Abu Bakr Zoud – Focus on What Laylat Al Qadr is, not When it is

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The speaker discusses the importance of focusing on the "what aspect" of the worship, rather than just the " wind aspect." They stress the need to be mindful of the worship aspect and not just focus on the "wind aspect." They also mention the importance of remembering the worship aspect and not just focusing on the "wind aspect."
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When Allah azza wa jal addressed the issue of Lila and others in the Quran, he never mentioned anything about when it is rather the focus was on what it is about Allah social he said what are the Raka now later on what will give you any clue as to what little COVID is all about. And what did not say on that $1 cat metal a little puddle, what will give you any clue as to when Laila Takada is Allah azza wa jal when he spoke about Lila Delgado, he highlighted and he emphasized the what aspect What is this night about? Allah emphasized the importance and the virtue of this night. And he did not speak anything in the Quran about when this night is about.
And you know, why is this important? Because when you know how huge this night is, when you when you focus on the what aspect What is this night about? How important is it how significant it is, when you focus about what happens during this night, then that's enough for you to take the entire 10 nights seriously. As opposed to the person who is concerned with the wind aspect. The one who is concerned about when they let the other is such a person. his emotions are up and down. You know what that means? Meaning when when it's an odd night, he's motivated to worship when it's an even though he's demotivated. If someone tells him I saw a dream that Lila Delgado was last night he
shattered and he doesn't Yanni put that much effort anymore. And he allows the month the finishing. Probably next year I'll make it this is what happens when you focus on when they let them cut. That is my brothers and sisters in Islam. What alone the address the issue of labor to cover he addressed the what issue? What is it about? Not the wind aspect, forget the wind, forget it. concentrate on what it's about. When you know how huge this night is? Your mood avita to worship Allah until your last breath.
This is very important. Don't pay attention to the wind aspect. Pay your full attention to what this night is all about. Even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was made to forget when this night was by Allah azza wa jal You know,
he came out to the companions he was about to tell them when exactly let them cut the rods, but there were two companions that were arguing. So Allah Sojin removed the knowledge of when they little but that is from the mind of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see what happens? You see the argument argument, what do you think? What are the consequences of arguing? knowledge was removed from this oma? And if olara sosial wanted us to know when the little cottage specifically was he would have told us just like we know when the day of our offer is, and we know when the day of our Shula is these are these we know and they are virtuous these and we know when
they are. So if Allah azza wa jal wanted us to know when they let the cutter is he would have told us when
in addition to all these, the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was when the 10 Knights began, as I shall be Allah one has said, can either the halacha that when the 10 nights would begin should debate zone really long, but it cover level three things she described him as doing, he tightened his waist,
which means that he would avoid sexual relations with his wives, even though it is hallowed to do that at night.
This is implying how serious he will take these nights. Not even an Hillel not even sexual desire, which is something Hillel he wanted to pay attention to. He kept this away from him. And the next thing he would do is he would bring the Knights to life. All the nights the entire night would be filled with worship is an interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Who is the most knowledgeable concerning when Lea little gathered is he himself would spend the entire night of the last 10 nights although even in worship, and finally he would wake his family up and they would pray and they would worship with him as well. So Pamela