Abdullah Hakim Quick – New Muslim Corner – Belief in Divine Destiny

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the principles of Islam, including the need for a place where people can ask questions and ask questions. They also mention a book called the 40 Hadith which reflects the Prophet's peace and blessings, as well as the increasing number of Muslims in the world's population. The challenges faced by Muslim countries, including lack of fear and the need to establish oneself in the faith, are discussed, along with the "monoline" concept and the "will" of Islam, which is the ability to achieve a goal. They stress the importance of tying aattel to Allah's will to avoid evil behavior and accepting the will of Islam while avoiding negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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When you get a chance, get that water to me

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they came in

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa Salam o allah sallallahu alayhi wa Arkadin. nabina, Muhammad and Allah, Allah He was happy, we're back with Salam, all Praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the master of the first and the last, and upon his family, his companions and all those who call to his way and establish his sunnah to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters to our students, our friends, Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu and Hamdulillah. This is another opportunity for us to come together in the new Muslim corner.

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And our intention is to have a place where people who have recently embraced Islam can come together and gain knowledge and ask questions that may, in some cases appear to be stupid questions or difficult questions in the mainstream. So this corner

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is a formal and informal session, we want to formally bring you some Islamic information that is important for non Muslims, and at the same time, informally open up the floor for anybody who wants to ask certain questions concerning the topic or concerning other issues,

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dealing with Islam, or dealing with their own lives.

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The times we are living in now, for many are extremely confusing. And I know for those who have embraced Islam, who have studied something of the theory of Islam, who have opened up the Quran itself, and then at the same time, you're looking at the mass media, and what is happening in the world, it can appear to be very confusing.

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And many years ago, when I embraced Islam, I felt that way to a certain extent, especially when I traveled in the Muslim world, that what I was reading theoretically, was not necessarily coinciding with what was on the ground. But it was after years of traveling and going into Islamic studies, that I realized that Islam is the last revelation. But Muslims are people.

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And people have weakness. People have ups and downs, people have contrary points in their life. And so it's crucial to understand what Islam is. So once we understand what that is, and once we have a base of understandings, then we are able to confront some of the issues and some of the problems that the world is facing.

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And just as a way of entering into this last topic, within the section on faith, what are the principles of faith, I want to bring you a a hadith, a saying of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which I have placed in a set of Hadith. This is called the 40 Hadith of Islamic revival. And this is an essential book,

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not only for new Muslims, but for Muslims in general. And it is really a reflection upon what I've experienced, and come to understand, after years of studying in the field, trying to understand what's happening in the world, trying to see what would Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him say, if he was here today?

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That's a serious question.

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Because we know how sincere and straightforward the Prophet was and his companions and we see so much duplicity and confusion that is out there.

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What would he have said even about the Muslims. And so this is were an extremely important Hadith. And it's one that you should be able to reflect on you'll see many scholars reflect upon this hadith, especially in these

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confusing times.

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This hadith is reported by DOE Ben radula. One who was one of the companions of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And he narrates you should call Oman and tada they come Kamata dal a clue UCLA to Illa Casati for Calaca Island women Pilla no Yo Ma hidden, Carla Bella antem Yo Ma heathen Katya. Well, that will I cannot come Hasakah cosa assael Well en Xande Allahu minster Dori or do we come in Mahabharata men come, while yak defend Allah who feel called to become a Luan for Karla Cahalane, Yara, Sula, woman, one called a hobbit dunya are kind of here to note. So, in this tradition, I just wanted to read that Arabic in case somebody you know, is watching who has some

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previous understanding of Islam.

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The translation goes as follows.

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The Prophet peace be upon him is saying the nations are about to call one another, and descend upon you, just as those who are eating, invite others in sharing their fruit. So this is a

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type of

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explanation. It's a, it's a picture he's making. So somebody lays a spread, and they're about to eat, and their friends are there he calls them Come, come eat, eat from this plate. So he said, nations are gonna pounce upon you in this particular way.

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And the Companions, who were able to ask many questions of the messenger, somebody asked, Will that be because we are few in number at that time? But that makes sense. Because they couldn't be that many Muslims. If the all the nations are pouncing upon them, will that be the case? And the Prophet peace be upon him answered? He said, No, at that time, you will be numerous, but you will be the froth or the foam by the torrent.

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Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies, and will put a weakness into your hearts.

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Then someone asked, what is that weakness, and he replied, Love of the world. And the hatred of death hotbit dunya will cut out here to note,

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this is a profound Hadith. And scholars are now reflecting upon this very seriously today, and it does to a certain extent, give us some some surety in ourselves to know that the prophets of salaam actually predicted some of the things that would happen.

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And so he predicted and said that the nations are coming upon the Muslims and pouncing upon them with no restrictions. Because when you call somebody to eat, it's like a free free for all, as we would say.

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And the Muslims will not be smaller number.

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We will be numerous. Now look at the situation today, Muslims make up over 26% of the Earth's population is rising now. Maybe around 30% that's recorded.

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So we have numerous we're all over the world, in every continent, you will find Muslims. So it's not about numbers. Okay, the numbers are there.

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And the Prophet then define that. And he said that Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies. Now, when the word fear is used here, it is not the normal word in Arabic health is the word in Arabic, meaning you're afraid of something you're afraid of, you know, a bomb, a big fire is coming. Like you're terrorized. Not that Marhaba.

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So merhaba is a type of fear. But it's like, Ah, it's like, you know, it's a feeling of the strength and the majesty of that individual. It has kind of respect in itself. So it's not the terrorizing fear. But that feeling.

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The Prophet peace be upon him said Allah will take this out of the hearts of your enemies.

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And there was a time

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when the Muslims had this merhaba

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and you'll see it in the early days, especially within the first five 600 years. You know, after the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam when the Muslims

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rolled, you know, was a united body even though it wasn't on the highest level, but still, the muhabba was there.

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it is reported that one of the leaders subgroups is a little advanced for our new students that the ambassador, this is a group of leaders of the Muslim world ruled for a couple of 100 years. And one of the leaders have more tests and biller. And so the Muslims control the big section of the world, the Christians controlled another section, and there are other nations. So a Muslim woman

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happened to be within the Christian lengths.

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And the Christians captured her,

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made her hostage prisoner.

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And she cried out, why am I testing?

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Okay, and that cry, somehow, somebody heard it in the crowd or whatever. And it continued until it reached to Baba Dad, it reached to the lens of the Muslims. And it reached the ears of Allah, more tests and Billa.

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He wrote back to the Christian king.

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And he said, release this Muslim woman

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from her prison, release immediately. If you don't, then I will send an army to you that when the front of it reaches you, the back of it will still be coming from me.

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Okay, does when the Christian king read this. Then he said in words, hear and obey. And he released the Muslim woman. And he sent her back into the Muslim world with female bodyguards.

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Try to think about this, compared to the situation we're facing today. Be the center, the Christian king center back with female bodyguards to make sure she was okay on the way back.

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Okay, and that was the respect.

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That was the fear and that sense to all of the Muslim world. And I think probably the best example that I found,

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was in the animal kingdom. And when I was living in South Africa,

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we would go to every once in a while we go to what they call the game reserves. You've probably heard of these before, and is a big game reserve in the eastern part of South Africa.

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It's so big,

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that the animals are not in cages, like prisoners of war. They're not in cages. It's so big.

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They run wild. It's as big as the American state of Rhode Island.

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And so the animals are running wild. And when you go inside, you're on a vehicle. And the driver is there, he has to carry a weapon, because this is real. Now. This is not a animal locked in a cage. And so as you go through, you're experiencing nature and animals relationship with human beings. So you will see the big five or the big seven, you'll see the hippopotamus and you see the giraffe and you'll see the gazelle and many different animals. And every time we pass the animals, they would get afraid. And they will many cases they run when they see human beings. And then the vehicle, which is a high based vehicle. It was going along and on the side of the road was a group of lions,

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they call upright. He was a private was about seven of them. And they were sleeping on the side of the road.

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So when the vehicle came to them, the lions looked up they were resting, and they looked up at us they were sort of yawning and and they went back to sleep.

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And the driver said, Whatever you do, do not look a lion in his eyes.

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Never do that. That's a major mistake.

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And we reflected upon this the lion has no fear. Why does the lion Have no fear? Because he has is what we call it Enza. He has might and he has respect.

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Okay, there's some say he's the king of the jungle. Okay, so he has his he's not worried. You know about human beings or anybody else. And that is it's not he's not a terrorist.

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Lions do not kill. For enjoyment. They're not serial killers.

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They kill, to eat to live.

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that is from the word is also comes disease, which means something dear, something very costly and very dear to people. And so that is the description, you know of the Muslim world that it had for centuries. And because of a colonial breakdown, Muslim countries were conquered. And there's a number of reasons that you will one day get to see. And again, our history goes in cycles, we have rupt, sometimes and down. Other times

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that is, is gone.

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It's taken out of the hearts of the enemies, this is not normal people, I'm talking about an enemy. At the same time the Prophet peace be upon him, he said, and Allah will put something in your hearts in the Muslim sites, and that is one. So this one will be allowed to come in when it says Allah will put it in, he will allow this to come in.

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And when they asked What is one, one is a type of disease, or sickness, and he said, hope it dunya Wakata here to note that as you will love the world,

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you will love material things more than anything else. And you will hate to die, you'd be afraid to make transition to the next life. So when that comes when you're stuck in the material world,

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and you don't have that understanding of making the transition

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to the hereafter, then this is when you will be in a very serious situation. And we can read that today. And see one of the great challenges the Muslim world faces his materials. We have not only some of the poorest countries, but we also have probably the richest countries on earth in terms of the amount of money they have, relative to all of the people who in their societies. And so this is something again, the Prophet peace be upon him, he predicted this would actually come. And it's one thing to read it in a book. But it's another thing to see it in front of your eyes when it actually takes place. Again, this hadith is found another 40 Hadith of Islamic revival, okay, and this is a

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text that I put together to revive your Islam. And if you if you're interested, it's in my from my website, Hakeem quick.com.

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That's www dot Hakeem quick.com. You can go there and to PayPal, you know, I'll send you a copy of the book. It's not really available in any of the other major book sellers at this point in time. So this is our reality that we're facing. And for those who have recently embraced Islam, the most important thing is to establish yourself in this faith, to understand what it is. And then through that understanding, then you can begin to cope with the changes that the world is going through. And unfortunately, these changes that you see here today, as gruesome as they may seem, this is not the first time human beings have done this. But human beings have consistently

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to turned on each other

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throughout recorded history. And so this takes us to the last section, because some people will say, why is all this happening? That's a natural question. Why?

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And would allow, would Allah allow this to happen? What is going on?

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the belief what we've been studying now are the pillars of Eman our candle Eman which is to believe in Allah His angels, His books, His prophets, and the last day

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and then

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I'll Kedah

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failure he was sorry that we believe in the divine destiny, the will of Allah the good and the evil thereof.

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Believing in the will of Allah. We accept the things that have happened around us

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whether the good and the evil.

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We believe in the overpowering will of Allah subhanaw taala. So this is sometimes called Kedah and cutter. So it's like divine destiny or you can say the will of Allah.

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Or you can say the divine destiny. It's deeper than just the will. It's something I'm going to explain that to you. So concerning divine destiny

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Distance cut. This is a philosophical question. And this question philosophers have argued about it and tried to understand it over the centuries. And even within the Muslim world, there's different understandings of what this means. And the scholars even say, you know, it's not good to spend a lot of time on this particular point to just have have your general understanding. And then as you increase in knowledge, you can begin to understand more about it.

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I want to break it down to you in a way that's palatable way very clear. So the villain dealing with cada, or the divine destiny philosophies generally tend to go to extremes. One extreme

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is that it's called pre determinism.

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Okay, and that is that God has determined everything

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and that we have no will, we have no understanding, we're like puppets. So we're just going through the changes that we're going to go through, that's called pre determinism. So you will see in Christianity and many different faiths, they have this concept of pre determinism, okay? So that Allah or God has has total control over all the actions of humanity.

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The other position

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the other position is

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the position of

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that everything is not determined. The other position is that human beings have power over their destiny. It's one extreme one that I tend to go to. So the other one is what you could call freewill.

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So human beings have freewill. And you'll hear people say that we, we will we make our own destiny? You know, there was a series it was very important series.

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When I was coming up, it's probably you know, outdated, many of you. It's called Star Trek. We've heard that before. It's a little bit outdated now. And Star Trek was about this group that would fly into the universe and, and it's saying like go where no people have ever gone and they fly around, they basically say, we control our own destiny. And within that series, hundreds of programs you will never hear the word God mentioned. Never.

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Because the people who created this who develop this or what

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they are secular humanists. So they do not believe in the Creator. And they believe that human beings have freewill. Okay, so these are the two extremes. On one case there is everything's determined, you have no will.

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And on the other side freewill, okay. Now the Islamic position is somewhere in between.

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It's not either or.

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And, and that is that Allah subhanaw taala is the creator and sustainer and has the ultimate power.

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But Allah has given people a certain amount of will.

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So within the the movement of things in the universe, Allah has given us some will,

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that we can decide and do certain things. So if you if you look at the graph of that, we're in between, we're not exactly in the middle, we are a little bit more towards pre determinism.

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Right, but not exactly in the middle. Okay, so to break it down.

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We believe that

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Allah has destined certain things to happen, and it will come to you in your life. If you have a group of young guys on a corner

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and there's a older woman with a pocket book and she's going across the street, she needs help.

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Nobody is there's no hand grabbing them and saying Help her across the street.

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They decide,

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okay, they could take her and they could push her and grab the pocket book and run.

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Or they could help her across the street.

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You see, that's their will. And we believe that there's nobody you're not on a string. It has a certain level of

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understanding or interaction that we control.

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And Allah has given us control over that portion of our destiny.

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Okay, so this is now you know, where our

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Will comes in however,

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the ultimate will

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is the will of Allah

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ultimately Allah's Will overcomes all wills

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and if Allah decides for something to happen then that will happen whether we want it or not

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okay so within that, so you have the greater will

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okay and then you have the minor wheel that is given to us try to understand these two things now, because this can get complicated.

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Okay. Now, the question is

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how they interact?

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That that's one of the questions that people have have discussed in trying to understand this

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in trying to understand a laws will.

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Okay, what is Allah's Will,

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the scholars based upon the quote n and the sayings, they broke that down into two basic parts. One part is called L mushiya. l konia. And that is, Allah has a universal will.

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There's a universal will. So in other words, as the Quran says, There is nothing, not even a leaf falling from a tree, if it falls, it is by Allah allows it to happen,

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nothing's going to happen.

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Except that Allah wills it, and they say it Allah be isn't Allah, except by the will of Allah, that thing is going to happen. So you could want to do something all you want.

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But whatever Allah ultimately wills, that, so that's a general will. It's happening all over the universe, everywhere. That is a general will. But then there's also el mushiya. A Sharia

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and that is what Allah wants to happen.

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So there's something Allah wants to you know, to go down. Allah wants good for all human beings, for all creatures. Allah wants justice. Okay? So in other words, the first will.

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If you were intending to go somewhere tomorrow, and you'll see, the more you start practicing Islam, the more you will do this. They'll say, can you come tomorrow to the demonstration?

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And you will say, Yes, I will, inshallah. Hear that term. In sha Allah.

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Okay, so you're saying I am going you say yes. But you say in sha Allah, if Allah wills

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what does that mean at that point? Can anybody comment at that? What does that in sha Allah mean at that point?

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When the person says that

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how does that strike you?

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You absolutely intended to go but anything could happen. That stops you from getting craps. That's right. Because if Allah if you got into an accident, you wanted to go but it didn't happen. So we say inshallah

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there's a bad tendency by some Muslims who don't understand what they're saying.

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That you know, when they when they when they're not going to do something they say inshallah.

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You know, like, that's a bad cultural thing. When people are saying inshallah like that with the wrong intention, what it means what you're supposed to be saying is that yes, anytime you decide to do something, whatever it is, you should say inshallah after it. Because if Allah does not will for that thing to happen,

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it's not going to happen. Okay, now the other one what Allah wills. You hear people also say Masha, Allah. Mashallah.

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So something happens, that's good. You are saying, that is what Allah wills.

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That's what Allah wants. So that's the mushiya Sharia. That is the, that is what Allah wants. You see, so the divine, you know, the detail there is there is it over overriding will of Allah. And then there is the will, that Allah sort of leaves open for things to happen. That's where we come in.

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Because we can go against the will of Allah. Or we can follow it.

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You see?

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that's a general look at

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the will of Allah.

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Okay, I want to open up the floor for any questions. Maybe at this point, because I don't want to go too deep into this. To make it too confusing.

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But maybe I'll say one thing before that.

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And that is that

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it's not pre determinism.

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Everything is not decided there are certain things that are decided

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when you're going to be born.

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And when you're going to die, that is determined.

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So no matter what you can say, no matter what you want, no matter what you're going to do, that's going to happen. And we saw that when we were studying the angels, the angel of death, remember his right heel,

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and that there was the king who wanted to escape from the will of Allah. And so he so he built this palace way in the distance. So when the angel would come, he would run away.

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So he got stuck. And in Angel, he could feel the presence of the angel and he ran outside and jumped on a horse and rode, and then went on a boat, and rolled on on the on the river, jumped on another horse, climbed up onto the palace, went into a room and a tower. And when he got into the room, the angel of death was waiting in the room.

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And he said it out language. You know, it was strange. Allah told me to meet you here.

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You understand this. Allah said, but you don't you don't live here. But Allah told me to meet you up in this tower.

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So he couldn't escape it. No matter what he did, he was running towards his time.

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Within this, there can be some change. And that comes in with a verse from the Quran. And many people are not aware of this verse. But but it's important to understand this. This isn't a chapter call, sir. It's so rad. That is the chapter of the thunder, verse 39. And in this verse, Allah azza wa jal is saying Yamo Lahoma Yasha will use bit. We're in the who are Makita

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so in this verse, Allah says, Allah eliminates what he wants.

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And he confirms,

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and he has knowledge, he has the mother of the book.

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So UMO keytab, that is the ultimate where everything is recorded, it's going to happen. So in other words, Allah is saying in this verse, this is a special verse to know.

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He's saying that there are some things that might have been destined to happen, but Allah can eliminate it.

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So even though it was destiny within the book,

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Allah erased it from the book.

00:32:54 --> 00:33:00

And it didn't happen. So there are certain things that can be erased

00:33:01 --> 00:33:02

and that's the proof

00:33:04 --> 00:33:17

what is the details about this? What actually you know, his Allah gonna erase what he's not going to erase? You know, where our Allah's Will comes in and where our will comes in? That is the question.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:24

Okay, but we believe in the overriding will of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:33

So I want to open up the floor for any questions that you may have, concerning the will of Allah. That is a belief of all Muslims.

00:33:39 --> 00:33:43

Yes, so that means that sometimes in certain issues, a dua

00:33:44 --> 00:33:47

could be accepted by Allah, and something has changed.

00:33:49 --> 00:33:52

Something that was about to happen. It changed.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:01

And you'll see different things happen in his you see miracles, you'll see things can happen.

00:34:02 --> 00:34:03

That can actually change.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:07

Okay, this is what this is what that means.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:20

That's why we don't believe in complete determinism, right? We don't believe in that. Any other questions? Anybody has no floor is open for your understanding of this.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:37

Go ahead. predestination. Human beings don't have a free will as long as it's already determined whether we will enter Heaven or * yes. So now this is where

00:34:39 --> 00:34:44

Yeah, so so that person may be new. What we're saying is we don't believe in complete determinism.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:58

Right, but we don't believe in complete freewill. There are certain things that is is written one of them is ultimately whether the person will enter paradise or the fire. That is one of them.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

When you're born when you're going to die,

00:35:03 --> 00:35:06

but there's other things that can change

00:35:07 --> 00:35:08

these things that can change.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:10

Go ahead.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:12


00:35:13 --> 00:35:19

based on less knowledge of what you ultimately choose in your life based on your free well, right, right.

00:35:20 --> 00:35:24

Right. So so, you know, to put it in our words.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:27

Allah saw the movie already.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:32

Think about this, right? You already saw the movie, right?

00:35:34 --> 00:35:42

You know when you see the movie for the second time, like Allah saw the movie already out, but the difference is, he could change a scene in the movie.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:48

He could change the scene in that movie, some elements can change.

00:35:49 --> 00:35:51

But he saw the movie already.

00:35:52 --> 00:36:00

Now that is the reason why one of the names of Allah is Allah Halim, the knower of all things.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:05

So we believe that Allah has knowledge of all things.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:12

Okay, and that's an overriding understanding that we, you have to have that.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:27

Okay, but the best thing is for us, you see, when you get into philosophy too heavy, trying to understand what is the relationship between Allah will in my will, you know, one of the scholars of Islam Imam Razi,

00:36:28 --> 00:36:30

Rahim, overlocked, great scholar.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:41

They asked him about the will of Allah. And this is one of the greatest philosophers in Islamic history. And you know what he said, if you ask me, I'm going to confuse you.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:46

You want to know the will of Allah look outside at the farmer.

00:36:47 --> 00:36:51

That farmer knows that he has to

00:36:53 --> 00:36:55

you know, treat the soil tilled the soil,

00:36:56 --> 00:36:58

he has to plant crops.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:01

Right. And so he puts the labor in.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:05

And then he prays to Allah for rain.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:08

He knows he has no power over the rain.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:16

But he does the work. Like it's not like a person that's going to say, oh, Allah is not going to work. So Allah give me some crops.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:25

I'm a believer, I'll say your name, you know, 50,000 times. And so all my all my plants will come up, that's a full

00:37:27 --> 00:37:28

right? If you don't do the work,

00:37:30 --> 00:37:31

you can expect an answer.

00:37:32 --> 00:37:39

So in other words, by believing in the will of Allah, that does not mean that we don't strive against evil,

00:37:40 --> 00:37:43

that we want to play sports, you got to train.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:49

If you don't train for sports, you're not going to be in shape. You're not going to be able to play.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:53

You can't just go to a chess board and start playing chess.

00:37:55 --> 00:37:58

You have to understand chess, you got to play 1000s of games.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:05

Right, but ultimately, Allah's will overcome question. You mentioned the same something but time you're counting.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:10

Yes, there is

00:38:11 --> 00:38:15

the Prophet peace be upon him. Because there's a concept called to walk.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:32

And that means depend upon Allah. So in other words, we want to get something done. So taka Allah, we need to depend upon Allah for things that are happening around. Okay. But then the Prophet said, depend upon Allah, but tie your camel.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:39

So in other words, tying your camel, you're not going to just go walking along and you just let the cat with a cat camel might run away.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:54

So you tie the camel to make sure it's gonna be there when you come back. And then you depend upon a lot because maybe wolves might come in and kill the camel, maybe another person might come and steal it.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:09

So you depend upon Allah, but you got to tie it. So in other words, we do everything necessary. We fulfill fulfill all the reasons for success of any issue, and then we depend on Allah.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:10

You see.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:27

So we believe that Allah has power over all things. But we do the work. And we know and it's very important. We know that we will be judged by our intentions will be judged by what we do.

00:39:30 --> 00:39:38

Okay, and you can't use an excuse and try to say, well, it's Allah's will. I just stole your money. That's Allah's will.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:51

Right? There was a group actually in the Muslim world. Kataria, they call them and they were using that they were doing wrong deeds. And when they when they was asked about they say Well, it's the will of Allah, not my will.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:54

Like don't blame me.

00:39:55 --> 00:40:00

And so one of the scholars said, Okay, we're going to go to your homes and we're going

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

Look, you know, burn them down and we're gonna take all your possessions, okay, let's go. They said no.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:49

They said no. He said they were playing around with the philosophy of the will of Allah. So the believer is we believe ultimately in the ruler, we say, Inshallah, but we know we have to do what we have to do. Okay, it's somewhere in between that, that I believe is one of the questions that you're asked about in terms of this is the story of shikon. And how, like, Oh, God knew what He was going to do. And I find a lot of people have difficulty wrapping their heads around, like, how that played out and how it relates to. Yeah, so so that's the reason why when it says, We believe in the powder, who says Haley, he will surely that you believe in the will of Allah, the good and the evil.

00:40:51 --> 00:40:54

So in other words, things that are evil, what appears to be evil,

00:40:55 --> 00:40:58

is not always necessarily an evil thing.

00:40:59 --> 00:41:05

It is sometimes necessary for the good. And Allah has made like opposites in the world.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:31

And so these opposites sort of struggle against each other. And this is how many times things develop through the opposites to to the struggle that comes on. And so therefore, the fact that the shaytaan, will he other Biller, you know, was allowed to do this, that's our test. So Allah allow this to happen with this jindee. In order that that would be our test.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:35

Now, the question that comes, many people will say, why

00:41:37 --> 00:41:40

don't we say, Allah knows best? That's where we stop.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:52

Why do things happen? Allah knows best. I've heard many, you know, sisters, many women say, Why do I have to go through this pain in childbirth?

00:41:53 --> 00:41:54

Think about that. Why?

00:41:55 --> 00:42:03

Why do you have to go through this? Why can't you just say, Okay, it's time, and you go there and you you sort of burp a little bit, and there's the baby.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:05

Wouldn't that be easier?

00:42:07 --> 00:42:08

Allah knows best.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:18

We know that. That union that happens through that pain, the relationship of the child to the mother is like nobody else.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:31

To the point where the mother can be in another room, the father's dead asleep, the baby's crying, and she can hear it, or she feels it, because he's attached.

00:42:32 --> 00:42:36

See, so there's an attachment. Allah knows Allah knows best.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:47

So when it rains out, you'll see the weather forecaster will say, it's a terrible day in Toronto.

00:42:48 --> 00:42:49

It's going to rain.

00:42:51 --> 00:43:05

But the farmers are saying, Thank you, God, this is really good day. You see, so for one group, the rain was it ruined my football game. But for another group, the crops grew.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:15

So you don't know what's good for you and what's not good for you. And the Quran says that sometimes, things that appear to be evil or bad is actually good for you.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:21

Sometimes when you get sick, you actually come closer to Allah.

00:43:23 --> 00:43:35

And if you didn't go to that sickness, or if you didn't lose that money, right, you might lose your relationship with Allah. So losing that money or getting sick, actually helped you.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:37


00:43:38 --> 00:43:39

So so this is,

00:43:41 --> 00:43:57

you know, that relationship and but ultimately that Allah knows all things and we believe in the will of Allah. And we have to accept the will of Allah. When it comes down and have patience. Flow is open. What's the significance of

00:43:59 --> 00:44:19

Layla Takata. So Leila, Takada is a time and again, this is a little bit advanced question, but there's a time in Ramadan, you know, when you know, things are, you know, written destinies, you know, are written and whatever, it goes from the normal Kitab down to a lower level. Right, but the Omo Kitab is already there.

00:44:20 --> 00:44:37

But but certainly the commandments are coming down into a different level of existence in later toccata. But this verse says, Allah will can eliminate what he wants, or he can confirm it, because he has the mother of the book.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:43

So he's got the book. And in our thing, he got the script to the movie.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:51

Right? So you see the next version of the movie, not exactly the same other one as the other one.

00:44:52 --> 00:44:54

In our in our in our type of language.

00:44:55 --> 00:44:56


00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

Any other general questions anybody has

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

I have one on grammar.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:48

Whenever I see like in sha Allah or mashallah, I see it's spelt different ways I know it can be a translation. Yeah. But um, what is like the most correct? Or if there is a little difference in the grammar? Does it change the meaning? Yeah, I mean, what you're seeing is that the transliteration and so that is the taking Arabic in you know putting it into English, the Arabic never changes. So in sha Allah, technically it's in SHA, SHA, Allah so sometimes people say in sha Allah they sort of put it together it's like a Hamza is a letter. So some people's in sha Allah in sha Allah

00:45:50 --> 00:45:58

okay, but the Arabic never changes just how people pronounce it. The Arabic is the same and it doesn't change. No, it doesn't change the meeting.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:00

Yeah, it's basically the same

00:46:07 --> 00:46:21

so the belief in the powder and the powder you know, is one of the important aspects of unused can you look and see and see if there's any any more questions in the feed there

00:46:36 --> 00:46:43

What about predestination entails human don't have free will? Yeah, yes. So that one definitely was already asked.

00:46:51 --> 00:46:53

Okay, so these are these are the basic

00:46:54 --> 00:46:57

pillars of iman that we've covered.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:12

Remember, there was Islam? The Big Three questions asked by the by Angel Jibreel to the Prophet peace be upon him. It was What is Islam? What is Iman? And what is SN?

00:47:14 --> 00:47:15

What is SN?

00:47:16 --> 00:47:20

And so this is Bible, Amen. This is the section on email.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:42

Okay, and we have the basic and this changes your understanding, the more you know about these different aspects of our belief, and the deeper you believe inside of them will make you on a higher stage now, it's not just Muslim, who has just accepted Islam, but it's now men who is a believer

00:47:44 --> 00:47:45

which is a higher level

00:47:47 --> 00:47:50

and the third level that we will be coming to

00:47:51 --> 00:47:52


00:47:53 --> 00:47:56

will be guess seven.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:00

And that is righteousness.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:04

And this is another very big topic.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:12

It's a very big topic. And again, I want to give you some practical ways to approach this

00:48:14 --> 00:48:14


00:48:16 --> 00:48:32

to give that basic understanding, you know of the dean. Okay, so now we want to open up the floor for any general questions that we may have. Anybody may have floor is open for any questions on these, you see, Tommy, is he there?

00:48:36 --> 00:48:53

Okay, so just send them a note that we were going to close down at the streaming. So but you know, as we go on floor is open for any general questions. Anybody anybody may have, you know, for this aspect of the class, okay, we're gonna just close this. We'll close this off first.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:10

Okay, so in sha Allah, we'll be going on to the SN in the next class, inshallah and have a safe journey home for everybody you know, who was online was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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