Abdullah Hakim Quick – Our Golden Past Our Bright Future

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history and significance of Islam, including its cultural significance and its supposed supposed supposed supposed outcomes. The speakers emphasize the need for acceptance of others' actions and acknowledge that there is room for improvement. They also discuss the importance of acceptance in Islam, including the need for acceptance of actions and words.
AI: Transcript ©
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There is no

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oh praise the Lord of the worlds.

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And surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous.

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And I bear witness that Allah is one, and has no partners, that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is a servant and his last messenger. And may Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family, to his companions to all those who call to his way, and establish his son, to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters, to our friends, to those in the viewing audience, I begin with the greeting words of the righteous Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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And I bring to you greetings of salams and solidarity from your brothers and sisters, in the southern part of Africa. And I pray that Allah azza wa jal would bless you and protect you and help this oma this part of the Muslim world. To go through the great changes and crises that we are facing today. When they speak about cape to Cape Town,

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they speak about deep south, the periphery, when they speak about Australia, they also speak about down under the periphery. So we are the we're under cruddud run the borders. And with being on the borders, being Robbie tune on the borders, gives us a type of solidarity and something similar in the experiences that we are going through. So I want to share with you some recent thoughts that have gone through my mind in my life, and try to look at the the situation in the Muslim world, and to seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala and his beloved Prophet, Mohammed Salah, to find solutions to these crises that we are going through today.

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In the past year, Allah has blessed me to not only live in the southern part of Africa, but also to travel to the Gulf region. And there, I was struck with major contrasts. And it was a shock for me, not just to visit this part of the world because I had visited before, but to really live in the region itself, and to function with the people and to feel their lifestyle. After having lived in the African continent, and traveled in many parts. It was a great shock for me.

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We had become used to in southern Africa. And in Malawi and Mozambique and the frontline states, we have been used to giving Dawa and establishing communities in very humble situations. In some cases, you will find a wooden shack with no running water with no electricity. But people are coming there and their lives are changing. You can feel a loss of Karnataka, influencing the people and you can see the joy in their eyes, when they are starting to understand the book of Allah and to implement the son of the Prophet so seldom into their lives. And

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with that happening around you, you forget the conditions, you forget the lack of water, the lack of lights and some of the different amenities that people are used to in other parts of the world. Then I shifted to the Gulf. And there the lifestyle The per capita income is one of the highest in the world. And because of an overabundance of wealth, people are actually have so much food they have so they have been blessed or cursed with so much wealth, that they don't know what to do with it. And it's a shock because both groups are Muslims. They both have the same kalama they are both implementing Islam into their lives. But yet one group barely has enough to eat. And when I went to

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a sobre el cobre into the great Sahara desert region, and especially in the area of Timbuktu and Mali on the borders of Mauritania. You will find some very

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Dedicated Muslims living under under amazing conditions, that you barely have enough food to go through the day. But yet you get your sustenance from your faith and from your your tobacco, your dependence on Allah subhanaw taala. And so the contradictions Muslims are facing, on the one hand, extreme poverty and on the other hand, extreme riches. And Allah azzawajal tells us in certain India in verse 35, or the Billahi min ash shaytani regime, what not blue or combust Chetry Well, faily fitna what Elena total jerilyn And verily we will test you with evil and with good and you will ultimately all return to us. And so the extreme tests that we are going through as a nation, an

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overabundance of wealth, or not enough wealth to survive, and the Prophet peace be upon him said and authentic hadith reported to me D. He said in liquidly, Omar fitna were fitna, Amati. Mouth, every nation has a test. At the end, the test trial of this nation would be well.

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And so we don't really know.

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Which is worse. Is it worse to live in a condition where you are feeling pain and suffering? And you remember a lot much? Or is it worse to live in conditions when your basic needs are satisfied and more. And it is easy to forget Allah azza wa jal, It is reported that the companions of the Prophet peace be upon him. He used to say that when we were with Rasulullah, saw Salaam, the time was raw. In that time we suffered, it was difficulty. But our Eman was strong.

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And we knew exactly who we were. And we held on tight to the rope of Allah, after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him in the time of sodre. Now the wealth is pouring in. And we're not sure anymore. We don't feel as strong in our faith. And so being in the lands, where the people have the wealth and over abundance of wealth,

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it is a major test and I believe sincerely from looking at it.

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That it is worse. I say this with all humility, because we're living in the dunya. And when you have facilities when your home is warm and comfortable, and that this is something this is a desire of all human beings, but when we are connected to the Hereafter, we don't want to be in a situation where the life of this world becomes such a distraction, that it actually hampers us from getting the best in the next life. And the prophet SAW Selim was reported to have said badly to Bill amalfitana caqueta Leyland Muslim

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used to be how Roger meenan William C. cafetera. William C. Milan Will you spare caffeine on your bill I had to come Dena who be other than minute dunya the process of them said authentic audit report an attendee MIDI he said strive quickly in doing good deeds. Before trials and tribulations come upon you. Like the parts of a dark night.

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A person would wake up in the morning as a believer.

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And by the afternoon, he would be a disbeliever

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another would find himself a believer in the evening. And then by the next morning, he is a disbeliever you will sell your religion for some small things from the life of this world. So Dr. Rasulullah, it has come to pass alayhi salatu salam and we see the mall the fast food conditions. We see now in many of the countries you enter into many of the Muslim countries I went to the immigration I won't say which country it is I turned into the immigration when I came around after you know instead of Hamza allowed into the Muslim land, and then I saw the golden arches, McDonald's

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The first thing coming now they say Mick Arab, they have a special one now. And so entering into this land and the first thing you see is McDonald's.

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And then we see the fast foods we see Muslims now living this type of life and thinking that if they lose their ability to speak Arabic or speak Turkish or fantasy or their their native language and they pick up English and they have a nice accent to with their English, and they sound like somebody on telegram

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And then they're actually more modern.

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And they're actually in a better position, ashamed of their own religion,

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ashamed of making salaat ashamed of dressing and modesty and lowering the gaze. This is a test. This is a trial. And this is a temptation. And we are facing this now, in a way that Muslims, I believe, have not faced that before, especially with digital technology. And with images coming at us sights and sounds, and Unreal Fantasy Life, coming at us, not only projecting into the future, and giving us wrong information, but even going back in the past and rewriting history in a way that it never happened. And so the test is real. And it is a great challenge to be a Muslim today. And I believe there are great rewards for those who hang on to the rope, and those who will continue to struggle

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with what they have insincerity until they meet their deaths. It is the way of the companions of the prophets of Salaam, it is their way to constantly seek refuge in Him. And it is said that in the Battle of her name, after federal Mecca, when Muslim numbers became great, and they were threatened by people from the Hawaiian clan. And so they went there with a large number of people they were ambushed.

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And it seemed like all was lost.

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And somebody said, we have killed Mohammed, we killed him. And the people were in shock. And then the prophets and Salaam declared, openly anabella gathered, and Eben Abdulmutallab, I am the Prophet no lies. I am one of the children

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of Abdulmutallab. He named his genealogy and they knew that that was him. And the companions really allow on him said, when the battle got harsh, we would seek refuge in Rasulullah saw Salah so When the time gets hot, we need to go back to the Prophet peace be upon him for the greater picture.

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And this is important today, especially when we feel pressure around us. We travel and we feel like everybody's looking at us. We think that we are,

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you know bound for failure. And sometimes we even develop a low self esteem about ourselves, we want to change our names. So it is easy for people to pronounce it also. So we can hide. Some of us will hide even put on the clothes, of the secular people take on the ways of the people who believe in no God, thinking that this will help us in the life of this world. It is better for us to live a short time, but be connected to the Prophet sell, sell them to have the ihsaa and the respect to be connected to our beloved prophet sell, sell them so that when we meet him, and when the Day of Resurrection comes, we can be sincere and honest, that we held on to this rope, regardless of the

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costs. And so it is reported in the darkest days in Mecca. When the companions of the Prophet SAW some of them were being tortured, being rounded up. When the prophet SAW Selim himself was under attack, It is reported that the kadesh

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this is in the early days when the pressure was being applied to the believers that the Quraysh gathered in their, their nadie in their house of representatives in the parliament, of Mecca.

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And they went into what we might call today a situation room

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or a think tank, because they wanted to do something to stop this man's message. It was too much.

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They never thought that something like this would spread to make all the gods one god to allow people, Ethiopian dark skinned people, Persian people, European looking people, to allow them to be equal. To give rights to women. To think that a woman has a soul, how could something like this spread? And so they went into their Think Tank. And they came to a Waleed able movie era, one of their great leaders. And they said to him in similar fashion that we see that going now in their think tanks. They said, what are we going to do about this man? How can we spread a negative message in order to stop him?

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And so they said, Well, maybe we can say that he is a captain.

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Let's say he's a character. He's a wizard.

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And by putting out that propaganda people would not

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Because they would think that he is, has some sort of magical potion or he's doing something he's a wizard working around the Kaaba. But Allah Waleed, like many of the people of those days, even though he was against Islam was part of the culture to be very straightforward and honest. They'd rather be honest and then live in a state of lies. That was one good quality that they had in Jamelia and so on will lead said No, you cannot say he's caring. Because he doesn't have the presence of one of our wizards. He's not like this. He has a different kind of presence about it. So they said, okay, maybe we should say he is Majnoon.

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say he's crazy. He's a madman. But then Waleed said No, he's not Majnoon because he doesn't have that the spasms and gurgling and body motion of a person who's crazy. He's calm. He's relaxed. This is not a madman. Then they said, Okay. Then why don't we say he is shy.

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Let's say he is a poet, because his words are sweet. And it's entrancing, the people and our lead said no, we cannot say is a poet because we know our poetry. He doesn't follow the meters about this is not our poetry. There's something sweet about this rhythmic and trancing but it's not poetry. So we cannot say that he's a poet. So they said, Okay, why don't we say he is Saha?

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Why don't we say that he's he's a magician.

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He's not phosphatidyl Okada. He's like the women who blow in the nuts. He's putting spells on people, but then I will lead said, No, he's not using these magical potions. So we cannot say this. So they got frustrated. We don't know what to call him like today. I mean, what should we say fundamentalist Islamists, or whatever terminology comes in their head? Whatever we can call them tomorrow. They got frustrated. And they said, okay, choose something. So they said, Okay, let's say side,

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because he does break up families. And that is one of the main jobs of the magician to break up families. And so let's call him a saw here and put out a negative propaganda against in the same way they put out the propaganda today. And they say Islam is based on violence and terror. We have the largest refugee population in the world. We are suffering genocide, like no other people on the face of the planet Earth. You know, our masjids are being violated. Women are being raped. Our you know, our centers, our countries are ravaged. But yet they say we are terroristic people we are involved in violence, trying to turn it around based on propaganda.

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And so they put out this word against the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And they used to follow him around.

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They used it as he went to the tribes, he would go to the different tribes coming into Mecca, and he would give them the dour, called them to toe heat.

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And they used to follow him some of the wicked ones Abu Jamal, Abu lahab, and especially one by the name of Alas, Ebony one.

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And this one, alas, he was really committed to bring down the Prophet peace be upon, totally bring him down. And so when he went to the tribe, he would say to the people leave this man alone he is

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he is a person who's cut off.

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And the meaning of that within the Arabian society was that he is a man who has no male

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inheritance, he has no boys. And when you don't have any males, in a society such as this, you don't have people to be protecting you. You don't have leaders that can sing your names to the poets. And so many people in this jacket, ignorant society, they felt that if a person does not have male children, that he is cut off he is uptight and for them, He's useless men

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is cut off you'll never he is of no benefit. His name will not past the time of his life. And this hurt the profits are some as a human being. This would naturally

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hurt him and is reported that one night when he was in his sleep He smiled and jabril alehissalaam came down to him and revealed the court and NTV and he revealed to him Bismillah R Rahman and Rahim in NorCal Casa for solidly lira beaker 100 in Shani, aka who will avatar he revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him that surely we have given you an abundance. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice for surely

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The one who insults you, he will be cut off.

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Now this is a standing miracle, the revelation of cervical cancer, which is the shortest chapter in the court and 10 words

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and I'm sure I can almost say with surety that most of us are happy with of cervical cancer.

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Because we remember first Falak and Nason. kololo. I had this especially if you want to make your Express salaat. You know, then you got to show this one. This one is 10 words.

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It's 10 words, all of us are happy. But what is the miracle about the court and is that even though it is the shortest chapter, it is expanding and expanding and expanding and will continue to expand to the Day of Resurrection. How is this possible?

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Allah subhanaw taala has revealed in Otto inocle Kota. Verily, We have given you a cassava from cassava,

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which is an increase and this is a form of the Arabic it is mutlak, they Roma dude.

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This means we have given you a lot we have given you an abundance. And has also revealed to us that this el cosa is a river coming from Jana and this river will feed into the house on the Day of Resurrection the watering place. It's liquid is the widest

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widest milk as sweet as honey, it is as cold as ice and you drink it one time and you'll never be thirsty again.

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And so this our cows are this is a Bushra

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but also when we look at this, and the in the companions of the process element of a facility are also looking at this there's something else in this. There's something else because our Casa is an abundance in Arabic. We have given you an abundance, we have given you something that will continue to expand, continue to move. And when we look and we see that the province has seldom was given of course the Kelly mala Illa Illa, which in itself is our knowledge of it expands and expands because this is connected to Allah azza wa jal

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also a new Buddha,

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that this Prophethood is the final prophet, and the largest oma and the Day of Resurrection will be the companions of the Prophet so seldom will the largest nation on the Day of Resurrection, may Allah make us all of his companions on that day.

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In the outside counsel, for suddenly lira become one harsh.

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Verily, We have given you an abundance. So pray to your Lord, and sacrifice and abundance, something that continues to expand.

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And the followers of the prophets of Salaam are continuing to expand right now, at this very moment. People are entering into Islam, who we never thought would come in Islam and crowds in the Americas. Now, Hispanic people are coming in to Islam, well, hamdulillah that we never thought would come in large numbers, because they were stuck with a serious form of Catholicism. Also, when I visited Puerto Rico, and in Central America, you would find on the corner always you find alcohol, or you'd find a pub, selling alcohol. And you find the selling pork.

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And so alcohol, pork and the cross. And these three things, were actually obstacles in the way of the people to come to toe heat. And it seemed like it will be impossible to reach people like this, especially when we have a wrong understanding of the connection of Muslims to Spain and Portugal itself. But by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala people in Spain and Portugal, especially living in the provinces of Andalusia, in the south, that with the new so called democratic changes, one of the positive things about democracy is that the government will give you as minority groups, the right to express yourself. And so when the people of Enza lucea, they looked at their roots, everybody

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looked in the roots, what part you are bass give him capital loan, you Aragorn you are Castiel whatever section you are from, that the Lucien looked at his roots and said,

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I'm coming from a Muslim family.

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Because when you go back we see Tata Gibbons that at 711. He enters into Spain,

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and when it opens up from 1492, when it was given away over 700 years with solid

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leadership and authority

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And that land, they recognize this as our roots. And so now they are returning, and people the messages going now to California, and to Texas and down into Mexico and into into Central America and Spanish speaking people entering into Islam, people we never thought would enter in our Thai narco cosa, for suddenly, lira beaker one.

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They did a study of names.

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And they looked at the name, what is the most popular name on earth? And when they look, they found that the name Muhammad is the most popular name on the face of the planet Earth. Because if you think about it, how many people name themselves Jesus? Not very many, the Spanish have said, Hey, sauce, right, but not many people are going to call themselves Jesus. How many people say Moses, Moshe, or Moses? How many? How many columns of Mao Zedong, or Julius Caesar?

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Are Alexander the Great.

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How many take these names? Think of the great people in the world Muslim. When they get their son. They won't say sorry. They say Mohammed Salim. They won't say Abdul Karim. They say Mohammed Abdul Karim. I even knew a brother from the Sudan. His name was Mohammed. Dang. That's to Mohammed.

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Okay, another one was filling out his his immigration form. He's filling out his passport and his name was Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed.

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Because his his name, his father's name and his grandfather's name. He had three of them.

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So when you look at the world, you see it is the most popular name right now on the face of the planet Earth.

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So Pamela, so who was this person that said you are up top? How many people know the name? Alas, if anyone in Assam who knows that name. Even amongst the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula, who knows the name of us know it is cut off. The only way that we even know this name is because of his son, Mr. Eben last rhodiola one or his grandson, Abdullah ibn ama, herbalist, rhodiola and Roma. That's the only way that we even hear his name, but he's at the end.

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So who knows him he's cut off a lot as well as the gel reveal in the ATI Nakata for solidly lit up Baker 100 in Nashua New Yorker who was

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the one who insults you. He will be cut off. And so Dr. LaHood alDin it came to pass. And so an expansion

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and expansion I looked at this the promise of solar sent his followers out and said those present in the arafat sermon should take this message to all those who are absent. seek knowledge strive see it who fill out travel in the earth. And the Quran and the Sunnah give gave gave them this encouragement, travel to different lands, see what happened to the people who came before you. And so they traveled to the different lands,

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gaining the knowledge,

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putting it together with a tawheed ik form, with that oneness, not only the oneness of the Creator, but the oneness of humanity, the oneness of knowledge of knowledge, all this knowledge coming originally from Allah, subhanaw, taala and alim and so we see the Prophet peace be upon him, sending out his companions. He sends them out

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into the North, the Roman Empire had attacked, they respond to the attack. They defeat the Byzantines, they enter into Egypt. And it is now reported to us clearly that in Egypt itself.

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Not only were the Muslims engaged in this conflict with the colonial forces of the Romans, but the Coptic Christians themselves, and also another group called rec Jean, the ariens. These people were also involved. And now studies have shown us that the prophet SAW seldom was concerned with this group. This is a very important point.

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And right now one of our brothers fathers are Sulaiman shahzada here has taken a stance and written a book about Muslim moon kubla Mohammed Salah it is caused an uproar in Egypt right now.

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coptics who were the Muslims before Mohammed Salah Salah, the coptics the people who believed in one God mawashi doon?

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How could he make a statement like that? In the letter that the prophet SAW send them sent to her miraculous, the the great emperor of Rome.

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In Part of this letter, the process Allah says to him Salaam Alaikum

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Minitab alhuda A my bad for any other ruca PGI to Islam are slim to slim, slim you tickle La Jolla metropolitain. For interval later for alayka. It's the melodic theme.

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What was the promise of solemn saying to him, he said peace be upon those who follow the guidance. He said, accept Islam, you will be saved, accept Islam and you will be given to rewards by Allah.

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But if you turn away, then you will be responsible for the sins of the RDC.

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It has come clearly to us now. These are the see these are the areas. These are the followers of areas the Libyan Christian Bishop, who stood against Constantine in 325 ad in the Council of Nicea. He and his followers believed in one God. They thought that he saw a Salam was a human being. He was a prophet. They did not accept the Trinity. They did not accept the deification of a human being.

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And they were killed. And they were tortured because of this.

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And so the prophet SAW Selim is concerned about people who believe in one God when the Muslims went across North Africa, opening up the lands finding believers in one God, because the Aryans and other groups had spread all across North Africa, finding more hidden and when they reached badewanne in the present Tunis, Tunisia

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and rocked by Eben afia Rahim Allah, the great talpiot leader, he established data one as his base, and from there they connected extended themselves to the other believers. And it is reported that a Christian Prince, the prince of suta, which is still now Spanish territory in Morocco, the prince of Ceuta, living under the rule of the Muslims sent his daughter into Spain to be educated, and the Visigoths Trinitarian. King Roderick fell in love with his daughter, she refused, he raped her. She was violated. And so the prince of Ceuta, a Christian came to Musab in Nazaire, Rahim Allah Amir meaning in that area, and asked for assistance.

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When they realized he was serious, and that people were being oppressed in the Iberian Peninsula. Not only were the Christians who believed in one God, but the Jewish people also believed in one God was suffering under the Trinity. He then sent Tarik Eben Ziad Rahim Allah Allah across the streets, and he opened up Spain. He Allah gave him victory over a huge army of Roderick, every town that they went to, the people were cheering for them to come in, realizing now the taxes would be gone, the oppression would be gone. And when Islam was established in Spain, called Al Andalus, it was a free society for the first time, in that part of the world. A minority group had rights within a city

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As the province of Solomon written the Constitution, when it came to Medina, the minority group had rights, they did not have to accept Islam. And so during that time, in Al Andalus, it was the golden age of Jewish literature.

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You also have scholars coming from Christendom, sitting under Muslim scholars and leaders going back to the lens. And then the universities in Europe are developed at that time in the year 1000. And we were all really upset by this Millennium thing in 2000. But a study was done by one of the major magazines Newsweek magazine, they went back in and they brought out the 10 largest cities in the world in the year 1000. And I was shocked to see that the largest city on Earth at that time was Cordova.

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Over a million inhabitants, over 200,000 houses.

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It had hundreds of universities public baths, the streets were lit for 12 miles in any direction, running water when when the rest of Europe at that time was living in darkness,

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living in mud,

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and not having any of these facilities. But they opened it up. They took the knowledge of the Ancient Ones, along with the scholars in Baghdad and in Cairo. They took this knowledge and they put it to the to the to the test of tawheed. They brought it together and put it in a new form. And so they gave the people they gave to the people the present numeral system, the zero cifa, an Arabic word coming from ancient India. Also, I found

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This in Egypt by went to the Step Pyramid in Saqqara and found underneath the temple, there was a relief, it was zero decimal numbers. This is 3000 BC.

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And so they brought this

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knowledge of the ancient ones, they brought it, put it in a modern form, and then put it at the feet of scholars. And this encouraged the people into what they now call Renaissance.

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But the problem we have with this concept of Renaissance is that they say it was a European Renaissance, where the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans was brought to life and the 1000 year period or so, between 400 ad and 1500 ad, nothing went out, it was the Dark Ages, and the lights went out. So maybe the lights did go out in some parts of western Europe, but not in the Muslim world. And the lucea, right there in the Iberian Peninsula, the lights were shining knowledge was prevalent, it was a common thing, for a person in Spain, to be able to speak Spanish to read Latin, to speak Arabic, and other length is a common thing. And so people have that ability, and they were

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able to take that knowledge and then raise to a high level, most of the sciences that you are studying in the universities now, you will go back and see that was originated by Muslims, or it was improved by Muslims during that time. And it's shocking the more that we look at this, the more that we find out the inventions right now there is a display 1001 inventions that were made by the Muslim is shocking, that even flying and planes, the use of the computer are, you know, all of these things were actually initiated by the Muslims during this golden age. But the key factor for us that is that when we are practicing Islam,

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when we are honest to our sources, then Allah gives us authority. But when the dunya becomes too much on us, remember what Allah subhanaw taala said in the liquidly Omar fitna will fit not to Almighty allow.

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Every nation has a test. And the test of my nation is wealth. And so when the wealth poured in on the people and the loose,

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and they started to build huge buildings, to drink wine,

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they got corrupted. And they started looking at each other not as believers, but this one is light skinned, this one is dark skin. This one is ought to be this one is as yummy. This one is Turkish, this one is Persian, this one is burba. Mosaic, different confusion, tribalism sets in. And when tribalism sets in, and economic exploitation sets in.

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And the use of alcohol and corruption starts to set in. Then we see the clearest case where loss of mortality took the authority away from them. And by the year 1492. After having one of the greatest empires in the history of this planet, they were defeated. And 1492 is the important date. That is when Abu Abdullah called Bob dill

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signed the treaty with the Catholic king and queen. He signed the way Grenada the last stronghold of Islam. That's the importance of 1492. Not Christopher Columbus discovered America. We found out about this already he was lost. And he bumped into America on his way to India. He called the people Indians and not Indians.

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So 1492 is a cut off point. It's a cut off point. The authority in Western Europe have an end loose was given away.

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The treaty said the masjids will remain intact. Women will be safe, my dresses can continue. Just pay your taxes just submit to the to the authorities within 20 years, Masters destroyed.

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Families violated addresses ruined. And in the next few years. We look at the total over 3 million Muslims were murdered in a massive genocide, the Spanish Inquisition

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and it cause people to fleet all over the planet because of what happens in this Inquisition. And so the example is clear to us. When we are following the way when we don't let the dunya overcome us.

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We're not overwhelmed by the dunya

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then Allah will give us authority

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but if we take these

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You trinkets that we have

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this seeming material security that we have. And we think that it's going to last we're living in fool's paradise.

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And when it overcomes us as a process, alum said, ubu I had to come Deena who the origin minute dunya

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you will sell your religion for a little bit of the life of this world.

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When this happens, it is decreed that we would be humiliated.

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And so we see our Muslim world today.

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having great wealth,

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but poverty.

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Now the largest buildings in the world, the giant skyscraper, all hitting the clouds, the largest shopping mall in the world,

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the largest airport in the world. But at the same time, some countries you go in the village and there's no shops.

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But they're the same Muslims. So why is your wealth not coming? To deal with your brothers and sisters?

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Why is your armies not opening up master locks off? When they are digging under the masjid? Trying to bring it down? Why is your armies not dealing with the dunya has gotten to you?

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too much or too little? And so we need to seek refuge in Allah azza wa jal and we're not blaming, just blame governments, we have to blame ourselves

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right inside of ourselves. Because in our own little governments and our own home, we also are having problems. So we need to be serious about following the ways of Allah azza wa jal. And so I want to bring you a 10 point plan of survival,

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which came to us from above seven heavens 10 point plan.

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And what is beautiful about this divine revelation is that sometimes when you read it, it is as though Allah is talking to us,

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even though it was revealed 1400 years ago. And so we look in Surah two shorter in verses 36 to 39. And we see that Allah azza wa jal has revealed to us ooh Billahi min ash shaytaan the regime for makuti to min Shea in from a towel higher to dunya Omar in the law, he failed on what upca the Latina amanu wallarah be him yes our Kowloon well Edina yet stanny buena cabeza is someone who is what is our daddy boo homie as

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well as in esta Jabu lira be him. What are common salaat we're amerihome Shura baina home well Mimara de na home unifi Cohn well Edina either a Saba homeopathy, homeopathy rune

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10 point plan for survival, to to bring the brightness back to our future.

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And we need this we need to look to our sources to be serious about what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to us. We were very euphoric five years ago, 10 years ago. And we thought that we accept Islam and everything is going to change the whole world is going to change Alhamdulillah Allah gave us the chance.

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But the struggle has to continue.

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Once we stagnate, and we feel satisfied with ourselves, then the evil one we're so Billa can come and fool us and make us think that we are actually saved. And so in this 10 point plan number one is recognition of materialism

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for my ot tomen shaman shaman for Metatron hayata dunya

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what you have been given from the things of this life, it is nothing but material parts of the world where Malhotra dunya Illa Matata hora. The life of this world is nothing but material deception.

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And so if we realize these materials we have is a deception. You can't take it with you.

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And we see stories over and over again of people who then he spends his whole life he takes out a bond. And he spends his whole life is working and working and working to try to pay his bond and he reaches 60 years old. 65 years old. He's He's just about paid that thing got many drops dead.

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So he can't even live in his own house.

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He never owned this house. The bank owns this house.

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He's driving in a Mercedes Benz like he is the hottest thing on the block.

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He's in his Lamborghini. But he doesn't even own it. The bank owns his car.

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He's in fool's paradise.

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Because these things in the dunya we have to leave them above ground

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and our body will go under the ground.

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We'll go to the bizarre, you cannot take it with you.

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So it is a deception. It's a material deception in front of us. It is a test to see what we will do with it. The conditions of this number to to get this benefit.

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It is there for those who have Eman and tawakkol.

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Those who truly believe and they depend upon their Lord. And Eman should be the complete Amen. You just don't say it. It is accountability. Sad. What does deep bill call? Well, I'm Albert jawara. You say it with your tongues, you confirm it with your hearts, and then you practice with your lips. It's not enough to say it anymore.

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It's not enough to wear the right thought the word right or Baya? What are we doing with it? Now? We have to put this into practice and to truly depend upon Allah subhanaw taala it may seem dark in front of us difficult. But we need to have that dependence. When the difficulty comes haspin Allah when their mother will kill that we should say Allah subhanaw taala is the best to protect. He is the one who will ultimately account for us.

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And number three, for amongst this, is that we should stay away from HD NAB al Kaba. Yes,

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we should stay away from major sins. Try to read studies on Alibaba if what are some of the major sins, we should try to stay away from them? And we know that some of them coming out of the traditions. They are those which have the who dude, whether it's a punishment in Sharia, those prohibited acts which a warning has come to us. Those would suppress or sell them cursed. The people who are involved and we know in many traditions are shirk below.

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polytheism Sabha magic

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act glued Riba eating interest, eating the wealth of orphans

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running from the battle,

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accusing innocent Muslim women of immoral acts.

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Many different sins that we know major sins, we need to at least try to stay away from this. We can stay away from these major since then maybe we can get the benefit of this revival, the benefits of this authority in the earth.

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Number four, avoid indecency. LFR hash, and this is a very serious situation. Because now we are finding that even believers even those practicing Islam,

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who have said the Kelly must said the statements during the Islamic movements. If our priorities are wrong in marriage itself. If we get caught in the dunya as they have programmed the television program the movies toward us in what the Greeks would call erotica. They would put erotica there is there is something erotic in all their movies. They are out in space fighting aliens, and somebody falls in love.

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The underneath the ocean, you know, someone falls in love. They're playing rugby or football or baseball somebody falls in love. every movie somebody is falling in love. Why?

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Why are they erotica? This is erotica. This is to keep the minds of people involved in their sexuality to desires to overcome you. And then the fashions come in and they stay lower down.

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They tighten it up.

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They do it so that a woman must show part of her body in order to be modern or accepted in society.

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And then they say no, it's women's rights. We are protecting the rights of women. But they want to sell a new Toyota and there's a woman next to the car.

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So what does that mean? If you buy the Toyota then you'll be married to her.

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What does it mean? You are exploiting her sexuality to sell your products playing on the desire of men.

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And so for why this has come and now it is reaching epic proportions and what is coming into our eyes. What they are putting on this. There are some things they are putting on television that will be considered before Blu movies, x x x x x what they would put on it before

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I can remember are watching television as a young person in America and they had this this program and maybe before some of you it's not that old. But it was called I Love Lucy

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and and I Love Lucy because of the

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morality of America, they could not show Lucy and her husband sleeping in the same bed at night. It could not come on the television because they would not allow this is immoral. Now look what they put on the television.

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All types of strange things. And so it is now a major test. It is like this verse is talking to us. It's talking to us. And it starts with our intention. Who do we want to marry?

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What do you want? You want fashion models, PhD half of the Quran?

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Is that lower your standards.

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And it's not low, it should be raised in terms of taqwa.

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But who do you want, if we are watching this images coming on the television, these are not even real people. Because most of the models in the movie stars, they are actually drug addicts.

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They live in a state of confusion in their own lives. But when they come on, they're hot, and they're dancing around and they look so good in their clothes.

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And they're afraid to eat food.

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Their lives are in a state of confusion. It's not real people.

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But we project this and try to project it on our wife.

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We project this Superman Batman superhero and try to make our husband he has to be like a mutant creature now, or something like this.

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We want to project this on our husband. He's just a regular Ollie and Zaid,

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he's just a regular guy.

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Okay, but if he's a regular guy who's making us a lot, and he's a good person, he's fasting in Ramadan, he's trying to be a Muslim, that is a person that's better than a person who's a supermodel, or a superstar and has no morality.

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So we have to raise our standards in terms of taqwa and lower our standards in terms of this so called false reality of people, because we end up turning on each other.

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We have false expectations. And so we need to change.

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Number five, this is an interesting point. in anger, and provocation, they forgive.

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This is an interesting point. When the angry,

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the emotion is up, there's a dispute between husband and wife.

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One Masjid against another Masjid,

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my organization against yours. When they're angry, then they forgive. Look at that quality.

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We normally forgive when when everything's alright. But when we are hot and angry, especially with den, Can you forgive? Can you forgive your wife at that point? Can she forgive her husband when she's angry? Can one leader forgive another leader and hug and say we're all Muslims? It doesn't matter what happened in the past I forgive you.

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You are a person of the Qibla

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I forgive you let us practice Islam together.

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That is what we need now to survive in this age. Number six is the job of the law. Well Edina is well as in the Java era, BM those who respond to their loader is to Java is like Kelly, my Jamia it is it is a word which gives, you know a broad meaning is to Java is that that person is ready to respond. anytime they hear something from the corner. They get some from the sun that they're ready to respond. Because their heart is open. Like a child responding to his mother or a mother. We respond to Allah subhanaw taala we respond to the son of the prophet SAW Salah. And so this is a crucial type of attitude is to Java. Number seven, a comet to solid not only do we make a lot but we

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establish a lot in our lives. Based your day, not on your work or other things go around your slots. Think about where you're going to make the horn hasa Where is Margaret? Right keep your your solid you know as the basis of your rhythm. Number eight Shura

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mutual consultation. This is their conduct in life. And it starts with consultation in the home. That husband and wife needs to sit down together and take consultation with each other. Don't argue, don't fight even the children bring in the children. If you want to make a decision. Have your children especially teenagers, let them get involved.

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That everybody you know be part of the shooter and the Amir, then the husband or the Father. Then he makes the decision based upon the best counsel he has gotten from his family and the guidance from Allah and His Prophet.

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This also has

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happens with our communities. It happens with our nations either we need in our own countries, if they would listen to the words of alarm, take sure instead of making wild decisions by themselves, number nine, they never forget helping others.

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When mimar is up now home unifocal and so this dunya the materials they got, and from what we have given them, they will give out. And this is the time of crisis that we are living in. This last earthquake was 8.8 on the Richter scale in Chile.

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This is serious man 8.8

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it is epic proportions that we are reaching. And so we will be involved with relief involved with helping those in crisis. Make it as part of your life. As we go through the day of resurrection, we need to know that these material things we have not us, we survive off it. And then we should be giving to the poor and the needy, and number 10.

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They stand up to oppression.

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When the oppressor attacks them. When the oppressor takes away their rights, they will stand.

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These are the qualities of survival. And it is though Allah subhanaw taala is talking to us directly in this 21st century, as we go through this crisis as an oma as as masjids. As communities as families and as individuals, but never forget, it is a win win situation. Either we win in this life, or we win in the hereafter. The prophets of Salaam used to say to his companions when he sent them out. Bushido will lead to not fatal. Yes, sir. Oh, well, I have to ask you to give glad tidings. Don't drive people away.

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Make it easy. Don't make it difficult. Don't make the religion difficult. Make it easy. It is a win win situation for us is we win in this life or in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has power over all things. And this world as we see it is going to change. It's happening now rapidly within the next few years and Allah knows best that the the constitution or the face of this planet will be radically changed. The question will be where will we stand as Muslims when we wallow in the valley of self pity, crying over ourselves? Or will we listen to the words of Allah subhanaw taala taking the survival plan he has given to us with the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the

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prophet SAW Selim. Go forward in a positive way. confront the challenges that are with us. Hold hands with believers, forgive each other. Go forward. Love Your brother, love your sister. This is the time drop those phony names

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and bring our hearts together as one line. May Allah azza wa jal purify our hearts, purify our minds, bring us together as one self. And May Allah forgive us for those actions that we have done. For we know not what we do not allow America to use soluna the nabee Yeah, you have the Dena amanu sallu la he was a limo. Taslima Allahumma salli wa salam ala AB de COVID a zuleika Mohammed Ali, he was happy edge mine were acaba de Juana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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raped draped, our you know our centers are cut countries are ravaged, but yet they say we are terroristic people we are involved in violence, trying to turn it around based on propaganda.

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And so they put out this word against the Prophet peace and blessings be upon you. And they used to follow him around.

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They used as he went to the tribes, he would go to the different tribes coming into Mecca, and he would give them the Dawa. Call them to tauheed

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and they used to follow him some of the wicked ones Abu Jamal, Abu lahab, and especially one by the name of Alas, Ebony wa.

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And this one Alas, he was really committed to bring down the Prophet peace be upon totally bring him down. And so when he went to the tribe, he would say to the people leave this man alone, he is uptight.

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He is a person who's cut off.

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And the meaning of that within the Arabian society was that he is a man who has no male

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inheritance. He has no boys. And when you don't have any males in a society such as this, you don't have people to be protecting you

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You don't have leaders that can sing your names to the poets. And so many people in this Jackie Lee ignorant society, they felt that if a person does not have male children, that he is cut off he is uptight and for them He's useless men

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is cut off you'll never use is of no benefit. His name will not past the time of his life. And this hurt the profit so some as a human being. This would naturally

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hurt him and is reported that one night when he was in his sleep, he smiled, and gibreel alehissalaam came down to him and revealed the court and NTV and he revealed to him Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem in Ottawa, NorCal Casa for solid Lilia Rob Baker 100 in Shani, aka who will avatar he revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him that surely we have given you an abundance. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice for surely the one who insults you. He will be cut off.

01:01:08 --> 01:01:19

Now this is a standing miracle. The Revelation of cervical cancer which is the shortest chapter in the court and 10 words

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and I'm sure I can almost say with surety that most of us are happy with of cervical cancer.

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Because we remember first Falak and Nason kulula kololo I had this especially if you want to make your Express salaat you know, then you got to show this one. This one is 10 words.

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It's 10 words, all of us are happy. But what is the miracle about the court and is that even though it is the shortest chapter is expanding and expanding and expanding and will continue to expand to the Day of Resurrection. How is this possible?

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Allah subhanaw taala has revealed in our Tanaka Kota, verily we have given you a cassava from cassava

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which is an increase and this is a form of the Arabic it is mutlak very Roma dude.

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This means we have given you a lot we have given you an abundance and has also revealed to us that this

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is a river coming from Jenna and this river will feed into the house on the Day of Resurrection the watering place. Its liquid is the widest like widest milk as sweet as honey it is as cold as ice and you drink it one time and you'll never be thirsty again.

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And so this our cows are this is a Bushra

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but also when we look at this and the in the companions of the process element number 16 are also looking at this this something else in this there's something else because I'll Casa is an abundance in Arabic, we have given you an abundance, we have given you something that will continue to expand, continue to move. And when we look and we see that the prophet SAW Selim was given of course the Kelly mala ilaha illAllah, which in itself is our knowledge of it expands and expands because this is connected to Allah azza wa jal

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also a new Buddha,

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that this prophet hood is the final prophet. And the largest oma and the Day of Resurrection will be the companions of the Prophet so seldom with the largest nation, on the Day of Resurrection, may Allah make us all of his companions on that day.

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In not outside nakazato, for suddenly lira become one harsh,

01:03:54 --> 01:04:01

Verily, We have given you an abundance. So pray to your Lord, and sacrifice

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and abundance, something that continues to expand.

01:04:08 --> 01:04:47

And the followers of the prophets of Salaam are continuing to expand right now, at this very moment. People are entering into Islam, who we never thought would come in Islam and crowds in the Americas. Now Hispanic people are coming in to Islam Al Hamdulillah that we never thought would come in large numbers, because they were stuck with a serious form of Catholicism. Also, when I visited Puerto Rico, and in Central America, you would find on the corner always you find alcohol or you'd find a pub selling alcohol and you find the selling pork.

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And so alcohol porque and the cross and these three things, were actually obstacles in the way of the people to come to toe heat.

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It seemed like it would be impossible to reach people like this. Especially we have a wrong understanding of the connection of Muslims to Spain and Portugal itself. But by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala people in Spain and Portugal, especially living in the provinces of Andalusia, in the south, that with the new so called democratic changes, one of the positive things about democracy is that the government will give you as minority groups, the right to express yourself. And so when the people of Enza lucea, they looked at their roots, everybody looked in their roots, what part you Are you from Capitol lawn, you Aragorn you are Castiel whatever section you are from, that the Lucien

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looked at his roots and said,

01:05:45 --> 01:05:46

I'm coming from a Muslim family.

01:05:48 --> 01:05:52

Because when you go back, we see a lot of Cubans that at 711, he enters into Spain.

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And when it opens up from 1492, when it was given away over 700 years, with solid

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leadership and authority in that land, they recognize this as our roots. And so now they are returning, and people the messages going now to California, and to Texas, and down into Mexico, and into into Central America and Spanish speaking people entering into Islam, people we never thought would enter in a narco cosa for suddenly, lira beaker one.

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They did a study of names.

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And they looked at the name What is the most popular name on earth? And when they look, they found that the name Muhammad is the most popular name on the face of the planet Earth. Because if you think about it, how many people named themselves Jesus? Not very many the Spanish have said hey, sauce. Right? But not many people are going to call themselves Jesus. How many people say Moses Moshe, or Moses? How many? How many columns of mouth say Tom, or Julius Caesar?

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Or Alexander the Great.

01:07:07 --> 01:07:24

How many take these names? Think of the great people in the world Muslim. When they get their son. They won't say sorry. They say Mohammed Salim. They won't say Abdul Karim. They say Mohammed Abdul Karim. I even knew a brother from the Sudan. His name was Mohammed. Dang, that's true Mohammed.

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Okay, another one was filling out his immigration form. He's filling out his password. His name was Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed.

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Because his his name, his father's name and his grandfather's name. He had three of them.

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So when you look at the world, you see it is the most popular name right now on the face of the planet Earth.

01:07:48 --> 01:08:20

So Pamela, so who was this person that said you are abtot? How many people know the name? Alas, if anyone in Assam who knows that name. Even amongst the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula, who knows the name of us know it is cut off. The only way that we even know this name is because of his son, Ahmad ibn last rhodiola han or his grandson Abdullah Eben Am I able to ask for the long Anoma that's the only way that we even hear his name, but he's at the end.

01:08:21 --> 01:08:32

So who knows him he's cut off a lot as well as our gel reveal in the ATI Nakata for solid leader of bigger one heart in nutshell NACA who was

01:08:34 --> 01:08:44

the one who insults you, he will be cut off. And so Dr. LaHood alDin it came to pass. And so an expansion

01:08:45 --> 01:09:14

and expansion I looked at this the province of Southern sent his followers out and said those present in the arafat sermon should take this message to all those who are absent. seek knowledge strive, zero fill out, travel in the earth. And the court and and the sooner give gave gave them this encouragement, travel to different lands. See what happens to the people who came before you. So they traveled to the different lands,

01:09:16 --> 01:09:17

gaining the knowledge,

01:09:18 --> 01:09:42

putting it together with a tawheed ik form with that oneness, not only the oneness of the Creator, but the oneness of humanity, the oneness of knowledge of knowledge, all this knowledge coming originally from Allah subhanaw taala Allah Lim and so we see the Prophet peace be upon him, sending out his companions. He sends them out

01:09:44 --> 01:09:58

into the North. The Roman Empire had attacked, they respond to the attack. They defeat the Byzantines they enter into Egypt. And it is now reported to us clearly that in Egypt itself

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01:10:00 --> 01:10:24

Only were the Muslims engaged in this conflict with the colonial forces of the Romans, but the Coptic Christians themselves and also another group called rec in the ariens. These people were also involved. And now studies have shown us that the prophet SAW Selim was concerned with this group. This is a very important point.

01:10:25 --> 01:10:38

And right now one of our brothers fathers are Sulaiman shahzada here has taken a stance and written a book about Muslim moon kubla Mohammed Salah it is caused an uproar in Egypt right now.

01:10:39 --> 01:10:48

coptics who were the Muslims before Mohammed Salah Salah, the coptics the people who believed in one God mawashi doon?

01:10:49 --> 01:10:58

How could he make a statement like that? In the letter that the prophet SAW send them sent to her Oculus, the the great emperor of Rome.

01:10:59 --> 01:11:19

In Part of this letter, the process Allah says to him, Salam O Allah Minitab alhuda A my bad for any other ruca pt Aya to Islam are slim to slim, slim, you tick Allahu Jacques Maritain for interval later for alayka. It's the melodic theme.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:35

What was the promise of solemn saying to him, he said peace be upon those who follow the guidance. He said, accept Islam, you will be saved except to Islam and you will be given to rewards by Allah.

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But if you turn away, then you will be responsible for the sins of the RDC.

01:11:44 --> 01:12:14

It has come clearly to us now. These are the see these are the areas. These are the followers of areas the Libyan Christian Bishop who stood against Constantine in 325 ad in the Council of Nicea. He and his followers believed in one God. They thought that he saw a Salam was a human being. He was a prophet. They did not accept the Trinity. They did not accept the deification of a human being.

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And they were killed. And they were tortured because of this.

01:12:20 --> 01:12:41

And so the prophet SAW Selim is concerned about people who believe in one God when the Muslims went across North Africa, opening up the lands finding believers in one God, because the Aryans and other groups had spread all across North Africa, finding more hidden and when they reached badewanne, in the present Tunis, Tunisia,

01:12:42 --> 01:13:27

and Rockabye Urban afia rahima Hola, the great talpiot leader, he established data one as his base, and from there they connected extended themselves to the other believers. And it is reported that a Christian Prince, the prince of suta, which is still now Spanish territory in Morocco, the prince of suitor living under the rule of the Muslims, sent his daughter into Spain to be educated and the Visigoths Trinitarian. King Roderick fell in love with his daughter, she refused, he raped her. She was violated. And so the prince of Ceuta, a Christian came to Musab in Nazaire, Rahim, Allah Amir meaning in that area, and asked for assistance.

01:13:28 --> 01:14:16

When they realized he was serious, and that people were being oppressed in the Iberian Peninsula. Not only were the Christians who believed in one God, but the Jewish people also believe in one God was suffering under the Trinity. He then said tada Gibbon Ziad Rahim Allah across the streets, and he opened up Spain. He Allah gave him victory over a huge army of Roderick, every town that they went to. The people were cheering for them to come in, realizing now the taxes would be gone, the oppression would be gone. And when Islam was established in Spain, called Al Andalus, it was a free society for the first time, in that part of the world. A minority group had rights within a city

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As the prophets of Solomon written the Constitution, when it came to Medina, the minority group had rights. They did not have to accept Islam. And so during that time in Al Andalus, it was the golden age of Jewish literature.

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You also have scholars coming from Christendom, sitting under Muslim scholars and leaders going back to their lands. And then the universities in Europe are developed at that time in the year 1000. And we were all really upset by this Millennium thing in 2000. But a study was done by one of the major magazines Newsweek magazine, they went

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Back in and they brought out the 10 largest cities in the world in the year 1000. And I was shocked to see that the largest city on Earth at that time was Cordova.

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Over a million inhabitants, over 200,000 houses.

01:15:17 --> 01:15:29

It had hundreds of universities public baths, the streets were lit for 12 miles in any direction, running water, when the when the rest of Europe at that time was living in darkness,

01:15:30 --> 01:15:31

living in mud,

01:15:33 --> 01:16:14

and not having any of these facilities. But they opened it up, they took the knowledge of the Ancient Ones, along with the scholars in Baghdad, and in Cairo, they took this knowledge and they put it to the to the to the test of tawheed, they brought it together and put it in a new form. And so they gave the people they gave to the people, the present numeral system, the zero cifa, an Arabic word coming from ancient India. Also, I found this in Egypt, I went to the Step Pyramid in Saqqara and found underneath the temple, there was a relief, it was zero in decimal numbers. This is 3000 BC.

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And so they brought this

01:16:18 --> 01:16:33

knowledge of the ancient ones, they brought it, put it in a modern form, and then put it at the feet of scholars. And this encouraged the people into what they now call Renaissance.

01:16:34 --> 01:17:21

But the problem we have with this concept of Renaissance is that they say it was a European Renaissance, where the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans was brought to life and the 1000 year period or so, between 400 ad and 1500 ad, nothing went out, it was the Dark Ages, and the lights went out. So maybe the lights did go out in some parts of western Europe, but not in the Muslim world. And the lucea right there in the Iberian Peninsula, the lights were shining knowledge was prevalent, it was a common thing for a person in Spain, to be able to speak Spanish to read Latin, to speak Arabic and other Lang is a common thing. And so people have that ability, and they were

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able to take that knowledge and then raise to a high level most of the sciences that you are studying in the universities now, you will go back and see either it was originated by Muslims, or it was improved by Muslims during that time. And it's shocking the more that we look at this, the more that we find out the inventions right now there is a display 1001 inventions that were made by the Muslim is shocking, that even flying and planes, the use of the computer are, you know, all of these things were actually initiated by the Muslims during this golden age. But the key factor for us that is that when we are practicing Islam,

01:18:06 --> 01:18:22

when we are honest to our sources, then Allah gives us authority. But when the dunya becomes too much on us, remember what Allah subhanaw taala said in the liquidly Omar fitna will fit not to Almighty allow.

01:18:23 --> 01:18:32

Every nation has a test. And the test of my nation is wealth. And so when the wealth poured in on the people and the loose

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and they started to build huge buildings, that drink wine,

01:18:38 --> 01:19:03

they got corrupted. And they started looking at each other not as believers, but this one is light skinned, this one is dark skin. This one is out to be this one is as yummy. This one is Turkish This one is Persian, this one is Berber, a mosaic, different confusion, tribalism sets in and when tribalism sets in, and economic exploitation sets in.

01:19:04 --> 01:19:28

And the use of alcohol and corruption starts to set in. Then we see the clearest case where loss of mortality took the authority away from them. And by the year 1492. After having one of the greatest empires in the history of this planet. They were defeated. And 1492 is the important date. That is when Abu Abdullah called Bob dill

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signed the treaty with the Catholic king and queen. He signed the way Grenada the last stronghold of Islam. That's the importance of 1492 not Christopher Columbus discovered America. We found out about this already he was lost and he bumped into America on his way to India. He called the people Indians and not Indians.

01:19:56 --> 01:19:59

So 1492 is a cut off point.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:07

It's a cut off point, the authority in Western Europe have an end loose was given away.

01:20:08 --> 01:20:21

The treaty said the masjids will remain intact, women will be safe, my dresses can continue. Just pay your taxes just submit to the to the authorities within 20 years, Masters destroyed,

01:20:22 --> 01:20:37

families violated addresses ruined. And in the next few years, we look at the total over 3 million Muslims were murdered in a massive genocide, the Spanish Inquisition

01:20:39 --> 01:20:54

and it cause people to fleet all over the planet because of what happens in this Inquisition. And so the example is clear to us. When we are following the way when we don't let the dunya overcome us.

01:20:56 --> 01:20:58

We're not overwhelmed by the dunya

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then Allah will give us authority.

01:21:02 --> 01:21:05

But if we take these few trinkets that we have,

01:21:06 --> 01:21:14

this seeming material security that we have, and we think that it's gonna last we're living in fool's paradise.

01:21:16 --> 01:21:22

And when it overcomes us, as a process, alum said, ubu I had to come Deena, who the origin minute dunya

01:21:24 --> 01:21:27

you will sell your religion for a little bit of the life of this world.

01:21:28 --> 01:21:35

When this happens, it is decreed that we would be humiliated.

01:21:36 --> 01:21:38

And so we see our Muslim world today.

01:21:40 --> 01:21:41

having great wealth,

01:21:42 --> 01:21:43

but poverty.

01:21:45 --> 01:21:54

Now the largest buildings in the world, the giant skyscraper, all hitting the clouds, the largest shopping mall in the world,

01:21:56 --> 01:22:02

the largest airport in the world. But at the same time, some countries you go into a village and there's no shops,

01:22:03 --> 01:22:10

but at the same Muslims, so why is your wealth not coming? To deal with your brothers and sisters?

01:22:11 --> 01:22:23

Why is your armies not opening up master locks off? When they are digging under the masjid? Trying to bring it down? Why is your armies not dealing with the dunya has gotten to you?

01:22:24 --> 01:22:34

too much or too little? And so we need to seek refuge in Allah azza wa jal and we're not blaming, just blame governments, we have to blame ourselves

01:22:35 --> 01:22:50

right inside of ourselves. Because in our own little governments and our own home, we also are having problems. So we need to be serious about following the ways of Allah azza wa jal. And so I want to bring you a 10 point plan of survival,

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which came to us from above seven heavens 10 point plan.

01:22:58 --> 01:23:05

And what is beautiful about this divine revelation is that sometimes when you read it, it is as though Allah is talking to us,

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even though it was revealed 1400 years ago, and so we look in Surah two shorter in verses 36 to 39. And we see that Allah azza wa jal has revealed to us it was a Billahi min ash shaytaan the regime for makuti two min Shea in from a towel higher to dunya warmer in the law, he failed on what upca the Latina amanu Wa La be him? Yes Our Kowloon well Edina yet Tony buena cabeza isn't one for ya. What is our daddy boo homie oxycodone. well as in esta Jabu lira be him. What are common salaat we're amerihome Shura. baina home. Well Mimara Sakina home unified spoon, well Athena either a Saba homeopathy, homeopathy rune

01:23:52 --> 01:23:58

10 point plan for survival, to bring the brightness back to our future.

01:24:00 --> 01:24:18

And we need this we need to look to our sources to be serious about what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to us. We were very euphoric five years ago, 10 years ago. And we thought that we accept this now and everything is going to change the whole world is going to change Alhamdulillah Allah gave us the chance.

01:24:19 --> 01:24:21

But the struggle has to continue.

01:24:23 --> 01:24:43

Once we stagnate, and we feel satisfied with ourselves, then the evil one where he has to be law can come and fool us and make us think that we are actually saved. And so in this 10 point plan number one is recognition of materialism

01:24:44 --> 01:24:48

for my OT, toman shaman shaman for Metatron hayata dunya

01:24:50 --> 01:24:59

what you have been given from the things of this life, it is nothing but material parts of the world where Malhotra dunya

01:25:00 --> 01:25:07

Illa Mata hora, the life of this world is nothing but material deception.

01:25:08 --> 01:25:13

And so if we realize these materials we have is a deception. You can't take it with you.

01:25:15 --> 01:25:32

And we see stories over and over again of people who then he spends his whole life he takes out a bond. And he spends his whole life is working and working and working to try to pay his bond and he reaches 60 years old, 65 years old. He's He's just about paid that thing up many drops dead.

01:25:34 --> 01:25:37

So he can't even live in his own house.

01:25:38 --> 01:25:40

He never owned this house, the bank owns this house.

01:25:41 --> 01:25:45

He's driving in a Mercedes Benz like he is the hottest thing on the block.

01:25:46 --> 01:25:51

He's in his Lamborghini. But he doesn't even own it. The bank owns his car.

01:25:54 --> 01:25:56

He's in fool's paradise.

01:25:57 --> 01:26:00

Because these things in the dunya we have to leave them above ground.

01:26:02 --> 01:26:07

And our body will go under the ground, our soul will go to the buttock you cannot take it with you.

01:26:09 --> 01:26:21

So it is a deception. It's a material deception in front of us. It is a test to see what we will do with it. The conditions of this number two, to get this benefit.

01:26:22 --> 01:26:26

It is there for those who have Eman and tawakkol.

01:26:28 --> 01:26:50

Those who truly believe and they depend upon the Lord. And Eman should be the complete Eman. You just don't say it. It is a colo Billy said, What does deep bill call? Well, I'm Albert jawara. You say it with your tongues you confirm it with your hearts. And then you practice with your lips. It's not enough to say it anymore.

01:26:51 --> 01:27:19

It's not enough to wear the right thing over the right a buyer. What are we doing with it now? We have to put this into practice and to truly depend upon Allah subhanaw taala it may seem dark in front of us difficult. But we need to have that dependence. When the difficulty comes haspin Allah when their mother will kill then we should say Allah subhanaw taala is the best to protect. He is the one who will ultimately account for us.

01:27:20 --> 01:27:28

And number three for amongst this is that we should stay away from HD NAB acaba. Yes,

01:27:29 --> 01:28:02

we should stay away from major sins. Try to read studies on Alibaba ifs what are some of the major sins? We should try to stay away from them? And we know that some of them coming out of the traditions, they are those which have the who dude, whether it's a punishment in Sharia, those prohibited acts which a warning has come to us. Those would surprise us sell them cursed. The people who are involved and we know in many traditions are shirk Billa

01:28:04 --> 01:28:06

polytheism Sahar magic

01:28:07 --> 01:28:12

at gluud, Riba eating interest, eating the wealth of orphans,

01:28:14 --> 01:28:15

running from the battle,

01:28:17 --> 01:28:21

accusing innocent Muslim women have immoral acts,

01:28:23 --> 01:28:40

many different sins that we know major sins, we need to at least try to stay away from these. We can stay away from these major sins, then maybe we can get the benefit of this revival, the benefits of this authority in the earth.

01:28:41 --> 01:28:54

Number four, avoid indecency. LFR hash, and this is a very serious situation. Because now we are finding that even believers, even those practicing Islam,

01:28:56 --> 01:29:22

who have said the Kelly must said the statements during the Islamic movements, if our priorities are wrong in marriage itself, if we get caught in the dunya as they have programmed the television program the movies toward us in what the Greeks would call erotica. They would put erotica there is there is something erotic in all their movies. They are out in space fighting aliens, and somebody falls in love.

01:29:23 --> 01:29:34

They're underneath the ocean. You know, someone falls in love. They're playing rugby or football or baseball somebody falls in love. every movie somebody is falling in love Why?

01:29:36 --> 01:29:52

Why are they erotica? This is erotica. This is the keep the minds of people involved in their sexuality to desires to overcome you. And then the fashions come in and they stay lower down.

01:29:53 --> 01:29:55

They tighten it up.

01:29:56 --> 01:30:00

They do it so that a woman must show part of her body in order

01:30:00 --> 01:30:02

To be modern or accepted in society.

01:30:03 --> 01:30:10

And then they say, no, it's women's rights, we are protecting the rights of women, but they want to sell a new Toyota, and there's a woman next to the car.

01:30:12 --> 01:30:15

So what does that mean? If you buy the Toyota, then you'll be married to her.

01:30:17 --> 01:30:25

What does it mean? You are exploiting her sexuality, to sell your products, playing on the desire of men.

01:30:26 --> 01:30:46

And so, for why this has come, and now it is reaching epic proportions and what is coming into our eyes, what they are putting on this, there are some things they are putting on television that will be considered before Blu movies, x x x x x, what they would put on it before

01:30:48 --> 01:30:59

I can remember are watching television as a young person in America. And they had this this program. And maybe before some of you it's not that old. But it was called I Love Lucy.

01:31:01 --> 01:31:18

And I Love Lucy, because of the morality of America, they could not show Lucy and her husband sleeping in the same bed at night. It could not come on the television. Because they would not allow this is immoral. Now look what they put on the television.

01:31:20 --> 01:31:34

All types of strange things. And so it is now a major test. It is like this verse is talking to us. It's talking to us. And it starts with our intention. Who do we want to marry?

01:31:36 --> 01:31:40

What do you want? You want fashion models, PhD half of the Quran?

01:31:41 --> 01:31:43

Is that lower your standards.

01:31:45 --> 01:31:49

And it's not low in there. It should be raised in terms of taqwa.

01:31:50 --> 01:32:01

But who do you want, if we are watching this image is coming on the television. These are not even real people. Because most of the models in the movie stars, they are actually drug addicts.

01:32:02 --> 01:32:10

They live in a state of confusion in their own lives. But when they come on, they're hot and dancing around and they look so good in their clothes.

01:32:12 --> 01:32:13

And they're afraid to eat food.

01:32:16 --> 01:32:19

Their lives are in a state of confusion, this not real people.

01:32:20 --> 01:32:24

But we project this and try to project it on our wife.

01:32:25 --> 01:32:34

We project this Superman Batman superhero and try to make our husband he has to be like a mutant creature now, or something like this.

01:32:35 --> 01:32:40

We want to project this on our husband. He's just a regular Ollie and Zaid,

01:32:41 --> 01:32:42

he's just a regular guy.

01:32:43 --> 01:32:59

Okay, but if he's a regular guy who's making us a lot, and he's a good person, he's fasting in Ramadan, he's trying to be a Muslim. That is a person that's better than a person who's a supermodel, or a superstar and has no morality.

01:33:00 --> 01:33:10

So we have to raise our standards in terms of taqwa and lower our standards in terms of this so called false reality of people because we end up turning on each other.

01:33:11 --> 01:33:16

We have false expectations. And so we need to change.

01:33:17 --> 01:33:25

Number five, this is an interesting point. in anger, and provocation, they forgive.

01:33:26 --> 01:33:29

This is an interesting point. When they're angry,

01:33:30 --> 01:33:34

the emotion is up. There's a dispute between husband and wife.

01:33:35 --> 01:33:37

One Masjid against another Masjid.

01:33:39 --> 01:33:45

My organization against yours. When they're angry, then they forgive. Look at that quality.

01:33:46 --> 01:34:07

We normally forgive when when everything's alright. But when we are hot and angry, especially with Dan, Can you forgive? Can you forgive your wife at that point? Can she forgive her husband when she's angry? Can one leader forgive another leader and hug and say we're all Muslims? It doesn't matter what happened in the past I forgive you.

01:34:09 --> 01:34:10

You are a person of the Qibla

01:34:11 --> 01:34:13

I forgive you let us practice Islam together.

01:34:15 --> 01:35:00

That is what we need now to survive in this age. Number six is to Javelin law. Well Edina is well Edina Jabu lira, BM, those who respond to the law that is is to Java is like Kelly madhyama. It is a it is a word which gives, you know, a broad meaning is to Java is that that person is ready to respond. anytime they hear something from the court if they get something from the sun that they're ready to respond. Because their heart is open. Like a child responding to his mother or a mother. We respond to Allah subhanaw taala respond to the son of the Prophet Sal Salah. And so this is a crucial type of attitude is to Jabba

01:35:00 --> 01:35:26

Number seven, a comment to solid. Not only do we make a lot but we establish a lot in our lives, based your day, not on your work or other things go around your slots. Think about where you're going to make vorinostat Where is motherhood? Right, keep your your solid, you know as the basis of your rhythm. Number eight Shura

01:35:27 --> 01:35:48

mutual consultation. This is their conduct in life. And it starts with consultation in the home, that husband and wife needs to sit down together and take consultation with each other. Don't argue, don't fight even the children bringing the children if you want to make a decision, have your children especially teenagers, let them get involved,

01:35:49 --> 01:36:01

that everybody you know, be part of the shooter and the Amir, then the husband or the father, then he makes the decision based upon the best counsel he has gotten from his family, and the guidance from Allah and His Prophet.

01:36:03 --> 01:36:20

This also happens with our communities. It happens with our nations either we need in our own countries, if they would listen to the words of alarm, take sure instead of making wild decisions by themselves, number nine, they never forget helping others.

01:36:22 --> 01:36:41

When mimar is up now home unifocal. And so this dunya the materials they got and from what we have given them, they will give out. And this is the time of crisis that we are living in. This last earthquake was 8.8 on the Richter scale in Chile.

01:36:42 --> 01:36:45

This is serious 8.8

01:36:46 --> 01:37:09

it is epic proportions that we are reaching. And so we will be involved with relief involved with helping those in crisis. Make it as part of your life. As we go to the Day of Resurrection, we need to know that these material things we have not us. We survive off it. And then we should be giving to the poor and the needy and number 10.

01:37:10 --> 01:37:12

They stand up to oppression.

01:37:13 --> 01:37:20

When the oppressor attacks them. When the oppressor takes away their rights, they will stand.

01:37:21 --> 01:37:59

These are the qualities of survival. And it is though Allah subhanaw taala is talking to us directly in this 21st century, as we go through this crisis as an oma as as masjids as communities as families and as individuals, but never forget, it is a win win situation. Either we win in this life, or we win in the hereafter. The prophets of Salaam used to say to his competitors when he sent them out. Bushido will lead to not fatal Yes, zero will lead to a zero. Give glad tidings. Don't drive people away.

01:38:00 --> 01:38:49

Make it easy. Don't make it difficult. Don't make the religion difficult. Make it easy. It is a win win situation for us is we win in this life or in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has power over all things. And this world as we see it is going to change. It's happening now rapidly within the next few years and Allah knows best that the the constitution or the face of this planet will be radically changed. The question will be where will we stand as Muslims when we wallow in the valley of self pity, crying over ourselves. When we listen to the words of Allah subhanaw taala taking the survival plan he has given to us with the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the

01:38:49 --> 01:39:04

prophet SAW Selim. Go forward in a positive way. confront the challenges that are with us. Hold hands with believers forgive each other. Go forward love your brother, love your sister. This is the time drop those phony names

01:39:05 --> 01:39:39

and bring our hearts together as one line. May Allah azza wa jal purify our hearts purify our minds, bring us together as one self. And May Allah forgive us for those actions that we have done. For we know not what we do not allow America to use aluna the nabee Yeah, you have Latina amanu sallu la he was a limo. Taslima Allahumma salli wa salam ala AB de COVID a zuleika Muhammad Ali, he was happy as mine were acaba de Juana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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