Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith #02 Loving the Dunyah

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of practicing Islam and being a decent human being, as well as the origin of the Hadith and Sun statement. They also discuss the history and meaning behind the dams and the shrouds of the dams, as well as the importance of the dams in shaping one's life and the importance of not overthinking them. The conversation also touches on the origin of the dream of Islam, including the dams and the shrouds of the dams, and the importance of loneliness in Islam. Finally, the speakers emphasize the need for individuals to live a long time and not be afraid of their beliefs, as well as the importance of privacy in certain countries.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al Hamdulillah that Hamden cathedral what type V by Mubarak and V

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y shed when Nigella inland la why the hula surely can

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well I shall do another Mohammad Abdu, who was loose on the waffle line he was sent me who I need to Sleeman Kathira a Mavado for in the halal Calamy Kalama boy he will Haven Houda Houda Rasulullah his Allah Allah when he was a NEMA will shut on a more Mirtha to ha what coulomb desert in bed atan Wakulla be the Eitan Dola Tomoko balada Tim finna

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come to the second Hadith

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from the 40 Hadith

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of the Dawa and the DUA the call and the columns. The book that was off the bow was che le N Halaby, Rahim Allah Who Tyla Rama tin wasa.

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Second it is is on the authority of Abdullah, even Omar may Allah be pleased with both of them.

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He said that he heard the Prophet say salaam while he was said NEMA

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either Tobiah tomb bilena

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tomb of a novel Bakar

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what are the tomb desira What Torah to men jihad, Salam Allah who is a component Lagen czar who had the courage to an identical tremendous Hadith that describes and perfect precise detail the condition of the Muslims for the most part today, this is from the ahaadeeth

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that are from the delta iL Naboo. One as l emammal. Bay hockey, authored his book and he put in his book called delta L and Naboo. One those proofs of the prophecy of Muhammad Sallallahu it was sent I mean, this is one of them.

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The hadith describes our condition.

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So the Prophet he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam NEMA

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if this community this ummah, if you become preoccupied with the commerce and you start to deal with Elena, Elena, which is a form of Riba,

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an arena is something that is dealt with in the chat though at the back of the L bear and LS slam. The whole concept of L Bay ballerina is in this bag. It's a form of

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riba usury. So if this only becomes pre occupied with usury, and you take the tells of cows, and you become satisfied and happy with agriculture, and if you abandon the jihad, in the Cause of Allah, then Allah will cause you to suffer from loneliness and Allah will make you low and base and downtrodden.

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And he won't take that condition off of you until you return back to your deen

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and Allah Lang you re era maybe Coleman had you here who maybe unfussy him, Allah won't change the condition of a people until they first change the condition themselves they have to can change their own condition. So the end of the Hadith set, allow them to take this lowliness off of this community and off of this ummah, until the community returns to their rigid religion. And their religion is in contradiction to doing the things what this hadith is saying was going to happen of negativity.

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So concerning the Hadith, before we deal with the Hadith itself, let's talk very quickly Inshallah, about Abdullah, even Irma, the narrator of the Hadith. May Allah be pleased with him and his father in terms of his virtues, then had death with a heritage.

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Abdullah bin Irma, the fact that his father Rama was the second best friend of the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them after Abu Bakar that in of itself is enough from his virtues that his father was the second best friend of the nebi Salah Why do you send it if he didn't have any more virtuals this would have been enough.

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But you add on to that so many other issues like his sister hops up the door

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of Erma. She was the wife of the NABI SallAllahu. It was sending them one of his wives. And Allah says in the Quran and Nabi you hola Bill meaning Eminem fusi him. What is y Zhu Maha to whom? The Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is closer to the believers in their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. So the sister of Abdullah dinero Mara, the daughter of Mr. Hafsa, she was one of the Omen mean, one of the Mothers of the Believers, may Allah will try to be pleased with all of them.

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Those two virtues are enough. We don't have to say anything else, close the book, move on next. But there are so many issues for those young people who are out there trying to navigate and struggle during these times, trying to practice Islam, and at the same time, be a decent human being and make something out of yourself. Abdullah bin Omar may Allah be pleased with both of them will be a guiding light for you from amongst the many companions and that he was one of the six companions

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from the youth from the Shabbat, who memorized the majority of the Hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi. Wa Ana it was Selim tremendous companion.

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He is well known for his tenacity and his seriousness concerning the Sunnah. abdulai be no matter may Allah be pleased with him, was a person who was my roof, much whore. His situation was my loom. Everyone knew this was a man when it came to practicing the Sunnah.

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Word for word, step for step. When it came to those issues, Abdullah ibn Omar, may Allah be pleased with him was serious in being from Allah sunnah. Tremendous companion.

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And remember Buhari Rahmatullah he to Allah Allah He brought inside al Bukhari and the chatter about the virtues of the companions.

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And in the verses of the companions, he specifically specified Abdullah even Rama may Allah be pleased with both of them. And he brought the Hadith from his virtues and they are many had difficulty how to, as I said, I'm delighted Nirmala may Allah be pleased with him, incited Buhari said about himself that during the time of the NABI SallAllahu, ala he was a NEMA. If a man had a dream,

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he would take that dream to the Nebby sulla. While he was sad NEMA to be interpretated.

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Prophet would interpret for him his dream a bit, no man said I used to wish that I would have a gene dream I can have a dream so that I could take it to him to have it explained to me, which is an indication he was from those people like many of us who have dreams and they don't see anything, or they don't see things that they can remember. Or they don't see things that may mean anything to them. Here's a companion he's from the ODI, of Allah, Abdullah bin Omar. He said I used to wish and

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hope that I had a dream, but he didn't have dreams. Until this one particular occasion one night he had a dream. He said in my dream I saw that two angels came to me. I remember Makati put this in his side book it from the virtues of Abdullah and Irma. I saw my dream that two angels came to me. And they brought me to the hellfire. And he proceeded to describe some of the Hellfire.

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He said and then after that, he woke up and he told his sister about the dream, his sister being Hafsa, the Son, the daughter of Irma, and then Hafsa because her brother wanted her to do this, in turn, told the prophet about the dream of her brother's son Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Upon hearing the dream that Nibi of Islam said about Abdullah bin Omar namah Raju, Abdullah rumor. He is a good man. Only if he would just pray the night prayer. Instead of going to sleep for the whole night we see some of these dreams that may destroy him. If he got up at the last part, the last third of the night, and he prayed this prayer maybe wouldn't have seen that dream. I'm suggesting that he gets up for the piano late.

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One of the narratives of the dream who was a student of Abdullah ibn Ahmad Salim, may Allah have brought my point him as well from the name of Allah SNAM he said Abdullah bin no matter after that incident, he never left off Tiama Lane

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abdulai be no matter in the narration of cyld Buhari in their mini now

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Raisa ID if you said I used to be a young man, I was not married. I was very youthful and I used to stay in sleep in the masjid. And that's what I had my dream in the masjid. And then after having that dream, I went and I told the Nebby about it sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so he didn't have a lot of money. When he heard about the dream of his companion, the Prophet said, salallahu Salam is a good man. But since he's in the masjid, he should be praying in the pm and late

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even though my said, Oh, it was sad. He never left off the Kiama Lane from being a younger married man who used to live in the masjid from Allah sofa he was from those people didn't have money. His father is well known. But the son was living the Masjid. No one in his right mind is going to say the sun was a bum. The sun was lazy. The sun was shiftless. He's from the ollie Avila. Instead the son made the ultimate sacrifice like his father did in may hit her from Mecca and came to Medina.

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And now on the boy stayed in the sun stayed in the masjid. So the virtues of Abdullah even Norma they are meaning concerning the Hadith that we're dealing with this hadith is talking about the fitna of loving the dunya the fitna of love and money and wealth. Prophet informed us of Allah he was setting them in other a hadith, in the liquidly omitted fitness and we're fitting it to Almighty and man, every single community, every single nation. They have their fitna and the fitna of my

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nation is money. Sometimes Muslims look at the yahood and they want to describe the hood and look at the hood and view them in the stereotypical way you're a Jewish person and you love money. And not only is this

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this this way, not okay. But the prophet said that the fitna of this ummah was money. So it is a great trick of a shaytaan to have a Muslim looking at people who have the yahood way of their background and their ethnicity thinking that they love money, all of them they love money, they ready to go overboard and money. When the Nibi of Islam salatu salam told us the fitting of this ummah, the fitna of this ummah, our Ummah, is money.

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Allah Allah Allah

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concerning this issue, equity villa, because the fitna of this home is money that may be useful Allah, why do you sell them went to great lengths, in order to explain to our community, the reality of money and the danger of money in the dunya and the Zohar from the Xena of the dunya we have too many ayat of the Quran. Too many a Hadith from the authentic Sunnah of the NABI SallAllahu Sallam that tell us the reality of the dunya warn us of his traps and also tells us about what can be

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positive if a person is in the dunya and he uses it as a stepping ground to plant seeds of higher from the good deeds

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for the Muslims to get wrapped up and to think that dunya that's what it's all about. It's a problem. From those Ayat it's the statement of Allahu Taala it Allah mu animal HYAH dunya la Abel Allah who was in tune with the fact hold on Boehner comb with a lot with Catherine Phil and Wiley when

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you people should know, verily, the dunya is nothing but playing around. It's a game. It's a lie. You people are playing the NBA, the NFL the Super Bowl, what's going on with Manchester United and Liverpool Football Club. The dunya is just playing around his line. And the dunya is also level is music. It's just wasting time. He's having a good time he's having a party. And it's also Xena is a purifying, it's a beautification. It just looks pretty it just it's just a Lauren and the dunya is

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nothing but the fact hold on Danakil. It is your mutual bragging amongst yourselves. I had this car, I had these clothes, I had this Gucci bag, I have these glasses IV shoes. I live in this part of the neighborhood. I have this degree my children are doing this. I have an extension. Let me keep up with yours into a better extension to fashion. Look what I got look when you have more sons than you and they marry more times and you have more money than you this is all the dunya is what the

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Catherine M Wiley when OLAP and the dunya Allah said, Is this your mutual trying to accumulate the dunya

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accumulate the dunya even to the point where as it happened recently, a very cold day. Recently, we went to the janazah of one of our brothers from the Gambia, who lost his child after eight months and it was cold out there was a dreary day. Law will Tyler mentioned in the Quran. Allah had come to care for Hatter's Ottoman Mikado. The ayat means that mutually getting things, trying to accumulate things at the cathode, has caused you people to be forgetful, even to the point that when you visit

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the graves, one of the meanings of the ayat is people will continuously constantly try to outdo other people and keep up with the Jones and accumulating things better than those who around him. That's at the Catholic that's one of the meanings of this ayat, a person will do this until he dies, and he'll do it and it may cause his debt work so hard he dies.

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The second meaning is what I want to use it for is you guys, you people have been preoccupied by mutually gathered up things even to the point you still preoccupied when you go to the graves, someone's janazah and you're still talking about business deals. And what's the next move and just cut emphatic.

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So that is an ayat that tells us the reality of the dunya and there are many more. As for the Sunnah, again, there are many a hadith that this Hadith also, as to the issue of the Muslim being aware of the reality of the dunya the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, My Lee will it dunya What is it about me in the dunya? What do you want to know about me and the dunya, the dunya and me. He said, My Anna fit dunya electron rocket, but it's the letter, the shedule attend filmora with

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Taraka. The example of myself in the dunya is like the example of a person who's just traveling, he's traveling. And in his journey, he got off of his mound, took a rest under the shade of a tree. And then he got on his mountain and continue. That's his example of the dunya he's just the musafir he's just ready but traveler a stranger, he doesn't have some the law while he was setting them his nails in the dunya. But doing it didn't find a place in his heart. But doing it instead is in his

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hands. He spent from the dunya and he used the dunya to get rewards with Eliza Joe. He spent so DACA visa vie the law for the message deliver that he spent on his wife he spent on his children Salalah what he was sending them. As for the dunya being in his heart and him totally absolutely consumed with the dunya you don't find any a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam coveting and trying to go after the latest in terms of what was expensive during his time. And he could have had

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that sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that I It goes to show the reality of the dunya. And that hadith that we just mentioned, it goes to show that the prophets of Allah who it was said it wasn't from the Abernathy of the dunya

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and we have those other a hadith we're not going to go through all of that like the hadith of yomo Qiyamah. Allah is going to bring the richest man that ever lived in the dunya. Some people say up until this point, that was an African man by the name of Mansa Musa. He was the richest man that we know of in history, but he's a Muslim who died on Ellis lamb, so won't be him in sha Allah. But the richest man who was the richest man who was in this dunya will be brought forth. Also the poorest

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man in the dunya will be brought forth. The Richest Man was a calf hit and now Muslim. And the poorest man was a believer among men.

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The rich man will be put in the hellfire, and then he will be asked, Did you ever see any good in your life? He'll swear by Allah say, Well lie he, I never saw any failure, because judging that not of Jahannam he either Billa to what he had in the dunya is nothing he said, Well, lucky. I haven't seen any good. The poor man will be put in the Jannah and it will be said to him. Have you seen any books semi bats you ever seen any difficult he'll say well, law II after being put in Jannah and

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never saw any evil. Brothers and sisters, I want to make this point.

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I've traveled all over the world when Hamdi LAN I met a lot of poor Muslims just a few weeks ago, a few months ago, I was in a place where Muslims are really suffering

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I've seen with my own eyes abject poverty, and delivering this lesson and explaining this a hadith. I don't want any of the Muslims that I saw in I know in Africa for an example, who was suffering from poverty, serious poverty. I don't want any of them to think that I'm downplaying what they're dealing with. No. Instead I'm saying, look at these, a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, and put your situation in perspective. And those of us who come and we live in the West, we're not rich. We're

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not rich. But although we're not rich, I will situation compared to many of the Muslims around the globe, but we're much better off and Allah knows best financially. And that's why we have to be from those shack Umina. Allah Kathira was Shakira, we have to think Allah, Allah.

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I just don't want those poor Muslims who I know, especially in Africa, I know people who are suffering from abject, abject poverty.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to seek refuge in Allah from poverty. He said that poverty was a bit self, the ditch, it is a terrible bed partner. If you have to go to sleep being hungry, your children going to sleep and they're hungry, it will cause a person to do something that he or she normally wouldn't do. So back to the issue, the I clearly indicate, explain to us explain to us clearly, the reality of the dunya the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam explained to us

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clearly the reality of the dunya those are Hadith like the richest man who was a non Muslim, who will be put in the and dipped in the knot of Johanna, and he is an Abraham and the pious Muslim that ever lived, ever known to mankind, he's in the dirt, he has nothing. He will be dipped into the Jannah and asked, Have you ever seen any evil, it was rough, you went to sleep hungry, you had no money, you had issues you didn't know where to turn to what to deal with. You have nobody but Allah,

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Be patient, be patient, Allah won't burden you beyond your scope, Inshallah, you won't be burned beyond the scope, and also, Inshallah, from your Yaqeen and you'll suffer and you get to the Jana, you're going to look at these issues that you're going through right now, in sha Allah and it will be something that you'll say subhanallah another issue is, we find from the Prophet of Allah Islam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a balanced approach to the dunya him bringing this Quran that tells us

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when I 10 Sir, no see, but committed dunya don't forget your portion of the dunya. So we don't want our Muslim brothers and sisters, especially from the youth, to come up with the foreign idea of I just want to go to the masjid every day, and be of those seven people that Allah shaves in his shade, on the day that there will be no shade. And one of them is the young man who heart his heart was connected to the Quran to the masjid. So I just want to get a message I want to learn, I want to

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drop out of school know, Allah said, Don't forget your portion from the dunya. So the prophets Allah, Allah Islam, as you're gonna see, he didn't forget his portion of the dunya because he had wives, he had people who were responsible for he had an Obama problem I met somebody was selling was not a bum. As we say, in America, he wasn't a bum. He was a person who was administrating to the needs of his for his family and a whole community. And you can do that with your facing and nose in

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a corner in time out talking about you have checked out of the dunya is not our religion. And that's why we have people like Abu Bakr as Siddiq, as an example of a rich person who the dunya was with was in his hands and not as in his heart because rich people like Earth man, a big fan who to this very day in Medina, some of the endowments and the Oh God that he left during that time are worth hundreds and millions of dollars right now. If man was alive right now, he will be one of the

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richest people and El Medina.

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People like Abdul Rahman even if people like I will tell her and Ansari, may Allah be pleased with all of them. So we have in our religion, the total full picture of how to look at the dunya the reality of the dunya is this this and this the Prophet says some lady with some dunya

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fear the dunya

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Pay the dunya. He said that the dunya sallallahu alayhi wa salam that Allah has given you responsibility in it, and the dunya is not the reality.

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So I had a hadith,

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the example of the companions, and then the example of the righteous people who came after them, like the great scholar of Islam that I hope someone from amongst you goes back to check them out. He's none other than an imam Abdullah, even robotic, Abdullah bin Mubarak was one of the 10 Ameerul Momineen and Hadith and Hadith, he was of the self of this ummah, the creed of the self, from the Anima infec from the Anima and Aqeedah, and other aspects of the religion.

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He was a K, a Muhammad, all of those things, Mujahid and also he was a very rich person, may Allah have mercy upon him.

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As it relates to the Hadith that we're dealing with today, a few things have been mentioned in the Hadith.

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And as you know that this book that we're explaining is a book that's talking about the Dawa and the DUA the call and the caller. So this hadith for the most part, is joining the attention to people who are giving Dawa to Allah, to be aware of the reality of our community right now. Don't be a person who you're disconnected between your reality

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that people since I've been a Muslim, especially in the UK, we call them tick theories, people's support, diverge Boko Haram Shabaab

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going overboard,

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not realizing the reality of the condition of our Ummah, the fic the correct understanding, what's our situation? What are you doing? You have to not be disconnected. So a DI can get on the member and start giving Dawa and he's disconnected from the people. He's talking about an issue for a group of people who lived 800 years ago. But his own people right now, right here, not comprehending what he's saying he has to make his knowledge that he learned and Medina and Mecca. Wherever he learns

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his knowledge, he has to make it transferable and relatable to his community, his host community can be on some other issue and some other issue some other plane and that's the responsibility of the people of knowledge. And at the top of this other Annamma

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shareholder Islam Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab Rahmatullah eonni, for instance, has a book called Cash, a shuba heart,

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which can be translated as clarifying the doubts. There are doubts that Muslims have in 2021, about their religion, they've been overwhelmed with liberalism. They've been overwhelmed with the progressives. They've been overwhelmed with all of these concepts and issues that go against the religion. There are shoe by hat, many downs, and they are Chawan. Many desires have overwhelmed the normal people today. So the one who's given Dawa has to know the condition of those he's given Dawa

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to one of the Hadith that's going to come up in sha Allah and his book is when the prophets Allah, Allah, why he was selling them sent. Murad Ibnu Jebel. May Allah be pleased with him to the people of Yemen. And he told him about the people who was going to. So if you're giving Dawa, you have to know the condition of the people you're dealing with. I find it only amazing and disturbing that sometimes we find people giving Dawa and they want to super impose upon their host country.

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Something that's foreign to their community. Community, doesn't he that go back and warn against Funan and Funan? For nine, Chef, why do I have to go back and warn the people against food and food and Forman? When my mother, my father and I Muslims,

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my two sisters and families are non Muslims.

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The Muslim community, we need to come up with a way to put in our infrastructure to save ourselves and our children. We talking about chef?

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Right here I am. I take what the chef says. And I go to war with people based upon what some foreigners saying. Vernazza relates to my reality. I gotta have the ability to make my knowledge transferable, relatable to my host community. That's the point. Not talk to people in some cocoon.

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It's not real. It's not what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was about and that's what he's brought what he brought to us. So he mentioned four issues. If this community to buy to Marina, if you people were to sell Alina,

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a chef and Benny Rahmatullahi to Allah Allah, he used to always talk about this hadith. And he's the shake of a chef it and Hedeby. So the fact that chef I didn't Halaby will bring this in his book is not weird to me, because I remember chef al Bannister all ways mentioned this ID. That's why if you put this hadith in the internet in YouTube in Arabic, the majority of what comes back is what al bene had to say about this hadith, you can find what other people said about the Hadith. But for the

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most part, at the top of the list, what your results are going to be they're going to be saturated with. And then Benny talking about this hadith.

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And he used to say Rahmatullahi Tigani that right now in our Ummah, the community is weak. I want to stand in a of Al Islam, our grasp and our concepts about Al Islam, our practice in application of those concepts, the way we're practicing al Islam, we are weak, we are not a strong community. So therefore those people who are giving Dawa those people who are passing photos, those people are educated in interacting with the people in the May dine of a dour. You have to take it easy. don't

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deal with the people as if they're back in Baghdad. So many years ago. When I leave my ATM it was walking in Baghdad and I didn't Bedini No, don't deal with them like that. The people don't know. This is a time when things are very difficult that Dubai tomb bilena If this community started doing trade and commerce with this form of riba This is just one of the forms, but there's many forms of Riba and the Hadith of Al Bukhari and Muslim Abu Huraira. May Allah be pleased with them. He said

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that the Prophet said something long while he was selling them in telling us about the evil Riba. He turned evil as several movies cut, stay away from the seven major sins that will destroy you. One of those seven is Riba is from the major sins problem I missed said if you people indulge in this is a problem. And he said, if you take the tales of cows, and if you became pleased with agriculture, that's the third thing take entails of cow it means being coming preoccupied with livestock, our

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animals, the dunya. And as it relates to agriculture, this is from the della 11 Naboo. Prophet Muhammad knew that his community sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be a community that will be dealing with livestock, they will be dealing with Zara they will dealing with agriculture way back then that doesn't negate people, we're dealing with it people we're dealing in the stock market people we're dealing in other high levels of cameras, that this hadith is not applicable to you,

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it's even more applicable to you just as much.

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So concerning the second and the third, if you take the tails of cows, and if you become pleased with agriculture, so we have a lot of Hadith and ayat that talk about the danger the fitna and the namah. of livestock, and a lot of ayat and many Hadith that talk about the danger in the fitna in the near ama of agriculture, but there's one ayat amongst the many I mentioned both of them and that is the statement of Allah Allah subhana wa Taala telling us the reality of these two situations.

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Zucchini and limnanthes her Boucher YT Menindee sat beneath well cannot tell anymore Contura in Milan, they're heavy will fuck back. Well, hey muscle women tea. Well, an army will have that nickel highlighted dunya wala who endo husband.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:59

Allah mentioned in this is the second and the third issue that was mentioned in the Hadith that we're dealing with today. How it's a fitna for people. He says Subhana wa Dimas, zucchini and the NASS it has been made alluring. It has been made beautified to people, men, religious irreligious profits and nonprofits. Rich and poor black and white, knowledgeable, non knowledgeable. It has been made pleasing, alluring, beautiful cavitate the love of

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Women and the love of children as well as the hoarding of wealth, the wealth that consists of gold and silver mankind he has some money always count his money always going to is at how much money there's he had transferring money from one account of another county just keeps doing that for no reason you see I got money. So the isn it has been made beautiful to you alluring to you, having wives, women, and having children as well as hoarding wealth, gold and silver. And what has been

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made alluring to you. Alright? Horses that had been branded, like Sulaiman Salawat to lie he was so damn whiny. Go back and read about suit a man the newbie of LS lab, the son of Tao ood Alayhi Salatu, Allah was sin Mo. So the man was really really super

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impressed and amazed with branded horses. You have to read that Surah for jihad, and other than that, and just to be a beauty.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:17

And then that list of the part of the ISA and made a learning beautify to the people is you know, and the cattle,

00:36:18 --> 00:37:02

camel, sheeps, cows, goats, all of that. Allah said that is the hierarchy of a dunya and with Allah is that bless it return so that I entered the Quran along with other is show the second one, the third one, if you sell and you preoccupy yourself with the major sin of our ina which is Riba and you become engrossed in dealing with livestock. And you also become preoccupied with dealing with agriculture. And then the fourth what turned out to mill Jihad and you abandoned jihad. If you do

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these four things, select Allah Wa alaykum valand Allah will make you love and allow me to debase you will be the Lille Lau one of the examples of the lowliness and there are many I just gave you one. If someone would ask you Yeah, actually, yeah, I'm Attila.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:25

Yeah, I'm gonna rock man.

00:37:27 --> 00:37:30

What are the three main messages in Ellis lamb they're gonna say,

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in Mecca, the Kaaba and Medina. Prophet Muhammad's messages from Allah, Selim. And then based on luck, this in Jerusalem, messed up saw the lowliness is that as a Muslim, the third most important Masjid in the world, we can go to it. Even if you had enough money to go. If you paid all of the money and you took care of all of what you need to do, once you get there. The decision for you to come in or not to come in, as it relates to Benny Adam, is a decision of the yahood. Ultimately, the

00:38:06 --> 00:38:25

decision belongs to Allah. If Allah wants you to go in, no one can stop you. But we're not talking about that. If you want to go to the third major Masjid in Islam, you're not an extremist, you're not a terrorist. You're just a Muslim wants to pray in that Masjid before you die. You can't get in there unless you hold a lolly.

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And it's your messaging. That's a sign of loneliness. And there are many other signs of loneliness. But that's the one that I want to mention here today. So if these four things happen with Muslims become connected to the dunya as we had Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and sending authentic hadith and describing this time, yet tea Island Nicieza man, lie you bad in Morocco, Ma, AKA a mineral halali and mineral haram. The time is quickly approaching, it's going to come to the

00:39:02 --> 00:39:23

people. And that time, the person who's living through that time, he won't care. He won't give a toss as they say or the UK. He won't care. Where does this money come from? Where does he take it from? You take it from Halawa haram, he doesn't care. He doesn't care. He'll steal it from the Masjid.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:34

He'll steal it from his relatives. He'll steal it from his mother's pocket but from my hand back, he'll steal it from the orphans.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:39

He doesn't care. Important thing is, I just want money.

00:39:40 --> 00:39:59

And this is what the Prophet told us about sallallahu alayhi wa and it was sending them that Allah to Allah will make you low until you return back to your religion until you return back to your religion. And what's the religion? The religion is a jihad visa vie the lat but what jihad is one of those many texts

00:40:00 --> 00:40:35

They come to us that I can't jump over this text and act like it doesn't exist. We believe in jihad. We support it its position, but which jihad, the jihad there in the books of the fic of Al Islam, the books of FIP jurisprudence, that Jihad has been sanctioned. It has its place, its time its people, its rules Israel Galatians not this nonsense, which is sad that these extremists are calling to these things that are causing problems in our religion. So if you do these four things, Allah

00:40:35 --> 00:41:04

azza wa jal will make you low. Prophet Muhammad said something Allah, why do you will sell them but if to bein a ye de sai to be safe? Had to you with Allah who I do? What you ILA recipe tak de Ville Rome he, what your Isla Avila Sahar Adam and Carla for Amory momenta Chabahar becomming for a minute. He said, I've been sent close to yomo Qiyamah, with a sword in my hand

00:41:07 --> 00:41:17

to spread Ellis lamb to protect those people who don't embrace Ellis lamb, but they pay the Jizya

00:41:18 --> 00:41:26

I'm here to spread Ellis lamb that episode for some people to come and listen to him come Muslims. I've been sent

00:41:27 --> 00:41:30

with a sore close to yomo Kiana

00:41:31 --> 00:42:03

so that Allah will be worshipped by himself and those who go against me and he says something like it was said, My sustenance has been provided for me under the shade of my spear. The humps, Prophet Muhammad used to get from the jihad, the dunya he used to get a fifth of the spoils of war. So Allah was setting up, it just sit twiddling his fingers, he himself would go out and participate in the war. I don't want any Muslim young person comes in. I want to check out don't have anything to do

00:42:03 --> 00:42:36

with the dunya because Allah SNAM said the dunya is bad Rasul Allah said the dunya was not bad. Allah Salah Angola 10 Sana, see becoming a dunya don't forget your portion of the dunya don't forget your portion. Allah loves to see the effects of his NEMA on his slave. So if Allah bless you with a lot with a job, I love loves, that you have a nice car that you provide your family with, and yourself with give back and forth from work and so forth and so on. Providing you just not arrogant

00:42:36 --> 00:42:37

about it.

00:42:40 --> 00:43:12

So then the B of Islam, some love why they he went on it was sending him brought a religion that clearly tells us if we get away from these things, we're going to be subjected to loneliness and being debase. The Prophet told us in many, many a hadith similar to this. So Allah while he while it was selling them, like the Hadith, the time is fastly approaching where the different nations are going to come against this ummah. The same way that a group of people converge on a plate different

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multiple diamonds. They come together and they converge to eat from the same plate.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:54

When the Companions heard that they thought it was shocking, the WHO THE NESARA the other people from the machete King Allah so Allah They're coming to get us they're all united and coming to get this OMA someone said I mean kindling at night New York even Yara Salah is it because we will have few numbers. You know how to non Muslims are they are bullies when you're few they are bullies when you're not that many they have a lot to say they want to be pumped up they're bullies. Is it because

00:43:54 --> 00:44:23

we're few number so all of the different nations. He said somebody was sending them back into Myanmar even kefir what I cannot come go fat cat who fat is saying? Well again Zan Mala who mean collo I also don't I do Wickham and my habit am income. What are your fun Nephi colubrid Camilla hen Kayla? Woman one we are also Lacan her boo dunya what Kira here to note

00:44:24 --> 00:44:55

is a no the Muslims will be many in number on that day. You will be over a billion people as you are today. You're of a billion people. You a billion people, but Allah has made you like the scum like the phone the scum of the ocean, the form of the ocean week. Elijah jello would take out of the hearts of your enemy, fear of you, as they used to have during the time of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim prep Man was given five things no other prophet was given before him. One of those things he

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

said no Cyril to be Rob mercy Raj Shah and

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have been made victorious by the length of a month journey. If I set out to get my enemy,

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the amount of time that it takes me to get there from here today, 29 days, 30 days a month, before I get there, they would have already given up, they would have been afraid, how many minutes companions coming to get you. That's how it was in the beginning of a slam. Any of the non Muslims hurt, oh, boy, Muhammad is not happy with you, you did something wrong, you broke your contract, I'm in his companions coming to get you, those people were scared. The hadith said Allah will take that

00:45:37 --> 00:45:52

animal habit out of the hearts of your enemy, and foe in your hearts, the Muslims. And when they say when is one I like is going to take out of the hearts of the enemy, that fear of us and throw in our hands and why and what is that?

00:45:54 --> 00:45:56

He said, Love of the dunya

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and hate and death. Hainan death doesn't mean that the Muslim should be negligent, walking around wanting to die and trying to die. The best of you is the one who lives a long time and he has good deeds. That's what I did said. So we should try to live a long time. But the Muslim is a person who has principles, and he's ready to live and die based upon his principles.

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He's ready to live and die based on his principles. So when a person doesn't want to die, defending his principles, it becomes an issue. And this was one of the many reasons when the Prophet described our children, he said and wedded

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is something your child will make you stingy, you don't want to spend, you want to save money to spend on a child, your child will make you a coward. You don't want to go out and defend the truth because you don't want anything to happen to you. So that your child will be fatherless and have to go through anything like that. So the Muslim is that individual will, hey, I'm a person of principles, and I gotta step up to the plate and stand up for what I believe. And that could be with

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the Muslims with the non Muslims with my neighbor. And I'm one of those people just trying to stay under the radar all the time. And I have nothing to say. And people can't see me when things get up and they present themselves. No Muslim is a person that has a map that

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so this is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa, Ali will send them to Sleeman kathira. The hadith is telling the DUA de la SNAM know the condition of the Muslims that you're dealing with in Africa, and Africa, our African brothers and sisters, and Don't think for one minute Africa is poor. Africa is rich is rich. But the West keeps Africa in that condition to keep dreaming of its resources. But in Africa, many of the countries of Africa, they're very poor, very poor, you have to

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get money to go to school, your children have to pay for school, not like in the UK, you just got to get up, put your kids clothes on, take him to school, and that's it. But in Africa, they have to pay to go to school, you have to pay, we go to hospital, the NHS here is not perfect, but it's better than what you find in the so called Third World. And this is why we have to take precautions with this issue of the COVID. Because we put a strain that's even more on the NHS. The NHS is not

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comparable to what you find in the third world countries of the Muslims. Drama. In these countries, people are suffering, the basics that we take for granted. And me as a die. I'm giving Dawa, and I'm in those countries and I'm from the people of those countries. And I get on the member. And I get behind the microphone. And I start talking to people about things that are not related to this situation.

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Like a jet with tideal for an example. Or I'm teaching people and I'm just teaching them his BIA. I'm teaching them about politics, just emotional. I'm not really teaching them their religion.

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I'm teaching them about our group, and I'm teaching them caught our fat and to make ship with Allah and I'm teaching them that not understanding that the condition of the people necessitates that we start from the beginning and teach them that which will be beneficial with them or to them. This is what we want to present analyze with general Boonah is Allah and Allah MHADA was Allah was selling robotic AI then it'd be Nina Subhana cologne microbiome dica eyeshadow in La ilaha illa and a stock

00:49:45 --> 00:49:50

Furukawa to Ray was Santa Monica Mara to La he will go to cattle

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