Abu Abdissalam – Eat Away – And Get Reward from Allah

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of eating healthy during the time of busyness, as it is a natural act and a reward for the body. They also mention the importance of having a healthy meal for the fasting routine and encourage viewers to share their thoughts on the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Have you ever thought that something as simple

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as eating can be one of the most

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rewarding things to do in Ramadan if you

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do it right?

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I'm your brother Abu Abdi Salaam speaking to

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you from the blessed city of Makkah.

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Ramadan, as we all know, is a time

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of avoiding

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most important

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things like food and drink. As well as

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instead on worshipping Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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getting close to him. But what if I

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told you that at specific times in Ramadan,

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eating the food that we love is the

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most rewarding act? Yes. I'm talking about the

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times of suhoor

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and Iftar. Abu Atya once said, I said

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to Aisha,

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among us, there are 2 men, one of

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whom hastens iftar

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and delays suhoor and the other one delays

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iftar and hastens suhoor.

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She said, which of them is the one

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who hastens iftar and delays suhoor?

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I said, AdulAllah ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu an. She

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said, this is what the messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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used to do. Meaning delaying the sahur as

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close as possible to fajr

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and eating iftar as soon as Maghrib

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sets. Just like us, the companions of the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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would work during the morning hours in Ramadan

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under the sun and in hunger. They plowed

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the fields,

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tended to their livestock, and traded and bartered

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in the markets. Despite the scorching heat and

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the pangs of hunger that come with fasting,

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they did not waver in their commitments.

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They were diligently dedicated to their roles in

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as well as to their worship of Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala at once,

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showcasing an outstanding balance of duty and devotion.

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Fast forward to our times, the essence of

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Ramadan remains unchanged.

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We too navigate through our day to day

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juggling work, family, and our responsibilities

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towards Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The sunsets and

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the Maghrib Adhan echoes, marking the end of

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a long day's grind.

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Iftar arrives as a much needed breather, a

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precious time when the most beloved deed to

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is to simply open

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our fast and to be grateful to Him.

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In that moment of relief, as we reach

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for those dates and sip cool water. It's

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more than just fulfilling a physical need. It's

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a profound

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act of obedience to Allah and indeed gratitude.

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Reminding us of the deep gratitude we owe

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for his countless

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blessings and mercy. It's an embrace of the

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relief and thankfulness

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for every challenge Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has

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helped us get through, recognizing Allah's support in

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our journey from true dawn all the way

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to sunset. The time of Iftar marks the

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end of a great act of worship and

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our vulnerability

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during this period gets us closer to Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's mercy.

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This is exactly why the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam said in a hadith

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authenticated by al Bani, for the fasting person

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there is an accepted Dua.

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Meaning, that when the fasting person makes Dua

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right before his iftar, this is a great

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time to make Dua to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Just before his iftar, a fasting person's soul

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is at its peak closeness to Allah and

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for having almost completed the fast. This is

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perhaps why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has set

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this time to make dua and ask him

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for anything we wish. We can ask him

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to clear our debts,

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guide our children and family members, get high

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grades in exams, Cure us from sickness. Get

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that promotion. We can make Dua for the

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people who have passed away. Ask Allah to

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remove our worries. Grant us peace of mind

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and anything else that you desire

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or need.

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The other major meal in Ramadan is of

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course the suhoor. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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said in a hadith narrated by both Bukhari

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and Muslim,

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make sure to have your suhoor meal for

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is blessed.

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Suhoor gives us energy and prepares us for

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the next day's fast. On top of that,

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it is a meal that is blessed by

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Allah subhanahu ta'ala Mubarak

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making its effect even more potent. As the

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hadith of Aisha that

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we mentioned before states, the prophet sallallahu ahi

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wa sallam used to delay his suhoor. He

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used to delay it until just before fajr

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starts. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala permits us to

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eat and drink until the break of dawn

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as stated in the Quran. Allah says

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And eat and drink until the white thread,

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meaning the light of dawn appears to you

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distinct from the black thread, meaning the darkness

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of night.

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And then complete your song, your fast until

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the nightfall. This is in Surat Al Buqar.

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So let's embrace these moments, understanding their essence

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and significance

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beyond mere actions, my dear brothers and sisters

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in Islam. How can we bring them to

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life in our fasting routine this Ramadan? Let

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me know. Share your thoughts below. One final

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point I'd like to say is make sure

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you do have suhoor even if it's a

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glass of water

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or even if it is a date or

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3 dates.

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I'm your brother Abu Abdus Salam speaking to

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you from Mecca.

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