Wasim Kempson – In the light of the Sahaba – Episode 01

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history of Islam and the legal system used in the United States. They mention a woman named Selma who was killed by a man in a night in El morning, and a woman namedattia who was killed by a man in the night. They also talk about a woman named Ababa who was born in a bad state and had many children, and a woman named Ababa who was born in a bad state and had many children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu My dear brothers and sisters, and welcome to a new episode of In the light of the Sahaba the companions who molosser panel to Allah chosen blessed to have the companionship and to be in the presence of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Every single one of the companions has a tale to tell, and every single one of them has a story that we can extract the benefits from inshallah Tyler. In this episode, we will go through the beautiful story of own selama or the Allahu anhu, whose name was hint bent, Abby omiya rhodiola Juana. Now the story goes right back to the beginning of the call of the Prophet alayhi wa sallam, when he first

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received revelation from Allah subhanaw taala that there were only a few companions who actually accepted Islam, from those few individuals was Ohm selama and her husband, Abu salah and their one son. Now through the time that they lived in Mecca, they went through a very, very difficult time, where they were persecuted and they were oppressed, just for saying La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, but at hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with the man and they persevered and struggled and strived with Islam in Makkah.

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After a short while, it became very difficult for the Muslims to live in Mecca. Therefore, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam permitted them are some of the companions to make Hitler that they would leave Mecca, and that they would go to a learn called Habesha, which is modern day Abyssinia. Abu Salah, and Osama with their Sunday made that great journey so panela to leave Makkah to leave their home and to reside in the new land of a senior whose leader was known to be just unfair, and Nigeria, she who later on embraced Islam, and became a great Muslim Alhamdulillah. So Abu Salah Manon, selama, they live there in Habesha for a while, after a short while they heard that

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the situation in Morocco had somewhat improved, and that the Muslims were then able to practice their Islam more freely. So Abu Salim and selama with their young child, they returned to Makkah, however, only to find that sapan Allah The situation was even worse than it was before Abu salah and I'm Salah mama very famous family, and they were known to be a very strong family. In fact, Abu Salim or the Allahu anhu was known to be a very noble husband, and that they had very, very good etiquettes with one another, the family of unsettlement Abu Salah, our beautiful example for us as Muslims to look up to that we should try to emulate their example in being strong Muslims and

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compassionate and loving and merciful to one another. So while in Makkah they were unable to persist and to practice their Islam freely. So again, the Prophet sallallahu ala Selim permitted the Muslims on a hole to make the great Hadler from Makkah, all the way to El Medina. So the Muslims one by one began gathering their belongings, gathering their possessions to leave their home, to go and live in a new land. Abu Salah Marathi Allahu anhu, they had one right began filling his ride with their belongings and their clothes and possessions. And then they were going to leave Mecca to go to El Medina.

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Upon leaving the tribe which selama belong to they saw her leaving, and they stopped them all and said, Where are you all going? This woman belongs to our tribe, and we will not let her go. She is one of our daughters. You can go with your son, but she stays here. And they said this forcibly without no choice or discussion in the matter. Then another tribe which belonged or Abu Salim I belong to, they said, you will not take this young boy this young boy selama he belongs to our tribe, Abu Salah, you're an old man you can leave Abu Salah Marathi Allahu anhu had no choice but to leave Mecca, and make the hijra on his own. And in just a few moments, after the family all being

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together with all of their possessions, Chapin Allah, they will all split up, and they will all in different places on selama kept almost as a prisoner by her tribe but Norma kazoom and the child selama, who was kept by the tribe of Abdullah Asad, Abdul Asad. And, of course, Abu Salah was alone in Medina

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ohms Allah Subhana Allah, radi Allahu anhu. Every day she used to go to the spot where they were all split up. And this went on for a very, very long time. So panela until one of the people who belonged to one of the sub tribes of the massumi tribe saw him selama in a very bad way. So he said to the tribe, this individual, why don't you just let her go to her husband? You can see that she's very poorly. She's very depressed. He's very down. What do you gain from this? Just let her go until a lot

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panatela soften their hearts. And eventually they agreed that Rome silica selama could leave Mecca and go to El Medina.

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But then the question is how could own xelement leave her son, who is with the other tribe of Abdullah acid and leave her son? Yes, she can go to her husband, leaving her son was not an option. So they went to the tribe and spoke to them as well and said, Would you not leave this young boy? Let him go with his mother and go on this journey? What do you benefit from keeping him here, away from his father and splitting up the family? Again, Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala soften their hearts, open their hearts until they gave permission. So I'm selling my rhodiola her and her took her son and whatever belongings they had, and they left Makkah.

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Just as they left on the outskirts of Mecca. They bumped into an individual in an area called attending him. And his name was Ruth mandible, Nepal in the eighth year of Nepal has embraced Islam and in fact, it is his tribe, who are the custodians of the key to the Kava with Malik Nepal has said to him Selma and her son, where are you going? She replied, We are making the hatred and we are going to live in El Medina. He replied to her and said I will not allow you to travel alone. It is a two week journey in the hot desert for you to go alone. I will take you and when I will drop you off at an Medina I will return

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home selama rhodiola Juana she said that recommendable palha even though he was a non Muslim at this time was a very noble man. And Alhamdulillah Allah Subhan Allah guided him later to the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. So upon arrival in Medina was monumental palha he left on Selma to go and meet with her family Alhamdulillah of the years being apart on Selma and Abu salah and the son were reunited Alhamdulillah and through the next couple of years, they had more children when in hand, as we know, during the Sierra, the life of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that there were a number of battles, and Abu selama participated in the Battle of whether, as he did participate in

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the Battle of orchid. However, during the Battle of hood, he was injured. And soprano law he was quite severely injured and was unable to leave the home. On salamati Allahu anhu, went to visit her husband and was with him all the time. One of the companions came to him Selma and said, Yeah, I'm Selma. I am going to teach you that you should say Allahu magnifi mercy but he was roughly hygro minha that Oh Allah, give me a reward during this calamity. Subhan Allah husband is in a very bad state, and grant me something which is better in the future. Allah subhanaw taala decreed that Abu Salah Moreau, the Allahu anhu would pass away due to his injuries. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam came and made a draft for Abu Salah by saying, Allahu maga fiddley Abby's Allah. Oh ALLAH forgive Abu Salah Subhan Allah, on Salah with four children was all alone in El Medina. What a sacrifice that she had made. And Allah subhanaw taala was severely testing her.

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It was the known custom not to leave a woman alone. Therefore Ababa Casa de cada dia law when he came in, he proposed to Selma but she refused. And then remember radi Allahu anhu proposed And likewise, she said no. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proposed to own Salah,

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salamati Allahu Anisha, the Messenger of Allah, I have three things that I want to mention to you. Number one is that I am a very jealous person.

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And number two is that I am very old in age. And number three is that I have many children. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, As for the first one concerning your jealousy, then I will make dua to Allah subhanaw taala, that he removes that, as for your age, than I am older than you, and as for your children, than they are children that belong to Allah and His Messenger, sallAllahu wasallam. Upon this, they married with Allah, his hand, and the title that she was given on Selma. She was now called Amen, meaning the mother of the believers Subhanallah What a great title that Allah subhanaw taala gave to her. And if we look back at the dua that she made, Oh Allah grant me a

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reward during this masiva and grant me something is better than in the future when she said, and who is better than Abu Salah? How can I possibly marry somebody who is better than Apple cinema, a loss of panatela granted that she would have a husband better than Abu Salah. And that was our dear Beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now I'm telling him as we know, she was the last of the wives to pass away she passed away in the year 61 of the hijra, and has a number of famous advices that were given to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam throughout his life. So whatever matter My dear brothers and sisters, that we may be afflicted with a trial or a calamity, we make this dua to

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Allah subhanaw taala that we belong to Allah and to Him we will return in early labor in LA, hurrah, June. And we ask Allah to be rewarded for that test. And that we ask Allah subhanaw taala

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He grants us something better in the future. Will La Jolla Allah move on to minetta Allah moon, there are lots of penalty Allah news and that you do not know. I asked Allah subhanaw taala it allows us to be steadfast during all tests and that Allah subhanaw taala grants us something is better in the future Allahumma amine barakallahu li qu wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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