Abu Eesa Niamatullah – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP02

Abu Eesa Niamatullah
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the use of the word " AD" in history and the use of the word " AD" in writing to inform audiences about the text. They also discuss the loss of parents' respect and the importance of learning to be kind to parents. The speakers emphasize the need to act passionate and prioritize one's priorities in actions and responsibilities, as it is the most important priority in one's life. They also mention the importance of praying and understanding the natural conclusion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam about a calendar view now Mohammed while early he was a marine llamada de la Loma gentlemen say hello under Treasure Island. He has noted that Salah la Marina illogically kawakita abetik era, but actually seem

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to pick up now from our last session,

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we've introduced the topic of Adam, the need for others in society, the need for Adam, for everyone and for ourselves, specifically as Muslims. And we've also had a brief introduction into, you know, the text that we will be taking this journey, and as I explained, it's a journey because really,

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there LML when they used to start the text, they used to consider it a journey is to prepare themselves for it and take provision for the journey, the difficulties that will be encountered along the way of studying and thinking and reflecting, and so on. And we had a brief introduction also of the Imam, Imam Al Bukhari rhodiola, who is the author of this of this wonderful text. And so before we actually start the first Hadith, which Mr. Bahari opens his book with just a few

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points to,

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to make it clear where we're going to explain this book from I didn't mention last time that that this this text is quite incredible, actually, that throughout history, no one has given it a proper commentary. No one has given us a proper commentary. Until just very recently, an Indian scholar gave a brief commentary of it for the last summit

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upon upon a double move, read a brief one. And then there's been some contemporary scholars have written a few notes to it, and some have checked the Hadith and it's and so on. And that's not strange. I was speaking with my was one of my teachers, shackling, Judah. And he said to me that I said to him, isn't it very strange that such an amazing book hasn't had a commentary? And he said to me that what do you think of? What do you think of unnecessary? And what do you think of a merger? And these collections? What do you think of a doubt? I mean, which, you know, a datum is a collection of Hadeeth, which, which even haggard said, it should have been part of this, he said,

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So, not only did not even get into the second sector, where is the commentary today? And where is the country that Muslims Remember him? But, I mean, that's a magnum opus in itself, right. I mean, it's incredible work with so much in your element, it's so much benefits in it. No one's in a commentary. So you said that, you know, it's not necessarily the case that the most best books gets a commentary, so inshallah

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the beneficial point or the good The good news is that the Hadees that are found in an Adela move right, they have got other sources other other talk, as we say other any ways of narration, that means that it can be found in the collections of Amanda tirmidhi. And the, the collections of Sahih Muslim and Sahil Buhari, and Mr. Buhari is authentic collection. So the commentaries are available, and we'll be using these sources as well as the two first here, the different commentaries upon the Quran to help us in formulate our understanding of the text in this book

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And Mr. Bahari rajala and start his book with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. And actually, that might seem strange because in general, we know that the Muslims when we start something, we start with a handler, okay? When we say Bismillah under him equals the best Mullah. All right, this is the best mela and the handler Alhamdulillah is when you say Hamdulillah, and you praise Allah Subhana Allah in the way that he deserves azzawajal and, you know, we then proceed into the text. And some scholars had some explanation for that, because it's important, you know, the when when when scholars look at a text or try to explain a text, they do not leave a single detail out everything

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they they look at, they believe is there for a specific reason. And this is taken from the Sunnah of Allah subhanaw taala in his book unquote Animal Kingdom, and the the Quran every time you go back to it, you'll find some more benefit every time you go back to it, you'll find some more benefit. It's just a standard reader. What about them the greatest of the scholars? I mean, the scholars who have been studying the Quran for 40 5060 years, the kivar when they tell us that every time they go back to the Quran, they learned something new, they are able to reflect upon it and think about it because they realize that hold on, why is that there? Why is that letter like this Not like that?

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Why was this word used not that word used, so that everything has a secret to it, meaning which it can be found using the the sources of sooner. And likewise, the purpose of life Selim who was given a job will kill him, he was given this ability to be so comprehensive and very few words. And so this is a treasure trove for us really, because if we're able to spend time with their ela, and their commentaries to the Hadees, you'll find that just a few words has so much meaning so much explanation. And then add to that the fact that Arabic language is the medium being used in the Hadees, and the Koran, and just one Arabic word has so many different modules, and so many

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different, almost points of some different angles to approach the word art to try and understand its meaning and its relation to the source and to the root itself. So when you look at every single word and every single sentence, it has a deep meaning. Likewise, the major scholars the kivar, such as Mr. Bahari, we expect him when he writes, when he says something, we believe he said it for this reason. And when he leaves something out, we believe he left it out for a reason. And that's what we are here to study. We're here to benefit from that. So when we say Bismillah Rahim, not we don't just see, oh, he started with Westminster, we say, hold on, why didn't he start with the handler?

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This is a question we ask ourselves. And the benefit of looking at this point is because we can we can take a ruling from this, we can take a ruling that Mr. Bahari did not consider it to be an obligation to start with the handler, which is a point of benefit for us. We know that the purpose of life and limb started to hamdullah in many insei saying Alhamdulillah or Praise be to Allah in many different occasions. But here he didn't. And even mojari he started with the best mela. Now, some scholars said actually, that it's very possible that Mr. Buhari did start to the hamdallah but verbally so before he started writing, he said that hamdulillah and but he wrote down only the best

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manner for our for our benefit, yet we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in authentic hadith narrated by Mr. Bahari himself, indicative of what he saw in the beginning of the revelation in Buhari, the personalized Selim said that the first thing that was revealed from the Quran was Accra, Arabic, okay. And the scholars said that from this, the end to be a smear of bacon in the name of your Lord is Keifa It is enough for you to start your actions With the name of Allah subhanaw taala. Not to say In the name of Allah, but with the name of Allah Bismillah Arabic. And also we know that the professor lies Allah and his various correspondences with the different kings

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and the different rulers that he was opening channels with when he became the leader of the state, and he was offering them treaties and you're offering them the opportunity to accept Islam and justice and so on. He would often write them letters without mentioning the hamdulillah and just saying Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. So we know from the action of the sundown the action from a member of the action remember Buhari in this text, that it is not an absolute condition. It's not an absolute condition to start with the best Mullah

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Mr. Bahari, the very first chapter starts with the statement of Allah subhanaw taala Baba colita Allah was saying he was saying that in Santa Diwali, they he has not only the words of Allah the Most High, we have enjoined on mankind, kindness to parents.

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And this is interesting, why because not only has the line made an indication that by choosing an ayah Okay, which is a statement of Allah subhanaw taala, it opens us up immediately that there is a relationship that we need to recognize at this very, very beginning between worshiping Allah subhanaw taala and obeying the parents a distinct connection, which is what we will look at first

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Before that, we have another question. Why is it that Emanuel Buhari rhodiola Han? Why does he start the whole chapter of Adam, the whole understanding of, of interactions with society and people with the parents, what's the what's the what's the, the the the secret behind that. The secret behind that is that Adam, what is added, we explained that in the previous session, it was how you interact with people, how you deal with people, how you understand other people, and who are the most important people in our lives, there is not a single pair or a person at all in our lives more important to us than our parents, our father and our mother, as people are the absolute Supreme,

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most important people in our lives more important to us, in our living lives, because if the purpose of life was alive, then he would have been more important, but outside and past his death, it is our parents that take that position above the scholars above our children above our wives, our parents have the biggest hug upon us after the hug of Allah subhanaw taala. After the rights of Allah azza wa jal comes the right of the parents. And so if we are not able to perfect our relationship and our understanding and our other with the most obvious candidates for our parents, so how are we going to have to deal with the rest of people? How are we going to be able to deal with our Muslim brothers?

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How are we going to be how are we going to deal with with non Muslims? How are we going to deal with our neighbors? How are we going to deal with with animals? How are we going to do business? How are we going to do this, if we can't even sort out our own condition our own manners, with the most obvious, the most obvious relationship requiring good manners and kindness, and understanding and obedience, which is the parents. And that's why it starts off with the vocal parents. That's why the scholars always put at the beginning of adept parents, because the one who perfects his relationship with his parents, we will see that he will find that the the the the the the difficulty, is just not

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going to be found in dealing with the rest of people. It just won't be there. And this is the only what what mojari will now start to develop starts to develop on going through the importance of the parents and then the different aspects of the parental relationship and the problems that come up and how to deal with them and then moving on to the rest of society.

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And as I said,

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What is the importance of parents per se? The reason that what is the reason that any we are told to respect our parents? Why is it that Mr. Bahari indicates this by statement by stating the the the reverse of a loss of power to Allah that we have enjoyed upon mankind to be kind to his parents, because the reason for our existence is what, but just to worship Allah subhanaw taala as Allah, Allah says, Allah cucina will insert in Delhi, Abu Dhabi, I did not create mankind, or the gin, except to worship Me, except to worship me. And the reality is, is that if we were not in existence, then we wouldn't have been able to worship Him as origin. So our parents, being the sole cause of

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the Allah subhanaw taala, Sophia of our existence, then we did any we owe our parents that immense gratitude for being able to do our obligation for being able to worship Allah, Allah, Allah for being able to appreciate Islam, and to be able to being able to actually inshaAllah achieve the agenda afterwards. And if we hit agenda, and it makes us happy, and we hear you only the things that would that we will do, and we will see it, we enjoy this order of life and this Felicity in this life, it is one time this is because we are alive. It is because we have been born into Islam, and preserved in Islam, by Yanni by the most cases by the efforts of our parents. And this leads on

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nicely for us to understand what is the link between why Allah subhanaw taala is right comes first and then the rights of the parents. Because as we said, our aim was our role in life to understand and worship Allah subhanaw taala to affirm his tawheed to accept and recognize His rubia His Lordship for you. And this word rubia has a word at its root comes from our Abba, okay, and whether or not ba will come back to animated because it's very, very interesting. Because if we now look at the, the,

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the, the main role of the parents, okay, what's the main role of the parents in our lives was their main objective after Of course, worshiping Allah subhanaw taala part of the number one obligation is to give us Serbia, Serbia, and the word Serbia likewise comes from the same roots in Arabic from Russia. And what does that mean? It means to grow it means to cultivate, it means to raise it means to culture it means to develop. These are the the kind of the, the the ideas that the the Arabs would use to try and explain. For example, there was a another euro a euro buena bastiani the rain, it raises and causes to grow the plants.

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From the from the ground, that's how classically the word rebel would be used. And we know that in the in poetry, the one of the famous lines of hasn't been stabbed rajala and one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he was describing someone very, very beautiful. And that was something which was very common with the Arab poets. They would love to just go and express themselves when they were trying to extol the beauties of beautiful women. He said min Dora tiene de la Sofia, min max Tara Baba Hi everybody. And then a watch the beauty her beauty is more beautiful than I white clear pearl of those which the depth of the sea has worked to maturity

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has worked to maturity. min max Hara Baba Hi, everybody. Why was this? Why did the scholars use this line of poetry to explain the process of tarbiyah because Terra Baba, Terra Baba here is explaining the process of this See, acting upon the oyster and the pearl and polishing it and culturing it and developing it into this final product, this beautiful white clay, *, and you know, I did some reading and suppose and you know that it's actually an aspect of marine culture. aquaculture, they call it and they actually call culture, they recognize that this is a process that takes time and requires effort and requires patience, and so on and so on. Okay, for Tara Baba. Yeah, the, the, the

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the poles, you know, they come in an oyster. And they feel sometimes, when you open this oyster, and you see the pattern that it's sometimes it can take sometimes up to six years to develop a pal inside an oyster. And they said that if you if you go, you know, when you take this catch of oysters, and a three ton catch of oysters, maybe you will find three or four good pearls. And this this information. And that's why I like the example of a pearl because this information gives us the idea that this act of tabea is not easy. It requires patience, it requires

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not just patience, but requires so much effort. And the final result is going to be rare, the final result is going to be quality morava. That final thing will be called that thing which tarbiyah has occurred to it is called at morava. And a child who is more of the one who has been given the perfect tarbiyah from the parents, who has been brought up in the perfect way is even more rare than these polls. But that kind of child is definitely developing the correct way. And it's nice actually, when you think about it motorbikes also referred to in Arabic to confectionery and jam. Okay, I think even in order to I think they call it more of B or more a bow and so on. And that's

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where the root comes from, because jam is allowed to ferment and not to ferment, but to to get seasoned and the juice is imbibed into it over a long period of time and the flavor starts to develop and so on, after a long period of time. And that is not like straightaway, and that quality, that quality of juice, that quality of taste, which is allowed to to preserve after after a period of time. This is what Coltrane is about this is what Caribbean is about. This is what the root root verb raba is trying to trying to express. And why is it that the Prophet sunlight is a lamp has emphasized that the parents main role and responsibility is this act of tarbiyah because we know

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that he said in the Hadith narrated by mama Buhari, Anima Muslim, that every child is born upon the fitrah upon an unnatural state, that natural state that will lead this child into Islam, but his parents turn him into a Jew or a Christian or as a Rastafarian, okay. So, it is the parents job to protect this child from going astray. And to stick on to that which will benefit this child. It is the parents responsibility to make terribie of this child to make to make to give the child effort to concentrate on the child and to ensure that the Terabithia that they are given to

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avoid avoids going down the route of of Judaism or Christianity or Kufa of any of its types. But the question should be asked, and this is the beautiful link between the territory of the parents and the review of Allah subhanaw taala. What is the objective? What's the final goal of Serbia to the child? What are we trying to do here? what's the what's the what's the aim, the aim is for the child to develop in a certain way, that through his tarbiyah through this culturing, he starts to recognize through this the rupee of Allah subhanaw taala from so one aspect of the word robber, getting to grow, he reaches that final stage, he matures to that perfectly any state where his

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alcohol and his his motion, his emotion and his his heart, and his senses recognize that the final destination and that the perfection of tarbiyah is being able to recognize that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who deserves to be worshipped. That he is a rub. He is a rub again, taken from the same word this

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Same understanding of tarbiyah This is the link this is why this is why the Allah subhanaw taala put so much emphasis upon the parents after, after himself as the origin of the himself as the origin. And you know, if you think about the, the idea of Allah subhanaw taala when he says maharlika, similar to 1101, xylella, communists, Emma Emma from Burnaby, he had a

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badger, ma Candela, and Toby to Sha,

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Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Burnham, como de Lune.

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There are people who ascribe partners, and it is he who created the heavens and the earth, and who has sent down for your water from the sky, where was we close to grow wonderful gardens, full of beauty, and the light whose trees it has never had, it has never been yours to cause to grow what you cause you say that there's another god besides Allah.

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But there are people who do shark there are people who ascribe partners. And this is the beauty of Allah paradise in this ayah. And the ayah. preceding this, and the is after it in the sorts of shows, the process of creation, shows vividly, beautifully, Danny, in a very intense way, by bringing our attention to the act of growth and culture that we witness all these yonny these, these ideas and evidences that show not just in our internal development, not just our internal internal tarbiyah. But the tarbiyah of the of the creation around us as its its causes to grow and develop, and the miracles start to become clear to us. And we as the last panel challenges, it is not for you

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to to stop the trees or to cause the trees to grow. It is a loss of Pousada who creates the trees and creates the the plants and sends down the water from the sky.

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And then you say that there's a god or besides Allah, Allah, Allahu Allah, Allah, this kind of where are you going? What are you talking about? And that shows a loss of power that it shows in this ayah what happens when the person does not use the benefit of tarbiyah in himself and the tarbiyah in creation, because if it works, then you recognize that it is Allah subhanaw taala, who is the only Allah He is the only one that is the one worthy of worship, he is the one who is the Lord. And that's the benefit of a tarbiyah.

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So then we look at this, this, this ayah of Quran that we have enjoined upon mankind, kindness to his parents, this is the sort of verse number eight of suture, the ankle boots, and, and the Tafseer. They said that the dilemma of Tafseer, as noted in the Hadith, that this came down, according in relation to the Sahabi aside, even at war costs, who you might know, coincidentally, before Islam was very well known for his respect to his to his mother, he loved his mother, dearly, intensely. In fact, he had the reputation for that. So it's, maybe it's almost an added benefit that this ayah is has been put here to make us think get get us thinking in the in the right mode. And

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what we know is that after he accepted Islam, his mother, who was whose Her name was Hamza bin Debbie soufiane.

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Once he accepted Islam, and celebrated workers in the race, it is how do you think Muslim, he said, he said, on Saturday, and my mother said, Did Allah to me, and his mother said to the side, did Allah commands you, so honor your parents, by Allah, I will not eat or drink anything until I die or you renounce Islam.

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And then sad said, when they wanted to feed her, because she had made this oath, they would force her mouth open, and then this ayah was revealed. This is the the Tafseer and the the

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the circumstances that this ayah itself was revealed, as I didn't walk us, of course, was distressed by this, and he loved his mother intensely, like everyone does, yet he loved Allah subhanaw taala more. And when he saw this, he really didn't know what to do. It caused him a lot of grief. It caused him a lot of stress. And so he went to the professor lies lm and I to ask for advice. And then this ayah was revealed. And if you read the rest of the ayah was saying that inside revalidation, Krishna went in Jan Hideki to shake habima lay silica be here for now to oma and we have enjoined upon mankind, kindness to parents, but if they strive to make you associate partners

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with me, of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam placed for me workers, this kind of boundary. And he said, Go back and serve her and be kind to her and look after her. But you now know the limits. You now know that it doesn't matter what she does. But your dean, it should be more beloved to you that your Lord should be more beloved to you. And this

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is easy statement for someone to make. But it's different to actually internalize this. And this is what the Sahaba are most beautiful and perfect at. The reason that they were chosen for us as examples is that we can easily refer to them, we can easily refer to them and and see from their intense quality in their example, how for us, it can be something which we can achieve, and how they're able to go through these processes. And how how difficult it was. It's explained to us we see the difficulty that they went back and so he went back, he went back and

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it was a man will cause to be mentioned that it was said two sides when you went back Oh, that people would say, Oh, the one who has killed his mother, or the one who has killed his mother because she will refuse to eat, she refused to eat. And so when he when he went back to her, he said, this is the this is the situation. And I love I love Allah subhanaw taala more than my love for you. She he said she cried for days. And she cried for days and she refused to eat. But once I told I told her that even if you had 100 lives, each life passing away die day by day in front of me, I will not leave this religion of mine. So if you wish eat and if you don't wish, don't eat.

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This is what he said to her a very difficult decision. But this is because Allah has Allah has placed the limits for the, the obedience to the parents. And then we know from the other narrations that the prophecy that decides what caste tells us that after that she started to eat and drink, but she died a Cafiero. She died she died she refused to accept Islam. But even if workers did not leave his obligations to her, and even our boss rhodiola han also narrates in the pursuit of heaven assured that this ayah was revealed upon another Sahabi his name was I yes, even Abby robbia. Who, okay was the rhodiola and who was the brother of Abu Jamal, who was the brother of the leader of the

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kuffar the ones who, who, who caused so much grief to the purpose of life and limb, and it is narrated that once he accepted Islam, he accepted Islam and he made hijra to Medina, Abu Jamal came with him and a * had another brother could have it. Right. And they both came to to a Yash. And they said to him, they said to him, and this was when I showed interest, he goes indeed, Mohammed commands to being kind to the parents, but since you have left her IE their mother, since you have left her she has vowed not to eat or drink unless she sees you again, for she loves you more than us.

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So he sought advice from our

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when I showed said that, he went to hour an hour, he said what what did he say to him, he said that these two are tricking you. Do not believe them, do not listen to them, they are tricking you. It is it is just it is a game plan. So he went back. And this process continued until he gave in and as he and then as he went upon his way, which they they, they kicked him, they tied him up and they took him home, they took him home and the nourishing me is very, very interesting. They tied him up in the corner of the house. And they left him there they said that we will not until you until you renounce your religion. We will not enter you if you imagine their beats the the the the punishment

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that he took the emotional pressure from his family, and then his mother in the corner, refusing to eat and drink likewise, very similar to the first case, if they if she if he would not renounce his religion, and hamdulillah he stuck firm to his religion and hamdulillah Why is that? Because although the obedience of parents and we've seen the importance of our parents, although it is so important, it has limits. And it doesn't take us to that had that limit where we start to go against the the, the the the outcome of our last Pousada and this is based in a Hadith of the purpose of life seldom narrated by Mohammed, that is la le mahalo FEMA theater Holic, there is no obedience to

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the creation in disobedience to the Creator. So this this guy that is this principle, this hadith gives us this rule, how we can limit and restrict and standardize our relations with our parents, and in fact, our relations with everyone. Because we have obligations that we have to always try and, and play one off against the other. That's what life's about. That's what dealing with society is about, you have a set of obligations, and you have another counter set of obligations, how are you going to be able to mete out these and keep someone so happy and keep that party happy? And this is what Jani, the one who perfects either will be able to prioritize, or will be able to recognize

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that this is something which is more important now, and this can be done, but this can't be delayed, and I should do this thing now.

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And so on to the Hadees the First Lady, that

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that that Mr. Bahari narrates, and I'm delighted when Mr. radi Allahu anhu calls alto and nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Emily Abu lahab

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As our shall call a solid to Allah voxy ha call to some a call through mobile wildin

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call to some a call Suman Jihad feasability la call her destiny be hinda wala is that to who lesser Danny

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and the the full narration that Abu Omar ashay van he said the owner of this house and he pointed to a house and it was the house of of the live and Mr. Hurd, okay on the line said, I asked the Prophet May Allah bless him and grant him peace, which action of Allah the mighty, Exalted his most beloved to him?

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He replied, prayer at its proper time. Then what I asked, he said, then being good to the parents, I asked, then what he replied, then jihad in the way of Allah. He added, he told me about these things. If I had asked him to tell me more, he would have told me more.

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This is the first narration that Bahari opens the book of adept with, and this hadith is a hadith. So here, you can find it also in his authentic collection, the size of a memorable gem. So here, and also narrated in Qatar, what he meant by Muslim. The first thing that we want to, to look at is the, the main narrator of this hadith of Rama Shivani, who was one of the companions of the lot, one of the companions of the lion mustard, but he was not a hobby, he was not as a hobby, yet, he was alive at the time of the province of lights, lm. In fact, he states he was quoting him, he said that, when the prophets of lights and lamb was sent with the risala, the message I was sent to kalama, to to be

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a shepherd to look after the flocks and the sheep and so on. So he was unfortunate, in that he was not able to meet the promise of lice lm even though his lifetime is along the same kind of generation. So therefore, he turned out to be a companion, a major companion of of the life of Massoud, which puts him in the generation of a Tabby and puts them in the tail end degeneration of their Kibera tab again, because every generation, such as the Sahaba, we have the, the the Kibera, Sahaba, the major Sahaba, who were there from the very, very beginning. And then you have those that came later, who only saw the prophets lysozyme, a few times only able to interact with the professor

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Ala Moana on only a small few occasions. And then you have, likewise, the attacker in their major Tabby, who either just missed the prophets lie Selim, or who were there at the same time, but we're not able to benefit from meeting him or speaking to him sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then you have the server tab, again, of the first generation who came after the companions, but Gianni will come, come came a lot

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later. And the next benefit to look at is that when he was talking about of the life and maturity level, and he, he didn't even mention his name. He didn't even mention his name. He just said, the owner of this house. So I have had it done this house here. And normally does that show some respect, and have the knowledge of the show and how popular and how famous he was himself. But it also shows that of the labor Mr. Who, in actual fact, in the narrations in the books of Hadees. He they said that it was Dr. Abdullah, the daughter of Abdullah and Abdullah the name when it's mentioned in the Hadith literature, just by itself, it Lacan I absolutely, with no other additions

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or even or even miss Ruth, so on. Whenever the lions mentioned, it means they've been measured. And that's itself, this itself is a great factor that not only is that the greatest value for the people who study knowledge, but it's a great benefit to know, the maqam of the law, to the to the rest of the scholars, to the heady scholars, you know, it's it's like, it's like anything in society. You know, it's like when you say for, I don't know, I don't want to give a city example to bring down the convent, the conversation of the bring down the tone of our our circle, because inshallah We hope this is full of Baraka, I'm going to mention something silly, but you know, that respect is

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gained when you can say one word, and everyone knows who that person is. And that's the old view. Of course, that's the aim of all public relations companies, right? That's all they do management consultants and image consultants as their whole life, they get paid millions and millions to be able to create that brand name. So you just say that person's name, and it's recognized and understood. Well, you know, somehow we have the same thing. We have the same thing. They said the lies are on the line, no need to tell us anymore. That's a bola and I live in Minnesota de la, Minnesota cleaning a wedding from the kivar Sahaba. From the early days from the major Sahaba from

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the early companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who is the actual raw we the actual narrator of this of this hadith. Then 70 chapters of the Quran surah of the Quran, from the mouth of the prophets lie Selim. And they say as narrated by NSA

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But he learned them was they they didn't forbid rajala and the scribe of the professor lies lm, the scribe of the fellow was still a child playing with the children.

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They said they used to say that we must learn 70 sower and save them. His habit was still playing with kids. Yeah. And just to show you who really even less Oh, there are the law and is and actually we don't need to see the the spread of the Hanafi school throughout the world and its * is through the spreading of the teaching of the library, Earth and his migration to Iraq. And it's his effect than being spread to his main students. And Hamad bin Zaid Ibrahim and Naka. And then then then spreading the effects of halifa mala, and then the school just spreading and his opinions taking such such a strength amongst the nation. And this is from the Baraka of the LA Yvan Massoud

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rhodiola. And they say about him that he was the most ashwani the most similar to the purpose of life and limb in his mode, and in his manner, and the way that he walked and in the way that he addressed people very, very similar to the purpose of life and limb himself. And he although he moved to to to Kufa, in actual fact, the scholar said, you know, this, the house that they that Amara Shivani and he were appointed to, they said that he didn't know whether this was the house in Kufa. They didn't they couldn't tell. Although they were able to ascertain the quality of the chain. They couldn't ascertain whether this house was his house in Kufa or whether it was his house in

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Medina. That house which Yeah, nice, it's nice to know, was rented by email Malika the line. He was actually the the one who had the least on that on that the house. So I wonder if we can find that house. There's a lot I mean, these kind of climates, we can't find anything these days, forget about the house of of the lemon mustard. And anyway, we know that he passed away in the 32nd year of injury, he was 31 6060 something years old. And they say something because they they were never 100% sure, on the exact date, the date of birth. So let's say but as any citizen without any 60 and some. And that's how we

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know about 11 Masood, what's the question? That he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he said to him, Emily hubzu illa Allah. All right, which action is most beloved, and which of the actions is most beloved to Allah? subhanaw taala. And we have many other narrations of such a similar question. What is the best action of the end? What is the author? Ahmed? What is the best action that you can find that we can do? What is the most beloved action to Allah? subhanaw taala change the the words a bit, but the the meaning remains the same? And what does that question actually mean? When someone asks that? Okay, look at the answer here. We've seen that when, when it

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when Massoud answered that the purpose of lies lm didn't mention Eman didn't mention those things which we know before prayer, but he mentioned prayer. And then he mentioned a little while eating and then he mentioned jihad. Okay. And you will realize once you study all of the different types of Hadith, and start to understand the question and the responses, what this kind of question, or rather, how the question are dealt with this, this kind of approach. And that's why the scholars said that sometimes when someone asked this question, what they mean is, in general, what are the best actions? in general? That's the first opinion. The second opinion is that when someone would

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ask, what is the most beloved action according to Allah, and then the responses were given the responses were given in order to exaggerate the action to show its importance and its magnitude by connecting it to the question that what is the greatest action to give it an underline is important. Another opinion was that the questioner would change and because the question only the question arises, our confusion only arises because the answer is always changing. Because the prophets lie Selim said it, they said, Who has the best, who is the best of us, and he would say Heroku Heroku alikum. For example, one time, the best of you are those who are best at their families, and another

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time, the best of your best to your children and the best of your women and the best who make adapt, who pay the debts and those who perform the prep on the right time. So all these different responses. So they said that one of the answers to this is that the the the one who's answering the question, is more knowledgeable of the exact needs of that question, and is responded with something that will specifically benefit that person more than it would someone else? And this makes a lot of sense. This makes a lot of sense. Because sometimes we'll read something and we don't know their further detail, that may be the the, the, the question and knows that this person is very good in

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giving us other kind of very good and fasting and so on, but his prayer is lacking. So then he will concentrate upon the prayer and he will tell him this is the greatest action that you can do. And this is one of the possible answers another one of the answers that the scholars

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I mentioned was that a difference from time to time. So in certain times certain actions that the beloved most beloved to Allah, Allah, and at other times other actions such as jihad, for example, in the beginning of Islam, jihad, and its Muslim was incredible. Why? Because it was needed as it was seen, it was it was needed as a as a more than a means to establish Islam in itself. But once Islam was established, and the state had achieved security and stability, so now the importance of jihad, although still there was still an obligation, but now something else may come in front of it, for example, a person who hasn't done Hajj and it's time now for HUD, okay, what did you have now we

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are stable with secure. So HUD is not the greatest action that you can do. All for example, we were safe and stable and secure, and there is a massive drought and famine. So now sadaqa becomes a thing which is emphasized. And this is how to understand the the hundreds of hundreds of narrations and answers that we have, where we where the problem lies, and we say the greatest action according to Allah, the Most Beloved action, according to Allah is this and that, and so on, and so on. So now there's no need to be confused when you see all the different answers, because you can see them that they are different in their time different according to the person who is asking the question, and

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so on.

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So then we move to the first thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told

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what was that? A solid, a Salah, Allah waka the prayer in its proper time.

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And there are many, many different variations of this heading. Okay, the most popular second narration is a Salafi, or when you walk to the prayer in the beginning of its time, and this was disputed amongst the scholars.

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Particularly for example, remember Noah we,

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in general, it was the Hanafi school that didn't find any evidence for this statement. And it was actually remember no we who supported them. In his book, he said that actually all of the narrations that have this increase a while the only in the beginning of its time, are weak, but even hedger, rahimullah, he shows an actual fact that the narrations for for this are authentic, and they are to be found with healthcare, and found without equipment, and they're found in the Sahara. Even hoceima. Ramallah and it is something which is Yani an authentic addition, which can help us to understand the Hadith. But even this even understanding and knowing that, to pray, this law, in his

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beginning time is not necessarily the one and only interpretation, because we know from other Hadees, that not always is the prayer at the beginning of his time, the best, for example, when we have a congregation, so let's just say that the Salah starts at four o'clock. So then if you were to add literally upon a Salafi, or when you worked here, then you'd pray at five plus four, or 10 plus four. But what if you know that the congregation is at five o'clock, then we know that the agenda, the congregation in the masjid is more of an obligation and a better prayer for you. And for example, we know it's certainly Asia, the purpose of life, Salem wanted to delay that prayer as much

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as possible, except that he feared that it would become too difficult for his nation. So if someone has the ability, they should delay it. But if the Jamaat is earlier in the message, then he prays with the machete earlier, but he is at home or she is at home, it is sooner for them if they can, as long as it will not affect the parent adversely. They'll go to tired and not know what they're saying, and so on and so on, to delay the Isha prayer and pray it as late as possible. And not only does this Hades give us this in this discussion now of whether the prayer itself is in the beginning time, whether it's in the later time, what is it what is this proper time, it also tells us in this

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list of three things, and you just have to step back and look at the list, Salah bureau vinylidene, and Jihad peace Villa three great obligations, yet the prayer comes first, out of all three, we're still talking about parents, yet the Salah is placed at the beginning. Why? Because it really is a priority in our lives, it really is the number one thing that should take priority over everything. And we know that from the heads of departments and licensing, when he said in the tirmidhi, the first thing that will be judged on your piano will be you handed the prayer. And if the prayer is proper, then the rest of the deeds inshallah will follow, and it will be along that line and we'll

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be successful. But if the product is defective, the quality of the property is defective, then the rest of the actions are surely going to then be defective. That's why only at the beginning of all of our priorities is the prep. And what we need to ask ourselves in this in this head, when we read it is how do we

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compare to those people who did make the prayer their priority? Are we like the Sahaba. When we

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look at our prayer, does our prayer become the only and single most important thing in our day around which our day revolves around which which our day is decided about what we do what we do, or do we actually have a day that healthy that we have things to do that

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have worked to get to carry out and then the prayer fits in where we can, you know, whether it's in the beginning of his time or the late end of its time and so on and so on. How do we compare? If you look at the habits, the law, if you look at the the, the the, the, the reaction and the understanding of the Sahaba when it comes to Salah, look at the Hadith of the judge and the you know all about the need mercy had the judge the greatest fitna that will come that will afflict us, okay. The prophets lie Selim said that there will never came a prophet. They never came a prophet who did not warn his his nation. His people against Missy had a job. That didn't do it. Every single

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Prophet, emphasize this fitna this great fitna, and how much more emphasis Do we want the purpose of life Selim taught us the need to make in the Quran 20 to make in the day, 2030 4050 times a day in our Salah Allahumma India with the becoming coming as I will cover whenever Johanna when as I'm sure fitness and mercy has repeatedly, repeatedly repeatedly we are taught to seek refuge from the depths of the cover the punishment of the grave, and the punishment of the Johanna. And then the evil fitna, the dangerous fitna of our mercy had the judge the Antichrist, why, and you know anything about a digital, this, this entity that will come that will, that will make these false miracles

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that will totally bamboozled the minds of everyone who comes to see and they will take him like God, they will take any of the prophets lie Selim said in the authentic Hadees, that the loss of power to Allah will cause drought and will cause famine, and that the journal will come and He will give water and he will cause rain to come down. So there will be no food, and then he will give food, there will be no water and He will give water, he will make it appear, he will have there'll be people who be dead, who will bring them to life, there is a person who has nothing, he's dying and desperate to save his family, and his animal is dead, and his camel is dead. And the jail will then

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make his camel come alive. And then and then a person will come. And they will say my parents are dead. Your parents Now think about this. Those people that you love most those people, those people that when they pass away, it hurts them most. It hurts you most the most painful death is the parents and the digital recession. I bring them back for you. And they said they said boy, yeah, okay. And it seems like we're gone then almost like a challenge. And then he does. And then he does. Can you imagine that kind of fitna? Can you imagine being a situation where there is someone who's going around and causing the dead to come back to causing the one that you love so much to come back

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to life? I said the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim then comes and says that I warn you about the journey, and he will come and he will stay with me for 40 days. And the first there will be like a year and a second, there will be like a month, and the third there will be like a week, and then the rest of the days will be like your days. Can you imagine this time? And what was the lesson said in these days, a person will wake up a believer and meet the night as a disbeliever. Can you imagine that time, the chaos in the confusion and the stress and the mayhem? And so what do you think that the purpose is the when the companions heard this? What were they going to ask for? And what did

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they say? What do I should we learn what how we were going to protect ourselves? What are we going to do that day? You know what they said? How will we pray that day?

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How are we are going to perform our Salah that day.

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That's the difference between the Sahaba. And us. That's the difference about people who prioritize different things. The world is falling down. People are being killed left, right and center. People don't know whether you're going to wake up a believer or a Kaffir. The world order has changed totally. And what did the Sahaba say? How are we going to perform the first and most obligatory right to Allah subhanaw taala. On that day, how an asset we're going to do that on a day, which has changed, so the time cannot be understood.

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That's what prayer is to these people. rhodiola. And that's the difference between them and us. That's something that we need to now concentrate on, think about, where is this a lot? Where are their priorities? And where is our Salah, and where are our priorities? And you know, really, and that's the great thing about this Hadith, actually, if you look at it in the way that it is listing these things in priority of virtue and a priority of goodness, we should also think, are these actions for us also in priority in the list of priority? Do we prioritize that which Allah Subhana Allah wants priority to be given to? I wish the people of Allah subhanaw taala give priority to

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because if we do, because if we do, then we'll also be able to then achieve not only the happiness, but ease in being able to take care of the rest of our priorities, because the one who is able to deal with with with the prayer and perfect is that the obligation of the prayer upon its time and upon the responsibilities upon the responsibility upon the Muslim to deal with the prayer, then he will find that all other difficulties are just nothing by the way.

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With the woman just pushed away in the Salatin, her

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car, the purpose of life seldom said that early the prayer, Allah, Allah says in the Quran that the Salah it repels it prohibits fascia open evil actions, and mongkut just evil sins in society. And that's what why would you do? Can you see the link by prioritizing what Allah prioritize what the province of licencing prioritizes, then we will find ease and the rest of our actions. So when we see that the Salah is given this importance in our life and put top of the list before the road while again and before he has to be the law in this right time,

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then we will be able to take the benefit from that prayer and have it Yanni repel alpha Sha one one card, and make it easy upon us to then go and fulfill and miss out the rest of our obligations, such as the obligations to the parents, that's the link that they're allowing us to say. And then even Ariana, rhodiola Han, in the in the Tafseer of this ayah when Alice passarella says that it is it is the, the that's when he describes the the obligation of means of serving the parents, the only Bye Bye, bye bye buy this was ci this obligation in joining the most the Muslims to obey the parents. He said that when Allah Subhana Allah mentions that make sure to me when you validate and is cruelly

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while you validate you and you give thanks to me and give thanks to your parents, how is this done? How is this done by performing the five prayers that you have? Thank Allah and by making the app for your parents after these five prayers, for after these five prayers, you have thanked them. This is how the scholars used to look at the IRS obligations to the parents and be able to understand it in being able to to facilitate them in carrying out the rest of their obligations. This is how we can hopefully benefit further from understanding the list that they have given to us the companions the prophets lie Selim was a last Pousada has placed for us in terms of importance. And you know, we

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don't really have any more time in this session to continue but that's a nice point. inshallah we'll we have understood that the reason why the prayer is first and foremost in this list, and then how it will lead nicely inshallah to the natural conclusion. After being someone who's able to perfect prayer to then perfect his relations with his parents in sha Allah. Allah Allah was subhanak along we'll be having deca shadow Allah Allah. Allah Hunt was de Farooq alohomora to Bullock

Al Adab Al Mufrad – Episode 02

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