Abu Bakr Zoud – Is your heart ready for Ramadan

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the upcoming holy month for Islam where shrouds in the darkness and everyone is expected to receive the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The speaker also talks about the importance of cleaning one's heart before moving on and asks the audience to fast before performing the holy vertical.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let him humbly lay help in alameen salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He also made my brothers and sisters in Islam very shortly our mobile is going to begin. And this is the month in which masala muscle Allahu alayhi wa sallam said is at the heart of our mobile food. They had a web summit, that when Ramadan begins, the doors of the heavens are open. The heavens are seven heavens, all the doors open in another authentic duration and the vsam Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said, food they had a viable agenda, that the doors of the paradise are open, and the doors of the paradise are eight doors. And then another narration interview some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says, food, the

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hut, Babel avoidable Rama, that the doors of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala open Subhan Allah and to emphasize this meaning in an aeration in the vsam Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says, food

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Zhanna Fela, mula minha bed that all the doors of the paradise the doors all of them open and none of them are closed. My brothers and sisters in Islam, it's as though we are being taught that every single connection between us and Allah subhanho wa Taala is made possible. There is no door there is no obstacle, there is nothing that is going to obstruct our relationship between us and the loss of Hannah who died. The doors are open. The question is, is your heart open? Is your heart open? Is it ready to come into Ramadan? Is your heart open to receive the mercy of Allah Xhosa and to receive the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala and to be granted this forgiveness and being freed from that

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is the heart open my brothers and sisters in Islam in these few days remaining before Ramadan, focus on your heart, focus on your heart, cleanse the heart purify the heart from the sins of the worship of Allah He says that OSHA aka boo boo further we have been afraid he didn't fit lately, one lady Luma limo. He said that if your sins have caused you tremendous pain, then creed curate by raising your hand in the darkness of the night for my brothers and sisters in Islam. For one who feels like he's not ready for Ramadan, because he has missed ease and ease of prayer. Then treat that sickness of your heart by October you make before I move on if you feel like you are not ready for Ramadan,

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because of the filthy evil words you've spoken over the years, whether it's the slander or the backbiting or the gossip or the cursing words that you have spoken. Then raise your hand to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the middle of the night and ask Him to forgive you from all that. The main thing right now before I move on is to cleanse this heart. Once the heart is cleansed and it's purified, you will feel ready to embrace this month. You feel ready to receive the mercy that is coming down from the heavens all the doors are open of the heavens and of the skies and of the paradise and the doors of the mercy open What are we waiting for my brothers and sisters in Islam

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make the most of this opportunity to cleanse your heart before we move on and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give you the ability and the strength and the courage to fast this month and to perform that which Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to see from you this month in the holy vertical called the rally. Awesome Allahu Allah Marbella. carlina de una Mohammed wanna le he also he has money

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