Abu Abdissalam – Purification Of The Soul – EP17

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The importance of showing deeds for political gain is discussed, including the god's son Omar and the lack of support for conservative Islam. The need for individuals to make sure their religious deed is for the sake of others is emphasized, along with the importance of knowing their actions and intentions in order to prevent future negative consequences. The use of "has been" and "has been" keywords in the title of a book and the potential consequences of doing so are discussed, along with the importance of protecting one's religious deed in protecting others. The segment also touches on different types of group behavior during the Day of Resurrection, including those who produce actions for themselves and those who produce rewards for others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Showing off

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it is narrated on the authority of ameerul momineen Abu hafs Omar hottub. May Allah be pleased with him who said, I had the Messenger of Allah, may Allah peace and blessings be upon him say, actions are judged by intentions. So each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger. His migration is for Allah and His messenger.

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But he whose migration was for some worldly benefit, or for marriage, his migration is for that which he migrated for

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome to another episode of purification of the soul. I'm your host of abdus salaam. And we have with us in the studio, our guests, Baha, Muhammad, and Garage.

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Today we're going to be talking about a very important topic. And it is a topic that every single Muslim must learn about. And in particular, those who are in quotes religious, should know more about this topic. It's something that every one of us needs to deal with in our own souls. And the importance of this topic can be seen in a hadith reported by Abu huraira, the Allahu taala, who, who said that he heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that the first to be judged on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who had died as a martyr. He'll be brought forward and Allah will remind him of the blessings that he had bestowed upon him. And the man will then

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acknowledge them. He'll then ask him, what did you do with these blessings? The man will reply, I fought for your sake until I was martyred. Allah will then reply, you have lied, you fought so that people would call you would call you courageous, and they have done so. And then a command will be given that about this man and he'll be dragged on his face and thrown into the hellfire. The second a person, the next man will be one who had acquired and imparted religious knowledge. And he read the Quran recited the Quran, he will be brought forward and Allah will remind him of his blessings of the blessings that he had bestowed upon him, and the man will acknowledge them. Then he will ask

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him, what did you do for those blessings? What did you do with this these blessings? The man will replied I acquired religious knowledge and taught it and and recited the Quran for your sake, a Lost Planet, Allah will say to him, you have lied, you acquired knowledge so that the people would call you a scholar, and you recited the Quran so that they would call you a reciter. And they have done so. And a command will then be issued about him, and he'll be dragged on his face and thrown into the hellfire. Thirdly, a man whom Allah subhanaw taala had made affluent and rich and to whom Allah subhanaw taala had given plenty of wealth, he will be brought forward and Allah will remind him of

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the blessings he had bestowed upon him. And the man will acknowledge these blessings. Allah will ask him, what did you do with those blessings? And the man will replied, I did not leave any of the ways that you liked wealth to be spent, except that I spent it for your sake, Allah will say the same thing to him, you have light you did it so that people will call you generous, and they have done so. And then a command will be issued about him, and he will be dragged onto his face and thrown into the hellfire. This Hadith, which is reported by Mr. Muslim, shows that the first people to be judged on the Day of Judgment are three people who on the face of it would engage themselves in some

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of the most virtuous acts of worship, fighting for a lost cause, learning teaching and reciting the Quran, and teaching and learning religious knowledge and spending money for a Lost Planet Allah sake. However, they accompany their acts of worship with one major flaw one major sin, that of ostentation, on showing of this ostentation of showing off, rendered the actions void and fruitless In fact, a lead the people who perform these acts of worship to the Hellfire men Lost Planet Allah protect us from that and this is the next disease that we'll be discussing Ria in Arabic Korea, which means to show off ostentation. Now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that the thing that I

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They're most for my oma is the hidden chick. A chick I check I'll copy the hidden chick. It was then said O Messenger of Allah. What is the hidden chick? He replied it is ostentation Priya. Allah, the Exalted and Most High will say on the day that his worshipers will be recompense for their deeds. Go to those whom you wanted to show your deeds to in the worldly life, and see if you find with them any reward. So this hadith shows very clearly that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam feared most for his ummah, ostentation for a person to do religious deeds to do acts of worship, which should only be for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala but to do them for a worldly cause, also to show

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off ostentatiously. Why is it that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam feared most for his own modesty? ostentation

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it's the one thing that can ease the pain is easy to fall into and can easily ruin deeds

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and a shirt is actually shipped and Allah Subhana Allah says in the law hallelujah Pharaoh unusual Lockerbie without Ramadan, Medina tellicherry, Manisha that Allah never forgive schicke Allah never forgives someone associating partners with Allah, but he forgives other than that to whomsoever He was. And also because it's so easy to fall into it is hidden ship is something hidden. It's very easy. And thirdly, because this is something that a Lost Planet Allah, or rather, this is something that shaytan he attacks the Muslims with. It's not necessarily the kuffaar he attacks the Muslims with this deed in particular, although he also drags people into hypocrisy, even major hypocrisy

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that takes a person outside the fold of Islam, using this ostentation. So ostentation is a great and evil disease, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam feared for his own most that this disease would afflict them. And this shows how dangerous Ria ostentation is. It also it also shows how difficult it is for one to ensure that his deeds really are for Allah sake. And this is why one of the scholars of the past one of the seller, he said that's and his name was Sal Abdullah. He said there is nothing more demanding upon the sole than achieving sincerity. How many times have I tried to remove the inclination to show off from my heart, except that it's sprouted in a different color.

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And this is someone from the self, someone from the early Muslim generation of scholars and righteous people. And yet, if they found it difficult, then imagine how much more serious seriously we should take this disease of Ria And furthermore, or more evidence of Barbara de la anhu.

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Before After the Prophet sallallaahu Selim died, the prophet Isaiah mentioned to one of the companions who they are they love and he mentioned the names of the hypocrites.

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Now what do we know about Omar with their loved one

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that he was the second greatest companion, he was the second greatest companion In fact, he's the second greatest person of this oma after the Prophet Mohammed selection and the greatest is Abubakar Radovan, after the Prophet slicin What else do we know about Amara della and

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the second Khalifa he was the second Khalifa of Islam. In second Khalifa, Islam he narrated a number of heads he produced

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you know, a great healer for that spread from east to west in his time. Now I'm not

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the one whom the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would always say about him. I have a worker and Alma, me Abu Bakr and Omar did such and such I have worked on Omar are going to such a such a place. And Ali wrote the Allahu anhu when Omar de la Han who was dying, this is what he remembered about what the prophet sallallaahu Selim would say about Allah, that he would always say I have a worker and Omar he would join the three of them together as a group of people, friends, companions, he was a quote one of the closest companions to the prophets license, he was guaranteed paradise. He's from the ashram overshadow, the 10, who are guaranteed Paradise by the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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But yet, what did he say to the FDA, or the law?

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He asked for the FDA, over the FDA, did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam count me from among the hypocrites, Allahu Akbar. I will say this really is something that we need to ponder over. This is something that we need to think about. Because

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a person can never be secure and safe from the sin of ostentation. And if a person thinks that he's

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From ostentation from Korea, then it is likely that he is most

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drowning in this disgusting and filthy disease. And even though this disease is so hard to cure, it is nonetheless imperative for a person to make sure that any religious deed that he does must be for the sake of Allah Allah, Allah. Allah says in the Quran wa O'Meara Illallah abodo, la meclizine Allah de, and they will not order it except worship Allah, sincerely in their, in their religion. He also says, Do not render your charity in vain, by reminders of your generosity or by injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men. So this ayah clearly shows that if someone does any act of worship for other than Allah subhanaw taala his deed will be rendered useless, fruitless and

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invalid, and this point is further elaborated in a hadith godsey. And what is a hadith could see,

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Hadith is the words of a lot, he said, but it's not counted as part of it. So it's not it's when the Prophet sallallaahu some relates from a Lost Planet, Allah, that Allah says such and such and such and such, but it's not from the Quran. Because the Quran if you recite it, you can recite it in Salah. You can recite it to get reward wherever whereas Hadith could see is like another Hadith, except that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is relaying or relating from a Lost Planet Allah, in this hadith can see a Lost Planet. Allah said, I am the one who is the most free from any need or want of partners. He who doesn't think for the sake of someone else besides me or alongside me, I will

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discard him and his polytheism is ascribing partners to me. So in this case, if a person intends other than a Lost Planet, Allah, in any act of worship, not only with will a Lost Planet, Allah discard that act of worship rejected laundry fruitless not only will he do all this, but also this deed will count against him on the Day of Judgment, and the person is liable for punishment for that same deed. And this can be seen in the hadith of Abu huraira around the Allahu anhu, who said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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a person who acquired sacred knowledge, which should be acquired to gain the pleasure of Allah. But he does this to secure worldly comfort, will not smell the fragrance of paradise on the Day of Judgment. And this shows the importance of knowing about this sin about its causes, about it, its effects and to know how to cure this, these this disease from oneself. inshallah We'll begin with mentioning some of these points after the break.

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Moscow has a program, which aims to answer your questions about your deen your faith, your way of life, this course, is Islam, this is a totally different price, but I divided the payment over this period of time. And the seller is the person or the firm which owns it mature mind buying this condition. This form of businesses action is

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Assalamualaikum and welcome back. We're talking before the break about Rhea ostentation or showing off. And we're talking about how disgraceful dissent is. And to further elaborate this point, it should be known that the one who shows off will also be disgraced on the Day of Judgment. So not only will his deed be rendered void and fruitless and not only with will Allah subhanaw taala punish this person for that deed. But Furthermore, the person will be disgraced on the Day of Judgment. john doe broke the law and who he said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, He who acts to show off a level disgrace him on the Day of Resurrection, and he who does give good deeds, so that people

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may hold him in high esteem for the sake of people, that Allah will expose his hidden intentions before the people on the Day of Resurrection. So it's important to understand all the different types of ostentation, from all the different angles or the types of showing off and we've looked at we can look at ostentation in different ways with respect to what

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The person is aiming with respect to the essence of the act of worship or of its qualities, and with respect to the reason why people show off. So these are three different categories or three different taxonomies of ostentation. Now, there are four levels of ostentation, with respect to one's intention. The first of this first of these is that the person solely aims other than Allah Spano tala, when doing this act of worship. In other words, if he was left alone, he would never do this act of worship. This could be like the one who prays only when with other people, if they were not there, then he would not pray. And he may even pray without will, though, as his sole goal is to

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show the people and not to receive any reward from Allah subhanaw taala. What other kinds of examples could we could have? Could we give about the person who does this solely for the sake of Allah only for the sake of Allah, perhaps a person that's only to show off his voice or his recitation? Yes. And he actually, the point here is that the person's goal is solely for the people. And he has no reason whatsoever to please Allah spawn Tada, he doesn't even do it as an act of worship.

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For example, a person only, I said, only prays when, when people are looking, yeah, when a person who doesn't pray his obligatory prayers, but he only does he only does it when people are there. One of the common ones, also the person who gives charity, or another person who gives charity, or a person who makes known that he's fasting, and he may not even be fasting, he may well be privately eating this person. He his goal, his sole goal is to show the people that he's doing these good deeds, even though he has no intention whatsoever to receive any reward from Allah subhanaw taala. If he was if it was left to him, then he would not have done this good deed. In fact, he doesn't

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actually intend, he has no intention whatsoever.

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He doesn't intend whatsoever to please allow us on a dial to get any reward from Allah at all. And this is the greatest and most severe type of ostentation. And the person who falls into this category is earning the wrath of a Lost Planet Allah and His deeds will be totally in vain. The second type of ostentation, in this taxonomy is that the person does intend reward from Allah, but his intention is weak inside him, his intention is weak. So instead, what actually motivates his worship most is that people are watching him. So, if he was alone, his aim of receiving a reward from Allah would not actually motivate him enough to produce that act of worship. So actually, what

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is motivating him is not his, you know, trying to seek reward from Allah subhanaw taala. What is actually motivating him is his desire of people watching him, but he does along with that desire, he does actually have, you know, some aim to get some rewards from our last planet either. But this this aim, this intention is weak, this intention of pleasing allies weak and his ostentation. Only his ostentation would prompt him to actually perform and produce the action, this type of person is not far off from the previous type, he'll be earning also he will also be earning the Wrath of Allah and His deeds are also rendered null and void okay. So, we see the difference between the first type

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and the second type. The first type is the one who is solely he produces the very action for the sake of other than a line he has no reason whatsoever, he has no intention whatsoever to receive reward from Allah. As for the second type, then he does have an intention of receiving reward from Allah but this intention is weak. And what really produces the action is is this ostentation, this area. These are the first two categories after we have a look at some comments from some people on the street in sha Allah will return to this issue of different types or levels of ostentation, with regards to one's sole intention. That is, when a person's trying to show off a group or a group of

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people that and always tries to.

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To talk about himself in a good way only a sensation that man can be proud of himself talk always about what he's doing about

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his doing in his life projects, personal desires to see please people it's obviously like a dream because raising people is very hard and people never get these. Like the story of

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people are very hard to please.

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So it's it needs like a miracle.

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peacekeeping, I think it should be a pleasing God not pleasing people. And also, it should be praying is something between you and God not between anyone else or to tell anyone else that you're going to pray, because they have high self confidence and they feel by doing so, they will gain respect by actually, the other people don't respect them by doing showing off. Yes. So here we were discussing about the types of ostentation with regard to a person's intention with regards to his intention or his goal or aim. And we said that the first type is the one who,

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who does an action solely for the sake of other than Allah, and the second type, he does the action primarily for other than Allah, but he does have a weak intention to get reward from Allah subhanaw taala. Now this person, as we said, is similar to the first person in that his deeds are rendered null and void. The third type of intention is when a person intends the reward from Allah, but he also intends to show off and these two types of intention are equal in the person. So if one of these intentions were not present, he would not be able to produce the act of worship. In other words, both intentions combined, produce this act of worship. Looking at the text of the Quran and

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Sunnah, it seems that again, this person's deeds are in vain, and he'll be earning a lot wrath. So, on the one hand, he wants the people to see his deeds. And on the other hand, he also wants the pleasure of a las panatela he does intend Allah and these two intentions are equal. But if you took one of these two intentions away, the other intention would not be strong enough to motivate the person to produce this action. And so therefore, this person, the stronger opinion of the scholars is that this type of deed is also rendered null and void. Although some scholars have said that each evil counter each intention countered counteracts the other, the good intention cancels out the bad

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intention and the bad intention cancels out the good intention and therefore there's no sin and there's no reward, but the stronger opinion seems to be that the person since he is still performing ostentation, since he's still ostentatious, then he still is receiving a sin in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The fourth type of person is that his intention for showing off is less than his intention for seeking a reward from Allah. That is, there are no people present, he will still be motivated by his correct intention to perform this act of worship. Conversely, his ostentation alone would not produce this act of worship. So showing off does not produce this act of worship. For him

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alone. There are people present but he doesn't want to attend a lot, then this would not be sufficient enough to motivate this act of worship this type of person he'll be rewarded for the essence of his action because the essence is for the sake of Allah. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best but his reward will be deficient and or he is liable to be punished according to the weight or level of ostentation, in his action, according to the ratio of ostentation of his action, if there's more than he's punished more, and also the reward of his action is more deficient and so on and so forth. And so, the, this type of person he,

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he is the least

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of all of the type the four categories of people to earn the Wrath of Allah spawn attack, but all types of ostentation are dangerous. Why?

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Because, as we mentioned earlier, his initial coffee and his hidden shift, why is it so difficult to see in oneself? This hidden check? Why is it so hidden?

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It's a feeling from inside so it's something that might naturally come about when people are looking because it's a feeling from inside. And also because a person can be tempted by shaitan or fooled by shaitan. To think that actually what I'm doing is a good deed. How can say Tom come to me while I'm doing a good deed and is motivated by his ostentation by people watching him by people admiring him praising and this is the thing that actually motivates this person. So we can see how evil and you know filthy this disease of ostentation is and we can see some of the evil effects of it. We saw that if we recap one of the effects is that Allah Spanish Allah will disgrace him on the Day of

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Judgment. What about the effect on his deed? There will be none. It will be null and void if the ostentation is more or equal to his intention.

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For the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. But what about if his intention is there for the sake of Allah, but it is, it is stronger than his desire for being seen for his actions

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his action will be deficient, the action will be deficient, his reward will be deficient and less and also he'll be punished in the sight of Allah on the day of judgment with this inshallah we'll finish today's episode and in the next episode, we'll continue looking at the different levels of ostentation, with respect to whether a person is showing off in the essence of the act of worship, or whether he is showing off with regards to the qualities of his act of worship, or some love of cinema Baraka, Allah anabaena Muhammad Ali, he was a big man as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Episode 17/26: Showing Off (Part 1/3)

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