Benedictions & Salutations on the Prophet

Riyadul Haqq


Channel: Riyadul Haqq

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The transcript discusses the history of the Prophet sallam's teachings, emphasizing the importance of being aware of one's own bodies and the importance of being aware of others. There is no information provided about the content of the call, as it is a recording of a real-life phone call.

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam Ala Moana Celina Lockhart Mina been

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hammered in the heel Sahaba here in

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Morocco Pharaoh was below him in a shape huami regime smuggler iraq man Rahim.

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Allah Muhammad, he could the whole use alone and in your levina sobriety he was sleep

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lahoma salada Mohammedan Wada, Mohammed Kumasi, la Donna Ibrahim Martin Martha Ali Ibrahim in Needham, Majeed Allahumma Burdick, Adam,

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Ali Ibrahim in

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respect to listeners as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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as promised in Sharla. Today I'll speak on the topic of Southern Silla,

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invoking benedictions

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and salutations on the messenger so of the law it was

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the verse is very clear.

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In the Holy Quran

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it's the very verse which I have just recited, and with which I normally begin

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my speeches immediately after the hotbar

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with this verse of the whole

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sort of the last panel with Anna says, in the law, a woman who is on loan

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but Indeed Allah and His angels,

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they your soluna Alan, maybe they send their benediction, or they shower their benedictions

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on the profits.

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Yeah, you're Latina, Armando, oh, believers solo le solo la, you invoke benedictions on

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will suddenly move to sleep

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and greet him or salute him. A great salutation greets him a great greeting.

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The verse is very brief, but it contains

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a wealth of information

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about the messengers a little while he was saying

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it's part of sort of Azov and sort of,

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in a way can be considered a sort of seed, that is so much about the profits and the love, it was seldom in sort of the data

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and with disperse, lies informing us of how

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he gives comfort.

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And he sends tranquility

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and peace

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on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam how he gives him solace and comfort.

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The meaning of Allah sending his Salah

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in the lahoma that it could the whole you saw long indeed alarms angels, they send this on.

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On the profits of the law it was

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so Allah subhana wa, tada send sending solver is very different to that of the angels.

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And the word sama

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originally means devotion.

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then it means prayer.

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When a person stems to attention

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and devote themselves to something in particular

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that's the original meaning of Salah.

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And since there are when a person replicates, and prays, either as a form of worship or as a pleading, besieging supplication, either way a person commits themselves and devotes themselves to this particular task. So Salah means devotion and prayer.

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Now obviously

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in respect of a last word,

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if a law refers Salatu himself I send Salah.

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Then it does not mean pray.

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But it does mean Allah subhanho wa Taala as devotion and attention to the prophets of Allah it wasn't a long hours, showering him with his mercy with his attention with his love with his devotion.

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He also means law has originals honoring him. So the Salah of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his honoring his.

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In Oberlin prophets in the law, it was a lot honors

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in sort of Russia, at a Masonic sobre la xojo says what a foreigner Annika

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and we have elevated your mention, we have raised your name.

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And some authors have narrated such as even though you have them and others that Judy really is Ram came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and said to him, O Messenger of Allah. Allah sees what a foreigner like a vicar that we have elevated your mention.

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Do you know what that elevation is? Do you know what the raising of your name is? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no I do not know Allah knows best. So the prophets God has said to him the meaning of what a farmer luck that we have elevated your mentioned we have raised your name is that whenever Allah Allah says, whenever I am mentioned you will be mentioned.

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So indeed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned alongside the Prophet, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned alongside Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And, here loves original says, that apart from the mention,

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of, of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala has, apart from the mention of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam alongside Allah, Allah Himself exclusively mentioned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam honors him, elevate him.

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alive actually showers his Peace, blessings and salutations and benedictions on the prophets a little lonely.

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In fact,

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let me give you an example of Allah.

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Allah says, What are Fahrenheit aka the crack we have elevated your mentioned raised your name.

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That means whenever the prophets whenever Allah has mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned, but it's actually even greater than that. It's even more than that.

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According to that explanation,

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it would mean that if Allah has a religious law, his origin is mentioned once.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned along with him once. But

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Allah honors His Messenger alayhi salaatu wa Salaam in such a way and by this verse that in the larger woman that he got the whole year saloon Indeed, Allah and His angels, they confer their Benedict confer benedictions and salutations on the prophets in the law, it was alum, according to this verse, he actually means so much more. And I'll give you one example of understanding that or that

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whenever the event is given, Allah has mentioned in the event and the event is a call to prayer to Allah. And yet, let's look at the other.

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

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Shadow Allah, Allah, Allah.

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And then later, I shadow under Mohammed also.

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Then Sala

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Allah, and then he added for that,

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and then la hora de la again and then law. Yes, a law has mentioned much, much more during the year than

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by name, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is also

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mentioned. However, what happens after the other

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what sort of lasts a little while equals alum, SES and ahaadeeth, related by Muslim and others. He says when you hear the more of them, giving the

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then repeats what the more and then says, and then after the

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solo it sends Salatin Salam upon me.

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And then

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thermocellum la Leela sila, then ask Allah for receive for me.

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And what's received her he himself explains in their head he that will sealer is a rank and a grade in gender, which is not befitting anyone except one of the servants of Allah and I have hoped that I am that servant. So ask a lot of grounds me that was seated.

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For whoever does this

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my intercession becomes obligatory for him and the day of reckoning.

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So that means that after the event and

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there's a famous signal,

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after the alarm, which mumble Hardyman Muslim and others relate,

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it actually relates a complete drought and so to others, on which we know, but before one recites that there are the instruction of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that the mundo la when the when the event at wet when the event is given you hear the repeats what the might have been says. And then once the event ends, before you begin that the pseudo loss of the law it says from my son, Laura Lee sense on earth, and Salam upon me. So that means the procedure will be the event and La ilaha illAllah. Then what should everyone

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say, first of all, Allahumma salli ala

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come on? So later on I brought

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the Brahim in mudgee Allahumma Burdick.

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Ibrahim, Majeed Allahu

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wa salatu wa ala. Muhammad Allah see that the world leader will bathroom a bomb.

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Now if you look, and what's the meaning of that, first of all set out and Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah, confer your benedictions on the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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just as you did on the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam, and upon his upon the family of the prophets, just as you did upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim A masala and Allah bless the Prophet Mohammed and his family, just as you blessed the Prophet Ibrahim and his family and he,

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once that ends, then the person makes the law or law, the Lord of this complete call the other

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and the law of this impending Salah

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which is about to be performed.

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Grant Mohammed,

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Allah see

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the rank of mercy

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and grace.

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And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself explained, normally we'll see that means medium but as he himself explains in the head, he was asked a lawful sealer for me, and we'll see you let his around can a grade engine, which is not befitting any of the servants or light except one and I hope that I am that one servant. So Allah grant, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was seen that rank and grace or bathroom or modern lady walk and raise him to that praise rank, which you have promised him and that praised rank is on the day of reckoning, when the whole of creation will be running to and fro will go to the different prophets of Allah alayhi wa salam pleading with

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them that intercede on our behalf to Allah to at least begin the reckoning and then each prophets will send the people the creation to the next so they will go to Prophet are the mighty Salaam He will send them to more normally Salam will send them to

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another prophets and

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Iran he moves, visa and then eventually to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will say this is my rank this day, this is my charge this day, then he will fall prostrate before it lasts

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for as long as a low wishes, and last panel with the other will only them So, even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not know now, what or did not know then what Allah has original will inspire him to say of the praises and the glorification of a lot on that occasion, when that will happen. Then last panel hoarder and I will say to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Hamad ratio hat.

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Ask and you shall be given and intercede and your intercession shall be accepted, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will intercede on behalf of the whole of creation, that the reckoning begins, that is that arm that is that raised and praised arranque which Allah has promised the prophets of Allah it who seldom, so we actually pray for that after the event.

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So if you look at the event, on the one hand, you have the short amount of luck but Allahu Akbar till the end that you know, Allah, and even in that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned, but as soon as the end

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there's a very long prayer, along with salatu salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all of which is devoted to the Prophet. So

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this is why I said, it's not just that if law has mentioned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned, rather, Allah has mentioned in the event, the prophets of Allah, Islam as mentioned the other but as soon as he ends, after that, there's a long period in which every believer, man and woman devotes themselves to remembering, praising and praying for the noble messengers of the law.

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And this is how a last panel with the other honors,

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and not just on the occasion of them, there are so many occasions and I'll mention a few as we go along. But Allah has a little says Indeed, Allah showers his son, our,

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his benedictions his devotions to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the summer of Allah has very different and the solar have the ambit of the melodica have the angels is also very different. What do the angels what what's the Sunnah of the angels?

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What's the prayer and the devotion of the angels? They praise the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they pray for,

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as the believers do.

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But their Salah is different to that of Allah.

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So Allah does this prophets, Allah, Allah Almighty, who was sorry, the angels do this for the prophets of Allah and he will send them than the last panel with the Anna brings us in as a third group. So Allah mentions it first about himself. But I do this. My angels do this. Oh, believers, you do so.

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So yeah, you're living in.

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Oh, believers. Salut, LA,

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send, invoke.

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Allah is benedictions and invoke Salah on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we're sending the slimmer we do one other thing.

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So Allah sends his Salawat, his benedictions.

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And we, along with Salawat, we add one more thing, which is the salutation and the greeting. So we're suddenly moved to sliema and also send your greetings and salutations to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is why we don't just say Salaam Ali, we say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is a prayer. But May Allah shower his benedictions on the Prophet was sending them and May He send his salon as well and May He send our salon to the Prophet sallallahu. It was.

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This may not seem like

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a very important thing,

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because it's not commonly

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spoken about.

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And some people indeed do disregard

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it as a matter of policy

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on occasions, I've experienced people who've told me that why mentioned this, it's, it's not important, or why mention it, if someone wants to do it, they'll do it if they don't want it as I related once before, that after hotbar jamara HIPAA, in which I didn't devote the whole hook back to this, but it

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somehow in passing, I mentioned one or two things about Salatin, so that about sending Salutations to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and invoking allows blessings and benedictions on him. So someone made a point of approaching me after the jamara hookah, and said to me, in as many words at why mentioned this, what's the point of mentioning this in the Juma

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in public?

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You should leave it's if someone wishes to censor Athens and and they will do it. If they don't, then they don't

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behave and so it may not seem very significant, but the truth is, when we look at what the verse says, when we look at what the how these say

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it's a reflection of a person's love for a soldier la Salalah alayhi wa sallam and in fact it's there's something unique that is, which is

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that it's not just as saluting and greeting the prophets in the lobby and praying for him.

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There's something unique about Salatin Salah so unique that there's a discussion here which is or there's an interesting question. Allah says in the law Whoa, woman Erica, who your son Luna Adam nebia, Johan levina, armano, subdue Allah, He will suddenly sleep. Indeed Allah

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showers his benedictions

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on the prophets of Allah Marley who was on the Prophet, and so to the angels, then Allah says, all believers, you invoke the benedictions of Allah,

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on the prophets on him, or suddenly Maudsley, man, send your salutations and your greetings, or salute him a great salutation.

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So the question here is, Allah does it, the angels do it?

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Oh believers, so who who's being addressed? Old Believers refers to all of those ins engine all of the men engine who have believed?

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So Allah says to all of the believing men engine You did it. So a very interesting question here is, what about the prophets of Allah highly?

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Is he included in your levina? in those who have believed? Or is he excluded? Because he's, he's on the receiving end. So Allah sends his Salawat

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on the prophets of Allah highly. The angel send their Salawat Allah tells all of them what meaning incent Jin, all of the believing men engine, you send your Salawat and your salon to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what about the prophets of Allah Allah who said

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and this is why I said something very unique about Salatin. So now it's not just a saluting him and greeting him or praying for him.

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It's something which Allah has instructed the believers to do.

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To the extent that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't exclude himself from this. So he would actually say Salatin salon himself.

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Meaning shadow, the alarm and her shoe lates and had these recorded by Magnus even imagine others that when he would wake for the hedges at night, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would rise with the hijab. He say his prayers, meaning not the Salah, but the normal prayers, he will do will do. And then before beginning his third Salah, he would the words in Arabic shadow the Allahu Akbar, he would praise Allah Subhana who would the Allah then he would send Sadat and Salaam upon the prophets.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself would send Salat and Salaam upon the prophets, some of the law it was.

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So there's something very unique about this, that even the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do it himself.

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In a way, it's a form of Dora and Vic.

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It's it's

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we don't glorify or worship the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Far from it, but since Allah has instructed us to do it,

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and his instruction is very, very clear in this verse, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do it himself, even though he was the recipient,

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you would actually do it himself. And it has been prescribed for us on some many occasions. Actual Salatin Salaam, entering the masjid, leaving the masjid in my Muslim lady lights in his side, and so do

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When a person

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enters the masjid.

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In fact, although the man and all the others they actually narrate these words, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when one of you enters the machine, he should

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say Salaam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he should make the dua.

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law firm of deadly awaba hamitic Allah opened the doors of your mercy for me, and he should name Allah. And then when he emerges, again, send do the same so which is take the name of Allah, say Bismillah Sen. Salatin, Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then recite the door as of leaving the machine and there's more than one Lamb of the holy above a fatherly alarm in the Solomon father lick. Lama seen him in a sheep regime there are many of the doors. So these are just some of the doors but regardless of which person recite

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one should send Southern Sudan upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was entering the masjid whilst leaving the machine.

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So after when entering the machine when leaving the machine,

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specially on the day of jumar

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in fact, has been clearly mentioned that increase increasingly and excessively send your Sonata and sedan on me

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on Friday.

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One who does so will earn the shofar, and the inception of the sort of laughs and alarm it will sell them on the day of reckoning. So Friday has been specifically mentioned in a number of headings that excessively send yourself out and Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Fridays on Jamaat.

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This is a day in which

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the last panel with Allah has on it.

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His creation, this is a day in which other myrica salaam was created. There's there are many things mentioned in the Hadith. And then in that context, essentially mentioned increasingly and excessively send yourself out and Salam on me on Friday.

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There are many benefits last panel with the exception of a person. On one occasion the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom heard someone making dua.

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So he began and he made his way out he didn't praise Allah and he didn't send so that and so now upon the profits of the love it

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so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually said to him,

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you, you've been hasty.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard someone else

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who praised the lowest crime who would the other sense alerton salaam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is before making his door. He said, Ask and you shall be given.

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Imam Timothy relates from Barbara de la hora. And it's not to Hadeeth my fault, meaning he doesn't matter. The alarm doesn't say that the prophets of the love it was actually said this, but he just said it himself. He said

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a person's do a person supplication

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remains suspended,

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and stopped between heaven and earth, until he sends it out and Salaam upon the prophets of the law, it was

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an either the law or in say something very similar, that every door is blocked.

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Every Door is blocked, until the person doesn't send Salat and Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Upon the family of Rasulullah, sallAllahu Salatu was. Now the interesting question here is that these are just the words of Allah the alarm and

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the alarm. None of None. None of them actually says in the authentic narration, that this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, but really agree that the words of Eleonora de Allahumma are both relate something of which they can have no knowledge unless they actually heard this from the sort of laughs in the library. So how about the alarm, we're very careful.

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They were extremely careful when relating the youth from the sort of last on the line he or send them, Abdullah haematomas. Through that, or the alarm, when he would relate to the youth at times fear would overcome him. And he would say that this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, or some things similar, or something a little less, or something a bit more, he would be very fearful of quoting the messenger sallallahu wasallam and being imprecise, so he would ensure that he entered and inserted these caveats, that just in case he was wrong, so I'm at an alley rhodiola. And it's inconceivable that they would actually say something like this, which is related to the ACA,

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which is related to the unseen, how would they know for certain that the law is blocked?

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Unless a person sends an earthen Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that will amount agree that although they haven't explicitly said that, this is, these are the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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for the students and the orlimar. This Hadeeth is more goofy hook number four, that it's more booth narration meaning it's a narration that only reaches Ali and Amaro de Allahumma. But the ruling

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is that of a normal Hadith attributed to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Anyway, Allie and the Allahumma both of them say that a person's door is blocked

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and suspended between heaven and earth, until the person sends Salatin Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by increasing our salatu salam upon the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It's a means of earning and gaining his shofar on the day of reckoning and that's clearly and categorically mentioned, in many heavies. It's a means of becoming close.

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And delighting delighted I'm sure there'll be a lot more I'm narrates, in a hadith recorded by Imam Timothy in a sermon.

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He says, olan Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, olan Naseby Yeoman Akiyama a federal Aliya Sadat, that

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the closest person to me on the day of reckoning.

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Indeed, the closest of all the people to me, on the day of reckoning is one who sends the most solid and Salam upon me, the one who sends the most devotions, prayers and benedictions on me, he will be the closest of all people to me on the Day of Judgment. This is why I'm delighted and thrilled that we'll be allowing the narrator of this Hadith, and one who loved the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and who was devoted to him.

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What he used to do after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, do you know how frequently and excessively he used to say, Salatin Salah? And before I continue, when we say sanathana salam, what does it mean? What should we say? Is there any particular wording there are many words to be found in the head these, you could say the simplest of ones sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That's what we normally say when we hear his name being mentioned. So Salalah it

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you can say that she can say the long one which we recite in the shockcord, insula librem, salaam, Muhammad, Allah, Allah, Mohammed, and there are many others which are brief and short. But one can use any of these word as long as they are authentically narrated in the traditions of Islam. So

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Abdullah, having a Muslim that are the Allah horn.

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Even after the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to recite Sadat and Salaam so much. But it said that when he would leave the house, he would recite, Salam salam, when he would return he would recite southen so that if he went for an hour, he actually went to sit down for a meal. When sitting for a meal. He would say Salatin, Salah when rising from a meal, he would say Salaam Salaam and that was Abdullah. He was rude.

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That's how this How about all the love and in fact, you might not just after he passed away, but after he left the world prophets Allah Allah it was alum, Imam after that I think the lay narrates a story from see then I understood the alarm that the alarm since he was as hard in his attendant.

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He brought out a bowl from inside the house of the prophets and the lighting system in which there was some leftover water of the prophets in the law. It was

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so unsettled the alarm went and brought out this bowl. So there was some Sahaba outside so they took the book he get he offered it to them, they took it, they drank from the leftover water of the messengers of the love it was a limb, they poured it over their heads. And then after having drunk from his water and poured it over their heads, they all sent Salatin Salaam upon the prophets on the line.

00:35:59--> 00:36:13

So I'm delighted when was the last time these other Sahaba in his presence what the interesting why narrated that story is that that means this wasn't after the time of the Prophet Silla. It was then when they were merely remembering him.

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And they would a smile The alarm rang her the sister of minion shadow the alarm rang her once she went to hygiene, which is the name of one of the mountains in Mecca. So when she approached her June, and there were other people with her, this was after the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. She said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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la cadena zona mahana that May Allah send his benedictions and salutations upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we set camp with him once here. So the reason for me mentioning that is that the Sahaba of the alarm after he left the world, whenever they would remember him, whenever they would remember a journey with him, or an occasion with him, they would see something that reminded them of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they would say, as long as a smile The Allah said Salaam it was cinnamon. The unique thing is, she didn't say, Oh, we came here with the Prophet. And then she said the love it was the love No, she began her sentence and her conversation. First of

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all with Salatin Salaam, so she said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, zona, Morocco ohana may loss and has been addictions and his peace on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we settled with him here once. So the Sahaba of the alarm after the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Of course they would remember him and since then Salaam upon him, but in this story related that an Imam humble him Allah from unassuming romanichal the alarm, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in his house, and the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu were immediately outside the house. And when he brought out this water to them, they took the water and drank it, poured it over their heads, and

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then sitting just outside his house. They send Sadat and Salaam upon. This is why I say it's very unique. It's to be done insula, of course we send salat, and Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam insula, we do it after them, we do it entering the machine, we should do it when leaving the machine.

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This reminds me

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some may say this is unimportant. Imam Muhammad Ali, someone approached him and asked him a question

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there's a particular vegetable

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the question I said to him, oh, man, is it permissible to do we'll do with the water extracted from this vegetable?

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And the reason for asking is of course when we

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do we use normal water but sometimes water can be

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unclean because it's been stagnant for a while. Waters taste and color and qualities and properties may be changed may be affected. So it's a question which water is purifying? And

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does it just have to be a fluid for it to purify and be sufficient for will do and whistle and purification etc. So someone approached him with an angle Rahmatullah Healy and said to him, this particular water extracted from this vegetable

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can a person do will do from it.

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So Imam Abu hanifah Rahmatullah Haley replied to him

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By saying I prefer that he doesn't do what

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I prefer but he doesn't do we'll do using this water extracted from a vegetable. Now this is quite rare

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when would such an occasion arise? But the man asked the question in my humble replied to him and then as he was leaving him I'm humbled to lie he grabbed his hand

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and said to him, yeah, haha you commit.

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What's the do after entering the question

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is I don't know what to do after leaving the machine. Rather now. He said go and learn this first meaning before asking such questions and before dabbling in such details. That kind of person do will do using the water extracted from this vegetable, learn the basics, learn that there are four entering the machine, learn that there are four leaving the machine in your understanding and your learning of religion and your practice of religion get your priorities right.

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So, so Ratan Salam is part of our Dora after

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entering the masjid, they are leaving the mission on so many occasions, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually prescribed this for us, there are many rewards, who in another vessel actually says who will have the you suddenly Alico momella, Ecuador?

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That he is he Allah who sends his Salah on you and his angels, but when Allah Chavez with this Salawat in respect of us, it's very different to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for us, it just means mercy. It's the mercy of Les Brown and with that, so a lot descend an LA to shower, his silhouette upon his

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believers upon his creation, but that salute that sunlight is merely Mercy is a blessing, blessing and mercy is very different to that of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, who wouldn't want the Salah of a last panel with

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when we are

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suffering in misfortune, we are struck by a calamity. When we are distressed, we seek solace, comfort and peace of mind

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in any which way we can.

00:42:38--> 00:43:17

And the last panel who were there other essays of those who have been afflicted by misery and misfortune. Law says well wishes sabihin and Lavine that saboten siba. Otto in Allah who were in a garage, or La, la him somewhere to rub him Rama, what will it go home and water Dune, and give glad tidings to those patients ones who, whenever they are afflicted by a misfortune or calamity, what do they say? In the law who were in charge? They remember our last panel and they say Verily, We belong to a law unto Allah We shall return.

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Just for saying that much. And just being patient,

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genuinely patient, Allah says, Allah, Allah Himself.

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Give these people my glad tidings or messenger of Allah, and know that these are the people on whom Allah showers his blessings and his Salawat and his mercy, that means tranquility. What this verse tells us, but when a person is afflicted by misery misfortune, when a person is tested, when a person

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undergoes trials and tribulations, when a person is sad, sorrowful, feeling miserable when a person is distressed, that on such occasions, one of the best methods of reform rectification and of making oneself feel better hour of recovery is the vicar of a last panel with data remembering a lot and Salatin Salaam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who wouldn't want

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sometimes when we are distressed, we we just want someone to listen to us. That's all. We want to get it off our chest. We want to share

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the details of our misery misfortune with others. We just want a shoulder to cry on a shoulder to lean on. someone to talk to someone who can listen to us. They don't even have to say much. But just for them to lend an attentive ear make us feel worthy, valuable.

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cherished and

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Important. And if they actually do a few words of solace and comfort, then that's a bonus imagine, no matter how great our burden and how acute our pain, one person's kind words can do so much to repair and rectify the situation. And that's just one of the human beings. Imagine how tranquil and how serene a person can feel. If Allah Subhana Allah Allah showers, his blessings, his tranquility, his serenity is Sakina and his mercy on that individual.

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Now in light of that, listen to what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Mr. Muslim or Abdullah he says in a heavy man salaam aleikum, WA hidden sallallahu alayhi wa.

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Whoever sends one silver, just one solar upon me, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever sends one Salah upon me, Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah will send Salah upon him 10 times.

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So we say once for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In his words, Allah Subhana Allah will reward us with 10 Salalah.

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And this is another unique point about this verse.

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In the verse of sort of Alaska, which I began explaining at the beginning, in the LA melodica, who you saw Long Island in Libya, your levina ama or some do it your Sunday meets Lima.

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Verily, Allah and His angels confer and shower their benedictions and salutations upon the prophets of Allah hiding them Oh, believe as you do it to

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the message, the lesson the instruction isn't that we need to do this for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam therefore you do it to

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the sudler honey his Salatu was Salam is no need no need whatsoever of our Salatin Salah. He is.

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In fact

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Rasulullah his Serato ceram is in no need of the silhouette of the angels.

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Because when Allah Subhana, who would the Allah primarily first and foremost, sends his Salat and Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Is there any need for the angels to do it? Or for the creation to do it? Is he in need of anyone Salah after the subtle art of Allah? is he now? So why do the angels do it? The angels do it by the command and the instruction of Allah and to follow what Allah subhanho without notice. So when Allah tells us Oh believers, you do it to? Allah is not asking us for a favor to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam No, Allah is asking us, I did it. My angels do it's because of me. Would you like to join him? For your sake?

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And that's why the Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever sends one Salah upon me, alone, send 10 Salawat upon him. 10

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and there are many Hadith about this, not just one I just quoted the most famous hadith of Sahih Muslim.

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And in that same Hadith in Sahih Muslim which I quoted earlier about what we should say after then, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says when he when you hear them what other than repeats what he says and then say,

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and then since a Latin salam, Salam upon me, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says mancilla, Aliya, sala de la de Hibi, Ashura for whoever sends one Salam upon me, Allah Subhana, who was there and I will send tense Allah upon him. And that's in that same Hadith about so every time we send one Salah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah Subhana Allah showers 10 Salawat upon us 10 instances of mercy of tranquility. And it's not just one for 10 in a number of Howdy, I won't go through all of every single head even detail but collectively, what we learn from reliable, authentic Hadeeth is that when a person sends one Salah, upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam, Allah Subhana Allah Allah sends 10 Salah upon him, Allah forgives 10 of his sins, Allah subhanho wa that elevates him 10 ranks

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every solar 10 sins off

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Given 10 he is elevated and raised by 10 ranks. And Allah sends 10 salam alaikum Salaam.

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See the man of the hour for the Allah and one of the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says that once Imam Abdullah he relates at ease. He says that once the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam left to go somewhere, so I came to visit him. Some of the details are from other hobbies, but the main narration is from academic humble. He said, I came to see him but he had left so I followed him. So I then discovered that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered a particular orchard of palm, palm Grove, an orchard of palm trees.

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And there the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam performed Salah. And then I arrived, and he was there who was performing Salah, and then he fell into subdued into frustration.

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And he remained in subdued for so long, that I had never seen him remain in frustration for that long ever before. So I actually feared for him, and I feared that maybe his soul has expired.

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So I came close to him.

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And then,

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in my worry and concern, I sat close to him meaning behind him. Then I saw that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raised his noble head. So he turned around and he said, Who is it? So I said, I'm a man of mouth. So he said, What do you want? Man? He said Yasuda law. I was fearful, because I saw you fall into servitude and frustration for so long, that I had never seen it before. And I feared that I would never see you again. That your soul had departed, and I would never meet your soul again. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man, the reason why I prostrate for so long, is that Djibouti Eagle came to me. And he gave me the glad tidings that anyone from

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mine who sends one Salah that Allah He gave Djibouti, you came to me and gave me the glad tidings that Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says, Whoever of your alma Oh prophet sends one Salah upon you. I will send tense Allah upon him. And whoever sends one Salam upon you, I will say I will send 10 salaam upon him. And in one of the narrations, the wording is on Mohammed does it not please you that any one of your alma who sends one Salam upon you, I will send 10 Salah upon him. Anyone who sends one Salam upon you, I will send 10 salaam upon him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, because I received these glad tidings, I prostrate to Allah, such a long prostration out of

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sugar and gretch.

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Imagine his sugar and gratitude is for the oma not for himself. It's for the oma that Allah has given my own massachu reward for every salon 10 salon for every Salah 10 solo.

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One blessing that we send to him one benediction that we send to him, one salutation one greeting, will receive 10 in return from Allah directly. Furthermore, 10 sins are forgiven, we are raised by 10 ranks.

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And that's all the time and why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually says, Therefore let someone do this as little as they wish or as excessively as they wish. So do it as much as you want.

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Last crown of water and I will shower a person with blessings and forgiveness. There's a very beautiful Hadith but by from obey even a gambit of the alarm truly

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reminded me the law Healy relates to that.

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But human capital the alarm says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam addressed the Sahaba of the landmines said to them, oh believers, encouraged them to rise at night and to pray.

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And then he mentioned the names of the day of judgment and said they have come and death hugs has come with all that it brings, death has come with all that it brings. So he was encouraging the believers that rise and pray at night. Then obey God Allah said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yasuda law.

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I, what it means is that when I

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pray to Allah,

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when I worship Allah when I do my bother, and when I pray to Allah for myself, so when I do when I supplicate

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I occipital solidarity I accepted

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mentioned, salat, and Salam on you, in my own personal door. That's the meaning of the Hadees. That So, although the OB or the librarian said to him what it is the whole Hadith is as follows. The beginning of the heavy weight of the alarm simply relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged the Sahaba of the alarm, to rise at night and pray, then it will be you know, the alarm rang, who says that I said to the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yada sort Allah in the occipital Salah Valley, I excessively sense alert and Salam on you.

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And what that means is that I'm explaining so that we can understand the rest of the body, that when I pray to Allah, even the connection may be that night.

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When I rise at night, and I pray to Allah, these words aren't mentioned, this is the explanation, that when I rise up at night, and when I pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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during my prayer, and my supplication, and my pleading within besieging law, for my own personal things, in that,

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during that supplication, I excessively sense a Latin Salam upon you. So Yara Salalah how much of my da should be Salatin Salaam upon you how much of my garage Should I make and devote to just Salatin Solano County? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mash it whatever you wish, however much you wish.

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So but you know, the Allahu anhu said, Yeah, rasulillah a quarter.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if you wish, but if you do more than it's better for you. So it'll be it'll be alone and he said, half yada, yada, social, meaning half of my garage Should I devote half of my application just to salatu salam upon you. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if you wish, if you do more, it's even better for you. So it'll be it'll be a lot more emphasized the art of sort of law. Should I devote two thirds of my whole drama and supplication just to Sonata and Salam upon you. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if you wish, if you do more, it's even better for you to obey it or the alarm has said the other sort

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of law. What if I was to devote my entire there are just to sell out and Salaam upon you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, even look for Hamlet, where you prefer to look at them. But in that case, all your concerns will be taken care of, and your sins shall be forgiven. Imagine, all your concerns will be taken care of, and your sins shall be forgiven.

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So that doesn't sit down upon the profits of the law. It seldom should be part of the repertoire, a believer should be part of his language should be part of his regular recitation.

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Abdullah, the alarm would sense the Latin Salaam when leaving the house, not just when entering the machine and leaving the machine coming in and out of the house sitting down for food rising from food. He would send Salatin alarm on almost every occasion, or even a gambler, the alarm says, What if I devote my entire hour just to sell out and salon upon you? Now?

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This is important. I've been mentioning the verse of the Quran. Yeah, you're Latina animals, and while he was a little sleep.

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Now, that while I'm actually saying

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that this is a clear categorical verse of the Quran, and that means a last command in as a laws instructing us. So what's the ruling? Is it merely recommended? Is it merely an encouragement? Or is it an obligation?

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So the olema more or less agree that because of this verse, it's obligatory on every village believe that at least once in a lifetime, to send Sadat and Salam upon the prophets of the law.

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Allah agree that in a gathering,

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whenever a person hears this verse, it's obligatory to respond to it.

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It's obligatory at least once in a lifetime. Everyone agrees with that. There is no difference of opinion about that. Many of the say,

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they go further and they say every time person hears this verse, they must say Salaam Salaam, upon the Prophet salallahu it

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and I won't burden you with the details, but some people go even further, like your mom for how to lay, lay, and others.

01:00:00--> 01:00:28

Great Malema and Imams, they actually say it's word of an obligatory every single time a person hears the name of Rasulullah sallallahu. It wasn't. And one of the reason for saying that is that so far I've only spoken about those how these just some there are so many have eaten the topic that encourages, but on the other hand the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has actually warned us that if you don't do it's what happens.

01:00:32--> 01:00:37

Imam Timothy rantala Healy relates to youth in his son, Imam Hamilton,

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from a leader of the law one who says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah He lithium and located in the hope

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that the stingy tight fisted, miserly person is he in his presence My name is mentioned and he does not sense other than Salaam upon me.

01:00:58--> 01:01:12

And from Abdullah Abner bus of the Allahumma, that whoever in whoever's presence My name is mentioned, and then he forgets or he The meaning is, he leaves mentioning Salatin Salaam upon me.

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Hopefully agenda, he has missed the path to gender.

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He has missed the path to gender.

01:01:24--> 01:01:59

And that famous had eaten aided by meme humanism, so that I can others that from gambled nigera huddled the alarm that the Prophet similar law while he was selling them once climbed the member. And he placed his foot on the first step of the member and he said amin and the Second Army, third step army when he descended the Sahaba of the Levant, who said to Miata sort of labs today, we've seen you do something we heard you say, amin, amin, Amin. Why? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, God

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came to me, when I placed my foot on the first rung

01:02:07--> 01:02:08

and step and he said,

01:02:10--> 01:02:13

the wording is to be found in many different narrations,

01:02:14--> 01:02:21

that in the narration of humanism, so that it gets more of them, but in other narrations, shocky

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and others,

01:02:26--> 01:02:27

may Allah distance.

01:02:29--> 01:02:39

So the meaning of Hadith is the prophets of Allah in other nations that are azima and may that persons be known as be rubbed in the dust.

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So the collective meaning of these how the ethers that jabril la Sarang came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he placed his foot on the first step and he said, May that person's nose be dusted, rubbed in the dirt, me that person be distinct from the mercy of Allah. wretched is that individual in who

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discovers the month of Ramadan

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and then still does not earn the forgiveness of Allah with the passing of law. So the prophets of Allah Almighty Who sent him said, I said, Army, of course they couldn't hear that they're out God. This is why he told me later. And he said, when I placed my foot on the second step gibreel, made the dua and said, me that person's nose be rubbed in the dirt, may he be distanced from the mercy of Allah, May that person be wretched, who finds one or both of his parents during his life, and then is unable to earn Jimena through the service of one or both of these parents. prophets in the law, it was seldom said, I mean, this was actually the third and the second are our ones. I missed it.

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The second I was gibreel alayhis salam said, May that person

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be distinct from the mercy of Allah, may he be wretched May his nose be rubbed in the dirt, in whose presence Your name is mentioned, and he does not send Salatin Salaam upon

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again, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said amin and then the third hour was about the age about the parents. And in some of the generations the order is different. But these are the three there are one about Allah, one about Ramadan, one about the parents, and one about the noble Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. He was saying.

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So yes, on the one hand, there are many virtues of sending certain Salam upon the prophets in the lohani some of them on the other hand, there are warnings as well in the Hadith for someone who fails to do so. Why? Because it's a lack of respect, a lack of a demonstration of one's love for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam considering everything that he has done for us, that he will do on your own

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is shafa

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His intercession, his prayers, his tears for his his weep and his suffering. And then the least amount a person cannot even move his or her lips and send Southern Sudan upon the prophets of the Lamb. It was seldom, indeed as he says, that's a stingy one. That's a miserly, tight fisted one. The one who fails to censor Latin Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he hears his name being mentioned. There are many that have these both have warnings, both encouragement. I pray that Allah Subhana Allah enable us to appreciate the significance and the virtue of Southern Sudan upon the Noble Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah has the wisdom makers amongst those

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who are blessed with his slower and his mercy, his the track the showering of his serenity and tranquility in Sakina honors by virtue of our sendings killerton salaam, upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This increases the love for us all of our honey is Salatu was Salam. For some, it may not be very important, but many others have experience that someone who excessively recite Salatin, Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can actually be blessed with his vision in a dream.

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And many people, many scholars, many orlimar have reported this. So there are many benefits.

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in the Arab world.

01:06:36--> 01:06:39

One of the unique things is that

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people have developed developed a habit over centuries of sending Salatin Ceylon, on every occasion. So to the extent that they

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when someone forgets something, they say, Allahu Allah, Muhammad and family members tell one another Saldana and Louisa Leanna v. But

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say strathern sedan, maybe you remember.

01:07:04--> 01:07:40

And when someone wishes to plead clemency, someone wants another person to be lenient and be a bit forgiving, and tolerant, they soften their hearts by reminding them of Rasulullah sallallahu he sent them. So for instance, if two people are trading on ones demanding and exorbitant price, the other one will normally say very eloquently and humbly suddenly added in to be silly Alan to be that sense on earth and sit down upon the profits of the law, I'd even send them by reminding the other person of the profits of the law, it was seldom,

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there's hope that their heart is softened. And they may relent and be a bit more considerate. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. I remember my own story I was with

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one of the one of the fellow who, in we were both visiting an Arab country, in fact, we visited more than one Arab country at the time. And on this particular leg of the journey, we were in the taxi,

01:08:15--> 01:08:32

male last panel with Allah have mercy on him, he passed away just a few months ago, May Allah forgive him in elevators rank, he was extremely ill, and he passed away. So we were traveling, and we were in a taxi, there was a traffic jam.

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We're not exactly a traffic jam, but traffic was slow.

01:08:37--> 01:09:05

The police were using that as an occasion to harass the taxi drivers. So taxi driver stopped. And he said to us, I'll pray for us pray for me. They harassing me again. And so the police officer told him to pull down the window and say papers. So I was in the passenger seat, the front passenger seat, so he gave him the papers.

01:09:06--> 01:09:15

And then he started picking out floors, and this is right in the middle of the road. So he's holding up cause behind and everyone's beeping and horn and

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so he's casually going through the papers. And he must have pointed out Oh, this is invalid. This is just

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so the driver he then it's actually a it's a whole ritual. It's expected. So he opened his glove compartment and took out a lot of notes. And then he gave him some notes as a bribe.

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But he wouldn't let him go. He demanded more.

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So the driver was reluctant to gave him a bit more and he demanded even more. So the driver then, like I said, it's a habit. He said to him, suddenly, Alan levy

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He's telling the officer

01:10:03--> 01:10:32

pleading to him with this particular motion. That's silly Adam. That'd be silly Alan levy. So I looked at the officer, and he looked away. The officer didn't look at him. He looked away, and very loudly. He said Allahumma salli Allah Muhammad Ali Mohammed. So he loudly he's reciting Salatin, saddam and demanding more and more money. So it doesn't always work but there's been there's a tradition so laden every Sunday

01:10:34--> 01:10:35

in fact,

01:10:38--> 01:10:39

in some of the Arab countries

01:10:42--> 01:10:48

for those of you who have visited some of the Arab countries, you will have noticed that after after

01:10:49--> 01:10:53

they normally have a long Sadat and sada.

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So La ilaha illAllah

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when the event ends, and then the more than actually recite loudly, lama celerina Mohammed and they recite Salatin Salah

01:11:13--> 01:11:21

Do you know who actually started this? This practice of Salatin Salaam loudly from the

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manaia meaning from the minarets after

01:11:27--> 01:11:30

this practice was started by Salah Deena up.

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He's the one who actually stated this practice. So it remained quite common, and it still is in some parts of the Arab world. But what I wish to mention is that certain Salaam is part of the vocabulary of a Muslim. And this tradition has remained strong in many parts of the Muslim and Arab world. And there's a reason for this because of this verse of the Holy Quran. And all of these virtues mentioned in the Hadees.

01:12:01--> 01:12:42

That eath about I'm delighted from the Latin and Massoud that are the closest people to the closest of all people to me on the day of reckoning, like Thoreau, the one who sends the most out and Salaam upon me, that will the man mentioned in relation to that Hadith, that this hadith contains great glad tidings for the students and the scholars of Hadith, because there is no one who sends the Latin Salaam more on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam than they do and there is hope that in sha Allah, they will be the people closest to the sort of lahari salatu salam on the day of reckoning because this is all they do. Every Hadith

01:12:44--> 01:12:51

contains the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did this, and as Allah teach,

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as the students listen, as they read, everyone continues to recite, that had Ethan then on every mention solahart he was sent them some of the lohani he was still alive while he was selling them. And you will notice that the older man never tire when it comes to this. They never tire from mentioning his name with the word still alive, it was seldom or even writing it out in full. They never ever refrain from that. And that's been the tradition all the way from the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam we aren't allowed to call him by normal names. Allah says that the jungle

01:13:32--> 01:13:48

Baba did not make the address and the name of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like how you call out to one another, you say Zaid bacala so you don't just say Mohammed Mohammed, rather, in fact, throughout the Holy Quran Long You mentioned the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by name

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in five places, four times Mohammed and once.

01:13:56--> 01:14:19

But every one of these occasions has a reason. But apart from that, a lot always says, maybe Russell maybe saw and uses other terms other phrases, doesn't mean that they're they does not call out to him by name. This is a sign of respect for the Prophet similarly, if a lost crown or the Ara shows him such respect,

01:14:20--> 01:14:54

as How about the alarm, who showed him such respect, and throughout the history of Islam, people wouldn't just say Mohammed came Mohammed went Mohammed came home and said this, Mohammed did that now. Every all of the orlimar throughout history, have always given him honorific titles, and they never refrain from this they don't tire when speaking or writing they will. They'll give him his full title, and then also mentioned and rights to law while he was I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala enabled us to stand or some of the laws of the matter after he was sworn in to be announced.

01:14:56--> 01:14:57

He was happy here joining

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inland waterways.