Abu Abdissalam – How to Stop Your Ship From Sinking

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The importance of individual responsibility and the need for guidance on how to deal with evil in Islam is emphasized. The duty is to say "verily" and forbidding everyone of evil, including the responsibility to change behavior with actions. Lower deck people are encouraged to practice compassion and not be afraid of adversity. Viewers are encouraged to share their experiences and receive guidance from others.
AI: Transcript ©
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How can we defend our Ummah, that Muslim nation from the moral decay of today's well and often neglected wisdom of Aladeen holds the key to our salvation. Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I'm your brother about this and I'm speaking to you from the blessed city of Mecca. That's what kettle mukarram Allah Subhan Allah to Allah tells us in the Quran, Walter coming from OMA 20, the owner, Elan hiree Wyatt Maroondah Bill ma ruffian Hona Anil Moon car, Buddha Iike, humulene, muffler home, let that arise out of you a group of people, inviting to all that is good and forbidding all that is evil, and it is they who are the successful this iron is a call to action

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for all of us. But what does it actually mean? Before Islam the Arabian Peninsula was steeped in moral corruption. Islam came to fix that, emphasizing the duty of enjoying good and forbidding evil a mission carried by all the prophets in an age where everyone is living in their own little bubble with their necks bent and their eyes glued to their phones, we forget that we humans were created by Allah subhanaw taala to be social creatures, and that we depend on one another. In today's world, we see an emphasis on individuality like never before, and this often leads to a detachment from the collective well being of our ummah. While personal freedom is important, it does not mean that we

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have no responsibility in helping each other do what is most pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala our religion teaches us the profound principle of enjoying what is good and forbidding what is evil, it fills us with a compassionate concern for the well being of others, both Muslim and non Muslim urging us to emphatically correct and support those veering towards harming themselves when we ignore enjoying what is good, and forbidding what is evil, we're not just allowing individuals to harm themselves, but also letting the fabric of our entire our entire community weaken. It's a collective duty, a shared responsibility to uplift each other towards the path of righteousness and

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well being for the greater good of God. So let's get practical. Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said man ROM in Cameroon Koran, failure of a year will be ready for LM Eastertide for Billy Sani for Illa Misrata for be kalbi, he was Holika, awful Iman. This means whoever among you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand. And if he cannot, then with his tongue, and if he cannot, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of iman or faith, it's not always easy, but it's our duty. Suppose you see someone straying from the path. Your duty isn't to criticize or belittle but to advise with wisdom, kindness and patience. Remember the prophets, I let

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him know salatu salam faced much opposition when they tried to guide their people, we have to be prepared for challenges, but our intention should be clear, it must be for the love of Allah subhanaw taala and for the betterment of the person that we're advising and ultimately, for overall for our Ummah, notice the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam linked changing of Al mancha or evil to the ability to do so. And the ability to change it depends on many factors. For example, the parents of a child have the ability to change all mancha with their hands by prohibiting that child and forbidding that child from it. However, in most cases, friends can't forbid each other from

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munkar, except by advising them or holding them against whatever sin they're doing, they will change evil with their tongues. Likewise, if greater harm will come from advising the person, ie changing the evil, even with the tongue, then when that happens, that's when changing it with your heart becomes mandatory. In that case, you must at least hate that evil being done. And you must ask Allah subhanaw taala to change it. And of course, in most cases, that also means if you hate something, then you will walk away you won't be in that gathering where evil is being committed. This duty isn't just for big acts of evil deeds of all sizes matter. So if a friend misses a prayer or bad

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bite someone, of course you should gently remind them but also if they're smoking, or dropping litter, you should advise them to if someone is unsure about a certain practice, then guide them kindly with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. Or at least what the scholars say about that deed. To affirm this meaning in our hearts, we think carefully about the following Hadith No man, even Bashir, while the Allahu Anhu reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the likeness of the man who observes the limits prescribed by Allah, and that of a man who transgresses them is like a pipe people who get on board as ship after casting lots, some of them are in the

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lower deck, and some of them are in its upper deck. Those who are in the lower deck, when they require water, they go to the occupants of the upper deck, and they say to them, if we make a hole in the bottom of the ship, we will not harm you. If they meaning the occupants of the upper deck leave them to carry out their idea. They will

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We'll all be drowned. But if they do not let them go ahead with their plant, then all of them will remain safe and this hadith in Bukhari Subhanallah what a profound statement it shows that even one person doing a sin can affect the entire Muslim Ummah, if the people in the lower deck, create a hole in the ship, it will drown everyone, it won't just drown those in lower deck. And that's why the people in the upper deck should stop the people in the lower deck from creating holes in the ship. So similar to this is how we should enjoin the good and forbid the evil because the entire Ummah suffers this mission of enjoying good and forbidding evil is the backbone of a strong Muslim

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Ummah. Imagine how much change we could bring about, if we all took on this role, even in the smallest of ways. Remember, most people they want to be closer to Allah, Most Muslims, they want to be close to Allah. So by you advising them is often simply reminding them perhaps they forgotten that this thing is a sin. Well, they just need a little push. But we have to be careful to do this with the best of manners. Our approach should usually be gentle and respectful. Allah says in the Quran and mentioned in the book of Prophet the story of Ibrahim alayhi salam, he was surely a man of truth and a prophet. Remember when he said to his father, oh, dear father, why do you worship that

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which you can neither here nor see, nor does it benefit you at all? Oh, dear father, I have certainly received some knowledge which you have not received. So follow me and I will guide you to the straight path. Oh, dear father, I truly fear that you will be touched by a torment from the most compassionate and become Satan's companion in *. He threatened the father threatened How dare you reject my idols? Oh, Ibrahim, if you do not desist, I will certainly stone you to death. So be gone from me for a long time. Ibrahim alayhis salam responded, peace be upon you. I will pray to my lord for your forgiveness. He has truly been most gracious to me. As I distanced myself from all of you,

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and from whatever you invoke and make dua to besides Allah, I will continue to call upon my Lord alone, trusting that I will never be disappointed in invoking my Lord. So after he had left them, and what they had worshipped besides Allah, we granted him his hug and he called and made each of them a profit from these ayat from the beginning, we can see the Prophet Ibrahim Ali son calling his father to worship Allah, Allah and gently calling him Yeah, Alberty which is considered a gentle and sweet way to refer to one's father. And even when his father said to him, If you do not desist, I will certainly stone you to death. So be gone from me a long time. Ibrahim alayhi salam did not

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respond with anger. He did not raise his voice or insult his father, he simply said Salam, o alaikum. Peace be upon you. I will pray to my lord for your forgiveness. If only we Muslims today would learn from the prophets and follow their guidance. We will not have the problems that we have today. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us all to practice and preach this army. So my dear brothers and sisters, let us strive to be among those who stand up for what's right. guide with wisdom and remain patient in the face of adversity. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us the strength to stand firm in our demand and to guide others in joining the good forbidding the evil with wisdom and

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compassion. Joseph Campbell law Hey Ron, don't forget to share this video with others so that you may be among those who also enjoy the good. I'm your brother about this and I'm speaking to you from Maccha Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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