Abdullah Oduro – Fitnah – A blessing in disguise

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding the five pillars of Islam, including the Shahada and Beautiful centers of Islam, is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to test and understand reality of death and potential consequences of actions, as well as common phrases used by younger generation. The importance of trusting God and showing faith in him is also emphasized. The need for patient and consistent shortcomings is emphasized, along with the potential for helping people in need and upcoming events.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right and uncon guy right. And I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah the Exalted and that Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is is that the messenger and servant

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Are you believe be mindful of Allah and dinette except in a state of submission to Him alone, or humanity be mindful of Allah Who created you from a single soul. And from that created estimate and from that scatters many men and women are humanity be mindful of Allah and do not cut off relations with your relatives. And deed. Allah is a rocky but he is the ultimate monitor over you know humanity, be mindful of Allah and speak the truth, in order for him to accept you of your deeds and forgive you of any shortcomings. And whoever Oh has a beta line as messenger has indeed achieved the greatest achievements as to what follows indeed, the best speech is the book of Allah subhanho wa

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taala. And the best guidance is that of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. And of the worst affairs in our doctrinal system of Islam are the newly invented ones. For every newly invented affair in this situation is an innovation and for every innovation is a form of going astray, and for every form of going astray, is in the fire of *.

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I'm mad at God.

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That is what was said to me a couple of weeks ago by someone that was being told about what Islam was, said, You know what I understand the concept of the oneness of God, I get it. As a matter of fact, I agree.

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But something happened to me when I was young that I didn't even ask for it.

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And I'm mad at God for that. That's the issue that I cannot overcome.

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So I'm being honest with you. I'm mad at God from that time. Till now I'm upset.

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I'm upset.

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That which happened to me that I had no control over.

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So I understand this message of Islam. As a matter of fact, I had read about Muhammad peace and blessings. I'm better about Muhammad. They said, but this happened to me.

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It's important that we as Muslims, when we hear things like this, or we hear a young boy or girl saying, you know, I just can't be in the house. Why? My parents are consistently art. They're constantly arguing. They're calling each other names. They're fighting, sometimes it gets physical.

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We see on the news, what is happening to our brothers and sisters all around the world, from Afghanistan, may Allah subhanaw taala, protect them.

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In Uyghur May Allah skronk Allah protect them in Kashmir and Philistine in Palestine in Syria. All of this is taking place.

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We hear the name and hacking, the all wise, we understand it, we subconsciously accept it.

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But when it is actualized in our lives, when the name Al Hakim, meaning the all wise, that he knows what was what is what will be. And as a matter of fact, that knowledge that he has, I mean, the appropriation of that knowledge, when he chooses to let things to let to let or allow things to happen. What is our response? What is our responsibility?

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What is our responsibility in regards to that?

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This is why brothers and sisters, it's very important that we understand the importance of the importance of the five pillars of Islam.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, a beautiful statement that many of us know Booney and Islam or Allah humps.

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Islam was built on five pillars. The first of them is the Shahada. Many of us in here, were not Muslim, we did not acknowledge ourselves as Muslim. And you know what, many of us right now are thinking, oh, yeah, the Christian Michelle. Oh, this American brother, this American sister that embraced Islam? No, I even mean, the other brother, the autumn sister, the Pakistani brother that day never really embraced Islam.

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Until there was an encounter by a collegiate friend, by a co worker, by their uncle by someone that impacted them and told them something about the relationship of an event in their life, and how that is relevant with the name and hacking. Why is Allah's knowledge and wisdom relevant in my life, when they had that encounter, it was euphoric. It was something that woke them up and made them think I have no capability over what just happened. I have to reach out to someone or something and I'm naturally doing that. But where am I voluntarily submitting and surrendering my will to? Is it money? Is it my intellect? Is it my logic? What is it to

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and the final frontier hits them? And yes, this can be someone that was raised hearing the event for 1314 15 years.

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so when we all come here, recognizing the Oneness of Allah Inshallah, hearing this vicar Allah hearing this remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. And understanding that these encounters is what Allah has willed and predestined, yes, I can sit here and run my mouth and say that easily I didn't experience what this young lady experienced.

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But when we look at the Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa taala, and that he is an Hakeem, we know that it is for an ultimate wisdom beyond my understanding my perception, my capabilities to totally encompass why, which is the huge question, why in Afghanistan now, why don't we go now? Why with my parents now? Why was it my sister that died and she didn't do anything wrong or my brother or my mother or so on and so forth? Why?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the chapter of an MBE at verse number 35, the chapter entitled The prophets, verse number 35, which is a very important primer, a very important general rule for us to understand on why Allah does the things that he does general.

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And these general rules, it's very important to look at them, understand them, and try our best to ask Allah Oh Allah, allow me to internalize your intention behind this verse in my life, literally ask him because we're human. Allah subhana wa Tada says, that there ought to be lamination under a gene, coolness, and there are two notes whenever Luke Wimbish Cherie will highly fitna what Elena Torah Geralyn

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Allah gives us a statement, a reality that all of us know will happen as young kids we didn't know but there was some time in our life that we were exposed to this reality.

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Allah says that every soul shall taste death.

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Every single one of us here is composed of raw or knifes and tromp. were composed of the clay for lack of better words and a sole Allah subhanaw taala created Adam from clay min to Robin and then he breathed breathe into it the soul which is the enough's or we could say the roar as some scholars make a differentiation between the two most importantly, each and every one of us is composed of these two. Now, when someone dies that rule

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leaves the body and that is what is considered death as even okay mentions, he says, and most Mofaz Nakata wrote a letter just said, it is when the soul or the spirit for lack of better words, leaves the body

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alasa subhanho wa Taala confirms, or he establishes this, that this will happen.

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And then he says, subhanAllah after talking about the reality of death, that it will take place, he talks about the reality of life, what will happen during your lifetime, whenever LUCAM be Sherry will Haile and we will surely test you with that which is good and that with that which is perceived evil and that which is good, what elating that towards our own Yeah, I need to move towards your own Arabic and to us you will surely not returned. If you want to be particular with the Arabic language. He says you will be returned someone will cause you to return. In other words, it is not up to you when Allah chooses to take you.

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All of us know this. But when the reality of being taken hits us, what is our response? And that's why there's a beautiful word that he uses here in the very middle. When he says I repeat, he says, We will surely test you with good and with evil, but in the English you will may not find the translation of this particular word. He says fitna 10

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the way that he will test you is a means. By means of fitna many of us are thinking fitna outside of the masjid two brothers arguing, finding out what day Ramadan is right? To brothers and sisters fighting.

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We look at the linguistic meaning and carry it over to the technical meaning. So when Allah says fitna, it means a trial but in actuality, the goal of the trial is to purify you.

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How many of us have went through a rough situation in our life? And we look back and say, well, Allah what a lesson learned. How many of us have told a young man or a young woman about something that happened in their lives? And we wake up and say, You know what that happened to me? When Hamdulillah I made it through.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling all of us here that yes, there will be a day where Allah will take you but during this lifetime

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and you will be tested with what you may perceive as good and evil, evil and good as a trial, which is a means of purification for you. And on top of all of that you will be returned. Allah will take you.

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So each and every one of us look at the things that we perceived as evil or bad

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at a certain time, and now we say, You know what lesson learned. In other words, I'm glad that I went through this.

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I'm glad that I went through this, so I can teach people so I can remind people so I can remind myself and that's why this Quran is the best form of vicar because it tells you about life. It tells you about the giver of life. It tells you about what he does within this life. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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so when we see these good or bad things happen to us, we have to even realize Subhanallah what is our perception of that? This quote unquote, evil that has happened to me, it will die over it will wash over and I will eventually forget about it, and maybe reminded when it happens to someone else. Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this word fitna numerous times and contexts in the Quran, where he says your money and your children will be a fitna for you. Something that you love your child.

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Money can be a fitna for you, all of us need money for to fulfill certain needs. But when our child turns 1617, and they don't want to pray, when they were two or three O's hon Allah, this is the higher part of the eye. We will test you with the good.

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But when he's 1617 1821

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and they're doing something apparently that you're not pleased with and you know, and they know Allah is not pleased with it as well.

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That's another fitna.

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How do we understand this word fitna? Do we look at it as a static trial that it is something that is always negative, and can never eventually be positive? Or do we look at it as something that is be a deterrent and will always hold us down? Therefore, keeping us away from progress individually? And collectively. Akula Kalia Hala was Dr. Lolly welcome Lisa al Muslimeen first off Euro no Hua for Rahim.

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Al hamdu lillahi Sani was shook Allahu Allah to faith and he wanted it. You know, I asked someone the other day, what is your goal in life?

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What is your goal?

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And they said, You know what, my goal is to be happy. My goal is to be happy that my daughter is happy and that my sister is happy.

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That's it. Happiness.

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When we look at this previous verse and understanding fitna understanding a trial or tribulation, but ultimately the trial is to get to a better place. And that can be dependent upon our perception.

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There's one thing I want us to remember before I move on to three principles, or three forms of advice. We should always in this life,

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be comfortable with being uncomfortable, I'll say it again.

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It is important for us as people that are striving to maintain our spirituality with God, our connection with God to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. When you are uncomfortable for waking up for Fudger in the cold weather and making we'll do with cold water, that uncomfortability will bring you to a better state.

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When you are uncomfortable with a relative that passed away, it is human.

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But that uncomfortable state will cause you to say to yourself, I want to live the legacy of my beloved relative. So remember, when these trials happen, Allah is putting something in front of you that will make you uncomfortable what but what is your response? The response as Evan Oken mentions beautifully, three things

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he asks the reader in one of his books he mentioned that I ask Allah subhanaw taala to make you either work so yes, it works. Yes Shakur will either be truly a server will either as never struggle for what hula is worth and one sad. He says three things.

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After he makes dua for them. He says I asked a lot to make him about a container that couldn't ask a lot to make you blessed wherever you may be just as Jesus or a Salam said, when he asked a lot with Jonathan him about a container I couldn't and make me blessed wherever maybe

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He has made me blessing wherever I am, wherever you are people remember Allah or they remember morality, or they remember goodness, why? Because you're happy. What were the three things that you did to make you happy? The first thing was, when you are given something, you're thankful.

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When you are given something, you're thankful, let's not think given something by a human being given by Allah. Right now, you are in an air conditioned mosque.

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Listening to the message, with a microphone through speakers, many people do not have that opportunity. Right now, if you are hungry after Joomla, you are able to go and walk right to find something to eat easily, because you have the money to purchase that. Many people around the world do not have that opportunity. Just thinking of those two things, brothers and sisters. This is something that we all share at the moment, just pondering over that food, shelter. That's enough to be shakin for the rest of your life. To be thankful to Allah, the fact that you can hear me the senses that you have of hearing and seeing, Allah has given it to you, and he can easily take it

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He can easily take it away. We understand that when we put that in our conscious mind, that should elicit an action that should bring forth an action Subhan Allah Allah has given me intellect. Allah has given me sight. These basic things that I realized no, what am I doing the least that I can do is to show thankfulness to be thankful. And thankfulness. The best way to thank Allah is the way that he showed you to thank him by the city or by the religion by praying by fasting by being honest by smiling at people, by giving salam to those that you don't know by being a person that is peaceful in society, with the intention to please the one that has given you that virtue. That is

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how one shows thankfulness to Allah subhana wa Tada, and the last $4. And then Abraham says out to that, so the first one is if he's given he or she has given, they're thankful. What either but truly is over and if they are tested, they are patient.

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If they are tested, they are patient. We have a collective aspect of being tested with the fitna from before as we see what is going on with our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, and in Syria and in Palestine and in Uighur in the Kashmir. In all of these places. They're being tested. We are being tested by watching it on the news.

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We are being tested because sometimes let's be honest, we may ask God why your son or daughter may ask Allah why may ask you, Daddy, why are they doing this? Why is Allah allowing this to happen?

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We're either truly sober, it they are tested, they are patient, because we understand patience. It's withholding a consistent element of anger from what has been predestined what has taken place on the earth.

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When you take a step back and realize that name again and Hakeem that the all wise has allowed it to happen for a divine reason, this patience requires trust you trust in God, but guess what? If you do not know who God is, what do you expect?

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If you haven't taken the time out to learn about God, what you expect? And the first step of learning about God is something happens in your life. You say, Okay, how does Allah apply this in my life, what happened to a friend of mine or relative or the good thing, Allah has provided it? What has been taken away from me, he took it away for a divine reason, I don't know. But Allah, I'll be patient to the best of my ability.

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And the third is what either as never so far throughout this process of being thankful,

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and being patient, thankful for what He has given you, the hair, and being patient from what you may perceive as the shadow of the evil.

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You've been patient with it, you're still going to make mistakes.

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And sha Allah, each and every one of us here when we walked in the masjid.

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We realized that we're sinners that we make mistakes that we have our own individual quote, unquote, demons in our closet, our own individual shortcomings that maybe you and your wife knows that you and your husband knows that you and a close friend knows or just you and Allah knows.

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We each and each and every one of us have our consistent shortcomings that we're not working on, or it's a huge shortcoming that we are working on but it still hasn't we haven't weaned off of it.

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Each and every one of us have that. What's important is that you acknowledge your hue

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meanness that you will make mistakes that when you see a fitna that has arrived, that you may question God that may happen, but what do you do you stop and think of the name and hacking the all wise? You say oh Allah I trusted you. I trusted you, because you have gotten me this far. This is a moment in my life. I was born in 1975 and there is a dash there is not a date yet. What am I doing in this dash?

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What is my mentality? What is my approach to God's actions in my in other people's lives? When I make the mistake regarding that approach, do I ask Allah for forgiveness?

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Because Allah subhana wa Taala wants you to seek forgiveness, He knows you will make mistakes.

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But being arrogant from that forgiveness, or being negligent on that forgiveness is where it is a means to sadness.

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And that's why I've been okay. It will hurt Allah if Allah and one sad these three things. If you're given you're thankful, if you're tested, you're patient.

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And if you commit a sin, you seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. Remember these three, because around this one eventually be isn't ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, by the permission of Allah, when any Pfitzner approaches them is a means of purification from their shortcomings. It's a means of purification from those things which will keep them persistent in bad deeds.

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So when we see this as example, we see what what is going on with our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan right now.

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There's a lot of confusion. There's a lot of mayhem. There are a lot of questions. But what's most important is that we find people that take it upon themselves to help those that are in need. As we understand and know that mashallah there is outside Islamic Relief. People that have taken it upon themselves to help those that are less fortunate. Many of us many of us have the intention to help someone.

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But then Madonna comes around, and we forget the next day comes around and we forget, we all should do as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to help each other and player what to our new library with Taqwa to assist each other and righteousness and piety. So outside there is a table for those that wish to help and relieve some of the stress on the Muslims around the world.

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Just as you individually secretly helped to relieve the stress of your brother, Allah subhanho wa Taala relieve that stress from you. Allah knows your intention. So may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us of those that practice these three of those that when we're given We're thankful when we cook when we when we give or we're thankful when we're tested were patient and when we commit sins that we are forget that we ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness, and may Allah Subhana Allah make us look at fitna any trial and tribulation. Look at the glass half full and not half empty. Robin adds an effigy in your house an elephant, Hirata has never been nor Robin and alumina about eight and 18

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that will have it an AMOLED and Kurama in the country will have Allah Masuda. SNAM old Mussolini Allah Masuda snowman when was the mean? Allah muslim Muslim Rafi and if he couldn't be mechanical of anatomy and Allah muscle muscle Dafina Philip is gonna stand alone mostly gonna start laughing if you saw the Allah muscle mustafina fit for the senior anatomy alumnus we're gonna start off in the future. We're gonna get a bit out of me with the cashmere or human sciatica or the margarita * yeah. Oh yeah. Mateen Yeah, that would crop we had more to come there. Yeah, even want me noon and Allah Yep, a little bit of sanding. What Eater is a quarterback while you're in here and Kashia it

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will mockery will come to the Quran Fatcow La Jolla come remember Allah and he'll remember you watch guru who Anandi I mean, he used to come and be thankful to Him He will increase you whether the crew Allahu Akbar and the remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing. What Allahu Jana momentousness. Welcome Asana.

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