Abdullah Oduro – The Quranic Call Juz 14 – Methodology of Seeking Knowledge

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of the " handy" phrase in Islamic scripture to encourage people to study and learn about Islam. They explain that the phrase is used to reinforce the importance of the message of Islam, even though people may not know it. The speaker also emphasizes the need for people to maintain the integrity of their religion and not ask for personal information.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah better care to me the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all, Abdullah withdrew from the religion of Islam the methodology of seeking knowledge of Islam is strong. Why? Because there is a precedent that has been set from the previous prophets. As a matter of fact in the 14th just chapter number 16 verse 43, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions after our elimination on our gene or man or cell Nam in communicating Larry Jalan know hey Elaine, first Aloo Allah degree in quantum let Allah moon, Allah says, and we have not sent before you accept men that we have sent you sent them the revelation. So ask the people of knowledge, if you do not know.

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So firstly, he confirms that we have not sent except before you O Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam men that we have given them the revelation further further confirming that there were people that received the message of Allah there were messengers before you. And that message was the knowledge of Islam. It was the knowledge of Islam. So if there is something you do not know, ask the people of Vicar and Vicar here is particularly the message that was the revelation being a bayonet was Zuber, the ones that received the books the previous scriptures from before you, and that is a becomes to a generalized message for you and me, that we should ask the people have knowledge of Islam if we

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don't know. The Vicar and Vicar has been termed in the Quran also,

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as the Quran itself, as it says, oh, as the Michigan you say, oh you who the vicar has been descended upon him? Yeah, you under the New Zealand a vicar, Yanni the vicar or the remembrance of Allah has been descended upon you, even though they were mentioning it in a ridiculing fashion. But the vicar here is what scholars had mentioned is the message of Allah being the Quran or if it's the previous scriptures from before that the other scriptures, in any case, the revelation of the Quran, so ask the people of knowledge, the scholars of Islam, if you do not know, and in general, if we were to generalize this verse, Then we ask the people of knowledge of Islam or any science in and of

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itself, for for instance of the COVID-19, we ask the people that have knowledge of virology of immunology, immunology, and any science that deals with viruses and bacteria in particular, and knowledge of the immune system of what can protect them or protect us from any form of sickness, ultimately, Allah subhanho wa Taala, but the mechanisms that he sent and having knowledge of that we should ask them and not ask a mechanic or ask anyone that is not specialized in that science. And that is an Islamic precedent, precedent for us to ask the people have knowledge in any science if we don't know further maintaining the respect of those who have made the effort to study and

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maintaining the integrity of application of the Islamic objectives in our religion. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Bless you all in seeking knowledge for his sake, a Samadhi Rahmatullah you're better cat. Thank you.

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