Abu Abdissalam – Purification Of The Soul – EP18

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The host discusses three types of hesitation during prayer: displayers, attendees, and the person who has abandoned the act of worship. These hesitations are related to actions of worship, such as reciting the holy row, attending the holy row, and reciting the holy row. The three types of hesitation include people showing off their religious beliefs or affiliation, people showing off their behavior to avoid consequences, and people showing off their behavior to avoid liability for showing their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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I love

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showing off narrated Abu Musa men came to the Prophet of Allah May allows peace and blessings be upon him and asked

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a man fights for war booty, another fight for fame, and a third fights for showing off. Which of them fights in our last cause? The Prophet male laws, peace and blessings be upon him said he who fights that allows word should be superior fights in a lot of schools.

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome to another episode of purification of the soul. I'm your host about the salon. And we have with us in the studio, our guests from my right, Mohammed, so I'm gonna combine

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radicals and Baja. So,

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we were discussing in the previous episodes about the sin or the disease of the heart and soul called ostentation or showing off Ria.

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Now, we spoke about the different levels of ostentation, with regards to who one is aiming, when it comes to doing a religious action or or an act of worship. Now, there are also different levels of ostentation with regards to whether a person is showing off in the essence of the act of worship, whether he showing off in the qualities or the qualities of the act of worship. As for the first when a person shows off in the essence of the act of worship, that is he only does the act of worship, out of ostentation, this is of three types. The first is if he shows off in the essence of a man of a man. In other words, he openly exhibits that he is a Muslim, but there is no Eman in his

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heart. This is the worst type of ostentation and the one who does this what is it called in Islam, hypocrites, hypocrites in Arabic, showing off in Arabic, the one who says he has a man but he has no Eman in his heart

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of Norfolk. He's the monastic the hypocrite in the pure sheer hypocrite. Now this person he will dwell in the fire forever as a disbelieving hypocrite.

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A Lost Planet Allah says in the Quran in nomina Athena Fedora kill us feminine not well intended. Allahu la Sera, Holly Deena fear that the hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Hellfire and you will not find for them and help her and they will do all the in, in the alpha. This is certainly sir. So the first type of ostentation with regards to the essence of an act of worship is the essence of the soul of email. When a person says I believe

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Amanda, he says I believe with his tongue. He claims to be Muslim, but in reality, he has no Eman in his heart. The second type of ostentation, with regards to the essence of a person's action is that he doesn't actually show off with respect to the essence of a man he has a man. But he shows off when doing obligatory acts of worship. This is like a Muslim who only prays is obligatory prayers in the presence of people. If he was left by himself, he would not pray. And the same goes for the one who gives a car fast in Ramadan. Only he does these things. When the people see him, when alone he doesn't do any of these obligations. This person, he desires, the pleasure of the people much more

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than the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. He fears the people much more than the fear of Allah. And often this is the case, for example, when a child, he has

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a child maybe when I say child, I mean over the age of adolescence.

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He has a man but the parents are forcing him for example, to pray. Maybe he's 1213 1415 years old 1617.

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He's a teenager and maybe his parents are forcing him to pray. So he only prays for the sake of his parents. Sometimes he might do it with widow. Sometimes he might do it without widow, because his sole goal is to show off for his parents. But the difference here is although it's the essence of the prayer, in other words, he began the prayer he started the prayer with the intention of showing off, but his essence of the man is okay.

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So this person is also he is also in danger. And we discussed some of these types in the previous episode. And the third type is the person who shows off when doing supererogatory acts of worship voluntary acts of worship. So when he performs the obligations, he doesn't show off, he will do them whether people are there or not. However, he will not do the voluntary deeds unless people are watching him. This is also great in the sight of Allah, and the person will also still be sinning. But obviously his level is less than the one before him, the one who does it with regards to the obligations. So here this type of ostentation, these three types that we're talking about here. This

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taxonomy deals with the type different types of ostentation with regards to a person who is ostentatious in the beginning of his action. In other words, he's doing the action for other than Allah. So some do, or have a man for other than Allah. Some do only they have a man for the sake of Allah, they have faith for the sake of Allah. But they do the obligations only for the sake of other people. And some people they'll they have Eman they do the obligations, whether people are there or not watching or not, that when it comes to voluntary deeds, supererogatory actions or acts of worship, then the person won't do them unless people are present. All of these people are have

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different levels. Of course, when it comes to ostentation, the worst is a first of them, because he's a hypocrite. This is with regards to a person who does the act of deed from the beginning to show off for the sake of the animal. But then there's a second type of ostentation, here in this taxonomy. And that is when a person shows off, not in the essence of the act of worship, I he would have performed the action even if no one was watching him, but in the outward performance of the act of worship, he has been hit by showing off he shows off in the qualities of his acts of worship. This means the person does the action in essence for a Lost Planet Allah. However, he beautifies is

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actually in front of others out of ostentation, and this is also this is of three categories. The first is to display ostentation, through a deed, which if he abandoned the act of worship would be considered deficient in the sight of Allah, such as a person who intends to shorten his frustration. Now, we know that there are certain minimum obligation of all the pillars of the practice like prostration, like sujood are such that, like Roku, or Boeing, okay, what is the minimum obligation when it comes to that?

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two sets of hardware, yes. And also,

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in terms of the time that he should spend Institute,

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what is the minimum obligation that his bone should come to rest, that he should come to rest. So he shouldn't be like a crow, who's just packing up and down, the minimum obligation is to go into loco and rest, then come back up, and rest, then go into sajida, prostration, and rest. So this is the minimum obligation we notice. So if a person leaves out this minimum obligation,

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when he's by himself, then his prayers considered deficient, it's deficient.

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And this type of person what he will do, he will actually,

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even though he will shorten his prostration, of bowing during his prayer, when he's by himself, but what stops him in front of other people, what stops him is that they're watching him. So he will lengthen it just enough to

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search for his prayers to be valid. But this is only because other people are watching. Okay, and this will become a bit clearer in the next type of person when we're explaining the next type of person. So this type of person, we're saying, the essence of the prayer was for whom

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was last time. And the thing is, he was leaving a certain obligation in the prayer, that if he because he abandoned this obligation, if he were to abandon his obligation, the prayer would be deficient. But the only reason he does that obligation in the prayer, for example, lengthening the frustration or the bowing for just enough time, such that his bones come to rest, which is an obligation in the pray. He does that only because people are watching him.

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Now, the second type of this is this ostentation, through a deed by leaving something which did not

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constitute a deficiency, but instead it is an extra. Okay? It's an extra. So for example,

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to say Subhana, Allah Allah.

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Okay, if you do it once in such that it's obligatory, but if you do it twice or thrice,

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then this is the sooner or thrice, five times seven times, in an odd number of times, this is the sooner is recommended. So a person, he may only do one time, he may only recite once, so cannot be allowed, which is the obligation. So he does the obligation in the prayer, but in front of other people, when they come, then he recites it five times. So he's elongating the prayer. But with by doing a deed, which is not something obligatory of the prayer, it's a virtuous, a merit, if you like, is something extra, it's a sum, or a Mr have recommended action.

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The third type is a person who he doesn't leave something obligatory, and he doesn't leave something which is voluntary, with regards to the prayer itself. But he displays ostentation, through doing acts which do not belong to the supererogatory category, such as arriving at the masjid well belong well before other people, sorry. And I repeat that he is doing acts of worship, that belong to the supererogatory category, but they are they don't actually belong to the act of worship itself. So for example, the prayer, okay, when a person goes early to the masjid, he goes early to the masjid well before the other people and all he tries to stand in the first row, the first row, there's not

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actually part of the prayer. It's outside of the prayer, but it's something voluntary, that a person should do and he'll get good reward for that. He'll be because it's a it's a voluntary recommended deed. So this type of person, if he was by himself, he would not rush to the masjid to go early and try to get the front row. But as soon as his friends are there watching him, then he rushes to show that hey, I'm a pious person, I go to get the front row. Why? Because the prophets lie Selim said the best rows for men are the front rows. After the break inshallah we'll see some more.

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More details with regards to ostentation was Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad Ali he was a Solomonic.

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Oscar is a program which aims to answer your questions about your deen your faith, your way of life, this course is Islam. This is a totally different price, but I divided the payment over this period of time. And the seller is the person or the firm which owns it mature by this condition. This form

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Salam Alaikum and welcome back before the break, we were discussing some of the different levels of ostentation, first of all what is ostentation, showing off showing off in Arabic.

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Aria and Ria comes from the word raw, what does it mean? To see to see and to lie, which is actually the real

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the real root of Ria means to show off, to show off or to be ostentatious. Now, there are different types of ostentation. There is that which is in the essence of an action, and that is of three different categories. What are they? Firstly, the worst of which were the one who does this is deemed a pure and sheer hypocrite is when the action is only for the sake of people saying yes, so a man when a person does an act of worship,

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and that worship being faith or a man solely for the people seeing solely for the people seeing. The second is that with regards to the obligatory deeds, that he doesn't solely for the people seeing him and the third is with regards to voluntary deeds. And in all these three cases, if the people weren't there, he would have not done these acts of worship. He's only doing these acts of worship. In other words, claiming to be a believer, doing the five pillars for example, and doing the voluntary deed, for example. So these three things will only do only when people are there this is in the essence of the act of worship.

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The second type we said of ostentation,

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That with regards to the qualities of the act of worship beautifying acts of worship, in other words, the essence of the act of worship is there, but a person beautifies it more in order for the people to see. And we said that this is also of three types. One is when a person does an action, which he would have normally left, and that action would make deficient,

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his act of worship. And what's an example of that?

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example he would have, he would have prayed anyway, he would have prayed anyway. But because people are looking lenses, lanterns.

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And his, his bowing,

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to the extent that if they weren't there, he would have only lengthened, he wouldn't even have lengthen, he'd gone down and gone up straight away, without even the minimum obligation of that ruku. And so in this case, he's doing an act of worship. He's doing a particular quality he's bringing into into a quality of his act of worship, a level that if he had left, his act of worship would have been deficient. And the second is, when he brings into his act of worship something that if he'd have left, it would not have

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made the act of worship deficient. In other words, it's something voluntary, that completes or perfects the the act of worship. Like what?

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Susana Bella Yeah, like extra Vicar, or remembrances of Allah, like extra saying, Subhana Allah, Allah three times or five times because the first one is obligatory. And if one says it three times, or five times or seven times and so on, then these are voluntary. So person normally would only say once the obligation, but then when people are there, he starts to say it three times, five times, seven times, and so on. And so now the third type of ostentation here with regards to the quality of worship, is by doing acts that do not belong to that do not belong to the act of worship itself. It doesn't belong to the act of worship, it is related to the act of worship, that supererogatory

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actions if you like, let's have an example of that.

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As you mentioned, going to the masjid early for the Salah is an extra thing to get the front row. So you would normally do that, because people are looking at go there early. Yes. So if a person does this, this also falls into what I'm showing off. And all three types of ostentation are totally prohibited. And why are we going into so much detail the different types of ostentation and the different levels and so on and so forth. The reason why is because when we know, for instance, the evil of something, we can avoid it. Yeah. When we know the evil of something, we can avoid it. But also, there's another reason slightly deeper than that. I guess it's we're not always aware of how

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many different ways this sensation can enter our absolute right and that's why I should kill coffee, which means the hidden the hidden type of politics, because we're not always aware of how this ostentation can enter a person. And it is for this reason that the scholars, they wrote volumes and volumes and volumes about this topic of sincerity, which is the opposite of being ostentatious. And a moment of resilience lies one of the great scholars who wrote in his book on

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a hematoma Dean, he wrote in this book, some of the ways or some of the taxonomies, of ostentation, and then he followed that up with some of the cures which inshallah we'll look in the next episode.

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For the moment, let's look at some interviews about what people think about ostentation. And then we'll return to this topic. When we show an act of worship. That means you don't you do things for showing people not for Allah. And by that you don't get the song. I think when someone says he's gonna pray from people telling him that he's gonna pray or a praying in front of a lot of people.

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Show them he's gonna pray even though he can go to any open space or place that doesn't have people

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or when he's praying and just saying things.

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The words in a loud voice, even though it has to make it look deeper than going to pay. talking loud voice while praying. First of all, I think it's really religiously, it's definitely wrong. Because the Prophet Muhammad said, you know, you shouldn't show off, you shouldn't walk on, you shouldn't walk on the street, you know, showing off, you know, showing your body showing all that strong religiously. Second of all, socially, people don't, don't people don't hate those people who show off you know, you reject the person.

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When you see a person showing off, you just rejected me. No, it's not nice. Yeah.

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Third of all the US culture and tradition, our ancestors all that they didn't show off.

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So, we can see how important it is to be aware of this disease, of ostentation and how one you know can try to keep away from this or how important it is for somebody to keep away from this disease.

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We've seen some of the degrees of ostentation, which relate to the objects with regards to which ostentation is taken or through which ostentation ostentation is undertaken. Some of them are worse than others, as we've seen, but all are blameworthy. But when somebody is ostentatious, he usually has a purpose or goal for why he is showing off. Why is he showing off his acts of worship, this could be like trying to obtain wealth or status or the like. So the purpose or goal of ostentation, also has three degrees. But before we talk about that, let's see what our views Think about that. What are the Why do people show off the good teachers, they might want to show that they are pilots,

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for instance, you might have a person who said he wants to show that other people that his players he might want so that we might not change his clothes, he might not change his trousers or something like this.

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Another reason could be

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so that people don't have a bad impression of him. They don't the difference in pregnancy is equal person for that. Yeah. So in your case, he wants praise from the people to make out that he's pious, or he's, you know, and so on and so forth. And in the example you gave, because he's, he's fearful of being censured is fearful of being blamed, or trying to hide the bad things.

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And that is particular Lee the case when a person leaves off the obligation, but he does it in front of people. He's trying to hide his bad qualities.

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Well, the reasons we can sum them up and it is what you said. And the worst of the worst and most destructive type is when a person is unsteady, ostentatious, in order to perform something Haram. In other words, he's using ostentation or acts of worship, and he's showing those off in order to obtain something Haram. And an example of this is when a person displays good deeds in order to get closer to a woman for example, or when he displays good deeds, in order to attain a position of authority which you can abuse and attain unlawful. This type of ostentatious person is the most hated by Allah subhanaw taala. Why? Because this person has used acts of worship, to commit a sin,

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to commit a crime to commit something that is haraam. And he's taken these acts of worship as a tool for his sinfulness. So you can imagine how evil This is. He's using acts of worship which is something that righteous people should do something that he should be, in fact, trying to attain the reward of Allah, trying to attain attain the pleasure of Allah by but he's using that to attain something unlawful to commit an offense. The second type of person or the second type of goal is when a person aims at obtaining worldly gain that is in itself lawful, for example, property or marriage, but he wants to do this in an unlawful way. In other words by

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by being ostentatious in his acts of worship. So an example could be a person who busied himself with giving Islamic lectures for people to give him money, or for someone to offer his daughter to him in marriage. This kind of ostentation is prohibited as it entails seeking something of this worldly life through obedience to Allah, but it is less grave than the previous degree, but it is nonetheless a sin. One should attain or one should intend, by any act of worship that he does the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The third type is when a person does not intend to obtain a worldly gain or wealth, but rather displays his worship for fear that he may be thought of as lazy. An

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example of this could be someone who prays thoroughly, thoroughly praying Ramadan, which is a voluntary act, but he does this in order to be seen as not being lazy in his Deen and all of these decrees and ranks of ostentation, expose the person who is ostentatious to a loss wrath. And ostentation, as we said, is one of the severest causes of destruction. In the next episode insha Allah we'll look at how can we know if this hidden disease is in us and this is

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Very important because we've said about how evil this diseases but we've also talked about how

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how difficult it is for a person to control himself and to and how hidden it is from us. So, we can see some telltale telltale signs that we should look at ourselves and see is this present in us? Because if it is then these are signs that a person may be ostentatious and then after that inshallah we will look at some of the killers of ostentation melas panatela protectors from all types of ship. Via Sumatra, Japan all types of ship will sort Allahu senemo Baraka Alana Bina Mohamad, wider Allah He was of age mindset.

Episode 18/26: Showing Off (Part 2/3)

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