Abu Bakr Zoud – These words will earn you mountains of reward – say them during these last 10 nights

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the worship of Jesus Azzawa Jasmine during the upcoming nights ofFinancial. They encourage believers to use their minds and body to remember Jesus and to use their minds to the holy spirit to achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello hello I'm Anna Ibrahim hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, we are now in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. And these are these that are blessed and these are these that are most beloved to the believers. These are these have opportunities to earn Allah azza wa jal, his forgiveness, His mercy and be freed from the hellfire and be drawn nearer and nearer to Allah subhanahu wata Isla and to secure a place in your natal photos these are the rights here and my brothers and sisters in Islam listen to this hadith very carefully Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Ma'am in setting the mood will be add a layer of Gorilla tile if he had

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Illa hacer la la hi oh PM. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there is not an hour a moment that passes by the life of a of the son of Adam, in which he does not fill it with the Corolla has vision with the remembrance of Allah except that he will regret it on the Day of Judgment. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us every hour that goes by, in which we do not utilize and use it to remember Allah azza wa jal, we will regret it on the Day of Judgment. Imagine this hour is in Ramadan. Imagine this hour is in the last 10 days of Ramadan. And then imagine it is in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, and it is only a little cluttered. How intense would a person's regret be on

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the day of judgment that he did not view a few these moments with the Kerala observation? My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to increase his worship, and was to put maximum effort in these nights. He did not waste a single moment, so that the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to remain awake the entire night until we are then of alpha Azure, in the worship of Allah azza wa jal, and I want to bring to your attention, a worship that you and I are supposed to be engaged with, and that is the Corolla he has always been addicted, that is upon the tongue and on the heart. Subhan Allah Well, hamdulillah Allahu Akbar Allah Ilaha

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illa Allah, make it your mission for these last 10 nights to see a vicar Subhan Allah when hamdulillah Allah Illa Illa Allah Allahu Akbar at least 100,000 times at least lo agua, my brothers and sisters in Islam at this b&b sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he teaches us that the one who says Subhan Allah 100 times would be written for him 1000 Good deeds and imagine that is scored and recorded for you during the little cuddle Allahu Akbar. This is what the Spirit will do. And this is very simple this worship. It doesn't require will do. It doesn't require facing the Qibla it just requires a motion of the heart and a president a motion a movement of the tongue in the presence of

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the heart. Have you Subhanallah look at the word Al Hamdulillah Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us Alhamdulillah the mullah Ali, Misa and that one Alhamdulillah fills the scale on the Day of Judgment. You know, our problem on the Day of Judgment is this skill. How are we going to fill it up with good deeds? Here's the solution. One hamdulillah who filled the scale for you imagine this hamdulillah is said during the little cuddle imagine imagine the reward the immense reward Allah azza wa jal would give the believer focus and be present make sure your heart is present when you see Alhamdulillah you truly need to mean Alhamdulillah for everything that Allah azza wa jal has

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bestowed upon you and for every guidance that Allah azza wa jal has given you, and then you move on to Allahu Akbar, Omar lovely Allahu Anhu used to say that the word Allahu Akbar is better than this word, the life and everything that is in it, Allahu Akbar, one Allahu Akbar is better than me gifting you this entire world, the life and everything that is in it. And that is because this Allahu Akbar, it will remain with you and you will see it on your good deeds before Allah subhanahu wata and you will see it in the skill. Whereas if I just give you this entire world, the life it's temporary, the day you die, you lose it all. It doesn't belong to you anymore. And then Ilaha illa

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Allah and this is for why the entire Earth and flying all creation was created, so that they can fulfill this word La ilaha illallah you will find your purpose when you see La Ilaha illa Allah you will find the reason for why you are created when you see La Ilaha illa Allah and you continue to repeat this liquor activity hours during the night and also during the day as well. Get your heart trained and used to the Quran Allah He SubhanaHu wata Allah and these nights of Ramadan are best spent in a solid Asana pm will lead is spend the night with pm will lead pre read with the group that happens in a Salah.

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From the beginning to the end of it would die that is happening in a solid as well it especially in your sujood and after su that after you finish it before you you begin another Salah to engage in a vicar with da do not stop, do not stop. These are only a couple of hours, just a few hours, you invest them and huge returns on the Day of Judgment. Huge returns Hi yo min Alfie sha Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran better than 1000 months and more of worship. So my brothers and sisters in Islam this is supposed to be the plan of every believer this is supposed to be the attitude and the mindset and the approach towards these 10 nights of Ramadan. My Brothers and

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Sisters in Islam we ask Allah azza wa jal to accept from us and to grant us the ability and the strength that we worshipping throughout these nights and to accept from us Allahu Allah, or some Allahu wa salam ala ala Nabina Muhammad ino Allah Allah he will be here again

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