Abdurraheem Green – Decision Fatigue

Abdurraheem Green
AI: Summary © The importance of prioritizing one's identity and focusing on what is important is crucial for success in life. prioritizing one's identity and focusing on what is important is crucial for success. The success of the World Cup and the Momentum movement are highlighted, as well as the importance of sport and politics in the political climate of the United States. The speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one's identity and focusing on what is important, as procrastination is a fear of failure and can lead to damage to one's self-esteem. The speaker also discusses the negative effects of procrastination, which can lead to damage to one's self-esteem and regret regret regret is regret regret regret is regret regret regret is regret regret is regret regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is regret is
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu Aleikum Welcome to shake up the Raheem Green's official YouTube channel. Today we are going to be speaking about decision fatigue. Now, before we get into the topic,

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why is it important to study decisions? What impact do decisions make in our everyday lives?

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Well, I guess, I mean, everyone is making decisions all the time. And some of those decisions are,

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you know, not very important decisions, but some of them are life changing decisions, not just for you, but for the people who you make those decisions for. I mean, all of us, in some degree or or another are in a position of leadership and responsibility. Almost everybody,

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even even children, to be honest, children are many children are in a position of leadership over the younger brothers and sisters.

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You know, the mother is in charge of the house and the family and the kids, let alone whatever other occupation she may have, she may be working these days, who knows,

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you know, and similarly, men,

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they have responsibility of their families. And in addition to that, they may have all sorts of responsibilities, whether they are, you know, managerial, just a work, whatever. I mean, the point being is that we all have these responsibilities, and these responsibilities inevitably

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involve making decisions. But I guess the group of people to whom this is going to be really, really, really important,

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and who really need to sit up and pay attention and understand what's going on? Is anybody involved in management, anybody involved? Well, I mean, anything more senior than that, really, because then you know, your ability to make, I mean, the whole point of it is the whole, your ability to make decisions actually just deteriorates throughout the day.

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So that's what decision fatigue is basically about that when you have to make a lot of decisions. So decision making is it's, it's, it's intense, it's a it's a, it's intensive on your brain, it's intensive on your mind.

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And your mind, at least, this is one theory of mind, you know, it has been, it has been challenged, it's not everyone agrees with it.

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But there's this idea that, you know, your mind is sort of, it's like a muscle, and just like any muscle, it will get tired, if you exert it, if you really have to exert it. And you really have to strain that muscle, it will get tired to the point of fatigue, it will just not be able to function or barely able to function properly.

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And that's, you know, one of the things that, you know, it's one of the five pillars of the, you know, the pillars, not the five, the seven pillars, I have this course, The Seven Pillars of willpower. And the first thing is to understand that willpower is limited in your ability to control your temptations, your ability, I guess willpower even involves, it will involve because making decisions is still about controlling your impulses, it's still about controlling your ego, it's still about controlling your desires. You know, so anyway, let's go to the classic, you know, the classic, you know, case, the two, it's a bit of a pun, that the classic case,

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which is discussed on this issue of decision fatigue, and it's actually about a quart of Israeli judges

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who were examined, you know, that their judgments were examined, and basically the long and the short of it is they found that people who went before these judges in the morning, were more likely to get parole, and people who went in front of those judges in the evening, were more likely to go back to prison. And they just found that this was, you know, it was statistically very clear. And it was really,

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it was

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really independent of the merit of any particular case. It's just, it was just I don't remember exactly the percentage, but it was large. So really, the only thing that the only common factor and this happened, this was, you know, this was found over quite a long, lengthy period of time, you know, with quite a few judges mean, it was pretty consistent. So the only really thing, the only difference, the only differentiating factor was that these people who went before the judges in the afternoon, ended up going back to prison and not getting parole, whereas the ones who went in front of the judges were more likely to get parole. Why? Well, in the end, they figured it out. And they

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said, well, basically what happened was when the judges when people were presented in front of the

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judges in the morning, they looked at the cases carefully, they considered the situation carefully. And, you know, then they decided whether they would deserve parole or not based on the merits of the case. But by the time the afternoon came, the judges were tired, they were this, you know, this need to make quite, you know, quite tough decisions about whether you're going to let this criminal back out into the public or not. And whether this person was, you know, whether the public was ready to have this person back out amongst them, they just defaulted to what they considered in their mind was the easiest decision, and the easiest decision was just send them back to prison. Right? So you

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have to remember, these are prisoners who have already committed a crime, they've been sentenced to their crime. Yeah, they're gonna get whatever it is, say five years, right. And in front of the parole board to be let out early. So it's not like any big injustice is being done here. Right? They got five years, that's what they're supposed to serve. Right? So it's very easy in a judge's mind to say, you know, what, best thing to do is just send this guy back to prison. That's just the safe option, right? So what happened, this is decision fatigue, right. So what happens is, what happened was that they were just really exhausted from the effort of having to make these decisions. So they

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defaulted to what was really just the easiest thing for them to do. Now, you know, you can imagine, however, where that is not just now a simple case of a prisoner who's got five years goes back to prison and doesn't get parole.

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Decision, fatigue, could really impact all sorts of things. It could impact whether you win or lose a battle, it could impact whether you press a button that's going to launch some missiles, it could. It could be whether you sack a group of people or not, it could be whether you do the correct risk assessment, as a management team that will either get the organization in trouble are not which got me thinking so well, since we're live here. Right on, you know, it's interesting. When is your senior management team meeting?

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Which is probably the single meeting in the week that involves making the most important decisions. Since you know, I'm just wondering how good you are acting on the information that you've got in the afternoon, which isn't Yeah, which is, which I was thinking actually on the run up to this. And I'm just as guilty because I instituted I, but I've always said, I'm, I would like to have it after fajr.

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Yeah, that's what I've always said, the best time for me is the habit after budget.

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Now, I've got to drop the kids off at school. Yeah. Oh, no, I've got to this or No, whatever, right? This is the problem, of course, right. So you know, I'm just, I'm just just for everybody, right? When you when you need to make important decisions, you need to make sure you make those decisions, when your mind is fresh, when you are the least fatigue, don't fatigued, do not make important decisions at the end of the day, or at any time when you're really mentally tired and exhausted. That's really the important thing about decision fatigue.

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I just want to add about not only the importance of, you know, this being a limited resource, when we think about productivity share, because you know, there's this prevailing idea that a person who does very long hours and is tired and falling asleep at work. They're the hard worker,

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Jeff Bezos was asked about, you know, something about his work. And he said, he said something really funny. He said, I get my sleep in, he sleeps a good seven hours and a good working day. All I need to do is make two or three decisions. Yeah. And I'm done. He's not four, there are three, two or three good decisions. Yeah. Right. And that's the key thing. And add to that not to make five or six other bad decisions.

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Right. So the temptation is to just keep on making decisions, right? Yeah, you make two or three decisions, right? So you got to analyze it a little bit more carefully, right? Because the guy is smart enough to realize that I should only be making two or three decisions a day. I shouldn't be making any more decisions than that. Right? He will probably limit himself. It doesn't matter almost how important it is. What's the point in me making a super important decision when I'm tired? It could be a disaster that could ruin my company or whatever? I don't know. Right? Okay. So, yeah, there is absolutely something in just limiting yourself right to making two or three decisions a

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day, making sure they're good decisions, refusing to

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Allow yourself to make, you know decisions at a time when you know that either those decisions will be neutral, they will have to be made again, or even worse, they will be really bad decisions. Now, of course, you can't always do that, right? I mean, sometimes it happens that you have to make a decision immediately.

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But even then, you know, there's things that you need to take into account, you know, like, if you are forced to make a decision, and you really have no choice, then even then, that, you know, there's things that you can do to mitigate,

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you know, making bad decisions in terms of consultation, for example, in terms of doing something in order to just be able to refresh your, you know, refresh yourself mentally, right.

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So, as much as possible, you want to avoid making snap decisions, right? I mean, let's say, let's just say, for example, an emergency happens, right? It's late in the afternoon, you're so exhausted, something comes through,

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you know, you know, you've got a few hours, well, you know, the crazy thing to do, maybe, maybe you need to just go in a room, you know, lie down here, just close your eyes, chill, you know, whatever, do whatever it takes to just totally clear your mind and get some rest, right. And then, you know, approach this decision as fresh as possible. You know, so, it's things like that, like, you know, this whole thing where they say, you know, just sleep on it, it's actually generally really good advice. If you can just sleep on it, you should do that. Right? You don't shouldn't allow people to force you into a corner, or making decisions when you don't need to.

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And, you know, let alone making a bad decision. could be disastrous. Yeah. And would you say that, you know, there's obviously the issue of making too many decisions. And sometimes the same thing, as the judges do, simply not to make the decision. But we destroy our ability to focus and concentrate and have this limited, you know, will because of our zombie scrolling and all the other activities in the SAP sauce. And so we think, because we haven't decided on something, we haven't actually, we've got nothing to lose, when in fact, that itself is a decision when you don't act. You know, I think this needs to be highlighted that, you know, sometimes people think I didn't take an action,

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therefore, I didn't make a decision. But actually, you did.

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Something's pressing. And well, yeah. I mean, it goes back to that old chestnut that we were talking about last week, as well, that comes up again, and I'm sure we all deal with it. Procrastination, you know, zombie scrolling can often be

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you know, it can be, you know, it's part it's just part of procrastination as part of you putting off and we talked about it last week anyway, it's all it can become a very easy excuse. In your own mind. Obviously, when you sit down with someone else and discuss it, you know, you pretty much quickly you know, it's the Emperor with no clothes in reo. Like, it doesn't take much for someone to call you out and say, bro, you're just wasting your time you think that's, you know, the that thing that's productive? No, it's not.

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But you know, the point being is we can trick ourselves to think we're being productive, we can trick ourselves to think that there is benefit in this zombie Scrolling Stuff that may be very occasionally there is you know, 100 things, there may be something that is, unfortunately, the problem is it soon gets lost in the next 99 things that follow it. And it very, very rarely translates itself into some tangible action. I think this is the the other thing that's really,

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you know, like, if you follow this whole COVID thing, what has happened with COVID? Now, there's a whole group of people who, you know, at the beginning, they were being called a conspiracy theorists, and the crazy thing is, is that, you know, at least a good number of the things that they were saying just proved to be true. Right? It's crazy, right?

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Yet, no one seems to be able to have the focus, yeah, to pursue this thing properly and take it to its logical and rational conclusion. Because there's just another crisis, another thing and whatever, and no one seems to have that ability to focus and concentrate on anything for very long. And this this whole thing of being permanently distracted, but back to your your point, you know, not making a decision is a decision. You're right. I mean, unless you're consciously saying I am not going to, you know, and I'm thinking more here about someone like usable, right, for example, right? As a person who is in a senior management position, and you're asked to make a you know, a very

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definitive decision.

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Should we fire this person? Should we shut down this team? Should we open this country? Should we spend this money here or there? Right? So I'm thinking if something, you know, for you to say, I'm going to think about that I'm going to sleep on it. We'll decide tomorrow, right.

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Yeah, that that itself is a decision isn't that you know that, but I think that's very different from what you're saying? Is that the decision to sort of leave it and do nothing? You're right. In that sense, in that sense of, yeah, I'm just, you know,

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what, in that sense, as well, yes, you're right, that isn't a decision. But that's that, you know, so we're talking about something different. Now we're talking about, you know, something that may be just a byproduct of laziness, right, of just not being organized or wasting your time of procrastinating. Because sometimes, you don't want to face the fact that doing that particular thing is going to involve a lot of hard work. Yeah. That's what it comes down to. Or it's going to take you out of your comfort zone. You know, so when I was developing my willpower course, there were things that I felt very comfortable doing, I felt very comfortable reading lots of books, I felt

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comfortable taking notes, I felt very comfortable summarizing those points. Yeah, I felt pretty comfortable putting my ideas down on paper, none of that was really difficult for me, right. The thing that was really challenging was actually then turning it into an actual script. Yeah. And then getting down at actually filming it. Right? That was the thing, right? That was really, really difficult for me, right. And I still find myself with that same challenge. I you know, I don't find it difficult to generate ideas, right? I don't even find it difficult to note those ideas and come up with some sort of quite concrete formulation of the details of it. But when it comes down to that

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bit of a now I actually have to write it. Yeah. And then I have to film it, let alone if you have to edit it,

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then you know, then then that's the stuff that is the genuinely really hard work. I mean, I have the most so much admiration, people don't realize

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that, you know, the huge amount of effort that goes into create content, you know, when people talk about I want to become a YouTuber, right? You know, whatever the YouTube is, like, not you and me just chatting now, which is, you know, one thing, right, but even something like that, even something like this is not quite as easy as people think it is. Right? It's still not as easy as you might think, you know, but let alone when you're developing your own content, filming it, editing it coming up with ideas, it's really, really, really hard work. It is not an easy life. Yeah. If I don't think whatever money they get is minimal, compared to the amount of effort a lot of these

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people put into developing their content. Right. So yeah, I mean, and let alone from an Islamic point of view all the different challenges. And, you know, that's a whole different subject, we will, maybe it will be a great

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you know, thing to discuss some time, you know, the thick of social media, the thick of content creation for Muslims.

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Recently, we were, you know, going back and forth discussing a particular controversial well, it seemed to me controversial character, Muslim,

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whatever, know what you call it, blog, or YouTube or whatever?

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And, yeah, I mean, it seemed to me, the guy really needs to do some studying about what is appropriate and not appropriate in terms of what are you allowed to say and not allowed to say, what what is appropriate to say, as a Muslim, you know?

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So yeah, maybe we need to get that sort of stuff out there. But yeah, I mean, back to procrastination. You know, that's what that's what I mean, you're right. Procrastination itself is a decision. It's a decision not to be it's very subtle. You see, like decisions when we're talking about decision decision fatigue. Yeah. So we're being a bit more precise, right. So the judges have to, you know, they don't know they got to make a decision one way or the other. Right. Are we going to get this guy parole? We're gonna send him back to jail. Right? It's one of the two things right, there is a decision involved right here.

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Whereas saying, Okay, we'll review this case tomorrow, we'll have another look at it. Well, that's slightly different. You're not okay. You are delaying it by a day. But you're still you're still going to have to make the actual decision. Do you understand what I'm saying? Yeah. So yeah, yeah. One of the things I think which is important to highlight here is what is what is the actual consequence in one's life if they have a habit of being indecisive

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commodity? Well, I, you know, I have to be honest, I would have to study it a lot more. It's not something that I've looked into a lot. And I would, I would not necessarily like to say that it's good or bad, right? Because there is a whole, there is a whole way of thinking that procrastination is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I do remember reading

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some very counter intuitive stuff, things that are very, very counterintuitive about procrastination. Right.

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And that, that, that, that you may think that people who procrastinate, that's a bad thing, but there's some counterintuitive studies and information that actually indicates something very, very different to that.

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But again, I you know, right now, I, you know, I'd have to go back and sort of reread that and re study it.

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So yeah, I mean, you know, on a personal level, on a very personal level, you know, when you want to get something done, you know, you want to get something done, right.

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And you keep procrastinating, a lot of that has to do with you know, being uncertain about yourself, being worried, being afraid, not wanting, you know, like, it's just an avoidance strategy of your own mind, it could be a load of things, it could just be your natural laziness, it could be your uncertainty, your lack of confidence, of course, there are various ways

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to tackle that. And as a Muslim, one of the ways you tackle it is, you know, having Tawakkol in Allah, you know, and making dua to Allah, and then making esta hora. And then once you've made, it's the heart of being firm, and being very committed to that decision that you've made. So this is one of the things that we are encouraged to do in Islam, you know, to make to think about it, make your decision, make sure make sure first, right, ask Allah seek the help of Allah make your decision, and then stick with it. You know?

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And it may not, you know, it may or may not work out how you want it. But one of the important things is getting used to that process, right. Getting used to there's no failsafe process. That was very interesting. About decisions. Yeah, good. This is very interesting. Let's give an example from the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of them, I find this one of the most fascinating

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things that you can examine in terms of decision making process. And that is the battle of offered. Right? So prior to the Battle of offered the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he can, here's the thing, he made shorter with his companions. Now, the method of shore is quite interesting that generally, you know, when someone is going to be intimately involved in something, you want to consult those people, right. So when I say intimately involved, I mean, for example, a battle, right in the battle, people are going to volunteer to fight. And that's as intimate as you can get your life is going to be put on the line. So generally, you want to consult those people who are going to

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be sacrificing their lives, as to whether what do they want to do now you're not giving them a choice to fight or not, that they don't no one had a choice about life because they had to fight. But where do you want to fight? What's going to be you know, so this was the interesting thing, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam says, Okay, how are we going to fight this battle? He's making sure.

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Now, you know, the, many of the youngsters they were saying, we want to go out and meet these people. We want to fight them in the battlefield, right? We never let them come to our town. We never let them come to our city. Right? That's our customer. That's our habit. You know, they're all full of, you know, fighting talk right? Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. Salam didn't want to do that he wanted to turn Medina into sort of defensive thing and fight from within Medina. But that was what they had decided. Now, even as far as I remember, the prophet had had a dream that he would win right? From within the scene. Of course, that did happen. Right later in the Battle of the

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Confederates in the Battle of the ditch, the Battle of the ditch, right, they won, they defeated the enemy, so his dream came true. But the prophet saw the Prophet said, okay, he went with the shura, even though that was not his preference. He went with the shorter, right, and he made a decision and he put on his armor

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ready to fight

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you know, so after some time when these guys had cooled, you know that this excited they'd cooled down

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They said, You know, we should have listened to the Prophet, we should have listened to him, we should have done what he wanted. Right? You know, that was the wrong thing. Please, they went back to the Prophet sites and they said, you also will allow we shouldn't listen to you. I'm sorry, we, you know, we're just to whatever, let's do what you want. The Prophet said, No. He said, That's it, once a messenger of God has put on his armor. There's no way back, you have to go out and fight. Right? Now, you know, okay, that may be a particular thing to a prophet. But it just shows us as well, this is because the Prophet told us in other places, right, about the importance of sticking

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to a decision once it's been made. Right? Once you've gone through the process, you make the decision, you stick with it, because the other alternative, even though you can say you could argue that the Muslims lost the battle of Muhammad. Right, you could argue that right? It certainly wasn't a resounding victory. Right. And yeah, they continue to defend Medina. But in terms of the actual battle, it didn't go that well for the Muslims. And you know, a lot of senior companions were killed, and so on and so forth, and the Prophet himself. So Allahu alayhi, wa sallam was injured in that.

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So, but the point being, is that what's the alternative? What's the alternative? Do you? Do you want to develop a habit of constantly changing your mind? I've never been able to stick to any plan, that anything, anytime something goes a little bit differently, or someone changes their mind or enough people make enough noise? Yeah. And what if it's not a sincere group of people? What if it's a bunch of hypocrites? What if it's a bunch of people who don't wish you well? Right? And they make a big noise? Yeah, no, we can't do this. And we shouldn't do that. And you just listen. And you just get used to showing everybody that every time you make a decision? Well, you know, when enough people

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come and moan and groan, you change your mind and change your course. Right? What? What sort of leader you're going to be what sort of organization is that going to be? What sort of society is that going to be? Right? The alternative is worse, right? Meaning that's not a good place to be, this is not a good way to run your life or your society, your family's life, you know, or your organization's, you know.

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And that's why at the end of the day, having that respect for the emir, and their decision is really important. You know, whether it's in the family, whether it's in an organization, or whether it's in the nation in the society.

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What's interesting about this is

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that there's nothing in the Sierra that's going to be superfluous to human life, to human experience to the way human beings live. And not only is it that the process alone was the Quran walking. The Battle of aha chose us that, you know, when Allah says in the Quran, when you make a decision, put your trust in Allah, as you know, we, we we can sort of, we can understand that, whenever you make a decision, there's always that 1% of us that says, Let's revise the decision. Let's let's maybe try this, okay. But as, as we know, anytime you take action, you are never going to get the result that you expect to things are always gonna be different. So natural tendency is let's go back and change

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the plans. And the issue here is that this will happen ad infinitum, because there is no plan. And the I remember speaking, there's no perfect plan. There is no perfect plan. I remember speaking to a,

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scholar about this. And he's really into management, and you know, these types of things. And he said, one of the big problems Muslims have nowadays is that we have this issue that anytime things go wrong, there's this unpredictability, we start to panic, we says, this is like, we shouldn't be doing that.

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It is very hard to okay, I want to make this decision, things have gone slightly different. Okay, I'm going to stick to my decision. You really have to train yourself to do that. And you definitely do. And I think one of the things is also the woman needs to recognize, and we need to recognize whether your money to recognize this. You never know where the benefit lies. Yeah. You may I mean, when I say, Oh, it was a defeat. I say that with a big qualification, right? militarily in terms of a battle. You couldn't claim the Muslims won the battle. It doesn't mean that there were not huge benefits of what happened in Auckland. It doesn't mean that the Muslims did not learn a great

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lesson. It doesn't mean that there were not many, many benefits that were derived from it. Right.

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And, you know, I have to

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be, you know, like, you know, I can't resist bringing foot

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got into it. But I have to say is that, you know, talking about not panicking in the jaws of defeat. Morocco would were really impressive. They didn't I was just literally waiting for them to dissolve. I'll be honest. Yeah, I'll be absolutely honest. Yeah. I was waiting for them to crumble to France to get another two goals. Right. I was literally just waiting for it. They did not know. In fact, they played a heroic, it was heroic. I mean, France were clearly the better team. Yeah, there's no doubt that France defended brilliantly. They have some good strikers. And they just had that little edge, but Oh, my God, like it was heroic. Yeah. It was just joy. I mean, I don't I'm not even into

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football. I don't never ever, ever watch football, except when it's the World Cup. But that one point they didn't give up. That was impressive. Because, you know, you we have sort of got used to seeing Muslims do that. You know, when things get tough.

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The tough wit, you know, they say when the going gets tough, the tough get going. That's we have the because generally by and large, almost the opposite has happened. Right? You know, we this whole crowd is like fighting to the end, you know? Yeah. Like the line was it was it was truly impressive. And I think you know what I mean, you know, we don't want to take football analogies too far and whatever. But, you know, and, you know, obviously, it's just football. It's just the game. Well, it isn't just the game. Nothing. I don't think anything's just the game. Yeah, it's just not true. Sport is sport, whatever you want to say we this whole World Cup has shown how intermixed and

00:31:43 --> 00:32:23

interwoven sport and politics is. Yeah. You know, from the disgraceful reporting of the BBC. Gary, Lineker is disgusting, you know, tirade against Qatar, the complete failure to criticize any other state who's done horrific things we'll see when it comes to America, whether they talk about all the human rights abuses that take place in America and the death penalty, and also a bunch of, uh, you know, black people still getting shot and whatever, in the street by police, you know, whatever. Right. I doubt they'll be talking about that stuff. Right. But he just shows that this claim that politics and sport, you know, don't have anything to do with each other. It's not true. Right? It's

00:32:23 --> 00:33:10

very political. Right. But yeah, I mean, that's a very important thing. And you don't want to fall and I think that was, this is another thing about the Battle of ahould. Right, which is a really important historical event to study. The other great thing about it was that despite suffering some really horrific casualties, and being pretty badly mauled in that battle, right? The next day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had rallied the Muslim army, right? And went back out again, to chase the Qureshi. Whenever, you know, the issue of pretty happy to just run back to Mecca, they you know, so I, you know, from from a strategic point of view,

00:33:11 --> 00:33:45

you know, they stopped the Quraysh invading Medina, which is that's a good win, right? From the actual specifics of the battle, it was a bad morning, but that's the great thing is you see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, getting the Muslims chasing? Ah, this is something that, you know, number one sends a signal, yeah, we're not finished, you know, to the Croatian number to boost the morale of the Muslims, again, to show them that, no, we're ready to keep fighting, right. And that that's a really, really difficult thing to do.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:46


00:33:48 --> 00:33:52

Rally everybody, and just go out again, for you know, round two.

00:33:53 --> 00:34:05

And so that, again, shows, right is that importance of, you know, even when things don't work out the way you want, you got to pick yourself up. Right. And, and just try again.

00:34:07 --> 00:34:12

You know, Robert, the Bruce thing, if you don't succeed at first try try and try again, you know?

00:34:13 --> 00:34:51

Absolutely. And this is the attitude of the believer, essentially, you know, what else is, what's the point of, you know, having this great book with these affirmations because the Quran has these affirmation is very positive affirmations is not just about, you know, memorizing them without actually deeply reflecting about about them and, you know, when the process of them speaks about, you know, planting the seed even if the Day of Judgment will begin. So, you know, this is all a decision that you have to make about your identity. Am I or am I somebody who, you know,

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

am I indecisive? Sometimes we have this we label ourselves with certain things you sometimes have to act

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

See, and call yourself certain things that you have to say no, I am a decisive person is one small thing I want to just want you to take, I think you need to go now. Actually, no, we should end the stream because God no finish the script.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:18

Just one thing I was going to mention, when I asked you about procrastination, you said you can't say whether it's a good or a bad thing.

00:35:19 --> 00:35:30

I just wanted to say that, I think we can categorically say it's a bad thing when someone procrastinates equally, on deciding what shoes to buy, and whether to hire a person.

00:35:31 --> 00:36:09

I've seen people with certain dispositions when it comes to procrastination and the NCAA between things which are really not important, like really not important and things which are really important. And they start giving everything equal amounts of time. Yeah, that's a different problem. Right? So that's a different issue to do with productivity, right. And that is a prioritization issue, that is an inability to prioritize what is important over what is less important. And that's a hugely important skill to develop as well, right? Just for every human being, if you want to, if you want to get your life more productive, you've got to focus on the few things that really matter.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:34

Right? It's not quite the same, right? And when I say is procrastination, you know, a bad thing. Right? I'm just talking about it in in a sort of general sense. Is that like, what is going on behind it psychologically? Right? I have to look into it. Let's, let's have another discussion about that. Because I do remember reading something that was really counter intuitive.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:38

And that was, you know, like,

00:36:39 --> 00:37:22

you know, really not you would like I said, it's very counterintuitive. So why might create procrastination actually be beneficial? What are the actual benefits of it? Right? Is it all bad? But generally, no, I mean, look, you know, we can all recognize that procrastination, right? Definitely has negative effects. i All I'm trying to say is it is it is absolutely bad as we might initially try to paint it as that's what I'm saying. Right? I'm not saying procrastination is good. I'm just saying it may not be quite as bad as we think it is. Right? That's what I'm trying to say I'm trying to qualify it. Right. And there may be even even times when, you know, procrastination is

00:37:22 --> 00:37:22

a good thing.

00:37:23 --> 00:38:03

You have to remember that, you know, deep down what's going on what's going on, it all goes down to some deep soul. Very basic, you think thing is when you break everything down? Most things come back to some very basic instincts that we have some basic drivers, right. It's just fear, right? Procrastination is fear? Well, you know, like that initial fear may be something very simple, you know, do I want to jump from this branch to that branch? Right? If I know that branch is close by and that branch is thick? I'm not worried about it. I know I can do it. Right? If that branch is another three yards away, and that's particularly then I'm going to be thinking, you know, am I

00:38:03 --> 00:38:46

gonna make that even if I make it? Will that branch hold me? Right? That's what procrastination comes down to. Right? That you are genuinely afraid. Because what, there is some type of injury that is going to, you know, it's going to take place. But of course, today, we're not dealing with jumping from, you know, cliff to cliff branch to branch, you know, am I going to take on this enemy or not? Whatever it may be. It's all to do with these egos, this self image that we have of ourselves, which we think of as being, you know, a threat to it as as horrible for us as an actual threat to our life. Right? So what is procrastination? It's our fear of failure. It's our fear that

00:38:46 --> 00:39:21

if I do commit myself to something, right, and I, you know, and I fail at it, how is that going to damage me? What is that going to damage? How's that going to damage my self image? Right? And yeah, what is that? So, you know, from, you know, it does come from a place of this sort of primordial, instinctive fear, that often is totally misplaced, because of all these things that we talked about a lot. So, you know, the point being, the point being at the end of the day is that it's not always necessarily bad, right? Sometimes you do want to wait, sometimes you do want to think about things a little bit more. Right?

00:39:22 --> 00:39:32

Yeah, so that's the, you know, that's the issue that we need to investigate. I think, brilliant. We can do that next week, inshallah. Oh, gosh, you have to start doing some reading and studying.

00:39:36 --> 00:39:59

Come, come next week is gonna be like, Oh, dear. The UK. You can explain why you procrastinated this week. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And what you went through? Does I Calacatta shake green. Please do subscribe to shake up the ring, green's official YouTube channel. We're gonna be making regular videos on here and tell your friends and family about it. Until next time, Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh while ecommerce

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00

de la Mora

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