get to snow these two ball the snow Nice to meet will do from the snow these drinks normally used to cook with the snow or the Align home so Snow was water from the summit it

01:03:20 --> 01:03:31

just came down in a way because of the weather change the coldness in the weather it became what it is so it can be consumed and it could be used as well it's pure

01:03:33 --> 01:03:40

but I don't want anyone to think you go pick up this mushy snow right there Morrison isn't going to make will do with that that'd be nasty you don't have any edit

01:03:42 --> 01:03:44

any more questions that one any more questions

01:03:59 --> 01:04:05

concerning this sends a whiny the Macomb mobile

01:04:06 --> 01:04:11

Alan mCherry when you dislike it was difficult it will get your sins forgiven

01:04:13 --> 01:04:21

who is itself when you make that will do in the water dropped off in to get your sins forgiven fast and get your sins forgiven so so on.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:42

Is a talking about the minus since that's where the major sins the person has to make Toba from the major sins. And that's the coda Raja Inshallah, that strong supposition that there are scholars who said and this hadith the Prophet didn't make a distinction so Allah who had who said that

01:04:43 --> 01:04:45

he made distinctions in other Hadith

01:04:47 --> 01:04:55

a salotto comes will do my Twitter Duma Ramadan Ramadan kathira. Tony muy bien, Ohana image 20 But that came back

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

to all the five prayers that you make

01:05:00 --> 01:05:08

in Joomla, to Joomla, Ramadan, Ramadan will be an expiation and clean up your sins if you stay away from the major sins,

01:05:09 --> 01:05:12

stay away from the major sins. So

01:05:13 --> 01:05:45

Allah's Prophet didn't say in this hadith, about will do under mCherry, which you dislike, he said, it will raise you in degree, and it take away your sins. But the scholars said, this is we'll do, we'll do is a prerequisite and a preliminary to a salad, which is one of the things that the Prophet mentioned. So the lady was sending them, the five prayers from one pray to the next pray is an expiation Joomla to the Joomla if you stay away from the major sins, so how could it be where the

01:05:45 --> 01:06:02

the will do is a part of Salah so that is more important in the window. But the window is a prerequisite it's a part so it's important, how could the slide itself say you will be forgiven except for the major sins but in this part, you will be forgiven for the major sins.

01:06:04 --> 01:06:18

It was an issue of st laugh and Allah is Allah and Allah is Allah. Last question if you guys think so somebody's handle want to leave nobody out. Two points. Very quickly acquainted. I want to tell you about this. We'll do Island Macquarie

01:06:19 --> 01:06:51

Bank of our mothers, some of the older brothers, some of the younger brothers. And for the older brothers, some of your mothers and grandmothers they used to wake up early before the Salado Fajr and they would turn on the stove or to get the wood mela to heat up the water. And they will give the water and have it ready in the toilet a chroma Kamala for a stingy app for your father, for your grandfather. So she'll have some water that's warm for his student Jack active relieving himself a

01:06:51 --> 01:06:58

criminal Kamala some more water for his will do. If you need as a Ghosal she got warm water back then.

01:07:00 --> 01:07:27

Back then, it was that was the respect that the Muslim woman had institution of marriage. And that was how your mother was your grandmother was so so on. If anybody had that sees that, then he should appreciate that. And thank Eliza Joe for mother like that. thank Allah for grandmother like that because your grandmother, grandfather may have told you that story. So my origin story, but that's something come especially from

01:07:28 --> 01:07:59

Muslims in certain parts of the world. I don't want to mention so that people get upset and say he didn't mention us. That's racism, his people. The point is, if you heard that about your mother, your grandmother, then that's Queen material. May Allah azza wa jal put into the Jannah women who were like that from our Ummah, because now now, the Muslim lady who's liberal, she's going to tell her husband for an example. Now you young brothers, she's got to tell the husband, go get the towel.

01:08:00 --> 01:08:02

You You bring me the warm water

01:08:05 --> 01:08:36

and go into the towel and put the towel in the dryer for a few minutes, a clean towel, make it warm and the job and then bring it when I need it. And he's doing it diligently. Now if he wants to do that romantically and Hamdani that it's nice she didn't think she'd appreciate it you try that put the towel in thing and then bring it to your peoples when they want to dry off they're gonna say You're so thoughtful you're so romantic You're so sweet. Point is think Eliza gel for that issue.

01:08:36 --> 01:09:03

Last thing at 22nd thing is the issue about our environment I told you brothers many times I continue to tell you a da da learn the dose of the Muslim like the prophets book the fortress of the Muslim that book is a critical book and everyday life of the Muslim not only his waking up going to sleep getting dressed this that that but just with this

01:09:04 --> 01:09:06

when I'm telling you about the creation

01:09:07 --> 01:09:38

is connected to the creation He sees the rain or the wind the wind comes there's a dua for the wind lone man in the SL Oka Hydra how Qaeda mafia or hate me Ooh, syllabi. I asked you for the good of this when and the good of what's in it. And the good of what it's been sinful I seek refuge from the evil of this when and the evil was in it and the evil of what has been sent with the when you consider something knock you out kill you anything could happen.

01:09:39 --> 01:09:59

He's connected to that I mean something when the rain came down the Prophet used to do things say things is da Salah Salem Allahumma so even Natha Oh Allah make it rain. That's going to be beneficial. Don't make it rain. That's going to be a torrential rainstorm gonna kill me kill people, kill my crops, kill my property. Make fires not like that.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:14

So the Muslim has to be connected everything the thunder goes off in our religion there's a dua the thunder the man is connected with his environment. And that's an ayat of the Quran that's an ayat of the Quran. I think he read it today.

01:10:15 --> 01:10:47

Allahu Allah mentioned in the Quran Suparna levy you said Behold a rod do be handy when Mullah Echo to refer to him. Glory to the one who when the thunder comes down is praising Allah al hum that sound and the melodic are free when it happens. The melodic are free. So the Muslim has to be connected and wanting to these things that are going on because that's the sunnah of our Nibi some Allah when he was sending them had

01:10:49 --> 01:10:54

was Salawat to lay he was cinema why Nubian And Kareem was set on why they come to LA he went by the cattle

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