Why is The Dua Accepted During Sujood

Abu Bakr Zoud


Channel: Abu Bakr Zoud

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The speaker discusses the importance of eating healthy during a suit and the DUA in a suit. They explain that the DUA in a suit is most likely to be accepted and that the closest to achieving success is the person who has the most casualism. The speaker recommends watching a video on healthy eating and encourages viewers to focus their efforts on voluntary prayers.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah my brothers and sisters in Islam today I want to share with you why is it encouraged and recommended to make dua, especially during a suit? So of course this is the hadith of Abdullah of an abbess, all the Allahu Anhu that is found in Sahih Muslim in where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Well, I'm Massoud fish the Hindu fit for comment on a new Stasia welcome. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, concerning a superfood, Make effort to make diet, because it is most likely to be accepted and answered. So why? There are two reasons here, number one, because the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a Karabo

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Mayor Kunal Abdullah Robbie here who says that the closest a servant is to Allah is when he is in a suit Allahu Akbar. So during your day and during your night, the closest ever you will be to Allah subhanho wa Taala is when you are in sujood Subhan Allah and this is why every raka has to salute. Allah azza wa jal is giving us an opportunity that we be close to him. So that's the first reason for why the DUA in a suit is most likely accepted. Because you are now the most closest to Allah subhanho wa taala. And the second reason Allahu Allah and listen to how beautiful this is. And that is because the DUA in a suit comes after praising Allah azza wa jal What do I mean by this? When you

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and you come up from a Roku or let's say you're in your Roku, and you came up, you say Semia, Allah Holloman Hamidah, which means Allah answers the call of the one who praises him. Then you see on a banner, well I can help you praise Allah, you say, Oh Allah, to you belongs all praise. Then you go into sujood and you make the so that dua ensued. It comes after you praise Allah, when you are standing. When he came from recorder you said, semi Allahu naman Hamidah Allah who answers the one who praises him. Then you praise Him. You say Obinna, Allah can help. Now you're going to salute and making dua after you Say Subhan Allah BL Allah, and that dua ensued is coming after you have praised

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Allah when standing Subhan Allah, and this is why this dua is most likely to be answered Subhan Allah and so of course the diet comes after you see Subhan Allah BL Allah Subhan Allah Baal Allah, it's obligatory to see it at least once. And the best and most complete way is to see it 10 times. And this is because of the hadith of anisopliae Allahu anhu, when he prayed behind Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, and he said, I had not prayed behind anyone that is similar to his prayer, told us all Allah, allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, and they counted for him, he's the spear in our record and a superfood. And he said, it was 10 times. So in your record in your sujood,

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Subhan, Allah, Allah in the sujood Subhan, Allah bear of him Iroko, but we're speaking about dry in a suit. So after you say subhanallah bail out once minimum, or 10 times you make your dryer after this, what is recommended, and it is supposed to be in Arabic for the one who knows Arabic. For the one who knows Arabic and knows how to make dua in Arabic, it should be in Arabic. Now, and as for the person who doesn't know how to make dua in Arabic, then he can make dua in his language until he learns the Arabic language. And this is for both the voluntary prayers and the obligatory prayers. And it is best to focus your DUA towards matters of the afterlife, in your obligatory prayers and

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leave worldly matters for the voluntary press and there is of course no harm if you made whatever do you like in your obligatory prayer and in your voluntary prayer. Allahu Anam are SallAllahu wasallam Opelika ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine