This is the best Dua

Abu Bakr Zoud


Channel: Abu Bakr Zoud

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When the VESA Lola Why don't you send them he says in the authentic hadith of Bollywood, and humbly LED, that the best dryer one could make is saying Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar. But you might wonder and ask, how is the word Alhamdulillah? a dryer, how is it a dryer?

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They see that when one says and hamdulillah he is saying Allah, I acknowledge your blessing, and I acknowledge your fever upon me. And Allah, I asked you to continue this blessing and to continue disfavor upon me until I meet you. subhanho wa Taala. For this is why Alhamdulillah counts as the best and the greatest form of luck well,