Ramadan 2024 – Invocations of God #04 Should our Servitude – Serve Us

Abdullah Oduro


Channel: Abdullah Oduro


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The importance of serving God's subesterday job and serving oneself in various situations, including hardship, ease, and times of ease is emphasized. Consistent actions and activities are crucial for personal growth and avoiding commonly done actions are also discussed. Servitude is a habit that is not recommended, but knowing that actions are not always the way people want them to be is crucial for personal growth.

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After I've been helping him talked about the purpose of the test where he says that the test is not to destroy you or me, but rather the test is to test our patience and our servitude. He then moves on to servitude as we talked about the pillars of patience. He moves on to servitude he says Rahim Allah Tala. For en la la heeta. Allah Allah Abdi or booty gets in football, right? ecom Allahu La here booty attune for surah. He says, For verily for Allah subhanaw taala. Upon this servant is servitude, in times of ease and of times of hardship. And this is important because when ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala tests you with something, there is always an option for you to serve Him and to be

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good to yourself by worshipping Him. And remember, worshiping Allah is the best way to take care of yourself. When you are in a time of hardship you turn to Him. That is how you take care of your soul, your contentment with what Allah has predestined, and as a matter of fact, that contentment can bring forth a level of increase in action. To therefore be served to you are serving Allah subhanaw taala and not serving something else, serving your emotion, serving that which can take you away from the remembrance of your purpose of life, which is God and his actions and being pleased to the best of your ability with those actions. So here when he says that for really a for Allah, upon

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the servant is servitude, in different situations, particularly in times of hardship, and in times of ease, and then he says, Well, who Allah here booty attune,

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female yokocho commander who are dear to him female hip, and for him as servitude upon things that he dislikes, to wear upon things that he loves. And he goes and further he gives examples later he says what Federal holiday you're a clone and adorable deatta female your hipbone? And he said most of mankind is given servitude, or gifts. Servitude worships a lot and that which they love, and this is deep because it was okay it was really digging deep inside of our hearts and really wanting us to have that self reflection. When you worship Allah is it only the things that you love but things that you dislike? You're very lenient lackadaisical in its performance, or you don't perform it

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performance at all. Even okay, it goes on to say was shutting up air coil, who d et T fin McHattie. And he said in the real situation was shutting the important situation, or the the affair, the real affair is giving servitude, in the things that you dislike. And I don't want to say dislike to where we as Muslims, we understand.

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You want to say to yourself, Okay, there's certain things that Allah is obliged me that I dislike, but it's certain things that you do not prefer to do. So, let's say,

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making Sinatra winter, you know, you don't prefer to do it. It's something that if you're with a group of people you do it, or it's something that is someone reminded you to, you don't want to be reminded about it. Fasting, Mondays and Thursdays, you know, fasting the month of Ramadan, the first week of Ramadan, he says was shutting off it. I thought about that femur, Phil McHattie and then he said Febi heat Tafawa Tamara Tibble a bat well there has to be he can add to my NAS Ito home and the light Isla

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even Okay, um, touches on something here, it's so deep because it's important for you as a, as a Muslim, to look at the things that you are negligent of whether it's in its consistence, or its intensity, or its initiation. So when we talk about initiation,

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pranks a lot, the waiter for example, you know, Imam, Mehdi said, Whoever doesn't press a lot to with what's it for who are our children. So this is an evil person, not meaning that you are a sinner if you don't do it. But if you're looking for someone that's at a high MACOM, or a high level rudabeh, and you're looking for that person, particularly in his time, you know, for someone that is going to teach the people the religion, or someone that you can see it has a level of allegiance to Allah and His Deen, which it is definitely something that is on the top of the list when looking at okay, outside of the five prayers, what other prayers do they offer?

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So when looking at the McHattie it's important for each and every individual to look at themselves and say, what are the things that I don't usually do? So lots of Witter initiating it, and then we talk about its consistency, how consistency are consistent Are you in it? The so lots of Sunon the relative the extra prayers after the obligatory prayers, you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would offer extra prayers you call them the Sunnah prayers after the obligatory prayers, and even within that, depending on the school of thought that winter would be in

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Uh, the most important outside of the five, and then you have your tahajjud and you have this solo out, roll it. So in any case, just starting with the solo, the chapter of life of Salah, how many of those what types of those are we offering outside of the obligatory prayers. And the last part is the level of intensity. You may be initiating, you may be consistent, but how intense is your sincerity and this is important for people that are consistent on Twitter they grew up doing it and they offer what they're after every Asia immediately you know the master that I grew up in there I learned how to read Quran mashallah, they were the NEF you know, they offer slaughter Witter every

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single Aisha but that's not to say that they were sincere in each prayer. Allah only knows that so every act that you're consistent in Are you sincere within it, right. But when we're talking about the mechanic,

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those things that you do not usually do or do not lean towards doing because mechanic yuck comes from dislike or to hate. So the actions that you prefer not to do those actions you initiate can raise your levels in front of Allah subhana wa Tada and even AFAM says here for being Yanni he thought it will do and giving the servitude and the things that you do not like to do to fall into tomorrow to but a bat to fall with it Marathi will a bed that the ranks of the servants is dependent on this.

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And this is deep because when we look at all the things that we do from the obligatory X class we do them but what about the extra the extraordinary the ones that are supererogatory are the ones that are recommended. Then he gives examples he says full full well that will be mounted by the efficient that's in Harare, our booty on Bachata to Soulja to he has snapped allottee you habanero booty he says

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and making will do it with cold water in the hot weather is servitude and having relationships you know being with your wife that you love that you love is servitude. So these are examples of that what you like or dislike these are examples of things which you like but then he goes on and he says here

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well we'll do we'll we'll do Bill Maher al Baladi fish * that birdie or booty and making wudu and the cold is OBEDIA so if I was to ask you right now you prefer to make will do with cold water in the colder hot weather. In the hot weather, it'd be much more refreshing. So you're getting will do and it's refreshing. You're like wow, this is you know, somebody will say Islam mashallah is a great religion I get to, you know, make will do in the cold water and worship Allah based off of this washing, but what about the hot weather? But what about the cold weather, something that most likely generally you would not prefer to do, some of us may wait till the hot water comes on. But when

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doing that, that is a level of God that Allah loves, because it is something that is not recommended. You would not want to do it. As he says what topical mouse here alette He said that there were enough See, he lay him in lady hope and Mina Nasir booty, and that is deep here. He gives another example.

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He says, and leaving off the sinful practices that it's the intensity of its call to your knifes

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for without any fear for mankind is worship. Right? So when you leave off something that everyone is doing, and you don't care if what people say about you have no hope, no fear, from what they would say that is servitude as well. When you're at work, and you're amongst friends and you're at the restaurant, you tell him I gotta go pray because the prayer time is coming out. Most likely they're gonna look at you and you're like, What are you doing, but you're doing that. And if it was up to you, you would be you want to be alone and people not know, for example, that is rudia. And that is what will raise your ranks amongst the servants of Allah. So it'd be no came here touches on this

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beautiful point after talking about patience, moving on to show that Allah will test you with your level of servitude. So after he tests you with patients, he will test you with situations in your life that will test your servitude, but then Immanuel came with his fifth of the religion excludes the things that you like he said, I'm not talking about the things that you like to do. I'm talking about the things that you would prefer not to do. And he gave those examples. So may Allah subhana wa adata make us of those that are continuous and consistent on servitude and knowing that just as He tests us with the things that we may not anticipate, it is important for us to be patient and

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with the things that are already there and present, that we serve Him in a manner that he loves even the things that we do not prefer to do, whether it's at time or place by the Glaucomas Santa Monica Rahmatullah, but it gets