Abu Bakr Zoud – Disability In Islam

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the creation of Islam and the use of the symbol "has been" to describe physical signs. The importance of accepting loss and providing housing and support for disabled people is emphasized. The use of Social Security tests and disability in providing rewards is also discussed. The use of blind men and the use of "opiood" are also emphasized, with caution being necessary when referring to disabled people. The potential negative impact of social media guidelines on disabled people is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim and humbly Lahore bin alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He also be a Mayan. All praise and thanks belongs to Allah, ma the peace and blessing of Allah be upon his servant and final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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My dearest respected students said Mr. Lee Kumar Rahmatullahi wa barakato.

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Shall lawyer or doing well and inshallah the team at circle of hope are looking after you then giving you a great experience that you will need in your life to understand disability and disabled people. And what does Islam say about such people? This is what I wanted to share with you in about 10 minutes inshallah. So let me first begin by saying that Allah subhanho wa Taala created us all, and He created us all differently. In the Quran, Allah azza wa jal, he says, dinner for Allah cinetic Allah and Allah azza wa jal, he said that from among his miraculous signs is that he created the heavens in the earth. And He created us different in our tongues, meaning we speak differently

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different languages, there are over two 300 languages in the world, why and when they come, and our colors are different, our skin color is different. And also, our abilities are different, our strength is different, our beauty is different, and so on. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala created. And each and every single one of us is unique to the other. Even our DNA is different to the other. And our fingerprint is different to the person next to you on your left and on your right. And all of this is from a last creation. Not only that, but it is from the miraculous signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And, with all of this being said, allows division, he made the nobility,

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and the honor and dignity of a person, not in his physical strength, or his beauty, or his color, or his ability, or whether a person is disabled or his not disabled, rather lost social made the worth and the value of a person in his dock where Alonzo actually said in a coma commend the law here at Qualcomm, that the most noble, the best of you, in the sight of Allah are those who have the most dupois What does that mean? That power meaning those who have the most obedience to Allah azza wa jal and keep away from that which this, this pleases Allah Zoysia and keeps away from the disobedience of a law of social. So in the eyes of Allah, all humans are equal, whether they're

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disabled or not disabled, the only thing that makes one better than someone else is is obedience to Allah zosen. And in order to develop our Doppler to be the best to Allah, Allah has version continuously tests us to see who will thank Allah version, and who will be pleased with Allah, and who will be patient with the calamities that allows version sins upon him. And you know, tests, they come in many different forms and different ways. Alonzo actually said in the plan, when a blue combi Sherry will hide the fitna that Allah azzawajal will test us be shuttled with evil, one higher and good as a test and as a trial fit nothing. So just as a person who lost the ability to walk, if

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someone is paraplegic, he cannot walk is being tested. Just as a lot. He's testing him. He also is testing the one who can walk that is also a test. And you know, the blind person is being tested, just in the same manner as the one who has eyes in can see is being tested. The one who's blind, Allah sosial wants from him patience, and the one who can see Allah Zoysia and wants from him to use his sight in that which pleases Allah Zoysia and to see what is Hillel, what is good for him, and to avoid seeing that, which is Hello. So everyone is tested, no matter whether you have a disability or not everyone is tested. And so Yanni, let's say here as well, that no matter what the test is, we

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must accept the tests of a loss origin. And we must accept all the grief of a loss origin, whether it's good or bad. And this is from the pillars of email, and the visa law while he was alone. He said, What do I mean I've been attorney hired, he assured me that we must believe in the Divine Decree. The decree, the

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Whether that is from a lawn surgeon, whether it's good and bad or bad, and when we say bad other what we mean by this is that, you know, as I've known him a long time is a famous scholar in Islam. He mentioned that there is nothing such as absolute evil and bad in the puddle of a law, there is nothing that is totally bad. He said, it is apparent bad, that has a lot of goodness hidden underneath it. So when we say that we must believe in the bad other, we mean, that which we see as bad, however, there's a lot of good in it. And why do we have to accept the bad? I mean, the good other, it's easy for us to accept that. If Allah Zoysia decreed that I have healthy eyesight, that's

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good, other it's understandable, we're going to accept that. But why do we have to accept the apparent bad other? Let's see someone is blind, or paraplegic cannot walk or someone is autistic, or someone is disabled intellectually or whatever it is, that seen as an apparent bad that's seen as an apparent bad yet there's so much goodness hidden behind why do we have to accept this? Why do we have to accept this test? Because when Allah decrease something, he decrease it out of full knowledge and full wisdom. When Allah decrease something, he decrease it with full knowledge and wisdom that you and I don't have. We don't have the knowledge that Allah has, we don't have the

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wisdom that Allah has. This is why we must accept the apparent bad other because it is Allah v all knowledgeable, the all wise, who decreed for such a person. So you must accept that because Allah is more knowledgeable than you more wise, the new and he gave you that which is good for you in your life, by it concerning disabled people and their reward. Let's speak about this. A lot of Zoysia Lee said and this is a hadith bootsy edup delay to Abdi be Habiba T for savara Our room in Houma, Louisiana, and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that Allah said, and this is the reward concerning disabled people. He said, that Allah said, if he tested the servant, if Allah tests

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someone with Happy birthday, his two beloved ones, what does that mean? It means his eyes, these two eyes are called the beloved one. Why? Because they're the loved limb in a person without your eyes, color doesn't mean anything, you cannot see you cannot. So so these are called Happy birthday. If a man was to test someone, and take away his sight, and that person was patient, Allah sosial will give him the paradise in reward, he will replace those two eyes and give him the paradise on the Day of Judgment. Now, when the scholars of Hadith interpreted this hadith and explained that like Ubon Ba, Paul, and Al Mohler claim these are Islamic scholars, they explain this hadith and they said

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that it also applies to anyone who was tested with the loss of his sight, loss of any of his limbs, or the ability to function with that limb. Disabled people are also included in this Hadith, bf Miller. So anyone who allows social tests with his health and his condition, and he loses ability in one of his limbs or more of his limbs, or loses a limb altogether, if he was to be patient, and seeking the reward from Allah wanting a lot to give him reward and to give him the paradise, then that is what Allah sosial will give him on the Day of Judgment, Moshe Allah, what a beautiful reward for the one who remains patient over any attest that Allah subhanahu medalla gives him in his health

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and in his body by now,

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concerning disabled people and their rights, let's speak about this. So that non disabled people must understand that in Islam, disabled people have rights over the non disabled people. So now, let's say that Islam acknowledges disability. And Islam encourages the believers, you and I, Islam encourages us to be compassionate and caring, and kind and merciful towards disabled people, and to assist them whenever they need help. And if you looked into the Sila varoma of the hubbub who knows who are most of the hubbub was amagno. hubub was the he was the second holophane Islam amagno hubbub during his time

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A father came to him and he said to him, Omar hubbub My son is a blind man. Jani is disabled, and he is not able to reach the masjid, to pray in congregation. chauvel Subhana Allah, a blind boy, he wants to pray in the masjid, but he cannot because of his disability. So this father went and complained or more of the hubbub of the loved one. And then all of the hubbub immediately provided housing for this father and his child next to the masjid, so that he is quickly able to go to the masjid and go back home in the time of Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, Omar Abdullah Abdullah Aziz, who's this person, he is also a Khalifa. But he was from the whole affair of Benny omiya. So Benny omiya, ruled

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at a time, and one of the Khalifa was Omar Abdullah Aziz, what did he do at his time when he was ruling the Muslims? He asked every ruler, meaning the governors of the provinces, you know how, like, when there's a huge country, and then there's states, and every state has a governor, I want to open up that Aziz, he wrote to all the governors of the different cities, he said to them, send me the names of all those who are blind and paraplegic, or they have a chronic illness chronic means a permanent long lasting illness, or anyone who has a disability, write their names and send them to me.

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And and what he did when he received the names, when the names were sent to him, he ordered that every blind man should have an employee to guide him and look after him luck about look today, if there's a blind man, the government maybe they give you a guide dog, but are more of an Abdelaziz did not give people a guide dog, he gave them a person himself a man to look after the blind and to take care of him. And Ramallah bin Abdulaziz also ordered that for every two chronically ill people, that one person should serve Him. And for every person with special needs, one person should serve him, and he employed them all. And he gave them a weekly or a monthly wage. See how Islam looked

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after the disabled people, even in the time of alwaleed bin Abdul Malik, he also was a halifa from burning omiya he ordered the stock in his time he ordered the establishment of a foundation of a center that specialized in looking after the disabled. Like you know, all boys and girls now you're sitting in a center, that's called circle of hope. This center was something that was founded originally by Muslims. It was founded by the Muslims, they found that centers and special places of care to look after special needs people and the disabled people. And

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yani alwaleed bin Abdul Malik, he granted a regular allowance, a wage to people with special needs. The only people that were disabled, the disabled people, he gave them a wage, and he said to them, Do not beg anyone. So he made them sufficient enough not to bake others. And in addition, he appointed people to serve them. And he also gave those people a wage as well. So you find this, your only plenty in Islam, that people would look after the disabled people. Also, and above all of this, we find in the serum of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that disabled people, they took on roles of leadership, and they let the prayers and they were responsible for the other. Yeah, now

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I'll give you an example. There was a companion by the name of Abdullah bin ami Maktoum, our beloved and on Maktoum. He was a blind man. When Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appointed him responsible for making them you know, the only what does that mean? a blind man cannot see the day and the night. He cannot see pime to know when the event is going to happen. However, a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him that responsibility. And someone from the Muslims would assist Abdullah he would come to him and he would say to him, now is the time for them to get up and make then Allah who I grew up, and this is a huge role in Islam to make then Wouldn't it be sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam when he would leave Medina and travel outside of Medina, he appointed once again, Abdullah bin only Maktoum known as the blind man. He appointed him as an Imam in administer the nabawi

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Yeah this is a huge roll. This is the biggest roll. So we learned from this that evil or soul muscle Allah Allah He was Allah gave the disabled people heavy roles and he made people around them serve them and help them for whatever they need. Also, we find a beautiful story in the poor and still related to Abdullah but no Macedon. But in this story a lot of social teaches us what kind of manners and respect were supposed to have towards disabled people and how we're supposed to consider them and feel this love and care and mercy towards them. What a beautiful story Listen to this. Yanni. The first teaching we find in Islam was concerning this companion as I told you, his name was

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Abdullah Al Maktoum and he was referred to in the Quran as an armor the blind men. What happened in history. He was blind and the Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was with the elite of Polish he was giving them down Yanni at this time in the visa lulla while he was alone was still living in Mecca. So Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam found an opportunity and he was sitting and standing with the elite, the high people that kafele of Mecca, and he was talking to the to them, and they were responding and they were listening and they looked like they were very interested, and all of a sudden, are belie, but normally Macedon, this blind companion, he comes running to assume Rasul

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Allah alayhi wa sallam, and he says to him, I live near me malama Kala Alemany Mina, Allah come teach me from what Allah taught you teach me from what Allah told you. When he salallahu alayhi wa sallam got a little upset? Because he's talking to people that for the very first time have shown interest in Islam, and this companion is coming in disturbing him. So Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam turned away from Abdullah binyomin Maktoum and he frowned. You know how you frown frowning is when when you create these lines in your forehead. Allah azza wa jal mentioned this in the collab Where is that? When Allah said other Salat Allah, that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is he

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frowned, and he turned, why did also allow to do that? an AMA because the blind men came to him. So Allah azza wa jal mentioned this story in the Quran, and he was telling him that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam don't do that again. So Allah azza wa jal is raising the already high character of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam to an even higher level. But what I don't want to tell you is this. I want to ask you a question. If you frown at a blind man, is he insulted by that or not? Anyone can answer?

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Is a blind man insulted if you were to frown at him? What's the answer? Yes or no?

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No, no, because he can't see. So why would Allah sujan reveal Quran saying to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam don't do that again. You see how sensitive This is? Even though our beloved and only Mattoon the blind man could not see the frowning of Rasul Allah, so he did not feel insulted in any way. But even then Allah is saying, don't do that. No one should do that Yanni. If that's the kind of respect you're supposed to have for a man with disability. Imagine then when the disabled person can actually see you and interact with you and so on.

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So how Allah in the Quran, Allah referred to Abdullah and only Maktoum as the blind man, you know, isn't it if I ask you a question? If someone is blind? Is it rude to say to him, Hey, you blind one. Is that rude? Or is it okay to say?

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What would you all say? Is it rude? If you see someone blind or someone disabled? And you set the made disabled? Is that rude? Or it's good to say?

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It's rude Of course, it's rude. But look in the Quran. In the Quran, Allah referred to Abdullah and only Maktoum as the blind man. How can you refer to him with his disability? When Allah referred to him with his disability? He was actually praising him. How was he praising Him alone is teaching us that even though our beloved the Nomi Maktoum is blind, at least he was able to see the truth. He was a Muslim, whereas the cofounder of Quraysh they can see they weren't blind, but they were blind to the truth. And they never accepted Islam, those elite from among them that

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Humberto Arsalan was speaking about. So when Allah said about our beloved nomadic Dune and jet a whole ama, Allah was praising him. He was saying, Yes, he is blind. But he is not really blind, because his heart is open to Islam, and he has accepted the truth. What a beautiful story that we're going to read until the day of judgment, the story will continuously be read, for us to learn how sensitive and how we're supposed to deal with the disabled people. And, you know, let me only I'm about to conclude I want to share with you two more things. Number one, and that is also in the program allows origin corrected our understanding when it comes to feeding between disabled people

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and non disabled people. You know, my dearest students, that at the beginning, at the beginning of Islam, both the disabled people and non disabled people, they would feel uncomfortable eating with each other. They didn't want to eat at the same table, and they did not want to share the same plate. Why? Because the non disabled feed people non disabled, they were worried that if they ate with someone blind, that the blind person would be able to pick and choose the best food because he cannot see. So the non disabled people they felt bad. If I ate with someone blind, I might eat all the best food and he gets Jani the list best food that's on the table on in the plate. And the non

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disabled people. They were also worried that if they eat with someone paraplegic, someone that cannot walk, they were worried they didn't want to eat with him. Why? Because the paraplegic person cannot sit like someone who is not paraplegic. So by the time the paraplegic person extends his arm and eats a morsel of food, the non paraplegic person would have eaten two muscles of food, so he would eat more than him. So the non disabled people feel uncomfortable, I don't want to eat with someone like this because I might eat more than him. And also the non disabled people were worried that if they ate with someone that had any other form of disability,

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it's it's not going to be like someone with added without a disability because some disabled people, they must eat slowly and carefully so that they don't choke on their food and so on. So non disabled people did not want to sit with them, and, and share a meal with them because maybe they ate more than them or so on. The companions were worried. And also at the same time, the disabled people were uncomfortable to eat with the non disabled people, disabled people were worried that the non disabled people might be displeased or unhappy with the way they eat, because it could get a little messy and so on. So all of this Allah zosen revealed or and, and he addressed the situation, Allah

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sosial he said, Lady Salah, Arma How are you? What was your halogen? One other Maria we How are you? Allah says there is no sin upon the blind man, there is no sin, no harm upon the paraplegic person, there is no sin and no harm upon the sick or disabled people. And kulu Jimmy and I wish that at the end of the day, that you eat all together, or eat separately, don't feel uncomfortable, a lot is telling this society do not feel uncomfortable to share your food, or to eat on the same table. As those that are disabled or the disabled to eat with the non disabled, it's all good. Share your meals. So a lot of social made feeding of the disabled, a must, a must in a matter of priority in

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society. Allahu Akbar, how beautiful is this? Now we're coming to the conclusion. A final things that I want to mention, and that is that and the reason Allah wa alayhi wa sallam informed us that the reason for our provision and victory, it comes through weak people. And that includes people that are sick people that are poor, and it also includes people that are disabled. And that is Allah Allah. He was alone. He said, although

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he said to the companions, call the weak people and weak people here. It refers to people that are weak. It also is an extension that is it could mean people that are poor. It could also mean people that are disabled, that have lost ability of their limbs and so on. Not that they are weak, but it includes them in this category. And the Viva La Vallejo Sallam said call them all for intimate tourism.

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buno atone soluna bewafa aecon because Allah sosial he provides for you, and He grants you victory based on these people based on their solid and veydra. Why does this make sense? It makes sense because non disabled people are usually distracted with this life and it's entertainment, and its difficulties, they are jealous of one another, and so on. This is normal behavior of non disabled people, while disabled people,

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they are not distracted by all of this, especially if they have like a, like an intellectual disability. You know, they're not distracted by all this.

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Disabled people, they often they see life through pink glasses. What does that mean? If you see life through pink glasses, that means you're unaware of the dark side of this world. They don't care about the media and the news. They don't talk about politicians and corruption and injustice, and many of these issues that you and I speak about. So there is more pure, more Cincy. And it's closer for it to be accepted. Now lohagarh. And finally, finally, my dearest students, one more point I share with you. And that is a large social phobias of something. He said to us. When I attend Brazil will an orb do not give nicknames insulting nicknames to one another. So it is not allowed to make

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fun of other people, whether they are disabled or not disabled. But why am I sharing this as a point? So I can teach you a few things that we need to be careful and aware of when we address disabled people. Number one, number one is this. When you're referring to disabled people

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don't say the disabled. Right? The disabled Don't say that. That is dehumanizing someone that is disrespect. Don't say the blind, the deaf Don't say that. Rather, what you should say is the disabled people. Or you say disabled people, blind people, deaf people like this, right? learn this. Number two, never, ever use the word normal as an opposite to disabled. So when you want to say, Oh, these are disabled people don't say and these are normal people. That's rude. And that's disrespectful. Rather, the opposite of disabled is non disabled people. That's the word you're supposed to use. Because disabled people are normal. They are normal people. That's how Allah

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created them. Right? That's how Allah created them. So you do not say, Oh, these are disabled people. And these are normal people. That's rude. You would see these are disabled people. And these are non disabled people. Also, when it comes to the word, handicapped, or wheelchair bound, these are disrespectful words. Don't use these words. Rather, if someone is using a wheelchair, you will see he's a wheelchair user, a wheelchair user, don't see wheelchair bound. That's disrespectful. You'll see wheelchair user. These are the common words that sometimes we can save them without paying attention, but they could be hurtful and disrespectful to disabled people. So avoid them and

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be careful of these words. And at the end just come along or hold on for listening and inshallah you have all benefited was set out while eco mala Hamadan, llahi Obamacare

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