Abu Bakr Zoud – Episode 23 Surat Al Brooj

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The conversation covers the history and significance of Islam, including the presence of the sun and the use of negative attitude in language. The importance of the Her opinion in the title of the story is discussed, as well as the importance of young children in society and promoting Islam among them. The use of "monster" in Arabic is emphasized, and the history of the criminal justice system and its impact on society is also discussed. Finally, the importance of praise and self-p situated in the face of negative views is emphasized.
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wa salatu salam ala rasulillah
praise and thanks belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the servant and final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as follows my dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
And have the land last week, we began sort of the bluish. And we explained the oath, that the beginning of the sort of there was an earth or survey that in borrowed money to be more owed. Russia, he didn't want to shoot that was, that was the beginning of the sort of, and we've come to know from previous lessons and previous work that we've studied together, that the earth in the air always has a response to it, there's always a response to the earth. For example, in English, if you had to swear, you say, I swear, then the listener says to you, you swear to God, then you say, I swear Oh, and they like, for example. So there's, I swear, this part is called akasa, the earth. And
there's the second part, and that is referred to as your custom the response of the earth, or when the like, there are two parts here. But sometimes, sometimes, when you swear, it's obvious what you're talking about. So you don't need to mention the response of the earth. For example, if your children are playing outside with your car, and you walk outside, you don't say I swear, if you don't get out of the car, or so on, you don't have to say this. You only say I swear, and you raise your voice. And you don't say anything else. And it is understood. And it's obvious what you're talking about in that context. So in other words, you need to say what you're making an offer. And
Allah subhanahu wa, tada, has taken an oath in the last series of saw many, many, many times and many times over and over to one thing, and that is animate.
And animate,
every single person will know what they have presented for themselves. Every single person will know what they have sent forward, and what they left behind meaning of their deeds. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala swears takes a note in the beginning of the soba, he doesn't mention joab will pasa he doesn't mention a response to this earth, because it's obvious. And what makes it even more obvious is that the cursor the earth itself, is your cursor is the response of the earth. When Allah subhana wa Diana said, when do mil mo loot, and I swear by the promise de
Allah subhanho wa Taala. He his robot that day, and that day, is coming soon. And so he swears by the day as evidence in and of itself. So it's something that doesn't need further explanation, when he already took an oath by the day of judgment that was already the response of the earth, that the day of judgment is coming. And a day will come where everyone will meet his needs, whether they're good or bad actions or words. So now the subject of the surah continues. And the next day, I put the last habit of doing a negative attitude.
Some scholars have argued that this air patinas habit of dude is the response of the earth. Some have argued this. However, from a language point of view, it's not true. Because the response of the earth always has to have a lamp with it has to have a lamp on it. For example, we're in the previous solar financing, we shove up a lady on our support committee that Tasha, they were the others. And their response to the earth was what? Letter cabin? How do we know that the response lamb there was a lamb letter cabinet. So we said that's the response of the earth, but
there is no lamb input.
So we say that's not the response of the earth. Others have argued that job and the response of the Earth is way down towards the end of the surah where Allah says in Nepal to shadow, the shadow come to the slider. However, also from a language point of view, that's incorrect. Why because the customer
must always be right next to each other and I'm just elaborating a little bit on this because the person comes a lot in the bullet. So you can always think of this when you see the person you need to see enjoyable person lm and it's gonna be right next to the person
It can be all the way down, you know. And that's normal in any language, when you say, I swear, and then you start talking about something else. And then you tell the listener, well, let me let me tell you what I was swearing about, or what I was talking about. You don't do this, you take the earth. And right after it, you mentioned what you were taking an oath by.
So the strongest point of view, also, the strongest opinion from a language point of view, is that the response of the Earth is understood. And it's obvious, that is that we are all we all have to present whatever we send forward, and whatever we left behind of these before allows origin on the Day of Judgment.
So now Allah subhanho wa Taala, he changes the subject.
So the sky was mentioned at the beginning, then the promised day was mentioned, then the weakness, and that which is witnessed has been mentioned. And now Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the second passage, he gives us a history lesson.
In the past, he says patina of horribleness, dude. Now, you know, the Muslims, the followers of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam,
are not the first to be oppressed or tortured or killed. They're not the first, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of a nation much in the past. And the language he uses is amazing. And it's remarkable, it's incredible. And we'll highlight some of these as we move along and charlo died.
He speaks of a nation in the past, that suffered torture, and suffered pain and was killed as well. So the companions are not to be left alone. And you got to keep in mind that the purpose of asylum is reciting this
to his companions.
And now, this passage that comes up now, it is actually related to the end of the story of us habit of dude.
And these few
these fear, yet, they related to the end of the story, and the beginning of the story is found in a heartbeat. In a long Hadith of the prophets, Allah mahali, your Salah, narrated by a companion by the name of Sharia globally along with Diana, and it's collected by the mammoth and we also find that in Sahih Muslim, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he narrates the story on to his companions, what for, so he can keep them firm upon their religion, and upon the event, you know, you're not the first people to be tortured because of your Islam, people much before you suffered as well. And so there's a lot of lessons to be learned from this story. But inshallah we'll keep the
matter brief with you and shallow data. But just by pondering over the heavy, the Hadith is about two and a half pages long. It's found in caffeine, interceding and caffeine, you also find the importance of it.
And if you were to just look, or you were to just think about the nation of us have a look, dude, then for sure for sure, you'll come to the conclusion that these people this nation live longer than two pages.
They lived more than what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam narrated to us. And why were we told everything we said that's a question Why are we told every single detail this alludes to that not everything is important, what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the Hadith is what's enough first to know from the story, and enough lessons to be learned. And this happens a lot in the Quran. The Quran and the Hadith don't care about the names and time and location and what this happened and why this happened. You know, you all know that the best of stories in the Quran is what story,
story of use of a setup, how many names are mentioned in the use of an alcove that's all this the best story of the Quran. And the only characters that are mentioned I use of an apple. Why? Because again, the Quran is not concerned about names and places and times and what happened here, what happened, then, extra details. That's something the Bible does. That's something they professionals that this story in the name of what time it happened during the night during the day. For the prime, it's beyond. It's above and beyond all this. It's what the lesson what you can learn from this story. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He's sitting among amongst his companions one day. And he says to them, Ghana, FEMA, Ghana public American worker and Allah who said, and so the story begins. He says, companions are sitting. And he says to them, there was a nation who came much, much, much before you, and there was a king, and obviously this king of that nation.
He had claimed blue chip. And the skin he had a magician with him.
Why was the magician important? Because he used to use the magician to trick the people. So they can believe he's the Lord, you know, just exactly like around. And interestingly, you'll find the mention of Iran coming at the end of this solar towards the end. Anyway, he is with by ease went by this nation, and this magician that the king had, he grew into old age. And he realized that he was getting very close to death. So he tells the king sent me a young boy, whom I can teach the magic to, before my death. So he can hold on this legacy, and hold on and revive this spirit of the king. And this is the law.
So the king, he sends him a young boy, but obviously, you didn't just send him any kid.
The King went and chose a boy that was young, smart, intelligent, you know, clever, bright, quick. Why is he doing this? Because this kid is now young. And he wants to teach him young, so that when he grows, he's always loved to the king. And he's always loyal to this kingdom that they have. So that's why he picked him young. And you know, this just shows us the importance of kids is one of the promises and and why is he mentioning this story to the companions? And why does it eventually get to us? And why do we share it? The province
is teaching us the importance of young kids, you need to take care of them today. Because they're the future. You know, if you want to spread an ideology, or if you want to spread Islam into a community, or you want to spread Islam to the world, you need to take care of the children.
And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to focus his attention so much on young kids, just like Ali.
He became a Muslim at a young age. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took great care of him, and luckily became, you know, a leader of the prophet SAW the law and he took care of an Abbess
who is at a very young age. And he became known as
the biggest interpret of the poll, and Hubbard on matters all the ink of this woman. And so the king, he found the young boy, young, intelligent boy, and he requested from him, go to the magician's house, and start learning magic.
So the boy began to work every single day from his house, to the magician.
He calls a few towns, and he gets to the magician. And he began to learn magic bit by bit. And on the way to the magicians house one day.
He used to see an old man. And he realized that this old man would never leave his house. He never mixes with the people.
Because it's tome of fitna, Iran is worshipping this Lord, and he's just secluded himself, and he ran away from everyone and he stayed in some old cave, and he's worshipping Allah alone. And this young kid would seem, and he was amazed by this old man's words and actions. So the young boy, he walked up to the house, and he saw permission from this old man, can I enter the old man, tell them come in. And then the boy asked him who you are anyway. He said to him. Amara
is a priest, but meaning he is a scholar, an old man, an old, wise, religious man. He said to him, what's that? He said, I worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. I think the boy said to him, What do you mean the king and the king that's outside? He said, No, no, my boy. I worship
My Lord, and your Lord, and the Lord of your Lord, meaning the Lord of the king.
The boy got really interested in amazed by these words, and he served with him a little. And he began to learn from him bit by bit. And when he'd finished your session, from there, he'd go to the magician.
So the magician started to realize that these boys come in light. So he tells him, what makes you come late every single day. And he began to eat him. And he began to punish it. Obviously, because it's a magician who has no Dean has no mercy. He does what he does.
So when this boy returns from the magician, he go back to the old man one more time before his house, and he'd find comfortable with these words and relax with his words.
And he'd go back to his family's house, and his parents have told him why he coming late for so he went to the old man
Once one more time, and he complained to him. He said, Oh, man,
the magician icon lady hits me. I go late to my parents, they hit me as well. What do I do?
And he's learning his religion bit by bit from this old man. So the old man with his wisdom,
he says theme.
If the magician asks you why you're late, they say to me, my family delayed me. And if your family say to you, why are you late, say to them, the magician delayed me. Now, you might say this is a lie. It's a form of lie. But maybe this form of lie was permissible initially. We're not sure we don't know.
And so one day.
And then this is what he used to do, he used to use that excuse coming, coming and going. But one day, he's walking back to his house, he's just finished his session with the magician. He's walking back to his house. And he saw a huge beast that has just sat there, and it's blocked off the road, it's blocked the path of the people, no one can have access to the other side of the road. And the people are scared. And no one dare to approach it. Whatever it is, maybe it could be a big Python, who's a big lion, whatever it is, it's just a massive beast sitting there.
And so the boy looked at this place. And he said to himself, today, I'll find out whether the magician is better than the old man.
So he began to approach this beast, and he's coming close to it. And the people are scared and they screaming, what are you doing? Move away, it'll kill you and attack you. He came close. And he took us 30 took a rock from the earth. And he held it. And he's about to hit this the beast with it. And he says, our law, saying this to himself. If the religion of the old man is more beloved to you than the religion of the magician, then kill the space so that people can cross any through the storm. And once you throw it immediately, instantly, the beast died. And it was moved from from the from the path of the people. And the people are amazed. Everyone saw this, everyone witnessed this. And
they couldn't believe what they just saw. And service boy, it started to become popular in the in the city. This boy had just moved a large piece that the whole town was scared of. And this boy is going to succeed the magician of the king, making big news, this point.
And so now the young boy, he's killed. He's convinced that the old man's religion is the true religion. He's convinced.
And because he was so excited, he went back to the old man. And he told him what just happened. And so the old man, he's basically he's teaching a chef. He's slow. He's learning from him. He says to me, Listen, what he says to him. He says, today, my son, you are better than me.
HoloLens from the teacher, how many teachers do eat today that they say to the student, you're better than me.
But you see, this is from the humbleness, what kind of knowledge had this person read reached, that he can humble himself to this level, and look at his student and say to him today, you have become better than me.
And then he says to him, you are going to be thoroughly tested. We're in the castle to patella, you're gonna be tested. Why? Because everyone that comes into this religion is just that.
And if you're not tested, any any few artists that he says to him, if you're tested, don't tell about me. Don't say to anyone where I exist and where you will always leave him.
So the way he agrees to this, and he walks out, he leaves.
And during this time, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave this young boy special abilities. He had government. So for example, he'd cure the blind, you know that the boy, the boy is born, for example, is born blind. He'd wiped his face and make the out to a lot of soldiers that he heals him, and a lot with you, this person and anyone that was sick, it makes to align this person becomes better. And you're suffering of leprosy. He wipe you. And all of a sudden, a lot of soldiers since the cure and you're cured B of nilah.
And Who's heard of this, the general of the king, the king, he's in his he's on his throne, and he's got people on his lifted on his right side.
On the left, and on the right, one of them
that sits around with the king. He's a very good friend. And again, he's been there for so long. He knows him and the king knows him. And he's basically the general. And he was a blind man.
So he went to this young boy. And he brought gifts with him, and he brought everything with him. And he said to him, oh, boy, I heard that you cure the sick and look on blind. Can you return back my sight?
So the boy
he says to him,
I didn't cure anyone.
It is a loss of Hannah Medina EQs.
System who's online, you mean the king? He said, Nana, my Lord, your Lord and the Lord of the king. So he says to him, What do I do? He says, believe in a mug. And I'll make that for you.
So this this person, this man, the general of the king, he took the serious, and he believed in Amazonia, and he took a corner of the house. And he made that, and the boy said, Allah, cure this blood man. And all of a sudden of whether the permission,
this man was cured, he was cyfle. Again, he can see.
And the boy didn't really care about these gifts and what he's brought, he doesn't care about this, you know, the boy just wants people to believe in Allah subhana wa, Tada. His main concern is how am I going to get this whole nation in this whole community to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he does what he does. And he says to the, to this general, take, take your fingers back and just go, don't spread this do spread this down.
Now, days went by, and this general, he goes back just as normal to his job. And he stands to the left of the king. And the king realizes something, he looks at him. And he says to him, when you blind, whatever, when you get your sight from
he says to him,
I went to the young boy who's learning the magic.
And I believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he made that for me. And now I can see.
And the king, he got really mad.
And so he ordered for him to be tortured, he brought him and he started torturing
until, until this man gave up the location of where the boy is.
So he ordered the Saudi King ordered the army go and get that boy, they went and got the boy. And they kept beating and beating this boy up until the boy himself gave up the location of the old man, where he's getting all this news from and then all this information in this deed from.
So all three of them were there, in the presence of the king of the army, you can just imagine there's a whole room that's full of generals and full of soldiers and commanders. And the and the king is standing right in the front. And there's the boy, there's the old man. And there's this person who was just yesterday with the king, a very old good friend of the king is now in front.
And he told he, firstly, the king told this man, that was the only side his general. He said to him.
abandon your religion,
he says are abandoned my religion. So there we've got someone with a soul. And I showed him in half.
And this is so sardinha it's not like he gets shot or anything. And this is done in the presence of the other two. And why is this Allah Subhana? Wa tada you see it?
Know what if people think we're going to be left alone, saying we believe we believe in they're not going to be tested and trial. And then a law says well,
indeed we tested, we thoroughly tested and trialed those that came much before the
Caribbean, and among those those who are truthful, and those who lie. So this man is Furman is deep. And he was put through this test, and he was sawed in half. Just like
he was old enough. You know, he had when he was sewn in half, he didn't even scream a single word. He was put in between the
trunk of a tree and it was sewn in half. And his son Yeah, he said, His head was chopped, and so many prophets and so many messengers. That was the ending.
And this is all for the sake of this religion or for a lot
subhanho wa Taala. So the general, he was sold in half.
And so Han Allah, the general, he just got his vision.
And he can basically he can go anyway, he could have just taken off, he didn't have to come back to the king.
He's just right now he's enjoying his vision, and he's got money and he can spend the rest of his life. He just said, You know what, don't worry about it, I believe back into the kingdom.
And all this doesn't matter for him. He just got his vision, he's got money, he's got wealth, all this is nothing compared to what is being sacrificed for. So he went along in this way, and he made this decision, he will not abandon his deal. And they came to the old man. And they said to the old man, the same thing, abandon your religion or kill you.
And he doesn't abandon him religion is religion. So they get the soil again, and they chop him in half. And we've seen this, the young boy, quite a disturbing graphic image. And he's seen this now happened to two of us, basically ones that believed with his message.
So now,
the king, he orders this boy, he says to the army, he says to the commanders, take this boy, go take him to the peak of the highest mountain.
And from there, ask him, would you abandon your religion? If he says no, throw him off the cliff. Let him die that way.
So they took him
and the boy as he standing up there.
They say to him, abandon your religion? He says, No.
Then he made a drive. He said, Allahu mcsweeny him.
He said, Allah, save me from them by any means you wish. Somehow I didn't say I will not destroy them. Or crack the earth and Swami, swallow them. Or, or shake the mountain. He didn't make any time. He just said, Oh, Allah, deal with them whichever way you wish. And this is the manners of this young boy, when it comes to the name of a man how he mentions a lot. This is boy, he teaches us a lot.
And so Allah subhana wa Tada. He heard his
and the mountains shook. And they all fell down the mountain except the boy.
And the boy was rescued, he was saved the law safety. Now the boy could have ran away. Who knows?
No one's gonna know.
Buddy, he has a greater mission. He doesn't care about his death. You know, he wants to call people. He wants to call the community, the nation to Islam. He's a daring to Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's not afraid of death. He wants to die for the sabinal anyway. So what does he do? He sees the firmness on his deal. And the firmness of the day. He goes back to the king. You know, not like some, some you find, you know, fall into one fitna, he runs away, or he's been warned, don't say this, you go to prison, he runs away, or he's been kicked out of a job. And the day is just gone, all of a sudden you don't see or he's kicked out of a budget because of some political reason. And
then that's it, you find this tower stop. This boy has been threatened, will kill you. And what is he doing? He goes back to not the tower back to the king himself with his two feet. You know, that's the courage and the strength. And people saw this, and they were amazed. Now when you go to the king, the king was shot himself. And he asked him, where are the soldiers? What do you do with them?
And he said, Allah saved me from them. He didn't say Oh, got rid of them. Well, like this boy, he teaches he teaches a lot. He teaches a whole nation.
He doesn't describe this back to himself. He says Allah subhanho wa Taala He saved me from them.
And this is why the province of Ontario seldom is narrating the story of this young boy.
So then the king he orders the soldiers. Take this boy, put him in a cage, lock him up in a cage, put him on a ship and go to the depths of the seas. And when you get asked him Do you abandon your religion? If he says no, throw him in the ocean? Let him die a slow death, drowning. You know, that's why when you drown your Shahid because it's a slow process. It's not a quick death. So let him die painfully that way. So they took him out on the ship. Just before they want to throw him in they asked him you abandon your religion or either he says or abandon my religion. And then he said again alone, but you need the machine.
To deal with them whichever way you are. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala drove them all. And he saved him.
And he went back to the king. And he said to him, Look, you're not able to kill me until you do what I say to you?
He says, what are they searching for the king wants to get rid of him. He doesn't want him anymore. This person is spreading Islam into the country. He's destroying the king.
So he says, to gather the people, young, all the kids, the men, the women, gather everyone
in an elevated in one elevated place, and tie me to the trunk of a tree.
And then you yourself, move your arm, you take an arrow from my quiver, but from yours, because you're gonna take it from mine.
And say loudly, in the name of a love the Lord of the boy and release the error. No, you don't need these mountains or the oceans. Don't worry about this. Just do what I tell you.
And answer sort of the people now in the community in the in the nation, they've become confused. You know who's right? Is this boy, now these boys become us. He's become famous. Is he right? Or is the king right? So now this is going to be the decider.
So the people watch this. And the people are gathered, the whole town was gathered. And it was circled by the soldiers.
And there was a platform exactly like what happened with Pharaoh.
And the king stood, and he took the arrow, and the boy is there. He's tied to the tree. And in some narrations,
the king releases that are he doesn't say Bismillah. He doesn't say Bismillah in the name of this law. And the narration said that his arrows would go left and right, left and right.
And then the boy reminded him say it loudly. Make sure make sure people listen.
So then he takes the error. And he says In the Name of Allah, the Lord of the boy. And he releases the error. And it hits him right in the temple. And then the boy puts his hand this is the duration, he puts his hand on his temple. And his head fell into his head. And he started pouring blood. And he died.
He died upon his religion.
The King seeing this, he got really excited. And he said these generals gotta see has he died. He's happy and hamdulillah is finished from this boy in the fitna of this boy, and this religion of this boy. And then someone comes up one of his soldiers. And this is all really terrible news for you. This theme you want to avoid has just happened.
Every single person has become a believer now in the lord of this body, because they realize you can never have killed him, except by saying, by the permission, or by the name of his law. Now everyone would say amen Nebula below that. We believe in the Lord.
And people are shouting this out. And they're raising their voices. It's like a protest.
And the king, he's got no idea what he's going to do. So he says the soldiers block off the roads, block off the pathways don't allow anyone to escape or run away, dig trenches, dig holes, and these trenches in holes are still filled up until today. Imagine you go to Saudi Arabia, you find these trenches, dig up, and light a fire in and ask every single person Dr. Dan in your religion, if they say no, throw him in the fire burning. And they did this. And until they got to a woman who was holding her newborn baby. And they told her leave your deed? And she said no. But she was a bit hesitant. She hesitated a little bit, not because of herself, but because of a newborn. What is she
going to do with him? Burn me but what about my kid?
Then a loss of Hannah and what that made it easy for her. And he made the baby he gave the baby the ability to speak. So the boy said his video man for a Nicki
Be patient. Verily you are on the truth. She threw herself in the fire with a kid.
Now, this is the ending of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
but the ending of it from where they thrown in the fire and so on. Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah gives us in this in the Quran. Now let's I want to share it with you How am I in this story? So we're going to recap a few things
We just heard, but almost the way a lot of search underrated, so a lot begins he said, Put the last horrible of the word patina in Arabic is a past tense.
And it's referred to as a passive verb magnanimous, and put in literally, it means he was killed. But in the Arabic language, sometimes this word is used within.
And a curse is built by, like a really huge, heavy curse. It's a curse from Allah subhanho wa Taala upon a nation, we wait to it, it's not something easy. And before we read the solid hours, put in an insane follow, maybe human because how amazing is disbelief he is now he Allah subhanho wa Taala says, putting us happiness and put in is understood with the two meanings the killed and the curse, meaning the first of which is that a lawyer surgeon informs us that literally us helping us do work you.
And they were killed by the fire because there are some narrations that mentioned that a loss of Hannah who
took the soul of the believer before they reach the fire. And then the fire came out of those came out of the ditch they dug and it burned them. It killed the soldiers that sat around the fire watching the believers being burnt to death.
That's the first meaning of putting it off. I
mean, literally, they were killed. The second meaning of patina, I learned that we understand patina as being a curse upon us.
In other words, Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying, males have enough food because and this particular curse is a drop from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there's a difference between the two, I have a love and the joy of mankind. You know, you and I are, maybe it's accepted, maybe it's not accepted. But the law happens the way he wills it to happen.
And the word curse, what does it mean?
When you say during the when the law says
the curse means to be removed from the mercy of a lot, have no mercy associated with this person.
Just like when I lost a piece, why not a calamity.
Meaning My Mercy is going to be removed away from you, you're not going to see or smell nothing from my mercy.
patina is horrible herbal food, the Word of God in Arabic, it means a rectangular shaped ditch, that people dig in the earth. And it's really deep. It's not something natural, you find it Earth, people dig it. And it's very big. And it's rectangular in shape. These are the properties of dude. And some of the scores of the seed, such as a show Gani by mobile data, and others, they come in and they say that this area is not just talking about us, that we just refer to this story
about that specific nation. Rather, it is talking about every single nation that commits such a massive crime, you know, the crime of genocide, or the crime of killing people in masses, they call it like collective graves, which is happening even till today, the masses, massive, massive kills that are happening all around the world. Like in Syria, you find that chemical warfare that killed 1000s and 1000s of babies and innocent children in Africa, the slaughtering that's happening to the 1000s and 1000s. in Burma, the same, you know, the the mass genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1995. That happened, hundreds and 1000s of Muslims were killed and raped. And in some cases, massive
graves are dug, and people are thrown in there. And explosives are thrown inside as well. All the fuel is thrown, whatever these things are thrown inside, and then you just blow up. And this happened in the past century, and even happening up until today. And it's an ancient practice for many oppressive cultures. And so why did we say that this heaviness that we just mentioned the story? Why did we say this is connected to these?
There are two reasons because when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam narrated the Hadith he recited at the end, these air hotels.
So we said this story is related to these air. And the other thing is because of the wording of the Hadith, you know, we find in the Hadith
That was Buddha, that he had dug trenches. And the same word used in the Hadith is used in the forehead, you know,
So the parallel is in the similar wording. So although we do relate the Hadith in the story to these as we do not limit these early to that story, rather these are more general and the speaking about anyone that does the same horrible act.
Anyone that does this deserves the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
So I want to highlight with you something,
these criminals, they put the people in the ditch,
is there a ditch waiting for them?
these criminals have put the believers in a ditch. And these ditches these trenches have been filled with fire and Narita.
And this is the next day.
And this is known as beverage demand. And what that actually means is that these ditches were filled with fire and the fire that is possessive of fuel, meaning that the fire just one go off. There's oil in there, there's coal in there, and it keeps blazing and blazing and the people kept screaming. Now, does that remind? does that remind you of some other thing? I mean, what else have we read in the plan? That sounds like this a ditch a fire few people screaming? What is this? The hellfire.
Here, you have the process killing the believers in the most horrible way. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Put in a habit of dude made the people of the trench be destroyed. They dug a ditch for the believers.
But the real, the real ditch they dug was for themselves in the Day of Judgment. And they not only lit the fire of the believers, they also lit a fire upon themselves on the Day of Judgment. And not only they threw fuel and coal in there and threw people in there, but also they made themselves feel foolish and on the Day of Judgment. When Allah subhanho wa Taala says what is what is fuel the fire is fuel the people and stones and other stones that they used to worship.
So the irony of the wordings of had a lot, their punishment is the crime itself. The same crime they did against the believers. That's the same thing though deserve and cop on the Day of Judgment. There are Muslim, Hannah Montana, he goes further. He says if the Humala you have
before we explain this, maybe we should mention something about the word was hype. So you can really take a broad sense of this, you know the word that comes from the word side. And in Arabic, the word side has two things in it, something known as mukava. And the other thing is
it's very important to understand this part mocha and mocha that closeness and affiliation.
So for example, if you say who are sociable, it means that this person is always reading his clothes, and he's always affiliated with the pool, and he's always talking about Poland wherever he is, he never leaves. If I say who wasabi meaning, we hang out together always all the time we hang out.
And the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what do they call?
Why? Because they're always with him. The very close to here, Allah subhanho wa Taala calls these people as having
two things for us. When someone commits a crime, like this genocide,
they are known for this crime forever.
Like, when you say Nazi, you know, what's the first thing that comes in your mind? The crime
that they committed, that's the first thing that comes in your mind. So when they committed a crime, what did they become famous for a crime? So most of us have one of the people of the trench.
And on the Day of Judgment, will they be in that ditch forever, they'll be in there forever. So in this sense, there is another meaning of us where they will be in there, the fire will be their company forever, they will not be separated away from it. So panorama, however, captures the reality of this world. And it parallels with the reality of the next
Just two words. Do you just just by reading us have, you get the sense of
meaning when they in Ghana, because obviously they've perished in Ghana, and he called them must have, meaning they're the companions of Jana. Just like when you say who is my friend forever, like you and him forever. So these people will them and Jana forever, then our muscle panel for dialysis is Humala. It's very tough.
A lot is talking about these horrible crimes that are that they are doing these horrible criminals that are throwing innocent people throwing believers into the fire, the men, the woman, the children and uncared about it about it. And when you commit such a crime, when these mass murders happen, there are two types of soldiers who carry out this crime.
The first type of soldier is someone who just obeys the general, you know, reluctantly out of feet, he doesn't want to do it, but he just does it because the general maybe there's something, there is one type of soldier. Another type of soldier that commits a crime
is a soldier who actually enjoys it, he enjoys seeing the death and the suffering of people. You know, for example, you find in Syria, the Syrian army, they just have like a shavon in there. They love committing the crime and love seeing the crime. We learn in this area,
that these were the worst kind of soldiers that killed the believers. Why because of loss it is humanly how I'm going to explain. The ditch has been done.
And it's blazing with fire. And the soldiers, they find themselves in a comfortable chair to sit up.
As opposed to saying you lose, which means to see, but
is to sit over a long period of time. So what these people actually did, they went to the edge of the ditch, and they would find themselves the sea. And they sat down. All they need is popcorn now. And they watched the scene. And this means they really enjoyed it. This is this is blue. This is what it's giving us the sense.
And then.
And by the way,
they weren't get the seat in Ghana. For these people, now they're sitting, but in general they will.
And the believers are dying. On the Day of Judgment these people will die said is more torture upon torture when a lot of surgeon gives them. And in the previous surah Allah subhanho wa Taala he told us that when the calf has just received this book behind his back in his left hand, and he stands before the fire, what does he say for Sophia?
He says, kill me now. And then throw me into the fire. Now think about this. When someone is thrown in the fire,
what really what will he dig for? No kill, get the pain to stop, do something. Allah subhanho wa Taala says about this person that's going to be thrown in the fire. He will bet for himself to be killed. And then he'll be thrown in the fire. He'll bet and then he'll be thrown in the fire. He hasn't even been thrown in the fire, that the terror is such that he'd rather not even think about facing it. He's begging for death even before he gets there. So as horrible as the crime is against the believers, Allah subhanahu wa tada his punishment, it supersedes the punishment they cost the believers is nothing compared to what a lot of us has in store for them. Then Allah Subhana Medina
says wahoo, Milan, una mini in a shoe hood.
And they, these people in particular, especially what they did with the believers, they themselves are a witness to this. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't say well, whom Allah Yama, Luna. He said, Well, if there's a difference. Rahman is something you think about and do is an intention involved.
Is something done without an intention, for example, you breathe or you blink. You know, you didn't think about breathing and blinking, you just do it just happens. And what this is telling us is that the criminals didn't even think twice about what they were doing with the believers.
There was no thought none of them stepped back and said
Throwing a boy, or throwing a mind or throwing an innocent kid in there? Or that old man stepped back, man, one second, what are you doing? That thought may even cross their mind? How do we know this? Because
if I do, and I don't mean to do something without intention, well, I'll just throw me regardless of who it is and what it is and where we're throwing them in, just throw them all in.
And then the theme of this part of the air gives us even another meaning, you know, normally in Arabic sentence, it would be well whom shoo who don't and if I want to be more Mini,
say, he says, well, who am I, if I don't, he puts this in the beginning an hour this is what this means is that especially when it came to this, describe this burning of the believers, these people that sit around the fire, and watch, they are good witnesses, because they sit there the whole time and they watched it. You know, when you watch something, or when you see an accident that just happened two hours ago, or whatever, you see a glimpse of it, you see something, maybe if you even call to see I saw this card or something.
But when you sit there and watch and enjoy, you are the most reliable witness to what happened. So Allah subhanho wa Taala made them
the most for the best witness to their own crime, or Humala, if
you know, somebody from maybe so I happened to just to go.
He didn't see everything that happened. But these vicious criminals, they saw every single that happens thing that happened. So Allah made them a witness. He made him testify against their own self on the Day of Judgment. So how long is the justice of a lot of zosia? you the best you can witness what did you do?
So they testify on the day of judgment to their own crime, and there is no better witness than them to what they did. So the crime is what's referred as much mood that which is witnessed And who are they, they other witness Shay. And again, this connects is the connecting of the oath. Remember the beginning what did we read? We're sure he didn't Ramesh would have had a lot in the air that came after gave us another example of what shade means
the shape of the disbelievers
then we're burning the believers and the marshwood the witness is the scene in front of them burning the believers
and then of course we've had a Medina says, woman Nakamoto mean home Illa you know be laggy last season Hamid
you know,
nothing man. And nakoma there to verbal forms in Arabic language and the origin is the word Nicola
is something you are disgusted by.
You see something in someone, and you just can't stand it. whether it's good or bad, that's not relevant. It's just this. Me. It's not like it's really bad. It's just that you really don't like it. That's a nightmare. You know, for example, someone now walks in the masjid. And you don't like the color of your socks? You know? And you give him this this dirty look, that
he saw nothing relevant, but you just don't like it that's nipmuc so Allah azza wa jal, he describes he said this word one common Minho?
What was so detestable? What was so bad they found in these believers that made them hate these believers?
What made them so hateful towards the believers? She nakoma
also means the urge to want to hurt someone in revenge for an offense they cost you whether they caused you a real offense or not. You just want to hurt them. You know, have you have you ever heard people say, Man, this guy is wearing a stupid, Goofy, she are punchy. You know, just silly things like this. That's not.
You know, like, sometimes if people are speaking to a customer service, you had an issue, you speak to the customer service, and then you go and you told the story to your friend, and you say, Man, if I see that customers are gonna punch you. He did this and this is silly things like this workflow. He was doing his job and so on. But that's nothing. If you if you have this idea and you speak like this. That's Nicolas
That's nothing. So the idea is that these disbelievers before they came to the point of genocide against the Muslims, before they kill them. Just the fact that they believed in Allah was enough for them to find disgust with the Muslims was enough of a reason to kill them. So Allah says nothing. They just they saw him, he's a Muslim. I gave him a dirty look, we already we already hated, we already want to hurt him for no reason, just because he's a Muslim.
Now, not just because they believed in the Lord.
I didn't believe just in Allah doesn't say whether or not
they want to take revenge and kill them. Because they believe in a lot.
And they believe that this law is Allah Aziz and Hamid, two powerful Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
These believers didn't just believe in a concept that we believe in Allah, that's it. No, maybe if that was the case, they would have been left. But they believe that he is allows us and Hamid willing to explain these inshallah, I'll conclude with this a.
And as he is, it comes from the word.
He says, authority.
So these bleeping people, people, they didn't just believe in a God, they believed in a God
that owns complete authority.
And they acknowledged that this elf they worship is Allah Aziz, he owns the authority of everything. He commands his slaves do this, they do it, he can stay away from this, they stay away from it. He said it. And this made the king and the oppressors angry. Why? Because his authority did they want to establish, they want to establish the authority of the king. So they hated them, because they didn't just believe in a love. They believed in a lot that is.
So they believed in an authority and a command other than the command of a king, he made them. So they want to kill him, it's very important to mention that as he's in his head. That's one thing, just like Fidel,
and people didn't want authority.
You know.
And he started doing what he wanted to kill them, but eventually the ending of the story we all know. So an Aziz, they believe that Allah has the complete authority. And this didn't come into the favor of the king. He wanted the authority for himself. These people are believed to a god and an authority other than the king now, that's why he's killed them. Another thing is, and Hamid
Hamid, the simple translation is the self praise, someone who deserves or someone that is self praised within their life, when you say a lot. And Hamid, Hamid, what actually that means is that whether you praise him or not,
that doesn't make a difference. You understand, he's already self praised within within himself. He doesn't need you to say it humbly. You know, he was having self praise, even before you existed. But Hamid comes from the word Hamad. And Helen means to praise and also means to thank also means defect has two things to praise. And to think, and there's a difference between the two. Because you can praise something and not Thank you. And you can think something and not praise it. You know, for example,
for example, you your mother makes you some nice food, you praise the food, but you don't think the food under martial law nice, really smells nice, but you didn't think the food and on the other hand, you can fake something and not praise it. Like for example, you find in the case of
Ibrahim Allah, He said his father
was someone that was
actually even worse than this. He used to manufacture orders. Now, Ibrahim, he's thankful to his father, he thinks
it's his father. But he doesn't praise you. Because what the father does isn't something worthy of being praised. So in other words, praises of two things.
You thinking among, and you're praising Allah subhanho wa Taala to in one. And so the believer, he recognizes that Allah is the master, and he has done the good for them. Allah has done the good for us, and we haven't done any good in return.
And so we say Allah, we haven't done any good in return. We just think you're hungry.
So by seeing an Hamid in this area, what's being taught to us is that these people that were being burned out
Live, they praising other than making, and they acknowledging the other than a king is providing for them. And it is someone more worthy of being praised than the king. And there is a modern soldier and that doesn't come in the mind doesn't cross the mind of the king. He doesn't like visiting. So he destroyed and he killed them. So these two names have a large origin, very important to be mentioned in this woman, not a woman whom
Mirabella not only biller as easy, because they took a command and authority other than the king, and they praised and they thanked and they acknowledge that their blessings are coming from another king other than the king. And so he concluded this idea and then he explains this further in the air that follows. I live in Abu Musab
Walla Walla. In shahidul. Word Shahid comes again to show my data. We leave the discussion for next week, and hopefully we can finish off the solar by We ask Allah Subhana horadada to make us students of the planet. People who take examples of the planet follow in our lives in the harmony of that eco LA or solo the love was a novella kalenna Vienna Mohammed II II