Abu Bakr Zoud – Best of Days Series #2

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The Message of the Saudi Arabia's (SA) King is viewed as the most powerful political gain during the 10-day period of the Saudi calendar. The "naive" message is recited during busy holidays, and the "ham commendation of the Congress" is considered the most powerful gain achieved through achieving political gain through achieving "ham commendation of the Congress" and "ham commendation of the Congress." The "naive" message is seen as the most powerful gain, and the "ham commendation of the Congress" is considered the most powerful gain.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah wa ala he also be

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a solo on equal Mamata la here are what I care to my dear brothers and sisters in Islam as we live during these beautiful blessings, incredible days of the Asia the first 10 days the best days of this world, the most beloved days to Allah subhanho wa Taala I wanted to share with you the significance of the koala the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala during these 10 days of Asia, and vsam Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says measureless of Oman mage Listen, let me have guru la de la la him Tila. Misha a hold on motion? Let me have goodie Lucha de la de la karnali hito wa our hudon Isla falacci Let me have good Isla de la FEA elac Anna Lee Tila and Avi solimar Vallejo salami says

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there is not a gathering of people that gather and do not mention Allah subhanho wa Taala during the gathering, except that the gathering becomes a worry and a regret for them on the day of judgment and they will be asked about that gathering. When the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says there is no one that walks, he walks to the stores, he walks to his work he walks he is conducting his daily affairs and he does not mention Allah subhanho wa Taala during his walk, except that it becomes a tiller upon him. It becomes a worry and a regret and he will be questioned about it on the Day of Judgment. When the vessel Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, and there is no one that goes to

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that, and does not make mentioned the Corolla. He does not make mention of a mouse of Hannah who died before he sleeps, except that it becomes a worry and a regret and he will be questioned about it on the Day of Judgment. So Pamela, whenever you sell Allahu Allahu wa sallam he says in the other Hadith, he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mammon sir Adam. Adam les of Cordillera de la FEA nadie Molly haoma Pm that there is not a single hour that passes by an insane passers by bunny Adam, in way he does not make mention of Allah subhana wa tada except that our becomes a regret and a worry for him on the Day of Judgment. My brothers and sisters in Islam, that's one hour that passes by, in

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which you do not engage in liquid Allah, it becomes a regret for you on the Day of Judgment. If you put these two Hadith together, you learn that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's teaching us the purpose in our life. And the purpose in our life is always to remain connected with Allah Subhana Allah through the crolla he died through the mention of Allah subhanho wa Taala. My brothers and sisters in Islam and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, method or levy of good Allah will levy la of Guru la cannot tell you how you will meet and there is some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said that the example of the one who makes mention of Allah, and he's continuously engaged in

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Victrola, and the one who is not engaged in the Chroma and abandons the Chroma is the example of the dead and the one that is alive. Yet in other words, Avi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made the sign of a living heart and a living person, that he remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the sign of a dead heart and a dead person is the one who abandons and keeps away from the Chroma. He's had a dialogue with Allah azza wa jal described the hypocrites in the plan. He said, what a guru nama illa kalila that they hardly remember Allah subhanaw taala they remember a month but very little. So Pamela, that is a sign of a hypocrite. Imagine the one that abandons liquor law altogether, and he

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stays away from the coma altogether. What kind of level is this person in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala now will we let him valic my brothers and sisters in Islam, Ramadan was 30 days in which Allah Zoysia wanted from us to deeply reflect over the age of the Quran. We should read it he said I would revise the plan with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, every single Ramadan. Now these 10 days of Asia, Allah azzawajal wants us to focus on five words only. And you need to live with these five words. Your heart during these 10 days is supposed to connect with these five words. And they're supposed to be observed in your daily life. They're supposed to change your life in

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these these these 10 days. These five words my brothers and sisters in Islam. So Panama when hamdulillah

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ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar when a how to water

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11 Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in sort of the harsh way of Guru small la he fee a year in Malou met Allah azza wa jal, he says, He gave us these 10 days. So that we make mention of Allah subhanho wa Taala his name in these appointed days have been above solidly a loved one we says, The appointed these are the 10 days of the Tisha. In other words, the grievous deed one could do during these days after and harsh is the chroma key subhanho wa Taala. being engaged in Victrola is higher and the highest deed that one could do during these 10 days better than anything else you can do in these days. And that is suparna law when hamdu Lillah wa la ilaha illa Allah Allah Akbar, my

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brothers and sisters in Islam, and the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam he specifically instructs and he commands that when did attendees commence? He says for a funeral fee hidden that minute me do what he says when the 10 days commence, recite a great deal and recite in the abundance of delille La ilaha illAllah Hamid saying Alhamdulillah at that be saying Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam. The greatest meeting that ever happened between two human beings was between the two most beloved slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala. A meeting between Ibrahim alayhis salam and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this meeting was so grand that it did not happen on Earth. It

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happened in the heavens during the night of an Islamic world may Allah Subhana Allah such a meeting such a huge meeting. What would you think that they both discussed? What was the topic that they both discussed? They did not discuss politics, nor did they discuss the economical crisis on Earth, nor did they discuss future plans for this earth. Ibrahim Ali has said our meats in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam historical meeting that will never take place ever again until the day of judgment. Ibrahim Ali has set up he says to us all the muscle Allahu alayhi wa sallam, recite my Salaam to your oma and say to them that agenda PRN that the Paradise is vast and spacious and

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leveled in its land. And that it is pure soil and that there is pure fresh delicious water with him. And then he said, Oh Mohammed, inform your people and tell them under the Allah Subhana Allah will humbly Lola ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar when How will our porta Illa Villa, teach them and inform them that the seeds in the paradise the way you plant your property in the Paradise is with these five words Allahu Akbar Allah subhanaw taala my brothers and sisters in Islam, a person these days he struggles he and he and he of his life just to purchase a land on earth. And then it takes him years to build and construct something on it. When you sell Allahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us

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in this Hadith, that the way you plant a seed is by seeing suparna law, the way you build your house and you build your property in the paradise. Look how easy it is in an instant. You're building a kingdom for yourself with the word Suppan Allah, what humbly La la la la la la kebab. That's why my brothers and sisters in Islam, the one who does not make mention of Allah, the One who does not have the cola on his tongue. Frequently he is considered mineral or faline he is counted from among the heedless, why is he counted from among the heedless, because look how easy this reward is, that you earn a tree in the Paradise by seeing so Pamela and you knew that and you still neglected and

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abandoned it. Therefore, you may not have leaned from among the the heedless molars or he'll protect us from heedlessness, my brothers and sisters in Islam. These five words Allah subhanho wa Taala loves them, how can me in a law office these words and these are words that most of the lohani who will sell them said that they have a Leonardo da Vinci ships, these words super low and hamdulillah La la la la,

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la La, La La Villa are more beloved total sort of masala Mohan he was seldom then this world in everything that is within this world. You know why? Because this world and everything in it is only temporary. At the end it'll all be destroyed and washed away in God and look follow you to the hereafter. Whereas one word supernal law, you will see it on the Day of Judgment. It will be it'll follow you to grieve. It'll come out with you after you come out from the grief and it'll keep following you until

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It is placed on the scale on the day of judgment or suparna law he will be Hamdi and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says 10 level means an Allahu Akbar. It fills the scale when you're worried, and the deeds are being placed on the skill and your bad deeds are weighing down and they've become heavy. So, law comes and it's placed on the other part of the scale and it will outweigh the good and as a result allows origin admits such a person in the paradise. My brothers and sisters in Islam. Let's understand that a seller for him a home Allah, they used to say that we used to feel tremendous moments of happiness and joy in this life. When we used to make the Chroma and we used to

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engage in Victrola. They used to say, we used to feel so much happiness and joy and tranquility with Victrola to the point where we said if the people of the paradise are enjoying what we are enjoying on Earth, then the people of the paradise are in a huge blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala had a lot like brothers and sisters in Islam. There are believers in this world that reached this level in where the wish that in the paradise they experienced similar to that which they experienced in this life of peace and tranquility. Because of the crew Allahu subhanho wa Taala This is why shithole Islam even taymiyah why mala he said in the dunya agenda. mela, Mia, let me know

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that in this law, the life there is a paradise who does not enter this paradise, then he does not enter the paradise of the hereafter law. And the paradise of this world is the peace and the tranquility one enjoys and that can only be attained through the Corolla, as long as the panel data set at a bV karela hit Optima in Nakuru. It is only by the Corolla by dimension of Allah in which the hearts find peace, tranquility and rest. My brothers and sisters in Islam Jani. The purpose of this video was that I warn you of the severity that you are in if you abandon vicolo, Allah subhanahu wa Ireland, what a loss and what a waste of life if you lived it without Victrola on your

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tongue continuously and consistently. And these 10 days are a moment in which we're supposed to increase in Victrola, so that the heart finds relief and finds love of Allah subhanahu wa tada and reconnects with a lot of Allah God Allah. In the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, A dunya mela Runa mela rune Murphy had the cola. One Manuela why limit automata Lima and the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says that this will be life. This worldly life is cursed, and everything in it is cursed, except the cola, except the cola. And anything that is similar to the COLA and a scholar, a teacher, and a student. So my brothers and sisters in Islam, don't waste your time running around

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that which is cursed. Don't waste your time in that which is cursed to power the law and hamdulillah ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, keep these words on your tongue, especially during these 10 days. And that is the best deed that you could engage in. In these 10 days after the deed of Hajj. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept from us and to be pleased with us and we asked him subhana wa tada that he gives us this enjoyment and he gives us this happiness and this joy and this peace and this tranquility that is found with Vicar Allah subhanho wa Taala just Camilla Hello, WA salatu wa salam O Allah cada entity and Mohammed, why he was so happy

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