Abu Taymiyyah – Part 1 Manners101 The Sky Is The Limit WATCH IN HD
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Whoever is not well mannered
in his relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will patch him up.
Will deal with him under the earth.
My brothers and my sisters,
in this series we're going to be going
that allow a person to become
from the best of those
that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has placed
on the face of his Earth.
The poet he says
To proceed,
what we're going to be going through is
the best of the manners.
And through that,
one will rise high, high above.
What is he referring to?
The statement of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam when he said
The believer,
because of his excellent manners
he reaches the same level as one who
stands up in the night
praying to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And we know how difficult that is my
brothers and my sisters
to wake up before Fajar
and then to engage
in an Ibadah
an act of worship
that Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala
has only chosen for a few.
And then the messian sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
And also the one who
Again, it's one of those acts of worship,
my brothers and my sisters,
that is so difficult to do.
But because of something small,
which is
to have good manners,
something that doesn't ask us to do much,
we can reach the same level of all
of these individuals
who are doing so many difficult good deeds,
acts of worship.
My brothers and my sisters,
how difficult is it to smile in somebody's
The messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam he said,
fiwajhi akhika sadaka.
To smile in the face of your brother
is a form of charity.
In another narration, we are told,
You can't please all the people with
your wealth.
But what you can do is
please them with having a pleasant face,
and also by showing good manners when dealing
with them.
Something so small, my brothers and my sisters,
but it could surely determine
as to whether we get into Al Jannah
or not.
Something that we really belittle,
but it could be
something that
is so so immense,
so profound.
Look what the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said: do not belittle any good deed
even if it means to meet your brother
with a pleasant face.
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he also told us
about good manners.
There isn't anything
that is more heavy on the scale of
good deeds than having good manners.
So what does good manners, my brothers and
my sisters, actually mean?
The scholars, they mentioned many different definitions,
but I'm going to mention 2 of
them. And the explainer of Balohar Maram, Sheikh
Abdul Fozan,
who called
his explanation minhatul aalam he said that the
best definition
for Husnu Al Khuluq for good etiquettes
and to aamilanasa
tohibu and you aamilukabihi.
It is to treat the people
the same way you like to be treated.
You wouldn't wanna wake up in the morning
while you are on a rush to your
work, as soon as you leave your house,
there is people who are meeting you with
throwing abuse at you. I'm sure my brothers
and my sisters, nobody would like this.
as you wouldn't like it, don't treat the
people in such a way.
I believe, my brothers and my sisters, in
something called what goes around comes around.
And our sharia
speaks about this
in many ways
and forms,
But this is, inshallah,
maybe something we're going to discuss
in another episode.
So treat the people the same way you
like to be treated. Abdullah ibn Mubarak,
he mentioned a definition as
which doesn't contradict the first, the great Imam
who was from the Tabi'in,
those who met the companions.
When he was asked to describe
Hishn Al Khulok, good etiquettes,
he said,
It is to show
a pleasant face
and to also spread goodness
and to also remove harm.
And I'm sure, my brothers and my sisters,
we would love that for ourselves.
So it only makes sense that we treat
the people in such a way.
The kuffar
have better manners than the Muslims.
The kuffar,
the disbelievers, the non Muslims,
they have better manners
than the Muslims.