Abu Eesa Niamatullah – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP01

Abu Eesa Niamatullah
AI: Summary © The importance of "redigging" behavior is discussed, as it is a core part of their culture and belief in morality. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to show respect and value their father in a authentic way to achieve success in learning and learning. The importance of learning and adapting to one's environment is emphasized, as it is key to asserting one's faith in Islam. The speakers also discuss the challenges faced by society in the desert environment and the importance of memory as a key source of information.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah

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wa Salatu was Salam. ala MV mursaleen. Naveen, our Habibi, now Mohammed Amin. While early he was happy he, even upon hearing minister in the vicinity he he lied to me, Dean, bad

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law Melissa lemma Jota who Salah wanted he hasn't either shitless Allah, Allahu Allah decree Kawasaki qayyarah. But I should have been, I mean,

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my dear brothers and sisters,

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I'd like to welcome you with the most happiness, Mashallah to this journey, and it really it is a journey, a journey into what our society and individuals, any of our community need more so than anything else that we've ever experienced now, and that is a and the need for an edit

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stems from

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the problems that we've seen in society today in our community today, things that we've felt personally, things that we've seen, afflict our family members, friends, and so on, so on. And the Muslims today, if they've ever lost something, which it needs to be rediscovered, it is the way to behave. It is the code of conduct, which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has displayed, has explained, and has taught to us through a line of the greatest of creation. And when I say the greatest of creation, and that is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the last panel to Allah to be able to make this Deen dominant and to be able to make this Deen acceptable for the people

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that have been created to worship, had to choose a lost power to either chose those people, the Sahaba of the purpose of life and limb to use the teachings of the purpose of life and limb and spirit to the rest of mankind in the best possible way. And so what we'll be doing is that we'll be using inshallah the text that is written by abominable, Heidi lavon. And it is called that Adam Alfred. So first of all, what we should

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try to understand is, why is it that we need or our society needs good conduct good manners, and to be honest, only the blind one, really only the one whose heart is dead? Because actually, it's an insult to the one who's who's blind to believe that he is not going to be able to see that we're living in a moral crisis, because even then blind one is able to hear the problems that were suffering in our society today, even the one who is blind. And Deaf is able to feel the zulum and the oppression that our society just emanates. And as a moral as a as an organ is a moral problem. It's an ethical problem. But it's something which is affecting our quality of life as a community.

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And it's something which not only, as we always tend to say, is something in the West, and we blame it on the non Muslims. We're blaming upon their permissiveness to blame it upon their oppression we blame upon their, their their principles and their ideas. But it's something which is now afflicting us as Muslims in the Muslim societies, whether these Muslim societies are to be found in the non Muslim countries such as here in Britain, or the opposite societies, back in our own countries. Whether they

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Pakistan with us Dubai or that sir, the the problems of a breakdown in family and the breakdown in adult and just more structure, the more fiber of society is something which is, which is rampant and doesn't need to be proved every single person and is able to see that. And this is rather unfortunate. And the reason there has to be a core reason for everything. And the main core reason that we've seen this increase so massively in recent times. And it has, hasn't it when you think about it in recent times, for example, if you go back 50 years, can you think when you speak to your elders? I mean, I don't know, obviously, the majority of us do not have eldest from our own

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families, right, we have been here 50 years, but those who work in the community work with non Muslims or have non Muslim neighbors and our honor. You know, I love to discuss these things with them, you will have heard from them. And there are any, they almost like our supporters, you go and find the 60 year old and the 70 year old person who's working with a neighbor, and you speak to them, and we're lucky, you're able to, to have this kind of

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understanding and relationship with them. That you're you're having difficulty making with a 25 year old or someone your own age. Why? Because the 60 and 70 year old ideas of moral standards and conduct is almost identical to yours, as well as a 25 year old and a 30 year old, they saying things that you just you you find abhorrent you find difficult to even be able to converse with them. And I find that personally, in my own personal capacity, when I'm working in the pharmacy, and working with dispensers and people who are generally near retirement age, and we discussed, you know, the issues of, of society and families, and so on and so on, you're able to really understand how

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different things were just very recently, 50 years ago, 40 years ago, 30 years ago, when people used to be confident about how they related with strangers industry, how they were confident about how they let their children play industries and so on. I mean, forget about actually 3020 years ago, look at your own childhood. Can you imagine the freedom and the confidence that you used to enjoy during your own childhood? Can you imagine allowing your own children now the same kind of freedom? Can you imagine the time when we were young, we used to go out come back from school, we used to go out to the park in the summertime. And we used to go and play football and the parents wouldn't know

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ask about us. And no one would ask about us. And we'd come back at marketing time marketing with them days would be half past nine and go to 10 in the evening, not a thing would be sad. And it was things were safe. And it was just a different time. Can you imagine allowing your child out of your sight for even five minutes in these times? And what is the reason for that? A total breakdown on confidence and trust in the fabric of our society. And if you look at the core reasons for this, if you look at the core cause almost nice because society has really promoted the idea of freedom, freedom, democracy, and so on. Now as a concept, you can put as much of a spin on it and make it

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acceptable to people as you as you as you can. But in reality, what are people trying to promote, they're trying to promote that standards. And a code of conduct should be left to the society to decide. It should be left down to the whims and desires of people and their reason and their conscience and their experience to decide. And this is trumpeted as a great solution as a great advancement. And it's seen as the way that we're going to take society forward, when reality is actually taken slightly backwards. And now more so than ever. Our society resembles a very base, an animalistic almost society. And that is because people have been given the rights and I use the word

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right, sparingly, almost have been given the right to do what they want and say what they want and think what they want. And you've seen, you've seen the political percussions or repercussions of that in recent times, and use and this is nothing new. People abusing others in the in the with the with the so called rights of freedom of speech has been happening for ages and it's going to increase because this is the way that society believes that we should go forward. And the reality, the reality upon Muslims is that we need to understand that we have the tools and we have the sources to be able to rescue ourselves and the society out of this, because the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam was given a code of conduct, a system of morals, a system of of behavior almost, which is what adapt can be translated into something for us to cling to, for all of our actions in this dunya which not only will cause us happiness and ease in this dunya but able we are able to use it to prepare and confirm our status in the era. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and hundreds of Hadith hundreds of Hadees has emphasized the one who perfects his character and perfects his his relations with others, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never grew tired of that. Never

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you tired of that, in fact, he he himself some lie Selim said, I was sent to perfect character. And what's really interesting is this is that society and this is very important for us to recognize as Muslims living in this country, that it's not Muslims who created good manners. We're not we don't have some exclusive rights on good conduct, and actual facts. If you look at all of the great civilizations and cultures, throughout history, you'll find that for example, Confucianism of the Chinese, and the French understanding and standards of living in the 18th century, for example, and even the English the English concept of the gentlemen, okay, and good conduct and chivalry and so

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on, is always been times in histories of different cultures and, and, and nations, the they've always recognized the importance of behaving in the correct way. And to have a good standard of living, it's always been something which has been at the forefront of society.

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But the reality is, is that when people start to then mix it with their own ideas, and start to leave some things and then introduce other things, that's where it starts to go, wonky. And that's where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam adds clarity to the situation when he says, I have come, I have come to do what to perfect this system, the only the miners are there, the good contracts can be found, this good behavior is is is praiseworthy, and this characteristic is excellent. But this isn't, but this is and this can be changed, and this can be perfected the purpose and like I said, it didn't come to destroy everything, the Prophet sallallaahu Selim came to

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find the people who had been guided before who had gone astray and was now showing them how to bring that back together. And to put it into a complete system, a complete way of guidance.

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Adam itself, what actually does either mean, either in the Arabic derives from the root edible, now edible, okay, is used only by when a person For example, He invites another person for dinner, or for, you know, some kind of party or something, and he invites the people, this is what he, this is what the word I did, that means that he invited so and so. And he gathered the people together, to eat together, and so on and so on. Okay. There, Oliver said the aroma of the Arabic language said either in its technical meaning has a link to this understanding, ie gathering people, and bringing them together to show them a complete system of conduct and etiquette, and combining all of that

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inviting people to the best of etiquette, and the best of conduct. This is the understanding of what it actually means. It actually has a few other synonyms that can be found in the Islamic literature, as well as English, you can find you can always flip between good character, good conduct, good behavior, and so on. So on. In general, if you look back at it, they're pretty similar. Okay, even in the Arabic, the more I had these come with the word hook, okay. And that hook is something which can be more specifically translated as character added. If you look at it, it's something more general refers to exactly how one interacts with other people and other animals for example, or how

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to do a certain action. Whereas holo is something just a tad more specific. holo Canyon refers to the character refers to some certain qualities such as bravery, and such as patience and so on, so on and so forth. They're very, very similar. The difference between them is not massive. As a loss of house Allah Yanni says, a sinner in the law you haven't seen in Jani do that, which is beautiful, Allah Subhana Allah loves that which is beautiful. Okay, Allah loves those who do beautiful things have one. Now the reality here is that one can only be able to understand that either and good character and good, Mohammed a good any interaction with the rest of the people is going to be

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beautiful if they themselves believe in their heart that it is beautiful. And that's something which is going to become very clear. In the remainder of this text and the remainder of our journey through this text, you'll find that the purpose of life and limb emphasizes certain aspects in people showing different levels of adverb in it in the mid 80s. For example, we're going to come to learn that, to show respect to the parents is of different levels, to be happy with the parents and to be satisfied with something even if you disagree with it. Okay, even if you disagree with it, right can be on different levels. For example, you can disagree with something on the on the inside,

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but you won't show it on the outside. Okay, but inside, you will say this is so wrong. This is just you know, that is so wrong, but I have to obey my father. Yes, you're right. You're going to just tell him outside but inside you're just thinking this is so wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, but you're not going to show it you've obeyed your father, but you will not be your we weren't able to control and change that what was inside. The higher level of attitude with your father, in one of the heads that we will come to study is the person who's able to change that what is inside

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Okay, even though he disagreed, and just make it agree, literally said, your heart, no, I don't care if you disagree, but you are now going to agree with what you're what my father is saying, you're just going to agree. And then you follow it through with on the external, agreeing with your father and gaining his satisfaction and his happiness. And then the key factor here, the key factor here is that the internal always effects the external, and those who are able to see, and don't ever be naive and patronize another person to believe that they can't, okay, if you hold something inside and you try to display something, which is other than that, on the outside, people will always be

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able to see through that, that's just the nature of insanity. That's the nature of a holyoake. Okay, under the hood, organic comes and it has connected was of the helicopter. And the helicopter is a natural state of a person and the natural state of a person. And that is what always comes through on the outside. And that's why when the professor seldom said that I am saying, I am the one who will guarantee based in the in the part of Paradise and the most highest part of Paradise, you don't have to know Hulu, for that person who is able to make his whole hessen, who's able to perfect his character to perfect his behavior to perfect his actions. And as I'm trying to say, the only really

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the only real effective way that you're able to do that is to work on the internal, because once you do the internal, the external just follows automatically after that, and is something which we need to understand. That's why they said when you want to try and do other, when you want to try and learn adapt, you've got to try and internalize it, and try and study it and try to to to almost internalize it. And that's why I don't live in a robotic rhodiola horn, one of the greatest scholars of Islam, he said to add devil Thumma to Alamo Yani, learn at first and then start to seek knowledge, learn at first and then start to seek knowledge. And that's because either according to

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the Muslims is a key component. In fact, it is the key to learning and studying the dean how, for example,

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one of the seller, he gave an example has no bursary or the law when he said that to assert tawheed. She put your Eman in Allah subhanaw taala to be one of the of the believers and know that Allah subhanaw taala is divine in his unity, you need to assert tawheed requires faith. And for the one who has no faith that he cannot assert to heat the one who has no Eman. He is not able to declare and affirm the divinity of Allah subhanaw taala the unity of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he said that, and this man. Yeah, and how are you going to find a man by following the Sharia, okay, by following the Sharia. Now, if you can't follow the Sharia, then you're not going to have faith. And

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how do you follow the Sharia. But you need to know how to follow the Sharia, you need to know the Code of Conduct to study Islam. And that is called added. So if you do not have edit, and therefore you are not able to follow and study the Sharia, then you are not able to have a man and therefore you're not able to have to hate. This is how the amount of Islam we're able to compartmentalize different parts of Islam and show the significance. The center used to say that Think of it like this, there's a land and it has five fortresses five castles, okay, and the first castle is made of gold, and the second one is made of silver. And the third one is made of iron. And the fourth one is

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made of firm baked brick. And the fifth one is made of like this other element, and it's a weaker kind of brick.

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And he said that and that they would say that if the people who are defending this fifth castle, they concentrate and focus on the defense of this fifth and weakest fortress, okay? Then the enemies will never be able to get in, and they will never be able to affect the rest of the the fortresses. But if the first one goes down, and it's the weakest one, the one that requires the most and concentration, the most amount of focus, if the first one goes down there once they're in the second row go down the third row go down until all them are destroyed and everything's all over and done with and they said likewise, this is what Islam is. This is what a man is. He said these five they

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said the five fortresses are like the first one is yaqeen in Allah subhanaw taala. And the second is us in Allah subhanho wa Taala with Allah subhanaw taala and the third, out of these fortresses is a devil for it, you need to fulfill the obligations and the fourth is to fulfill the sooner okay to do the sooner the recommended actions that have been recommended to us by the prophet sallallaahu Selim and the fifth, the weakest one of the of these five, but hence the most important because it's so weak it

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To preserve the adverb to preserve the other. And so they said that once you become slightly lazy or slightly negligent, and you let the shape on in and you stop planning, preserving your adverb for just one second, and you let the shape on in, when he gets in heels, Johnny Depp is now gone, because you are the one who left it because it's preserving of the job that you have been taught. And then they start attacking the sooner and your ability to perform the sooner. And then once that goes down, then your ability to perform the fourth goes down. And then once that goes down, then you are then you're struggling, you're desperate now and then your sincerity starts to then collapse.

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And then once your sincerity starts to collapse, you have nothing left of the left. Yes, it is finished. And you're clean is the last and final capture for Chevron. And that's just how they never understood the importance of edit. In fact, if you look at the setup, you'll find that they would, they would sit with a scholar, and they would say for example of the 11 robotic said that I someone comes to me and says to me that there is a man who is coming, who knows the knowledge of an alien, what are three yonny the knowledge of all the first and the knowledge of the last journey. He knew he knows a huge amount. And I missed that that meeting with him. I won't be I won't be too sad about

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it, I won't be too distressed. But if I found out that a man came, and that he had perfected edip, and I missed that meeting, I will be depressed, because I will not have had the opportunity to sit so someone so rare. And that is what happened wire Kenny, a scholar of the highest caliber of Islam, and he's someone who if you look at his statements, you're able to appreciate why is it that Adam is so important. Other being the key. In fact, they said they said that they have added is more than itself. There are a lot of adept is more than lm itself to know the the understanding and the knowledge of how to behave. And with knowledge with the seeking knowledge. that body of knowledge

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itself is more than knowledge itself. Something which sounds a bit confusing, but if you think about it makes absolute perfect sense.

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And Abdullah water, Kenny again, and he is a master in this field. He said, I sold knowledge. And I was able to gain some end, I was able to take a little bit of it. But I tried. And I stayed for a long time to find other and to learn it. And I found that if people had passed away, that was available. I had been in Rwanda, Kenya, how many years ago? And he said then that the people had passed away, there was no one to teach him as of then. So you told me, what are we going to do now? And where are we going to do now, when then it was finished, when the people have added are finished. And they're not there to teach those who need it and those who want to spread it. And this

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is Yanni hopefully, the the the the significance of understanding this point is that we try to appreciate that before we want to go and study Hadith and study Islam and so on.

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And the way that we should behave, and the way that we should conduct ourselves with our people and our family and so on. It is so important for us as the first step. And many of us want to study and learn, learn, and learn knowledge and then learn everything and and trying to better ourselves. But what about any, if you are not able to take knowledge from someone, Abraham and he said that we would come to a person who was teaching, we would look at his manner, we'd look at his prayer. And we look at his general conduct. And if we're happy with that, then we'd sit and take knowledge from him. He also said that we wouldn't care if this person knew everything, everything from Hades, if he

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didn't, if he was not good to his parents, we wouldn't take a single thing from him. If he was not someone who did birth to his parents on it, his parents and showed kindness to them, we will not take anything from them. So any, you know, if you look at it from a classical point of view, the statements are all there to give us all of the support that we need to make us think Yes, right. We need to learn, adapt, and so on. But you can put that to the side for a minute and just put your own selves in the situation. How many of us here have been traveling had the opportunity to go and meet different people and had the unfortunate maybe experience of being in desperation, in need of help

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and so on. And you experienced the either the generosity or the help or the support of someone often who you don't know, often that you just meet for the sake of whatever, okay, and that person you've never ever forgotten. I can tell you that. Almost every time that I've left this country and some kind of problem has occurred. And someone has profoundly affected me with their behavior. And I don't know his name, and I don't know where I can find him again. But what I do know is that I remember him in my job, because I know that that person helped me

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In a way, where it was no to any him giving me money or taking something for me whatsoever, just maybe in a time of difficulty, a smile, or maybe in a time of any stress, he was able to calm things down, he was able to display something, which was good to me. And that's why that's why is a weak narration a weak asset from a border de rajala. Whoa. And he said, he said that the it's it's, it's, it's amazing how a person who has good character who has good character is forgiven while he sleeps. And then what the law said, How can a person be forgiven when he's asleep? How can a person be forgiven when he's asleep? Now, if you just think of this question, and you think of yourself for

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the answer, I guarantee that if you were to think by yourself, you'll be able to think of the answer yourself as well. And this one is so true. This is one of those answers as we say this, how do you follow it? This incineration, although it has some weakness, the the the Petrova that the practical personal experience that we've had answers this question, what's the answer? The reality is that this person showed good advice to someone else. And his brother Muslim, as a boarder that I quote, said, his brother Muslim, goes to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night, and he prayed is 200 and he made the Allah azzawajal. And he asked for his brother to be forgiven. And Allah granted that

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forgiveness. And that Subhana Allah is something which is not lost upon us, it's not an upon me, it's not lost, because I know that when I get that opportunity to really, you know, when you're in that situation where you are any is some it's a sweetness of Eman where you're in a specific time place. And you just know that this is the moment you want to make dua for someone, and you can feel the power of, and you really know that you are desperate and you want to make the offer someone that you really care about, the people that come to mind are those that have affected you most. And often it's by something very, very small. That's the power of adapt. That's the importance of adapt. And

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that's why the scholars were able to understand and appreciate the importance. And I myself, the only as a student, I can tell you easily, that the greatest thing that I learned from all the different teachers that I've sat with, was they added

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me because from from knowledge, I've gained very, very little, but from being able to know what to do and what to not do and what upsets them or what doesn't upset them on what to say and what not to say and how to deal with this. And it was all just clear in the way that they were able to translate that. And that, for me is more valuable than anything else I can ever imagine. I would not swap that for any knowledge in the world. Because I know how difficult it is to get that I know that this kind of the only gift is not achieved except by spending hours and days and traveling and meeting people that this world is running out of.

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And that's the reality that we are faced with that we have to now think about and say to ourselves, right, how are we going to change the situation? What we propose to do is by using the book edible my friends by mammal Buhari, we hope to guinee inshallah with tofik. Enter this journey, and start this genuine hump and try and discover why and how did Obama Buhari set out this book to be for us an example, an example for us to solve this problem? Who is Mr. Bahari? rhodiola Han. And if you want to put it in a very single than a single sentence, then he was a miracle meaning he was a mere and what meaning in the defense of the prophetic narration, the leader of the believers, he is our

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Savior, when it comes to defense of the second source of Islamic law and that is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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from the Hadith of the purpose of life, and when he said that haleness economy that the best of mankind is my generation, through millennia, you know, thermal Edina, Luna Han, then that after that, then the generation that comes after them, and then a generation that comes after them. Now, even hedger, rhodiola, Han said that the second generation, this third generation, ends at by Israel of the of the Hadith scholars are 223 ie, that those people who came before 220 hingedly their statement is to be accepted in the issues of integration and so on and so on. End they are those people that have come under this specific blessing of the prophets lie Selim as being the best of

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generations. What's most amazing about commandment Buhari radi Allahu Allah, who was born in 100 in the year 194 of the Hijri on the 13th nights of show while on Joomla after selection Joomla and the Annie had to be and it just when you think about the I knew who he actually turned out to be, it doesn't make you surprised that that's the case. He was born

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Jani, he was able to get his younger years, the first half of his life in the very, very last part of the three generations. And then he was able then to use the second part of his life, to move out of the three generations, almost like into the unknown, right, because the progress of life and limb has given that guarantee for the first three generations. And then after that, then you know, Allahu Allah was going to happen. And that's the rest of us now, on the way down. And it really is very much the case the way down, because we have to understand is much clearer now when we're studying Adam, that the any back, back in the day, we were up there in terms of being advanced, and

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technologically technologically ahead and morally ahead, and ethically, I had an ever since then, it's just been one absolutely any crush downwards. And so the slide starts very specifically after the third generation. Yet it's almost as if that in our Buhari was our Savior, in that he was able to grab what he could from the Baraka and the blessing of the last part of the third generation, the blessing generation Quran, and then give us something for us then to hold on to. And indeed, he did that, because he wrote the law and will be in the doors of the entire nation of islam, the entire nation of islam in throughout any time until the final day, because there is not a single person,

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Muslim, and this is by the better common law spouse, Allah that has not been affected by his efforts and his artwork that has not benefited through his efforts. And we are to be eternally grateful for that. And Mr. Bahari, rhodiola han came as you know, he was born in what's known as modern day Pakistan. And the answer panela when you think about the only way he is born, and and the state of the country of Pakistan today, it makes one cry. Yeah. And how how desperate was Pakistan as a country is in need of someone like Mr. Bahari to come and save them from their oppression and from the political nightmare that the Muslims are suffering from over there. And it's it's it's it's just

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amazing about where it was Becca Stan was and who it created for us and his sons and his daughters. They're a lover of Islam, they were there to Roth. Their legacy in Islamic history is unrivaled in the scholars they produce for us. Not only is the mount Bahati, their greatest son, but the father of a moment of ohare rhodiola, who is while he himself was not only muhaddith Zahid, he was someone who narrated from the great great great members of the cellar as narrated by Rambo hiding himself directly from Hamad bin Zayed and he noted from a Malika de la Juan Jani, the family of novel Buhari itself was a scholarly family, a family of Zoo had a family of taqwa, a family of righteousness, and

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it was perfect for him to come into and the loss of parents either blessed his father and his father with wealth. And even though he passed away, and in Ohio, he was very young, he was able to leave enough wealth to form mojari to be able to support himself and his studies and to produce and, and to develop his own self into the greatest single character in Hades that we know today. This was done by the back of his father and the hard work of his mother. How can someone forget his mother rhodiola rhodiola ohana, who took it upon herself to bring up this child who died is nothing short of a mountain. A mountain Jani, what Islam owes this woman I don't think no one can ever make enough

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doll for her. No one can give her enough gratitude on our behalf that she was able to produce for us such a master such a defender such an email, the email mobile sooner, well Gemma Eman Abdullah and Buhari rajala Juan

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Abreu in some brief information about Mr. Bahari. And it's important for us because we are able to then see by looking at his life, what is so clearly missing in our life in terms of Baraka and opportunity. Remember, Buhari was not not even 10 years old, before he started to memorize and learn Heidi, and the science of Heidi, and he was one of those very, he was one of the very, very first people who was able to categorize the science of rigid, rigid

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deal, the ability to be able to weigh up narrators of Hadith and two yonny study their lives, their scholars, their teachers, their students, their family, where they live, what they taught and so on. Yeah, and it was almost around Buhari almost made himself as if he was part of their family. Part of that time, he knew them inside out. So at 10 years old, Mr. Bahari through his memory was able to correct his teachers in narration, when he would sit in a circle and they would give an incorrect

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narration or they will give a incorrect chain of narrators or a particular Hadees. eval Buhari will tell them actually, this is incorrect. And it should be on the authority of so and so on the authority of song. So, yeah, and it was a miracle which was waiting to develop. And the last part Allah was able to put the Baraka and the desire to study Hades into him. And then he travelled over the next 13 years traveling, studying Heidi, looking into the the detail sciences of the narrator's giving him the tofik to produce the one single greatest piece of work that Islamic

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that the Islamic nation has produced by itself. It is the second most authentic book in Islam, after the book of Allah azzawajal. After the book of Allah azza wa jal comes the book of a man, not the book of a prophet, not the book of a messenger, but the book of a man, a loss of power to Allah gave him such tofik and ability and blessing to produce a masterpiece, in which he only collected those narrations about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that were able to pass his exacting standards of authenticity, a set of standards that made the other standards of authentic authenticity, seem low, almost in comparison to his. And this is what he has taken, the the honor

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for, and the right for you. And remember Bihari rhodiola. And his companions narrate, just to give you some kind of idea. Yeah, and he said, used to go with us in Omaha used to go with us to the scholars of Basra to listen to a hadith. And all of us used to write the Hadees down, all of us, except, you know, Buhari. And after 16 days, we thought about it. And we condemned our Buhari and we said, Your voice is so many days work by just coming here, sitting with these people not writing down a hadith. So Emanuel Buhari, asked us to bring our notes. So we all bought out our notes.

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Then, you know, Buhari began to read the ahaadeeth by heart, one by one against the notes of everyone else, until he narrated to us more than 15,000 A Heidi.

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In the end, we started correcting our mistakes against his memory. This is Mr. Bahari, a man who was so committed to the science and the honor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the science of the prophetic narration. And he said that human rights are 300,000, a hadith. And he was able to not just know, don't, don't miss the point, that the Hadith is just the text itself, he would know all of this chain of narration of all these Hadees which is why out of this 300,000 Hadees, he would reject 100,000 as being too weak to go into his psyche, and then the next 200,000, he will then start to categorize into other different levels of authenticity, and so on and so on.

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He was continually cutting away cutting away to produce the creme de la creme of a Heidi, that standard, that gold standard. And it had to be a gold standard that would that would achieve absolute acceptance in the amount of Islam. And that is the the only way that it could have been done. has is that has there? Or is there any single person in Islamic history that has achieved such acceptance and such confidence of the entire Muslim community that email Buhari every single person of every single Muslim and every single mother of every single race? They say, say, howdy,

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Albury, Sharif

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Subhana Allah. And it's something that we remember when we were children. And we smile about it and found it funny. But now with some L and some understanding. Now when we say Buhari, Sharif, we really understand that if everything was going to be shared, if it says Oh, hi, Sharif. If there ever was going to be a book that deserves such a title, then it is the book of ohare. And it is Mr. Buhari. If there's ever a person who deserved the honor of the Allahu anhu after his name, if there was ever a person that you should be referred to. So you Dina, it is email al Bukhari rajala. One. And, you know, I think what's really important for us to understand is that memory was the major,

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the only asset that the scholars had using the back of the time. And memory is something that we are so poor at. So any poor and our ability to memorize and be able to retain information. And the reasons for that are clear in our society. The distractions that we see and find in our society, are about the worst possible thing that yonni the worst person worst possible conditions that we could have. Now, to be able to move ahead and to memorize and to be able to preserve our tradition. And you know, myself, you know, I I was very, very fortunate enough to to go to Mauritania to meet one of my teachers.

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Chairman Salim was one

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half of the whole lot. And I remember sitting with him. And you know, at that time, you know, as quite a few years ago, I was sitting there and I'd be thinking, right? How is this? How is this man saying all these things? How is he reciting line after line after line of the book that I am holding, and it's not the Koran. And it's not tidy. And it's not one of the major Return of the major texts of it, but obscure poetry Line of the line off the line as if it was ABC. And I'd be I would just, I would, I would just be amazed. And everyone is amazed. He is a sham Katie Anisha Nakata as as a as a race of people are renowned for this, I'm a chef one beside you. And if you look

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at his, his nephew, who is now coming to major prominence to the might become soon part of the Cabal, Mr. Mohammed bin has an editor who is inserted at the moment, you look at a new set of these people, and he, you are just you are dumbstruck. We are because we can't only conceive of the idea of how they're able to look at something and memorize it. And they're able to maintain the purity of mind and heart to memorize. And that's the major problem, of course, that our minds and our hearts are full of rubbish. That's the reality. And then how are we going to fill our minds and hearts of that which benefits us and that which end we need to use? One that's already full of other stuff.

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And that's what Mohammed bin Salman said to me. He said, and I said to him here, then how can I? How can I will obviously, I knew the standard kind of

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lines that our scholars say to us, you got to purify yourself, you've got to clean your heart, and so on and so on. I said to my wish, I'm sorry. I said, How can I practically increase my memory. And he said, come and live with us in the desert under the stars and see what happens to your memory. And that's the big difference. That's the big difference in that kind of environment where there is no interference of the filth and the moral degradation of society and what it feeds us on a daily basis. where the air is pure, where the sun is pure, where the land is pure, where the earning is pure, where everything is pure and halaal. Then the Baraka spreads. And that is what we're missing

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in our lives today. And Jani I had this was me being told in a practical sense. I had my I was young, I had my humiliation done my bestie then as they say, and you by small children. I remember I was there and it was Friday. And you've heard this before I was there and it was Friday and it was the you know, it was early morning. It was not any it is actually late morning and we all went to the masjid for for Juma. Okay. And I thought I'd go you know, an hour extra early, it was day off of madrasa and so we had nothing to study and so research and calf. And then these, you know, just started learning and reading Quran and I didn't know source of calf at all by heart. So I walked in

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to the masjid as you do, and I'm looking for the shelf for the Quran. So I look around and it's very simple machines are made of any kind of mud brick and so on. And I'm looking at I can't see any shelves, I can't see any, any anything. I couldn't see anything, right. So I thought okay, so now as I started going around the the windows, which was just like, you know, carved into the wall, and I can't see nothing, not a single must have anywhere. And I was thinking I'm not going to ask someone because that's just silly, right? So I'm just going to keep on, you know, looking and I spent honestly 15 minutes going around, looking behind the member looking behind whatever they hidden

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somewhere, people cleaning the areas, whatever, I couldn't find a single one. And there was loads of people in the masjid and lots of children, a lot of children. So I thought okay, hold on, I can't find that. So I asked him the children. I said it's almost half here in Arabic. I said to him, is there any almost half and he said what

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I said was half Quran.

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And he looks at me in this puzzled way. You know, I I don't know how to, to you know, react this. He looks at me and really kind of puzzled way and looking at me and I'm thinking any What does it kind of understand about myself and yeah, and and and so I said so I did the kind of the hindsight was half Quran.

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Then he goes on like that, and I'm sick of me saying all right, and he goes, he goes, he goes on. He said,

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river fish. He goes is there it is not here. I think what can you What do you mean there's none here. And then another person who's seen me you know, obviously have this difficulty with this child. Whatever comes up to me says, brother, we don't keep mishaps in the masjid. We don't have mishaps. we memorize it all.

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I said was the jacket

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You know, now, you know I've thought about so I thought China is so small, I felt so pathetic, actually in front of this child, right? I noticed his child, but all his children, that his me, and there's this child, and he's young, he never had to worry about an issue of having to look in the Quran to learn things, No brother, he writes everything out. And that's the system, they of course, they write everything out, they revise it, and then it's just such it's a different world. And that is the biggest challenge which is facing us as a society, Islamic education for our children. Yeah, and we have to try and work out a solution, that in this condition that we're living in, and the

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conditions that we are effectively going to continue living in, how are we going to be able to purify the the environment, the arena for our children, to be able to benefit for our children, to be able to take from some of the truffle Islamic and to actually make something of it. This is the challenge that we have upon us. I was a big difference between us now. And those tiny, little Bella, those tiny, noble and blessing people of our,

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of our tyrannical Islamic. So remember Buhari rhodiola, Juan, Yanni, if you if you want to know about the details of his life, and his character, it is found everywhere it is from the Baraka of his guy named macom, it's from the blessing of his mahkamah is from the blessing of his works, that he and his actions and his reputation is available.

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Wherever you want to see all over spread throughout the world, and that is from the Baraka of Allah subhanaw taala and the any of his books that he wrote, we have the editor here and he wrote books on history on Al Qaeda on on different gender differences in fact, and this book here at the forefront, and for those people who want to know what Fred actually is, then why why did you know Buhari? Call it and then there's some difference of opinion amongst the scholars, okay. But the the the most accepted reason is that at the Alamo, Fred makes the book distinct from his kuttabul edit because Mr. Bahari wrote the original kuttabul added the 78th book of the Jamia. So here is the here

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collection and that is the original asset because that will add up and so therefore, when the scholars are referring referring to them Bahati they said no, no Buhari said in adapt. So they just say added and then therefore is referring to the lock on to the agenda here. But then when they said that he said in a booth right, okay, then they still mean that he narrated in an edit, but it is in the more flat version and the more flat version, okay is larger in size than the original Khattab will add up and in it, it not only does it have any more ahaadeeth but some of them are of the same authenticity as his standards in a gym. So he and others have a lesser standard, and others or even

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have a lesser standard, and it hasn't, and he even includes some weak narrations and his Adam Alfred, and he also narrates Jani nourish. He also includes narrations from the Sahaba and narrations from the tabbing in which is implementing or giving us the identifying rather, our principle and that is in the issues of virtue and the promotion of good actions amongst the community. As the majority of the scholars of the majority of the scholars held, it is permissible to use week Hadith week Hadith in the promotion of good actions, as long as three very important conditions are stuck to what are these conditions, number one, that the Hadees itself is not very

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weak or shady and the weakness is not very weak and it's definite fabricated and someone who is a liar or has been accused of lying as a narrator, that he has not in front of the bat and he himself has not is not the only one who has narrated this Hades. The second condition is that the Hadees itself must come under a general principle which has already been established by other authentic evidences. So therefore a weak Hadees can never be used to establish something new in Islam. And the third condition, the third condition is that we must never

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make the Hadees on the right the Hadees in a definitive way or a definite way to make it clear as if this is authentically inherited from the prophets lie Selim in order to protect ourselves from attributing something to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam which he did not say which is of course added from the from the end of the series since that is the reason that the scholars in general used to get a push away from dependency upon using weak Hades and in fact, Gianni used to concentrate on the the authentic hadith. So, in sha Allah, the the that is the the small introduction to email, Bob de la Mohammed bin Ismail al Bukhari al Jaffe are the Allahu Akbar and

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his book as a Muslim which inshallah we will be covering in detail over the next however many years

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weeks or months or years it takes in shalabi tofi kaballah zoa gel and all I have to say now is this about a kilo fique which is echolocating and inshallah we'll be starting with in the next session with the, the introduction to the book which he chose to base upon the parents and there's a beautiful and immense wisdom in that and if you have just an opportunity to think and reflect upon that, why that the book of edit the book of Adam itself has been based and started as his assault upon the parents. If you were to reflect upon that, you'll find that it will benefit you in all of your actions as you do with everyone else. And there's a sir and that's inshallah we will read

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there's a secret in that inshallah that we will come to was to panic along behind the shadow Allah inhaler and

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Allahumma tubo Lake, WA Salatu was salam wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine

Al Adab Al Mufrad – Episode 01

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